HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2021 - 05/04 - Regular ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY
MAY 4,2021
Board Members Present:
Scott Phillips, Chair
Maroba Zoeller,Vice Chair
Michelle Perry, Secretary
Laura Wooten
Kimberly Hinton
Rekha Mathai
Adyna Akins
Board Members Absent:
City Staff/Officials Present:
Jeff Timbs, Director
Claudia Wayland, Youth Services Manager
Lauren Doherty, City Council Member
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of Board Members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library
Board was called to order by Board Chair Scott Phillips at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4,
2021, via a Zoom virtual call.
2. Approve Minutes of the February 2,2021 Regular Meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Maroba Zoeller and seconded by Laura Wooten, the
Board voted (7) for and (0) opposed to approve the February 2,2021 minutes.
The motion carried.
3. Discuss and Complete the Annual Board Evaluation Form.
MAY 4,2021
The Library Board answered the annual board evaluation form questions as a group.
Responses were submitted to the Library director and City staff.
4. Status Report on Library Initiatives and Services.
Director Timbs updated the board on Library initiatives and services. Staff continued to see
more visitors to the Library, even though numbers are still below average. Staff continue to
implement projects funded with grant dollars, including the document scanning stations, the
mobile checkout system, and the new information desk. The Library will return to normal
operating hours on June 1. Summer Reading Club and programs will be virtual. Curbside
pick-up will continue at least through the summer. Four part-time staff have been hired, and
approval has been given to hire a full-time librarian. The Support Services Manager position
has been filled.
5. Preview 2021 Summer Reading Club Activities.
Claudia Wayland;Youth Services Manager, gave a presentation to the board about the
library's upcoming Summer Reading Club. The theme for this summer's club is "Tails and
Tales," and it begins May.24 and ends August 6.
6. Status Report on Digital Collections.
Mr. Timbs provided a report on the Library's digital collections. Digital checkouts were
higher in January and February 2021 compared to the same time last year. Digital checkouts
were lower in March 2021 compared to March 2020.
The cloudLibrary consortium includes 34 participating libraries, with a total of 215,000
copies of e-books and audiobooks available to patrons. Three more libraries are set to join
the consortium soon. The library also recently migrated to cloudLibrary NewsStand.
NewsStand gives patrons access to more than 6,500 magazine titles. For now,NewsStand is
offered through its own app, with potential integration into the main cloudLibrary app slated
for later this year. Staff will continue to look at other digital content that could be made
available to patrons. Streaming video options might eventually become available through
7. Review and Discuss January,February, and March 2021 Library Statistics.
Total checkouts were down for January and February 2021 compared to the same time last
year. Total checkouts for March 2021 were up compared to the same time last year, but the
Library was closed the second half of March last year. Program attendance is down
compared to the same time last year, but increases were seen from January to March of this
MAY 4,2021
year compared to the previous quarter, October to December 2020. The overall number of
visitors is still down year over year. The number of visitors is expected to go up with a
return to normal hours and in-person programming.
Curbside checkouts accounted for 11 percent of total physical checkouts in July 2020. In
April 2021, curbside checkouts accounted for 4.5 percent of total physical checkouts. As
patrons become more comfortable coming into the library, staff may limit its curbside
Rekha Mathai asked if staff captures how many digital holds patrons place per month. Mr.
Timbs said that digital holds are tracked separately from physical holds and also rolled into
the number for overall holds.
8. Receive and Discuss Update on Planned Library Expansion.
Mr. Timbs provided information regarding the city's contract with Hiddell and Associates
Architects, Inc. for phase one of the Library expansion,the pre-design/conceptual design
phase. The next phase of the project, in 2022, would involve construction. The estimated
time for completion of the Library expansion is late 2023/early 2024.
9. Discussion on Evaluating Library Success.
The Board discussed how to evaluate library success. Laura Wooten said that measuring
Library usage and foot traffic might determine if any changes need to be made. Rekha
Mathai and Adyna Akins discussed how to reach citizens who don't frequent the Library.
Kimberly Hinton asked if the Library offered a way for patrons to leave a comment or submit
a request. Mr. Timbs said there is a suggestion form on the Library website and a suggestion
box in the Library. Many of the requests received are recommended additions for the
10. Recap Friends of the Library,Allen Library Endowment Fund, and ALLen Reads
Mr. Timbs provided the board with an update on the Friends of the Library,the Allen Library
Endowment Fund, and ALLen Reads activities. The Friends' book sale is open, but the
group is not accepting book donations at this time, due to lack of sorting and storage space.
The Endowment Fund continues to meet with local civic groups to present information about
their mission. Last year's wine and chocolate fundraising event resulted in a$10,000
donation to the Library to purchase e-books, STEM kits, and the world language collection.
MAY 4,2021
ALLen Reads will hold an author event in the fall. The ALLen Reads books are The Book
Woman of Troublesome Creek, by Kim Michele Richardson;Down Cut Shin Creek: The
Pack Horse Librarians of Kentucky, by Kathi Appelt; and That Book Woman,by Heather
Henson. Ms. Appelt will likely participate either virtually or in-person.
Adyna Akins and Mr. Timbs discussed whether the Library expansion might include
additional space for the Friends to store donated books for their book sale. Dedicated areas
for the Friends to store and sell books are certainly hoped for in the expansion.
11. Discuss Items for Future Board Meeting Agendas.
There were no items discussed for future board meeting agendas.
12. Items of Interest.[Board announcements regarding local civic and charitable events,
meetings,fundraisers, and awards.]
i. May 24—August 6_2021 Summer Reading Club.
ii. May 31 —Library closed for Memorial Day.
iii. June 1 —Normal Library hours resume.
iv. July 4-5 —Library closed for Independence Day
v. August 3 —Next Scheduled Library Advisory Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
vi. Other Calendar Items.
13. Adjourn.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Kimberly Hinton and seconded by Adyna Akins,the
board voted (7) for and (0) opposed to adjourn the board meeting at 7:54 p.m.
The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 3rd day of August 2021.
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