HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-468-10-83ORDINANCE NO. 468-10-83
SECTION 1.01: Purpose of Chapter:
The accumulation of garbage, rubbish, brush and other refuse constitutes a public
nuisance, a health hazard, a fire hazard and a safety hazard. Therefore, it shall be
required that owners and tenants or other persons in control of property of private
residences, private commercial buildings and businesses, and the occupants of all
private non-commercial buildings which accumulate refuse, to deposit their garbage,
rubbish, brush and other refuse for removal by the agent designated by the City. Such
owners, renters and occupants shall maintain the premises of the buildings and property
free of accumulations of all other refuse. All refuse shall be disposed of in a place and
by methods deemed appropriate by the City. The purpose of this chapter is to provide
for a method of collecting and disposing of refuse and to maintain neighborhood quality
and aesthetics and maintenance of property values by providing for the general health
and welfare.
SECTION 1.02: Definitions:
When used in this chapter, the following terms will have the meanings so
assigned to them.
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 1
"City" shall mean the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas.
"Residents" shall mean persons residing within the limits of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas.
"Nonresidents" shall mean persons residing other than within the boundaries of
the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas.
"Persons" shall mean any person, firm, corporation, organization or municipal
entity incorporated or nonincorporated other than the City of Allen, Collin County,
"Premises" shall mean all public and private establishments, including individual
residences, all multi -family dwellings, residential care facilities, hospitals, schools,
businesses, other buildings and all vacant lots.
"Commercial" or "Industrial' shall mean any structure or business other than
residential, including hotels, motels, structures containing more than four (4) dwellings,
and residential care facilities.
"Residential" shall mean any structure or premises used for permanent living
quarters of whatever type, including conventional single-family residences, duplexes,
multi -family residences, apartments or mobile homes.
"Residential Garbage" shall mean all normal household waste of private
residences and multi -family dwellings of not more than four (4) units, especially
including waste of food, but not including sewage and body waste, manure, dead animals
over ten (10) pounds in weight, large tree trimmings, demolition or remodeling debris,
or any other waste material that cannot be broken down to fit into the regular garbage
containers herein specified.
"Commercial Garbage" shall mean all normal establishment waste products of
commercial buildings or establishments and including multi -family dwellings other than
private residences, other than sewage and body waste, manure, dead animals over ten
(10) pounds in weight, large tree trimmings, demolition or remodeling debris, or any
other waste material that cannot be broken down to fit into the regular garbage
containers herein specified.
"Contractor" shall mean such private firm designated by the City for the
collection, transportation and/or disposal of the solid waste.
"Rubbish" shall mean trash or garbage such as feathers, ashes, aluminum cans,
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 2
papers, boxes, glass and any other matter commonly understood to be rubbish.
"Brush" shall mean plants or grass clippings, leaves or tree trimmings.
"Refuse" shall mean all solid waste materials.
"Unusual Accumulations" shall mean (i) for residences, each regular collection,
more than eight (8) containers of garbage, or the equivalent; (ii) for commercial
establishments, accumulations that would not occur in the ordinary course of business;
(iii) large, heavy or bulky objects not normally generated from households or businesses;
and, (iv) materials judged by the City Manager, or a person designated by him, to be
hazardous, such as acid or caustic materials.
"Dead Animals" shall mean animals equal to or greater than ten (10) pounds in
weight that have expired from any cause except those slaughtered or killed for human
"Bulky Wastes" shall mean stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines,
furniture and other waste materials other than construction debris, dead animals,
hazardous waste or stable matter with weights or volumes greater than those allowed
for containers.
"Bags" shall mean plastic sacks, designed to store refuse with sufficient wall
strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. Total weight of a bag
and its contents shall not exceed 35 pounds.
SECTION 2.01: Garbage, Rubbish, Brush and Refuse:
The storing or keeping of garbage (whether residential or commercial), rubbish,
brush and refuse that is unsightly, or a health, fire or safety hazard, or a harbor for
reptiles, rodents, insects or other animals is prohibited. Removal of all garbage,
rubbish, brush and refuse is the owner's or person in control of premises responsibility
and at the owner's or person in control expense. The City, through its authorized
representative, shall have the right to require alteration of service to any premises
where unsightly or unsanitary conditions have resulted from inadequate containers or
insufficient number of containers.
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 3
SECTION 2.02: Dumping•.
Dumping of any residential or commercial garbage, rubbish, brush or refuse in
any place and in any manner other than that designated in this Ordinance is prohibited.
SECTION 2.03: Receptacles for Garbage, Trash and Brush:
a) Every owner, tenant, or occupant shall use plastic bags or other
waterproof, secured containers for garbage receptacles or such other containers
authorized in this section. The garbage bags or containers shall be of such a thickness
that they can be lifted by the top without breaking, or 1.5 mils, and shall meet City of
Allen specifications. Each bag shall contain no more than thirty-five (35) pounds of
weight in garbage, nor no more than thirty (30) gallons volume of waste matter. All
bags shall have openings securely closed. Water or other liquids shall be drained from
b) Brush shall be placed in plastic garbage bags or tied in bundles not to
exceed three (3) feet in length with no limbs exceeding three (3) inches in diameter.
Bundles of brush shall be comparable in size and weight with bags of garbage, but will
not exceed 35 pounds in weight.
c) Commercial establishments shall use the containers specified by the
Contractor for the City.
SECTION 2.04: Residential Collection:
a) Collection of regular garbage, rubbish and brush shall be two (2) times
weekly or as often as necessary as determined by the City Manager or a person
designated by him.
b) It shall be the duty of persons occupying the premises of a residence,
commercial establishment or other building to place the garbage in the proper
receptacles at the curb line or alley side most accessible to the collection crew as
determined by the Contractor and the City Manager or his designee.
c) Unusual accumulations, brush or bulky wastes, shall not be placed for
regular garbage pickup. Removal of unusual accumulations may be requested for a
special collection, and there shall be an additional fee for such service based on the
cost of providing such service. The City Manager or his designate shall be the authority
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 4
for what constitutes "unusual accumulations" if there is a difference of opinion between
a customer and Contractor.
SECTION 2.05: Residential Collection Fees:
The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush in disposable bags from
residential premises, two times per week, shall be made for a fee charge of $4.05 per
residential unit for each calendar month. Multi -family dwellings (4 or more units) shall
use commercial containers provided by Contractor. For partial months, said charges
shall be prorated for each and every day of the month during which such service is
available and provided to the customers. There shall be a fee charged for extra
collections necessary for the collection of unusual accumulations. An increase in
monthly fees may be made upon approval of the City Council. The charges for
collection service shall be included on the monthly utility bill of the occupant. All
utility customers shall receive solid waste collection service. Rates and charges shall
be due and payable on the date so indicated on the utility and solid waste bill. Should
the amount due on the date so indicated not be paid in full, a ten percent (10%) penalty
shall be added to the amount due and unpaid.
SECTION 2.06: Commercial Collection:
Either plastic bags shall be used or commercial -type containers shall be placed
at a location on the premises agreed to by the customer and the Contractor. The
collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush from buildings and premises used
for commercial or institutional purposes shall be made not less than one (1) time per
week, and as often as necessary in order to maintain such premises free of
accumulations of garbage, trash and brush.
SECTION 2.07: Commercial Collection Fees:
The service charge for commercial and institutional collections shall be based on
the frequency or collection necessary and the amount regularly collected. Minimum
charge shall be $10.75 per month. There shall be a fee charged for extra collections
necessary for the collection of unusual accumulations. Contractor will provide service
for all categories of collection for which fees are established. The rates to be charged
and collected by the City shall be in accordance with the rate or fee schedule attached
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 5
hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 2.08: Collection Contractor:
The City of Allen shall designate a Contractor to regularly collect and remove
garbage, rubbish and brush from residential premises and other establishments
subscribing to the service. This agent shall operate by contract with the City. The
City Manager shall take action to see that the terms of this contract are fulfilled and is
authorized to act for and on behalf of the City as its representative.
SECTION 2.09: Other Garbage Collectors:
a) Individual persons may remove garbage, rubbish, brush or unusual
accumulations to a sanitary landfill, subject to the landfill owner's or operator's rules
and regulations, and providing that the garbage, rubbish, brush and unusual
accumulations are secured by bags or other containers so as not to blow on and litter
City streets. An individual hauling refuse as allowed by this section will not be
exempted from any portion of the regular charge for solid waste collection.
b) Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage
in the business of collecting garbage within the City of Allen except as may be
specifically authorized by contract with the City.
SECTION 2.10: Permit Required for Private Haulers of Refuse:
a) The City Council may from time to time determine that it is in the best
interest of the City of Allen to allow a private hauler of refuse, other than the City's
Contractor, to collect and haul refuse within the City. A permit shall be necessary to
conduct commercial collection and hauling of refuse as envisioned in this section. It is
expressly understood that such permit will not apply to any residential collection but
only to commercial, industrial or institutional collection. The permit, if granted by the
City Council, must specifically list that place or places of business the private hauler
will be allowed to haul from and said permit will be for a maximum of one year. The
City Council, in reviewing a permit application, will consider the City Contractor's
ability to serve said customer(s). Franchise fees will be established by the City Council
together with the method and frequency of payment, all of which will be specified in
the permit.
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 6
b) The City recognizes that there may be existing contracts between
businesses and private haulers and those contracts will be honored by the Contractor for
a period to January 1, 1986. Such contracts must be in force before the execution of
this Ordinance, but will be null and void after January 1, 1986, and said business or
businesses will be required to use the City's Contractor unless a permit is issued under
the provisons of this section.
c) There shall be an annual permit fee for a private hauler of Five Hundred
Dollars ($500.00) payable in advance for the calendar year during which it is to be in
force. This fee shall not be prorated for partial years.
d) The City Council may grant, refuse or rescind the permit according to its
judgment of which action is deemed to be in the best interest of the public.
e) The City Secretary shall issue the permit after securing the following
information: Name and address of the applicant, the trade name of the applicant, the
certificate of insurance, and the character of the service that the applicant proposes to
render. Said private hauler will be required to adhere to all sections of this and other
applicable ordinances of the City.
SECTION 2.11: Transport of Refuse by Other Haulers:
a) Refuse collection by persons other than the agent designated by the City
shall transport refuse in vehicles which are covered by metal top, screening or canvas
or in such other manner so as to prevent the escape of any particle of refuse. Refuse
escaping from such a truck shall be deemed as litter and the driver shall be responsible
for littering.
b) Haulers from any locale other than the City of Allen using the streets of
the City of Allen shall be required to use similarly suitable vehicles and to be
responsible for the containment of the contents, as above.
SECTION 2.12: Prohibited Acts:
a) Pilfering, scattering contents or meddling with garbage, rubbish, brush or
containers by any person other than owner, occupant or authorized agent is prohibited.
b) It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any burning match, charcoal,
ember or other burning material in any container used for the disposal of garbage or
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 7
c) It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any materials not included in
the definitions of garbage, rubbish and brush in any container used for the disposal of
garbage, rubbish or brush.
SECTION 2.13: Wastes from Building Operations:
Debris or rubbish, resulting from construction or major remodeling and repair,
resulting from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property just prior to its
occupancy, or resulting from sizable amounts of trees, brush and debris cleared from
property in preparation for construction, will not be removed by the Contractor of the
City as regular service. A person needing the removal of such debris, rubbish or brush
or any other waste shall have such waste removed at his expense and such person or
such person's agent shall not be required to have a license to collect or transport such
waste. All such removals shall be the sole responsibility, and at the expense, of the
owner or user of the property and/or his contractor.
SECTION 2.14: Wastes from Tree Trimming Operations:
It shall be the duty of any person employing a contractor, tree trimmer, or other
person to trim or prune trees or shrubs to have said trimmings removed from the
premises at his own expense.
SECTION 3.01: Penalties:
Upon conviction of a violation of any section of this Ordinance, any person, firm
or corporation, being found guilty, shall be fined any sum not in excess of One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense and shall be assessed court costs as provided by
SECTION 3.02: Repealing of Conflicting Ordinances:
Ordinance Number 54 is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3.03: Validity:
Should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance or of the code
hereby adopted be declared for any reason invalid, it is the intent of the City Council of
the City of Allen that it would have passed all other portions of this Ordinance
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 8
independent of any such portion as may be declared invalid.
SECTION 3.04: Effective Date:
The caption of this Ordinance shall be published one time in a newspaper for
general circulation in the City of Allen, Texas, and shall be effective upon its adoption
and such publication.
M. B. Pierson, Mayor
Marty Hendrix, tity Secretary
Ordinance No. 468-10-83 - Page 9
Attachment to Ordinance No. 468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
Description of Service
a. For each one unit of single family
detached either curb -side or alley -
side service. Amount (written)
Four dollars and five cents
b. For each unit of a duplex for curb-
side or alley service. Amount
Four dollars and five cents
C. For apartment of less than four
units for centrally located service.
Amount (written)
Four dollars
d. For apartment buildings or complexes
greater than four units for centrally
located(dumpster) service. Amount
Four dollars per unit
e. For special pick-ups (extra hauls).
Amount (written)
Fifteen dollars
Amount in Figures
(Per unit)
Attachment to Ordinance No.
Exhibit "A"
Page 2
Description/of Service
468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
Amount in Figures
Fee charges for commercial collection
where bags and residential type containers
are allowable for between 1-5 bags or
cans for one collection per week.
Amount (written)
Ten dollars and seventy five cents
For collection of 6-10 bags at one
collection date per week. Amount
Twenty one dollars and fifty cents
Fee charges for commercial collection
where bags and residential type containers
are allowable for between 1-5 bags or
cans for two collections per week.
Amount (written)
Twenty one dollars and fifty cents
For collection of 6-10 bags at two
collection dates per week. Amount
(written) Forty three dollars
Fee charges for commercial collection
where bags and residential type containers
are allowable for between 1-5 bags or
cans for three collections per week.
Amount (written) Thirty two dollars
and twenty five cents
For collection of 6-10 bags at three
collection dates per week. Amount
(written) Sixty four dollars and
fifty rant -
Fee charges for commercial collection
where bags and residential type containers
are allowable for between 1-5 bags or
cans for four collections per week.
Amount (written) Fifty one dollars
and fifty cents
Attachment to Ordinance No. 468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
Exhibit "A"
Page 3
Description of Service Amount in Figures
h. For collection of 6-10 bags at four
collection dates per week. Amount $103.00
(written) One hundred and three
i. Fee charges for commercial collection
where bags and residential type containers $62.25
are allowable for between 1-5 bags or
cans for five collections per week.
Amount (written) Sixty two dollars
and twenty five cents
j. For collection of 6-10 bags at five
collection dates per week. Amount $124.50
(written) One hundred twenty four
dollars and fifty cents
k. Fee charges for commercial collection
where bags and residential type containers $73.00
are allowable for between 1-5 bags or
cans for six collections per week.
Amount (written) Seventy three dollars
1. For collection of 6-10 bags at six
collection dates per week. Amount $146.00
(written) One hundred forty six
NOTE: It is understood that all charges listed below
for container use shall include the lease fee
for the container and the service charge.
Amount in Figures
a. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 3 cubic yard sized container one $25.20
time per week. Amount (written)
Twenty five dollars and twenty cents
Attachment to Ordinance No.
Exhibit "A"
Page 4
Description of Service
468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
Fee charged for leasing and
collection for a 4 cubic yard
sized container one time per
week. Amount(written)
Thirty one dollars
c. Fee charged for leasing and
collection for 6 cubic yard
sized container one time per
week. Amount (written)
Thirty nine dollars
d. Fee charged for leasing and
collection for an 8 cubic yard
sized container one time per
week. Amount (written)
Forty eight dollars
Amount in Figures
e. Fee for leasing and collecting
from a 3 cubic yard sized container $37.00
two times per week. Amount (written)
Thirty seven dollars
f. Fee for leasing and collecting
from a 4 cubic yard sized container
two times per week. Amount (written) $48.00
Forty eight dollars
g. Fee for leasing and collecting
from a 6 cubic yard sized container $56.00
two times per week. Amount (written)
Fifty six dollars
h. Fee for leasing and collecting
from an 8 cubic yard sized container $68.00
two times per week. Amount (written)
Sixty eight dollars
Attachment to Ordinance No.
Exhibit "A"
Page 5
Description of Service
468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
Amount in Figures
i. Fee for leasing and collecting
from a 3 cubic yard sized container $56.00
three times per week. Amount
Fifty six dollars
j. Fee for leasing and collecting
from a 4 cubic yard sized container $70.00
three times per week. Amount
Seventy dollars
k. Fee for leasing and collecting
from a 6 cubic yard sized containwe $99.00
three times per week. Amount
Ninety-nine dollars
1. Fee for leasing and collecting
from an 8 cubic yard sized container $115.00
three times per week. Amount
(written) One hundred and
fifteen dollars
M. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 3 cubic yard sized container four $74.00
times per week. Amount (written)
Seventy four dollars
n. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 4 cubic yard sized container four $78.00
times per week. Amount (written)
Seventy eight dollars
o. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 6 cubic yard.sized container four $125.00
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred twenty five dollars
Attachment to Ordinance No.
Exhibit "A"
Page 6
Description of Service
468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
Amount in Figures
p. Fee for leasing and collecting from
an 8 cubic yard sized container four $150.00
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred fifty dollars
q. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 3 cubic yard sized container five $100.00
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred dollars
r. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 4 cubic yard sized container five $112.00
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred twelve dollars
S. Fee for leasing and collecting from $157.00
a 6 cubic yard sized container five
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred fifty seven dollars
t. Fee for leasing and collecting from $181.00
an 8 cubic yard sized container five
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred eighty one dollars
U. Fee for leasing and collecting from $128.00
a 3 cubic yard sized container six
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred twenty eight dollars
V. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 4 cubic yard sized container six $144.00
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred forty four dollars
jAttachment to Ordinance No. 468-10-83, Adopted 10/20/83
' Exhibit "A"
Page 7
Description of Service Amount in Figures
W. Fee for leasing and collecting from
a 6 cubic yard sized container six $186.00
times per week. Amount (written)
One hundred eighty six dollars
X. Fee for leasing and collecting from
an 8 cubic yard sized container six $219.00
times per week. Amount (written)
Two hundred and nineteen dollars
a. Fees for leasing a 30 cubic yard
compacted container. Amount $ 95.00
(written) Ninety five dollars
b. Charge for collecting 30 cubic
yard container (each haul based $110.00
upon call for service). Amount
(written) One hundred ten dollars
C. Fees for leasing a 42 cubic yard
compacted container. Amount
(written) One hundred dollars
d• Charge for collecting 42 cubic
yard container (each haul based
upon call for service). Amount
(written) One hundred twenty eight
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JACK R. STEIN, who having been
me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:
That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre-
uently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con-
nuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing
_pt �iC 1('� -I\-yL.c- ocAIr avec
if which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on
�612A, q --�> ( d1z-II(;�3
tnd which was issued on J ) U � Zq I 5-C3 , by S_"
if Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 2c'�' day of C*� `- t-9-4"` b -fC , A.D. 19 �3 .
Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas
?ublisher's Fee X °�
The following -or-
dinance was adopted by
the Allen City Council in
a regular session held on
Thursday, October 20,
1983 (Title and Penalty
'Clause only.)
468:10:83:;'An Ordinance
Prescribing .Regulations
Governing -Garbage and
Refuse in-the_CityP of
Allen; Defining Terms;
Prescribing -Regulations
for- Garbage Recep-
tacles; -Establishing "Col-
lection Fees;
Establishing Collecting
'Agent; Prescribing for
Regulating Governing
Permits; Establishing
Prohibited Acts; Pro-
viding for a Penalty of No
More Than One Thou-
sand Dollars ($1,000.00)
for the Violations of
These Ordinances; Pro-
viding for Repeal of Con-
flicting Ordinances; Pro-
viding for A Severability
Clause; Providing for the
-Publication of the Cap-
tion_,,of This Ordinance
and an Effective Date
Upon conviction of a
violation of any section
of this Ordinance,;any.
person, firm or corpora-
tion, being found guilty,
shall be.fined any sum
not in excess of One
Th-ousand DollaIrs
($1,000.00) for -each of-
fensa- and shall be
assessed court costs as
provided by law.
A,'copy of this or-
dinance may be read or
purchased in the office
of the City .Secretary,
Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen,
Texas, between 'the
:hours of8:0(t-' ;:to5:00'..
Marty Hendrix,
�." City Secretary
(Published lnt~-The-JAllen
American on .I Monday;'
October 24," 1983 and
Thursday, October 27,
19831. _ — _ . - E
The' following or.
dinance iNas+adopted by
the Allen Clty Council In
a regular session held on
Thursday,_October 20,
1983 (Title, and ' Penalty
" Clause,only.)
Ordinance 4- No.
468.10.83: An Ordinance
Prescribing - Regulations
Governing- Garbage and
Refuse In -the -City of
Allen; Defining Terms;
Prescribing Regulations
for Garbage Recep-'
tacles; Establishing Col- i
16etion, <µ,.W Fees';-
-Establishing CbIWrtind
Agent; j Prescribing,; for
Regulating, Gbvern(ng
Permits;' Establishing
Prohibited Acts; Pro-
viding for a Penalty of No
More. Than One, Thou- i
sand Dbllars ($1;000.00)
for' the Violations of 1
These Ordinances; Pro-
viding for Repeal of Con-
flicting Ordinances; Pro-
viding for A Severability
Clause; Providing for the
Publication of the Cap-
tion"of This' Ordinance
and an Effective Date
Hereof. r 11)
Upon con'Viction of a
violation of, any 'section
of this Ordinance" "-, any
person, firm or corpora.'
tion, being- found guilty,
shall'be fin6d any sum
'not In excess of 'One'
Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) for each,of.
fense "and" shall ' be
assessed court costs as
provided by law.
A copy of this or.
dlriance'may be read or
purchased In the office
of the City Secretary,
Allen Municipal Annex,
One' Butler Circle, Allen,
Texas, I between the
hours of 8:00 a.m: to 5:00
ry Marty Hendrix,
(Published ln,IThs. Allen
American, on . Moriday, I
October! 24,'4! 1983r ind
Thursday,' October 27,