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When used in this Ordinance, the following
words and terms, unless the context indicates a different meaning, shall be interpreted
as follows:
1.1 OWNER: Any person, firm or corporation who has right of property in an
animal or who harbors an animal or allows an animal to remain about his premises for a
period of five (5) days.
1.2 HARBORING: The act of keeping and caring for an animal or of providing
a premise to which the animal returns for food, shelter or care for a period' of five (5)
1.3 DOMESTIC ANIMAL: Shall include all species of animals commonly and
universally accepted as being domesticated.
1.4 WILD ANIMAL: Shall include all species of animals which commonly exist
in a natural unconfined state and are usually not domesticated. This shall apply
regardless of duration of captivity.
1.5 LIVESTOCK: The term "livestock" shall mean all domesticated animals,
including but not limited to horses, cows, mules, goats, sheep and pigs.
1.6 LARGE CANINE BREEDS: The term "large canine breeds" shall mean
dogs equivalent to or greater than any average size Cocker Spaniel (30 pounds).
1.7 PET ANIMAL: Shall include dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles
and any other species of animal which is sold or retained as a household pet but shall
not include skunks, nonhuman primates and any other species of wild exotic or
carnivorous animal that may be further restricted in this law.
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - page 1
1.8 DOG: Shall mean any live or dead dog (canis familiaris).
1.9 CAT: Shall mean any live or dead cat (fells catus).
1.10 VICIOUS ANIMAL: Shall mean any individual animal or any species that
has on two occasions attacked or bitten any person or other animal, or any individual
animal which the Animal Control Officer has reason to believe has a dangerous
disposition, or any species of animal which the Animal Control Officer has reason to
believe has a dangerous disposition, or any species of animal which the Animal Control
Officer has reason to believe has a dangerous disposition likely to be harmful to humans
or other animals.
1.11 STRAY ANIMAL: Any animal for which there is no identifiable owner or
1.12 PERFORMING ANIMAL EXHIBITION: Any spectacle, display, act or
event other than circuses in which performing animals are used.
1.13 CIRCUS: A commercial variety show featuring animal acts for public
1.14 COMMERCIAL ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENT: Any pet shop, auction,
riding school or stable, zoological park, circus, recurring animal exhibition or kennel.
1.15 RUNNING AT LARGE: Shall mean not completely confined by a
building, wall or fence of sufficient strength or construction to restrain the animal,
except when such animal is either on a leash or held in the hands of the owner or
keeper, or under direct supervision of the owner within the limits of the owner's private
property. An animal within an automobile or other vehicle of its owner shall not be
deemed "running at large".
1.16 VACCINATED: Means properly injected with a rabies vaccine licensed
for use in that species by the United States Department of Agriculture and
administered by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
1.17 CURRENTLY VACCINATED: Means vaccinated and satisfying the
following criteria.
(a) The animal must have been at least three (3) months of age at the time of
(b) At least thirty (30) days have elapsed since the initial vaccination.
(c) Not more than twelve (12) months have elapsed since the most recent
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 2
1.18 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: A person designated by the City Manger
to receive reports of animal bites, investigate bite reports, insure quarantine of possibly
rabid animals and otherwise carry out provisions of the Texas law pertaining to control
and eradication of rabies and enforce the provisions'of this Ordinance.
1.19 HEALTH OFFICER: "Health officer" shall mean a licensed physician
appointed by the City Council to have charge and control of protecting and preserving
the public health.
2.1 VACCINATIONS: Every owner of a dog or cat three (3) months of age or
older shall have such animal vaccinated against rabies. All dogs or cats vaccinated at
three months of age or older shall be revaccinated at one (1) year of age and annually
thereafter. Any person moving in to the city from a location outside of the city shall
comply with 'this Ordinance within ten (10) days after having moved into the city. If the
dog or cat has inflicted a bite on any person, or another animal, within the last ten (10)
days, the owner of said dog or cat shall report such fact to the veterinarian and no
rabies vaccine shall be administered until after the ten (10) day observation period.
2.2 CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION: Upon vaccination, the veterinarian
shall execute and furnish to the owner of the dog or cat as evidence thereof a
certificate upon a form furnished by the veterinarian. The veterinarian shall retain a
duplicate copy. Such certificate shall contain the following information:
(a) The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the vaccinated
dog or cat;
(b) The date of vaccination;
(c) The year and number of rabies tag; and,
(d) The breed, age, color and sex of the vaccinated dog or cat.
2.3 RABIES TAGS: Concurrent with the issuance and delivery of the
certificate of vaccination referred to in Subsection 2.2, the owner of the dog or cat
shall cause to be attached to the collar or harness of the vaccinated dog or cat a metal
tag, serially numbered to correspond with the vaccination certificate number, and
bearing the year of issuance and the name of the issuing veterinarian and his address.
The owner shall cause the collar or harness with the attached metal tag to be worn by
his dog or cat at all times.
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - page 3
In the event of loss or destruction of the original tag
provided in Subsection 2.3, the owner of the dog or cat shall obtain a duplicate tag.
Vaccination certificates (and tags) shall be valid only for the animal for which it was
originally issued.
2.5 PROOF: It shall be unlawful for any person who owns or harbors a
vaccinated dog or cat to fail or refuse to exhibit his copy of the certificate of
vaccination upon demand to any person charged with the enforcement of this
2.6 HARBORING UNVACCINATED ANIMALS: It shall be unlawful for any
person to harbor any dog or cat which has not been vaccinated against rabies, as
provided herein, or which cannot be identified as having a current vaccination
2.7 ANIMALS EXPOSED TO RABIES: Any person having knowledge of the
existence of any animal known to have been, or suspected of being, exposed to rabies
must immediately report such knowledge to the Animal Control Officer, giving any
information which may be required. For any animal known to have been, or suspected
of being, exposed to rabies, the following rules must apply:
(a) Animals having a current vaccination must be revaccinated immediately
and confined at the owner's expense according to the method prescribed
by the Animal Control Officer for a period of not less than ninety (90)
(b) Animals not having a current vaccination should be humanely destroyed.
However, if the owner of such an animal elects, he may, at his expense
and in a manner prescribed by the Animal Control Officer, confine said
animal. Such animal must be vaccinated immediately following exposure
and confined for not less than six (6) months. A revaccination shall be
done one month prior to release from confinement.
Irn u e ume
3.1 REPORTING ANIMAL BITES. Any person having knowledge of an animal
bite to a human will report the incident to the City of Allen Animal Control Officer as
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 4
soon as possible, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours from the time of the
3.2 OWNER RESPONSIBILITY: The owner of the biting animal will place that
animal in quarantine as prescribed in Section 4 under the supervision of the Animal
Control Officer.
3.3 REPORTING FORMS: The Animal Control Officer will investigate each
bite incident, utilizing reporting forms.
3.4 BITE EXCLUSIONS: Human bites from rodents, rabbits, birds, and
reptiles are excluded from the reporting requirements of this action.
4.1 DISPOSITION OF BITING ANIMALS: When a dog or cat which has bitten a
human has been identified, the owner will be required to produce the animal for ten (10)
days confinement at the owner's expense. Refusal to produce said dog or cat
constitutes a violation of this section and each day of such refusal constitutes a
separate and individual violation. The ten (10) day observation period will begin on the
day of the bite incident. The animal must be placed in the animal control facilities
specified for this purpose. However, the owner of the animal may request permission
from the Animal Control Officer for home quarantine if the following criteria can be
(a) Secure facilities must be available at the home of the animal's owner and
must be approved by the Animal Control Officer.
(b) The animal is currently vaccinated against rabies.
(c) The Animal Control Officer or a licensed veterinarian must observe the
animal at least on the first and last days of the quarantine period. If the
animal becomes ill during the observation period, the Animal Control
Officer must be notified by the person having possession of the animal.
At the end of the observation period the release from quarantine must be
accomplished in writing.
(d) If the biting animal cannot be maintained in secure quarantine, it shall be
humanely destroyed and the brain submitted to a Texas Department of
Health certified laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
Ordinance No. 4 9 7- 3- 8 4 - page 5
4.2 INTERRUPTION: It shall be unlawful for any person to interrupt the ten
(10) day observation period.
4.3 WILD ANIMALS: No wild animal will be placed in quarantine. All wild
animals involved in biting incidents will be humanely euthanized in such a manner that
the brain shall be submitted to a Texas Department of Health certified laboratory for
rabies diagnosis.
4.4 AUTHORIZATION FOR QUARANTINE: The health officer, in the event a
potential outbreak of rabies is suspected in the dog, cat or other animal population and
the danger of the public safety from rabid animals is reasonably imminent, is hereby
authorized, and it shall be that person's duty, to issue a quarantine proclamation
ordering persons owning, keeping or harboring any dog or cat, to muzzle the same or
confine it as herein provided for during such times as may be specified in the quarantine
proclamation. All dogs, cats or other animals found at large during the time specified
by the health officer in his quarantine proclamation that are not being properly
confined or muzzled and under control of an adult person may be destroyed by an
officer of the city under procedures established by the health officer.
5.1 REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE: No owner shall have within the Allen
city limits any dog or cat four (4) months of age or older unless such dog or cat is
currently registered with the City of Allen. A current metal registration certificate
issued by animal control, or a veterinarian authorized by animal control to issue the
certificate, must be affixed to a collar or harness that must be worn by the dog or cat
at all times. No dog or cat shall be registered until proof of vaccination has been made.
(a) Application for initial issuance or renewal of each registration must be
made by the owner in writing or in person and be accompanied by a fee of
Three Dollars ($3.00) unless the cat or dog being registered has been
neutered or spayed and proof of such surgical sterilization can be shown
to the Animal Control Officer or a veterinarian authorized to issue such
registration, then the fee will be One Dollar ($1.00). If the original
current registration certificate is lost or destroyed, the owner may obtain
a duplicate registration from the Animal Control Officer by paying a fee
of One Dollar ($1.00).
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - page 6
(b) Registration certificates shall be renewed annually no later than the
initial date of issuance. Certificates for the new period shall constitute a
valid registration upon issuance.
(c) Registration and/or vaccination certificates (and tags) shall be valid only
for the animal for which it was originally issued.
(d) If there is a change in ownership of a registered dog or cat, the new owner
shall have the registration transferred to his name. There shall be no
charge for said transfer. Application for such transfer shall be made to
the animal control department in writing or in person.
(e) Fee -exempt registrations may be issued for the following:
(1) Police or sheriff's department dogs; and,
(2) Dogs trained to assist the audio or visually impaired person.
Eligibility for fee -exempt registration does not relieve the owner of his
responsibility under other provisions of this section.
5.2 REVOCATION OF PERMIT: The Animal Control Officer may refuse to
register a cat or dog, or revoke a permit issued to any person who has been convicted in
any duly authorized court of jurisdiction in the State of Texas, or resides with any
person so convicted of any of the following:
(a) Cruelty to animals as defined in the Texas Penal Code, Article 42.11,
inhumane treatment or negligence to an animal; and,
(b) Conviction of four (4) or more separate and distinct violations of an
animal control ordinance of a municipality in the State of Texas within
any twelve (12) month period.
Any person denied such a registration may appeal the refusal to a committee
made up of the Chief of Police or his appointed representative, the City Manager or his
appointed representative, and the City Attorney or his appointed representative. This
committee shall uphold or overturn the Animal Control Officer's refusal to issue a
registration certificate.
5.3 GUARD DOG REGISTRATION: Every person having care, control or
custody of any dog which has received guard dog training must register such dog with
the Animal Control Officer. Any dog which has received guard dog training may be
destroyed when such dog is found running at large. The owners or keepers of guard dogs
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 7
shall be subject to the other provisions of this section. A collar identifying the dog as a
guard dog must be worn at all times and the dog must wear a muzzle when out of
6.1 DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS: It shall be unlawful for any dog or other
animal possessed, kept or harbored, other than a cat, to run at large, as is defined in
Subsection 1.15 of this Ordinance.
6.2 IMPOUNDMENT: The Animal Control Officer is authorized to impound
such animals running at large, other than a cat, and may impound a cat under conditions
specified in Section 10 of this Ordinance, or when he has received a complaint that the
cat has caused a nuisance or hazard to the health or welfare of humans or animal
7.1 NOISE: It shall be unlawful to keep any animal which, by causing frequent
or prolonged continued barking, crying or noise, disturbs any person of ordinary
sensibilities in the vicinity.
7.2 OFFENSIVE ODORS: It shall be unlawful to keep any animal in such a
manner as to endanger the public health; to annoy neighbors by the accumulation of
animal wastes which causes foul and offensive odors, or are considered to be a hazard
to any other animal or human; or by continued presence on the premises of another
7.3 ENCLOSURES: All animal pens, stables or enclosures in which any animal
may be kept or confined which, from use, have become offensive to a person of ordinary
sensitivities is prohibited.
7.4 BEES: The keeping of bees in such a manner as to deny the lawful use of
adjacent property or endanger personal health and welfare is prohibited.
7.5 CATS: Persistent laxness in supervision of cats so that their running at
large results in disturbance to persons of ordinary sensibilities is prohibited.
8.1 RABBITS AND FOWL: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for
sale, barter, or give away as toys, premiums or novelties, baby chickens, ducklings, or
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - page 8
other fowl under three (3) weeks old, and rabbits under two (2) months old, unless the
manner or method of display is first approved by the Animal Control Officer.
8.2 COLORED FOWL AND RABBITS: It shall be unlawful to color, dye, stain
or otherwise change the natural color of any chickens, ducklings, other fowl or rabbits,
or to possess, for the purpose of sale or to be given away, any of the above-mentioned
animals which have been so colored.
8.3 FOWL LIMITATIONS: No person shall keep more than two (2) fowl, such
as chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, pigeons, or guineas, except when the same are kept
more than one hundred fifty feet (1501) from any property line.
8.4 WILD ANIMALS: It shall be unlawful to keep any wild animal inside the
city except in circuses, performing animal exhibitions, zoological parks, and
commercial animal establishments.
8.5 WILD OR VICIOUS ANIMALS AT LARGE: It shall be unlawful to release
or allow to run at large any wild or vicious animal.
8.6 ANIMAL LIMITATIONS: It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or
harbor more than four (4) domesticated animals of the same species over the age of six
(6) months in any residential area within the corporate limits of the city. In no case
shall more than two (2) animals of the large canine breeds be kept within any residential
area of the city.
8.7 LIVESTOCK: No person shall keep livestock closer than one hundred fifty
feet (1501) to any property line adjoining that on which the livestock is kept.
8.8 LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION: Provided, however, that Section 8.7 shall not
be applicable to anyone who keeps such animals in an enclosure, which enclosure is at
least two (2) acres in area and no part of which is within one hundred feet (1001) of the
residence of another; it being the purpose to limit this Ordinance to more populated
areas of the city and it shall not be applicable to sparsely populated areas within the
corporate limits of the City of Allen; provided, however, that no property in the City of
Allen shall be used as a kennel or boarding place for livestock or domesticated animals
unless such property is zoned for such use.
9.1 VICIOUS ANIMALS AT LARGE: Any vicious animal found running at
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 9
large may be destroyed by any peace officer or Animal Control Officer in the interest
of public safety.
9.2 REMOVAL FROM THE CITY OF ALLEN: The Animal Control Officer
may order any owner or person having care, control or custody of any vicious animal to
take such animal permanently from the city. This animal must be removed immediately
following receipt of such an order even if an appeal is initiated. This order may be
appealed in writing within ten (10) days to a committee made up of the Chief of Police
or his appointed representative, the City Manager or his appointed representative, and
the City Attorney or his appointed representative. This committee shall uphold or
overturn the Animal Control Officer's request for the removal of the animal.
9.3 IMPOUNDMENT: If the owner or person having care, custody or control
of a vicious animal fails to remove such animal as provided for in Subsection 9.1 and 9.2
of this Section, such animal may be impounded and/or destroyed.
9.4 SEARCH WARRANT: The Animal Control Officer shall be authorized to
obtain a search and seizure warrant if there is reason to believe that an animal ordered
removed from the city for being vicious has not been so removed.
10.1 IMPOUND: The following animals may be impounded:
(a) Cats and dogs not exhibiting evidence of being vaccinated as described in
Section 2 or registered as described in Section 5.
(b) Any animal infected or kept under conditions which could endanger the
public or animal health.
(c) Any animal that creates a nuisance, as defined in Section 7.
(d) Any animal running at large as stipulated in Section 6.
(e) Any animal treated in a manner determined by the Animal Control
Officer to be cruel or inhumane.
(f) Any animal that has bitten a human being or needs to be placed under
observation for rabies determination, as determined by the Animal
Control Officer.
(g) Any animal violating any provisions of this Ordinance.
10.2 COMPLAINANT: If any of the animals named in this Ordinance are
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 10
found upon the premises of any person, the owner or occupant of the premises shall
have the right to confine such animal in a humane manner until he can notify the
Animal Control Officer to come and impound such animal. When so notified, it shall be
the duty of the Animal Control Officer to have such animal impounded as herein
10.3 LOCATING OWNER: Reasonable effort shall be made by the Animal
Control Officer to contact the owner of any animal impounded which is wearing a
current vaccination tag; however, final responsibility for locating an impounded animal
is that of the owner.
10.4 ANIMAL REDEMPTION: The owner can resume possession of any
impounded animal upon payment of impoundment fees, handling fees, and any
veterinary bills incurred by animal control for the welfare of the animal, and upon
compliance with the vaccination and registration provisions of this Ordinance, except
where prohibited in Subsection 10.5 and 10.6 of this Section.
animals impounded on the grounds of cruel or inhumane treatment shall be determined
by the court of jurisdiction.
10.6 RELEASE FROM QUARANTINE: If any animal is being held under
quarantine or observation for rabies, the owner shall not be entitled to possession until
it has been released from quarantine.
10.7 LOCATION OF IMPOUNDMENT: The City Manager shall select .and
establish a place for impounding all animals impounded under any provisions of this
10.8 EUTHANIZATION: Any animal, except vicious or wild animals, not
reclaimed by the owner may be humanely euthanized after being impounded for five (5)
days, except that any animal wearing a current registration tag shall be impounded for
seven (7) days.
10.9 DISPOSAL OF WILD ANIMALS: Any impounded vicious or wild animal,
unless there is a reason to believe that it has an owner, may be immediately disposed of
as may be deemed appropriate by the Animal Control Officer.
10.10 BABY ANIMALS: Any nursing baby animal impounded without the
mother or where the mother cannot or refuses to provide nutritious meal may be
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - page 11
immediately euthanized to prevent further suffering.
wishes responsibility for an animal or believes the animal to be in an ill or injured
condition, may sign a written waiver supplied by the Animal Control Officer allowing
the animal to be immediately euthanized in a humane manner.
10.12 INJURED ANIMALS: Any impounded animal that appears to be
suffering from extreme injury or illness may be euthanized or given to a non-profit
humane organization for the purpose of veterinary medical care, as determined by the
Animal Control Officer.
First Impoundment
Second Impoundment
Third Impoundment
Fourth Impoundment
In 12 Months
In 12 Months
In 12 Months
In 12 Months
11.2 HANDLING FEE FOR IMPOUNDED ANIMALS: A daily handling fee of
$3.00 shall be charged for every day or fraction thereof that an animal is at the animal
shelter in addition to the impoundment fee.
11.3 HANDLING FEE FOR QUARANTINE ANIMALS: The owner of any cat or
dog held in quarantine for observation purposes shall be charged $5.00 for every day or
fraction of a day an animal is quarantined. This is in addition to any impoundment fee.
12.1 ENFORCEMENT: Enforcement of this Ordinance shall be the
responsibility of the Animal Control Officer as appointed by the City Manager of the
City of Allen.
12.2 CITATIONS: The Chief of Police or the Animal Control Officer shall
have the authority to issue citations for any violation of this Ordinance.
12.3 ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS: If the person being cited is not present, the
Chief of Police or the Animal Control Officer may send the citation to the alleged
offender by registered or certified mail.
12.4 ENFORCEMENT INTERFERENCE: It shall be unlawful for any person to
interfere with the Chief of Police or the Animal Control Officer in the performance of
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 12
12.5 EXCEPTIONS: It is not the intention of this Ordinance to regulate
performing animal exhibitors, zoological parks, or commercial animal establishments
that may be dealt with by separate ordinance.
It shall be unlawful for any person, organization, association or corporation to
violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Any person, organization, association or
corporation violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined
not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Allen
that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are
severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance
shall be declared unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect
any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this
Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the
incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional or invalid phrase, clause,
sentence, paragraph or section.
SECTION 15. That this Ordinance hereby repeals Ordinance No. 78 in its
ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 15th DAY OF March , 1984.
M. B. Pierson, Mayor
Marty Hendrix, qity Secretary
o wder, City Attorney
Ordinance No. 497-3-84 - Page 13
Charles F. Barnard, Jr.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 4AKW WX DUE= who having
by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:
That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less
quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and
tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing
-_ Notice of Public Hearing
of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on
and which was issued on 2/13/84 , by City of Allen
of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 7th
Publisher's Fee $ y�
, A.D. 19 8 4
Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas
Dianne Kerr "
commission Expires 10/14'/87
Notice is hereby given
that the Allen City Coun-
cil will conduct a public
hearing at their regular
meeting on ._Thursday;
March .1; �1984,� at. 7:30
p.m.,' in the Council
Chambers bf the Allen
Municipal- Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen,
Texas, to consider a re-
quest, for rezoning_ from
MF -1; to PD (Planned
Development)i and, . Site
Plan Approval, as re-
quested by PAWA
Winkelman, represen-
tative for Future One
Development Corpora-
The request is - to
rezone 13.8 acres of land
,out of the David Wetsel
Survey, AbstractNo. 977,
located east of Jupiter
Road, and north and
west -of the Hillside
Village Subdivision, from
the present zoning ofI
Multi -Family -1 to Plann-
ed Development for
Multi -Family 'use and
Site Plan Approval.
Anyone wishing to
speak either. -for or
against this requbst is in-
vited"7 b;.4.aiteind'-this
-public 1'i8aring and voice
their opinion.. {
If -further intormation
is needed,.call the Allen,
Municipal --Annex,
Department. of Com-
munity Development, at
727-9171 or <424-7518
(Metro) and refer to Zon=
ing Case No. Z10=7-83-45.
Marty Hendrix
City Secretary
(Published 'in • the Allen
American on Monday,
Feb. 13, 1984.) t
Charles F. Barnard, Jr.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared X)AKWWX) who having been
me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:
That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a new published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre-
iently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con
mously for more than twelve months prior to publishing
Ordinance #495-3-84 497-3-84 j
which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on
d which was issued on March 19, 1984 , by City o f
Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached heret
D AND SWORN to before me this
Publisher's Fee $ 02 6 • 'SSD
Notice is hereby given
that theJ61lowing or-
dinances,were adopted
by the.Allen City Council
in their regular session
held'on Thursday, -March
15;,,1984,,,.,(TitleS ,and
Penalty Clause§ Only). -
0 r d I ria n c 9
nly).—Ordinance No.
495.3.84: An Ordinance
of the City .of Allen, Col.
lin County, Amending
Comprehensive +Zoning
Ordiaance No. 366.10-81,
as Previously, Amended,
so'' as to Change the
Following -Described
Tract -,of Lane, from
"MF -1" (Multi=Farriily)
Classification' -to -"PD"
(Planned' Development)
No. 19, Said Tract of
Land Being Described as
Follows: Approximately
13.6 Acres of Land Lying
in the David Wetsel
Survey,oAbstract No. 977,
Collin County, Texas;
Providing for a Site Plan
Providing'for a Penalty of
Fine Not to Exceed the
Sum of r;Two Hundred
Dollars ('($200.00) for
Each Offense; Providing
for a Severability Clause; .
and Providing for the-Ef-,
fective Date of Said Or-
dinance. '
That any person, firm
or corporation •violating
any of the provisions or
terms of this ordinance
shall be subject to the
same. penalty as provid-
ed for in Comprehensive
Zoning- ,Ordinance No.
366-10-81, as previously
amended, and upon con=
viction shall be punished
by a fine not to exceed
the 'sum of Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) for,each
Ordinance No.
497.3.84: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Col-
lin ,County, Texas,
Repealing Ordinance No.,
78; Providing for Rabies
Control;: Reporting of
Animal ,Bites; Providing
for Quarantine; Restraint
of Animals +Running at
Large -;Restraint of
Vicious Animals; Im-
poundment .of 'Animals;
Providingifor Fees; Pro-
hibition,: of � Certain
Species of Animals and
Fowl; and Describing
Penalties for Violating
It shall be unlawful for
any person, organiza-
tion, association orcor-
pofation`to'violate any of
the provisions of this Or,
dinance.,..•Any.- person,
organization,, associa-
tion' or"coporation
violating the -provisions
of this Ordinance shall,
upon conviction„be fin-
ed not less "than Ten
Dollars ($10.00)• nor more
than- OnwjTho"usand
Dollars ($1,000.00).
Copies of theseior-
dinances are available
for review or,purchase in
the Office of the City
Secretary, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas,
Marty Hendrix
City Secretary
(Published In the Allen
American on Monday,
rMarch 19, 1984 and
Thursday, March 22,
1984.) -
of April , A.D. 19 84
Notary Public in and for Collin County''
Dianne Kerr
Commission Expires 10/14/87
Notice Is hereby given
that 4the ' following;'or-'
dinancesiwere adopted
by the'Atlen City Council
in their fr(i ularesslon
held oniThursday, March
15, 1984 (Title6'Tarid
Penalty Clauses Only).
Ordinance No.
495.3.84: ,An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Col-
lin County, Amending
Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance No. 366-10.81,
as Previously 'Amended,
so as to Change the
Following -Described
Tract of . Lane from
"MF -1” (Multi-Famlly)
Classification -.to "PD"
No. -19, ._Said`Tract of
Land Being Described as
Follows- Approximately
13.6 Acres of Land Lying
in the David Wetsel.
Survey', Abstract No. 977,
Collin County, Texas;
Providing fora Site Plan;'
Providing fora Penalty of
Fine Not to Exceed the
Sum of Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.001 for
Each Offense; 1-,,,..�ing;
for a Severability Clause;
and Providing for the Ef-
fective Date of -Said Or-
That any person, firm
or corporation violating
any of the provisions or
terms of this ordinance
shall be subject to .the
same penalty as provid-
ed for in Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance. No.
366-10-81, as previously
amended, and upon con-
viction shall be punished
by a fine not- to exceed
the sum of Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) for each
Ordinance No.
497.384:' Ari Ordinance
of the.City of Allen, Col-
lin County, Texas,
.Repealing Ordinance No.'
78; Providing for Rabies
Control; Reporting of
Animal Bites; Providing
-For Quarantine; Restraint
of Animals Running at
Large; Restraint► of
Viciou0Animals; lm-
pountlment of V Animals;
Providing' forlFee7flPro-
'hibitlon� 60kCert'ain
Species,,off Apimalstand
any - __person, ;.: organiza.
tion, association or cor-
poration totviolate any of
the provisions of this Or -
Any .person,
organization, associa-
tion or , corporation
violating the provisions
of this Ordinance shall,
upon convictidn, be fin-'
ed not less than Ten
Dollars ($10.00) nor more
than One "'Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00).
Copies of these or-
dinances are available
for review'or purchase in
the Office of- the City
Secretary, One Butler
,Circle, Allen, Texas.
;'Marty Hendrix
(Published In the Allen
American on . Monday,
March w,19,. 1984 "and,
Thursday, -'March 22,