HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-196-8-76CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 196 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A MUNICIPAL DISASTER EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND PROVIDING THE POWERS OF THAT COMMITTEE: CREATING THE OFFICE OF MUNICIPAL DISASTER DIRECTOR/COORDINATOR AND PROVIDING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THAT OFFICE: CREATING AN OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION: GRANTING NECESSARY POWERS TO COPE WITH EMERGENCIES THREATENING LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ALLEN: AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AND MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS FOR RELIEF WORK BETWEEN THIS AND OTHER CITIES OR COUNTIES AND`FOR RELATED PURPOSES: PROHIBITING UNAUTHORIZED WARNING AND ALL -CLEAR SIGNALS AND MAKING VIOLATIONS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE NOT EXCEEDING $200.00, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL, OF THE, CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1: There is hereby created the Municipal Disaster Emergency Services Committee of the City of.Allen which shall consist of the following: ' (a) Chairman of the Committee, who shall also be known as Municipal Disaster Coordinator, and who shall be appointed by the City Council of the City of Allen. The Chairman shall be charged with the preparation of a disaster services plan for the City, together with such other duties as the City Council may subscribe . (b) The Directors of Divisions and Chiefs of Services of such Divisions as may be provided for by resolution by the City Council. (c) Representatives not to exceed in number from civic, business, industry, labor, veterans, professional, or other groups, to be selected and appointed by the Mayor. SECTION 2: The powers and duties of the Municipal Disaster Emergency Services Committee shall include the recommendation for adoption by the City Council of a disaster services plan for the City of Allen, and the r recommendation for, adoption by the City Council of any and all mutual aid plans and agreements which are deemed essential for�the implementation of such disaster services plan. The duties of such Disaster Emergency Services Committee shall also include the making of a survey of the availability of existing personnel, equipment, supplies and services which could be used during an emergency, as provided for herein, as well as a continuing study of the need for amendments and improvements in the disaster services plan adopted by the City Council. The Disaster Emergency Services Committee of the City of Allen shall meet upon the call of the Chairman. SECTION 3: The Chairman of the Committee is hereby authorized t$ join with the County Judge of the County of Collin and the other. cities in said county in the formation of a Disaster Emergency Services Council for the County of Collin and shall have the authority to cooperate in the formation of a disaster services plan for the County of Collin and in the appointment of a Disaster Director for the County of Collin, as well as all other powers necessary to participate in a county -wide program of disaster services insofar as said program may affect the City of Allen. SECTION : The office of Municipal Disaster Coordinator is hereby created. The Municipal Disaster Coordinator shall have the authority to request the declaration of the existence of an emergency by the City Council or by higher authority. In the event it is deemed necessary ,to declare the existence of an emergency without W 1 i 1 delay, the Coordinator may, if the City Council is not in session, do so, but such action shall be subject to confirmation by the City Council at its next meeting. The duties and responsibilities of the Municipal Disaster Coordinator shall include the following: (1 ) The control and direction of the actual operation or training of the disaster services organization of the City of Allen; (2) The determination of all questions of authority and responsibility that may arise within the disaster services organization of the City of Allen; (3) The maintenance of necessary liaison with other municipal, district, State, county, regional, Federal, or other disaster services organization; (4) The marshaling, after declaration of an emergency as provided for above, of all necessary personnel, equipment or supplies from any department of the City of Allen to aid in the carrying out of the disaster services plan; (5) The issuance of all necessary proclamations as to the existence of an emergency and the immediate operational effectiveness of the disaster services plan; (6) The issuance of reasonable rules, regulations or directives which are necessary for the protection of life and property in the City of Allen, such rules and regulations shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and shall receive widespread publicity unless publicity will be of aid and comfort to the enemy; (7) The supervision of the drafting and execution of mutual aid agreements', in cooperation with the represen- tatives of the State and of other local political subdivisions of the State, and the drafting and execution, if deemed desirable, or an agreement with the county in which said city is located and with other municipalities within the county, for the county -wide coordination of efforts in disaster services; (8) The supervision of and final authorization for the procurement of all necessary supplies and equipment, including acceptance of private contributions; (9) The authorizing of agreements, after approval of the City Attorney, for the use of private property for public shelter and other purposes. SECTION 5: The operational disaster services organization of the City of Allen, shall consist of the officers and employees of the City of Allen designated by the Municipal Disaster Coordinator as well as all volunteer municipal workers. The functions and duties of this organization shall be distributed among such divisions, services and special staff as the City Council shall prescribe by resolution or the Municipal Disaster Coordinator shall provide by directive. Any such resolution or directive shall set forth the form of organization, establish and designate divisions and services, assign functions, duties and powers, and designate officers and employees to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Insofar as possible, the form of organization, titles and terminology shall conform to the recommendations of the State Defense and Disaster Relief Council of the State of Texas and of the Federal Government. SECTION 6: Any unauthorized person who shall operate a siren.or other device so as to simulate a warning signal, or the termination of a warning, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance and shall be subject to the penalties imposed by this ordinance. SECTION 7: At all times when the orders, rules and regulations made and promulgated pursuant to this ordinance shall be in effect they shall supersede all existing ordinances, orders, rules and regulations insofar as the latter may be inconsistent therewith. SECTION 8: This ordinance shall not be construed so as to conflict with any State or Federal statute or with any Military or Naval order, rule or regulation. SECTION 9: This ordinance is an exercise by the City of its governmental functions for the protection of the public peace, health and safety and neither the City of Allen, the agents and representatives of said City, or any individual, receiver, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or trustee, or any of the agents thereof, in good faith carrying out, complying with or attempting to comply with, any order, rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable for any damage sustained to persons as the result of said activity. Any person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation grants to the City of Allen a license or privilege, or otherwise permits the City to inspect, designate and use the whole or any part or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during an actual, impending or practice enemy attack shall, together with his successors in interest, if any, not be civilly liable for the death of, or injury to, any person on or about such real estate or premises under such license, privilege or other permission or for loss of, or damage to, the property of such person. SECTION 10: No person shall have the right to expend any public funds of the City in carrying out any disaster services activity authorized by this ordinance without prior approval by the City Council, nor shall any person have any right to bind the City by contract, agreement or otherwise without prior and specific approval of the City Council. SECTION 11: It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to obstruct, hinder, or delay any member of the t disaster services organization in the enfordement of any rule or regulation issued pursuant to this ordinance, or to do any act forbidden by any rule or regulation issued pursuant to the authority contained in this ordinance. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to wear, carry or display any emblem, insignia or any other means of identification as a member of the disaster services organization of the City of Allen, unless authority so to do has been granted to such person by the proper officials. Convictions for violations of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.00. SECTION 12: If any portion of this ordinance shall, for any reason, be declared invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof. SECTION 13: The immediate passage of this ordinance is deemed essential to the public health, safety and welfare and it shall take immediate effect upon the publication of the caption one (1) time in a weekly newspaper in the City of Allen. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, on this ) day of , 1976. CORRECTLY RECORDED: City Se retary Mayor, City of AIM Texas u FRANK DUGGER. MAYOR LARRY III MOORE CITY [[CR[TANY COUNCILMEN: SON LOWMAN EILEEN TOLLETT H. C. BROOKS. JR CHARLES CHANDLER MICKEY PIERSON CITY OF ALLEN BOX 487 - ALLEN. TEXAS 75002 "gVG.ts golds essalss �Poyuaa" Mr. M. P. Bowden, State Coordinator Division of Disaster Emergency Services Texas Department of Public Safety P. 0. Box 4087 Austin, Texas 78773 Dear Mr. Bowden: ANTHONY HANCOCK CHIEF OF FOLIC[ WALTERCURTIS T^X A.OF.L.OR COLLIECTOR JIMMY EATON 0F w -IN GENTRY FIRE CHIEF LYNN JEFFCOAT MUNICIPAL JUDGE VERTRIES RICHARDSON GUILDING INSP[CTOR MARY TOO LIERARIAN BOB ACKER FIR[ MAR[NALL 03-01-77 This is to advise you that R. Wendell Housley has been appointed Civil Preparedness Coordinator for the City of Allen, County of Collin, Texas. Effective this Date. All Mature correspondence and Civil Preparedness/Defence information should be sent to him at P. 0. Box 487 - Allen, Texas 75002. Sincerely , Funk Dugger mayor, City of Allen, Texas L Table of Content Emergency Operation Plan City of Allen Texas I. Authority............................................................... 1. II. Purpose.................................................................i. III. Situation and Assumptions ............................................ 1. A. Situation......................................................... 1. B. Assumptions........................................................ 2. IV. General............................................................... 2. A. Concept ............................................................ 2. B. Emergency Operation Center(E.O.C.)................................ 2. C. Organization For Emergencies ....................................... 2. V. Assignment of Responsibilities and Tasks ................................ 3. A. Executive Group ................................................... 3. 1. Mayor/Cauncil.................................... 3. 2. Civil Preparedness Director/ Coordinator ....................... 3. 3. Assistant Civil Preparedness Coordinator ........................ 3. B. Department and Agency Functions....................................4. 1. Lasa & Order....................................................4. 2. Fire Protection & Rescue.......................................4. 3. Communications................................................. 4. 4. Warning....................................................... 4. 5. Public Works .................................................. 5. 6. Health & Medical ............................................... 5. 7. Welfare.......................................................5. 8. Personnel & Finance...........................................6. 9. Damage Assessment.............................................6. 10. Transportation...............................................6. 11. Emergency Public Information.................................6. 12. Shelter (Natural Nuclar).................................... 6. 13. Legal ........................................................ 7. 14. Radiological Defense.........................................7. 15. Other Departments ............................................ 7. VI. Increased Readiness Conditions ....................................... 7. A. Purpose............................................................ 7. B. Potential Phases and Actions ..................................... 7,8,&9. C. Post- Disaster Actions ........................................... 9. VII. Surport............................................................ 9. VIII. Resources Management ............................................... 9. IX. Lines of Succession ................................................... 10. X. 10. Attaciment. -1, )r5anization Chart for Emery;necies .......................... 11. Attachr:ent $r2, Emergency Diagram for Communications ........................ 12. Attac},went k3, Warning Procedures ......................................... 13. Attachment #4, Disaster City Ordinance #196, City of Allen, Texas.......... 14. -1 - Cllr( CiT A J011, T" KAS EP•T,RGHNCY OPERATION T'LAN I. AUTHORITY Texas Disaster Act of 1975 Texas Emergency Operation Plan Allen City Ordinance dated II. PURPOSE The purpose of this plan is to provide for emergency operations in the City of Allen, Texas utilizing cooperation with the State and Federal governr,ents. The governing body of the City of Allen is responsil:le to its citizens for saving lives, minimizing danger, alleviating suffering and helping, to restore and and rehabilitate property and society in the event of natural disaster or national emergency, including nuclear attack or the threat thereof. III. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS A. SITUATION Allen is one of the fastest -ex o.ring and is considered one of the most progressive cities of its size in Texas. Aller: is located in Collin County, twenty-five miles north of doFmtowm Dallas on North Central Ex=pressway (U.S. 75) the major traffic artery. Five miles north of Plano and seven miles south of McKinney, the county seal of Collin County. Allen is located thirty-seven miles from Dallas -Ft. Worth Airport: the largest airport in the world and twenty-five miles from Dallas Love Field. Allen covers approximately tnirty-three sctare miles in its territorial jurisdiction, and at the present nas the pc.Ypulation of approximately 5,000, and operates under a General Law Charter of cit; government, with a Mayor and five City Councilmen elected for two year. terms. A City Secretary is hired by the Council for the City Hall administrative duties. The city also provides law enforcement, fire service, water, se,.•er, and street services for its citizens, while utility services of gas, electric, and telephone are provided by private utilities. Allen's largest industry is apiculture, with numerous and various small businesses located here. At the present, -there are no major industry located here in Allen, most of the citizens cuiimute to Dallas and other near by industrial areas. Medical services for ';he city is Frovided by the Allen Clinic, and the city has two Doctors. Allen :Las tzree schools, hid,- school, -riddle school, and elementary school. Pl ani are being trade at this time for an additional elementary school. Allen also nas seven churches. Recreation is not to far away, Allen being located near several lakes and also nearby hunting facilities. I -2- B. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Because of its geographical location, highway and rail traffic patterns, the City of Allen can be assumed to be subject to any of the following emergency or disaster situation,: a. Tornadoes b. Flooding c. Railway Accidents 1, No Fire 2. Fire Explosion 3. Hazardous Materials Spills or Leakage d. Roadway transport/ transportation accidents 1. Gaseous spills fires/explosions leaks 2. Hazardous materials spills/ fires explosions/ leaks 3. Major accidents involving numerous injuries and or deaths e. Major Fires Explosions 1. Residential 2. Industrial/ Businesses 3. Grass 4. Some above ground gasoline, propane, natural gas storage tanks f. Major Utilities Failures g. Water System Failures or Contamination h. Epidemics or other Large Scale Health Threats i. Ice Storms J. Severe Hail k. Droughts 1. Aircraft Accidents m. Civil Disturbances n. Bomb Threats 0. Peacetime Radiation Accidents 2. It can be assumed that, in the event of a nuclear warfare, the City of Allen, Texas will receive radioactive fallout, because of the city's geographical location. 3. It can be assumed that, in the event of nuclear warfare, man-made disaster or large scale natural disaster, the City of Alien, Texas will receive large numbers of evacuees from the heavily populated Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro-plex area. IV. GENERAL. A. CONCEPT The Mayor, as Chief Executive, is responsible for directing; all emergency measures within the City Limits of Allen, Texas. All existing agencies of government in the city will perform emergency activities related to those duties they perform in normal operations. The basic function of the Mayor is to coordinate these activities and to insure the availability from other sources of any skills not normally available in existing government agencies. B. EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER (EOC) The Mayor, assisted by the City Council, and the Civil Preparedness Coordinator, will exercise direction and control during; an emergency from the City Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The City (EOC) is located at 113 West Main Street. The Mayor or Civil Preparedness Coordinator has the authority to activate the EOC as deemed necessary in actual or threatened emergencies. Heads of departments having emergency assignments or functions will report to the EOC upon its activation. The Civil Preparedness Director/Coordinator will prepare and keep current a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on EOC operations. C. CRGANIZATION FCR EI MUMIES See Attachment 1, Page 11 V. ASSIGNMENT (F RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS A. EXECUTIVE GROUP 1. Mayor/ Council Direct city departments and volunteers in all types of planning and emergency actions. Inform the citizens of the nature of the situation and outline any actions required of the populace. To see that emergency police decisions governing the direction of disaster operations within the city are made. Request aid, or authorize such requests from the State or Federal governments, including military support if needed. 2. Civil Preparedness Director Coordinator Assist the Chief Executive in all programs and phases of the disaster preparedness program. Prepare, review and revise as necessary the emergency operations plan. Coordinate wit_li and assist other departments within the city development of operational procedures tc ,:ne emergency plan. Coordinate other communi:,y agencies' emergerncy plans, -.g. ::c;iools, Red Cross, industry and other civic groups. Arrange for disaster preparedness training classes to meet the nt:eds of �'-nE: cii.y and %he general_ public. Maintain liaison with State and Federal disastr-r pr-parednes!. agencies. Maintain current; i,W stai'firiE, or,;,;anizauion aril s.ik unen�s. 3. Assistant Civil Preparedness Coordinator .terve as third in line Gf succession :C, the Ctief xecutiV'�, pC):i':.iOn or 1n that position when S(i1l-t CLrc'3.I1Ge3 I'ehlilr,. 1;,. (;�0;'Qlrra'..t5 :.iLC.rE;enC`i actions for the Mayor, includin, 10C cpc:raiui,_ns- B. DEPARTMENT AND AGENCY FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS 1. law & Order RESPONSIBLE DEPT./ AGENCY Chief of Police Be responsible for police services within the city to include: a. Law enforcement b. Traffic control c. Protection of life and property d. Arrest of offenders e. Perform intelligence f. Civil disorders g. Bomb threats h. Assist in severe weather watch i. Assist and coordinate ambulance service to the affected area k. Preparation of an SOP to include the above functions 2. Fire Protection & Rescue Fire Chief Be responsible for the use of the fire department personnel, volunteers and equipment to: a. Control all types of fires b. Investigation of fires c. Perform rescue operations d. Give first aid to injured at the scene e. Search for injured f. Secure the area for life safety hazards g. Determine hazardous chemicals h. Determine hazardous materials i. Assist in radiological monitoring J. Assist in warning k. Training 1. Preparation of an SOP to include the above functions 3. Communications Chief of Police Be responsible for communications between city services, public operating agencies, other cities, county districts, State and Federal agencies. A sufficient number of dispatch personnel will be called into service to accomplish this. Be responsible for the preparation of an SOP for emergency procedures to be followed by dispatchers. k. Warning Chief' of Police Be esnon::iule for receiving ail Lytic:-, u ' :�Ixnz irib,s, NUL' - f -,_LV . (_aLher and other) and dis:;(� ,1_ nau 1 ( a ui u7 -t-_oui=e.d. This `,.ill be accon ..i i.,•.F;d ' ,� yreuat g as :,G_' for use of the local two-way rad.i� channels, the DPS network and intercity radio frequency. The SOP for warning will include and indicate procedures for alerting the public through use of public radio and T.V., sirens and city operated. mobile _ ioV,dr 50w kers. . .. . .. , .. 1 ,. , t,, -5- 5. Public Works a. Streets & Bridges Street Superintendent Be responsible for keeping all streets open and in a safe and clean condition for throught traffic; opening up of streets into damaged area so emergency equipment can pass in a safe manner; responsible for maintaining a log which contains a listing of heavy equipment and operators that could be called on to be used during an emergency; development of an SOP for this function. b. Water & Sewer Water & Sewer Superintendent Be responsible for the following: (1) Maintaining and restoration of water and waste water services. (2) Set up priority list of restoration of services. (3) Prepare an SOP for emergency functions. c. Private Utilities City Secretary Coordination with private utilities will be effected to assure the best interest of the citizens of Allen, also planning actions of each should be coordinated with all others as well as the city to preclude dupli- cation of effort during disaster or emergency situations for the most efficient application of related resources. Restoration of facilities should fall in line with city priorities as close as possible. 6. Health and Medical Cit; healtr; Officer Be responsible for the protection of the population through emergency health and medical measures to include: a. Provide medical care and treatment for the sick and ir.Jured. b. Establish medical care and trea-�'ment. centers. c. Maintain medical records. d. Establish resupply requirements. e. Institute em: ironmental sanil:ation mcasures. f. Supervise emergency interment of the dead. g. Coordinate planning; activities and ,pee -a" i -ons wi:.h all medical and health agencies wit�ii..i t,r,e cu -ea. h. Preparation of an SOP to include ',rc uCf-�.vc functions. 7. Weli,),-e Tax Assessor Be responsible for emergency clothing, reeding, registration, and family rehabilitation services, utilizing the facilities ► and personnel of the State Department of Public Welfare, American=fled Cras$., Savation Army and bther velfare agencies ` in' aocoj�$pflCd't4't� 1 '�We+e=4ts with them. -6- 8. Personnel and Finance City Secre �:.ary Be responsible for manpower support, including -temporary transfer of city employees to disaster duty, hiring of addi- tional staff, or recruitment of Volunteers in emergencies if requested by a particular city office; for coordinatig temporary housing; for issuing identification to city employees, vounteers and other agencies to permit reaching disaster assignments; for making or authorizing emergency purchases for city goverment; for providing supplies and food for EOC staff; for the preparation of an SOF. 9. Damage Assessment Tax Assessor Be responsible for gathering information from department chiefs and other sources so that 'the executive groups and all departments and agencies can make their decisions from the information received; revision of property records to show results -of a disaster and protection of these records. Be responsible for transmitting damage estimates on public and private property to the State and Federal offices. 10. Transportation City Secretary Be responsible for coordinating local transportation re- sources in emergencies; appointing assistants from trans- port industries as needed; for assisting police department in planning and executing movement of vehicular and pedes- trian traffic in emergencies, including movement to shelter; prepartaion of an SOP for transportation. 11. Emergency Public Information Mayor Be responsible for preparing plans for emergency public information, in coordination with local news media; appoint- ing assistants from various media as needed; preparing daily status reports; and securing photographic documentation of disaster damages and activities. t 12. Shelter (Natural/Nuclear) Civil Proparedness Director/Coord Be responsible for updating the Community Shelter Program (CSP) as necessary; planning for and directing shelter occupancy, including preparation of shelter for natural or nuclear disasters; providing SOP's for operation, selection and training of shelter staffs; coordinating with welfare officer, school superintendent, building owners, churches, Red Cross and other civic agencies on use of their personnel and/or vacilities in shelter operation; providing for a reporting system among shelters and between shelters and the EOC, including establishment of shelter complex head- quarter, .1t. gtl~* In ea�rgency, directing filling of • if required, movement between ,•7�•y.l�,, Y ��-'�jy ~ iy ry , ,^• t `'?-.., �k2 �r'j"l+ia�F • , ..\�';4r,Ft"'�^,�+{ti;y` 1 -7- f F shelters, evacuation of persons from endangered shelter and final closure of shelters when possible. Be responsible for the preparation of SOP on Shelter Operations. 13. Legal City Attorney Be responsible for legal`aid and guidance to the city concerning emergency situations. 1 14. Radiological Defense, I Civil Proparedness Director Corrdinator Be responsible for radiological services to include the capability for plotting of fallout, forecasting evaluation of the situation and advice to the chief executive on max- imum dosage and movement during fallout. The radiological defense officer will plan, train, coordinate and supervise all radiological defense 'services within the area, including selection of assistant RN)'s, RMI's and RM's: will coordinate arrangements from each city department to monitor its own personnel and facilities.Gill develop appropriate SUr's. 15. Other Departments + Civil Preparedness Director/ Corrdinator Other city departments not, assiL_,xied a disaster ii.ission under this plan will make their resources avaiialle to perform emergency duties or support other departn;enL;>. r I VI. INCREASED READINESS CONDTIONS I A. PURPCSE To identify certain conditions of readiness and actions to be taken. The following guide will be coordinated with -those actions in the department �)fperai,ional prccedurts. B. POTENTIAL PHASES AND ACTION`, 1. Phase 3 exists wKen: I a. Severe weather WATCH is esLallished -,j '.iie U.1S. Wea'ater Service . (1) 'Tornado Watcu - t.",,_:-ndi+,ivas �Lre. "a-v:,ra , ie for tornado or severe ~. nun(iers.,orw -'�j mLt.io . ACTION: MaLntai:: G.ai.ly rcuLi,iE, :-u;, i)e, ready to respond ,-) a v1L, DING, in 'er:n populace of TORNADO 'n'JLWH. (2 ) Flood Mater: - ACTION: Maintain daily routine; remove any equipment from low-lying areas; inform populace of Flood Watch. -8- b. Strategic Warning - Based on intelligence reports or a deteriorating international situation. The President and/or the Governor may use public media to warn citizens of a possible enemy attack. ACTION: Maintain daily routine; inventory shelters, survival supplies, radiological monitorying equipment, perform refresher training for monitors and shelter management staffs. c. Civil Unrest - Identified by local sources. ACTION: Inform local law enforcement services. 2. Phase 2 exists when: a. Weather WARNING is issued by the U.S. Weather Service. (1) Tornado Warning - A tornado or severe thunderstorm has been sighted or indicated in the area by weather radar. ACTION: Inform populace of tornado WARNING and actions to take; alert all city department and agency heads. (2) Flood Warning - When conditions exist that may cause flood water to exceed a safe control. ACTION: Inform populace of condition, check barricades and pot flares, block off flood prone areas as flooding begins. b. Tacitcal Warning - Where imminent air or missle attacl:- ormation is received sufficeintuly in advance .:o per -mit parital evacuation or deployment to shel,er. ACTION: Inform populace to move -;o shelter according to the Community Shelter Plan; sand by �o begin monitoring procedures; prepare to receive evacuees from surrounding areas; notify all emergency personnel and activate all -facilities to be used. C. Civil disorders - Occurs when reiat;ive.7y 1-�u•6e scale localized violence and law breakinC begins. r'_CTION: Law enforcemen' services wL11 attempt to seal off the area; requests outside assistance if necessary; prepare to combat fires and looting; information relayed to the public must be ce►rgfully screened for effect before release. L - •, a � ' M , if �.•b 3j, r t f s� •n `��.ff,'h�.-"FF'-N•�y.; -1_`` �; ,;�ji :.may"+;Il, a r ,i- ' "<,�: 1.. ,t�h,�+ti�'i•rrfy�c�.' �. 3- Phase 1 exists when: a. Tornado strikes b. Flash flooding; c. No warninG - nuclear attack d. All out riot e. Major accidental diaas'�ers that may occur without any prior warning. ACTION: Trained services will respond according; to Their establislied procedures while all others should seek the best available shelter until the disaster forces subside. C. POST - DISASTM ACTIONS 1. Check and /Or re-establis'ri communications. 2. Maintain law and order. 3- Perform fire protection and rescue operations. 4. Set up triage stations if necessary and re-establish health conditions. 5. Assess extent cf damage. 6. Perform emergency clean-up and debris removal. 7- Request outside assistance as required. 3. Where necessary establish controls on critical resources and direct their distribution. 9. Designate restricted areas as necessary. 10. Furnish reqular status reports to the Department of Public Safety Disaster District Headquarters Region #1 Dallas. 11. Keep Public informed of situation by use of all available news media. 12. Insure orderly operations of shelters; provide welfare necessities to the extent possible; determine when conditions allow shelter emergence; direct all shelter operations. 13. Under conditions of nuclear warfare, conduct radiological monitoring of fallout during all stages of operations. VII. SURPCRT Requests for State or Federal assistance, including activation of the Texas National Guard or other military assistance, will be made to the local Department of Public Safety sergeant or patrolman. In the event they are unavailable the request should be made by calling the Department of Public Safety Disaster District Head- quarters Region #1 District #1-A, telephone 214-226-7611, radio call KKA-603- Any and all requests for assistance from State and Federal levels will be made by the mayor or in his name by other officials specifically authorized by him. VIII. RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Freezing, rationing, curfews, designation of restricted areas or other -13 - resource controls may be imposed by the mayor or clay council as deemed necessary during the emergency or as the situation warrants. All resources within Allen, bosh public and privately owned, will be used where deerned necessary by the local govern- ment officials and upon orders from the chief executive. The City of Allen will assume no financial liat,ility for the use of privately owned equipment or personnel, however, accurate records of such use will be kept for purposes of possible reimbursement. IX. =- S CF SUCCESSION The lines of succession as established by city ordinance for direction and control during emergency or disaster situations is as follows: Mayor Civil Preparedness Coordinator Asst. Civil Preparedness Coordinator X. IMPIEMEWATION This Emergency Plan for the City of Allen rescinds and replaces all previous plans and emergency procedures. This Plan is effective upon passage, according to law and will be assessed each six months, and revised or updated at least once a year. In the event that any portion of this Plan shall be held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Plan. To this end the plan is held to be severable. CITY OF ALIEN, Attachment #I CkGANJImo', C_.AL L -X -T F011 EkERGLN7. CITY OF A LL]:;bi I -CHIEF-OF-POLICE- LAW AND ORDER OMMUN ICAT IONS IZARN PIATFR AND STREET Tr:Rg STREF;TS 9 'E.EfiLI CI' --'l rir,A L I' H C&F ICER --------------------- MICAL / HEALTH EAYOR CITY COUNCIL ----------------- Ek ERGENCY PUBLIC INF'Oi,l'AT ION CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR ------------------ S HELT BR RADEF Page# / / CITY ATTORNLY LEGAL I ---------------------rk'- F Iid,' k'h OT ECT ION RES CUE TAX ASSESSOR WELFARE liALA—ZE ASESE "NT CITY SEC:iETARY PRIVATE UT IL IT IES TRANS PORTAT ION PERS ONIM/FINANCE Attachment #2 F14ERGENCY COP/.,fiTNICATIONS DIAGRAM CTT.' OF 'ALM, TEXAS Allen 4umb luanc e) ( P.D. Servive Mobiles Page# 12 D.F.Q. \ Region# 1 / ?)ist.1- McKi nne;, Allen P. D. F.D. Allen Plano \ Mobiles Street& P.D. 00, Water \ Mobile Civil City of !Men D.P.S. Preparednes _ _ Region #1 T;OC - City _ _ Sub -Dist. Director ' Police Dept. 1-A / I RACES (Wrecker Service Collin iCounty S. 0. x Telephone Two -Way Radi o � ' _ )( X X x-- Teletype Allen Doctors Clinic Allen School System Red Cross .11as/Ft W area Radio/TV Networks 0 General Public Mayor and/or Asst. Civil Preparedness , Coordinator Attachment #3 WARNING PROCEDURE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS / Area Warnin Center D.P.S. Dallas Region #1 Dist.l-A Collin County S.G. Page# 13 Te le ehn re --------------- Two-way Radio -x -x -x -x -x -x -x- Teletype 0-01- -* i i *Siren ? > > > > > > P.A. .Systems Plectron -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- orzr,ercial a Io,TV City of Allen Warning Center ; -o- i ah� -1k. •o- -o- *+ i -W * ♦ ♦ ; Allen Police Dt------- r t----------------- --------- t � i � r i 'i i i i Civil Preparedness Coordinator r44 i tiff* -lot i ♦ City Council City P.D. 2- Units 2- Sirens 2-P.A. General F'ul, 1 i c *_W40� City F.D. 5 -Units 5 -Sirens 1-P.A. .echo 1 Private Systeu, Utilities il,y Utilities 3 -Units c-?; Way Radi -r PERSONNEL AND FINANCE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE ( SOP ) I. LINE OF SUCCESSION FOR PERSONNEL A. City Secretary B. Director of Public Works C. Mayor II. ACTIONS TAKEN BEFORE DISASTER A. Notify all department personnel_ B. Prepare necessary permit forms C. Prepare to provide additional personnel for ®OC support III. ACTION TAKEN DURING DISASTER A. Issue �ermits to identify city employees and volunteers to reach disaster area. B. Issue wdrrants as authorized for purchase of supplies. C. Coordinate with all department heads on personal matters. IV. ACTION TAKEN AFTER DISASTER A. Issue additional permits to city employees as needed to reach disaster area. B. Issue permits for temporary housing. C. Assist damage assessment in gathering of information. D. Log all actions thken during disaster. _ y_ I� TRANSPORTATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES I. LINE OF SUCCESSION A. Transportation Director B. Assistant Transportation Director II. ACTIONS TAKEN BEFORE DISASTER A. Notify all transportation personnel who in turn will notify each person under their supervision. B. Order all equipment to be serviced and on standby. C. Coordinate with shelter director on opening of shelters and what transportation is needed. D. Contact EOC on your status. E. Report to EOC when alerted. F. Bring to EOC list of available equipment on standby. G. Set up fuel resupply point, and notify department heads. H. Make arrangements for feeding transportation personnel. III. ACTIONS TAKEN DURING DISASTER A. Coordinate all transportation with other department directors. B. Support all shelters on movement of citizens as required. C. Dispatch suited vehicles to enter disaster area when requested. D. Maintain status of vehicles at all times. (35) TRANSPORTATION IV. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN FOLLOWING DISASTER A. Keep logs on use of vehicles at all times. B. Support movement of sheltered citizens as requested. C. Have drivers report any damage noted to EOC in disaster area for coordination with other EOC department directors. D. Maintain list of drivers and type of equipment so drivers can be changed if necessary. E. Notify damage assessment director on status of equipment when released (if vehicle damaged and to what extentl. V. TRAINING A. Transportation director will set up a complete list of drivers for supporting vehicles. VI. AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT AND LOCATION A. Twelve school buses available - located at bus barn. B. Three pickups available - at Superintendent's office. (36) PERSONNEL Dome Mayors Thomas Schmitt 233-5534 ALDERMEN: Robert Pierce (Mayor Pre -tem) Arnold B. Rich Ray Ortiz O.A. Keillor Jesus Vicinaiz CITY ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS A.J. Solis CITY SECRETARY Mary Townsend SANITARIAN O'Neal Le Blanc POLICE DEPT. Chief of Police Ed Moody, Sr. Patrolman Charles Barter Joseph Pena Constable James Graybill Sheriff's Dept. FIRE DEPT. Fire Station Chief Robert Gilliam Asst. Chief Glenn Putnam President Paul German AMBULANCE SERVICE Ambulance 233-5523 233-5374 233-4046 233-5310 233-5255 233-5430 233-5637 233-5777 399-1936 541-6425 233-5603 233-5668 233-5510 233-5294 (37) Business 233-5534 831-9801 831-4501 546-5173 233-5673 423-1464 233-5768 233-5768 399-1356 233-4221 233-4221 233-4221 546-2451 233-5858 831.4501 943-1241 233-5294 546-2451 Asso. President Joe Collinsworth 233-5460 233-5460 Drivers Luis Romero 233-9998 233-9998 ' Jim Hollon 233-4238 233-5710 SCHOOLS Superintendent Gover Shanks 233-5618 233-5761 Asst Superintendent Clyde Vochatzer 423-2060 233-5761 CHURCHES United Methodist Carl Westbrook 233-5188 233-5760 First Baptist Keith Robertson 233-5713 233-5713 St. Cecelia Richard Obestar 233-5619 233-5213 Church of Christ 233-5503 ED