HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3933-8-22 _.._... .....®....... ...... ......,,,,,, .,, 0RDINANCE NO.,3,933-8-22 AN ORDIN[ANCE OF THE CITY C(I"AAC1111. OF THE CITYOF COUNTY, TEXAS,A,M,,,,END1NG TH'E ,A,1.,1,.,EN iIl ll V ; Y:. , M 1 T CODE AND 4 BY AMENDING THE ZONING M.API AS PR,EV`1'0. 1LJ`S,`,,.0Y' ED, REGUL"' AT ASE GHT ., ZONING :, T A l Z E' TRACT K,B,,,, C'ENTRE 11 TOBE A,1'.41',,.EN BUSIN"ESS, ME DICAL DE'NT'ILOPED, M DENTAI,.,� OF"'IF" W'w fin" Oda PEROR, FOR, A CON] A,R # P OVIDING A��I d ,, ITYC,L.At,J'S,E,, R 11 AtJSE# 'P ROVIDING TY" ,0F SAVINGS Fl"N"I. SUM OF 'TWO, THOUSAND DOLLARS, PR 'TIVE 'DATE ' ' I N ,. oven, ,. Conimi",issi WHE"REAS, tf t'' I � Planningrand ,Zoning on. and W I;V' d of i� ty of Allen, 1"exas, "in , aws o -heSlaiteof 1 exas-arid t' cS ofthe Cing of Allen,. tven,the he ord,tnanc Te 1 co.m"'p ,:,. lY 'a "t) xas, have gi10 shouldo ut requis,ite noticies by publication and se, and, after holdIng due heanngs, and, af.frding a,, f I" and. f ir hearing to allthe property owners,ge,nr.errallyand to all , ersons in,"terested and situated, iin the a.Mcted.area and I i *,on, have, concluded, that Alleti I and in the victnity thierco.t, and "n,, the exercise of ts leglislative ctscrett Development Code Zon,ing Regulations and,Zoning Map, of the Cityof Allen I exas, as,previousiy am!-ended,,, y r E BRE NOWOR .. .w E"N", wINED B E 0 T,rHE CITY" Y 0 F A Ll , CIL OF TH COLIJIN COUNT"Y"I rEXAS,'rHA,r. i evetopment Code Zoni grulan,,ons and, the ZoningMlapofthe City of SECT ION I., The Allen, Land-D tng Re S,,t f r,h n S ect"'on-2 Col"hin Couiity, TeXI'as,, aS previous]yanie'n,cle,d.,, bet,u,,,rth,,er,a,,m,e,nd,,ed,byat,,ne,ti,d,"i,,nga.si. ,e,, o,,t 1 Allen, ofthis, 0,rdiinan.ce the developMeNU, re l "th a, base, a � " 10 0, zontngof LightIndust-rial "L11"', to aulhorize "rract KB, Allen Bustness Centrell, Alle'n., platthereof recoirded,ii.n.Cablnet F Page 724,Map, Cr Coun-ty, Texas.("the Property"'). , " fION The Property. shall developed ��,w�d ilin u � i ,� �'idane 4,,.� JIB- „applicable provisilons, oft he nd Develo,,prnento. 3 gym, dAll m` � I + �"as ("ALDC") d, Tract 1, of Planned. Deve � " D' setfbirt .,v II IItion tOdd, the I , ",, , Ordtinanc " s, dby the PD 3 perm i-ay be deve"lo Ordinancp , Ped and used for a, Medical oDen'tal Office. 1, 1 is,tons, ofthis Ordinance and other SECTION S., To,, the extent, of a,n,y irreconci-a"ble confl-,i,ct walli, the prov " µ .. " expressly I a,,men,dedby this Ordinanc�e he VISIO`Ilkl pr m �,Ordinanceh I € 1 9. `ud . �SEC`1`10"INA. Should, toparagraph, 7 *d Devel,opm,,ent Coden� V101 '� Nam,Allen 'Lcand, Zoning'Regutatiot y, be � M am, nded'as, ho d,or held to be"'d,ordinance or the the siia,me shall nolt afff:,ect the va.l.idity of the rem ai"ning port,ions,,ol S ii, or u,ncon,si,,t,,1",t,ut"to,,n,,a'', If"the 1 a,` Allen, Land D,evelogment - Riegulati'on,s, ;, by,mom, which remain e'f�ct. , ise s gove,med by or l SECTION 5.,, An ef,t' date „ i . and, " i 1 I I sha,"'Ill "'be sub I 1c pme ject to the siame penalty, as prov*lded tor 'n Allen, Land Dev,e nt Code Zo,n,"I,n,g ,Re,,g-ul,at,,ion,,s of the City, of Allien, asprevio,usly amended, and, upoii,,SECTION 6.1 A,ny person, firm,, or corportatii,on vi,olating any ofthe provii si tons or te,rms, ofthis Ordinance sum,of'Two,Thousand'Doll ars($2,000) for eac"h,ol'fense. SECTION 7. 1"his Ordinance sh-all take . .. - ..:."�' ., e, �.,..tely 1-rom, and �i after its passage "�I ation ni, accordance �,'......"YNr ,.. ..., '"�,., ::.. provis I 4 �@ ,.,, Ch a ,�..� GNU,, , "7 ..i"'�h ,. qso .'" i:� � I��,..-of t'h �. i 1, 1", RULY PAS ED D A ANPPRO' D BYTHE CITY COUN'CILOFAL! It'',S LEN, COLLiN COUNTY',TEXAS,, ON THIS THE"" ( DAY OFAUGUST 2022., APPROVEM" rPe U ... ............. ............. Kell 1. Fu lk MAYOR -neth,M ll ifs APPROVEWAS FORMIL, A,TTEST. ur y PVu � w, J ice, uw»iu�DllDUM'�s ri. �i - , E CR E" T R Peter IG. SM,it­ CI,TY'A,T'TfOR,l NEY Shlelle,y' R.George Tl,,ZM'C,,,CITY S V i ag Orduiance,'No 2933*-,,8-2211 0