HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-222-9-77CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. =;WP?, AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE CODE FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN, A}TENDING SUCH CODE BY THE CHANGING OF SECTIONS II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII; PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION IIEREOF AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS : SWTION I: There is hereby adopted by the City of Allen for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the protection and prevention of fires within the City of Allen, that certain fire code known as The Standard Fire Code, being more particularly the 1976 edition, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the City of Allen, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out in length herein, and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, the provisions herein, except as amended herein, shall be controlling. SECTION II: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletidn of the existinj_Section 1.04 in its entirety -and by the addition of a new Section 1.04 which shall read as follows, to wit: CHAPTER 1.04 RESPONSIBILITY The Fire Official shall enforce the provisions of this Code and all State laws under his jurisdiction pertaining to the prevention, suppression or extinguishing of fires. The Fire Official shall have the powers of a peace of- ficer in performing his duties. For the purposes of this Code, the Fire Official shall be the director of the Fire Prevention Bureau (Fire Marshal), or any duly appointed assistant director (Assistant Fire Marshal). The Chief of the Allen Fire Department and his duly appointed assistant shall have full authority to enforce the provisions of this Codes and shall function as the Fire Official during times of his absence. The director shall serve as Chief Arson Investigator. SECTION III: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by•4the deletion of the existing Section 1.05 in its entirety, and by the addition of a new Section 1.05 which shall read as follows, to wit: 1.05 ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS a, there is hereby established by the City Council of the City of Allen, a Fire Brevention,Bureau which shall be independent of other city departments. The Fire Prevention Bureau shall be under the direction of the Fire Marshal, who shall be appointed by and responsible to the City Council of the City of Allen. The Fire Marshal shall be properly qualified for the duties of his office, and shall be removed only by cause. The Fire Marshal shall receive an annual salary as established by the city council, payable in monthly installments, as full compensation for his services. b. The Fire Marshal shall take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of the State of Texas. The Fire Marshal shall be covered by the fidelity bond carried by the City, conditioned for the faithful and strict per- formance of the duties of his office. c. The Fire Marshal shall not be interested, either directly or in- directly, in the s&le of any fire apparatus or fire extinguisher of any kind, nor shall he be engaged in any character or kind of insurance business. d. The function of this office shall be to inspect all buildings and �J premises as often as may be necessary for the purpose of ascertaining and causing i to be corrected any conditions which could cause fire, endanger life from fire, or any violations of the provisions of this and other laws affecting life and fire safety. e. Members of 'the Fire Department may be detailed as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. The Fire Marshal shall recommend to the City Council, the employment of technical inspectors who, when such authorization is made, shall be selected in such manner as may be determined by the City Coun- cil. f. A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the City Council of the City. It shall contain all statist- ical information required. The Fire Marshal shall also recommend annually any amendments to this Code which, in his judgement, shall be desirable. SECTION IV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following man- ner by the addition to Section 1.07 of paragraphs c,d, and a which shall read as follows, to wit: C. The Fire Official or his representative is authorised to enter any public, private, or parochial school, or any other educational institution at any time and conduct a fire drill. d. The Fire Official or his representative is authorized to enter any Child Care Center, or any other occupancy in which more than six minors are assembled, for the purposes of conducting a fire drill. e. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, operator, or ad- ministrator of any institution described in paragraph c or d above to estab- lish and practice fire drills, maintain records of fire drills on a yearly basis, and to post an evacuation plan for each individual area. The following standards will indicate compliance with fire drill requirements: Preschool Occupancies Monthly Elementary Occupancies Monthly Puddle and Junior High Occupancies Bi -Monthly Senior High Schools Quarterly SECTION V: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Cade is hereby amended in the following manner 1 by the addition to Section 1.11 of paragraphs c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j as follows, to 14t:'_ +, c. The Fire Official, when in his opinion further investigation is necessary, shall take or'cause to be taken the sworn testimony of a]_1 persons cognizant of any facts related to the matter under investigation and shall- cause hallcause the same to be reduced to writing. d. If the Fire Official shall be of the opinion that there is ev- idence sufficent to charge any person with the crime of arson or with the at- tempt to commit the crime of arson, or of conspiracy to defraud, or criminal conduct in connection with any fire, he shall cause such person to be lawfully arrested and charged with such offense, or either of them, and shall furnish the proper prosecuting attorney all such evidence, together with names of wit- nesses and all of the information obtained by him, including a copy of all per- tinent and material testimony taken in the case. e. The Fire Official shall have the power to summon witnesses before him to testify in relation to any matter which is, by the provisions of this article, a subject of inquiry and investigation, and may require the production_ of any book, paper, or document deemed pertinent thereto. The Fire Official is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations to any persons appearing as witnesses before him. f. Any witness who refuses to produce any book, paper, or document touching any matter under examination, or who is guilty of any contemptous conduct during any of the proceeding of the Fire Official in the matter of such investigation or inquiry, after being summoned to give testimony in re- lation to any matter under investigation as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and it shall be the duty of the Fire Official to cause all such offenders to be prosecuted. Any person convicted under this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00). g. All investigations held by or under the direction of the Fire Official may, in his discretion, be private, and persons other than those re- quired to be present may be excluded from the place where such investigation is held and witnesses may be kept separate and apart from each other and not allowed to communicate with each other until they have been examined. h. The Fire Official shall have the authority at all times of day or night, when necessary, in the performance of the duties imposed upon him by the provisions of this ordinance, to enter upon and examine any building or premisis where any fire has occurred, and other buildings and premises ad- joining or near the same. i. All process shall be served by the Chief of Police or any other police officer, and the same shall be signed by the Fire Official in his official capacity. j. The Fire Official shall be active in the enforcement of all fire regulations of the City, and whereever under the Code or any Ordinance of the City is conferred on the Fire Official, or any other officer to perforin certain duties relating to the enforcement of fire regulations, such author- ity shall also be exercised by the Fire Official. a SECTION VI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition to the existing list of standards and publications of the following standards and publications, to wit: NFPA Standards: 41.-L Model Rocketry Code, 1968 edition 43-A Oxidizing Materials, 1973 edition 74 Household Fire Warning Equipment, 1975 edition 75 Electronic Computors/Data Processing Equipment, 1972 edition 88-A Parking Structures, 1973 edition 88-B Garages, 1976 edition 101-A Life Safety Code, 1973 edition 231 General Storage, Indoor, 1974 edition 231-D Storage of Tires, 1975 edition 96" Commercial Cooking Equipment & Venting, 1973 edition 501-A Installation of Mobile Homes, 1975 501-B Mobile Homes, 1974 edition 703 Fire Retardent Building Materials, 1961 edition Texas House Bill No. 1070 Licensing and Servicing of Portable and Fixed Fire Extinguisher Systems, as published by the State Board of Insurance of Texas Texas Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1, as published by the Railroad Commisbion of Texas Vernon's Texas Annoted Codes & Statutes Minimum Fire Safety Regulations for Child Care Facilities in Texas, as published by the Department of Public Welfabe Findings of the Society of Plastic Industry, Incorporated, as published by the Urethane Safety Group, May 1974. SECTION VII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of tte Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the additions of the following definitions to Chapter 5.02 as follows, to wit: FIRE DRILL, means a practice for the purpose of instructing e the occupants of a building to safely evacuate the structure during times of emergency. ROADWAY; fiiearip street,, alleys, fire lanes, or access ways. SECTION VIII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing Section 7.04 in its entirety, and by the addition of a new section 7.04 which shall read as follows, to idt: The burning of wrecked or discarded automobiles or any parts thereof, of junk or any waste materials shall be done only in approved incinerator en- closures for burning purposes approved by the Fire Official. Rooms for hand- ling waste materials shall be separated from storage rooms by not less than a one-hour occupancy separation constructed as specified in the Building Code. Such rooms shall be provided with approved exhaust syster4s to adequately remove dust and lint. SECTION IX: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a paragraph f to section 15.04, which shall read as follows, to wit: f. Door openings from rooms of fire resistive construction enclosing high hazardous and very high hazardous materials or processes shall swing in the direction of exit travel. SECTION X: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner -by -the deletion of the existing Section 15.13 and by the addition of a new Section 15.13 which shall read as follows, to wit: A manual fire alarm system in accordance with provisions of "Local Protective Signaling System", N.F.P.A. 72-A, shall be installed in all of the following buildings: Hotels having accommodations for more than fifteen (15) guests, apartments three (3) stories or more in height, dormitories, lodging, or rooming houses having more than fifteen (15) sleeping accomodations. Business buildings having a total occupancy of one hundred (100) or more persons or more than fifty (50) persons above or below the street level. ages. Schools Day Care Centers Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes, homes for the aged and orphan- Assembly having a capacity of seven hundred fifty (750) persons. Industrial occupancies of buildings over one (1) stories or more in height and having a total capacity of fifty (50) persons or more above or below the street floor level. Hazardous occupancies designated by the Fire Official. SECTION XI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 Edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing paragraphs a and b of Section 16.202 and by the addition of new paragraphs a and b which shall read as follows, to wit: a. The storage and sale of smokeless and black gun powder shall be prohibited in all districts. Smokeless powder or black powder not to exceed twenty (20) pounds and two thousand (2,000) small arms primers may be kept for handloading for personal use. b. The display and sale of black or smokeless powder shall be pro-, hibited. SECTION XII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 Edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing paragraphs a and b of Section 16.105 and by the addition of new paragraphs a and b which shall read as follows, to wit: a. The manufacture of explosives shall be prohibited in all districts. b. The storage of explosive and blasting agents shall be prohibited in all districts,,:except for the temporary storage for use in connection with approved blasting operations; provided, however, this prohibition shall not apply to wholesale and retail stocks of small arms ammunitions, explosive bolts, explosive rivets, or cartridges for explosive -actuated power tools in quantities involving less than five hundred (500) pounds of explosive material. SECTION XIII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinances the 1 976 edition of the -Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing Chapter 17 in its entirety and by the addition of a new Chapter 17 which shall read as follows, to wit: CHAPTER 17 F1RDIORKS 17.01 Definitions - The term "Fireworks" as used in this Ordinance shall mean and include any combustionable or explosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances, or device prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect or pyrotechnic display by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, and shall include, but not be limited to the following: blank cartridges, toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, or toy guns in which explosives are used, fire crackers, torpedoes, sky -rockets., Roman candles, Daygo bombs, sparklers, cannon crackers, squibs, fire balloons, star shells, gerbs, or any other device by whatever name, of like construction, and any devices containing any explosive or flammable compound, or any tablet or other device containing an explosive substance whether herein specifically designated and defined or not. The term "fireworks" shall not include any auto flares, paper caps containing not in excess of an average of .25 of a gram of explosive content per cap, or toy pistols, toy guns, toy canes or other devices using such caps. The term "person" shall mean and include any natural person, association of persons, partnerships, corporations, agent or officer of corporation and shall also include all warehousemen, common and private carriers, bailees, trustees, receivers, retail clerks, executors, and administrators. 17.02 FIM-IORKS PROHIBITED,- Except as provided hereinafter, it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, assemble, store, transport, receive, possess, keep, expose,for sell, sell at retail, offer or have in his possession with intent to sell, use, discharge, cause to be discharged, ignite, detonate, fire, or othertsi.se set in action any firetiorks of any description; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall be construed as to a pply to signal flares, and torpedoes of the type and kind commonly used by any railroad or other transportation agency for the purpose of signaling or purposes of illumination, nor shall anything in this Section apply to signal flares or rockets as used by military or public service agencies, or for signal or ceremonial purposes in ath- letics or sports. .7 17.03 PUBLIC DISPLAYS, REQUIRING PERXITS, REQUIRING B014D - The Fire Official shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by a jurisdiction, fair association, amusement park, other organizations, or for the use of fire- works by artisans in pursuit of their trade. Every such display shall be handled by a competant operator approved b y the Fire Official, and shall be of such character and so located, discharged, or fired so as not to be hazardous to property or endanger any person. Applications for such permits shall be made in writing at least ten (10) days in advance of the date of the display to the Fire Official and the State Fire Marshal's Office and shall., -.contain arl�.;a�proVed bond in an amount adequate to protect the permittee against claims arising from damage to person or property as a result of the display. After such privilege shall be granted, sale, possession, use and distribution of fireworks for such display shall be lawful for that purpose only. No permit granted hereunder shall be transferable. Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately removed from the city's jurisdiction, or shall be disposed of in a way safe for the particular type of fireworks remaining. 17.O4 FIREWORKS DECLARED A PUBLIC NUISANCE - The presence of any fireworks within the jurisdiction of the City of Allen, in violation of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a common and public nuisance. The Fire Official is directed and required to seize and cause to be safely destroyed any fireworks found within the jurisdiction in violation of this Ordinance and any member of the Fire Department of the City of Allen, or any Police Officer of the City of Allen, or any other duly constituted peace officer is empowered to stop the trans- portation of and detain any fireworks found being transported illegally or to close any building where fireworks are found stored illegally until the Fire Of- ficial can be notified in order that the said fireworks amy be seized and de- stroyed in accordance with the terms of -this -Section. 17.05 AUTHORIZING SUITS FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF - Not withstanding any penal provision of this Ordinance, the City Attorney is authorized to file suit on behalf of the City of Allen, or the Fire Official, or both for injunctive relief as may be necessary to prevent unlawful storage, transportation, retail selling, keeping or use of fireworks within the jurisdiction of the City and to aid the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties and to particularly prevent any person from interfering with the seizure and destruction of such fireworks, but it shall not be necessary to obtain any such injunction as a prerequisit to such seizure and destruction. The Fire Official or any member of the Fire Department of the City of Allen, or any member of the Police Department of the City of Allen is hereby authorized to enter any building where unlawful pres- ence of fireworks is suspected in order to inspect the same for the presence of such fireworks. 17.06 TERRITCRIAL APPLICABILITY - This article shall be applicable and in force throughout the incorporated territory of the City of Allen within its corporate limits, and within the area immediately adjacent and contiguous to the City limits of the City of Allen and extending for a distance outside the City Limits for a distance as established by the laws of the State of Texas, provided that this article shall not apply within any portion of this extrater- ritorial jurisdiction which is contained within the territory of any other municipal corporation. SECTION XIV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner'r�by the addition to Section 18.106 of paragraphs e, f, g, h, i, and j, which shall read as follows, to wit: e. Access by streets or by fire lanes shall be provided to buildings on one or more sides as desiginated by the fire official. f. Any said fire lane and access easement more than one hundred (100) feet in length shall either connect at both ends to a dedicated street or be provided with a turn around having a minimum outside radius of fifty (50) feet. Hydrants shall not be located in the turning radius of fire lanes or cul-de-sacs. g. Fire land and access easements shall be provided to serve all buildings through parking areas, to service entrances to buildings, and any other areas deemed necessary to be available to fire and emergency vehicles garbage and trash collection services, and other service agencies, both public and private. h. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to install and maintain signs and if necessary, pavement markings to properly notify the public of the location of fire lanes on his property. When required by the Fire Official, such signs and markings will comply to the following standards: 1. Signs, signs "No Parking, Fire Lane" to be twelve (12) inches wide and eighteen (18) inches high. Signs shall be painted on a white background with letters and border in red. Signs shall be permanently affixed to a permanent stationary type post and the bottom of the signs shall be six (6) feet, six (6) inches above the finished grade. Signs shall be spaced not more than one hundred (100) feet apart. 2. Pavement Markings, pavement markings shall be marked by painted lines of red traffic paint, six (6) inches wide, to show the exact boundary of fire lanes. 3. Curbs, Curb markings for designating the fire lane boundaries shall be marked by painted four (4) inch lettering in,wht traffic paint on a contrasting red' ,-background., six (6) inches wide stating "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" on twenty- five (25) foot alternating intervals on each side of the fire lane. i. All fire lanes shall be maintained and kept in a state of good repair and the City of Allen, Texas shall never be responsible for the maintenance thereof. j. Parking or otherwise blocking a fire lane is prohibited and persons violating this ordinance may be fined up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) plus tow -away and storage charges. SECTION XV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of anew Section which shall be Section -_18.107 and which shall read as follows, to wit: 18.107 Access Within Building by Fire Personnel All doors leading from protected or enclosed stairways to the various floors in multi -story buildings shall have each floor level marked on the doors by three (3) inch letters at eye level. Doors from exit enclosures onto the various floors in high rise buildings shall remain unlocked or be provided with a remote un- locking device from a central control station as outlined inthe Building Code. SECTION XVI: That ffom and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a new Section which shall be Section 18.108 and which shall read as follows, to wit: 18.108 Address,to be Posted Every building and/or occupancy of a building shall be identified by address as assigned by the City of Allen. Address shall be posted with number and/or letters three (3) or more inches in height. Official addresses are to be posted and maintained in both front and rear of each building. 00�1SECTION XVII: That.from and after the effective date of this Ordinance., the 1976 edition of the Standard Fii!e•Code' is -,hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing Section 18.2011:_paragraph_c�:in,its:entirety and by 'th6 additi.on�--of.:a-•nsw>.Sectiorn 18.201 paragraph c which shall read as fol- lows, to wit: c. All premises, where buildings or portions of buildings other than dwellings are located more than one hundred fifty (150) feet from a public street, shall be provided with approved fire hydrants connected to a water system capable of supplying the fire flow required by the Fire Official. The responsiblity for the proper installation of such hydrants and mains shall rest with the property owner and/or developer. In all areas except single family dwelling areas, the location and number of such hydrants shall be designated by the Fire Official so as to have a hydrant available on three hundred (300) feet spacing on fire lanes or streets. The spacing of hydrants along streets in dwelling areas shall be at five hundred (500) foot intervals. SECTION XVIII: That from and after the effective date -of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition to Section 18.206 of paragraphs d and a which shall read as follows, to wit: d. High rise building shall be equipped with an alarm system and com- partmentation as required by the Building Code. Such alarms shall report to the Fire Department heat, smoke, or water flow alarms in addition to a manually pul- led station on each floor at each exit. Annunciators for the fire alarm system shall be located on grade level so as to provide immediate access to fire per- sonnel at the lobby area or as approved by the Fire. Official. e. All buildings housing fifty (50) or more occupants above or below the street level floor shall be equipped with an approved fire alarm system; a fire evacuation plan shall be posted on each floor of the building with a copy on file in the Buildings Official's Office and the Fire Prevention Bureau. SECTION XIX: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a new Section 18.214 which shall be entitled Industrial Fire Brigades and which shall read as follows, to wit: Businesses designated by the Fire Official shall be required to have an adequately trained and manned fire brigade. The general operational pro- ceedure shall comply with Appendix A. SECTIGN XX: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976'editi6n of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing paragraph a of Section 20.201 in its entirety and by the addition of a new paragraph a of Section 20.201 which shall read as follows, to wit: a. The storage of flammable and combustible liquids in above ground tanks is prohibited in all districts except those zoned industrial; all such storage tanks shall be approved by the Fire Official prior to instal- lation or use. Bulk plants are prohibited in all districts. SECTION XXI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended as follows by the addition of a new Section 20.711 which shall read as follows, to wit: Fueling of motor vehicles from one vehicle to another is prohibited, except for emergency fueling from five (5) gallon containers. This shall not prohibit the fueling of construction machinery at job site locations or approved fueling of aircraft at an airport. SECTION XXII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended as follows by the addition to Section 24.04 of a paragraph d which shall read as follows, to wit: d. Quantities less than five hundred (500) pounds of oxidizing mater- ials shall be separated by a minimum of at least a one (1) hour fire resistive construction from exits, dwellings, and dwelling units. SECTION XXIII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended as follcyws by the addition to Section 24.08 of a paragraph e which shall read as follows, to wit: c. Every location in which there is stored a Poisonous Gas shall be provided with an approved gas mask which shall be suitable for the type of gas stored. The mask shall be within a reac,onable distance of the storage location, but shall not be closer than twenty (20) feet in any instance. The storage location of all gas masks shall be clearly and adequately marked. SECTION XXIV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing Section 24.09 in its entirety, and by the addition of -a new Section 24.09 which shall read as follows, to wit: a. Acids or corrosive liquids in quantities greater than one (1) carboy or barrel shall be separated as required by the Building Code by one (1) hour construction for sulphuric, nitric, or hydroflouric acids or other acids of like hazardous characteristics. Rooms designed to store corrosive - liquids shall have concrete floors designed tock-ain to a sump capable of con- taining a spill from two(2) carboys of acid. The room shall be designed to provide a sill (liquid tight) or ramp four (4) inches high of brick or con- crete around the enclosing walls and at the door opening, the room shall be labeled by a sign reading, "Acid Storage" in letters not less than three (3) inches in height, the acid storage room shall be vented to the outside air by natural or mechanical ventilation capable of a complete air change every five (5) minutes and the door shall be provided with a self-closing device. b. Acid storage outside of the buildings in a lot or yard shall be enclosed by a tight and secure fence of wire mesh, six (6) feet high and post- ed with signs of three (3) inch letters reading, "Acid Storage". Outside storage shall be allowed only when approved by the Zoning Ordinances and Building Official. c. There will be provided a deluge type saftpv wash within 25' of all acid storage locations described in paragraphs a and b above. SECTION XXV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition to Section 25.02 of a new paragraph c which shall read as follows, to wit: c. Bulk storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gases is hereby prohibited in all districts. SECTION XXVI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing paragraph a of Section 25.02 in its entirety, and by the addition of a new paragraph a of Section 25.02 which shall read as follows, to crit: a. No person shall install or maintain any liquefied petroleum gas container, or operate any tank vehicle which is used for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas without a permit. Where a single container or ag- gregate of interconnected containers is over twenty-five (25) gallons water capacity, the installer shall submit plans to the Fire Official. A permit shall not be required for the installation or maintenance of portable containers of less than forty-five (45) pounds of liquefied petroleum gas capacity. SECTION XXVII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing paragrpah d of Section 25.04 in its entirety, by the deletion of the "NOTE" under the existing Table No. 25-A, and by the addition of a new paragraph d of Section 25.04 which shall read as follows, to wit: d. Containers shall be located with respect to building or line of adjoining property which may be built, upon in accordance with Table 4-2, "Distance Between Point of Transfer and Exposures", Section 42, "Transfer Location and Procedures, NFPA standard 58, 1972 edition. SECTION XXVIII: That fr an and after the effective date ofthis Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended inthe following manner by the addition of a new Section 30.300 which shall read as follows, to wit: 30.300 Day Care Centers All Day Care Centers operating within this jurisdiction shall comply with the following minimum standards: a. Shall.comply with the Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Codes except as ammended in this Section. b. Shall have a minimum of two exits per floor and/or building unit. The standards of NFPA 101-A shall be fzllowed in the placement of exits. C. Shall have an adequate number of Smoke Detectors installed as directed by the Fire Official. These installations are to comply with the Nat- ional Electrical Code as applicable. d. Shall have all gas appliances connected with approved connectors vented and enclosed as required by City Codes. e. Shall have all plumbing inspected and pressure tested annually by a licensed and bonded plumber and shall maintain on public display a signed certificate certifying the results of this test. f. Shall provide a minimum of one (1) approved fire extinguisher per building and/or floor as directed by the Fire Official. In addition to this re- quirement, there will be an additional 2 A pound dry powder type extinguisher located in the kitchen area. g. Shall have an approved pressure relief valve installed on all hot water heaters. h. Shall have posted in each individual area, an evacuation map indicat- ing two (2) alternate means of exit and shall practice fire drills at a minimum of one per month. i. Shall have installed a manual type fire alarm system, bell, buzzer or gong which shall be audible to all areas'of the occupancy. The signals for different types of emergencies shall conform to those used by the Allen Independent School District and appear in Appendix D of this Code. j. Shall posted as L"NG Si,11OKING by Order of FIRE MARSHALL" in all areas except for staff smoking areas approved by the Fire Official. SECTION XXIX: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following man- ner by the deletion of paragraph a of Section 32.201 in its entirety, and',by the addition of a new paragraph a of Section 32.201 which shall read as follows, to wit: a. Roofs, courts, yards, vacant lots, and open spaces shall be kept free and clear of deposits or accumulations of waste paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible waste or rubbish of any kind. Combustible waste or rubbish of any kind found on public streets, alleys, or other right-of-ways, or on the property of another, shall be removed by the person or persons responsible for placing the waste or rubbish in an unauthorized place. All weeds, grass, vines, or other growth, when same endangers property, or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. SECTION XXX: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following man- ner by the addition of a paragraph b to Section 32.204 which shall read as follows, to wit: b. Flameproofed decorations shall be required on any marguees, roofs, or exterior walls. Electrical wiring for signs or displays shall comply to the Electrical Code and Sign Ordinance. SECTION XXXI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of the existing Section 32.207 in its entirety and by the addition of a new Section 32.207 which shall read as follows, to fait: a. A torch or flame producing device for removing paint is prohibited. b. Any person using a torch or other flame -producing device for sweat- ing pipe joints in any building structure shall have available in the immediate vicinity where the sweating is done one approved fire extinguisher or water hose connected to a water supply. Combustible material in the close proximatity of flame shall be protected against ignition by shielding, wetting, or other ap- proved means. In all cases, a fire watcher shall remain in the vicinity of the sweating operation for one-half (2) hour after the torch or flame proofing device has been used. c. Any retail occupancy offering for public sale portable torches, propane or butane bottles, or other such pressurized flammable liquids shall not display more than twelve (12) such containers in areas accessible to the public: Such containers shall be stacked only one (1) container high and shall be stored only on shelves of substantial construction. Storage of such containers in non-public areas shall be limited to twelve (12) such containers which shall be stored so as to reduce the possiblity of accidental droppage. Pressurized flammable liquid containers shall not be stored within: twenty (20) feet of any heat or flame producing device. SECTION XXXII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard_ Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a new Section 32.210 which shall read as follows, to wit: . 32.210 Foamed Plastic Materials a. Insulating materials of rigid or flexible urethane foam sheets and/or insulation foam formed on the job site and poured or sprayed in place shall be prohibited except as approved by the Building Code. b. Storage of foamed urethane foam materials and stock to form foamed insulation materials by spray or pouring shall be considered a high hazardous occupancy and shall be sprinklered. Storage of foamed urethane products shall not be more than eight (8) feet high and no smoking, open flame, or heat producing appliance, or spark producing equipment shall be permitted in area or warehouse where storage is provided, or where foamed material is processed or manufactured. c. Fire Safety Guidelines for Use of Rigid Urethan Foam Insulation in Building Construction (May 1974) as published by Urethan Safety Group, of the Society of the Plastic Industry shall be used to govern foamed insulation ap- plication. SECTION XXXIII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of DIVISION III of Section 32 in its entirety, and by the addition of a new Division III of Section 32 which shall read as follows, to wit: DIVISION III Reporting of Fires; False Alarms; Arson Reward; Impersonating, Intimidating, or Interfering with a Fireman; Following Emergency Vehicles; Parking near FMergency Vehicles 32.301 Reporting of Fires a. In the event a fire occurs on any prop -arty, the owner or oc- cupant shall immediately report such fire to the Fire Department. b. A fire shall mean any fire not used for cooking, heating, or recreational purposes, or one not incidental to the normal operations of the property. 32.302 False Alarms a. For the purpose of this Section, a fire alarm shall be deemed and construed as being any act as follows: Thi giving, signaling, or trans- mission to any public fire station, or company or to any officer or employee thereof, whether by telephone, spoken word, or otherwise, information to the effect that there is a fire, or any device which could cause fire or explosion, at or near the place indicated by the.person giving, signaling, or transmitting such information. b. It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with or maliciously injure any fire alarm equipment maintained for the purpose of transmitting fire alarms. c. It shall be unlawful for any person to give, signal,,-or:transmit or for any person to cause or permit to be given, signaled, or transmitted, in any manner any false alarm. d. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the sounding of any such signal es::ential for the carrying on of any fire drill. 32.303 Arson Reward, to be Posted a. 1he City hereby offers a reward of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)for the information given to any Law Enforcement Officer whcih leads to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found guilty of committing the crime of arson within the corporate limits of the city. This reward is a standing offer and shall be paid out of the general fund of the city. b. Placards, eight (8) inches by twelve (12) inches in size showing the above reward is offered shall be placed in frames under glass inside of at least six (6) different public buildings within the City. 32-304 Inpersonating, Intimidating, or Interfereing with Firemen a. No person shall falsely represent himself to be a member of the Fire Department of the City of Allen without being duly authorized by the City, nor exercise or attempt to exercise any of the duties, functions, or powers of a member of the fire department; nor wear any badge or uniform similar to that worn by the firemen of the City of Allen. This is not to be construed as to prohibit anyone from extinguishing or attempting to extinguish a fire, or attempt to rescue, or render aid to an injured person, before the arrival of the fire de- partment, or upon the arrival of the fire department when requested to assist by the Officer in Charge. b. No Person shall threaten the person of, or the property of any firemen, nor shall any person use or speak any abusive, indecent, obscene or in- sulting language to any member of the fire department while in the discharge of his official duties. c. No person shall hinder, obstruct, resist or otherwise interfere with any member of the Tire Department of the City of Allen in the discharge of his official duties, nor attempt to prevent any such member from arresting any person, nor attempt to rescue fromsuch member any person in his custody. d. No person shall follow any Police Vehicle, ambulance, Fire Truck, Rescue Vehicle, Private Vehicle driven by any firemen while answering an alarm, or any other emergency vehicle clearly defined as being on an errand of Mercy, any closer than a distance of five hundred (500) feet. No person shall drive into, or park within the same block within which such emergency vehicle has stop- ped to render assistance. SECTION XXXIV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a fifth paragraph to Section 32.401 which shall read as follows, to wit: Furnaces and boilers shall be enclosed or separated as per the Build- ing and installed as per the Plumbing and Mechanical Codes. Boilers shall be inspected anirually by a qualified and authorized inspector and the current in- spection certificate or record posted on the premises. Boilers in operation shall be under the supervision of and checked daily at suitable intervals by a com- petent attendant. SECTION XXXv: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a new Section 32.408 which shall read as follows, to wit: 32.408 Wires VTjilch Interfere with Fire Department Work a. No wire or wires shall be installed, operated, or maintained over any street, alley, sidewalk, or building in this City wich shall be liable to seriously, interfere with the work of the Fire Department in the use of ladders or other apparatus, or which shall obstruct or render hazardous the use of fire escapes, and on complaint of the Fire Official, said obstructing,interfereing, or hazardous wires shall.be removed or properly rearranged. b. The Fire Official or any officer in charge shall have the power to at once cause the removal of all wires, or the turning off of all electrical current where the circuits interfere withthe work of the Fire Department during the process of a fire. SECTION XXXVI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is ammended by the addition of one or more Appendix which shall be added at the descretion-of the Fire Marshal in order to clarify, exemplify, or to illustrate the provisions of this Code. Such Appenddi es shall include, but shall not be limited to the following, tor.wit: Appendix A - Industrial Fire Brigades Appendix B - Illustration of No Parking Sign Appendix C - Organizational Plan for Bomb Threats, False Alarms Appendix D -.Example of Fire Department Permit Form.for a specfic Occupancy SECTION XXXVII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition ofthe Standard Fire Code is hereby amended as follows by the addition to the existing list of High Hazard Materials of Section 37.03 of the following items, to wit: Lumber Paneling, Wood Shingles, Wood SECTION XXXVIII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard, Fire Code is hereby amended as follows by by the addition to Section 18.206 of a new paragraph f which shall read as follows, to wit: f. All optional and required fire alarm systems which report to the fire department shall be interfaced with a modular type display located in the fire department dispatching headquarters. All such alarms 6o connected and installed shall be uniform in appearance and function and shall be indentified only by a number as assigned by the Fire Official. A log book of all active alarms shall be maintained in the dispatching office and the owner or operator of the alarm shall properly inform the Fire Prevention Bureau of all necessary emergency information, hazardous operations in progress, and any other information required by the Fire Official. SECTION XXXIX: AUTHORIZING SUITS FOR INJI)NCTIVE RELIEF — Not withstanding any penal provision of this article, the City Attorney is authorized to file suit on behalf of the City of Allen, or the Fire Official, or both for injunctive relief as fray be necessary to prevent the doing of any act prohibited by this Ordinance, and to aid the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties and to particularly prevent any person from interfering with the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties, but it shall not be necessary to obtain any such injunctive relief as a prerequisit to the enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION XXXX: PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION — Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and each individual operation or action in violation of this Ordinance shall be considered as a separate violation and upon conviction therefor shall be fined any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each separate violation, and every day that such violation or violations continue shall be construed to be a separate offense. SECTION XXXXI: REPEALING CLAUSE.:- All provisions of any Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed so far only as said Ordinance effects only that portion herein; but the repeal of such Ordinance shall not abate any pending pro- secution for violation of such Ordinance nor shall the same prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation,. -of such Ordinance, which violation occurred prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. SECTION XXXXII: SEVERABILITY CLAUSE - If any provision, section, subsection, sen- tence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or the application of same to any per- son or set of circumstances, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, void or invalid, or for any reason unenforceable, the validity of the remaining por- tions of this Ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of cir- cumstances cannot be affected thereby, it being the intent of the City Council of the City of Allen in adopting this Ordinance, that no portion thereof or pro- vision or regulation contained herein shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitutionality or invalidity of any other portion, provision, or re- gulation, and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are de&laced to be severable. SECTION XXXXIII: PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE - The caption of this Ordinance shall be published one (1) time in a weekly newspaper published in the City of Allen, and shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, on this day of 1977. MAYOR, City of Allen, Te s C RRECTLY RECOEDED: TY SECRETARY CORRECT AS TO FORM: ATTORNEY FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared BUDDY W. CAMPER, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing Azle, of which- the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on and which was issued on 4�t ,l % 7 7 , by of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of �� , A.D. 19_�_72. Z /,1 41 S- Notar3'ublic in and for Collin County, Texas Publisher's Fee $ Z — � . . . I I � I . I . . . I I . ... , . I I . . . I . Page 12 -ALLEN AMERICAN-Tuesda'yf September 6, 1977 1 . � t, . . . .. . ... ��.. . ­ . .. 1. I �, . ­ ,. I.. -1 .11, .. I . . I . �11. I . I 1, � I I - I . I I " - __ I . I ____ I � - . k I . I . I I I . 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"''"' , C I . I . ,. �. . I - I , . � manner by t e', eibtion of the existing'' 'to. be discharged, ignite, detonate, fire, . - 2. Pavement Markings, .pavement the effective date of,tilis Ordinance, the ?PS . ance with'fire drill -requirements:. I � . I I I . I . 1 . . I . I �Ty 0 ' F ALLEN,_TE A I ... , . 1. . , , - 0,,� '. 11 � 1, . 'Section � 7.014. � in'Its ,entirety,, and by the. ,"oroth i t in ,action any': fireworks markings shall be,marked',byr painted 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is I ORDINANCE NO.,222 � ' , . .. . . . . .. � , I , - erwise se . I . I . . , Ill . I � . , r '. ', � ., ,: .. � . ad#ion 'of a new: section - 7.04 which ,; ,,of " I description; iovided, however, ' line's of red traffic paint,, six hereby a ' nded as follows by the I . . . 1, i - .. shool Occupancies - Monthly. . . . - ,,iany � . , 11 c, e me . . .. . . I I . I . ; ­ � I . I p � .(6) in ' h s ), ,�, . I— I I . . I ­ , ' ,:1 , � I ' . I . I , , � Elementary qcupan, cic . 111 . I , id W 'of �AN-:ORDINANCE , AJD(?,j?,TANG I A � O !8�-,Moiiifil� ; I "'tha this Section shall be , ' 0 �A. .. ': ' ' i: n nd' fire addition to Section 24.04. of a paragraph shall read a's follows' �to Wi t , " othing in ,,wL e, to sho' the exact bdu ary , . 1. - 1 ' r I � I . . . I I . .1 . I . . 74'� . ". , , I , ", . . . 1 7 1 1 1 . gnal flares, s � r' . I . ''FIRE CODE FOR bit , CITY OF Middle and Junior High Occupancies - The burning of 'wrecked or discarded i�. 'construed as to apply to si' e ' d which shall .r'bad as follows , to Wit: , le� ,ALLEN, AMENDING SUCH CODE I (Bi-Monfilly) automobiles or any parts thereof, of junk and torpedoes of the type and kind 3. Curbs, Curb markings for desig- d. Quantities less than five hundred qji . I ?r i any waste materials shall be done only commonly used by any railroad or other nating the fire lane boundaries shall be (500) pounds of oxidizin 1� I '- I if, 13Y THE CHANGING OF SECTIONS Senior High Schools - Quarterly . . I I ,g materials shall -.41 i . , . . .1 .1.� A III IV, V, Vil VII7 VIII, IX, X, XII . � in approved, incincerator enclosures for transportation agency for the'Purpose of" markedby, painted four (4)'inch lettering be separated by a minimum of at least a I , . a I I y . in he ,rning purposes approve . n con rasting red one (1) hour fire resistive construction x1l, XIII, XIV, XV, XVII XVIII, SECTION V: That,fro' and after ,t bu . " d by the Fire signaling or purposes of illuminatio , in white traffic paint on a , t . .14f, . I . Official. Rooms for handling: waste , -nor shall anything in this Section apply_ . background; six (6) inches wide statig , from exits, dwellings . and dwelling I units. ') UP I . . I I - I . , , � . ,�,,,XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, � � e' ctive date of this Ordinance, the 1976 matekials`shal T '� . . Pt . . , C d is , , I b6.'separat6d frdid'sior to',signal flares or rockets .as,used by: :' ,.','No Parking - Fire Lane on twenty -,five - ..,y XXVI, XX*II, XXVIIII -0 . e Standard.'.Fire ,o el I. ., - , '' , � , � . . . . . - I I,) �XIV, XXV, I . I ,editi n of th' . 1. ..- 11 , � ha SECTION XXIII: That.from and after' , 'h 11 y. not, i6�s t n a on' Ill " " (25) foot Alternating intervals On'each . XXIX, XXXI XXXII XX . X -, . ereby Amended in the following manne e rooms b . ­. I e- , ,our military or public service agencies, or for' XII,., XX IM, ., , I . .1 . . '. . I . . . . I . i* t. . XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII by', the addition to S66tioii 1-11 � of occupancy . se ,ra ion . .constructed �.,,Aa signal or ceremonial purposes in ath- side of the fire lane. the effective date of this Ordinance, the I I � . ' I . ' I . . ar '� h i, an . I I "' . . I v''?XXVIII: PROVIDING'FOR INJUNC- P' agrapho c, d, e, f, gi , � d'i I its :- sPe;cified in t ' he Building' Co.de.-Such leties or sports. I ..� 1. All fire lanes shall be maintained and 1976 edition ofthe Standard Fire Code is ' . . . , jollows, to wit: ,'�, - I. .� ,. - rooms shall be ovided with approved,: , � kept in rep I ed as follows by tile ,0TIVE RELIEF; PROVIDING,FOR A, I 11'' � . . . I -, ' a state of good ' air and the hereby aniend ' haust systems to adequately remove , '17.03 PUBLIC DISPLAYS, RE- ,City of Allen, Texas shall never be addition to Section 24.08 of a paragraph ij�'PENALTY.FOR A VIOLATION OF c. The Fire Official,' When in'llis opinion , , ex, � I ' Ir .'', IDTHIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A further' investigati . on, is hdces'ssary,,� shall , dust and lint. ' 11 ,QUJRING PERMITS, REQUIRING responsiblefor the maintenance thereof. c which shall read as follows, to wit: I . . 11 I I . . . . I I I . I � I . . . �ff]REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING take or cause to be tukenihe,�sworn . � I., . . � I 'BOND - The Fire Official shall have I j. Parking or otherwise blocking a fire c. Every location in which there is . � . . . I . I . . I . . . ­ 6dA SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PRO- testimony of all persons cognizant of any . SECTION IX: That from and ''after the Power to adopt reasonable rules - .and prohibited and persons violating stored a Poisonous Ga.ssihallbe provided I . . I , I , I , ' effective date of, this Ordinance, � the 1976 - regulations, , -for, the granting, of pernitis this ordinance may be fined up to two with an approved gas mask -which shall '10VIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION facts related to the matter - under I . . , I _ . '1.0,010 THE CAPTION,HEREOF AND investigation a _. I ) edition of the, Standard ,Fi;�,d I hundred dollars ($200.00) plus tow -away be suitable for the type of gas Stored. , nd shall. cause the -same to .1 I - ode is' -Jbr*supervis�d public displays of fire- . . � . - ' � " " , I .. : ,,� - - , 1 ". .. -, I . ., _ . . , .1 ,wing manner works by, a J urisdictio and storage charges. . The mask shall be within a reasonable ,.. . I .�;,DJAN EFFECTIVE DATE. I be reduced to wrAting. - , � � I hereby amended in � the follo * n, fair association, ; . . . - '' A' �' '' ph f, to amusement aik, other org m'*zat' . d stance of the storage lo I -Y, () ,.,. 11� . , , d. If th' Fire Official%shall be of 'the by the addition ol, a paragra . 1. �p a ,ions, or . I I cation,' but I _, I . e . I 1. . " b�,",t"BE IT ORDAINED BY�THE CITY opinon 1hat', there I is evidence sufficient .Section 15,04, , Which-.. shall' read � as forthe' use,of'fiieworks by artisans in SECTION XV: That from and after the shall not be closer than.twenty (20) feet I . I , - ,, I ..� I.. � , �'. 11 ,­ - i I I .'�,,� COUNCIL OFTHE CITY. OF ALLI@N, " , . ith4he crime of ,.follows, to wit-, I - I . pursuit of. their trade. Every such ina. c 16 to charge any person w . � . I , effective date of this Ord" n e, the 1976 in any instance. The storage locat� n of � i �iaTEXAS:. ,, I .. I 1. � I.:, with the att I empt o,'', ; , tu. f. Door opein''ings' t edition of .the Standard Fire Code is all gas masks shall be 'clearly and arsoli or, . � I t commit, he, . , �,, I , from rooms.of,fire -, display shall be handled by a compe ent. , , , I aon,,, or V, consp* ,.,t n p rator approved by the Fire Official, adequately marked. , I ti",f) SECTION I: There is hereby. adopted crime of - ar f iracy ­ 0, , resistive edii6truetion e closing high o e I hereby amended in the following manner . � . ' , I I ' I. 1 . . .1 - "' hazardous and, vdry',high. hazardous and shall be of such character and so �, by the addition of a new Section which . . '' .b,,,,)by the, City of Allen for the,purpose of defraud, . or ,criminal , conduct in con. �,�,., . . . . I I . I , I '_ � Wrials or processes shall 'swing, in, the located, discharged, or fired so as not to 1 .107 and 'Which shall SECTIONXXIV: That from and after es . ,. . ire, le'shall� cause 'such' . I ,V) "tablishing rulesand regulations for the , noCti n With Any tr .ma ( . . shall be Section 18 . I I ­ I , 1101, - . I - . 'J" I . . 1. 1, . . ., � I , � . D bin, . 1. cti'n of exit travel. : protection and prevention of fires wit pe�son 'to be 'lawfully Arrested and dire o I . be hazardous to property ��or endanger read as follows, to wit: . the effective date of this.Ordinande, the I . IV,the City of Allen, 1hat certain fire code. char , , ­. I . .1 ­1�11; � I .. I a,ny person. Applications for such per- 18.1.07 Access Within Building by Fire 1976 edition of the Standard'Fire Code is . or either:of I .. I . . I . . , - . I I . . . , ged 'with such offense, , . . . , i4l" � SECTION X: That from and, alter' the, nuts sh 1l.be made in writing at least ten . hereby amended in the following manner . knownas The Standard Fire Co4e,'beirig them, and shall furnish ,, the . proper 1. I I I "I . I a ,Personnel. ' - , I 1. . I I � . ­ kgt fil, , . effective date of this Ordinance, the i06 , '' (10) days 1n advance of the, date of the ore particularly- the 1976,editioh, save ecuting attorney all such evide ' � �,, - All doors leading from protected or by the deletion of the ,existing Section . � I .. . cept'' such portions as' are heroin prod ' nee, edition of the Standard Fire ,'Code" is � display to, the Fire Official and the State I and ex -1, ' .together with names of wineses nd all I ... I I I -1 - . I enclosed stairways to the various floors 24.09 in its entirety, and by the addition I . , , I I . ended 1, .�'of the information obtained, by ,him. hereby -amended inthe following manner, `,Fire Marshal's Office and shall contain. - in multi -story buildings 'Shall have "each - of a new Section 24.09 which shall read .. after deleted, modified or am , of. 1; I y 1. � I I . - . T/14hich not less than three . (3) cop . ies have - includin' a copy of all Pertinent and by the deletion'of the Oxigtini� Section "an. approved bond in an amount, ade- floor level marked on the doors by three as follows, rto Wit: . 9 . . . -, el. , , I 1. .., I 1f,',)6e'n and are now filed in the office,of the material testimony taken in the case. . 15,13 and by the addition' .of,',:a new. - quote. ,to "''protect the permittee against (3) inch letters at eye level. Doors from a. Acids or corrosive �; liquids 'in I � I . . I . 1. . . 9.0 City, Of Allen, and the, same � dr hereby . hall. toad �':'as ..,cl 6 arising from damage to exit enclosures onto the various floors in quantities greater than one (1) carboy or . I .e. e. The Fire Official shall have the power Section 15.13 which,':;S . i . I aim I I person or I . � I . . ­ I I I .1 (;o, adopted and,ixicorporated as'ftffly iis�.'if to summon, witnesses, before him�'t.o follows, to wit: . ,,;' .� � �.� ` .1 .��, pr ' operty 66'a result of the display. After' high rise buildings shall remain unlocked barrel shall be separated as required by . ' . , 1 . - ' X ''. . � .. . i I n relation to anyinatter *hich'is, . I "'., ' :9 ,anted, �sale, or be'. Provided with a -remote unlocking the Building. Code by .,()Sot out i�l­ length herein, and froni4he test -f " A manual fire, alarm system in ,,',�'Such privile e shall be gr . . I one (1) ',hour i . . ... � 11 ' � . icle, a ' possession device from a central control station as construction ifor, sulphuric, nitric, or �'!� date on which, this, Ordinance shall take by tKe pr. accordance with-provi6ions.of "Local, " ,' use and distribution of' , . ovisions of this art . .11 I ;"" I I . I ' I I . I , ,r, , , effect, the, provisions. I herein, � . except ,as , , subject of inquiry and investigation, any Protective ,. Signaling ' I System,"' '."�. fireworks for such display shall be lawful outlined in the Building Code. hydroflou.ric acids'or other acids 'of like - I , , ' ' - , . " � '' . . I I . I . I . hallbe c' t '16 "' . N.F.P.A, 72-A I � sh if 'b ,.installed in all for that I pu r rp . Qpe only. No per'mit granted I . - . - .. hazardous characteristics. Rooms de - amended, li�rein, s , on ro g - may require the production of any book, lowin�,�u a :' 0 - �. . . ' ' ye, . I % I . 1. I . . . �14111"_;­:. - I I "I I 1, � of the fo - ildin ' ' nd I 1, - . . I.. paper,- ' ' , document d e�'emed Pertinent ., gs: .. heie,u er shall be transferable. Any , ., SECTION XVI: That from and after, signed to store corrosive liquids' shall , . ' . . ..or I . I i ' ' - I .. I e� I I 11 I ';�V` 'SECTION IL That from and after the thereto- 'The Fire Official is ,hereby Hotels , having I accommodations for fireworks that remain unfked after the the effective date of this Ordinance,''the have concrete floors designed, to drain to . I I I . I 1�q effoc'tive� date of this Ordinance, ,the . 1976 authoiiz'ed' and empowered' to administer more than fift6eii '(15) guests, ""'Apart- � display is concluded shall,'.1be illimedi- � 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is a pump capable of containing a spill from .. I . . , . . ' . ' ' ''I � " edition, of the Standard Fire Co . de, is I ., . I me , nfS. three M'Storiq , s , or more I in height, ,'ately removed from *the city's juris"-". hereby amended in the following ma I nner two (2) carbbys'of acid.'The room, shall � oaths and, affirmatioris',to' any persons . � I I .. � . '. . � .hereby amended in the following manner . I dormitories, lodging, or rooming houses diction, or shall be disposed of in a way by the addtion of a new Section which be designed to provide a sill (liquid tight) I . . . 1. . appearing as witnessesbefori) him. . I .1 ,,, 11 I ­ 11 . I irticu ar ty'p eworks I � . � ' the deletion of the existin'g'Sec' . I 07 b y iion I f.Any witness who refuses to produce hAymg more than'fifteen (15) sleeping 'safe for th� P"E" " I ` e'of fir , shall be Section 18.108 and which shall or ram *four'(4) -inches high of brick or . . � . . . . . �, . WP -1 : - ing ', , accommodationS-.. , remaining. . read as follows, to wit: concrete around the enclosing walls and I * 04 in its entirety and by the'add4ion of any book,, paper,, or document touchi � I - ' I I . ''. . I I I - a new, Section 1.04 which -shall read as any matter under examination, or who is - Business, buildings having a total . � ''.1 18.108 Addri�ss to be -Posted at the door opening, the room� sh�all be I I . I . . . I , follows, t6,wi,t:. .. . .1. 1. � .1.1 . I occu - ancy.6f oiie'hundred (1001) or.more 17,.04 FIREWORKS DECLARED A' Every building and/or, occupan. belled by. , a sign read' g, "Acid . . guilty of .: Any contemptous conduct. . p . .- . . I I I I . . . in , , . . . I . 11. I . . I . .1 . . . I_. I . . I . ' ' - building shall be identified �y,a io=6" in 14ters not less thaii three JU) I ., I during, any of the I prcc'eW'M*9 of the Fire persons or moi;e than fifty (50), persons ,PUBLIC NUISANCE -� The presence of. I . I doress,as .,, . . - . � � � . - I I CHAPTERI. . 04 RESPONSIBIL' . I . I I above,pr below the street level. � I any fireworks within the ju�risdictlon of assigned by � the City of Allen. Ad . dress inches in height, the acid storagel'room I .�j`TY Official 'in the matter of, such investi- ., .1 . I 1. I . " . I eiA6r '� the . ­ _ . 1, Schools q , . I ,.�, I " I r e a � ,,-;�,,.The Fire Official shall ­ . gation or Inquiry,, After being summoned . . � 11 I . , � ille,tity of Allen, in violation Of m this shall be posted with numbe and/or shall be vented to th outside :ir by . I . I I - . � - I . . I . ' . . provision's of this Code and all Sta'te laws ' I � to give testimony in ,relation to any . ,D4y.Care Centers, - � I I �.' , 1�,,ordinance is hereby declared to be a letter three (3) or more inches'in height. natural or mechanical ventilation'. cap- ' " I I I .. I I I � , . - I � - Hospitals, sanitariums,- nursing h mes, 'cominon and 'ublic nuisance. The Fire Official addresses are to be posted and able of a complete air change every five under his jurisdiction pertai :-g to� the , matter under investigation as aforesaid, ' .''. I O P I ' . . , . I . tin . . I .. rp ana'gqs, 1, . Official. is directed and,required to seize maintained in both front and rear of each (5) minutes and the door shall be ,prevention, suppression or guish. ,, . Shp be deemed guilty I of a misde- homes for the aged, and,o' h I I I I ' ' , I I . I . .. , , I . ,ing of fires. The Fire Official. shallhavb I mean Assembly ha�mg w. capacit' of ,6even rand"cause to be safely destroyed any building. , . provided with a self- closing 'device'. , o , or, and it shall be the. duty of the . . I I y I - ", . I t I . . . ,� ' .1 e officer,' ' in ' 'ial to cause an su' . hufidredfifty (760). ,persons. . fireworks found within the jurisdiction in b. Acid storage outside of the buildings ; . I . , Fire Offic , I ch offenders 0 ' performing his duties - Forthe purpose 9 �, to, I . Indiistilafocc4ancles of buildings over violation of this Ordinance and any in a lot or yard shall be enclosed by a. I f ' be pro'socuted. Any person convicted .1 I �, '�71 - I. I I SECTION XVII: That from and after ,- . . ' the effective date'of this Ordinance, the d ire ' this Code, the .Fire Official, shall be'the ' one, (1) stories or,,.�more, in height and member of the Fire Department of the, tight an secure fence of w ' mesh, six I . 11 I I., under this section shall be fined not more . ­ I . I I I ' ,. I Fir en ion � I . y'. of Allen, or any Police Officer of the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is ,(6) feet high and posted w, 9 director of the e Prev iti Bureau than two hundred dollars ($200,06)., having ;a to ' t4l capacity of, fifty (50) , Cit ' ith si'ns of I (Fire Marshal), or -any duly Appointed g. All investigations held,by or under persons- ,or ..'more above or below 'the City of Allen, or any,, other duly., , hereby amended in the following manner three (3) inch letters reading, "Acid . I . .1 I , assistant director,,'(Assistant Fire Mar- the direction of the Fire'Official may, in , street floor., level. . . . . I ; I : constituted peace officer is empowered to by the deletion of the existing Section Storage". Outside storage shall be shal). The Chief of the' Allen Fire his, discretion, be priva�e,, and'persons Hazardous''becupancies designated by " stop the transportation of and detain 18.201, paragraph c in its entirety and allowed only when approved bly" the . . I - . I , � ' Department and . his,,,.duly A . . I . � � I I.. � an 'fireworks found beinj transported ,by the addition of a new Section 18.201 . ,ppoini6d, ' t ci I Zoning Ordinances and Building�,Offi- . ; .� , I . other than those requir6d to be present � ,:,' � I . 1. I I Y, ' I .. I I , 1. assistant shall have Jull, authority to. may.� be excluded from'' the r, �Plamwhere I . .1 . '':',r . .,.,illegally or to,close any building where paragraph c which Shall, read as follows, ciaI. � � � I I, � I , � . . . I . � � �. enforce the provis s of this,666,'64d, - ' ' estigation l6,h6l`,' ' e ,',, fireworks are found stored illegally until to wit: c. There will be provided a deluge type I . - � I , ; � I . .ion . . ­ .",. - such mv d -a'nd witnesses SECTION, X4 That from.'and dfter' th , . Alle Fire Offi I shall function as the Fire" Official,dufl-lig , may''be' k ' from effective -date of this Ordinance, the 1976 ' ' ' I ' cial can be notifed in order c. All premises, where buildings or I . safety wash within 26 feet, of all acid .. . ept, separate and apart .1 1. . .1 .. I I , ". rector I I a I "' '' . rtions of buil er . .storage locations described in �� para- - . I I . . tiines,, of his absence. � The di . ." ihall 1 I e ch. other and not allowed to commum- Edition 6(the''�StandaidFir4 Code" is that the said fireworks may be seized pb dings oili than dwell . I , I . , . I . . /_ serv6'as Chief Arson Investigator.,',"-'. ' I cat6*ith each Other until they have been hereb � y amenid4in: the, following . in I an , per ,�and destroyed in accordance with the ings are located more than one hundred graph's a and b above. ,. I I , . . . - . I � I I I I �. . ; 1. I examine ', ,. !, .. ' � . ''. t " f this Section. � fifty (150) feet from a public street, shall " . � . I , 1�, I .. d '' '' - I .. . by the ��del4i6n'-of ,the, existing parw �­ , erms o , I I . . �. -.t.. ( .... I..- . , ": �. I ,� I . I I I I i h ­' ' ' SECTION XXV: That from and after , SECTION III: That froni irid,after the '��', h.', The "'Fir I huye' the i graphs �'a'and bO' Seciion: 16462 AnA 'by '', 1 be provided wit approved fire hydrants I � . � . . . I I ' _1 , , , r. � , & �.,,Qfficial shall I f �1 1. I 1. . ' _ . , h ". Ir. . � ,.'' I 11 fi' " ' ' b"` ,.17,.05 AUTHORIZING �SUITS FOR connected to a water system the .effective dat46 of this Ordinance, the . 11 ctive 4 iis Ordifiaiie ' I " I � of day, or, ddi "' "' ' � � . . I . , effe ., Ate Of 0.1 , ­ . e,'r. t e,1976 , aut brity At', all, "times . night,�­,� the a ition of,hew p,aragrap p wand - , capable of . . I . � .. 1, , , '' , " I , ,, . ' 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is , . . I . , , , d" as, folf6wg,J�, to ,Wit: " , , -he fire flow required by the I -.'edition- ofJho_-'_S. ,,, . re. �: 064 , 8 ,, " . when,hec6� s'4�'i` ' " - � � the ", performance of 'WhiCh"shallieA . �')�.JNJUNQTIVE RELIEF - Not with- .,Supplying 1. � . I , . I - t6pd4.rd,'.Vi' , i , " ' ' I I'��', "I., ��,�L" , 1, ,y;, in, .:, il --1 . I , '' �.. "..., ".1".b.ii . .� "' � -,, , , - " � - -, , " - , , - , - , '. � �,, 7, . , , rov . . ! ��q,ob ',amp4dod in ",'ing manner ' ' . , P s �. � �,,�,�� I is IT , , ere y amen e in e i 'b�ed'��,u'p'on'',�hiin,.,b'',the-,'.., '�'_`a,-,The�stdrage,iih s e,o sbi6k6l ` ' " I Fi e`C p J � ty �',fq , . ,,,�­ th6Jollo* ��.,',, , .,,,F � y . Anner , 1�7':,,_, ,,r , '4 :, , Popp ,, , , ' � I . ". , - : " , .'i , ­ � ". - , J,�_ 9th ., p - ision of th ,, -4 , I ­ - 1-1 � 1 �' b ' "' ` 1 a 4 " "' th"'fDnOw1ng� M �� h �ddties,��Jihp d,:,Ai "u, - win.g any, _enal.,p �ffieial�:�14 _Kq " ' �' 1. '. -'. .. . , ,,11-...-.1',_1;. I ,. I. , 111;10",� I . s, ', ­ _,�Z­,�­ , �... ­ �­i ,4,� ''"" "� I—— ... 11 I-— ­ .t�,_�., , - ' � b- th '.� &I �i I "I I—' . , .ii � 6 , r, hall bep"r" e- ityr: ttorlipy,,drs autfibr-' ' proper inst'gillulion of 'Such hydru' ,, -"Qii­ ­­_­ .11 ­­ T, � .1 , � _ ­_ ,eai ition,fg. e, ,, .b'� ,e , '�ti�n'�b',"6216f ajiew �! fie e 8 A"' , , '' , nts and, � � "� "" 8'- ,,r, the,,,, � �; _ , of �,,:t id� ex , ,k n isiol,is: of � this',� or"a", co,,ent4 '- "ahillblac-'k' '',''po"W"due'' 'S' ' ohibltw,4�� Ordinance;. th Y" - 'Idd'V:��J­ � ,,� .. I _ �qtp , gun , ''I I'll 1 ,. , I- . .,J 0. , #E# prC!y . . . 1, ., pcp,.,, I . � _ .: � �, i. �, � � .11 ,L . -N , ' , agraph ' ' h ch 9 all - . , �, 0 ' ' ' ,; '-,i, , , or -� in a&"districts I ` S � " k I' ­­ - po�vdee,",o I " ized to filr,) suit on behalf of 'the City of mains shall rest with thp,property owner, Par . cw i h'' reA&A4`f6116Ws, , � . ­', , - - � - ' '' - - i , 7 . . ,11,6 iil'its'e4tgety,'=d'by',,th'e,"'ad(lit�('?ii'- . Amino, !, ,my � liuildlilg'y' ' �' ' T, I I , ".. - . . I . . . �,, � , , '�' I 1- L r, I -,,.,.,r , � - upyn. ,: And � et . mo e ecw � I I � I . ; . w: ec . 1.11 I ,, ,, ' '"it: '" " '.' k .1 11 . 1. - ' '' " . . . �. �, ;. , ' - "t �to ex '' ed ' ' i ' "' (2q�� � , en an �, �, j, . '' � I '. W 1:�q .65 h" a , h Ji'e. 6' ''' ' ""' I ' .,, " black. powder �o I y . , ,f. 4 A ir 415 occurrect,' I ,e w ic :04 Ire# as sis:w ere any', coe bvqn ' ' All' , or the Fire Officiali or both,for d/or developer. In -an: areas except to ,, S' tion I . ,.., .. . 0 _ - .premises, a join- , poun s a ' , - . I e family dwelling areas, the loca ' i I I . 11. �, 1. I I premi 1, , . . L , " ' 1� ' " " , : I :� , �� - �. I a ., , , 1. Wo' hOUSan, 'L , � .;` inNnetive relief as may be necessary to singl tiOn , c. Bulk 86 age,of Liquified Petioleum 11 - '' " . . '.. " _ ' ' ; �� . Jollows"to wit � . , n6ther bulldiiigs and ' ' d" , d nd t ,i ­ d � (2 006f sino , . I . . . I , . . . . . - 1. I .'.. . , . . . ,.. , I 1� .: . I . . I ,.", I I I A� 'I, ,.,:,. ""' 'b 'kepf� J!6i'.,.,hAnd` ,:, prevent unlawful storage, transporta- and number,of such hydrants shall be Gases is her by probibited'in all dis- . � - I � . ing or near. the same.',,i I ' . I . I I arms pruners, may e. , . ., , , .1 Q .­ . , . I � '. I '' , � � 1� 1 1,05 ORGANIZATION,,AND FUNC- - , 'i. -.;.All process gliall be served by tha'. , lou, a g foi personal use �"e , - . 1: I t' ' ' tail selling, keeping or use of designated by the Fire0ificial so as to iricts.. I I 1, . .1 I I I % I . . . , i 11 I � in ­ .1 ,�� . I ' ion, re I . I . . � �., , ' ' . . , 11 . �b. The i ph . and ' sal( 0 , fire' orks within the jurisdiction of the have a hydrant available on three J I., � TIQNS Chief of Polike or a' hy, other Police. officer d S ay '... - 3" of �'black ", r _ .w 11 I I ' I . � I " . a." There is hereby established by the 'and the same s I I P eless v . owdd I r hall be L , I I , y SECTION XXVI: That from and after �. , , . hall'be's'ig'n',ed, by the Fire , sm'A' S, �0�6hibited. I Cit'' and to aid the Fire Official in the , ,hundred (300) feet Spacing on fire lanes I � I . . . . . I I . � , - .; � .. I - : I .. I I � I ,7 , r I e City Council of the City of Allen, a Fire , - ,,, Official in his I officiatcapac'Ity , .. �i, discharge of his Lduties and to particu- or streets. The spacing of hydrants along the effective date of this Ordinailb , the I I I ' I.. I I . .1 I I , I - 9 . � r I � Prevention Bureau which, shall, be inde-. _' ,..J. Th6 4 be active in the SECTION XIi- , ,T at fro"M" and after the' - larly prevent any person from interfering streets in dwelling areas shall be at five 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is . I I �. , I . FireOfficiul,sh I . � .. 11, I . I I I pendent of other city depArtm�nts.`The '. enforcement of all fite�iegulations,of the effective date of this'Ordin, nice,'�the 1976 - with the seizure and destruction of such hundred (500) foot intervals. hereby amended in the follo ing manner a . w .. � I � . I I ,r . ' .. 1 1 1 1 Fire Prevention Bureau 'shall be"under'., - City, ani'd whbieever,-und6r the Coold or Edi ion'of the StAndard.-Fire C6de is " fireworks, but it shall not be necessary by the'deletion of the existin par'graph I I.. , it I � I ,, , I I . . ' ,g a the direction of the Fire Marshal, who' . an- O' " to. obtain any such injunction as a SECTION XVIII: That froin and after a of Section 25.02 in its entirety and by . y rdinan'c''e of the'City is confe&ed on hereby amended in the following' manner,, ' . I I . � I I shall be appointed by and responsible, to .the Fire Official,, Or, any other officer to , by the deletion � of � the'.eiiskng'�`p';�r ai'-­" Pre,requisit to such seizure and destruc- the effective date of this Ordinance, the , the addition of a ilew paragraph a of . I . . . � I , I . the City Council of the City of Allen. the . -form ce'ktain'dutios'relating, to the graphs a and b 0i"Siectioil, �xid b, y tion. The Fire Official or any member of 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is Sect�on 25.02 which shall read as follows , - _ 1, 16.106,.a .1 I I p6i , , Fire Marshal shall'be properly qualified enforcement of fire regulations, such the addition of new paragraphs. a and b the Fire Department of the City of Allen, hereby amended in the following manner to wit: . . I for the duties of his office, and shall be kLuthority shall also be exercised by the which shall read " follows, to wit- I or any member of the -Police Department by the addition to Section 18.206 of a. No person shall install or maintain removed only by cause. 'The Fire Fire Official. a. The manufacture of explosives shall , of the City of Allen is hereby authorized paragraphs d and e which, shall read as any liquefied petroleum gas container, or . . I I t - Marshal shall receive an annual sulary-as . I . be prohibited in all. districts 1. ' , 1. I to � enter. any � buiding where, . unla *ful follows, to wit: I I operate any tank vehicle which is used I I . . I � ; I of fire, w'or . for the transporation of liquefied �,petro- established by the 'city council, payable SECTION VI: That from and after the b. The storage of explosive and blasting I ks is 'suspected in d.' High rise buildings shall be equipped . in monthly insta"ents, as f . ull,'compen- effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 agents.shall be prollibiteddil all districts, order to inspect the same for the with an alarm system, and compart- leum gas without a permit. Where a ' sation for his services.' I edition of the Standard Fire Code is except for the temporary storage for use' presence of such fireworks. ' mentation as required by the Building single container or aggregate of, inter- , , r b. The Fire Marshal Aalltake the oath hereby amended,in the following manner , in, ,connection with approved blasting , I I .. �, I I I ­ . ..Code. .Such alarms shill re ort to the connected containers is over twenty-five ­1� ­ '. I I . . I . �11 ..., . p .. I : , . of office prescrib6&by the.-lbonstitution by the addition to the existing list of operations; provided, however, this pro, .17.06 TERRITORIAL APPLICABIL- Fire Department heat, smoke, or water (25) gallons water capacity, the installer � I ofthe State of Texas. . �The Fire Marshal Standards and publications of the follow- hibition shall not apply to wholesale and ITY - This article shall be applicable and , flow alarms in � addition to a manually shall submit plans to the Fire Official. A , . I i ' . . . I I . I ' . . . I- ` - f � r e,Ahr6ughout ,the inco' oraied",'. ch floor at each "exit. PP shall be'covered by t4�'fidelity bond ing' standards"and' Publications, to wit: retail stocks of Small arms ammu m0tio''p"p �: . in orc .,, , - ' rp I pulled station on ea' . _ I nnit,shall not be required for tile - ' ' carried by the, City, conditioned for the I explosive boltsi explosve rivets, . or territory 'of the -City of Allen within its Annunc'iators'for the fire alarm system installation or maintenance of portable ' �� faithful and strict performance .of the NFPA STANDARDS: . I cartridges for explosive -actuated power' corporate city limits, and within the area shall be located on grade level so as to containers of less than forty-five (45) 11� ' duties,of his office'. I I 41-L Model Rocketry' Code, 1968 tools, in quantities, involving less'- thah. , - inunediately adjacent and contiguous to - provide. immedate access Ao fire per-. pounds of liquefied petroleum gascapac- . c. The ' Fire Marshal shall not be edition I five hundred (500) pounds of explosve . the City limits of the City of Allen and sonnel at the lobby area or as approved ity. r ,. ". . I ,,- 1, interested, either directly or indirectly, 43-A Oxidizing Materials, 1973 edition material. 11 extending for a distance Outside the City by the Fixe Official. SECTION XXVII: That from and after 5 in the sale of any fireapparatus or fire 74 Household Fire Warning Equip- , . Limits for a distance as established by e. All buildings housing fifty (50) or � extinguisher of any kind, nor shall he be ment,, 1975 edition . SECTION XIII:That from and after the laws of the State of Texas, provided more occupants above or below the the effective date of this Ordinance, the ' ' " ' I I eng4ged in any ,character or kind of 75 Electronic Computors/Data Proces- , the effective date' of this Ordinance, the that: this, article shall not ' apply within -­ street level floor shall be equipped with i976 editionof the Standard Fire Code is . r . I . . I 1. , , insurance business. I sing Equipment, 1972 edition 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is any portion of this extraterritorial I an approved. fire alarm system; a fire hereby amended in the following manner I d. The function ofthis office shall be to 88-A Parking Structures, 1973 edition hereby amended in the following manner jurisdiction which is contained within evacuation plan shall be posted on each by the deletion of the existing paragraph . inspect all buildings and premises as . 88-B Garages, 1976 edition by the del' ion of the existing Ch et ,,apter the territory of any other municipal floor of the building with a copy on file in d of Section 25.04 in its entirety, by the often as may be necessary for the: 101-A Life Safety Code, 1973 edition 17 in its entirety and by the addition of a corporation. , . the Buildings Official's Office and the deletion of the "NOTE". under the . � I purpose of ascertaining and causing to 231 General Storage, Indoor, 1974 new Chapter 17 which shall red"d as Fire Prevention Bureau. existing Table No. 25-A, and , by the f be corrected any conditions which could edition follows$ to wit: . SECTION XIV: That from and after . addition of a new paragraph d of Section I cause fire, endanger life from I fire, or any ' , 231-D Storage of Tires, 1975 edition I the effective date of this Ordinance, the , SECTION XIX: That from and'after 26.04 which shall read as follows, to wit: ' - I . I J violations of the provisions of this and 96 Commercial Cooking Equipment & CHAPTER 17 FIREWORKS � 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is, - the effective,da'to of this Ordinance, the d. Containers shall be located with . I 1, �. other laws affecting life and fire safety. Venting, 1973 edition 17.01 DEFINITIONS - Th6 term' hereby amended in the following man . ner . 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is respect to building or line of adjoining I I , � I . � e. Members of the. Fire, Department 501-A Installation of Mobile Homes, "Fireworks" as used in this Ordinance by the addition to Section 18.106 of hereby amended in the ,following manner property.which may be built upon in I - . �, may be detailed, ' as inspectors as shall 1975 shall mean and include any combus. paragraphs e, f, g, h, i, and j,,which shall by the addition of a "new Section 18.214 accordance with Table 4-2, "Distance ' . 10 I from time to time be necessary. The Fire 501-B Mobile Homes, 1974 edition tionable or explosive composition, or any read as follows, tomit: . which shall be entitled "Industrial Fire Between Point of Transfer and Expo - I Marshal shall recommend to the City 703 Fire Retardant Building Materials, substance or combination of substa' ccess by streets or by fire lanes Brigades" and which shall read as sures", Section 42, "Transfer Location . . .. nces, e. A � ., . Council, the employment of ,("technical 1961 edition or device prepared for the purpose of shall be provided to buidlings on one o ' r follows, to wit: and Procedures, NFPA standard 58, . I inopec tors who, - when such authorization \ producing a visible or -audible effect or more sides as designate'd'by the fire'' Businesses designated by the Fire 1972 edition. I . I . I is f made, shall be selected in such manner Texas House Bill No.' 1070 1 pyrotechnic display by combustion, official. ;, Official shall be required to have. an I I as may be determined by ' the City . f. Any said fire land and access adequately trained and maimed fire , SECTION XXVIII: That from and I Council. 11 . I I Licensing and Servicing of Portable and explosion, deflagration, or detonation, -than one hundred (100) brigade. The general o erational pro- after the effective date of this Ordmiance, I I Fixed Fire Extinguisher Systems, as and shall include, but not be Iftnited to , easement,more 1, . I p . , the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire i.. 4 . f. A report of the Bureau of Fire published by'the State Board of Insur- the following: blank cartridges, toy feet in length shall either connect at both ceedure shall comply with Appendix A. Prevention. shall be made annually and . ance of Texas . pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, or toy ends to a dedicated street or be provided . . . Code is hereby amended in the following ft , - R. 0, 11 , '! � II. -Ill W, , , , I � I � I I I I i I I I I I I � , " , 11 I 0 I - � � - . finum manner by the addition 6f a new Section D. transmitted to the City Council of the Texas Liquified Petroleum Gas Docket guns in which explosives are used, fire with aturn around having a min SECTION XX: That from and after the I �q City. It shall contain all statistical No. 1, as published by the Railroad crackers, torpedoes, sky rockets, Roman outside radius of fifty (50) feet. Hy- effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 30.300 which shun read as follows, to � I information required. The Fire Marshal Commission of Texas candles, Daygo bombs, sparklers, can- drants shall not be located in the turning edition of the Standard Fire Code is wit: , I ,I ' . . I 1 I !14 shall also, recommend. annually any V . ernon's Texas Annoted Codes & !ion crackers, -94uibs, fire balloons, star radius of fire lanles,or.cul-de-,sacs. .1 hereby amended in the following manner � 30.300 Day Care Centers ,;I amendments to this Code, which in his shells, gerbs, or any othe y g. Fire -lane' and access easements .shall by the deletion of the existing paragraph All Day Care Centers operating within " I I . judgment, shall be desirable. Minimum Fire Safety Regulations for whatever name, of like construction, and be provided to serve all buildings a of Section 20,.201 in its entirety and by this jurisdiction shall comply with the . I . I Child Care Facilities in Texas, as A� SECTION IV: That from and after the published bythe Department of Public ,� effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 1� Welfare . r4 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby in the following Findings of the Society of Plastic ,!j amended manner k, . I�dustry, Incorporated, as published V y by the. addition to Section 1.'07 Of . the Urethane Safety Group, May, 1974. �1 �' paragraphs c, d, and e which Shall read , . I , � 'as follows, to with: �1 SECTION VII: That from and after the ' � c. The Fire Official or his representative effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 II is , authorized to enter any public, . - edition of the Standard Fire Code is private, or parochial school, or,any other hereby amended in the following manner I1, "I educational institution at any. time and by the additions of the following conduct a fire drill. , . I � - I - I I . . . . definitions to Chapter 5.02 as follows, to d. The Fire Official or his representative , wit: . , I I is authorized to enter any Child Care " 7 - ''. ,� I Center, or any other occupahey'in which FIRE DRILL, means a practice for the A� more than six minors are assembled, for purpose of instructing the occupants of a , the purposes of conducting a fire drill. ' . building to safely evacuate the structu . re , � e. It shall be the responsibility of thw . during times of emergency. I I owner, operator, or administrator of any � ROADWAY, means,streets, alleys, fire � institution described in paragraph c or d " ' ' � lanes, or access ways . . I above to, establish and practice fire . I . .. drills, maintain records of. fire drills on . - , SECTION VIII: That from and after - a yearly basis and[ to post an evacuation ' I the effective date of this Ordinance the, . plan for each individual area.. The'' - the 1976 bolition of the' Standard Fire . -following standards Will indicate cOmpli-! I I . . . � . . . . I I I . Coole,is hereby amended in the following I I I any devices containing any explosvie or flammable compound, or any tablet or other device containing an explosive substance whether herein specifically ' i designated and defined or not. The term "fir ll clude any auto I flares,, paper ca . ps containing not in excess of an average of .26 of a grain of explosive content per cap, or toy pistols, ' toy guns, toy canes or other. devices using such caps. I I The term "person" shall mean and include. any natural person, association I of persons, partnerships, corporations, agent or officer of corporation and, shall also include all warehousemen, common and private carriers, ballees, trustees, .receivers, retail clerks, executorp,and administrators. 1 17.02 FIREWORKS PROHIBITED, - .Except as Provided hereinafter, it shall . I be un I lawful for�'4hy 'person to inanu'- facture,, assemble, store, transport, re- . ceivb, possess, keep, expose, for sell, sell ' : . at retail, offer or,have in his possession ; - with � intent to sell, use, discharge, � cause.. � through parking areas, to Service en- trances to buildings, and any other. areas deemed necessary to bei/available to fire and emergency vehicles garbage and trash collection Services,, and other service agencies, both public and. pri- vate. . I � . . h. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to install and maintain signs and if necessary, pavement markings to I I I properly notify the public of the location of fire lanes on his property. When required by the Fire Official,.such signs and . markings will,' comply tb, the following standards- I . 1. Signs, signs "No Parking, Fire Lane" to be twelve (12) inches wide and eighteen (18) inches high. Signs shal be. painted on a white background with letters and border in red. Signs shall be permanently affixed to a permanent stationary type'�post and the bottom, of � ,r . the'signs shall'be six (6) feet, six' (6) inches above the finished grade. Signs shall be spaced not more than one hundred (100) feet apart. ., , � . . I . the addition of a new paragraph a*of Section 20.201 which shall read as follows, to wit: I a. The storage of flammable and combustible liquids . in above ground tanks is prohibited in all districts' except ' those zoned industrial; all such storage tanks shall be approved by the Fire Official prior to installation or use. Bulk plants are prohibited in all districts. SECTION XXI: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, -the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is - hereby amended as follows by the addition of a new Section 20.711 'which shall read as follows, to wit: Fueling of motor vehicles from one vehicle to another is prohiubited, except for emergency fueling from five (5) gallon containers. This shall not prohibit i . the fueling of construction machinery at job site locations or approved fueling of aircraft at an airport. � SECTON XXII: ,That -from and after following minimum standards: a. Sha . 11 comply with the Building, Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Codes except as amended in this Section. b. Shall have a minimum of two exits per floor and/or building unit. The standards of NFPA 101-A shall be followed in the placement of exits. c. Shall have an adequate number of ' Smoke Detectors installed as directed by the Fire Official. These installations are to comply with the National E.lecrical Code as applicable. d. Shall have all gas appliances , connected with approved connectors vented and enclosed as required by City ' Codes, . . e. Shall have all plumbing inspected and pressure tested annually by a licensed and bonded plumber and shall maintain on public display a, signed certficiate certifying the.results of this , test. I f, Shall provide a minimum of one (1) - approved fire extinguisher per building and/or floor as, directed by 'the Fire 9 M Tuesday, Septembe' r 6,,'' 1977—ALLEN AMERICAN—Page, 13 • , irement Official. In addition to this raga , xtin uisher or water hose connectedNa fire e g , a, In the event . a firq . occurs on any the o�r�aer ""'-occupant shall C. 'Na personshall hinder, obstruct; or otherwise interfere with any Appendix A -Industrial Fire Brigades Appendix. B • Illustration of;.. there will be, an additional'.2 3/4 you nd ' u 1' ', Combustible material to a waters lap y. • ' of flame shall be property, F P Y, immediately report such fire to the Fire resist member of the Fire Department � of the , Parking Sign ', powder type extinguisher located in F in the close proximity against ignition b shielding, g g Y Department. it of .Allen in the discharge of his City g Appendix C -Organizational Plan for Threats, F'a1se.Alarms" in the kitchen area, an a oved ressure relief g Shall have pp pressure protected wetting, or other approved means, In all g bFA Fire shall,mean tizzy fire not used far a irn or creations he t. official .duties, nor Attempt to rev ant an suchbar from arrestin an Jr.., Y Bomb Appendix D .. - •Example of Fire valve m stalled on all hot water heaters. cases, a f ire watcher shall remain in the :sweating operation', or cooking, g, . ur p oses, or one, incidental to,. the Y ,,, personi,. nor attempt to rescue frann such X?epartment Peri it Form for a specific h. Shall have posted in, each individual } indicating two map indicat g vicinity of the one half (/) hour after, -:the torch or normal operations- of ;the property member an erson in his custody. y p y '" Occupancy. ` area an evacuation 2 alternate means of.., exit and..shall I l ' been used, flame proofing device has for 32.302 False Alarms : ; a, For the purpose. of this Section, �a fire. d. No pejrson, shall follow any" Police Vehicle: arizbulance, Fire Truck, Rescue ' VII: That from and. SECTION XXXVII: • .. practice fire drills at a minimum of,one - offering retail occupancy g torches propane or F P alarm shall be deemed and construed as Vehicle, Private Vehicle driven by any , after the effective date of thus Ordinance, per month. i. Shall have installed a manual type portable public sale porta , • rized butane bottles, or other such.pressu being any act as ,follows:, The " gzvzn g g ,.:.: , . .. . , y transmissron.to>any. firemen while answering am alarm; 'or . . , ,. - , emergency vehicle., clearl Y n of fife. Standard Fire the 1976 edition Code Js h ereby amended as .follows, by fire alarm system, bell, buzzer or. gong: ... . e s shall.not display flammable liquid F sn Haling, or public g fire station, or companyor'to any officer '`'defined any , other. g Y as being on an errand of Mercy, ,. the addition to'the existing' list of High which shall be audible to all areas of the The for different than twelve (12) such containers in areas to the public. Such containers F or employee thereof,. whether by tele- , any closer than a distance of five Hazard Materials of Section 37.03 of the occupancy. signals types of emergencies shall conform to accessible occas ., shall be stacked only one ,(1) container one spoken word, or otherwise, ph e, F to the effect' that there is a hundred (500) feet. Na arson shall drive F into, or park within the same block fallowing items, to wit: Lumber those used by the Allen Independent ` high and shall be stored onlyon'shelves Storage of information fire, or any device which could cause fire within which such emergency vehicle has Paneling, Wood School District and appear in Appendix Sch FP of substantial construction, in non-public areas shall or explosion, at or near the lace p p stopped to render assistance. Shingles, Wood D .of this Code. J, Shall posted as "No Smoking", by in areae such containers be limited to twelve (12) such containers be stored so as'to reduce the 'indicated - by the person giving, sig- Haling, or transmitting such inforzzna- SECTION XXXIV: That. from and "Ordinance, SECTION XXXVIII: That from and '-F e Marshal all Order of u' okm areas approved for staff sin g pF which shall possibility of accidental droppage, `Pres, p y tion, after the effective date of this 'of after the effective date of this Ordinance, Fire except by the fire Official. ' ' i' surized flammable liquid containers shall b. It shall.be unlawful for any person to the 1976' edition the Standard Fire the 1976 edition of the . Standard by not be stored within (20) feet of any heat tamper with or maliciously injure any Code is hereby amended in the following Code is hereby amended, as follows SECTION ION XXIX, That from and after ams producing device. or fl F g fire alarm equipment maintained for the manner by the addition of a fifth the addition to Section,]$,206 of a new the effective date of this Ordinance, the ur ore of transmittin fire alarms. purpose g paragraph to Section 32.401 which shall paragraph f which shall read as follows, 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the deletion of paragraph a of Section 32.201 in its entirety, and by the " addition of a new paragraph a of Section 32.261 - which shall read as follows, to wit: a. Roofs, courts, yards, vacant lots, and open spaces -shall. be kept free and clear of deposits or accumulations of waste paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible waste or rubbish of any kind. Combustible waste or rubbish of any kind found on public streets, alleys, or other right-of-ways, or on the property of another; shall be removed by the" person or persons responsible for placing the waste or rubbish in an unauthorized place. All weeds, grass, vines or 'other "growth, when same. endangers property, or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down andremoved by the owner or occupant of the property. SECTION XXX; That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the -following manner by the addition of a paragraph b to Section' 32.264 which shall read as follows, ,to wit: b," Flameproofed decorations shall be required "cin any marquees, roofs, or exterior walls. Electrical wiring for signs or displays,shall comply to the Electrical Code and Sign Ordinance. SECTION XXXII: That from and after the effective date of this Qrdinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a new Section 32.210 which shall read as follows, to wit:. 32,210 Foamed Plastic Materials a, Insulating materials of rigid or flexible urethane foam sheets An, insulation foam formed on the jab site and poured or sprayed in place shall, be prohibited except as', approved by the Building Code, b. Storage of foamed urethane foam materials and. stocktoi form foamed insulation materials by spray or pouring . shall be considered a high. hazardous occupancy and shall be sprinkled. Ston- age of foamed urethane products shall not be more than eight (8) feet high and no smoking, open flame, or heat pro- ducing appliance, or spark producing equipment shall be permitted "Sri area • o'r warehouse where storage is provideed, or where foamed material is processed or manufactured, c. Fire Safety Guidelines for Use of Rigid Urethane Foam Insulation in Building Construction (May, 1974) . as published by Urethan Safety Oroup, of the Society of the Plastic Industry shall be used to govern foamed „insulation application. SECTION XXXIII: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, SEC`T'ION XXXI: That from and after the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire' the effective date of this Ordinance,' the Code is -hereby amended in the following 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is "manner by the deletion of Division III of hereby amended in the following manner Section 32 in its entirety, and . by 'the by; the deletion of the existing Section addition of a new Division III of Section 32:207 in its entirety and by the addition 32 which shall read as follows, to wit: .of a new.Section 32,207, which shall read \as follows, to wit DIVISION III a. A. torch or flame producing• device for Reporting of Fires, False Alarms; removing paint is prohibited. Arson ;Reward; Impersonating, Intimi - Y g ing :with , a Fireman;. b. An , person using a ✓torch or other dtip `or Tnterfer . y , - roducin device for sweating pipe Following Emergency . Vehicles, Parking flaixe p g.; ,,. , ,; . , t�: "r. enc' Vehicle's u n structure ,shall near:F•me g y .lj�n ta: n a? ild ng. f t..:.�• (��, rj' jj �J� al��6� r,....;§Y.,.��p. �. `G".}k ,l �.P, a...rt'4:d,, 7. ,., r4 ;S4�i...X . ti: -s:rc:_ n,.•i?e.,..u,i,. :,.a•`.,9..a ,1. ,. •i c. It shall be unalwful for any person to give, signal, or, transmit or for . any person to cause or permit to be given,, signaled, or transmitted, in any manner any false alarm• d. Nothin ' in this section shall' prohibit the sounding of any such signal essential for the carrying on of .any fire drill. , 32.303 Arson Reward, to be Posted a, The City hereby offers a reward of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the information given to any' Law .Enforcement Officer which leads to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found guilty of committing the crime of arson within the corporate limits of the city. This reward is a standing offer and shall be paid' out of the eneral fund of the city. read as follows, to it: Furnaces and.boilers shall be enclosed or separated as per the Building and installed as per .the Plumbing and Mechanical Codes. Boilers shall be inspected • annually by a, qualified and authorized inspector and the current inspection certificate or record posted on the premises. Boilers in operation shall be under -the supervision of and checked daily at suitable. intervals. by a compe- tent attendant. SECTION XXXV: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the 1976 edition of the Standard Fire Code is hereby amended in the following manner by the addition of a new Section 32,408 A 911 t `t to wit: f. All optional and required fire alarm systems which report to the, fire de- partment shall be interfaced with a modular type display located in the. fire department. dispatching . headquarers. All such alarms so, copnected and installed shall be uniform ,in appearance and function and shall be identified only by a number as assigned by the ,Fire Official. A log book of all active alarms shah be maintained in the dispatching office and the owner or operator of the alarm :shall properly inform the Fire Prevention Bureau of. all necessary emergency information,, hazardous' oper- ations in progress, and any other information required by the Fire Official, g which shall rea as o, ows, o wz b. Placards, eight (8) inches by twelve 32,40$ Wires Which Interfere with Fire y (12) inches in size showing the above SECTION XXXIX: Authoriziing Suits offered shall be laced in Department Work For Injunctive Relief - Not withstanding reward is P a.. No wire or ,wires shall, be installed, frames under glass inside of at `least six any penal provision of 'this article, the different public buildings within the operated, or maintained over any street, City Attorney is authorized to file suit (6) d p g ; alley, sidewalk, or building. in this City on behalf of the City of Allen, or the Fire City. Official or both for injunctive relief as may be necessary to prevent the doing of l any act prohibited by this Ordinance, and to aid the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties and to -particu- larly prevent any person from interfering with the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties; but it shall not be necessary to obtain any such injunctive relief as a prerequisit to the enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION XXXX: Penalties For Violation - Any person, firm, or corpor- ation who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaanor and each individual oper- ation or action in violatin of this Ordinance shall be considered as a spearate violation and , upon conviction therefor. shall be fined any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200,00), for each, separate violation, and every day tlgt, such violatzop 'or' violations continue shall- be ' 4611strUe'd',''to. be a,,,, SECTIONXXXX�, p g -'Re `ealin Clause - All pr'ovnsiors• ,of any Ordinance in conflict ,b6rewith;are hereby repealed so far only,'as said Ordinance effects only that portion 'herein; but the repeal'' of suoh Ordinance `shall hot abatey pending1pros ution'ior violation Qf s>�ch Ordinance nor shall::tl%e same preveq a prosecution, from. being . comin4inced'" for any violatioa of such' Ordinance'; which violation occurred prior to the rape^: of E�'i the' Or',dinaince. . 21 SECTIONS : XXX II:' Sevabi4t Yer Clause - .If any provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase, of this Ordinance, ',or , the application�', of same to any Iperson or set of circuin- stances, is for any reason held to;:,be unconstitutional,: void or invalid, odor any reason unenforceable, the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or their application', to other persons or sets of.circurmtarices cannot be affected thereby, it being,th, e intent of the City Council of the City of Allen in adopting this Ordinance, that no portion. thereof or provision or regulation contained herein shall become inoperative or fail.;bY reason of any, unconstitutionality; or invalidity of any other portion, provision or regulation, and, to, this end, ,fall provisions of this ordinance are declared to. be severable, T SECTION XXXXIII: P'UBLICATtON AND EFFECTIVE DATE - The caption of this Ordinance shall be published we (1) time in a weekly newspaper published in the City of . Allen, and shall,, be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, an this 1st 'day, of September, 1977, -s-Frank Dugger, Mayor, City of Allen, Texas CORRECTLY RECORDED: , JSJJuanelle Cooksey, City Secretary. which shall be liable - to seriously 32.304 Impersonating, Intimidating, or, interfere with the work of the Fire Interfereing with Firemen . Department in the use of ladders, or other, a. No person shall falsely represent apparatus, or which shall obstruct or himself to be- a member of the Fire, .;render hazardous the use'of fire escapes, Department of the City of Allen without and on complaint of the Fire Official, being duly authorized by the City, nor. said obstructing, interfereiing, or haz- to, exercise or attempt to exercise any of the ardour wires shall be removed ' or duties, functions, or of a member properly rearranged. of the fire department; nor wear any , b, The Fire Official or any officer in badge or uniform similar to that worn by charge shall have the power to at once the firemen of the City of Allen. This is cause the removal of all. wires, or the not to be construed as to prohibit anyone turning off of all electrical current where from extinguishing or attempting to the circuits interefere with the work of extinguish a fire, or attempt to rescue, or the Fire Department during the process render aid to an injured person, before of a fire. the arrival of the fire department, or upon the arrival of the fire department SECTION XXXVI: That from and when requested to , assist by the Officer after the effective date of this Ordinance, in Charge: the ' 1976 edition of the Standard Fire b. No person shall threaten the person „ Code is "ammended by: the additon of one of, or the property of any firemen, nor .or more Appendix which shall be added shall any person use or speak any;' at the descretion of the Fire Marshal, in abusive, indecent, obscene or; insulting order, to clarify, exemplify, or to illus ire, te':the; revisions of this. C e. Such e + to . any member of the f ,. a F p , lap nag y Asx, A . g a'..:,:-:,ti,.,s:.,a-..l,.l:, ;� khe;,ais,i.ls9i•Crn' ii$,.17icstr': ll.frnpnil7vactW �hnli in[�liuln it ah9I. t,n1- may be necessary to prevent the doing of l any act prohibited by this Ordinance, and to aid the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties and to -particu- larly prevent any person from interfering with the Fire Official in the discharge of his duties; but it shall not be necessary to obtain any such injunctive relief as a prerequisit to the enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION XXXX: Penalties For Violation - Any person, firm, or corpor- ation who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaanor and each individual oper- ation or action in violatin of this Ordinance shall be considered as a spearate violation and , upon conviction therefor. shall be fined any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200,00), for each, separate violation, and every day tlgt, such violatzop 'or' violations continue shall- be ' 4611strUe'd',''to. be a,,,, SECTIONXXXX�, p g -'Re `ealin Clause - All pr'ovnsiors• ,of any Ordinance in conflict ,b6rewith;are hereby repealed so far only,'as said Ordinance effects only that portion 'herein; but the repeal'' of suoh Ordinance `shall hot abatey pending1pros ution'ior violation Qf s>�ch Ordinance nor shall::tl%e same preveq a prosecution, from. being . comin4inced'" for any violatioa of such' Ordinance'; which violation occurred prior to the rape^: of E�'i the' Or',dinaince. . 21 SECTIONS : XXX II:' Sevabi4t Yer Clause - .If any provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase, of this Ordinance, ',or , the application�', of same to any Iperson or set of circuin- stances, is for any reason held to;:,be unconstitutional,: void or invalid, odor any reason unenforceable, the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or their application', to other persons or sets of.circurmtarices cannot be affected thereby, it being,th, e intent of the City Council of the City of Allen in adopting this Ordinance, that no portion. thereof or provision or regulation contained herein shall become inoperative or fail.;bY reason of any, unconstitutionality; or invalidity of any other portion, provision or regulation, and, to, this end, ,fall provisions of this ordinance are declared to. be severable, T SECTION XXXXIII: P'UBLICATtON AND EFFECTIVE DATE - The caption of this Ordinance shall be published we (1) time in a weekly newspaper published in the City of . Allen, and shall,, be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, an this 1st 'day, of September, 1977, -s-Frank Dugger, Mayor, City of Allen, Texas CORRECTLY RECORDED: , JSJJuanelle Cooksey, City Secretary.