HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-314-9-80ORDINANCE NO. 314 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1980, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1981. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law, public hearings were held on September 13, 1980, and on September 18, 1980, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the proposed budget of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1980-1981, submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, during said public hearings, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, and all said persons were heard, after which said public hearings were closed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: Section I. Subject to the applicable provisions of the State law and City Charter, the City of Allen 1980-1981 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1980, and terminating September 30, 1981, as filed and submitted by the City Manager, and adjusted by the City Council, containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. Section II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Ordinance No. 314 - Page 1 1 r • r ORDINANCE NO. 314 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1980, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1981. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law, public hearings were held on September 13, 1980, and on September 18, 1980, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the proposed budget of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1980-1981, submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, during said public hearings, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, and all said persons were heard, after which said public hearings were closed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: Section I. Subject to the applicable provisions of the State law and City Charter, the City of Allen 1980-1981 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1980, and terminating September 30, 1981, as filed and submitted by the City Manager, and adjusted by the City Council, containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. Section II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Ordinance No. 314 - Page 1 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 2&6 day of September, A.D., 1980. ATTEST: Ju a Dhfsing, City ecretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. Don Crowder, City Attorney M. B. Pierson, Mayor Ordinance No. 314 - Page 2 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared BUDDY W. CAMPER, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on and which was issued on �� by of Collin County, Texas. A p i ted copy of said publication is a ach d lieieto. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of / / `L� y A.D. 19 Notary Pubic in and for Cql#n County, Texas Publisher's Fee $ OW Nt NO. 314 1 CITY AN OF OADINAANLLENCE, COOF THE` I COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROi V - BUD ING AND ADOPTINp THE BUDpET AND SETTIN ,p. PROPR14TIONS FOR THE FISCAL, YEAR BEQINNING OCTOBER 1, 1980 TERMINATING AND SEPTEMBER 30, 1981. DULY PASSED by the Ci- ty Council of the City of Allen, Texas, on the 18t day of September, 1980. h APPRO •1 -s-M. B. PiVED. MayorATTEST: erson s-Juanelle Dalsi6g, City Secretary I (PubAmerica in the Allen September 22, 980 anMondad Thursday, September 25, 11980.) 2. Public Notice: ORD "EO. 314 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN I COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROW ING AND ADOPTING THEI BUDGET AND SETTING AP- PROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING] OCTOBER 1, 1980, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1981. I DULY PASSED by the Ci-, itCouncil of the City of Plen, Texas, on the 18th tday of September, 1980. 1 I APPROVED: -s-M.B. Pierson, Mayor !ATTEST: ".s-Juanelle Dalsing, ; `City Secretary I ((Published in the Allen! American, Monday,( September 22, 1980 and tThursday, September 25, 1980.) 4 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared BUDDY W. CAMPER, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing .? of which the attached is a true and written y Ad which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on a and which was issued on , by of Collin County, Texas. A print copy o said publicationis 464ached hereto. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this /7 day �G ~e~, , A.D. 19-E Notary Pu4c in and for ollin County, Texas Publisher's Fee $ >�O r ! � NOTICE Notice Is hereby given of� Ia Public Hearing on Satur- day, September 13, 1980, 9:30 A.M., at Rountree} Elementary School, 800 E. Main, for the proposed budget of the City of Allen, for FY 1980.81. Copies of the proposed budget may be Inspected at the City Hall during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. •s-Juanelle Dalsing City Secretary Published In the Allen American Monday, September 1, 1980. Le Ai PE A Ll e � 2 - CITY SECRETARY OMCLAL FILE COPY CITY OF ALLEN Budget F Y 1980 - 81 . i CITY OF ALLEN M B. PIERSON MAYOR REX WOMACK MAYOR PRO TEMPORE Honorable Mayor and Members of the Allen City Council: JOE FARMER COUNCILMAN, PLACE 1 J M MCCLURE In accordance with Article IV of the ::lien City COUNCILMAN, PLACE 2 Charter, submitted herein is the proposed operating H.R DAUGHERTY program for the City of Alien for the fiscal period COUNCILMAN. PLACE 3 October 1, 1980 to September 30, 1981. The program GLENN ANDREW general provides appropriations for each of the neral fund Pe COUNCILMAN. PLACE 4 and revenue (water and sewer) fund departments; debt RICHARDCHUEY service for both the general fund and revenue fund; COUNCILMAN, PLACE F) capital improvements funded through operating funds JON MCCARTY and for revenue sharing funds. In addition, submitted CITY MANAGER under separate cover is the departmental narratives JUANELLE DALSING describing each department's accomplishments tris CITY SECRETARY year and the proposed work program for Fiscal Year WALTER CURTIS (FY) 1980-81. The narratives will be forthcoming TAX ASSESSOR -COLLECTOR prior to the budget retreat on August 1r�-1?- DON CROWDER MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY Background HOWARD SHAPIRO MUNICIPAL JUDGE The budget process began in late May when each RICHARD CARROLL department head was asked to submit a budget which CHIEF OF POLICE Estimated the remaining expcnditures for the 1979-80 JIMMY EATON fiscal year and to project expenditures for FY i980-81. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS In addition, each department head was assigned research BILL PETTY projects, the purpose of which was to allow all depart - BUILDING OFFICIAL ments to use consistent base figures for such items as JOHN ULAND gas, office furniture; utilities, postage. insurance, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION etc. Other research projects included a copier study, RON GENTRY a study of the possibility of using CET.' (Comprehensive FIRE CHIEF Employment and Training Act) p ersonnel to help subsidize BOB ACKER with federal funds the Citv'Z new personnel costs, a FIRE MARSHAL bid process for janitorial service, equipment needs ROLAND H COMMONS for buiT t �dinas constructed under the bond program, an LIBRARIAN a study of the Texas Municipal Retirement System. The initial budget development process culminated with the department hearings held the week of July 14. Overview �. On May 15, 1980, the Alien City Council voted 7_o change the ad valorum tax appraisal ratio from 508 to !00%. Corr:spondinciy, the assessed value more than doubled from $56,176,910 in FY 1979-80 tr, $136.666,090 in FY 19880 -SI.- Included in this figure ;_,, 524,323,470 of additional value from new 1 grewtn -_i-,6 from annexat_ons which occured in 1-579. 1 P.O. BOX 487 9 302 W. MCDERMOTT 0 ALLEN, TEXAS 75002 9 214/727-3336 • METRO 214/424-5918 FY1980-81 isi:d_cjct Message. cont. nage 2 The proposed=budget Arnrludes revenues generated,by a tax rate of $.43 per `,1.90 of valuation. This represents an effective 10% increase over last year, or in comparing effective rates the $.43 rate equals a 4G increase over last year. The need for an addition in ad valorum tax revenue can be divided into two areas: new programs and personnel and increases in operati - ng costs. Nei. programs and personnel will be detailed in another section of this budget message. Operating cost increases: A. Utilities: Earlier this year the Public Utilities Commission (PITC) granted TP&L a rate increase of over 29% (for municipal rates) and in 1979 Lone Star Cas was granted an approximate 14% increase in rates. These rate increases are reflected in this budget by an inc.e'ease of almost $15,500 for gas and ei.ectric service. an addition, we arE anticipating min.im�am. cf 10% increase in telev',lone charges because of Southwesi..ern T3el_l's nendin q rate increase request ow before the PUC, B. Postage; This budget antici.patE­Z, a rate increasc� to be effective January l; 191, which increases the budget by $4!560_ C. FICA: Sacial Security ccn-crl.buti.oris :i;.l --- increase on January 1.. 19'^1, {r(,.! 5.13% to 6.65% which will the budget by *3,110,, D. :Tr..suranc,e: _,i.abili.ty, prcperty, bond, and auto ins-.:rprice have increased neer 1'00 in the past two years. This budget r_flect�- an approximate $7,500 ;_ncre�se -over two years ago, E. -as_ , oil, and auto supplies: The rising r_i�;st of there items has increased a_' d.epay t..- -mental budgets a total of $6,152. i . Sa"Iaries TK2 amount ct sala-r-y :creases. if ally, wi_ ' bF- d-etermined by the City Council at a l.a}er date.. This &.mount will eficct the budget between $0 and $'!0,000. i'.'e above listing o_''lv ncludes those, items ,here.. the increase for the spec:: tic litem was identifyabl.e. 'n ad:' i ti on to the. above, Several supply, maintenance, and capital items costs have increased, al.nrecia�;l.y. C)Tera.!.!_ the proposed budget repro cntti, an addit .octal arv_ ropri_nt_iOt1 of $47.8,895 or 24% for al! purposes.. r - FY 1980-81 1.1,.,:gage, cent-. page' 3 Debt Service on Junc- 30 , 1979 , --he residents of Allen voted and passed an approxima-lLe $10,000,000 bond program. '.?n oct ibh�,i- 9 , 1979. '$2,016'6,000 of general obligation bonds were sold and $1,3n0,0001of revenue bonds were sold. A number of projects including street construction and reconstruction, drainage improvements, water distribution system improventents, sewer collection system additions, _and acquisition and building improvements are underway or have been -recently completed. The FY 1980--81 budget reflects an additional $125,000 for debt service so that $2,000,000 of general obligation bonds and $1,000,0100 of revenue bonds can be sold during the second Year of the Capital Improvements Program. The existing and proposed general obligation bond retirement fund requires $288,443 or 21.98 cents of the fetal tax rate. Revenue bond retirement will require $273,313 for a combined total of $554,254 for all debt service. General Fund Revenues: General fund operational ievenues include that portion of the tax levv that i s not to debt service in addition. to sales tax, court fines; Franchise tax; etc. A complete listing of revenue ources can be found in the summary pages of this document. Total genera Band revenues will increase by $291,035 or 29t. Expenditures: Operations expenditures in the general fund will increase $i34,147 or 15 The sroposed new program and personnel cost$ are listed by below: Police Department: One nevi patrolman is pr,:_)pc1sed beginning 6/1/81. I; the past i.[: mon Li -is file "coio , ls for service" have almost d,i Dc• ied. Als r proposed is the addition of one cl, ik- typist-. This recommendation is ccr.sistant the ti -d- ings of a study of the All Police records systeir by the Texas Commission on Lao Officer Standards and Education.. FY 1980-81 Cjj t r Street Department: It _L proposed that a street department be created with the hi_rinq cf a Strec,"_- superintendent. >>ndcr our present system the Water & 5ew_:�r Department works on s}ree}s when and if t_hei._- respui,sibi 11 t ies in watt er an, -1 sewer allow. The responsib" l-,' ty of the' new departTe!-, L will be maintenance of bo'_ -r --trete streets and asohalt streets and to m,)l::taln all city right-of-way, 5creet signs, Street ma.-rkinc:s and public parKir.-_.1 areas. ^y 1980-01 cos,: $33,(3,6 J r--- Phe ardi-tzor of one now par' -time rirc- fighter is preposea to :pan, during dayiiys:t hc,urs, the new F:..._- sub station begin-,ing `� 1°80-81 cos` S 4 , 4?: FY 1980-8 1 MF,ssage,-: r'orr � age{ Al Parks & Recreat-:bri: A new furmans uosition is proposed to help meet the increasing demand on this depai-tiuent uecause of the new and improved parks:that;have been added or will be added to�the park system in the near future. FY 1980-81 cost $15,880 Library: In conjunction with the library building renovation, it is proposed that the library hours be increased from 30 to 40 hours. FY 1980-81 cost $ 5,990 Building Inspection: Cons istant wit'l, our increasing emphasis on building inpection (a total of 2,478 inspections were made between 10/1/79 and 6/5/80) and because of the growth, of the C, i_ty an assist,-nt inspectors position is proposed. FY 1980-81 cyst. $12,4118 Tax: Because of the effect of the new Central Appraisal District, it is ,proposed that this department's personnel authnr.izations be reduced by one account clerk. FY 1980-81 savings $ (7 , lr l; Total General Fund New Programs and Personnel Cost S78' UC S1. Water and Sewer Fund Revenues: the total amount of revenues Alit lci c atc'9 i or FY 1980-81 wil i be only slightly greater than in FY 1979-90. Althouah water and sewer .revenues will increase by $118.726, tie iii teres t earr)au i eV EI1u':-_ a(.:CCJU11 C will decressc by ;1113,05 . Exuenditures: Two new positions are proposed '0) this years budget, a 1 --borer and a utility inspectc_,r. The laborer will replace the one that was perma?nnri"t j_ transferca to the street department from the water and sewer department and t: -,e utility inspector wil! work primarily in new sab"Iivisions insNectinu all Phases of construction. Fy 1980-81 cost Sl`3,2)5i-I Total vGater & Sewer Fund rNea Programs and 7 n l r n Personnel $ hNon-Operatinq Fane. --- in a'"0i.; ion tC d1--bt sc vice there are cite er al items ;_r_cludec 1 -ii the non -operatic; `una. These 1'.eins iliclude the contingency t.1ri�J_ �' * :ie Central <�y.) pr a i sal D_; s ric t cor_triwaticr:, 3-,a .n a:.^a^t set 3SiCi for salary j.n, ;reases_ A detailed salary pay �''.,a w --,ll he preS;:-,T__ed to t ic_ ­ oL.'nc]... at T".ne i,udcfet r_ -, —eat. I'l:e J ti^.gf,ncy Fund in'.:a:.i �" stab]__she:'-I ','Car to,' 1 f. -c FY 1980-8i ;_ `uae.t Message, Cont. page 1, purpose of meeting unexpected emergencys or other needs that the c-c;unc it 6.riemcid ,:�,essary. Fortunately, none of those funds have had to be appropriated yet. Those unused cont.ingen�y funds, in the amount of $30,000, will be ,ised to establish a reserve fund for FY 7.980-81. Establis'iment of a reserve fund complies with ! �» recommendations made in the publication, Goverrimenta]. Accounting, Auditing,_and Financial Reporting, published by the National Committee on Governmental Accounting. As you know, this publication is also used by the City's independent auditor in performing the annual audit. The last item included in the non-operating fund is the contribution to the Central Appraisal District. Under the provisions of the state legislation (SB621) the City has the option of participating in the district during 1981 with mandatory participation beginning in 1982. If the Council decides to participate in 1981 funds have been set aside for that purpose. In behalf of all employees of the C;.ty I would like to express our appreciation for the opportunity to serve the citizens of Allen, and respect --fully request the Council's support of the programs repIresented by this budget. We will be pleased to furnish any supporting information on request. Sincerely, Oi,- Jon McCarty \ City Manager r- TABLE OF,;CONTENTS`° i Combined Summary Non Operating Fund Requirements Revenue Projections Expenditure Estimates Tax Structure Debt Service Fund Schedule of Bond Indebtedness Proposed Use of Revenue Sharing Departments General Government City Manager Police Street Parks and Recreation Library Fire Fire Prevention Civil Defense Building Inspection Tax Water and Sewer Operating Budget: General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Debt Requirements: General Obligation Revenue Total Appropriations: Source of Funds: General Fund Water & Sewer CITY OF ALLEN Combined Summary FY 1980-81 Actual Amended 1978-79 1979-80 $553,720 $802,116 345,015 536,021 898,735 1,338,137 66,762 199,695 127,574 225,263 194,336 424,958 $1,093,071 $1,763,095 562,077 1,003,372 634,687 873,552 $1,196,764 $1,876,924 Note: These figures do not include transfers from other funds. 1,620,234 $2,181,990 1,294,407 890,600 $2,185,007 CITY OF ALLEN Non Operating Fund Requirements FY 1980-81 General Fund Debt Service Current $ 208,443 2nd Year CIP 80,000 288,443 Contingency Fund 30,000 Central Appraisal District 21,000 339,433 Total General Fund Revenues 1,334,407 Total Available for Operations 994,964 Less Proposed Salary Increases (56,500) $ 938,464 Water & Sewer Fund Debt Service Current $ 228,313 2nd Year CIP 45,000 Total Debt Service 273,313 Contingency Fund 15,000 Total Non Operating Fund Requirement 288,313 Total Water & Sewer Fund Revenues 850,600 Total Available for Operations 562,287 Less Proposed Salary Increases (10,000)-- $ 552,287 F CITY OF ALLEN REVENUE PROJECTIONS FY 1980-81 General Fund $562,077 '$1,043,372 $1,334,407 Water & Sewer Fund 2510 Water Actual Amended Proposed Acct. # Category FY78-79 FY79-80 FY80-81 2010 Current Tax Collections $226,003 $409,823 $564,157 2015 Delinquent Tax Coll. - 22,148 20,000 2020 Penalty & Int. (tax) 3,240 2,430 2,500 2025 Interest Earned - 136,000 100,000; 2030 Sales Tax 84,686 108,212 145,500 2035 Gross Receipts Tax 68,733 78,938 91,000 2040 Refuse Collection 107,788 128,000 150,500 2045 Permits & Licenses 27,535 50,000 98,000 2050 Fines & Forfeitures 36,061 41,203 45,000 2055 Police Reports - 286 350 2060 Recreation Fees 1,154 6,590 22,400 2065 Mowing - 300 500 2075 Misc. 5,792 15,339 18,000 2080 Ambulance Service 1,085 4,103 5,000 2085 Reimbursements (tax office, grants, etc.) - p1 31,500 562,077 1,003,372 1,294,407 Transfers 40,000 40,000 $562,077 '$1,043,372 $1,334,407 Water & Sewer Fund 2510 Water Charges 355,406 410,685 490,000 2515 Sewer Charges 237,582 279,589 319,000 2520 Water Tap Fees 40,756 18,610 30,000 2525 Interest Earned - 163,051 50,000 2530 Other Income 943 1,617 1,600 Transfers 634,687 $634,687 873,552 (40,000) $833,552 890,600 (40,000) $850,600 CITY OF ALLEN EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FY 1980-81 General Fund Department General Govt. City Manager Police Public Works Parks & Rec. Library Fire Fire Prev. Civil Def. Bldg. Insp. Tax Total Water & Sewer Fund Water & Sewer Actual FY 1978-79 88,433 207,129 144,030 38,734 21,612 58,813 5,356 1,731 5,884 25,258 596,980 Amended FY 1979-80 86,575 54,128 262,047 170,398 73,405 23,368 50,048 9,225 18,019 18,236 36,667 802,116 Proposed FY 1980-81 62,853 69,025 295,965 223,205 96,329 33,354 50,498 10,273 4,239 36,915 53,607 936,263 383,745 536,021 551,471 CITY OF ALLEN Tax Structure FY 1980-81 Assessed Value FY 1980-81 Revenue at $.43 per $100 valuation Total Yield at 96% collections Tax Rate Distribution Ratio Operating Fund $0.2102 Debt Service 0.2198 $0.43 $ 136,666,090 587,664 564,157 Percent Amount .4887 275,704 .5113 288,453 1000 $564,157 CITY OF ALLEN Debt Service Fund FY 1980-81 Estimated Balance September 30, 1980 Income: Current Taxes Water & Sewer Collections Total Funds Available Expenditures: Principal Interest 288,453 273,313 561,766 50,270 503,984 Total Debt Requirement FY1980-81 Estimated Balance September 30, 1981 $34,855 596,621 554,254 $ 42,367 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET SCHEDULE OF BOND INDEBTEDNESS Purchaser: Mercantile National Bank Dallas, Texas Bond Date of Amount Rate of Maturity Balance as Required Required Series Issue Issued Interest Date of 10-1-80 Principal Interest 1965 6-1-65 100,000 4 3/4 6-1-95 1981 1981 CITY OF ALLEN WATER & SEWER REVENUE: 5 3/4 11-1-05 100,000 - 5,750.00 1972 6-1-72 1,500,000 IL 1/Z% 6-1-03 1,310,000 35,000 93,612.50 1979 8-1-79 1,300,000 7 6-1-09 1,300,000 - 99,700.00 CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL OBLIGATION: 1954 6-1-54. 25,000 4 1/2% 6-1-82 4,000 2,000 180.00 1964 2-1-64 50,000 4 3/4 2-1-94 50,000 - 2,375.00 1965 6-1-65 100,000 4 3/4 6-1-95 65,000 4,000 3,062.50 1966 11-1-66 100,000 5 3/4 11-1-05 100,000 - 5,750.00 1976 5-1-76 500,000 7 5-1-96 440,000 20,000 33,675.00 1979 8-1-79 2,000,000 6 1/2 8-1-09 2,000,000 - 137,400.00 OTHER CITY OF ALLEN OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS PROPERTY MORTGAGE COMPANY PRINCIPAL BALANCE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT Library Exchange Savings & Loan Assoc. 26,441.69 3,332.52 St. Mary's Park Plano Properties, Inc. 18,711.00 7,920.99 I r' Department V City Manager Police Streets Civil Defense Parks & Rec. �I 0TOTAL (r %"x CITY OF ALLEN PROPOSED USE of REVENUE SHARING FY 1980-81 Account Amount Description 3558 $ 2,700. Copier 4051 5,000 Animal Shelter 4053 15,500 Vehicles,Cars (2) 4553 18,000 Dump Truck 7058 3,000 CATV Hookup 5056 5,982 Power lift for truck, roto tiller for tractor, survey level, 2 weedeaters, & centennial mower 5057 800 Radio $50,982 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED GENERAL GOVT. (30) Personnel 11-Sal.(Full Time) $23,867 $15,180 $ 8,448 $14,482 $14,482 12-Sal.(Part Time or Temp.) 7,234 5,768 2,824 4,374 3,720 14 -FICA 1,113 1,098 810 1,180 945 15 -Retirement 1,546 1,851 1,229 1,304 1,086 16 -Health & Life Insurance 835 670 516 696 430 17-Workmans Comp. 1,694 28 20 42 29 Subtotal Personnel 36,289 24,595 13,847 22,078 20,692 Supplies 24 -Office Sup. 3,277 3,500 2,117 3,500 3,500 25-Janitprial Sup. 587 750 331 531 400 28-Misc. 951 750 418 750 900 Subtotal Supplies 4,815 5,000 2,866 4,781 4,800 Maints. & Repairs 33 -Office Equip. 379 300 300 300 200 35-Bldg.(includes heating & cool) 210 1,000 223 1,000 1,000 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 589 1,300 523 1,300 1,200 Services 41 -Tel.& Utilities 7,288 7,200 2,065 4,565 3,361 42 -Contract Labor Fees 24,596 27,500 13,661 26,561 2-, 43 -Memberships - 1,000 391 541 1,000 44 -Travel & Registration 1,015 1,500 535 1,500 1,500 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED GENERAL GOVT.(cont.) 45 -Inter -Fund Transfers - 20,000 20,000 46 -Insurance 2,955 3,250 1,516 1,516 600 48 -Printing 6,145 1,800 1,030 1,630 1,700 49-Misc. 2,037 300 403 403 1,000 Subtotal Services 44,036 62,550 19,601 56,716 Capital Outlay 52 -Bldg. Imp. 2,500 0 500 1,500 0 55 -Office Furn.,Fix. & Equip. 250 p1 200 Subtotal Capital Outlay 2,750 0 500 1,700 0 Department Totals 88,479 93,445 37,337 86,575 (0 �5�� CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - City Secretary Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time Part Time Temp. 1 6 1 1 1 New Proposed None Capital Outlay None Position Title Mayor Councilmen City Secretary Municipal Judge City Attorney CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED CITY MANAGER (35) Personnel S� 11 -Sal. (Full Time) $ - $46,000 $17,174 $33,379 $�, 59-0 12 -Sal. (Part Time or Temp.) - 1,000 1,500 14 -FICA - 2,820 1,267 2,367 3,270 15 -Retirement - 823 823 823 16 -Health & Life Insurance - 1,784 294 770 1,985 17-Workmans Comp. - 86 35 65 85 Subtotal Personnel - 52,513 18,770 37,404 56,163 Supplies , 24 -Office Sup. - 600 1,219 2,069 2,200 28-Misc. - 100 100 150 Subtotal Supplies - 700 1,219 2,169 2,350 Maint. & Repairs 33 -Office Equip - 100 100 150 34 -Radios, Inst. & Apparatus - - - - 100 35 -Bldg. (incl. heat & cool) - - - - 150 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs - 100 100 400 Services 41 -Tel. & Util. - 450 802 1,352 1,740 42 -Contract Labor Fees - 500 500 500 43 -Memberships - 600 164 550 650 44 -Travel & Reg. - 4,000 2,372 4,272 5,000 45 -Inter -Fund Transfers - 7,000 3,153 5,853 2,000 Department Totals - 65,963 26,500 54,128 69,025 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED :=Y MANAGER (cont.) 46 -Insurance - - 20 20 22 48 -Printing - 100 100 200 Subtotal Services - 12,650 6,511 12,647 10,112 Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - - - 1,808 Subtotal Capital Outlay - - - 1,808 Department Totals - 65,963 26,500 54,128 69,025 r— CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - City Manager Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time Part Time 1 1 1 New Proposed None Capital Outlay Account No. 3558 Temp. Position Title City Manager Accountant/Buyer Secretary Description Cost Copier $2,700 (RS) CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED POLICE (40) Personnel 11-Sal.(Full Time) $145,852 $195,045 $99,152 $177,152 $199,900 12-Sal.(Part Time) - 1,500 0 0 0 13 -Overtime 4,550 2,250 4',315 7,215 5,000 14 -FICA 8,520 12,219 7,759 12,759 12,000 15 -Retirement 4,279 5,500 4,155 4,155 6,500 16 -Health & Life Insurance 6,917 8,000 4,393 8,993 10,000 17-Workmans Comp. 4,829 5,930 2,769 5,169 4,300 Subtotal Personnel 174,947 230,444 122,543 215,443 237,700 Supplies 21 -Motor Vehicles Supplies 13,391 11,280 8,282 14,197 19,129 22 -Minor Tools (Animal Control) 1,341 1,500 1,419 2,429 2,500 23 -Mechanical Supplies 1,423 - - - - 24 -Office Supplies 1,054 500 1,487 2,547 2,500 25 -Janitorial Sup. - 500 81 138 150 27 -Clothing Sup. 1,931 2,500 995 1,995 2,500 28-Misc. - 1,300 390 670 700 Subtotal Supplies 19,140 17,580 12,654 21,976 27,479 Maint. & Repairs 31 -Motor Vehicles 22 4,000 1,997 3,422 4,000 34 -Radios, Inst. & Apparatus 2,546 3,000 1,507 4,082 3,600 35 -Bldg. (includes heating & cool) - 2,700 60 260 500 37-Misc. 672 1,000 6 106 150 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 3,240 10,700 3,570 7,870 8,250 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED POLICE (cont.) Department 4 Totals 207,129 272,311 148,266 262,047 295,965 41 -Telephone & UtilA ties 3,108 3,200 1,847 3,162 4,600 42 -Contract Labor Fees 5,267 7,500 3,900 6,685 9,000 43 -Memberships - - - - 250 44 -Travel & Reg. 381 1,000 127 427 2,200 46 -Insurance 1,046 1,387 3,419 3,503 4,647 48 -Printing - 500 194 344 700 49-Misc. - - 12 12 Subtotal Services 9,802 13,587 9,499 14,133 21,397 Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., Equip. - - - 2,625 1,139 Subtotal Capital Outlay 2,625 1,139 Department 4 Totals 207,129 272,311 148,266 262,047 295,965 Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time 1 1 1 8 1 5 1 New Proposed 1 1 Capital Outlay CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Police Part Time Temp. Account No. Description 4051 Animal Shelter 4053 Police Cars 4055 Office Furniture Position Title Chief Lieutenant Sargeant Patrolmen Court Clerk Communications Technician; Animal Control Officer Patrolman (6/1/81) Clerk Typist (11/1/80) Cost $ 5,000 (RS) 15,500 (RS) 1,139 CLASSIFICATION CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED STREET (45) 2,500 Personnel 500 11-Sal.(Full Time) $ 6,500 12-Sal.(Part Time or - Temp.) 600 13 -Overtime - 14 -FICA 800 15 -Retirement 200 16 -Health & Life - Insurance 400 17-Workmans Comp. 106 Subtotal 6,031 Personnel 8,606 Supplies 2,500 21 -Motor Vehicles 500 Supplies 4,030 22 -Minor Tools - 23 -Mechanical Sup. 901 24 -Office Sup. 100 26 -Chemical & Med. Supplies - 27 -Clothing Sup. - 28 -Mist. 1,000 Subtotal 1,420 Supplies 6,031 Maint. & Repairs 31 -Motor Vehicles 3,200 32 -Machinery Tools & Implements - 34 -Radios, Inst. & Apparatus 1,200 35-Bldg.(includes heat & cool) 149 36 -Grounds - 37-Misc. - $ 8,625 2,500 705 380 754 12,964 $ 3,787 39 394 339 359 4,918 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 $ 7,182 $17,250 2,500 2,500 - 500 600 1,150 - 575 519 1,000 730 1,050 11,531 24,025 500 350 1,800 500 200 300 - - - 250 350 100 100 100 - 0 200 5,000 1,420 5,000 5,000 6,450 1,420 5,650 7,650 400 0 500 1,500 500 1,200 100 100 Q! _ - - 200 2,000 361 1,500 1,500 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED STREET (cont.) Maint. & Repairs Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 4,549 41 -Tel. & Util. 18,205 42 -Contract Labor Fees 106,639 43 -Memberships - 44 -Travel & Reg. - 46 -Insurance - 47 -Rent of Equip. - Subtotal Services 124,844 Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - 56 -Machinery, Tools, & Implements - 57 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus - Subtotal Capital Outlay - 4,000 361 2,100 3,400 22,000 11,204 22,000 32,000 123,000 61,993 126,750 150,000 200 0 100 200 500 0 0 250 1,072 1,967 1,967 2,000 300 50 300 1,500 147,072 75,214 151,117 185,950 680 750 750 2,180 Department Totals 144,030 170,486 81,913 170,398 223,205 Personnel Authorizations Current - 1 1 m _ _. - 1 New Proposed 1 Capital Outlay Account No. 4553 4555 4556 4558 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Street Part Time Temp. 1 Description Dump Truck Office Furniture Tools for Truck Radio for Truck Position Title Laborer Equipment Operator Street Superintendent (12/1/80) Cost $18,000 (RS) 680 750 750 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED PARKS & RECREATION (50) Personnel 11-Sal.(Full Time) $24,303 $24,300 $13,610 $23,180 $31,950 12 -Sal. (Part Time or Temp.) - 16,404 2,746 16,346 16,404 13 -Overtime 212 100 310 310 300 14 -FICA 1,227 2,495 1,415 2,835 3,152 15 -Retirement - - - - 1,016 16 -Health & Life Insurance 751 1,140 561 1,011 1,748 17-Workmans Comp. 715 1,241 277 1,241 1,283 Subtotal Personnel 27,208 45,680 18,919 44,923 55,853 Supplies 21 -Motor Vehicles Supplies 4,230 3,200 379 1,479 2,500 22 -Minor Tools - 400 205 400 425 23 -Mechanical Sup. - 610 91 591 645 24 -Office Sup. - 180 145 179 225 25 -Janitorial Sup. - 150 13 138 159 26 -Chemical & Med. Supplies - 3,500 799 3,299 3,710 27 -Clothing Sup. - 450 426 446 475 28-Misc. - 1,300 678 1,303 800 Subtotal Supplies 4,230 9,790 2,736 7,835 8,939 Maint. & Repairs 31 -Motor Vehicles 377 500 107 497 500 32 -Machinery, Tools, & Implements - 700 713 813 740 34 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus 91 100 145 220 110 35 -Bldg. (includes heat & cool) - 200 8 83 100 36 -Grounds 170 - - - 170 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED PARKS & REC. (cont.) 5,100 21,600 Maint. & Repairs 35 40 Subtotal 250 250 Maint. & Repairs 638 1,500 Services 756 810 41 -Tel. & Util. 1,488 1,600 42 -Contract Labor Fees - 5,100 43 -Memberships - 35 44 -Travel & Reg. - 250 46 -Insurance 339 2,892 47 -Rent of Equip. 2,023 750 48 -Printing - - 49-Misc. 2,808 - Subtotal Services 6,658 8,627 Capital Outlay 51 -Land Impv. - 6,682 52 -Bldg. Impv. - 1,450 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - 145 56 -Machinery, Tools, & Implements - - 57 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus - - 58 -Other Equip. - - Subtotal Capital Outlay - 8,277 Department Totals 38,734 73,874 VV 70 -On VV 70_on VV on-ol 973 1,613 1,620 1,446 1,999 3,844 195 5,100 21,600 25 35 40 0 250 250 1,340 1,340 613 236 756 810 - - 100 3,242 9,480 27,257 3,200 6,682 2,500 727 1,427 .0 145 160 - - 5,982 - - 800 - 1,300 3,927 9,554 9,442 29,797 73,405 103,111 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Parks and Recreation Personnel Authorizations Current 'ull Time 1 1 New Proposed 1 ,2apital Outlay account No. 5051 5055 5056 5057 Part Time Temp. Position Title Director Equipment Operator 7 Laborers (includes 5 CETA) 1 Recreation Supervisor 8 Recreation Leaders Foreman (1/1/81) Description Land Improvements Office Furniture Equipment (lift, mower, weedeaters, tiller) Radio for Truck Cost $2,500 160 5,982 800 CLASSIFICATION CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED LIBRARY (55) Personnel 11 -Sal. (Full Time)$10,625 $13,619 $ 6,381 $11,281 $16,886 12 -Sal. (Part Time or Temp.) 1,050 1,116 299 1,399 1,188 14 -FICA 718 903 542 777 1,183 15 -Retirement - - - - 536 16 -Health & Life Insurance 917 1,338 398 650 661 17-Workmans Comp. 28 74 26 50 34 Subtotal Personnel 13,338 17,050 7,646 14,157 20,488 Supplies 24 -Office Sup. 601 650 56 456 500 25 -Janitorial Sup. - 100 0 25 28 -Mist. 756 800 887 887 800 Subtotal Supplies 1,357 1,550 943 1,343 1,325 Maint. & Repairs 33 -Office Equip. - 50 40 100 37-Misc. 162 700 80 780 150 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 162 750 80 820 250 Services 41 -Tel. & Util. 1,341 1,600 576 1,176 1,300 42 -Contract Labor Fees 2,380 - - - 1,620 43 -Memberships - 50 92 92 100 44 -Travel & Reg. - 250 0 0 250 46 -Insurance 34 523 610 610 171 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED LIBRARY (cont.) 1,350 47 -Rent of Equip. - 150 48 -Printing - 60 Subtotal 4,950 7,600 Services 3,755 2,633 Capital Outlay 52 -Bldg. Impv. - 3,400 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - 710 56 -Machinery, Tools, & Implements - 140 58 -Other Equip. 3,000 0 Subtotal Capital Outlay 3,000 4,250 Department Totals 21,612 26,223 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED 0 160 190 0 60 60 1,278 2,098 3,691 1,800 3,600 3,400 p! 1,350 pl 4,200 1,800 4,950 7,600 11,747 23,368 33,354 F --- CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Library Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time Part Time Temp. New Proposed Position Title 1 Librarian 1 1 Library Aide Increase the part time Librarian and Library Aide positions from 30 to 40 hours per week. Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 5552 Building Purchase $3,400 5558 Books 4,200 r CLASSIFICATION CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED FY 79-80 FY 80-81 TOTAL PROJECTED FIRE (60) Personnel 11 -Sal. (Full Time)$ 7,699 $12,587 $ 6,587 $12,277 $16,587 12 -Sal. (Part Time or Temp.) 6,500 8,280 4,038 6,924 8,280 14 -FICA 406 771 416 713 1,000 15 -Retirement - - - - 550 16 -Health & Life Insurance 390 500 10 390 500 17-Workmans Comp. 337 507 194 332 1,300 Subtotal Personnel 15,332 22,645 11,235 20,636 28,217 Supplies 21 -Motor Vehicles Supplies 1,000 2,000 1,219 2,089 3,082 22 -Minor Tools - 250 45 77 200 24 -Office Supplies - 150 150 200 150 25 -Janitorial Sup. - 200 14 106 150 26 -Chemical & Medical Sup. - 1,000 438 750 1,000 27 -Clothing Sup. - 150 16 141 175 28-Misc. 512 250 5 55 100 Subtotal Supplies 1,512 4,000 1,887 3,418 4,857 Maint. & Repairs 31 -Motor Vehicles 830 3,000 881 1,510 2,500 32 -Machinery Tools & Implements - 500 206 353 500 34 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus 500 750 715 1,226 1,000 35 -Bldg. (includes heat & cool) 750 1,200 203 836 1,000 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 2,080 5,450 2,005 3,925 5,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED FIRE (cont.) Services 41 -Tel. & Util. 553 2,200 1,410 2,417 3,862 42 -Contract Labor Fees - 900 372 900 44 -Travel & Reg. 2,023 3,000 52 2,447 3,000 46 -Insurance 1,586 3,818 5,615 5,615 3,937 48 -Printing - - - - 200 49 -Mist. 1,034 - - - - Subtotal Services 5,196 9,918 7,077 10,851 11,899 Capital Outlay 53 -Motor Vehicles 26,674 - - - - 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - - - - 125 56 -Machinery, Tools & Implements 8,019 7,775 739 11,218 58 -Other Equip. - - - - 400 Subtotal Capital Outlay 34,693 7,775 739 11,218 525 Department Totals 58,813 49,788 22,943 50,048 50,498 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Fire Personnel Authorizations Current Part Time 1 1 New Proposed 1 Capital Outlay Temp. Account No. Description 6053 Utility vehicle 6055 Office Furniture 6058 Protective Clothing Position Title Chief Firefighter Firefighter (1/1/81) Cost $10,000 (RF) 125 400 CLASSIFICATION FIRE PREVENTION (65) CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 TOTAL PROJECTED Personnel 11 -Sal. (Full Time)$ 2,605 $ 3,588 $ 2,166 & 3,866 $ 3,800 12 -Sal. (Part Time or Temp.) - - - - 600 14 -FICA 190 219 158 263 200 17-Workmans Comp. - 172 70 125 236 Subtotal Personnel 2,795 3,979 2,394 4,254 4,836 Supplies 21 -Motor Vehicles Supplies 530 - 22 -Minor Tools - 50 40 54 24 -Office Sup. 344 300 194 272 913 26 -Chemical & Med. Supplies - 50 10 47 50 27 -Clothing Sup. 100 150 95 135 170 28-Misc. - 100 34 72 110 Subtotal Supplies 974 650 333 566 1,297 Maint. & Repairs 34 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus - 100 67 117 200 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs - 100 67 117 200 Services 41 -Tel. & Util. - 150 249 463 800 42 -Contract Labor Fees - 150 150 43 -Memberships - 100 78 100 44 -Travel & Reg. 446 1,500 779 1,529 2,640 46 -Insurance - 75 55 55 47 -Rent of Equip. - - - 38 50 48 -Printing - 100 75 100 I CLASSIFICATION CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED ,IRE PREV. (cont.) Services 49-Misc. - 100 75 100 Subtotal Services 446 2,175 1,083 2,313 3,940 Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - 300 50 680 57 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus 600 - - 1,200 38 -Other Equip. 541 180 95 95 Subtotal Capital Outlay 1,141 480 145 1,975 Department Totals 5,356 7,384 4,022 9,225 10,273 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED --IVIL DEFENSE (70) Personnel 11-Sal.(Full Time) $ - $ 1,794 $ 1,098 $ 1,814 $ 2,030 14 -FICA - 110 78 122 125 15 -Retirement - - - - 200 17-Workmans Comp. - 86 51 74 109 Subtotal Personnel - 1,990 1,227 2,010 2,464 Supplies 22 -Minor Tools - 150 32 100 100 24 -Office Sup. - - - - 150 26-Chemcial & Medical Sup. - 100 65 75 Subtotal Supplies - 250 32 165 325 Maint. & Repairs 33 -Office Equip. - - - - 100 34 -Radios, Inst., - & Apparatus - - - - 200 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs - - - - 300 Services 41 -Tel. & Util. - 50 21 71 42 -Contract Labor Fees - - - - 600 44 -Travel & Reg. - 100 36 171 250 45 -Inter -Fund Transfer - 15,625 11,463 13,838 l� 46 -Insurance - - 24 24 48 -Printing - - - - 200 49 -Mist. - 100 100 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED CIVIL DEFENSE (cont.) Services Subtotal Services Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. 57 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus 58 -Other Equip. Subtotal Capital Outlay Department Totals 15,875 11,544 14,104 1,150 - 150 790 - - - 950 1,731 . 0 1,731 150 1,740 1,731 18,265 12,803 18,019 4,239 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Fire Prevention and Civil Defense Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time Part Time Temp. Position Title 1 New Proposed None Capital Outlay None Fire Marshall/Civil Defense Director CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED BUILDING INSP. (75) Personnel 11-Sal.(Full Time) $1,612 $15,180 $ 7,152 $12,652 $24,000 12-Sal.(Part Time) - - - - 1,000 14 -FICA 209 930 395 725 1,630 15 -Retirement - - - - 800 16 -Health & Life Insurance - 669 178 558 1,260 17-Workmans Comp. - 726 284 521 1,290 Subtotal Personnel 1,821 17,505 8,009 14,456 29,980 Supplies 21 -Motor Vehicles Supplies 327 - - - - 22 -Minor Tools - 150 35 70 280 24 -Office Sup. - 100 76 100 1,020 28-Misc. - 300 113 288 300 Subtotal Supplies 327 550 224 458 1,600 Services 41 -Telephone & Utilities - 250 186 319 810 43 -Memberships - 75 3 3 100 44 -Travel & Registration 3,736 2,050 1,440 2,190 3,500 46 -Insurance - = 20 20 125 48 -Printing - - - - 800 49-Misc. - 100 Subtotal Services 3,736 2,475 1,649 2,532 5,335 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED BUILDING INSP. (cont.) Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. - - - 790 Subtotal Capital Outlay - - - 790 Department Totals 5,884 20,530 9,882 18,236 36,915 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Building Inspection Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time Part Time Temp. 1 New Proposed 1 Capital Outlay None Position Title Building Official Assistant Inspector (11/1/80) CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED 'AX ( 8 0 ) L1 -Sal. (Full Time)$15,638 $27,830 $11,.i,14 $21,000 $21,000 14 -FICA 1,136 1,706 826 1,287 1,370 15 -Retirement 1,130 612 590 612 670 L6 -Health & Life Insurance 1,133 1,338 898 1,338 1,752 17-Workmans Comp. - 86 26 86 35 Subtotal Personnel 19,037 31,572 13,484 24,323 24,827 Supplies 24 -Office Sup. 2,010 3,250 670 3,250 3,000 25 -Janitorial Sup. - - - - 1,036 28-Misc. 1,435 1,500 175 1,500 2,938 Subtotal Supplies 3,445 4,750 845 4,750 6,974 Maint. & Repairs 33 -Office Equip. 57 200 200 200 35-Bldg.(includes heat & cool) - - - - 150 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 57 200 200 350 Services 41 -Tel. & Util. - 800 675 800 2,222 42 -Contract Labor Fees 2,562 5,260 2,114 5,260 7,002 43 -Memberships 879 877 510 877 1,025 44 -Travel & Reg. 1,150 4,000 1,982 4,000 4,600 46 -Insurance - 55 102 102 125 47 -Rent of Equip. 2,239 5,732 2,416 5,732 5,732 48 -Printing - 500 39 500 500 49 -Mist. - 250 '45 250 250 CLASSIFICATION PAX (cont.) CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED subtotal. Services 6,830 Capital Outlay 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. 1,518 Subtotal Capital Outlay Department Totals Reimbursement from AISD TOTAL 1,518 17,474 7,883 17,521 21,456 30,887 53,996 2,230 (12,357) 26,776 41,639 2,230 30,887 53,996 (4,111) (12,357) 26,776 41,639 22,212 49,024 53,607 0 (12,357) 0 22,212 36,667 53,607 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Tax Personnel Authorizat-ions Current F'„11 Timo Part Tim, - 1 1 2 New Proposed (1) Capital Outlay None Temp. Position Title Assessor/Collector Appraiser Account Clerks Account Clerk (reduction of 1 authorization) 10/1/80 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED WATER & SEWER(90) Personnel 11-Sal.(Full Time) $60,376 $80,385 $39,200 $72,655 $93,290 12 -Sal. (Part Time or Temp.) - 1,328 228 1,028 2,600 13 -Overtime - 3,000 2,056 3,806 3,500 14 -FICA 5,073 4,928 2,993 5,043 6,480 15 -Retirement 500 3,661 2,789 2,789 3,000 16 -Health & Life Insurance 2,700 3,899 1,927 3,707 5,500 17-Workmans Comp. 500 1,514 769 1,469 1,450 Subtotal Personnel 69,149 98,715 49,962 90,497 115,820 Supplies 21 -Motor Vehicles Supplies 12,000 10,000 1,744 5,244 6,000 22 -Minor Tools 800 1,000 163 663 500 23 -Mechanical Supplies 28,000 30,000 4,755 19,755 20,000 24 -Office Sup. 11000 1,500 2,310 3,010 5,300 25 -Janitorial Sup. 100 200 5 200 200 26 -Chemical & Med. Sup. 500 500 186 386 500 27 -Clothing Sup. 241 800 332 682 350 Subtotal Supplies 42,641 44,000 9,495 29,940 32,850 Maint. & Repairs 31 -Motor Vehicles 3,070 5,000 1,664 4,164 4,000 32 -Machinery Tools & Implements 1,500 5,000 396 2,396 4,000 33 -Office Equip. - 200 200 200 34 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus 1,500 9,421 3,126 9,421 10,000 35-Bldg.(includes heat & cool) - 200 0 200 600 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED WATER & SEWER (cont.) Maint. & Repairs 37-Misc. - 1,000 150 500 500 Subtotal Maint. & Repairs 6,070 20,821 5,336 16,881 19,300 Services 41 -Tel. & Util. 189,229 230,000 177,670 280,393 303,539 42 -Contract Labor Fees 27,115 20,000 6,724 20,000 22,000 43 -Memberships - 300 133 233 300 44 -Travel & Reg. 169 1,000 240 540 700 45 -Inter -Fund Transfers - 70,000 40,000 40,000 46 -Insurance 1,020 2,101 3,748 4,056 2,512 47 -Rent of Equip. - 7,300 3,087 6,800 6,500 48 -Printing 9,621 1,700 877 1,700 1,000 49-Misc. - 200 253 253 200 Subtotal Services 227,154 332,601 192,732 353,975 376,751 Capital Outlay 51 -Land Impv. - 300 300 52 -Bldg. Impv. - 200 200 53 -Motor Vehicles 14,000 6,000 4,971 4,971 6,000 55 -Office Furn., Fix., & Equip. 3,890 800 810 2,275 0 56 -Machinery, Tools & Implements - 10,464 6,701 12,664 57 -Radios, Inst., & Apparatus - 1,450 951 951 750 58 -Other Equip. 20,841 24,700 1,767 23,367 Subtotal Capital Outlay 38,731 43,914 15,200 44,728 6,750 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 78-79 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 79-80 FY 80-81 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED REPORTED TOTAL PROJECTED WATER & SEWER (cont.) Department Totals QQQ Jnr, 540,051 272,725 536,021 551,471 CITY OF ALLEN 1980-81 PROPOSED BUDGET Department - Water & Sewer Personnel Authorizations Current Full Time 1 1 1 2 1 2 New Proposed 1 1 Capital Outlay Account No. 9053 9057 Part Time Temp. Description , Ton Pickup Radio Position Title Director Forman Equipment Operator Meter Readers Laborers Account Clerks Laborer (10/1/80) Utility Inspector (12/1/80) Cost $6,000 750