HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-460-9-83ORDINANCE NO. 460-9-83 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, SETTING, FIXING, AND ADOPTING THE TAX RATE FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1983, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,1984; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law, public hearing was held on August 25, 1983, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of'which was the proposed budget and tax rate for the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1983-1984, submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 7244c, V.T.C.S., the proposed tax rate does exceed by more than three percent (3%) the published limitation, and in accordance with state law a public hearing on the proposed increase in tax rate was held on September 8, 1983, after publication of notices required by law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the tax rate hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: Section I. There is hereby levied and shall be assessed for the tax year 1983 of the City of Allen an ad valorem tax of forty cents ($0.40) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property within the limits of the City of Allen and subject to taxation. Section IL Such ad valorem tax shall be appropriated between the Debt Service Fund and the General Fund as follows, to -wit: For the General Fund 0.21076 For the Debt Service Fund 0.18924 Total 0.40000 Ordinance No. 460-9-83 - Page 1 Section IIL The Tax Assessor -Collector of the City of Allen is hereby directed to assess, for the 1983 tax year, the rates and amounts herein levied, and when such taxes are collected, to distribute the collections in accordance with this ordinance. Section IV. This ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 15th day of September , 1983. APPROVED: Terson, Mayor ATTEST: ma_a_t_ Marty Hendrix, CiW Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. n ttorne ' Ordinance No. 4 6 0- 9- 8 3 - Page 2 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JACK R. STEIN, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on and which was issued on g I � l � �� , by � of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is att c ed herj o.. I, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Publisher's Fee $ of �C eve `lZ 2 , A.D. 19 . Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas .. :,��� , cE of - ���rc • � ,�r.� � ;-, � �.� :ON 91ASE r•:�; The City of -.Allen. will hold -,a ybIic,--h6 d�i%,o .,a ±; increase total tax revenues from f romPr'. ,oetjes-on'-the -tdx roll in., 1982, 1q Vzl by 4.99 percent. Your individual taxes•m' oy increase at a greater.o -Jes'" s rate, or even decrease, depending oq *,,chdnge jw the"I xiOxabli vq of thdr, Op your property in r6ldt'ion'to the chap _p W f r6i .0 t WT The public heating -will be:h,eJ&bh"`jhi uQ egfoffibor O',"T' � � `.'� ``'�`'•�`'�; �"� '�' � f. nnex 15� Butler"Circle, ALIIen,,eTexoi..- •4 "tif k-116 ..dt 7:30 p.m.,. in the. Council Chqrhbi�i, .0 FOR Im-MCLIU C r" ~Dort " - on Rod en oug L; . 0 0", M ly Rex0 A)- A,mQc n Z 4 'AGAINST -the e J -e Former, 'P - :W OV, j- tWl- ;.A A, +i"3. I - zi_ S .,i,.qne q SEN.T,;d f y ;6M M 2A At A M. w 5v 1­4�, ;Ttf t All 41 A u A Nl� P-:, .% 4Q ` AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JACK R. STEIN, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing N\1 C'* of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on 9 It � 3 and which was issued on ql I -)—I �_2 , by (�_ 0� -�A\-e— of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attac herejL _ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _lam Publisher's Fee $ A.D. 19 Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas in 13 I M EG ,,/y};�' �•t.i.`.:f.x{�.�, ,..�..� ffy. ALLEN. _ _, . ' • `�� ��� "��� �-NOTIC'l,',';.� :0 VOTEM, ,"ItATE ' .. ��� _�: e City _ ocondi'ctei " .a, public; Orin g taxes - y ncreaseis, ou irty 'a y. �rrope.­ on a propos 4�,,Y 4.99 percent :ons Thursday'; September. ,8, 1983 at 0 p 0..t64 Kpppi,ic me -tin -to'vote on the to 'rate g ,b- e:,.:he1,d`4.`+' `�p�',� nY'-y.irhul- r `5 1983w'll, 'rifM, twlb e,�-. C b6tL-J4,he;. Ow -a ouh [--Chdin- 30 I ­01-t'r . ..... . AU' "i" l"�'Annek"'-O'ne-Butler Circle:;_ :Alden Mon-cipa "..,•4W vl- Allen,--,Terk Yt� ,!'• ti y., ry1•`•.r1AY' � :_ 'w: J. FIT j t�- , ;�.% I V• . ". 1 .1 Wl o. jp sAF 41 -rl tom' k The 4, CITY OF ALLEN q PUBLIC.NOTICE Q The following or- dinances were adopted the Allen City Council Iry a regular Session held . on Thursday, September ;15,. 1983 (Titles and `oginalty Clauses only.) Ordinance No. 11554.83: An Ordinance of•the Clty of Allen, Col- lin'County, Texas, An= nexing the Hereinafter - Described Territory to ,the City of Allen, texas, Approximately 183 Acres Located In the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, Recorded ins= Volume 397, Page 355, of the Dead Records of Col. , lin County, Texas, end'' Extending the Boundary Limits of the City So as to Include Said Herelnet ter- Described Property Within the City Limits and Granting to All. Inhabitants and Owners of Said Property' All of the Rights and'. P.,rivl,leges of , Other. Citizens and Binding All' Inhabitants By all the Or- dinances, Acts, Resolu- tions and Regulations of Sa ld City; Providing' a,. Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effec- tive Date of Sold Or; 41nance. ' ' - Ordinance No. 458.9488: An Ordinance .of',the City of Allen, Col- "Iln County, Texas, An- nexing the Hereinafter - Described Territory to; the City of Allen, Texas, Approximately 130 Acres Located in the • John. Davis Survey, Abstract No. 255, and the Simon Bums Survey, 'Abstract No. "82;� C011in :,County,, Texas, ;and 'Extending the Boundary Limits of the City *0 as to Include Said", Hereinaftgr-. Described .Property Within the City Limits and Granting to All In- 1011ry of Allen, as Heretofore Amended, so as to Establish Perma- nent Zoning, To -Wit: "PD" Planned Develop• ment No. 11, on the Following -Described 'Tract of Land: Approx- imately 183 Acres of 'Land, More or Less, Con- veyedl by H.A. Rothfus and Wife, Halye Rothfus, --to'Cecll O: Patterson as Recorded in Volume 397, •Page 335, of the Collin County , ;Deed Records, :Located in the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, Collin County, Texas; Providing for a. .Preliminary Site Plan, Development Plan 4nd Use ,"Regulations;— Pro- viding for a Final Site Plan for the Single - Family Detached Area; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not To Exceed the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for. "Each -Offense. Providing . for. a Severability Clause; and 'Provlding' for -an Effec- tive Date. ' , , - ' That any person, firm or corporation violating 'any of the provisions or terms:of_this ordinance shall , be subject to the same -penalty as provid- ed for In Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of -the City, ,:of Allen, a's previously amended, and ,upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum. of Two Hundred boilers ($200.00) •for esch� of - Ordinance No. 458.9.63: An Ordinance M theCity of Allan. Col - -.Said Property, - ll- or •tne Rights and Privileges of 'Other—Citizens and Bin -•j 1 ding All Inhabitants By All the Ordinances, Acts, IResolutions and Regula-= , tions .of_ Said City', Pro- ,•viding a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Data of Said ordinance.- Ordinance No. 457.9-83: An 'Ordinance -of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, Amen- ding the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Zoning Ordinance of the Olty of Allen, As erptoforeiAmended, so' `a SstabII*h,' Perma- nenttoning, To-Wlta "PD"' Planned Develop - Severs ty ' ause; an Providing -.for an Effec- tive Date. That any person, firm .or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provid- ed for in Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Allen, as previously amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the -sum of Two 'Hundred , Dollars (5200.010) ' for ` each 'of - tense. ; Ordlnanca` ` No. 459.9.83: "An Ordinance of the Ctty,'of Alien,'Col- •Iin County; Texas, Amen- ding' .i'.omprehenslve .Zoning. Ordinance No. ,; '.as :Previously Amended, so- as to Change the - Following. Described Tracts of Land from LR (Local' Retail), R-4-" (Residential)`, ' R-5 (Residential), and- AO (Agricultural -Open Space) Classlticatlons to PD , (Planned Develop- ment) N6.13, Said Tract of Land Being Described 'as Follows: Approx- -Imately 409` Acres' -;of Land Situated In the R.C. Inorahm Survey, Abstract, No. 462, - R.C. tWhisenant'. •Survey, -Abstract :,No. 1012, William - Perrin 'Survey, Abstract No,' ,708, Mc- `JBaln , 'Jamison 'Survey, 'lAbstract No: •491 and the G.W. Ford;_Survey, Abdtract No: 328, City of Allen, Collin ,. County, Tex6s; Providing a Loca•, tion Map; Providing.for Use Regulations; Pro vlding for"a Preliminary; -Site Plan; Providing for, Final Site Plan Approval;; Providing for a Penalty of ' Fine Not • to 'Exceed -the; Sum of Two Hundred; ' Dolars, ($200.00), _•for l Fxac '�Offense;,ProvWfnfl- 145'Acres of Land, IV 1 or, Less, Out of the`' o • Davis Survey,! Abstract%-, No., 255, and the Slmori Bums-' Survey, Abstract', No. 92•,� Collin County, Texas, -I§ Acres of Which is Presently Delineated on the Official Zoning Map as "LR" Local Retail; Providing for a Preliminary Site Plan and Development Plan; Pro- viding for Use Regula- tions; Providing for a Penalty for Each Of- fense; 'Providing fora, " ectiveWb.'of. Said -or. That any person, firm -.or corporation' violating any of the provisiontj or terms of this ordinance shall be subject 'to . the same penalty as provld; ed for In the Comprehen- sive -Zoning 'Ordinance NO.-, 388-10.81, -as previously amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) ,(or each 'of- fense. `Ordinance 14 0460.9.83: An Ofdinance of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, Set- ting, Fixing, and Adop- ting the Tax Rate for the City of Allen, Texas, for the Fiscal Year Beginn- ing October 1, 1983, and Ending September 30, Effective Date for This Ordinance. (Ad Valorem Tax of forty cents ($0.40) on each One Hundred Dollars';;($100.00) ,valua- tlon of property) Ordinance No. 481 -9 -8$ -.'An Ordinance of'the'City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, Ap- proving.' and- Adopting ,.the, Budget.'and Setting 'Appr6 lattons- fol,`the ,Flacal! �y,6ar•'Beginning - Octobet•;4;1983, and Ter - minting, September, 30, .1984; apd •Providing. for an Effective Date. . Copies of,, these- or- dinances may be read or purchas@eed� In.the Office of LktheR;City' ' Secretary, Alen"AA11__unlcipal- Annex, One •$utter Circle, Allen, ,Texas. 3 1':, . Marty Hendrix, City Secretary (Publstisd In The Allen American on Monday, September 19, 1983 and Thursday, September42, 1983L" ' 1\ AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION 'HE STATE OF TEXAS :OUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JACK R. STEIN, who having been V me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- iently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- nuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing TA\ _<, Qhs C 7 which the at ched is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on c1i<;jl-3 nd which was issued on C\`� I � � by .f Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached here r. D SWORN to before me this day of ��' A.D. 9 . SUBSCRIBED AN IFIf f, Notary Public in and-fo Collin County, Texas 1 ublisher's Fee E 9 �U C p�tY•,�``s`�� tib. �� �� Z 1�S �I