HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 1999 - 11/02 - RegularMINUTES OF THE
NOVEMBER 2, 1999
The regular meeting of the Allen Public Library Board was called to order at 8 50 p in
and a quorum was announced by Chairwoman, Donna Drews-Vanous Board members
present were John Ross, Dee Teel, Frank Smdow, Marybeth Bonczek, Cal Calvin and
Cindy Wynn -Sangster, as well as Library Director Barbara Buehler Guests in attendance
were consultants Florence Mason of F Mason & Associates and Mischa Semanitsky
H. The minutes were approved as read
III. Discussed what had occurred at the Special Called Workshop the Board attended with the
Allen City Council, the Allen Arts Alliance and outside consultants.
The general consensus among those present was that the City Council had set direction in
line with the findings of the Library and Arts Subcommittee. Direction set included the
• One central facility
• Incorporating the Arts into the facility
• Opportunity to build a world class library
• A need to move forward
Barbara Buehler expressed concern over a statement made in the workshop about the
library staff managing the arts facility
IV. Discussed the number of items per capita issue, which was a topic of discussion at the
workshop The City Council was of the opinion that the Texas Library Standards (1983)
were outdated Donna Drews-Vanous will be researching these issues to report back to
the City Council
It was decided that the Richardson Public Library would be a good facility to make
Florence Mason advised us not to "lock" ourselves into a specific number of items per
capita, but to "aspire" to a certain number of items per capita She suggested we make a
clear distinction between number of items and number of books and that we expand on an
as -needed basis the number of items going into the collection.
NONT.MIER f. 1999
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V. Mischa Semanitsky had a meeting with the Allen Arts Alliance after the workshop and
reported that he had given them direction He advised them to survey performing arts
groups in Allen and make a comprehensive list of what their needs are now and projected
into the future 10 years, This would give him a better idea of what to design for
His advice to the Library Board in regard to the Arts being incorporated into the library
was not to have a designated area for art but to permeate art into the facility as a whole
He also suggested having several meeting rooms for public groups.
He stated that Allen has a unique opportunity in that we know what our build -out
population will be and what our city boundaries are and that this would he very beneficial
in projecting our needs into the future
Vl. Reviewed Library Acquisition Fund Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and
Expenditures for the period ending September 30, 1999
VIL Donna Drews-Vanous asked for a discussion by the Board on whether to do donations for
bows on the library Christmas tree this season
Cal Calvin shared an idea to integrate donations for bows with Home For The Holidays
on December 4th Support from Friends of the Library could be sought, as well.
Donna Drews-Vanous agreed to telephone board members to further discuss this and to
schedule volunteers to support this endeavor
VHL The meeting was adjourned at 9 50 p m
These minutes read and approved this 7th day of December, 1999
Donna Draws Various, Chairperson
Cindy W -Sangster, Secretary