HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-803-8-87m ORDINANCE NO. 803-8-87 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, CERTIFYING THE 1987 TAX ROLL AS APPROVED AND CERTIFIED BY THE COLLIN COUNTY APPRAISAL REVIEW BOARD. STATE OF TEXAS 1 Q PROPERTY TAX CODE, SECTION 26.04(a) COUNTY OF COLLIN I Il Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor -Collector for the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, do solemnly swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the attached is a true list of all that portion which constitutes the Appraisal Roll for the City of Allen for the taxable year 1987 as apprbved and certified by the Collin County Appraisal Review Board. we rec- comend that the 1987 Tax Roll be approved as presented with a Market Value of $1,126,435,240 of which $9,676,443 is under pro test waiting approval by the Appeals Review Board, leaving a Net Taxable Value of $899,505,915. The following items constit- ute the 1987 Tax Roll: CATEGORY'`OF PROPERTY NO. PARCELS MARKET VALUE REAL ESTATE (7951) $1,066,796,614 BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY ( 337) 59,638,626 TOTAL MARKET VALUE $1,126,435,240 EXEMPT PROPERTY ( 94) - 5,145,376 AG -LOSS ( 94) - 209,133,514 OVER 65 LOSS ( 193) - 3,863,9'92 DISABLED VETERANS ( 57) - 110,000 TAXABLE VALUE AFTER EXEMPTIONS 909,182,358 VALUE OF PROPERTY UNDER PROTEST - 9,676,443 NET TAXABLE VALUE $ 899,505,915 NEW CONSTRUCTION $ 47,013,214 NEW PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 2,086,377 ANNEXATION $ 906,341 TOTAL NEW PROPERTY $ 50,006,432 RESOLVED -AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 20th DAY OF AUGUST ,1987. APPROVED: DONALD P. RODENBAUGH, MAYOR T ST: A &:� MARTYtiHENDRIX, CITY SECRETARY AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE 1\LE, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared R. `i'AYNE WEDGEWORTfi, \� ho having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AA9ERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having barn published regularly and continuously for more than twelve month, prior to publishing Public Notice - Ord. 803-8-87, 805-8-87 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on August 26, and 30, 1987 and which was issued onAug . 26, 1987 b, he City of A l l of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication 's attached rc SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 18th dad, oC Zept. A.D. 19 87 Publisher's fee 5 50.40 , Nouiry Pubt) in and for Collin County, Texas PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given"that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinances tat their regular. meeting held on Thur"sday,l August 20, 1987 (Titles. and Penalty Clauses only):_ I Ordinance No. 803-8-87: An Ordinance, By the City'Councd of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Certifying the 1987 Tax Roll as Approved and Certified by the Collin County Appraisal Review Board. Ordinance No. 804-8-87: Ari Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Disannexing 8.614 Acres of Land Out of; the Simpson M. Pulliam Survey, Abstract No. 707, and the George White Survey, Abstract_No...993, from the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, so as to Exclude Said - Property from the City Limits; and+ Providing a Severability clause and An Effective Date, Ordinance No: 805-8-87 An Ordinance Df the City of Allen, Collin•County, Texas, Amending Ordinance No. 364, Sections 2 through 14, and Chapter 8, "Licenses andJ' Business Regulations", Article III, "Itineri ant Merchants, Peddlers, Etc." Divisions 1 and 2 of the City of Allen code of Ordi- nances, Defining and Regulating Itinerant Merchants, Itinerant Vendors, PeddlersM and Persons Selling or Taking Orders for 3oods, Wares, Merchandise, Services, Photographs, Newspapers, Magazines, or Subscriptions To Newspapers or Maga- zines; Providing for a License, a License =ee and Identification'Card Fee; Exempt - ng Those engaged in Interstate Commer- :e From License Fees But Requiring Such 'ersons'and/or Organizations to Register Nith the City Secretary, Providing for a 'enalty Clause, a Severability Clause,1 'ublication of the caption, and an Effective, The violation of any provision of this rdinance shall be punished by a fine not xceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) nd each day any violation shall continue hall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall be come effective n October 1, 1987. A copy of these ordinances may be re66 r purchased in the office of the City' ecretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle lien, Texas. O BE PUBLISHED IN THE ALLEN MERICAN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 987 AND SUNDAY, AUGUST 30th, 987.��� L/ CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City 'Council adopted the following ordinances at their regular meeting held on Thursday, [August 20, 1987 (Titles and Penalty 'Clauses only): Ordinance No. 803-8-87: An Ordinance By the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Certifying the 1987 Tax Roll as Approved and Certified by the Collin County Appraisal Review Board. Ordinance No. 804-8-87: An Ordinance ,of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; Disannexing 8.614 Acres of,Land Out of the Simpson M. Pulliam Survey, Abstract No. 707, and the George White Survey! 'Abstract No. 993, from the City of Allen,i Collin County; Texas, so as to Exclude Said Property. from the City Limits; and Providing a Severability clause and An Effective Date. Ordinance No. 805-8-87: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas! Amending Ordinance No. 364, Sections 2 through 14, and Chapter 8, "Licenses and Business Regulations", Article III, "Itiner! ant Merchants, Peddlers, Etc." Divisions 1' and 2 of the City of Allen code of Ordi nances, Defining and Regulating Itinerant Merchants, Itinerant Vendors, Peddlersl and Persons Selling or Taking Orders for Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Services, Photographs, Newspapers, Magazines, or Subscriptions To Newspapers or Maga- zines; Providing for a License, a License Fee and Identification Card Fee; Exempt- ing Those engaged in Interstate Commer-i ce From Licdnse Fees But Requiring Such Persons and/or Organizations to Register, With the City Secretary, Providing for a" Penalty Clause, a Severability Clause1 Publication of the caption, and an Effective Date. . The violation of any provision of this )rdinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) knd each day any violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall be come effective in October 1, 1987. A copy of these ordinances may be read >r purchased in the office of the Cityf secretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, klien, Texas. ` FO BE PUBLISHED IN THE ALLEN kMERICAN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1987 AND SUNDAY, AUGUST 30th,