HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1966 - 04/27 - Special CalledSPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS April 27, 1966 Present: Mayor Gentry T. Jones R.B. Whisenant, Zack Robinson, Dan Strong Absent: B.J. Enloe, Ken Posey Present: Robert Beer, Mrs. Cecil Mannesfield, and J.D. Buckhanan, Jr. Purpose of this meeting to discuss the points of interest in regard to the sale of land which was purchased for sewer site. A new contract was presented by Mr. Beer, for the council's consideration on the sale of the 129 acres of land, after changes were made a motion by Dan Strong that the Mayor and Mr. Beer initial the changes and sign the sales contract. Second by R.B. Whisenant, motion passed 3 ayes, noes, none. Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Jones. Contract attached. These minutes read and approved this the 20 day of May 1966. DAMI AS ]REAL ESTATEI 1130API17 official Florm C 19E 1-S CONTRACT OF S111ATE OF TEXASSAILEz COUNTY OF DA LLA S { KNOW ALI L MEN BY THESE PE BSENTSI thail: Town c f Allen, 11exeis Q h ereinailter ca Ilec "Seller," whether one an snore) henuh y sells and agrees lo convey lo A. Rcblert Beet , 'rushee (hereinafter called "l:lurchaser," whether anie on mlame) avid Purchaser hereby buys ands ainees to pay for the following described real estate situated) iri Courity, Texas, lo••wii: cC lin A tract c f land eipprcx imatelly 1129 acres out of thel ]Ingram Survey, beiing all that property cwneld byl the Tcwn Cf Allen amts Mccialted within the borders c f the) CitM c f P llano, logetlren with all amid sinieclam iHe migtts arid applurter.ances Flertairiing IHeneto, inicluclinig aniy righl, lithe and iriterest of the Seblem in anicl la adjacerit streets, alleys•, on nigtts-of-way, ruck meal estate, nig]-t:• and apfiunteruanices being hemeini nefened to as the "rlraterty." TH!, aaritnacl also cavelis all fixtures and articles of personal proilerty atlached to the pmorlerty and owmiedl by Heller, such as air coniditionirig arid) healirig equipmend, venetian blinds, wini(bw shades, light flxlures, mail boxes, nadlia and ilelemNoni aerlials aridl shrubbery, and all such fintumes and articles of persoria] pliorerly ane inicludec within the purchase price set forth ini paragraph 1 h elow. This coni)naa t is exe cu it ed uplorn 1 h e follow inigl terms and conidil ianis: ]I. The rlurchase pnice for ssidl pronlerty is $ 110,000.00 payable as 11ollows: a, $ all Ifni cas•H, (ill wHicb $..._2.y50.00 Has been derlasitecl by Aunahaser with IHe underrigriedl Arinicila] Agenl, receipt of which is hereby acAnawledgecl by the Hrinicipal Agent. b• It is understeloc that this purlchase its Slubjecltl tcl the Purchaser 's clbtaining slatis falcltorM financing cin ctrl before May 31 , 11966, and shall scl notify the Seller ilrl writinC, immeidliatlely after the commitmlert is obtalined in writings. Any role on motes to be exeauledl by Puncliasen hereunder shall He secured by vendor's lien and by dleed oll lru<,t with Flower of sale aridl conlairiinig suah covenianis as to taxes, insurarice, dlefanit ands o111er matiersi as Sellen may measanably require. 41. Possession of the properly shall be delivered by Seller to Aunahaser ori Jul nio dale is sr eci flee 1, l uirch aser s h all b e come eriiitled la possession at the Closing:. THe Closings H(rneur,ider shall lake place ini I]allas, Texas on - Or beforell 3. SBlecial candlilionis: 11966. a. The Sellller shall previdel a currelntl sumely cf the) propelrty. b„ Aplprovia 1 tlyl thel Purlcheiser cif amyl elalslementls or riestrlicticns which may be found to exist. C , Tlhe Seiller its advised alnd herelby ackncwledges that A. Rloberlt Beier, Trustee is al member cif the firm of Rcberlt Beer & Cc, , Realtors , Real Estates Adele is in this transactlicin, and that A . Robert Been, Rebert aleen & Co. , Realtclrs , air its elnplcyeses may pa rticipa to it thel purlcha se cif this p rlopeirltdy if title is alcquined by a grcup. ?itl!I:er14 ne-.rt5 ^6 471 —r'a C->A-0 Wr AN CftS etcSCJ le.asc7,1 r � d 'Ta CO.Var.A,'A 4 -TPwtje.t Sim Wale— TrtQau pfeat.@IEiRT),f L+3iTtlleiFrr C �m 'fd w " o P A 46,.f rj Ra cl iW T -rH Eltj ar»25 s.a t-ra, ost�l611, Ld AAFIA�IRAFIHS 4 THFU 16 ON THE REVEFSE SIDS GOMITITUTF A PART Or, THIS AG ,EMI Ealed: Arrill 27 A6_. AGE1%"SI c lEr.r. IR elrlt a Cc Realtoris o f en s PF INCIP L ME R F THE DALLAS REAL ESTATE 90ARD BY C belrt Bleeir ADDRE S i L HA,,t ACEP1-70 � cclaPERAIING AGENT A . e ert Be elrl, Z„e�'U si teie BY t� ADORES9-66501 H.01 illcrest A Dallas . Texas 4. fleillen• agreeis to ftrnish to Purahasca• sit Sellers sole cixpense ari Clwrlers Mile Pcilicy covering thea abovci deisorited rcial eslale and ecntainirg na exeelitians other $ar.i thea standard printed imaiptions and cmeeptions stfludl ir,i Paraigraiphs 3 and :.i heiroof. Seller wan ant9 and repro isents td llurah iser that at tl a time cif C Iasing hareunder he will l av a and will convey to Purchaser Spud and marl]stable i it le i s t1e property, freta arid l clear of any and all enc umbranoe s. Utility tiaseme snits which do nol sidverstdy afleat the value of thei Fpioparty, restrictive covenants arid other aoriditicins in ccnneicticin with Thai creation all any addition or subd'visian cif which de property is gl part, zoning ordinance:, and de lien for cuncrit taxes shall ncii le doomed lo bei title defects. 6. Puiclasar hereby fickdowltii that, at the times cif the fixeicution of this contract, the uridlersigred Principal Agent advised the Purahastm by this writing that t1e Pinclaser shat harvti the atstract covering t1e real tistatc which is tlei stljecl of tlis uantiact exarrined by an attorney of the Burahaser's owns selection or that the Purchaseir shaid lie furnished with or of tain a palicy cif titlo insurance. 7.F-ants;interest ad valcrem-ttrerkr-therdte n year an escrow ficcoun s a taxes and rnsuranice shaD-be ,Kp`�ied at thea Closing ciflective as of t1c Closing date. B the Closing shall odour besfane tie lax recta is fixed for dei thein .t int year, the al 1portionmeni all taxes shall bei upan tle Iai oil the tax rate for the new preceding year aipplted Io tle las est a:is essed vi a.uatian. EI. Purahaser acdaiowlodacis flat he has inspecteid all buildings and improvements sitdaled on the property and' is tlorauglly familiar with tleii concition, and Purahasen hereby accepts the 1piaperty and tle buildings amd imprcivemerits situattidl theircion, in dein prescr.it condition, wit] such changes Herein as may hemeafteir to eavuscicl by�easuriall1c deiteriorv- tian. If the buildings and impravamer.its sil ited an t1a prciptirty stauld bii destioyed or damaigled teyand repair by fire, windstorm, hail, explosiarl, ar other caisualtyl before thea sahtiduled Classing elate (as clefenrad ty any glastjanEimerd in aaoorclanao wash Pauiagnapl 114), Ptnahaser may, at his aption, Iarminaici this contiact by written rnoitice deilhered to Scillcir ori or prior to de sahcdule6 Closing dale. If ilio buildingsi arid :irngpiovemeints sitdalad an t1e Iroperty should bei damaged, but nal bciyoridl repair, by flre, windstorm, hail, exp:losiori or other casualty bellore the schaduled Classing date 11w d(iftmiticl ly any pcistpelntirneni in acoardance wish laraigraph 14), Solltm shall faxthwiih seslorc si ii property to substantially its lormeir aondlilicin, at Eleller's solo topcnscy find neitltm Eleller nor Purchaser shall have the rigli to terminale this contiact l y reaison of such damage. El. lln the tivenit tle Slelleir is uriii to convey title to the property in vocordlancei wish Paragraph ": of tlis cantrauit, Purimay at his cijIliaatti n ierminthis aantrac i IN written ri iaei delivered to Scdler on an prior to thea sail Closing elate Ilas defarred ty any pastpcinemcmt in aacordanoe wish Panagiaph 119; ; atherwise Purchaser shall] bd ccinchshely cletaned to have accepted Sleller's tiilei. la. If this eioritrs at is terra nfd eel by Purchaser Alursusint la Parags apl 8 of SI hereof, all anmourits tl ereil ire paid) by Purchascir on thti purchase 11iduc shall be promptly reiluindad to Purolmar, andl the pairfas shall have no further obBgatien or 1rabiliticis or.ie lo t1e other. 11. In the avert thad SElllenl should fail to constn itci this contiact for any reason, cixcegp Purchaiser'si dlefai Purcii may eniorcie spcicifia ptirfarmaii of this eor tifict air may brir g suit far dar.ages.against ,eller. U. Ira thti ovtrit flat Pwalaseir shaulcl fail to acinsummale ibis cartraiei fan any reascn, mcept Seller's default or t1a ierminatiori of ttis eontiaat punsuar.it to laragraph 8 or fl hereof, SElllenl stall have lha right la rcdarin the afartisfiid cash cleposil is liquidaied damaigos for the broach of this aoriraiat, tri Stdhn may, fd his oiliicin, erlorce spcicifici ptaf irmanee of th's uanti act. 13. Seller agroesi to pay is the Real Estatc Agent flrsil named belom ilreiferrad lo herein as the "Principal Ag(nt") si coimmissian fcui nugoiiating tlis eordraat, aompuied an ihti Iola] purchase prise oll ale praptirty in aocordanao wit] tle sohodule :•ticammended by ihu Dallas Plead Esiale Baairdl ais cif the dale of dis ecntraut. Thti Princiglal Agunt's right io i - suah coma issien shall irrevacat 1}l Yasi u1jan the exc el cl ian of this contract, natwitt s is ndir.g any sub s equ erii teirminalion or vamiation of ibis ciantraat or any default by Sedlcir or Piu•cliasur, excerp that ra cximmissicin stall be Flayablo iri l i owint That this aontraei shculd to tcrmiraied by Ihirclarer by reiasaq all dlesiruetion cm clamaigci beyand repair of Ile buildirlgs and impravemerds laaaled an the prarleriy, and eiaa•ept ilaii if this coulnici is ncd ecnsnmmatcid by rtiascn of Purchastirs default and Seller daus ncd cileiai to erdlorut spgeifia perfcu•maneo, iht came ission shad] nat cixatied one-Half cif de aifciresiaid ciusih deposit. Said commissi an shat l l bei Flaid by Seller la tle Principal A gau t in Lanes, 'I ex a s, al i hey Clasing i ii c it in the event of default by Eleller or Puuictasar, Thom said cammissiar stall bei paid wiihin ler days altcr the scheduled Closing daite',. Tle Prinaipal Agerd shall be eriilled to aFllaly any escraw duglosit, tcl 1ha extcint necessary, taward payment oil ilia commission payable to him hemenridor; arc] ani til i comp-,in) an athtrc esurciw agent is hereby atihaniaeidl find direcdtidl to pay to Iht Ilrincipad Agerd out of any tiscrow deipo:sit madle pnnniart Io ttis aonlraat a sum equal lo tte commission payable i ci de Principal A g erd bayou nder. The Principal Agent may divide any commission ion pa y aiblei barciuidtir wish ai ht it liccriscd reifd eslaie bralcers ar sahisman, inalndir.g any coaperatting sigciril namad below Ent, nalwithslancling any such agmemtnt far division of commissions, Stdlen stall le fiilly pratocied in paying al ccmrmissiors Fla}lablt teramzceir sultdy to the Prince Flat AS tint. 1I9. The Closing hcmein shall take place in Dallas, Texas cn the dale shown cn facts of ooniract pravidtd that if ori suict elate the hale campany bfis riait yet approved tithe au if iheire ane lisle abjoatians miticih havu ncd ycd been curtid, t1c Closing date shall le pastpanad riat lexis iban ° riar more than 30 dniys to such daiu as stall be desigratad ty lbe Heller ty writiein r.iol i is lluirolaser. Al de Clasing, Purahaser stall pay tcl that Scillell the unglaid balarati of The purchasc prise of the property as provided in Paragraph 1, arid Si ]ler shall deliver to Purchasem ai Clenera1 Wiirariy Deed, with fill ncicussary reivanuti siaimps attaahcicl, in appropriate form Ta convey the Flrollerty to Purchaser, Ime anal clefni ®I any Bans or erieuimlrarnaas except those txpreissly permitted htmely. 1,1. This eor iii ambadies de c iomplel a iigreemeini t et%V etn tt a pa rl ies heircitc i and car n of be varied or terminated exci ipp IN de writtcin aigretimeni oil the parties. M. Any notice requirodl or ptnmiu(id lo be dervarcdl tereurder shall bd ilecmed to be dcilivercid, wlether actually received oii nat, wler dupositeid iri t1a Uniled States maii], pastaige prepak, neglislered mail, rcittmi rticeipt requiesied, aiddresscid to Stiller or.11urolaser, as tba case may bd, and as shown in space mairled address an faice of this contract.