HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1968 - 04/04 - RegularREGULAR MEETING
City of Allen April 4, 1968 Allen Texas
Present : Mayor Gentry T. Jones
Aldermen Dan Strong, LeRoy Ewen, Robert Lowman and
Mack Holloway.
Mrs Warren Smith appeared before Council to discuss an alley-way
back of her property that had been dug-up.
Mrs Phil Pringle brought a report on the Allen Public Library.
Mr. T. H. Ereckson and Leland McJunkin appeared before Council and
asked for a place for the Little- League Base ball teams to play
this summer. Mr. McJunkin stated that they could make out with one
more field for this summer but would need more fields by next year.
They also asked if the City could finance at least one field.
(Mr Ed Lynge said that he thought that money for Ball Parks should
come from Tax Revenue) . (Park Fund) .
Mayor Jones explained the proposed change in the Sewer out-fall line
for taking in some new area for future development. Motion by LeRoy
Ewen for our Engineer Mr. Walter F. Hicks to make a Survey and se-
cure field notes for the proposed new route of the Sewer Out-Fall
Line. Motion Seconded by Robert Lowmwn. Motion Carried 4 For 0
J.D. Buchanan, Jr.,representive for Goodbody & Company asked for an
audit of the Sewer & Water Revenue Fund, before he gave Council
information about selling any more bonds . Mr. Buchanan also suggested
that we begin the $3.00 per month Sewerage charge that was voted on
at a previous meeting.
Motion by LeRoy Ewen to increase Sewer Charge to $3.00 per month
effective as of April 1, 1968. Motion second by Robert Lowman.
Motion carried 4 For 0 Against,
Motion Robert Lowman that City advertise for bids on laying of
New water line from New Well #3 as drawn by our Engineer Mr Hicks.
Bids to be opened May 2, 1968. Motion seconded by Leroy Ewen.
Motion Carried 4 For 0 Against.
Motion by Robert Lowman to pass Ordinance # 78 providing for the con-
trol and protection of animals in general, setting requirements for
registeration, rabies immunization and the keeping of dogs and other
animals, providing for fees and charges, repealing all other Ordinances
in conflict herewith, prohibiting false statements, providing for
a penalty, providing for the publication of the caption of this Ord-
inance and an effective date hereof. Motion seconded by Dan Strong,
Motion Carried 4 For 0 Against.
Motion by LeRoy Ewen to pay Bills, Seconded by Robert Lowman,
Motion Carried 4 For 0 Against.
Motion made and seconded that meeting be adjourned.
These minute read and approved this the 8 day of April, 1968