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M Li to in a 9 - 13 7.46' l DWIGHT BETTS, DONALD RODENBAUGH 91 LEONARD HAMMER 0.314 ACRE TRACT M REF. VOL. 2224, PG. 170 Is- O, I 1 ORIGINAL BOYD STREET (BALAMO STREET) R.O.W. ACCORDING TO REVISED MAP OF ALLEN A9 RECORDED IN VOL. 0, P9. 102 OF COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS TRACT 1 /BEG G RAC Y +7 4.80' I/BEGINNING TRACY 2 Leonard Hammer the owners of a 0.314 acre INNING TRACT 8 ./BEGINNING 1111111P 1111111P_ _- 78*23'07E., 13`7.52' _ ,wao - :.78'23'04 "E., 107.68- FS. W W 8, Block 15 of the revived Nap of Allen as �a TRACT 1 ;,,o�;� o TRACT 2 IQ 5001 SQUARE FEET q 1 Q 0990 SQUARE FEE I*48 37" i1 1 I N.78*23'04"W, 1:37._52' - N.78 -2504'W., 91.4, ' S.76*23'04"E.,*230.0' to • R.O.W. ABANDONMENT-= L=43.78 TRACT A- 41*48.37" l 9094 SQUARE FEET BW BELL BURIED C W _ImLL BlMtllP CABLE BEGINNING TRACT v N.78*23'04'00.,-- - - X IN CONC. 245.36' 15 0' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ALLEN 50,000 SQUARE FEET REF. VOL. 2111, PG. 449 L=6.56' W. Az 6'16'06" It TRACT 9 11 SQUARE FEET w r in d 0 16 • ©ENOTES A 5/E3"REE3AR 7;� 1 A L = 100.93' pa 96922'46" TRACT S '14S 1 289 SQUARE FEET Y' +1wr � 7B' 4 N 23 0 W., 89.44 S, 719*23'(74"E_ 4.80' 8*23'04"E ., 4.64' Leonard Hammer the owners of a 0.314 acre INNING TRACT 8 tract (reference Volume 2224 , Page 776) BEGINNING - E G 7RACT 7 ` R.O.W. DEDICATION/� MAIN STREET (801) m It W rn in IA 442.63 __ COMMUNITY STORAGE 2.7579 ACRE TRACT REF. VOL. 2173, PG. 419 TOY N011 Hill 2: 22 M R.O*W* DEDICATION BEGINNING TRACT 3 `-�'-. 7E7*23'04"E ., 2•I.5.36'� / COMMENCING TRACT 3 BEGINNING TRACY 4 r.o ire +. �+�� • L - 43.78' TRACT 4 b�T i a y41°4FJ'37" 9394 SQUARE FEET R.Q.W. ABANDONMENT- N.78-23'04"W., BANDONMENTN.78*23'04"W. 230.0' k d^ • r� • - - � - emir. ilrr��r r<1 l- +- S.7 "23'(74"E., 105.0' `. S.78"*23'04"E., 125.0' d rc tilt � W SW a[LL mUm1ED CABLES U9-) L=43.78' TRACT 8 - K)b m b TRACT 0 • ii _ ®i x'37" 4891 SQUARE FEET 0 ¢ (7 8000 SQUARE FEET of N Z N. 78123'04"W, 120.20' N7* 2:3'04"W. 125.6' +ice �iii� tl tm an - ---- -- +y an ��L96.80 k855INNING TRACT 6 BEGINNING TRACT 5 p = 6*2727" \ CONRAD MOUNGER TRACT 7 NORTH 65 9 9, 10 12 $QUARi* FEET EAST I 0E LOT, REF. VOL_ 2191 , PG. 524 r I - w DWIGHT BETTS, DONALD P. RODENBAUGH a LEONARD H. HAMMER 0.329 ACRE TRACT REF. VOL. 2214, PG. 556 -- 125' boa C�T *+�+ ii l�J � f 7 O E & T 1 N r, " A'f['N y5��qq 1 Sq rwr F t L 1Jn the (:lty r`f Allen. Collin County, Texan. mad being a survey of pert of Boyd Street (Balasrn Street) as shower on the revised map of Allan an recorded In Volume 6, Page 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being described by metes and bounds as follows. REGINNiNG at an 5/8 Inch rehar set at the southwest corner of Block H of said revised map of Allen, In the north line of said Boyd Street and the Fast Right of way IJne of Southern Pacific Railroad: the centerline of the tracks of Raft] railroad hears North 78' 23' 04" Ment. 150.0 feet same being the southwest corner of m 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224, Page 778); 111F,NCE South 78' 23' 04" Fast, with the south line _of sold 0.314 acre tract and with the north line of said Boyd Street, 137.52 feet to a 5/6 Inch rebar not at the southeast corner of maid 0.314 acre tract in the north lino of amid Boyd St reef; THFN('F: South 11' 43' 36" West. 40.0 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set in the centerline of said Boyd Street: "T11FlICY North 78* 21' 04" Ment, with the centerline of said Boyd Street 137.52 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In tike East Right -of -Way line of said RA I i toad 111ENCE North 11* 43' 38" East, with the East Right -of -Way line of said railroad, 40.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 5501 square feet of land. TRACT 2: 3890 Square Feet of Lend SITUArri) In the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a survey of pert of Bot Street (Balarso Street) as shown on the revised sep of Allen as r•er.nrrirtl n Volume 6. Pae 152 of the Collin County Deed Records bei demc.rlhed by metes and bounds ng as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 Tach rebar net at the South southwest corner of said 2.7579 arse tract (reference Volume 2173• Page 419), the southeast comer of the 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224, Page 779) and in the north 111e of said Boyd Street: THF.NCF South 78' 23' 04' Fast. with the south line; of said 2.7579 acro tract and with the north line of said Boyd Street, 107.68 feet to a 5/6 inch rebar set _ of a curve of a cul d'sac: the radius point of said carve Hear# South 36' 34' 27" Fast, 60.0 feet; ' IIIIEICE with said curve toward the southwest an aft length of 43.78 feet and a rmitrml angle of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set in the centerline of .raid Boyd Street: 'IlIFNCF North 78* 23' 04" West, with the centerline of said Boyd Street 42.48 feet it) n 5/8 Inch rebar set In said centerline; THENCE North 11* 43' fit" East. 40.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and rontaining 3890 square feet of land. TRACT3: 1239 Square Feet of Land S , 1 , •) IllAlfl in the h (.fly of Allen, (.(it In County. Texas, being a survey of part of the 2.7579 acrps of lard described In a deed from Realallen, Inc.. to l'II , mmlrnity Sltr.tCr. m partnerahlpp r.amllomed of J. Brian 14cCta11, Charles Richardson, John T. Cotton and Charles Stice, dated July 16, 1985, recorded In Voltimill 2173. Pave 419, of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by metes and butuhds as follows: (:OMMENCINc; Irl it 5/0 Inch rebar set at the southeast corner of said 2.7579 dere tract In the north line of Boyd Street and the west line of Ceder Street; 1111 -NCE North 7R* 23' 04" West, with the south lime of said 2.7579 acre tract a rd 1 W ill the � i north rlh Ilne of said Floyd Street. 245.36 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar get In the soilth line of Bald 2.7579 acre tract and the north line of sold `t rent for a PLACE 0E BF1;INNiNi;; same being on a curve of a cul d'sac; the rndlus point of said curve Bears South 59' 48' 19" West. 60 feet; 'IIIEN("F North 78* 23' 04" West, with the south line of said 2.7579 acre trart alto] with the north line of.,yld Boyd Street. 69.44 feet to a 5/8 Inch rr•ivir sat Ire the Room, Ilne of said 2.7579 acre tract and In the north line of -0d Hoyd Street it, a perInt oil the curve of said cul Wool the radius point of Bald curve hears South 36* 34' 27" Fast, 60.00 feet; 1111 -NCE with Bald rnrve an arc length of 100.93 feet and a central angle of * 22' 46", to the PLACE OF BF;INNIN►O and containing 1239 square feet of land• TRACT 4: 9394 Square Feet of tasted 1;1'I11AI'FD 1n the City of Allen. Collin County, Texas, and being a survey of lana of Bot St reet (Balamo Street) as shoat on the revised ma of Allen an ret or•rdetI n Vnitaie B. fare 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being (I-erlhed by metes and bcninds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/6 inch rebar set at the southeast corner of the 2.7579 ar•re tract (reference Volume 2173, Fuge 419). In the west line of Cedar Street and the north line of said Boyd Street; 1111 NCF simt h 1.1* 43' 36" West. with the .vest line of said Cedar Street, 40 I) fret to a 5/6 inch rebnr set m the centerline of said Boyd Street; IIIEN'F North 76' 23' 04" West, with the centerline of said Boyd Street PuI a feet ter a 5/8 Inch rebar set In said centerline on the curve of a cult (I'liar. the rndlus point of said curve bears North 78' 23' 04" West, 00.0 feet; r1IFNl:E with said curve to the north west , an arc: length of 43.76 feet and a tPntral angle of 41` 4R' 37" to a 5/8 filch rebar set in the south line of said 2.7571► acre Ir•art and In the north line of said Boyd Street; TIIFNCF. Sothth 78* 23' 04" East, with the south line of said 2.7579 acre tract end with the north line of said Boyd Street, 245.36 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containiew 9394 square feet of land. TRACT 5: 5000 Square Feet of Land S)T11AT'j) III the (:fly of Allen. Collin County, Texas, and being a survey of )nri of Boyd Street (Ralamn Street) as shown on the revised map of Allen as Zlevordt'd In Vollawp. 6, Pare 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being mcrlbP() by metes and hounls Its follows: 11110NNING mil m 5/R Inch retr,r set of the northeast corner of Block 15 of .41, 111 revised Mill) of Allpri. In the west line of said Cedar Street and the mouth Iine of said Lloyd St reel; 111FN1'F North 78" 23' 04" West, with the Routh line of said Boyd Street and the north line of said Hliwk 15. 125.0 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar set in the snlltb Iloe of 'solid fKryri Street and tho north line of said Block 15; I11ENCE North It* 43' 36" East. 40.0 feet to a 5/9 inch rebar set In the 1elitrt1111e of Ra Id Boyd Street; I11EN(T south 78' 23' 04" Fitst, with the centerline of said Boyd Street, 125 n feel to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In the centerline of as Id Boyd Street In the west 11ne of said Urdar Street; 111ENCF South 11* 4:1' 36" West, with the west ltne of said Cedar Street 40.0 feet to the PLACE Or HE1;INNING and ctxhtaining 5000 square feet of land. TRACT 6: 4391 SWAre Feet of lend I - SITUATEEIIn the City of Allen, Collin County, Tetras, and being is :survey of part of Boyd Street (Ralaso Street) an shoran on the ievisad map at Allen as recorded In Volume 6, Page 152 of ,the Collin County Clevd l;hecorda beiZ described by metes and bounds as follows: WGIMINIG at m 5/6 Inch rebar met at the northeast corner at the 0.321 actr'rm trmr•t (reference Volunse 2214" Page 556), In the south line of said Boyd Street; 111ENCE North 78* 23' 04" West, with the north fine of said 0.329 acre tract and with the south tine of said Boyd Street, 120.20 feet to a 5/6 Inch rebar set In the north IIne of Rald 0.329 acre tract and the south line of said Street; same beltrg a point on the curve of cul d'sac, the radius point hears North 36* 34' 27' West. W-00 feet; THENCE with said curve In the a north-east direction an arc length of 43.76 feet mill n central angle of 4E' 48' 37" to a 5/6 inch rebar met In the centerlllae of said Boyd Street; "111ENCE South 78' 23' 04" Fast. with the centerllne of said Boyd Street IU5.0 feet to A 5/9 inch rebar set In said centerline: '111FNCE South I1* 43' 36" Went, 40.0 feet to the PLA'e OF BEGINNING and contal.ning 4391 square feet of land. 'IRACT 7: 12 Square Feet of Land SIII)NrFi) ire the City of Allen, FoIIIn Cowhty, Texas, being a survey of part of the 0.329 acres of land described in a deed from Basil 9terglos toDwlmftt Iletts, Ihonald 1'. Rodenbmugii and Leonard H. Hammer, dated Septeabiejr 13, 7965 r•tv•orded to Volume 2214, Page 556 of the Collin County Deed Records, being described try metes and Wins am follows: RFGINNINC at a 5/8 Inch rebar, set at the northwest corner of Vial:) 0.329 acre trart In the mouth Ilne of Boyd Street and the east line of Birch Street• i11FRCE: South 78' 23' 04 East, with the south 1tyre of 'raid Boyd Street and the-tit)rIh line of mall 0-:129 acre tract. 4.80 feet to a 5/6 inch rebar set tin the curve of a cul d'sac; the radius point of said curve bears North 36' 341 27" Wo sl , faO.UU fret; IlIENCE with said curve In a southwest direction, an arc length of 6.80 feet and a centrnl nngle of rr* 29' 27" to a 5/8 Inch rebar met In the met line of Raid 0.32.9 acre tract and In the east line of said Birch Street; TIIFNCE North 11* 43' 36" Fast, with the west line of said 0.329 acre tract floc] the Past line of said Birch Street 4.60 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and r•ontallihig 12 stluare feet of !anti. TRACT 8: IlSquare Feet of Land SITlINI'Fl) n the City of AIIPn, Collin Cavity, Texas, being a survey of part of the 50.000 square feet of land described In a deed from Crawford and Novel Markets, Inc. to First BaptJmt Church of Allen, dated April 11, 1965, relcorderi In Volume 2111, Page 449. of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by metes and bounds am follows: BEGINNING at n 5/8 inch mbar met at the northeast corner of said 50,000 square feet of lard In the south line of Boyd Street in the met line of Birch Street; 111FNCE South 11* 43' 36" West, with the east line of said 50,000 square feet of land and the west line of said Birch Street, 4.64 felt to a 5/8 inch rebnr set In the east line of said 50,000 square feet of land, the went line of Raid Birch Street and on a curve of a cul d age; the radius point of said curve hears North 53' 32' 13" East, 60.00 feet; THENCE with maid curve to the northwest, an are length of 6.56 feet and a central attilile of 6. le' 06". to a 5/a Inch rebmr set In the north line of said 50.000 square feet of land and In the south line of sold Boyd Street; THF;NCK South 78' 23' 04" East. with the north line of said 50,000 square feet of land and the south line of sold Boyd Street to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 11 sgnure feet of laird. TRACT 9: 9394 Square Feet of Lentil SI11)ATEi) Int the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a survey of Lsirt of Boyd Street (Balamo Street) an shown on the revised amp of Allen an rprorded In Volume 6. Page 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an "x" etched in a concrete slab In the south line of Boyd Street and III time east Right -of -Way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; the rpnterldne of the tracks of said railroad bears North 78' 23' 04" West, 150.0 feet ; slime being fire northwest conifer of 50,000 square feet of land (reference Volume 2111, Page 449); 711ENCA North 11' 43' 36" Fant, with the east Right -of -May line of said r•allroad. 40.0 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set In the centerline of Boyd Street and It, the Past Right--of-Way line of Bald railroad; 111ENC.E. South 78' 23' (Yl" Past. with the centerline of said Boyd Street 230.0 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar met In said centerline on the curve of a ctrl d'sac: Lire radius point of said curve bears South 78* 23' 04" Fat, 80.00 feet; TIIF3Yl* with sold curve to the southeast, an arc length of 43.78 feet and a central angle of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebor met In the north line of said 50.000 Rguare fret of lard and the mouth line of said Boyd Street; TIIFNCE North 78' 23' 04" West, with the south line of said Boyd Street and Ihr• north line of said 50,GOG Rtliurrp feet of laird" 245.36 feet to the PLACE OF i*A;INNINC Rod containing 9394 %ilunrr feet of land The City of Allen does hereby release,itclaim and abandon forever the following tracts to the property owners adjoining Boyd Street as whom an the plat hereon: TRACT 1: TO: Dwight Betts, Donald Rodenbaugh and Leonard Hammer the owners of a 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224 , Page 776) TRACT 2 A 4: TO: CowsunitY Storaggee the owners of a 2.7579 acre tract, (reference Volume 2173, Page 419) TRACT 5: TO: Conrad . Maunger the owner of the North bt feet of Lots 9 and 10 and the east half of Lot 8, Block 15 of the revived Nap of Allen as recorded in Volume 6, Page 1.52 TRACT 6: TO: Dwight Betts, Donald P. Rodenbaugh and Leonard A Hammier Jr. the owners of v 0.3211 acre tract, (reference Volume 2214, Pat 556) TRACT 9: TO: First bU st Cturch of Allen the owners of 50.01)IDalfijuare feet of land (reference Volume 2111" Pnee 449) "Approved" "Executed Pro Forma" L�►e r i *CYrl, P Trig and 7. Ing Cowtssiot Allen, Texas Date Elate "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Allen. Texas, hereby certifiert the the foregoing Final Plat of the AHAN[l(N14!?Nf OF B1)YJr S"T10•:1•:T AND IM DEDICATION OF BIRCH STREET Subdivision or Addition to the City of Allen was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and apprgvecl by it on the 6,kiday of a 11167; and that such approval constitiltes acceptance by ty ofeAT -n 6-Mhe dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, and public trays, as show and set forth In and upon said Plat, subject to the Provisions of the Subdvlslon Ordinance of t►e City of Allen, as amended." . i tTffyera ai y (:fly of Allen Community Storage, the owners of a 2.7579 acre tract, (reference. Volume 2173, 3 819, does hereby. approve the fore oln¢¢ plat of the ABANIx)NMFN'T OF BOYD REET AND THE DEDICATION OF BIRCH T1(FET and dose,, hereby dedicate to the eb11c use for Street Right -of Uf woy purposes Tract J ag descril 1i and plotted recr. 0 t f on T rli�ari FicfaTl�' a ,yr i! d,'l •a 'd talRartes r% '� - - e T-ha-Fi soF)--- Zia STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary publlc In and for said state, oil this day personally appeared John T. Cotten, J. Brian McCall, Charles Stice and Charles Richardson, knoaeh to me to be the persona whose flames are subscribed to the foregoing.,AusAwWrit, and acknowledged to me that they execute] the same for the ET .,;tyhsideratIon therein expressed, and In the capacity therein stk ew#'.- Given wudgr 4ty hand arul aeiJ 1 of of f l l:e , this fire (lay of 1987. Notary Public n tW for the Sta e e axes Dwight Bet teu; iXf. Tr.ftodenhau and Leonard Hai Hammer. Jr. are the owners of for0egool acprla[� , 1*the Aerenre AB ) E,Nf ume 2214, ( FF BOYD S"I1iLFT AND THLhereby DEDICATTIIONYe OF BIRCH SI�E6T and does hereby dedicate to the public, use forever for Street Right -of -Way purposes Tract 7 as platted and described hereon. Livignt� , Donald P. - n u ar emmer, Jr. STATE OF TEXAS 0041111111f OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public In and for said state, on this Clay personally appeared Dwight Betts, Donald P. Rodenbaugh and Leonard H. Hr, Jr. known to me to be he persons rimose itames are stibacribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the trrposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein :liven under my hand mod seal of office, this the tiny of 1987. BEVER-.- i ICKL IN It Notary Pub State of Texas S •j1''1/r My t ommissi ExPiras 3-9-8 " o r a or e e f iextis First Baptist Church of Allen Is the owner of 50,000 square feet of lard, reference Volume 2111, Paige 449) and hereby approve the foregoing plat of the ABANDONMENT OF HOYD STREET AND THE DEDICATION OF BIRCH S"I' ET and dues hereby dedicate to the public use forever for Street Right -of -Way purpose,, Tract 8 an platted and described hereon. � h ellen ]rat hie tlst Church of Allen. Texas STATE OF TEXAS CODNIY OF COL Before me, the undersigned authority, a n Wary public In aril for said state, on this day personally appsarodX' to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the forego ns come' and acknowledged to me that he executed the sate for thepurposes and consideration therein expressed, and in time capacity therein stated. ��j/ Given under my hand and seal of office, this the -EA day of 1967. IV BEVER: Y FICKL IN (\ No[ary Public. Stato of rexas l8-luary PubTlen. ' �`Cornmissran Expires 3-11.89) e or Tens SIA4YEY41R'S CGP,R'TlPIt;A'1'E IQ*IW AL1, MEN BY "THESE PRESENTS: That 1. Bruce Geer. do hereby certify that 1 prepared this plat from an actual mid accurate survey of the lan], and that the corner mornaments shorn thereon were pr•olierly placed ander my supervision, In accordance with the subd ialon regulations of the City of Allen, Texas. BRUCE GEER, RE131M P4fA1CSUMRVE"Y0MR =XAS REG. NO. 4117 P.O. M 1233 ALLM, TEXAS 75002 STArF OF TFJ(AS ( 214) 542h-•3059 COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public in and for said state, on this day personally appeared Bruce Geer, known to sis to be the peryoln whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to ms that he executed the mane for thepurposes and consideration therein exle.-Ii ami' and in the rmpacity therein stated Elven under my hard mid coral of office, this the- dr arulY NTo any c n or s eas 121 �a. e. n i .. BRUCE GEER •ia*°iaau*aea *o°vav�°���s 4117 .00 - SU 0 1-3 7.46' / 44 62 3 -- ORISINAL BOYD STREET (BALAMO STREET) R.O.W. ACCQRDINQ 1 TO REVISED MAR OF ALLEN AS RECORDED IN VOL, 8, RS. 152 OF COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS COMMUNITY STORAGE 2.7579 ACRE TRACT REF. VOL. 2173, PG. 419 S l lA iln11ie(,'FllYtr1Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being s survey of part of Boyd Street (Balapin Street) as shown on the revised ms of Allen a■ recorded n Volume 6, Va,e 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being by bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an 5/8 4ich rebar set at the srn dear southwest comer of Block H of said rrevised mp a of Allem In the north line of said Boyd Street sad the East RJtrht of way line of Sort)frn Pacific Railroad; the Centerline of the tracks of sa(d railroad bears North 18. 23' W west, 150.0 feet sane being the southwest r•Orfler of a 0.314 acre trar.t (reference Volume 2224, Page 778); THENCE South 78' 23' 01" East, with the south line of said 0.314 acre tract and with the north line of said Boyd Street, 137,52 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar set at the southeast corner of said 0.314 acre tract In the north line of said Floyd Street : THFN("N: S;nrr h 11* 43 36" West, 40.0 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set 1n the centerline of aald Lloyd Street; TIIENUF. North 78P 23''04" West, with the centerline of said Boyd Street 137.52 feet to a 5/8 Irx:h rebar set in the East Right -of -Way line of said Railroad; i11ENCF. Nnrth 11' 43' 36" East, with the East Right-of-way line of said 1'811road, 40.0 feet to th9 PLACE OF BEOiumiNG and of land. containing 5501 square feet n vl cr TRACT 2: 3890 Square Feet of Letrd L 100.93' S1111AITh In the City t1f Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a survey of 1 part of Boyd Street (Balryro Street) as shown on the revised sap of Allen as 4� 96°22'46" 1 ter ordrd n Volume 6. FtWe 152 of the Collin County Deed itecord■ being described by metes and houjids as follows: ""r .0- I ATI BEGINNING at a 5/8 Inr'h rebar set at the South southwest corner of said TRACT 3 2.7579 acre tract (reference Volume 2173, Page 419), the southeast Corner of �i the 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224, Page 778) and In the north line of 1239 SQUARE FEET BEGINNING TRACT] Said Boyd Street; � � S. 7E3°23'04"E ., 245.36' COMMENCING TRACT T1IFNCF South 78' 23' 04' East, with the south line of said 2.7579 acre an still - =.* - gr -_ -- I" BEGINNING TRACr4 tract and with the not:th line of said Bo Street, 107.68 feet to a 5/4 Inch r .� .r N.78,23'04"W.,e9.44' • retxhr set ext a curve of a Cul d'aac: the radius point of Bald curve bears South i 36' 34' 27" Fast, 60.0 feet; 11 1. 'IiIFNC`E with said rurve toward the southwest an aft length of 43.78 feet and L 43,78' TRACT 4 t3 a central angle of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In the centerline of 6 15i 0 said Boyd Street; N.7 P � 3' 4 " n 2 d W . 1 7. f . � .-- � _. -_ 3 52 -. 7 N. � _ 2304 W. 9 4 z. a . - - S.7(3n2304'E., 230.0' +� • z R.O.W. ABANDONMENT ' �TRACT 9 L = 43.703 it 9394 SQUARE FEET a- 41'48'37" l� ----,r--o3W a[,L erx(Isu CABLrr -. BEGINNING TRACT 9 N. 78823 07 X IN CONC. 245.36' t! 150, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ALLEN 50,000 SQUARE FEET REF. VOL. 211 1 , PG. 449 7752 N T. R L=6.56' W. 42 6' 16106" It TRACT S 11 SQUARE FEET rn is n I6 01 40 I 1 -- loo' + (DENOTES A 5/8"REEIAR S.`/E3°23'p4"E_ 4.6CY �' NING TRACT 8 BEGINNING TRACT T R.O.W. -DEDICATION/ w +r+) MAiN STREET (SOr) N o=41°413 37 9394 SQUARE FEET 7II NCF North 78' 23' 04" west, with the centerline of sold Boyd Street el 92.48 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set in said centerline; TIIFN(;F North I1' 43' 36" East, 40.0 feet to the PLACE OF OWINNING and - - r'ontalninq 38W square feet of land. R.O.W. 1ABQNDONME� + +�I +� to f— TRACT 3: 1239 Square Feet yf Land 01 W - - _ y r S,7-23'o4"E., 105.0' i` — S.79-23'(4"EE., 125.0' r) 0) 5111JA'ITI) In the City of Allen, Collin County. Texas, beingla survey of part W of the 2.7579 arres of land described int a deed from Realallen, Inc.. to --� 4WBlLL4URIEDCAtiLBx 11C Community Stor'aee, a portnershfp composed of J. Brian Mc Cell, Charles �_ v TRACT 6 m4 m O TRACT 5 49 RIrhnr•dson, John T. Cotton and diaries Stice, dated July 16, 1985, recorded in 9-�14e'57" 4391 SQUARE FEET mC7 in 0 Q U) Vnll)mrr `217:1. Pave 419, of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by 3000 SQUARE FEET 6 Wmetes acrd twrutdR as fol lass: ° (I)MMFNCIM; of is ."s/R Inrh rebar set ort the southeast corner of said 2.7579 lyre tract In the north Ilne of Boyd Street and the west line of Cedar Street; N 1111 -INCE North 711^ 23' 04" VeRt, with the, south line of sold 2.7579 acre tract N. 78123'04"W, 120.20' � �r� N.78°23'04" W. 125. ' and with the mow o ( t north Ilse of said Boyd Streak, 245.38 feet to s 5/8 inch rebs! rrri� +a +ern �I—g6,80 \A � 6029'27" TRACT 7 12 SQUARE FEET DWIGHT BETTS, DONALD P. RODENBAUGH a LEONARD H. HAMMER 0.329 ACRE TRACT REF, VOL. 2214, PG. 556 4a"' tit. CITY OF . - I 125' i BINNING TO: Dwlght Betts, Donald Rodenbaugh and DWIGHT BETTS, DONALD RODENBAUGH 3 Leonard Hammer the owners of a 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224 , Page 778) TRACT 2 6 4: TO: Community Storage the owners of s 2.7579 acre TRACT fi LEONARD HAMMER BEGINNING TRACT 9 TO: Conrad . Motsnger the owner of the North at feet of Lots 9 and 10 and the east half of Lot CONRAD MOUNG€R 4,314 ACRE TRACT recorded in Volume 6, Page 152 TRACT 6: TO: Dwight Bette. Donald P. Rodenbwild d NORTH 65' OF LOTS 9, 10 a to REF. VOL. 2224, PG. 7 76 43 TO: First Ballast• Church of Allen the oasrers EAST 1/2 OF LOT 8, BK, 15 rw "Approve(J" m REF. VOL- 2191 , PG. 524 � ID - 1 1 1 I t _ 1 w /BEGINNING TRACT I /BEGINNING TRACT 2 125' _ J - S-713'23'04 E.. 137.52' * r�rg ria S.78'23'04"E., ! I07.68` W W 1 1 I I 1 5 0 �1 t:I i 504 1� TRACT I I. in alrIao TRACT 2 =4 ,7Ei'-. hi,It 5501 SQUARE FEET n 02 It 0 3090 SQUARE FEETd=41'413'37" 11�-_ COMMUNITY STORAGE 2.7579 ACRE TRACT REF. VOL. 2173, PG. 419 S l lA iln11ie(,'FllYtr1Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being s survey of part of Boyd Street (Balapin Street) as shown on the revised ms of Allen a■ recorded n Volume 6, Va,e 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being by bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an 5/8 4ich rebar set at the srn dear southwest comer of Block H of said rrevised mp a of Allem In the north line of said Boyd Street sad the East RJtrht of way line of Sort)frn Pacific Railroad; the Centerline of the tracks of sa(d railroad bears North 18. 23' W west, 150.0 feet sane being the southwest r•Orfler of a 0.314 acre trar.t (reference Volume 2224, Page 778); THENCE South 78' 23' 01" East, with the south line of said 0.314 acre tract and with the north line of said Boyd Street, 137,52 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar set at the southeast corner of said 0.314 acre tract In the north line of said Floyd Street : THFN("N: S;nrr h 11* 43 36" West, 40.0 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set 1n the centerline of aald Lloyd Street; TIIENUF. North 78P 23''04" West, with the centerline of said Boyd Street 137.52 feet to a 5/8 Irx:h rebar set in the East Right -of -Way line of said Railroad; i11ENCF. Nnrth 11' 43' 36" East, with the East Right-of-way line of said 1'811road, 40.0 feet to th9 PLACE OF BEOiumiNG and of land. containing 5501 square feet n vl cr TRACT 2: 3890 Square Feet of Letrd L 100.93' S1111AITh In the City t1f Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a survey of 1 part of Boyd Street (Balryro Street) as shown on the revised sap of Allen as 4� 96°22'46" 1 ter ordrd n Volume 6. FtWe 152 of the Collin County Deed itecord■ being described by metes and houjids as follows: ""r .0- I ATI BEGINNING at a 5/8 Inr'h rebar set at the South southwest corner of said TRACT 3 2.7579 acre tract (reference Volume 2173, Page 419), the southeast Corner of �i the 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224, Page 778) and In the north line of 1239 SQUARE FEET BEGINNING TRACT] Said Boyd Street; � � S. 7E3°23'04"E ., 245.36' COMMENCING TRACT T1IFNCF South 78' 23' 04' East, with the south line of said 2.7579 acre an still - =.* - gr -_ -- I" BEGINNING TRACr4 tract and with the not:th line of said Bo Street, 107.68 feet to a 5/4 Inch r .� .r N.78,23'04"W.,e9.44' • retxhr set ext a curve of a Cul d'aac: the radius point of Bald curve bears South i 36' 34' 27" Fast, 60.0 feet; 11 1. 'IiIFNC`E with said rurve toward the southwest an aft length of 43.78 feet and L 43,78' TRACT 4 t3 a central angle of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In the centerline of 6 15i 0 said Boyd Street; N.7 P � 3' 4 " n 2 d W . 1 7. f . � .-- � _. -_ 3 52 -. 7 N. � _ 2304 W. 9 4 z. a . - - S.7(3n2304'E., 230.0' +� • z R.O.W. ABANDONMENT ' �TRACT 9 L = 43.703 it 9394 SQUARE FEET a- 41'48'37" l� ----,r--o3W a[,L erx(Isu CABLrr -. BEGINNING TRACT 9 N. 78823 07 X IN CONC. 245.36' t! 150, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ALLEN 50,000 SQUARE FEET REF. VOL. 211 1 , PG. 449 7752 N T. R L=6.56' W. 42 6' 16106" It TRACT S 11 SQUARE FEET rn is n I6 01 40 I 1 -- loo' + (DENOTES A 5/8"REEIAR S.`/E3°23'p4"E_ 4.6CY �' NING TRACT 8 BEGINNING TRACT T R.O.W. -DEDICATION/ w +r+) MAiN STREET (SOr) N o=41°413 37 9394 SQUARE FEET 7II NCF North 78' 23' 04" west, with the centerline of sold Boyd Street el 92.48 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set in said centerline; TIIFN(;F North I1' 43' 36" East, 40.0 feet to the PLACE OF OWINNING and - - r'ontalninq 38W square feet of land. R.O.W. 1ABQNDONME� + +�I +� to f— TRACT 3: 1239 Square Feet yf Land 01 W - - _ y r S,7-23'o4"E., 105.0' i` — S.79-23'(4"EE., 125.0' r) 0) 5111JA'ITI) In the City of Allen, Collin County. Texas, beingla survey of part W of the 2.7579 arres of land described int a deed from Realallen, Inc.. to --� 4WBlLL4URIEDCAtiLBx 11C Community Stor'aee, a portnershfp composed of J. Brian Mc Cell, Charles �_ v TRACT 6 m4 m O TRACT 5 49 RIrhnr•dson, John T. Cotton and diaries Stice, dated July 16, 1985, recorded in 9-�14e'57" 4391 SQUARE FEET mC7 in 0 Q U) Vnll)mrr `217:1. Pave 419, of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by 3000 SQUARE FEET 6 Wmetes acrd twrutdR as fol lass: ° (I)MMFNCIM; of is ."s/R Inrh rebar set ort the southeast corner of said 2.7579 lyre tract In the north Ilne of Boyd Street and the west line of Cedar Street; N 1111 -INCE North 711^ 23' 04" VeRt, with the, south line of sold 2.7579 acre tract N. 78123'04"W, 120.20' � �r� N.78°23'04" W. 125. ' and with the mow o ( t north Ilse of said Boyd Streak, 245.38 feet to s 5/8 inch rebs! rrri� +a +ern �I—g6,80 \A � 6029'27" TRACT 7 12 SQUARE FEET DWIGHT BETTS, DONALD P. RODENBAUGH a LEONARD H. HAMMER 0.329 ACRE TRACT REF, VOL. 2214, PG. 556 4a"' tit. CITY OF . - I 125' i BINNING TO: Dwlght Betts, Donald Rodenbaugh and Leonard Hammer the owners of a 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224 , Page 778) TRACT 2 6 4: TO: Community Storage the owners of s 2.7579 acre TRACT fi 419) BEGINNING TRACT 9 TO: Conrad . Motsnger the owner of the North at feet of Lots 9 and 10 and the east half of Lot CONRAD MOUNG€R recorded in Volume 6, Page 152 TRACT 6: TO: Dwight Bette. Donald P. Rodenbwild d NORTH 65' OF LOTS 9, 10 a acre tract, (reference Volume 2214. Pima 554) TRACT 9: TO: First Ballast• Church of Allen the oasrers EAST 1/2 OF LOT 8, BK, 15 1 1- "Approve(J" "Executed Pro Forms" REF. VOL- 2191 , PG. 524 � ID - 1 1 w 125' _ J -- 1 1 I I 1 5 0 �1 t:I i 504 "I 111 tile 1 son t � r 1 dr line r f gRld 2.7579 erre tract and the north Jlrte of Bald 1 lavd Street for a PLACE OF HiGINNiN1;; same being t d'on a curve of a cul sac; Use dailies point or Bald curve bears south 59P 4R' 19" west, 60 feet; 'I11FNCF North 78P 23' 04" west, with the south line of said 2.7579 acre hart and with the north line of ..did Floyd Street, 69.44 feet to a 5/8 Inch relrnr get In the south mto of said 2.7579 acre tract and /n the north line of 14ald Boyd Street to a prlinf in, the curve of Raid cul d'sac: the radius point of said Curve hears South 38' 34' 27" Fast, 60.00 feet; 7111-JViT with said curve an art-• length of 100.93 feet and a central angle of 96* 22' 46". to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 1239 square feet of land. TRAC-r 4: 9394 Square Feet tit Land 51111NrEl) Int the City or Allen, Collin County. Texas, and being_ a survey of part of PA, Street (Balaxo street) as sham on the revised map of Allen as rel ceded It, Volume 13, I'll 152 of the Collin County Decd Records being described by metes and tollftls as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 lnrh rebar set. at the southeast corner of the 2.7579 acre tract (reference Voluse 2173, Page 419), In the west line of Cedar Street and the north Ilse of an Id Boyd Street; 111F'NIT Sorith 11' 43' 36" west, with tile. we, Ilrhe of said Cedar Street, 40 1) ire( to it 518 Inch retar set on the centerline of said Boyd Street; 1HF'NCE North 76' 23' 44" blest, with the centerline of said Boyd Street +tl 0 feel to a 5/8 inch rebar set In said centerline on the curve of a cul (1' :nr. flip r"adlus paint of said curve bears North 78' 23' 04" west, 00.0 feet; 111FN(:F. with salol rurve to the north-west, an arc: length of 43.78 feet and a central atWIP of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In the south linty of said t. 7:1711 acre tract and in the north line of said Lloyd Street; 111FNCE Stttvth 78P 23' 04" East, with the south line of said 2.7579 scroll IraCt and with the north line of said Boyd Street, 245.36 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING avid containing 9W4 square [eat of land. TRACT 5: 5000 Square Feet cit hand 51711AIIv1) In the City of Alleo. Collin contnty, Texas, and being a survey of {art of Ho � I Street (Balaso Street) as shown on the revised map of Allen as 1. r or tell 111 Volrlme 6, PAPP 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being rlesrr'Ibed by metes olid houlrls ns follows: RF(;INNIN(; al a 5/11 Inch retRtr set at the northeast carnes of Block 15 of Ralyd rwviyerl Map of Allen, In tele west line of said Cedar Street and the south Ilnr of xald Hotyd Street; 111FN(T" North) 78- 23' 04" Wegt, with the south line of Raid Boyd Street and lhr• north line of salol Him* 15, 125.0 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set In the south line of saki floyrp Slrr-*,t and the north line of said Block 15: 7IIF.N('F. North IIP 43' 16" Fant, 40.0 feet to a 5/8 inch reber set 1n the rent o•r 1 1 ne (If' s,) dd Hoyd SI reel ; 'IiIENUF South 78 23' (14' First. will) the centerline of said Floyd Street, 125 1) feel tot a 5%8 inch relN)r set do the centerline of said Boyd Street In IhP west line or Raid 11fitar Street; 111FNCF South It" 43' 3(l" west, with the west lane of sold Cedar Street 40.0 feel to the PLACE. OF HI;I;INNIM, and containing 5000 square feet of land. TRACT 6: 4391 Sure loot ofLastd SITUATED in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, sad being is 'survey of part of Boyd Street (Flalccrso Street) em shown on the -revlead aspp off At lap as recorded in Volume 6, P e 152 or .the Collin 0matty Deed ReCollrrds beim described by metes and b(n;X m fellows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch rebar set at the northeast corner of the 0.320 acre tract (reference Volume 2214, Page 558), in the south line of said Boyd Street; 1Iil`NLE North 78P `l3' 04" West, with the north line of said 0.329 acre tract and with the south line of said Boyd Street, 120.20 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar set to tine north line of said 0.329 acre tract and the south line of said Boyd Street: same being a point on the curve of cul d'sac, the radius point bears North :16P 34' 27' Went. 6O.9D feet; THFNCE with said curve in the a north-east direction an arc length of 43.78 feet RINI a Central 'Ingle of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set in the centerllne of Bald Boyd Street: 111ENCE South 78P 23' 04" East, with the centerline of sold Boyd street 105.0 feet to it 5/R tith reilar set tri Bald centerltne; 'IIIFNCF South ] I, A' W' Went, 40.0 feet to the Ph-d'Q OF BEGINNING and containing 4341 square feet. of land. TRACT` 7 12 Square Feet of Land si'luNrFI) 1n the City of Allen. Collin County, Texas, being a survey of part of tine 0.329 acres of land described In a deed from Flash Stergloo to Dwight Pests. Iltrnn Id 1'. Rodenbampb and Leonard H. Hammer, dated September 13, 1905 recorded In Volume 2214, Page 556 of the Collin' county Deed Rscotds, being llesrrltted tryry metes and bounds as followR: BEGINNING at a 5/8 Inch rebar set at the northwest corner of Palo,) 0.329 arre hart In the Routh Ilse of Floyd Street and the east line of Birch Street; [III -RCE Sot11 th 78' 23' 04" East. with the soutl-, 1 innti of ha ld Boyd Street and the .north line. of Raid 0 :129 acre tract, 4.80 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar set tin the curve of a cul d'sac; the radius point of said curve beers North 36' 34- 27 - West, CA). 00 feet; 11IFNCE with Bald curve It, a southeest direct ion, an arc length of 6.8o feet and a rent ra l only le of 6' 29' 27" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set in the west line of Bald 0.329 acre tract and In the Past Ifo of Raid Birch Street; 111INCF. North It' 43' 36" Fast, with the west line of said 0.329 acre tract oat the oast line of Raid Birch Street 4.80 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING wild Containing 12 square feet of Inull. TRACT 8: I1Square Feet of Land S171)ATED (n the City of Alien, Gallia County, Texas, being a survey of part of the 50,000 square feet of land described In a deed from Crawford and Mlmueeley Markets, Inr'. to First Hapt(nt Church of Allen, dated April I1, 1965, recorded In Volume 2111, Page 449, of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/R Ind( rebar set at the northeast corner of said 50,000 square feet of land In the south lin of Boyd Street In the west line of Birch Street; 711ENCF South 11' 43'3 " West, with the east line of said 50,000 square feet of land and the Crest ine of said Birch Street, 4.64 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set In the east line of said 50,000 a7unre feet of land, the west line of said Birch Street and on a (rurve of a cul It sac; the radius point of said curve hears North 531 32' 13" East, 60.00 feet; TIiFNCE with sold curve to the northwest, an arc length of 6.56 feet and a central angle of 6' 16' 06", to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In the north line of said 511.000 square feet of land and in the south line of said 11� _ Street;tpa feet of land SouthCE Fast. line land and the south line of said Boyd Street to the PLACE OF BEGINNING ruld r'onlalninR 11 sqaure feet of land. TRACT 9: 9394 Square Feet of Lard SITi1ATFD In the City of Allen, Collin County, Tema, and being a survey of start of Ikryd Street (flallamp Street) as shown on the revised map of Allen as recorded In Volume 6, P e 152 of the Collin County Deed Records being described by metes and bound as fallowe: BEGINNING at an "x" etc led In a concrete slab in the south line of Boyd Street and to the Roust Right -of -Way line of the Southern Pacific Rojlroed; the renteritne of the tracks of,sald railroad bears North 78 23' 04" West, 150.0 feet; game belnK the nurthwnsst comer of 50,000 square feet of land (reference Volume 2111, Page 449); 711ENUE North ll' 43' 30" Fant, with the east Right -of -Way line of sold railroad, 40.0 feet to a 5/0 Inch rebar Ret in the centerline of Boyd Street and !n the east RIFFhit--of-Way, line of said railroad; TIIFN(F South 78' 23' 04" Fast, with the centerline of said Boyd Street 230.0 fret to a 5/8 Inch r(,bnr set in said centerline out the curve of a cunt d'sac; Lite radius point of said curve bears South 76' 23' 04" East, 00.00 feet; 'HENCE with said curve to file southeast, an arc length of 43.76 rest and s cetllraI angle of 41' 48' 37" to a 5/8 Inch rebar set In the north line of said :x),000 square fret of land slid the south line of said Boyd Street; IMENCE North 78' 23' 04" West, with the south lin of said Boyd Street and the north line of Rald 50,0(x) rNpuphrr feet of land, 245.36 feet to the PLACE OF IWGINNINf; and r6l)IaifIIIW 93114 w1unro feat of land EXHIBIT "A" ofd rlance NO. 823-10'-87 Adopted: 10-15-87' The City of Allen does hereby release, quitclaim wad abandon forever the following tracts to the property owners adjoining BoDlyd Street as sham an the plat hereon: TRACT 1: TO: Dwlght Betts, Donald Rodenbaugh and Leonard Hammer the owners of a 0.314 acre tract (reference Volume 2224 , Page 778) TRACT 2 6 4: TO: Community Storage the owners of s 2.7579 acre tract, (reference volime 2173. Page 419) TRACT 5: TO: Conrad . Motsnger the owner of the North at feet of Lots 9 and 10 and the east half of Lot 8. Block 15 of the revised i4&p of Allen as recorded in Volume 6, Page 152 TRACT 6: TO: Dwight Bette. Donald P. Rodenbwild d Leonard H Hawser Jr. the orarers of s 0.329 acre tract, (reference Volume 2214. Pima 554) TRACT 9: TO: First Ballast• Church of Allen the oasrers of 50.000 square feet of land (reference Volume 2)11. Page 449) "Approve(J" "Executed Pro Forms" CF Then i , m Planning and Zoning Commission Ci yrof Allen, Tse e [Wfe -- "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Allen. Texas, hereby Certifies that the fore -going Final Plat of the AHANIF)ONM1Elir 0.' Hi)YI) , RFI.,7 AND T11E DEDICATION OF BIRCH SAFET Subdivision, or Additicxl to the City of Allen was submitted to the Planning and Zoning C maluslon and approved by it ttrt the day of IOR7; and that such approval constitutes accoptar,ce by 1`►l�e Clty of ATIen or five dedication of streets, alley*. tics, easements. and Public ways, as shone, and eat forth In and upon said Plat, subject to the provisions of the Subdvislon Ordinance of the Clty of Allen, as ascended." �rfy�fa�y City of Allen Cosmtnity Storage, the owners of a 2.7579 acre tract, (references Volume 2173, Page 419, does hereby approve the forep�oln plat of the ABANDONMENT OF BMD MIREPT AND THE DEDICATION OF BIRC71 STHf T and does hereby dedictite to the public use for Street Right -of -way purposes Tract 3 as described avid platted T. Cotton T iIr 1sn ,r5TT-- ----- 1 STATE OF TEXAS 0OLIN11f OF CU L I N Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary puhltc In and for said state, on this day personally appeared John T. Cotten, J. Hrlall McCaII, Charles Stice and Charles Richardson, known to ■e to be the persons Whose fames are subscribed to the foregolnlg,,j,usA rat, and acknowledged to me ihdt they executer) the same for the pus h therein ,,T:ornslderatIon therein expressed, arxi in the capacity at,A�Ad. Given tuntlkr'-My )land arut (seal or office. this the ,lay o& -I 1987. Feu r naorv'lefts Dwight Betts, ]joi $(1'r�V octenbaugh and Leonard H. Hammer. Jr. are the owrnere of s 0.329 acraraf, ,,ht`eference Volume 2214. Page 556) do hereby approve the foregoihat o the AfIAMliC)1VM$iPfr OF B()YD STREET AND 'INE DEDICATION OF BIRCH AMP and dotes hereby dedicate to the public: use forever for Street Right-of-way purposes Tract 7 as platted and described hereon. LMIgnr 9 Ila n -I r,aa,ard H. Nasnrer fir. ' STATE OF TEXAS CC1lI ry OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public In and for said state, on this day personally appeared Dwlpht Betts, Ronald P. Ro denbough and Leonard H. Hamer, Jr. known, to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and In the capacity therein stated. Olsen trader my hand and seal of office, this the (lay of W44^1 1987. !in `� BEVER .• f iULiN �) e k� Notary Pub'.. State of texas My L'onlntissi EvIres 3.9.89 c ai - or e e of exass First Baptist Church of Allen In the owner of 5o,000 square feet of lanai, (reference Volume 2111, Page 449) and hereby approve the foregoing,�pplot of the ABANDONMENT OF ROYD STREET AND 'ME DEDICATION OF BIRCH S"17CE1rf aril doors hereby dedicate to the public use forever for Street Right -of -Way purposes Tract 8 as platted and described hereon. esen 4r - First Be List Church of Allen, Texas $FATE OF TEJCAS GOWN OF COLLIN LIN Before me, the undersigned authority. a n tart' public In anit for salt] state, on this day personally app ared�'.' to me to be the person wlhoact aletse Is subscribed to the forego ns rums attsl acftnawlwigr tiro that he 1w;IveCutad the sacra for the purposes and conatoeration therein expreweed, and In the capacity therein stated. /�, (liven tinder ray hand sad seal of office, this the ''-L'day of 1987. �,,nv Pv�r t S �•:�(. BEVEfI: Y FICKLIPI 1 Notary Public. State of rexas k�� lay CGm rlss;on Expires 3-989 �-n e Oe SUNVE ' S CJRFCTI IC.A . iV )W ALL MEN BY MESE PRESENTS: That 1, Bruce Geer, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual round accurate survey of the lanwl, and that the corner monuments shown thereon were propterly placed under my supervision, In accordanc=FU rtegulatloxns of the City oC Allett, Texas. BRUCE GFL(R, REGI TEXAS REG. NO. 4117 P.O. Bt7C(; 1233 ALLEN. TEXAS 75002 STATE. OF TEXAS (214) 542-3959 COUNTY OF OOLLIN Before me, the undpraignel authority, a notary public 1n and for said state, on this day personally appeared Bruce Geer, known to me to be the per)!on whose name Is sulizacrlbed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the. Name for theppurposea and consideration therein e'clrl.'e w<', and in the capacity therein Rtated. t j ,Of Given under my hard and seal of office. this the .!-"` d"I 1987. o r' any t7 n or 4ex'es C n C_n 2752 498 11 ORDINANCE NO. 823-10-87 7'7915 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ABANDONING ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO A PORTION OF THE BOYD STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ALLEN AND BEING A SURVEY OF PART OF BOYD STREET (BALAMO STREET) AS SHOWN ON TH REVISED MAP OF ALLEN RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 162, COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS, AND BEING DESCRIBED BY METES. AND BOUNDS IN EXHIBIT "A" HEREIN; QUITCLAIMING ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE CITY IN SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY TO ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE EXTENT OF THE CITY OF ALLEN'S INTEREST; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS DEEMED NECESSARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, has been requested to abandon all right, title and interest of the City in and to a portion of the Boyd Street right-of-way between Ash and Cedar Streets which is located within the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and which is more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission have determined that there will be no detrimental effect on the City if the proposed right-of-way is abandoned and quitclaimed to the abutting property owners to the extent of the City's interest; and, I WHEREAS, the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission have determined that the public interest could better be served for future planning by accepting dedication of additional properties from the adjacent property owners for an extension of the Birch Street drive entrance in order to provide better access and visibility from Main Street for the planning for future development; and, WHEREAS, the City staff has reviewed the request with the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council and has determined that there will be no detrimental effects on the City if the requested right-of-way is abandoned and quitclaimed to the extent of the City's interests to the abutting property owners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. All right, title and interest of the City of Allen, Texas, in and Ordinance No. 823-10-87 - Page 1 ZT52 499 to that portion of the Boyd Street right-of-way as described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes is hereby abandoned; and all right, title and interest of the City in and to the requested right-of-way is hereby quitclaimed to the abutting property owners in accordance with the City of Allen's respective interest. A certified copy of this Ordinance may be recorded in the Collin County land records to reflect this abandonment and quitclaim. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Allen, Texas, any instruments necessary to complete the abandonment and quitclaim of the subject right-of-way by the City of Allen. SECTION 2. The abandonment and quitclaim is without prejudice to any and all improvements, facilities, equipment, or lines of any public utility, municipal or otherwise, if any, which are presently located within any portion of the proposed abandoned right-of-way. Any such utility shall have the continued right to locate, maintain, repair, reconstruct, preserve, or relocate improvements, facilities, equipment, or lines in such portion of the abandoned Boyd Street right-of-way. SECTION 3. Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein describes by metes and bounds the portion of the Boyd Street right-of-way to be abandoned. SECTION 4. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the abandonment of the Boyd Street right-of-way described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is in the public interest of the City of Allen, Texas, and its citizens, and will inure to the benefit of the public generally. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and upon the filing of a right-of-way plat which will contain the Boyd Street abandonment and Birch Street dedication after final action and acceptance by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Allen, Texas. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 15th DAY OF OCTOBER , 1987. � 0 X�•T, b FORM: APPROVED: �: • 7 110 715-5p, -L-- • ATTEST: Marty Hendrix, CM City Secretary Ordinance No. 823-10-87 - Page 2 •i r CITY OF `ALLEN ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS YEAR OR 11 ti ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION R DRAWING(S) LOCATED HERE IN THE FILE, WERE FILMED ON A (number) 35MM MICROFILM ROLL. THE ORIGINAL ROLL WAS DUPLICATED, AND THE DUPLICATE ROLL LOADED INTO MICROFILM JACKETS. The 35mm microfilm jackets for the entire year are filed at the end of all 16mm microfilm jackets for that year. All 16mm and 35mm jackets are consecutively numbered.