HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-485-1-84ORDINANCE NO. 485-1-84 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, CHANGING THE NAME OF A PORTION OF RIDGEMONT DRIVE, PARTICULARLY THAT PORTION LOCATED FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH HIGHWAY 5 TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE FRONTAGE ROAD AT U.S. HIGHWAY 75, IN THE TEXET ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, TO TEXET DRIVE; AMENDING ALL ORDINANCES OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in March 24, 1983, a final plat was approved for the Texet Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, one of the streets platted therein being designated a continuation of "Ridgemont Drive"; and, WHEREAS, representatives of Texet, Inc. requested, at a regular meeting held on December 1, 1983, by the City Council of the City of Allen, that a portion of Ridgemont Drive located from its intersection with Highway 5 to its intersection with the Frontage Road at U.S. Highway 75, in the Texet Addition to the City of Allen, Texas, be renamed Texet Drive; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, recognizes that Texet, Inc. has provided a significant contribution to the City of Allen by constructing a portion of Ridgemont Drive and constructing a building that not only fully utilized their property but also blended in with the trees, shrubs and general environment of the area; and, WHEREAS, changing of the name of "Ridgemont Drive" within the Texet Addition can be accomplished simply through passage of this ordinance amending the final plat of the Texet Addition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the street, located from its intersection with Highway 5 to its intersection with the Frontage Road at U.S. Highway 75, in the City of Allen, Collin Ordinance No. 485-1-84 - Page 1 County, Texas, designated "Ridgemont Drive" be, and is by these presents hereby, officially changed to and redesignated as "Texet Drive". SECTION 2. That, as a condition to the change and redesignation of the street name in question, the builder/developer of said Texet Addition be, and is hereby, required to file any and all legal instruments necessary to officially change said name on the plat records of the City of Allen and is further hereby responsible for notification of said change and redesignation to all public utilities and postal authorities. SECTION 3. That all ordinances or portions of ordinances of the City of Allen in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby amended to conform to the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 5th DAY OF January APPROVED AS TO FORM: -- . APPROVED: '194 M. B. Pierson, Mayor ATTEST: fY\ a-�, Marty Hendrix, Ty Secretary Ordinance No. 485-1-84 - Page 2 AFFIDAVIT AN13 PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this ddy personally appeared . ^ '#' Who, hiving by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: : That he is publishes of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a news " 1 " ' ` ' ijta�er'published in Collin Couiltqq►; 'I'��ttliil; not lar h quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having ban put�llslriri! t�tisirllarla► and cc tinuously for more than twelve months -ptiorQto publishing - cif, - ' ,r; of which the attached is a true written copy; a" which was pubgshbd li THE_ -'ALLEN AMTRICAN on and which was issued on 1 by C .-�\`Rv v of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is at" ched ;;L rA SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to beftire`ane'this Vact-d=, day of A.D. 19� 1' vNNota'ry`Publlc in,and for Collin Counti,.Texas Publisher's Fee S lit, -; CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE The following or- dinances - were adopted by the Allen city Coungqll In a regular aesdloh held on thursday, J84gpry 5, 1984 (Titles and' Pone�ty Clanaes"only.)"""''• "" ° 4"144:$' Ant i6ralAkoW" of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, Repealing Ordinance No. 424.1.83 of the City of Allen, Texas, and Amen- ding Planned Develop- ment Zoning Ordinance No. 389-10-81 to Include" the Attachment of !Ek', hibit "C' as the ApprQ'�► ed Amended Site Plan for , Development of ,:K On aria One -Half ; AcreTract of Land Wt'of: the Rufus Sewell SuNey," Abstract No. 875, Located at the northeast corner of Ridgemont and State,: t: Presently Delineated on' the Official Zoning Map as a portion of PD -SC No. 4;; Providing for -a. Peanl* Providing for an, Effective, Date; and Pro- viding'•toP-Publication of the Catltion. .4 ,c, ,c, Yt Thaty anypersori; flim,+ or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms, 61 this ordinance shall � subject to the same penalty as provid- ed for; In the Planned Develbflment Zoning Or- dinance No.189.10.81 of the City of Allen and upon-6onvlCtion, shall.be pufila`hOd by a,fine ribt-tc exceed the- -sum; sol $200.00 fot>each offense, - Ordoledbi' No-. 485.1.64: An Ordinance of the City of -Allen, Col= fin County, Texas, Chanding the Nltme of K. Portion of Ridgemont Portia Located From Its Inter rid (� ?Wjth High' y'. tta 11Y teriegtion.With the Front tage'Road at U.S. Highway 75, In the Tenet AdditIdrGt0.1hd,t ty '�6t Allen,; Teitas,:;to:,Texet Drlve;�'A4riendIhq eAW Or• dlnan6bti':oi-' Porttorls "01 Ordlnor"a` Ari', Conflict Herewith-' ,and.' �ovIdI.N for an Atffecti'vAliatiL,y� of th$`'Clty ,50 Allen _MunlclpaIf One 86tler Oircif (Publhltii+d Itt;tf*AIIiG Amerit=an*-pit Monday, Jan. 9,,1934 and Thurs_ day, Jan. 12, 1934.) a 2. Public Notices ,CITY OF ALLEN,- ;-,Then•.t.toljOwirig ~6t- dlifaces were ado iiypted .the Allen:city Council Irl a regular aeaston;held !', 1984 (Titleis:-end Peii of the_Clty"of Alla tin• ,CoOhty,,•_ T 424.1.83 of 'the -City 'bf Allen; Tezae; end, Ambli- ding Planned,, Devdiop- Mont Y Zoning 'drdtnance No. 389.10.81 to Indluda the ,'Attachment 4f„Eli- `Mbit "C” as ths,'Apprdv- 'ed Amended Slte;•P.Iari for' -'Development,'. -df is a iM '•and ' One•Half'� (i,5� Aerie Tract of Land Out.o the Rufus Sewell Survey; Abstract , No: 875, Located at the•ndiiheast corner of Ridgemontana State. Highway Presently Delineated' ph the bf}icial, Zoning Map ,as 'a Portlori'•of:.PD•SC No, '4; PrOddirid; for A Peanity; Providing..for kh ENectivei Date;: and Pfd vlding for Publication'bf the Caption. ° . �' ', That anyperson'410" or corporation violati'I any of the provisions r terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provid- ed for In the Planned Development ZoningOr- dinance No. 389.10t.of the City of Allen and upon conviction shall be, punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of $200.00 for each offense. ;Or'dthAiiee No. Nkl4k An Ordinance f,ahe• City; a� �Mlsn,--Col: In+r'�County;}, Texas; OangWi 'the•Name-of 4 $rtloo, of; Rld9pMont idve.._Paitio64arI4; That 3010,c'' . With 5 to_%Its"" IrF Highway 75, lr the T'i& Addition to. the City of Allen, Texas, to Texet '1�f1wb;"Altsandhrp�Atr; `dlnencea or Portions f Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Providing for an Effective Date. Copies of these or- dinances may be read or purchased. in the office of the City Secretary, Allen. Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, .Texas, ; • - -' ^ Marty Hendrix f,-� City Secretary �(Pu66elad In the Alton 'Amirkan on Monday, Jsn:; 9; 1984 and Thurs. day; Jan.12,1994.)