HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-760-11-86ORDINANCE NO. 760-11-86 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR AND OFFERING THE PAVING IMPROVEMENTS OF A PORTION OF JUPITER ROAD, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS BEING A PORTION OF JUPITER ROAD FROM F.M. 2170 TO THE INTERSECTING POINT OF THE CONCRETE IMPROVED ROAD SECTION NORTH OF WHITE OAK DRIVE, SAID PORTIONS BEING HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AND IN THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH WORK; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS; AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF ESTIMATES INVOKING THE PROCEDURE PROVIDED BY ARTICLE 1105(b) VCS; DETERMINING THAT A PART OF THE COST SHALL BE BORNE BY THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES AND THE OWNERS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF A PORTION OF THE COST TO BE BORNE BY PROPERTY OWNERS; AND FOR THE FIXING OF A LIEN TO SECURE PAYMENT OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS; STATING THE TIME AND MANNER PROPOSED FOR PAYMENT OF ALL SUCH COSTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY SECRETARY TO CAUSE A NOTICE OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE TO BE FILED IN THE LAND RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That a necessity exists for the permanent improvement of that certain portion of the public street hereinafter listed by excavating, grading, providing for the construction of concrete pavement, by the installation of drainage inlets, storm sewers and drainage structures, and by the construction of concrete curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and such improvements are hereby ordered. Said portion of public street to be so improved being designated and defined as follows: The portion of Jupiter Road starting at the intersection of F.M. 2170 and continuing south to the improved concrete constructed section north of White Oak Drive, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and shall be improved with seven inch (711) thick 3,000 psi compression strength, reinforced concrete pavement complete with curb and gutter, with a six inch (611) lime treated subgrade, to provide a thoroughfare consisting of four lanes of traffic within forty-five feet (451) of concrete paving (back-to-back), including drainage improvements for all portions of the Ordinance No. 760-11-86 - Page 1 roadway described herein, and for concrete sidewalks adjacent to each outside right-of-way. Said improvements are located within one or more of the following surveys: William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 328 G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 708 David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977 all lying within Collin County, Texas. r SECTION 2: The plans and specifications for all such improvements hereto prepared and now on file with the City Council are hereby in all things approved. SECTION 3: The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the improvement work herein described, the advertising, receiving and opening of such bids to be as provided by the Charter of the City of Allen, and laws of the State of Texas. Upon the receipt and opening of bids for such improvement work, the Engineer for the City of Allen is directed to prepare and file with the City Council his estimate of the total cost of the improvements herein ordered. The total amount of the part of the cost thereof is to be paid by the City of Allen in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 hereof, and the estimates of the cost to be assessed against the abutting property, and the real and true owners thereof in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: The City Council of the City of Allen deems it advisable and hereby determines to provide under and in the exercise of the powers, terms and provisions of Article 1105(b) VCS. SECTION 5: The cost of said improvements shall be paid as follows, to -wit: A. The abutting property within the limits hereinabove defined, and the real and true owners thereof, shall be assessed for, and pay in accordance with the front foot plan, all of the costs of sidewalks and lateral drainage, and nine -tenths (90 percent) of the remaining costs of such improvements in accordance thereof with the plans and specifications prepared by the City's consulting engineer. B. The City of Allen, through the sale of municipal bonds and monies derived from the sale of contributing county bonds, shall pay all of the remainder of said costs of said improvements, after deducting the amount herein Ordinance No. 760-11-86 - Page 2 specified to be paid by the abutting property, and the real and true owners thereof, as set out in subparagraph "A" above. C. There is included within the meaning of the terms "costs" or "cost of improvement", when such terms are used herein, engineering fees, appraisal fees, attorney fees, and all other costs and expenses incident to the construction of the improvement. D. No assessment shall be made against the abutting property, or the real and true owners thereof, of costs in excess of the benefits of such property in enhancement value thereof by means of such improvements. The amounts of such asessments shall constitute a first and prior lien upon all of such properties, and a personal liability of the true and real owners thereof, whether correctly named or not, and shall be payable in installments as follows: When the improvements herein ordered have been completed and accepted by the City of Allen, the amount of the assessment against each property abutting thereon, and the real and true owners thereof, shall be and become payable in five (5) equal annual installments due respectively thirty (30) days, one year, two years, three years, and four years from the date of acceptance by the City of Allen, together with interest on the unpaid balance from said date of acceptance until paid at the rate of eight (8) percent per annum, payable annually; provided, however, that the owners of any said property shall have the privilege of paying all or any of said installment at any time before maturity thereof, by paying the total amount of such installment together with the interest accrued thereon to the day of payment. Further, if default be made of the payment of any of said installment of principal or interest promptly as the same matures, then at the option of the City of Allen the entire amount of the assessment upon which default is made, together with reasonable attorney's fees, and all collection costs incurred, shall be and become immediately due and payable. SECTION 6: The City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause to be prepared a Notice of Enactment of this Ordinance, and to file said Notice with the County Clerk of Collin County, Texas, among the land records of said county. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after its approval. Ordinance No. 760-11-86 - Page 3 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 6th DAY OF November , 1986. APPROVED: Donald P. Rodenba7ujh, Mayor 2��A ATTEST: Mary Hendrix, CMA, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. r w er, City Attorney Ordinance No. 760-11-86 - Page 4 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION �;-THE STATE OF TEXAS F ,`�: "', COUNTY OF COLLIN Charles_ F ,� Barnard t Jr �:. • f ; ,; q1 BEFpRE,ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , ho having been _,_y me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: ,• Y ,�. 4 i `°` 1' .y'' `1, ", That•he'isP ublisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN,�ainewspaper published in Collin County,. Texas,. not leis ►;,: , ,� quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and c'tan ,} f` tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing. F{ V' Public.Notice -• Ord.i,# 758-11-86;,, 760-11-86, 761-11-86 iY - A -Y.af -• _ -• t - '_ - .. -,, . j4 .,rig' :�S 11� . which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on- 4.m ' November 12 and' 16, 1986 •� �1 'November, 12, 1986 ' b The City of , Allen ' . i,,and.which was issued on- " Y R ,.`%of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is a ched h fr '''SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before-me this 8th r . day of December '-,A.D. 19t..-,':_ ,_ 11 - i 97 ,20' �, . Notary P lic in and for Collin County, Texas Publisher's Fee .. ,. • .''}. " ?` ',aim}� r.-'"TCII'Y OF'ALLfN,.�,. - }�- ... _. _. �_ _ ._ — » CITY OF ALLEN , , f (e•J:} PUBLIC NOTICE �`r*�-+"`' ` .. Fl,1F PUBLIC NOTICE ,q N s her i n that the following -Chapters 2Qi,21 i,�22;' 3, 24; and 25 of the+N No li given that the following IlCfiapte� 20, 21, 22; 23, 24,' and 25 tx the mrd, s were the Allen City CARO One and Two family Dwelling Code ordlna ere Allen City CABG One and two Family Dwelling Code l nd on'of•me Council,of American Building Offi-Cov in it reg held on,of the Councm of American Bu�dk�g fhu a (Titlps' and dais; Providing for a Severability Clause;Thu y, Quem , 1 sand clan; Providing fpr a 3everar ,~loll CTauso'en 'Providing P Penalty, for Violation.of Thisf CI I Providing a Penally for Violationof•" ` '" ` � - Or an No. 7 -1 Ordi-;.Ordinance; Providing for the PubU4atlon Of O In : "An Ordi-;Ordinance; Providing for the Publication•of, # mance of the City of Allen; Collin CountY:'the Caption Hereof; and Providing for an of Ctty of Collin ntY„ the Caption Hereof; and ProvN" for an rexes' ling Comprehensive Zoning Effective Date, ; 4 Tex , Amerxllnp etenphrs Zoning Effective Date. ( 414 . "•c )rdi o,,�368.10.8f sa, Previously My person, parties In interes , or'oorpq !�dinanco No. 368.1081 as Previously, a MY person, parties In pOrpo+ 1,m as to Change the Following- ration who shall violate any of the provl-'Amami. so as to Change the Following-, ration who shall Vidate•any of, the prOmii )escr ract'of land from "AO" (AgPsions of,this grdinance;or.fail,to comply�Described Tract of Land from "AO" (Agri-+eons of this ordinance q fa144sressses fultural' OPen Space) Classficat19n tc therewith or with any of the�requirementscultural — Open Space) Classification to therewith or with any of the ?ermanent Zoning of "R-5' ,(Residential),tthereof shall be subject to prosecution, and Permanent Zoning of "R-5' (Residential), • thsiod shelf be subjecIto pi>oseaitlon, aro 5picl;Tract' of Land Being Described as;upon conviction shall be punished by a fine',S&ld Tract of land Beira Described ,&e upon conviction shall buoy a Mie °ollows:, Approximately 34.2 Acres of Land lot not more than One Thousand Dollars Follows: Approximately 34.2 Acres of land of `not more than One DaNara .ying in the J.T, Roberts Survey, Abstract ($1,000.00),' and each day that such viola- Lying In the J•T. Roberts Surrey, Abstract ($1,000.00), and each day that such volar Vo.- •777; and the HenrIy Weisel Survey,, tion shall be permitted to exist or continue No. 777, and the Henry Wet" Survey; tion &half be perrnitted to exist or contint. sJ�Iract,No.,1026, Collin County,:Texas;, Oall constitute a separate offense. In the�� No. 1026, Collin County, Texas; shall constitute a separate Offeree. In the ?rovidinii .for,, a, Penalty 'of Fine Not;to; event a corportion is the violator of any of Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to event a corportion Is the violator ofaarrsmyy of EExceed the Sum of One Thousand Dollars ° the provisions of this ordinance, each offic. Exceed the Sum of One Thousand Dollars, the provisions of this ordinance, each oflk>. '$1,000.00) ,for. Each Offense; Providing` or, agent, and employee of such corpora- ($1,000.00) for Each Offense; Providing or, agent, ww employee of such corpora% 'ora Severability Clause; and Providing for tion who is responsible for or contributes to for a Severability Clause; and Providing for ton who Is responsible for or coromute& b he Effective Date of Said Ordinance. j such violation M any manner shall be (ndi-the Effective Date of Said Ordinance. ,' - 'such violation in any mannx,shelf pe ';,That' -any person; firm or-corporation vidually and severally liable for the penal That any person, firm or corpora", vld�ially and severally gable for the pans}? rfoletingaanY.of ther,phrAslons'or, terms.of; ties herein proscribed, Where any,person�atirrpp any of the provisions or terms of tlei tter�ln presaibed.' Wherq'Mty person, Ihls'ordinance shall be subject to the same Is acting "solely as .agent for the party, in this ordinarwa shall be subject to the same :Is rq solely as agent for 00, party In pojltrlty as provided for in Comprehensive ownership, no penalties under this section natty as pied for tis Comprehe *" ' ownerrshlp, no PwWd" Under the Zoni Qrdirmance No: 366.10-81.Ot tlta'shall be assessed against such agent as x'10-et Of the &hall be:aseeesed agakt&t iudi allantas City o Allen, •as heretofore amended, and such. "• ,,'••.�, l City 0 Allen, a& heretofore amended, and such.' upon conviction shall be punished by s fide; .'„Copies of these ordinances maybe read upon conviction shall be punished by a firma : Copies of these ordinances maybe road ; . rot to exceed the, sum of One Thousand.-or purchased ln, the,office of the, Clftlrsot to exceed tie sural of Ona Thousand or purchased In the office of the Cltyi Do llar�'($1,000.00) for, each offense.-;= . 06"tary, City of Allen, One Butler Circe' Dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense. • Secretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle., ij idlp.a he ity;of Allen -11-86: Collin An Co rroy- Allen a s#.x• fj} ., t �,r•a ;' ..M.,•�, j7;s111 Ordinance City 7Allen, of Mount " Allen Teacaa., y °of C ,.. l roans of the City of Allan Collin County: +Y w,.(,' 1," .f!'',+v:; '� ;:4 - N ! I. • ,M °"''H '` {� Tex$&, Declaring the Necessity for and ,•'°` �Isrtdflx To Dtfering the Ping Improvements ofall�,. ,,.,:.,.� '-� ��� s a CitySecretary Offering the Paving Improvemarhte of a > irk !4 :Citi( r+ t F . E 'I k portion of JuMter.ftoad Further Described " • t ,:" a :, ; ,portion of Jupiter Road. Further Described Ms. Being a Portion, of,Juplter:Road from'(TO BE PUBLISHED-IN THE ALLENas Being a Portion of Jupiter Road from; (TQ Qe"PUBLISHED IN'THE'ALLEN F.M. 2170 to the Intersecting Pant of the AMERICAN ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEM-F.M. 2170 to the Intersecting Point of the;'AMERICAN ON WEDNESDAY, HOVE r—otte Imomved Roaq Section North of BER 12,' 1986 AND SUNDAY, NOVEM• Concrete Improyed Road Section North of-BER 12, 1988 AND SUNDAY.. NOVEAA-) r Vhite.'Oak',DrIve;,, Said •Portions Being, BER 16, 1986") .. ,�_'.;�; White Oak Drive, Said Porton& Being BER 16, 1886.) isreinafter' Described'and in the City ofr Hereinafter Described and in the City of Ulan, - "n County, Texas; Approving the, Allen, Collin County. Taxes; Approving the ?Ian oficatfom for Such Work;;6, Plana and Specifications for Such Work; kutl a City Manager to Advertise; Authorizing the City Manager to Adveril" or B Directing the Preparation of; for Bids; and Directing the Preparation of =stimate3 Invoking the Procedure PromAd Estimates Invoking the Procedure Provid- ing by EArliclo,1105(b) VCS; Determining, Ing by Article 1105(b) VCS; Determining rhat,a,Part of the Cost Shall Be Bome,by" That a Part of the Cost Shall Be Boma by to . Abutting Properties and tho Ownar3 ; the Abutting Properties and the Ownem rhereof; Providing for the Assessment of a,� Thereof; Providing for the Assessment of a Portion of the Cost to be Boma By, Property Portion of the Cost to be Boma By Property Dwners; and, For pie. Fixing of x Lien-fo=; Owners; and For the Fixing of a lien to Secure Payment of Such Assessments;'. Secure Payment. of Such Assessments; Stating the TWW'46I&Maitngr Prdposed`fOK Stadng the Time and Manner Proposed for Payment of AN Such Copts; Authorizing the Payment of All Such Costs; Authorizing the 0* Secretary to Cause a Notice of thel CNy Saxe to Cause a Notice of tinct Adoption of This Ordinance to Be Filed in' Adoption of This Ordinance to Be Filed In the Lanet Records of Collin County, Texas; ` the Land Records of Collin County, Taxes'` and Providing for an Effective Date., r} and Providing for an Effective Date: r�l Ordinance No. 761-11-86: An Ordl-� 4.0rdinenpq N9, 701 -11An'_Ordt nance of the City of Allen, Collin County,t nano of the Ctty of Allen; Collin County; Texas, Amending the City of Allen Code of, ;Texas, Amending the City of Allen Code of Ofdinances,,Chapter,4, Buildings and, Ordinances, Chapter 4, `Buildings and Building Regulations';, egulations'; Article I, "in QenerA Building Regulations", Article I, "In (loner- al", Section 4-3; "Adoption of Building al Section 4-3, 'Adoption of Building Codes', ,pnd Amending Section I of 'Ordi-i ,Codes", and Amending Section', of Ordi- nance No. 48 by, Amending Section II of ; nance No. 48 by Amending Section If of riminanca No. 592-3-85. as Heretofore 'Ordinance No. 592-3-85, as Heretofore AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Charles F. ard, Jr. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing Notice of Public xHearing - Jupiter Rd. Assessment of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on November 23, 26, and 30, 1986 and which was issued on November 23, 1986 , by The City of Allen of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is a ched her t SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 8th Publisher's Fee $ 91 .80 CI1Y OF ALLEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE hereby Civen- at th(len City I hold a publi hea 7:30 irdW UagObdr 18,-11P6, in as tgthe amount to be assessed against each abutting property and owner thereof, and to all persons interested in said matter, and as to the benefits to said property by reason of the improvements or any other matter or thing in connection therewith on the following street: The portion of Jupiter Road starting at the intersection of F.M. 2170 and continu- ing south to the improved concrete constructed section north of White Oak Drive, as described in the right-of-way map' for Jupiter Road, as prepared by Graham Associates, Inc., on file in the, City Secret- ary's_Office, and'shall be, improved with seven inch (7') thick 3,000 psi compres- sion strength reinforced concrete pave- ment complete with curb and gutter, with a six inch (6") lime treated subgrade, to,1 provide a thoroughfare 6onsisting of four lanes of traffic within forty-five feet (45') of concrete paving (back-to-back), including) drainage improvements for all portions of the roadway described herein, and for concrete sidewalks adjacent to each outside' right-of-way. Said improvements are located within one of more of the follow- ing surveys: William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 328 G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 708 David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977 all lying within Collin County, Texas. The cost of the described improvements on the heretofore described streets with the afnount or amounts per front foot prop -t used to be assessed for such improve-) ments against abutting property and the owners thereof as follows; to wit: A. The estimated cost of the Improve- ments is $1,401,954.00. b. The estimated costs to be assessed against the abutting property and the owners thereof on a per front foot basis at 1000% of sidewalks and lateralstorm drain age and 90°% of all other costs are $1,319,711.50. c. The estimated rate per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements is $156.828461. purpose of this public hearing i; sive sworn testimony from abut party owners and other interes ties. Done by order of the Allen i Ancil of the City of Allen, Texas, the of November, 1986. Marty Hendrix, CI City Secrel BE+PUBLISHED IN THE ALL ERICANfON SUNDAY, NOVEME 1996, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 AND SUNDAY, NOVEMBER IB_1 dayof December , A.D. 19 86 - Notary P lic in and for Collin County, Texas —CITY OF ALLEN JPITOTIC-E OF EARING 1 RQRD ISISSM NT �p.m�Th�ay 18 986i in` the nci ham th _ n Munici- pal A ex, One Butler Circle, AIIen,,Texas; �as to the amount to be assessed against each abutting property and owner thereof, land to all persons interested in said matter, and as to the benefits to, said property by reason of the -improvements, or any other) mattbr�or thing in connection therewith on! the following street: The portion of Jupiter Road starting at the intersection of F.M. 2170 and contmu-i ling south to the improved concrete, constructed section north of White Oak Drive, as described in the right-of-way map for Jupiter Road, as prepared by Graham Associates, Inc., on file in the City Secret- 'ary's Office, and shall be improved with seven inch (7") thick 3,000 psi compres- sion strength reinforced concrete pave- ment complete with curb and gutter, with a six inch (6") lime treated subgrade, to provide a thoroughfare consisting of four, lanes of traffic within forty-five feet (45) of concrete paving (back-to-back), including drainage improvements for all portions of the roadway described- herein. and fordch concrete sidewalks adjacent to ea outside right-of-way. Said improvements are located within one of more of the follow ing surveys: William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 328 G.W. Ford Survey;- Abstract No.,708 David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977 all lying within Collin County. Texas.y The cost of the described improvements on the heretofore described' streets with the amount or amounts per front foot prop- osed to be assessed for'such improve- ments against abutting,property and the owners thereof as follows: to wit: a. The estimated cost of the improve- ments is $1.401.954.00. b.The estimated costs to be assessed against the abutting property and the owners thereof on a per front foot basis at 100°% of sidewalks and lateralstorm drain- age and 90% of all other costs are $1.319.711.50. c. The estimated rate per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements is $156.828461. - The purpose of this public hearing is to receive sworn testimony from abutting, property owners and other interested) parties. Done by order of the Allen City' Council of the City of Allen. Texas, the 20th day of November, 198'8'*- Marty Hendry C, City Secretary+ (TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE,.ALLEN! AMERICAN ON SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1986. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1986 AND SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 48012 -- -CITY OF ALLEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING `f P ER ROA SESS r Ne hereby g' at a Afie ity Co ft�d„g publi ng at ?0 P.M r� D m 18, .19 „m the Cham a nici- pale ne Butt rcle, Allen, Texas, as to the amount to be assessed against each abutting property and owner thereof, and to all persons interested In said matter, and as to the benefits to said property by reason of the improvements or•,&d other matter or thing in connection theieviifth on the following street: The portion of Jupiter Road starting at the intersection of F.M. 2170 and continu- ing south to the improved'concrete constructed section north of White Oak Drive, as described in the righl:44-way map for Jupiter Road, as prepared by Graham Associates, Inc., on file in the City Sebret- ary's Office, and shall be improved 'with seven inch (7") thick 3,000 psi compres- sion strength reinforced concrete pave- ment complete with curb'and gutter, with a six inch (6") lime treated subgrade, to provide a thoroughfare consisting of four lanes of traffic within forty-five feet (45') of concrete paving (back-to-back), including drainage improvements for all portions of the roadway described herein, and for concrete sidewalks adjacent to each outside right-of-way. Said improvements are located within one of more of the follow- ing surveys: William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 328 G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 708 David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977 all lying within Collin County, Texas. Thq,gost of the described improvements on thhe heretofore described streets with the amount or amounts per front foot prop- osed to be assessed for such improve- ments,against abutting property and the owners thereof as follows; to wit: a. The estimated cost of the improve- ments is $1,401,954.00. b.'The estimated costs to be assessed against the abutting property and the owners thereof on a per front foot basis at 100°% of sidewalks and lateralstorm drain- age and 90% of all other costs 'are $1,319,711.50. c. The estimated rate per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the doers thereof for improvements is $156.828461. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive sworn testimony from abutting property owners and other, interested parties. Done by orderYof the Allen City Council of the City of Alien, Texas, the 20th day of November, 1986. fir` --- Marty Hendrix, CMC, ""'"' �'� rCity Secretary ;TO BE PUBLISHED.INrTHE ALLE AMERICAN ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1986, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1986 AND SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1 0na,i, k STREET t CURVE DATA CURVE Q _ F TAN k STREET t CURVE DATA CURVE Q _ fit? TAN L C�-1 QA' '00__1.1000.00'1----42.93' 85.131, OAK HILL SUBDIVISION CABINET C. PAGE 10 ro EXIST M9 EXIST INLET r VILLIAM E. CAMPBELL W BENT TREE TOWER 5475 DALLAS PKW. SUITE 500 )ALL A S 75248 i STA, + 10, 1 1 A JUPITER/ALLEN JOINT'VENTURE VOLUME 1916. PAGE 720 WILLIAM PERRIN STA, 1+49-55 0 IL ears ; VA 4 1 4 I r h v 5CALE:1"=20' RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP JUPITER ROAD STA, 0+00 TO STA, 4+00 CITY OF ALLEN COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS Graham Associates, PLANNERSCONSULTING ENGINEERS & Drawn By -- CAD Shoat Of we ,JULY. 1986 f 9 t w I A ft a 0 s 4—T PARTNERSHIP & TRIPLE T #10 VOLUME 1747. PAGE 573 sA? r"- FND. RR n e 0 MAXWELL & WYNELL RAFKIN'o CHARLES W. KNIGHT �\ A W V) A y ALLENDALE CHURCH OF CHRIST VOLUME 732. PAGE 365 N30* 08 r 09 "E i 141 r' f 1s13 3 q t i l°C PI°u}��4h"}GG��f, i� iGIT«^,�i�'i.Jtd,Lri aFd�+.i..1d�d !dV Is,lfv;ts°;. ORDINANCE 760-11-86 EXHIBIT "All 3 I TY OF ALLEN VOLUME 539r PAGE 639 It Q f - N W Z SCALE : I " =0' 7 I I t , 0 I This Page is too large to OCR n This Page is too large to OCR 1 CITY OF ALLEN ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS YEAR tqq, ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION /I te D 4 DRAWING(S) LOCATED HERE IN THE FILE, WERE FILMED ON A (number) 35MM MICROFILM ROLL. THE ORIGINAL ROLL WAS DUPLICATED, AND THE DUPLICATE ROLL LOADED INTO MICROFILM JACKETS. The 35mm microfilm jackets for the entire year are filed at the end of all 16mm microfilm jackets for that year. All 16mm and 35mm jackets are consecutively numbered.