HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-785-3-87ORDINANCE NO. 785-3-87 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 537- 8-84 TO INCLUDE THE ATTACHMENT OF EXHIBIT "D", APPROVED SITE PLAN, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A WATER TOWER STORAGE FACILITY ON A SITE INCLUDING APPROXIMATELY 1.7 ACRES OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE APPROVED PLAT FOR BRAY CENTRAL ONE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND PRESENTLY DELINEATED ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AS A PORTION OF "PD" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE: AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Allen, have given the requisite notice by publication and otherwise; and, WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen have held due hearings and afforded a full and fair hearing to all the property owners generally, and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area, and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen, in the exercise of its legislative discretion, have concluded that Planned Development Ordinance No. 537-8-84 should be amended to include the attachment of Exhibit "D", approved site plan, for development of a water tower storage facility on a site described in the approved plat of Bray Central One, an addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and containing approximately 1.7 acres of land, and presently delineated on the Official Zoning Map as a portion of "PD" Planned Development No. 27. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Planned Development Ordinance No. 537-8-84 of the City of Allen, Texas, is hereby amended to include the attachment of Exhibit "D", approved site plan, for development of a water tower storage facility on a site described in the approved plat of Bray Central One, an addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Ordinance No. 785-3-87 - Page 1 Texas, and containing approximately 1.7 acres of land, and presently delineated on the Official Zoning Map as a portion of "PD" Planned Development No. 27. SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City of Allen in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above-described tract of land shall be used in the manner and for the purposes provided for by Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 537-8-84 of the City of Allen as amended herein by the attachment of Exhibit "D". SECTION 4. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 537-8-84 of the City of Allen and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense. SECTION 5. That it appears the above-described property requires site plan approval in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort, and general welfare of the City of Allen, creates an urgency and an emergency for the preservation of the public health, safety, and welfare, and requires that this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption of said ordinance as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 19th DAY OF MARCH , 1987. PTO AS TO FORM: A. on r, City Attorney APPROVED: ATTEST: Marty Hendrix, CM ,City Secretary Ordinance No. 785-3-87 - Page 2 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN R. Wayne Wedgeworth BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appear 4���� who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing Notice of Public Hearing - Request to Amend Planned Development #27 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on February 25. 1987 and which was issued on Feb. 25, 1987 of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Publisher's Fee $ 16 .20 uar va n•++• ... 1 i Notary PubliOn and for Collin County, Texas CITY OF ALLEN , i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council will conduct a public hearing at their regular meeting to be held on Thurs- day, March 19,` 1987, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal (Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen; Texas, to Fconsider a request to amend Planned (Development No. 27 with Site Plan Approval "on a 1.7 acre tract of land for an overhead water storage tank facility as requested by, the City of Allen. This request for site plan approval is on a 1 1.7 acre tract of land out of the John' Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, W.J. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 484, William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, A.B. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 713, located in the Bray Central One Subdivision, west of, U.S. 75 and south of Rowlett Road. Anyone wishing to speak either FOR or� AGAINST this request for site plan approv- al is invited to attend this public hearing and voice their opinion.' 4 For further..information, contact the Department�of• ConihAunitV Development at the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, or by telephoning 727-9171 or 424-7518 (metro). Marty Hendrix, CMC City Secretary (TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE ALLEN AMERICAN ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRU- ARY 25, 1987.) SEs C �_ ► . OF PUBLICATION' ' AFFIDAVIT A�D PROOF Ordinance No. 785-3-87: An Ordinance of., Ordinance No. 785.3.87,: An Ordinance e THE STATE OF TEXAS `a COUNTY OF COLLIN .r _ R. Wayne Wedgeworth�.- ' VR' BEFORE ME' the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared who having been •., `i k'. ;-,-by me duly sworn on oath deposes and says: l' . r. 'That he is publisher'of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not lees Ira- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- , ' ,= �`twuously,for more than twelve months prior to publishing i - '•:' < <; ~ '=- • Public Notice - Ordinance # 783-3-87, 784-3-87, 785=3=87- and t'�r�'..`'i� '''£` '• k` 786-3-87 -- 1 i},�• which.the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on }- March 25 and'29 1987 -� ''''' _t• • �, the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Planned Development No. 27; Providin +"~ March 5 1 987 Ci f A and which was issued on, r e ;.- • '"''• '-�'`! ti ky r+"' ,of Collin County, Texas. A printed co of said ubli a, on i ch d hereto. Y P PY P � ,Amended, by Amending the the .Official! Caption. , , �e3ll Zoning Map so as to change the Zoning on That any person; firm or corporation violat-j ".,,SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of A r i 1 A.D. 19 87 :•" , Ing any of the provisions terms of this ordi-' ,' a 12.17 Acre Tract of Land from "PD"•,Ing any of the provisions terms of this ord i + 'r1 s� _ •� ., ' Notary Pu •c in and for Collin County, Texas } 1� :..` " Puhli�hPr'a FPP S 118 .8 Q_ Community, Facilities, Said 12.17 Acre' as provided for in Planned Development Pv_ :,).. _t. - .— . � __ ...-.._�..__ �_.�------ ---...._......_.-.�....-a_._....__1..y...a...4.h.....s:.r�:s.,..�,.".,.n_• ^�G Ordinance No. 785-3-87: An Ordinance of., Ordinance No. 785.3.87,: An Ordinance e the City of Allen, Collin County Texas, Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- the City of Allen, Collin. County, Texeu cqT OF ALLEN � ; ance No. 537-8-84 to Include the Attach- ment of F�ctribft "D', Approved Site Plan, i Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ord nance No. 537-8-84 to Include the Attact;.',i{ PUBLIC NOTICE.,,' , , �,'- j • u '' for development d a Water Tower Storage ,,r,;•,- ;.�.,+,r�•..A,� OF ALLEN .11 ��r� ment of Exhibit *D'. Approved Site Pial t� fl 'for development Water Tower Storag 'lotice is -her given that the Alien Ci slot' g' ry r, Facility on a Site Including Approximate (( N •' ,-, ,� PUBLIC NOTICE n , pm of a F Notice Is hereby given that the Allen City? Facility on a Site Including Approximate! 'Council adopted the following ordinances!1.7, Acres of Land Described in the', 'Council adopted the following ordlnances`11.7 Acres of Land,Described in th ;at their regular session held on Thursday, ; Approved Plat for Bray Central One, and'- -`at their regular session held on Thursday,,1Approved Plat for Bray Central Ons,,an :Mar 1987 (Titles and Penalty] Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County,] March 19, 1987 (Titles and Penalty Addition to the City of Allen, Collin Count) :Cla F): t ,Texas,- and Presently Delineated on they Or o. 783-3-87: An ordinance of; Official Zoning Map as a Portion of "DP", Clauses only): .]Texas, and Presently Delineated on th Ordinance No. 783-3-87: An ordinance of Official Zoning Map as a Portion of."DA ]the ;Ci., of Allen, Collin County, Texas,! Planned Development, No. 27; Providing, the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Planned Development No. 27; Providin 'Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordi-; for a Penalty; Providing for an Effective • Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- for a Penalty; Providing for an Effectiv finance No. 366-10-81, as Previouslyl.Date; and Providing for Publication of the, nance No. 366-10-81, as Previously Date; and Providing for Publication of th ,Amended, by Amending the the .Official! Caption. , , Amended, by Amending the the Official Caption. Zoning Map so as to change the Zoning on That any person; firm or corporation violat-j ' Zoning Map so as to change the Zoning on ;that any person, firm or corporation viol a,12.17 Acre yTract, of Land from. "PD"F Ing any of the provisions terms of this ordi-' ,' a 12.17 Acre Tract of Land from "PD"•,Ing any of the provisions terms of this ord •Planned -``Development No. 13 to •'CF", nance shall be subject to the same penalty', I Planned Development No. 13 to "CF")nance shall be subject to the same penial Community, Facilities, Said 12.17 Acre' as provided for in Planned Development - Community Facilities, Said 12.17 Acre;, as provided for In Planned Developmer }Trod of Land Being Part of a 60.57 Acre, Zoning Ordinance No. 537-8-84 of the City ; 1. Tract of Land Being Part of a 60.57 Acre 'Zoning Ordinance No. 537.8.84 of the C11 Tract of Land the Whisenant Survey,, of Allen and upon conviction shall be' 'Abstract Tract of Land the Whisenant Survey, 'of Allen and' upon conviction shalt b No. 1020, Collin County, Texas, i punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of- Abstract No. 1020, Collin County, Texas, j punished by a fine not to exceed the sum r iPresentlyDelineatedontheOfficialZoningl One Thousand Dollars (51,000.00) for.; f Map.as Part -of .'PD", Planned Develop- each offense. ,; Hld ,PresentlyDelineatedontheOalZoning!One i'Map as Part of ,"PD' Planned Develop --leach Thousand Dollars,($1,000.00) ft offense. !.jn tNo:,13, and Amending Development! Ordinance No. 786-3.87: An Ordinance of •, ` ' ment No. 13, and Amending Development � Ordinance No. 786-3-87: An Ordinances Jordlnance No.'459.9-83 By Amending the! the City of Allen, Collin, County Texas, Ordinance No. 459-9-83 By Amending the the City of Allen, Collin,, County Tax& and Area Regulations to Reduce the, Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordi-'+ ; Use and Area Regulations to, Reduce the Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ord •minimum House Size from 2,005 Square nance No: 366-10-81, of the City of Allen 'a'Fegt and 1,805; Square'Feet to 1,600' as Heretofore Amended, and Amendingy 'Square Feet on the remaining 48.4 Acre' Ordinance No. 458-9-83, as Heretofore . minimum House Size from 2,005 Square Feet and 1,805 Square Feet to -1,600 Square Feet on the remaining 48.4 Acre nance No. 366-10-81, of the City of Alle as Heretofore Amended, and`Amarldir� Ordinance No. 458-9-83; as Heretofrn # Tract of Land; Providing for a Revised, Amended, and Being described as "PD', ;Tract of Land; Providing for a Revised Amended, and Being described as "PC ylLo td Use Map; Providing for Amended,: Planned Development No. 12 to Establish., ' =Land Use Map; Providing for Amended Planned Development No. 12 to Est" Use and Area Regulations; Providing for a' "FP -PD" Flood Plain -Planned Develop- !Penalty; Providing for an Effective Date;, Zoning 88-418 Acres Decribed $Use and Area Regulations; Providing for a`"FP-PD"• Providing for an Effective Date; Flood Plain -Planned Deveb) meet Zoning 88-418 Acres Decribed ment on as'Tensity; on e, hand Providing for Publication of the a Portion otTracts 1,2, and 3, and all Tracts ' ;and Providing for Publication of the'' a Portion otTracts l,2,and 3,and all Traa 'Caption. •• "' 4 and 5 in Exhibit "D' Attached Hereto, and t'That any person, firm or corporation violat- to Include an Additional 14.728 Acres . Caption. " , C ,. .� r 4 and 5 In Exhibit "D" Attached Hereto, ar That any person, firm or corporatbnviolat- jto Include an Additional 14.728 Acrs Ing any of the provisions or terms of this' Presently Zoned "A-0" Agriculture -Opsin Ing any of the provisions or terms of thfi Presently Zoned "A --O" AQrlculture-Opd ordinance shall be subject to the; same Space, Described in Exhibit "D" Attached ordinance shall be subject', to -,'the same Space, scribed in Exhibit "D' Aft l penalty as provided for in Comprehensive" Hereto, and being Portion of Tracts, 1, 2, Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81, as 3 Out the Simon Burns Survey, penalty as provided for in Comprehensive' Hereto, and being Portion of Tracts. -1, Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81, and 3 Out of the Simon Bums Survs� previ-. and of i as previ- ouily amended, and upon conviction shall Abstract Nb. 92, and the John Davis- , ously amended, and upon conviction shall Abstract No. 92, and the John Day �Pe. hed by a fine not to exceed the Survey, Abstract No. 255, Collin County be punished by a fine not to exceed the Survey, Abstract No. 255, Collin Court' Iss Thousand Dollars ($1,000-00) 'Texas; Providing for use and Area Regula -A :sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) Texas; Providing for use and Area Reguli 4Or No. 784.3-87: An Ordinance of tions, Open Space Regulations, and Deve- Ordinance No. 784-3-87: An Ordinance of tions, Open Space Regulations, and Dour •the, f Allen, Collin County, Texas,. lopment Policy as Decribed in Exhibit "D" 'the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, lopment Policy as Decribed in Exhibit i -1 Amending Planned Development Zoning Attached Hereto; Providing for a Penalty of , Amending Planned Development Zoning Attached Hereto; Providing for a Penalty i Ordinance No. 370-10-81 to Include the fine Not to Exceed the Sum of One Thou- Ordinance No. 370-1Q-81 to Include the fine Not to Exceed the Sum of One Thor Attachment of Exhibit "K"; Approved Site sand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense; Plan, and Amending Comprehensive Providing for a Severability Clause; and Attachment of Exhibit "K", Approved Site sand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each offens Plan, and Amending " Comprehensive Providing for a Severability. Clause; ark oning Ordinance No. 366-10-81, as Providing for ,the Effective Date of Said Previously Amended, by Amending the Ordinance. Toning 0rd4nanae•No:"366 10±81x-ae Providing for the Effective Date of!Ser Previously. Amended;.by4Argprrding the Ordinance.. �• `;, � Zoning map of the City of Allen to Attach a That any person, firm,'or coropation violat-, �•? , fi L;•. . Zoning map of the City of Allen to' Attach'a GThat any person,flay dor coropatlon vlol� Specific Use Permit for Gasoline Sales on Ing any of the provisions for terms of this Specific Use Permit for Gasoline Sales sin ling any of the provisions for terms of th 1.1478 Acre Tract Out of the Peter Wetsel ordinance shall be subject to the same 1.1478 Acre Tract Out of the Peter Wetsel ordinance shall be subject to the=sari Survey, Abstract No. 990, Collin County, penalty as provided for in Planned Deve- Survey, Abstract No. 990,: Collin County;'penalty as provided for In Planned Devi Texas, Presently Delineated on the Official lopment Zoning Ordinance No. 370-10-81 Texas, Presently Delineated on the Official lopment Zoning Ordinance No. 370-10.1 Zoning Map as a Portion of PD -SC No. 5; of the City of Allen and upon conviction 'Zoning Map as a Portion of PD -SC No. 5;'of the City of Allen and .'Upon convldK Providing for a Penalty; Providing for an shall be punished by a fine not to exceed 'Effective Providing for a Penalty; Providing for an shall be'punished by a One not to excel Date; Providing for Publication of the sum of $1,000.00 for each offense. Effective Date; Providing for Publication of the sum of $1,000.00 for each offense. the .Caption. : !A copy of these ordinances maybe read or: That firm or coropration violat- in the the City Secret- the Caption. -., t, copy of these ordinances maybe read 1 That any firm or coropration violat,, purchased In the office of the City Seca any person, purchased office of { person, Ing any of the provisions or terms of this ary, City of Allen, One Buffer Circle, Allen, Ing any of the provisions or, terms of this ary, City of Allen, One Butter Circle, All' ordinance shall be subject to the same Texas. i ordinance shall be subject to the same Texas. Marty H@ndrlx,CMC ,- penalty as provided for in Planned Deva; Marty Henddx,CMC penalty as provided for in Planned Deve- lopment Zoning Ordinance No. 370-10-81' City Secretary lopment Zoning Ordinance No. 370-10-81 City Secretary+ City Allen of ,the , Ctty of Allen and upon conviction of the of and upon conviction-,� ;, s shell be punished by a fine not to exceed (To be published in the Allen American on .- _..- - - A-_ Tl_..___J n_„_-_ ... . .. . __ I___ - - - -'- - shall be punished by a fine not to exceed (To be published In the Allen Ammicar "- - - _. A_ - w -.4---A- a -.-h, ee 4eO-2 -..J o- i 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 r A E 0 C C C 9 9 F CITY OF ALLEN ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION Iy J DRAWINGS) LOCATED HERE IN THE FILE, WERE FILMED ON A (number) 35MM MICROFILM ROLL. THE ORIGINAL ROLL WAS DUPLICATED, AND THE DUPLICATE ROLL LOADED INTO MICROFILM JACKETS. The 35mm microfilm jackets for the entire year are filed at the end of all 16mm microfilm jackets for that year. All 16mm and 35mm jackets are consecutively numbered.