HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-563-11-84ORDINANCE NO. 5 6 3 -11- 8 4 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WHEN SUCH CODE AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ALLEN, TEXAS: Section 1. The Code of Ordinances, consisting of Chapters 1 to 14 each inclusive, is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Code of Ordinance City of Allen, Texas", which Code shall supersede all general and permanent ordinances of the City adopted on or before June 21, 1984, to the extent provided in Section 2 hereof. Section 2. All provisions of the Code shall be in full force and effect from and after November 1, 1984, and all conflicting provisions of ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on final passage on or before June 21, 1984, and not included in the Code or recognized and continued in force by reference therein are hereby repealed from and after the effective date of the Code. Section 3. The repeal provided for in Section 2 hereof shall not be construed to revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance which is repealed by this ordinance. Section 4. Unless another penalty is expressly provided, a violation of any provision of such Code shall be punished by not exceeding the maximum penalty applicable to such ordinance violation authorized by law, as provided in Section 1-4 of such Code. Section 5. Any and all additions and amendments to the Code, when passed in the form as to indicate the intention of the Council to make the same a part of the Code, shall be deemed to be incorporated in the Code, so that reference to the Code shall be understood and intended to include the additions and amendments. Section 6. In case of the amendment of any section of the Code for which a penalty is not provided, the general penalty as provided in Section 4 of this ordinance and in Section 1-4 of the Code shall apply to the section as amended, or in case the amendment contains provisions for which a penalty, other than the aforementioned Ordinance No. 563-11-84 - Page 1 general penalty, is provided in another section in the same chapter, the penalty so provided in the other section shall be held to relate to the section so -amended, unless the penalty is specifically repealed therein. Section 7. Any ordinance adopted after June 21, 1984, which amends or refers to ordinances which have been codified in the Code, shall be construed as if they amend or refer to like provisions of the Code. Section 8. This ordinance and the Code adopted hereby, shall take effect November 1, 1984. Adopted by roll call vote as follows: AYES NAYES ABSENT AND NOT VOTING DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the Allen City Council on this the 1st day of November, 1984. APPROVED: 7- TOTTV, Mayor Fi, �0—�-9" ATTEST: Marty Hendrix, Cit , Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. Don Crowder, City Attorney Ordinance No. 56 3-11-8 4 - Page 2 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Charles F. BarnarW�e ingbeer BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared X § ' ft.X)6T*V ,ho by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: in lin County Te , not le s e That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, in saidcountyaper uend having bleep published regularly and con quently than once a week, having a general circulation tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing / of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on and which was issued on 11-5-84 by City of Allen of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attache4tereto 111 sl111. , � SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this dayof A.D. 19 $_k_ NotaryuP blie in and for Collin County, Texas y c 61 U a( � Dianne k e r r Publisher's Fee `S • Commission Expires 10/14/87 �/�TY OF ALLEN NOTICE Ordinance No.PUBLIC 660.11.84: An Ordlnan a Ordlnance No. Notice Is hereby given of the City of Allen, Col- 563.11.64: An Or Inas e that the Allen City Coun• lin County, Texas, ArN n,"optln9'tr]d' nactinp a cil adopted the following ding Planned Develoji'—NeW Code of Ordinances ordinances at their session held on ment Zoning Ordinance 368.10.81 to Include for the City of Allen, Texas; Establishing the regular Thursday, November 1, No. the Attachments of Ex- Same; Providing for the Or 1984 (lilies and Penalty hibit "C", Approved Site Repeal of Certain - Included Clauses only). No. Plan, and Exhibit "D", dinances Not Therein; Providing for Ordinance 858.11.84: An Ordinance Approved Landscape Plan for Development of the Manner of Amending of the City of Allen, Col- a 3.6235 Acre Tract Out Such Code; and Pro - lin County, Texas, An- nexing the Hereinafter- of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708; viding When Such Code and This Ordinance Shall Described Territory to Providing for a Penalty; Become Effective. the City of Allen, Texas, Approximately 76.017 Providing for an Effec• live Date; and providing A copy of these or - dinances may be read or Acres Located In the for Publication of the purchased In the office William Snyder Survey, Abstract No. 821, Collin Caption. That any person, firm, of the City Secretary, Allen Municipal Annex, County, Texas, and Ex- '! or corporation violating One Butler Circle, Allen, tending the BounJary Limits of the City so as any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance Texas. Marty Hendrix to Include Sold Horal natter -Described shall be subject to the same penalty as provld- City Secretary (Published In the Allen Property Within the City ed for In the Planned American on Monday. Limits and Granting to Development Zoning or- November S. 1984 and 8, All Inhabitants and dinance No. 368-10-81 of Thursday, November Owners of Said Property the City of Allen and 1964.) All of the Rights ad upon conviction shall be privileges of Other punished by a fine not to Citizens and Binding all exceed the sums of One Inhabitants By All the Or Thousand Dollars dinances, Acts, Resolu- ($1,000.00) for each of - tions and Regulations of fense. Said City; Providing a Ordinance No. Severablllty Clause; and 681.11,84: An ordinance Providing for the Effec- of the City of Allen, live Date of Said Or- Texas, Dlsannexing Inarn 2.0801 Acres of Land Out Ordinance NO of the J. Russell Survey, 559.11.64: An Ordinance Abstract No. 775, from of the City of Alien, Col- the City of Allen, Collin lin County, Texas, An- County, Texas, and Con• nexing the Hereinafter- tacting the Boundary Described Territory to Limits of the City of the City of Allen, Texas, Allen, Texas, so as to Ex - Approximately 56.8619 clude Said Property Located In the From the City Limits; ad William Snyder Survey, Providing a Severability bstract No. 821, Collin Clause and an Effective 4p ounty, Texas, and Ex- Date. I i tending the Boundary Limits of the City so �Ordinance nOrdlnan . .� id Include Said Fixingand Determining �J H Herelnaf ter -Described Within the City the Gneral Service Rate to be Charged for Sales Property Limits and Granting to or Natural Gas to Residential and Com. All Inhabitants and Owners of Said Property merclal Consumers In all of the Rights and the City of Allen, Collin Privileges of Other County, Taxes; Providing j for the Manner In Which Citizens and Binding All Inhabitants by all the or. Such Rate May Be dinances, Acts, RosOlu- Changed, Adjusted, and tions and Regulations of Amended; and Providing Said City; Providing a for A Schedule of Service Severability Clause;and Charges. Providing for the Effec. tive Date of Said Or. ,IInAnce OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the Allen City Coun- cil adopted the following ordinances at their regular session held on Thursday, November 1, 1984 (titles and Penalty Clauses only). Ordinance No. 556.11.84: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, An. nexing the Hereinafter* Described Territory to the City of Allen, Texas, Approximately 76.017 Acres Located In the Willlam Snyder Survey, Abstract No. 821, Collin County, Texas, and Ex- tending the Boundary Limits of the City so as to Include Said Hereinafter -Described Property Within the City Limits and Granting to All Inhabitants and Owners of Said Property All of the Rights ad privileges of Other Citizens and Binding all Inhabitants By All the Or. dinances, Acts, ResOlu- tions and Regulations of Said City; Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effec- live Date of Said Or- dinance. Ordinance No. 559.11.84: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, An- nexing the Hereinafter, Described Territory to the City of Allen, Texas, Approximately 56.8619 Acrs Located in the William Snyder Survey, Abstract No. 821, Collin County, Texas, and Ex- tending the Boundary Limits of the City so as to Include Said Hereinafter -Described Property Within the City Limits and Granting to All Inhabitants and Owners of Said Property all of the Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens and Binding All Inhabitants by all the or- dinances, Acts, Resolu. tions and Regulations of Said City; Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effec- tive Date of Said Or. dinance. Ordinance No. 560.11.84: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, Amen- ding Planned Develop- ment Zoning Ordinance No. 368.10-81 to Include the Attachments of Ex. hibit "C", Approved Site Plan, and Exhibit "D", Approved Landscape Plan for Development of a 3.6235 Acre Tract Out of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708; Providing for a Penalty; Providing for an Effec- tive Date; and providing for Publication of the Caption. That any person, firm, or corporatlon violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provid- ed for in the Planned Development Zoning Or- dinance No. 368.1081 of the City of Allen and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sume of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each of- f Anse. Ordinance No. 561.11.84: An ordinance of the City of Allen, Texas, Dlsennexing 2.0801 Acres of Land Out of the J. Russell Survey, Abstract No. 775, from the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and Con- tacting the Boundary Limits of the City of Allen, Texas, so as to Ex- clude Said Property From the City Limits; ad Providing a Severability Clause and an Effective Date. Ordinance No. 562.1.84: An Ordinance Fixing and Determining the General Service Rate to be Charged for Sales or Natural Gas to Residential and Com- mercial Consumers In the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; Providing for the Manner In Which Such Rate May Be Changed, Adjusted, and Amended; and Providing for A Schedule of Service Charges. ordinance No. 563.11.84: An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a New Code of Ordinances for the City of Allen, Texas; Establishing the Same; Providing for the Repeal of Certain Or- dinances Not Included Therein; Providing for the Manner of Amending Such Code; and Pro- viding When Such Code and This Ordinance Shall Become Effective. A copy of these or- dinances may be read or purchased In the office of the City Secretary, Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Marty Hendrix City Secretary (Published In the Allen American on Monday, November 5, 1984 and Thursday, November 8, 1984.)