HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1001-9-90r ORDINANCE NO. 1001-9-90 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE 1989-1990 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1990, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law, public hearing was held on August 23, 1990, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the amended budget for the 1989-1990 Fiscal Year and the proposed budget of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1990-1991 submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, and all said persons were heard, after which said public hearing was closed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subject to the applicable provisions of the state law and City Charter, the City of Allen 1990-1991 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1990, and terminating September 30, 1991, and amendments to the appropriations for the 1989-1990 fiscal year budget as filed and submitted by the City Manager, and adjusted by the City Council, containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the Ordinance No. 100179-90 - Page 1 year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 20th day of September, 1990. APPROVED: e Farmer, Mayor ATTEST: r (Q1 Z-4 di Ju Morri , City Secretary i A OVED.AS TO FORM: A. Don o er, Cit tor Ordinance No. 1001-9-90 - Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" SEE BUDGET ARCHIVES i i. AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS ' COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing Ordinance # 1001-9-90 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on Wednesday September 26, 1990 & Sunday September 30, 1990 and which was issued on September 2 6, 1990 _, by City of Allen of COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thi ay of A.D. 19 :.y+►"'."V�.•: V.A. TODD • � MY COMMISSION EXPIRES �'...'•:v"' December 5 1992 , NOTARY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Publisher's fee $24.76 CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE rNotice is hereby given that the Allen Cit Council adopted the following ordinance s their regular meeting held on Thursday (September 20, 1990 (Title only): ORDINANCE NO. 1001-9-90: An Ordi nance of the City of Allen, Collin County Texas, Amending the Appropriations foi I the 1989-90 Fiscal Year Budget and Ap- f proving and Adopting the Budget and Seting Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Be.e ginning October 1, 1990, and Terminatin September 30, 1991; and Providing for art Effective Date. A Copq of this ordinance may be read o� purchased in the office of the City Secre, 1, tary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Allenj Texas 75002. `(s/Judy Morrison Lr-ihiSaAratary_ 8ITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinance a their regular meeting held on Thursday' September 20, 1990 (Title only): ORDINANCE NO. 1001-9-90: An Ordi nance of the City of Allen, Collin County Texas, Amending the Appropriations fo� the 1989-90 Fiscal Year Budget and Ap proving and Adopting the Budget and Set ting Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Be ginning October 1, 1990, and Terminatin September 30, 1991; and Providing for a Effective Date. A Copy of this ordinance may be read o� purchased in the office of the City Secre; tary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Allen Texas 75002. /s/Judy Morrison, 0 mi CITY SEPIITPgY Oyyy li 171 fir i�iJ 'Y • Y CITY OF ALLEN October 1, 1990 Honorable Mayor Joe Farmer and Councilmembers Jim Wolfe, Mayor Pro Tem Rex Womack, Place 1 Mickey Christakos, Place 2 Bobby Glass, Place 3 Alan Fyke , Place 5 Gary Edstrom, Place 6 Councilmembers : In accordance with Article IV of the Allen City Charter and Title 20 of the "revised Civil statutes of Texas, contained herein is the budget and operating program for the City of Allen for the period, October 1, 1990, through September 30, 1991. This budget and operating program provides appropriations for each of the operating departments of the General and Water and Sewer Funds and capital items funded through operating revenues. The information contained in this document includes summary sheets for revenues, expenditures, debt service, reserves, and capital improvements funded through bond proceeds. In addition, budget figures are provided on each line item for all departments, including the previous year's actual expenditures, expenditures for the current budget and proposed expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year. Finally, this document contains a listing of all authorized personnel and capital outlay. The personnel listing provides historical information for the previous three years and lists total department personnel based upon Full -Time Equivalents (FTE). S. OVERALL FINANCIAL CONDITION Current Year. Revenues in the revised current budget for the General Fund have remained relatively stable, showing a slight increase of 1.3 0 over the budgeted amounts, due mainly to the strong showing of the City's sales tax revenues. One of the measures of economic vitality of the community is the per capita sales tax collections. During the last fiscal year the per capita collection for sales tax was $38.26, and it is estimated that at the end of this fiscal year that amount will be $45.99. This represents a very strong 16.8% increase. Expenditures for the general fund show a decrease of $121,210 or 2.10. A combination of higher than expected revenues and lower than expected expenditures results in a positive general fund balance of $210,426. ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN, TEXAS 75002 214/727-0100 Page 2 Honorable Mayor and Council October 1, 1990 Revenues in the Water and Sewer fund are higher by 1.8% than originally budgeted and, as in the general fund the expenses, are also under what was originally approved in the budget by 3.2%. As a result, the City should meet its minimum debt service coverage ratio for the -current fiscal year. 1990-91 Assessed Value and Tax Rate. The assessed value for all taxable property within the City of Allen for the 1990 tax year is $766,520,975 which is a decrease of $37,531,677 or 4.7%. According to the Central Appraisal District, the value of new personal property, new improvements and newly annexed property added to the roll is $26,145,712. Taking into consideration the new growth (factoring that number out) the actual reduction in assessed value in the City of Allen during the past year was $63,677,389 which represents a 7.9% decrease. As a result in the loss of value, the tax rate must increase in order to produce the same number of dollars for operations and maintenance as the City received from ad valorem taxes for the previous year. Accordingly, the effective tax rate for the 1990-91 fiscal year is 72.556 cents per $100 evaluation. This budget is based on a tax rate of 68.817 cents per $100. This is a net 2 cent tax rate increase but according to the state mandated effective tax rate calculation, it represents a 5.15% decrease in the taxes collected. Again, that number is based upon the state mandated formula. For each individual homeowner the result will no doubt vary depending upon the change, if any, of the valuation of their property made by the Central Appraisal District. Reserves: The 1989-90 fiscal year budget projected a general fund reserve in the amount of $689,600. This amount also recognized an expenditure from reserves of $100,000 in support of the general fund operations. That $100,000 has not been used and because of the favorable expenditure and revenue picture described above the projected fund balance for October 1, 1990, is anticipated to be $1,064,484. The FY 1990-91 budget will use $157,500 of that reserve to reduce the tax rate and to pay for additional employee benefits approved as part of this budget. The General Obligation Debt Service Fund balance is projected to be $230,700 on October 1, 1990 and $191,054 on September 30, 1991. Both of these figures meet the goal that the Council has established for reserves in the debt service fund. GENERAL FUND REVENUES FOR FY 1990-91 General Fund revenues are anticipated to increase over the previous year by $350,168 or 6%. This revenue growth reflects modest increases in almost all of the revenue categories for the general fund. This revenue growth does not include the use of $157,500 of reserve detailed above. The largest increases include ad valorem taxes on new growth and business personal property, sales taxes and franchises fees. Page 3 Honorable Mayor and Council October 1, 1990 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 1990-91 For all operational departments, it is proposed that expenditures will increase by $715,862 or 12.80. The bulk of this increase results from cost increases and additional equipment and personnel to support existing programs. This budget includes $ 96,496 for new personnel and $114,966 for capital outlay in the general fund. Personnel changes and capital outlay costs are highlighted below. The General Items budget includes $182,500 for personnel benefit and salary, adjustments for the general fund personnel. In addition, this budget includes computer purchases for all general fund departments. This year the emphasis is on preventive maintenance and repair of the personal computer (PC) system, and on desk top publishing. ■ In the Police Department a total of $47,906 has been budgeted for capital outlays, primarily replacement equipment. New personnel include one new patrol officer to replace the patrol officer assigned to the Drug Task Force and one new dispatcher. ■ New capital outlay in the Library Department totals $2,814. New personnel include lengthening the hours of two part- time support people and adding one library page. ■ New personnel in the Parks and Recreation budget include one full-time maintenance worker and crew chief and one temporary recreation leader. Capital outlay includes $13,300 of expenditures primarily for replacement equipment and vehicles. ■ Street Department personnel has been reduced by one utility inspector in recognition of the amount of time these personnel spend on water and sewer projects. During the upcoming fiscal year, staff will be developing procedures to insure that costs associated with each of the funds are charged to that fund. ■ One additional half-time person has been added to the Building Maintenance Department to accommodate custodial services for the old Library and Police and Court buildings. One other feature is that the purchase of custodial supplies has been centralized in this budget. WATER AND SEWER REVENUES For next year the total Water and Sewer Fund revenues are expected to be at $3,868,046 which is an increase of $294,331 over the revised budget and represents a 8.2% increase. This is based upon anticipated growth and reductions in the amount of water lost in the system. No additional revenue is expected from developer impact fees during the upcoming fiscal year. Page 4 Honorable Mayor and Council October 1, 1990 WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS Water rates paid by the City of Allen to the NTMWD are based upon district wide rates. Sewer rates, however, are based upon the amount of effluent from Allen treated as a percentage of the total effluent treated by NTMWD . The system includes the cities of McKinney, Plano, a portion of Richardson and Allen. Historically the City has contributed about 10% of the total effluent treated by NTMWD . Last year that amount dropped to 8.8% and it is anticipated that the amount will drop again this year. Staff credits improvements and repairs made to the sewer system for decreasing the amount of inflow and infiltration and thereby, decreasing the City's costs. It is expected that sewer payments to the district will be reduced by approximately $72,000. Personnel in the water and sewer fund show a reduction from the previous year by one full-time position, and is based upon reductions of maintenance workers and a meter reader. These reductions are offset by the addition of a utility inspector previously funded in the street department budget and a crew chief and equipment operator for the sewer jet truck. Capital outlay for the department is $272,300. This includes a continuation of the meter replacement program and construction of water and sewer lines. SALARY PLAN The approved salary plan represents changes to the salary ranges averaging 3.92%. The exact change for each position varies depending on the salary survey done each year. In addition, significant changes to the employee health insurance program were made. Those changes included adding dental and long term disability coverage and at the option of the employee, at their expense, additional life insurance, short term disability, vision care and dependent dental coverages were made available. The insurance carrier has changed and a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) System is now in place. Individual and family deductibles were also raised. DEBT SERVICE This budget does not propose any additional debt service to repay any additional general obligation bond indebtedness. It does not contain any anticipated debt service for any new revenue bonds. Currently the City has authorized but unissued general obligation bonds in the amount of $6,395,000, and $1,512,000 of revenue bonds. It is proposed that a decision on the sale of general obligation bonds be postponed until Collin County makes a decision regarding their bond program to insure maximum coordination and benefit to the citizens of Allen. As stated. earlier, although no additional revenue bonds will be forthcoming, certain capital projects are proposed to be funded as part of the operational budget. Page 5 Honorable Mayor and Council October 1, 1990 Although austere in some respects, this budget will allow continuation of current existing programs and even modest increases in some services. Given the difficult economic trends experienced by this community the past three years, this budget represents an excellent approach to balancing service needs and taxes. On behalf of all the employees of the City, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve the Citizens of Allen. Carty erm 9111 EXHIBIT "A" OF ORDINANCE 1000-9-90 FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS CombinedSummary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Schedule of Revenues - General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Schedule of Revenues - Water and Sewer . . . . . . . . . . 5 Expenditure Estimates by Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Expenditure Classification as a Percent of Total Budget . . . . . . . . 28 GeneralFund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Expenditure Classification as a Percent of Total Budget . . . . . . . . 35 Water and Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Projected Fund Balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tax Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Debt Service Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 List of Bond Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Other Outstanding Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Bond Program Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 DEPARTMENTS General Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 City Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 GeneralItems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Parks and Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Substance Abuse Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 CommunityDevelopment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Building Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Public Works - Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Public Works - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 60 Utility Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 GENERAL FUND `,DATER AND SEWER FUND COMBINED SUMMARY 1990-91 COMBINED OPERATING EXPENDITURES!EXPENSES: General Fund 5,080,173 5.696,956 5.575,746 6,291,608 Dater and Sewer Fund 2,188.072 2,561,715 2.479.300 2,634,169 TOTAL 7,268,245 8,258,671 8;055,046 8,925,777 COMBINED DEBT RETIREMENT: General Obligation Debt Water & Sewer Debt TOTAL 2,398,168 2,395,287 2,395,287 389,355 884,606 884,606 3,287,523 3,279,893 3,279,893 1 2,392,907 882,781 3,275,688 ACTUAL BUDGETED REVISED PROPOSED COMBINED REVENUES: 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990.91 General Fend "5.368.017 5,713,463 5.786.172 6,293,840 Water & Sewer Fund 3,152,670 3,512.108 3,573,715 3,868,046 TOTAL 8,520,687 9,225,571 9,359,887 10,161,886 COMBINED OPERATING EXPENDITURES!EXPENSES: General Fund 5,080,173 5.696,956 5.575,746 6,291,608 Dater and Sewer Fund 2,188.072 2,561,715 2.479.300 2,634,169 TOTAL 7,268,245 8,258,671 8;055,046 8,925,777 COMBINED DEBT RETIREMENT: General Obligation Debt Water & Sewer Debt TOTAL 2,398,168 2,395,287 2,395,287 389,355 884,606 884,606 3,287,523 3,279,893 3,279,893 1 2,392,907 882,781 3,275,688 TAXES Ad Valorem Taxes Current Delinquent Penaltv a Interest Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL Sales Tax SUBTOTAL Franchise Taxes: TU Electric Lone Star Gas Southwestern Bell Cablevision Bank SUBTOTAL PERMITS & LICENSES: Sinale Family Multi -Family ommercial Eluildina - Other Sign Health Solicitors Machine Tax Filing Fees Contractors License 'animal License 411: 00111E,v CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1989-90 1990-91 r.CUTAL 1989-90 REVISED ESTIMATED 1922-89 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 2,739,060 2,839,701 2,839,701 2,737,957 146,055 136,524 136,524 164,001 76.418 48.000 60,000 67,000 1,124 0 48 0 2,962,657 3,024,225 3,036,273 2,968,958 637,166 690,000 775,000 855,000 637,166 690,000 775,000 855,000 292,892 291,900 306,000 371,000 53,714 62,845 64,633 75,607 21,487 39,000 23.390 25.729 15.280 19,037 20,176 27,+36 4,818 4.900 4,900 4,900 388,191 417,682 419,099 454,272 76,090 93,330 118.246 127,490 2, 602 14,225 0 14,22S 11.492 16,500 7,392 16.220 15,650 21, 146 ^_2.:41 :4, `-= 5, 386 9,760 5,110 3.340 4.591 3,340 4,650 3=;2 325 250 250 319 498 0 0 ? 7C5 12, 800 10,630 20,''07 5,239 ;,241 x,355 5,390 995 2 "),165 10 .SFS 133,200 187,988 181,829 232,492 CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND REVENUES 3 1989-90 1990-91 A,CUTAL 1989-90 REVISED ESTIMATED 1988-89 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET FINES & FORFIETURES: Police 127,102 140.000 10,000 141,000 Library 4,486 4,800 5,856 6,000 SUBTOTAL 131,588 144,800 135,856 147,000 RECREATION FEES: Baseball 2,212 21',320 2,500 2,500 Soccer 1,383 1,920 2,568 1,920 Basketball 7,029 12,750 6,314 7,625 Football 0 320 580 2 �:Ioftball `'2,223 20,235 2',061 22,230 Volleyball 3,032 3,420 1,696 2,220 Pool Admissions 27,292 30,000 29,274 35,000 Learn to Swim 9,875 7,000 13,300 13,500 Summer Recreation 24,247 25,390 26,330 27,550 Concessions 3,661 2,500 2,500 2,500 Miscellaneous 9,263 12,268 14.171 18,538 SUBTOTAL 110,222 118,123 122,294 133,915 OTHER REVENUES: Charges for Service Garbage 577,931 598,910 621,891 750,933 Ambulance Fees 22,728 23,000 25,768 23,3;7 Reimbursements �._ibdivision S1Qn 7?1 1,741 0 - -ther Reimbursement 54,''07 73,039 57,677 g 4. ; ,3rants Countv Library x,375 6,500 6,500 F, 500 Miscellaneous Interest Income 9q,S31 x,500 156,716 195,395 Auction Revenues =1, 363 11,100 01,000 11, 500 Reinspection Fees 3,140 4,800 3,955 4,720 Police Reports 2,607 `)50 2,300 2,500 males of Mterials 1,122 1,800 1,539 3,193 3 Council Filing Fees Miscellaneous Mixed Drink Tax Use Of Reserve Fund Task Force Revenues SUBTOTAL WATER & SEWER TRANSFER TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL FUND CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND REVENUES ?'iCUTAL 1989-90 192? -89 BUDGET 140 140 1 6,295 :70 700 0 100.000 0 0 789,823 915,475 215,170 215,170 215,170 215,170 5,368,017 --------- 5,713,463 --------- 4 1989-90 1990-91 REVISED ESTIMATED BUDGET BUDGET 1 1^-� i, `j?;11� 9 5 9 1 O" 0 157,500 10,960 J5,616 900,651 1,281,533 215,170 215,170 215,170 215,170 5,786,172 6,288,340 WATER AND SEWER FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 1990-91 NON-OPERATING REVENUES: Development Fees Water 1,137 5,750 REVISED 0 Development Fees Sewer CTUAL BUDGETED BUDGET BUDGET OPERATING REVEITUES Baa Q 1989-90 19?9 90 1990 -al Water Sales 2,025,380 2,,27,234 21319,039 2,558,943 Smower Charges 934,159 996,345 1,040,622 1,091,959 Connections 26,873 24,480 31,510 33,085 Penalties 68,682 69,402 86,870 91,214 Reconnections 8,000 8,147 5,357 5,625 Miscellaneous 5,734 0 14,704 2 0 TOTAL 3,068,828 3,425,608 3,498,103 3,788,046 NON-OPERATING REVENUES: Development Fees Water 1,137 5,750 306 0 Development Fees Sewer 1,137 5,750 306 r� Interest Income 81,568 75,000 75,000 80,000 TOTAL 83,842 86,500 75,612 80,000 TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES 3,152,670 3,512,108 3,573.715 3,868,046 5 GENERAL FUND WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES BY DEPARTMENT 1990-91 GENERAL FUND: AMENDED WATER AND SEWER FUND: Public Works Water ACTUAL BUDGETED BUDGET DEPARTMENT 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 General Government 78,014 88,918 83,953 TOTAL City Administration 201,266 220,418 213,599 General Items 736,978 775,871 804,289 Police 1,342,478 1,461,220 1,434,308 Economic Development 0 80,000 34,891 Parks & Recreation 578,250 644,806 641,091 Library 196,949 273,085 262,890 Fire Protection 993,639 1,168,509 1,128,430 Substance Abuse 61,267 59,536 69,414 Streets 396,116 .383,459 381,474 Community Development 328,733 353,480 343,851 Building Maintenance 38,613 63,770 56,294 Finance 127,870 123,884 121,262 TOTAL 5,080,173 5,696,956 5,575,746 WATER AND SEWER FUND: Public Works Water 1,156,193 1,322,675 1,323,714 Public Works Sewer 940.415 1,143,654 1,063,299 Utility Collections 91,464 95,386 92,287 TOTAL 2,188,072 2,561,715 2,479,300 0 PROPOSED 1990-91 88,215 220,262 1,116,491 1,544,422 75,901 719,134 295,475 1,177,691 65,512 359,578 408,334 73,172 121,921 6,286,108 1,383,450 1,112,128 138,591 2,634,169 GENERAL FUND BUDGET EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET 7 PERCENT OF BUDGET 67.16 11.71 2.33 2.56 13.97 .15 .50 .25 .10 1.27 1988.89 PERCENT OF 1989-90 PERCENT OF 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET Personnel Services $'>,507.198 66.46 53,873,637 67.99 $4,221,473 Operating Expenditure., 591,916 11.22 616,450 10.82 736,086 Supplies 125.524 2.38 147,371 2.59 146,545 Maintenance 130,970 2.48 137,750 2.42 161,316 Contract Services 695,348 13.18 715,676 12.56 878,442 City Council Expenses P.825 0.17 8,135 0.14 9,350 Legal Expenses 27,200 0.52 0,500 0.54 1.500 Library Books 15,000 0.28 12,225 0.21 15.500 Miscellaneous 16,401 0.31 42,531 0.75 6,340 Capital Outlays 158,099 3.00 112,681 1.98 79,556 TOTAL $5,.276.481 $5,696,956 $6,286,108 7 PERCENT OF BUDGET 67.16 11.71 2.33 2.56 13.97 .15 .50 .25 .10 1.27 WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGET EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET PERCENT OF BUDGET -)0.99 62.98 1.96, 1.73 10.34 1938-89 PERCENT OF 1989-90 PERCENT OF 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDi:ET Per .oririel .`-; rvir--es 419.16? 15.07 "512, 242 20.00 $605, 6?7 Operating Expenses 073,281 74.52 1,813,371 70.79 1, 65c•,`a:?8 Supplies 51,046 1.83 49,215 1.92 51,553 Maintenance 127,96? 4.60 50,772 1.98 45,641 Capital Outlays 110,603 3.98 136,115 5.31 272,300 TOTAL. $2,782,056 $2,561,715 $2,634,169 PERCENT OF BUDGET -)0.99 62.98 1.96, 1.73 10.34 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES 1990-91 GENERAL FUND Projected Fund Balance at 10/1;90 ' $1,064,484 Ise ,f Reserve Funds (157,500) Estimated Revenues 1990-91 6.282.340 Proposed Expenditures 1990-91 6,286,108 2,232 Estimated Fund Balance 9/30/91 $909,216 DEBT SERVICE - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Proiected Fund Balance at 10/1/90 230,700 Tax Revenue 2,273,261 Interest On Investments 70,000 Penaltv and Interest Revenue 10,000 Total Revenues 2,353,261 1990-91 Debt Service Pavments (2,392.907) Estimated Fund Balance at September 30, 1991 191,054 U 9 CITY OF ALLEN TAX STRUCTURE 1990-91 ASSESSED VALUE - 1990 REVENUE AT $.68817 PER $100 VALUATION CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FUND 95% COLLECTION FATE GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND TAS RATE DISTRIBUTION RATIO PERCENT .37599 54.6366 .31218 45.3634 .68817 --------- 100.0000 --------- 10 S 166,520,975 $ 5,274,967 $ 2, 392, 907 $ 2,737,957 AMOUNT 2,882,060 2,392,907 5,274,967 CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1990-91 BALANCE REQUIRED REQXTIRED TOTAL BOND DATE OF AMOUNT INTEREST MATURITY AS OF' PRINCIPAL INTEREST REQUIREMENTS SERIES ISSUE ISSUED DATE DATE 10.1-90 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 CITY OF ALLEN WriTWER & SEWER REVENUE BONDS 1972 6/1/72 1,500,300 6.50% 1979 f/1/79 1,300,000 7.00 1981 6/1/8-1 500,000 12-12.75 1985 9/1/85 2,800,000 8.80-11.25 1986 8/1/56 2,00,000 8.00-10.50 TOTAL 8,130,300 CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 1964 2/1/64 50,000 50,000 115,613 4.75` 1965 6/1/65 94,025 100,000 6/1/05 4.75 1966 11111/66 67,263 100,000 2,355,000 5.75 1976 5/1/76 6/1/06 500.000 60,000 7.00 1979 81./1/79 2,000,000 290,000 592,781 6.50 1981 5/1/81 2,000,000 200,000 362,795 10.00 1982 11/1/82 544,223 910,000 2,275,000 11.00 1984 8/1/84 1,970,000 810,000 10-13.00 2,392,907 1985 9/1/85 4,500,000 8.70-11.20 1986 8/1/86 7.000,000 7.50-10.00 1988 4/1/88 2,500.000 6.40-8.90 TOTAL 21=630=000 5/1/03 $895,000 50,000 65,613 115,613 6/1/09 1,220,000 15,000 94,025 109,025 6/1/05 420,000 15,000 52,263 67,263 6/1/00 2,355,000 150,000 223,775 373,775 6/1/06 1,840,000 60,000 157,105 217,105 100,000 6,730,000 290,000 592,781 882,781 2/1/94 6/1/95 11/1/05 7/1/96 8/1/09 5/1/99 11/1/93 8/1/99 9/1/00 9/1/06 9/1/01 11 20,000 5,000 831 5,831 25,000 5,000 1,194 6,194 100.000 0 5,750 5,750 205,000 30,000 15,888 45,888 1,830,000 25,000 126,713 151,713 1.400,000 125,000 140,000 265,000 485,000 100,000 39,000 139,000 1,670,000 50,000 181,750 231,750 3,840,000 200,000 362,795 562,795 6,650,000 150,000 544,223 694,223 2,275,000 120,000 164,763 284,763 18,500,000 810,000 1,582,907 2,392,907 CITY OF ALLEN LIST OF BOND PURCHASES BOND YEAR AMOUNT ISSUED PURCHASER CITY OF ALLEN WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS: 1972 $1,50:x, 300 1979 1,300,000 1981 500,000 1985 -,800,000 1986 2,030,000 W'hiteweld and Company Schneider, Bernet and Hickman Schneider, Bernet and Hickman Dean Witter Reynolds Schneider, Bernet and Hickman CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 1964 $50,000 Walker, Austin and Wagoner 1965 100,000 Goodbody and Company 1966 100,000 Goodbody and Company 1976 500,000 Schneider, Bernet and Hickman 1979 2,000,000 Schneider, Bernet and Hickman 1981 2,000,000 Schneider, Bernet and Hickman 1982 910,000 Schneider, Bernet and Hickman 1984 1,970,000 Schneider, Bernet and Hickman 1985 4,500,000 Clavton Brown and Assopciates 1986 7,000,000 Schneider, Bernet and Hickman 1988 2,500,000 MEank Capital Markets 12 PROPERTY LIBRARY BUILDING CITY OF ALLEN OTHER OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS L,--,AIJ AMOUNT $32-' 000 DATE OF LOAN 11,' 9,/?3 13 BALANCE OCTOBER. 1. 1990 $9,413 1 490 - -=+1 BUDGET RE MTS *Police 0 *Fire 327,000 *Parks 2,650,000 *Library 125,000 *Streets 3,293,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 1985 CITY OF ALLEN 1987 1988 1989 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Police AUTHORIZED BOND PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY $0 $0 JULY 21, 1989 1,1985 General Obligation, Bonds authorized but not issued $6,395,000 1985 Sewer Revenue Bonds authorized but not issued 900,000 1985 Water Revenue Bonds authorized but not issued 252,000 1979 Sewer Bonds authorized but not issued 0 360,000 *Police 0 *Fire 327,000 *Parks 2,650,000 *Library 125,000 *Streets 3,293,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Police $295,000 $1.755,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fire 190,000 268,000 0 0 0 0 327,000 Parks 1,300,000 965.000 0 150,000 0 0 2,650,000 Library 00,000 0 0 2,100,000 0 0 125,000 Streets 2,415,000 4,012.000 0 250.000 0 0 2.422,047 TOTAL $4,500,000 $7,000,000 $0 $2,500,000 $0 '$0 $5,524,047 (issued) (issued) (issued) REVENUE BONDS: 1925 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Water $2,780,000 $0 :-`,0 $0 $0 $0 $450,000 Sewer 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,062,000 TOTAL $2,800,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 -,0 $1.,512,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR EUDGET 193°-29 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED ,3ENERAL GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries 30, 58-7 j0,732 17,730 30, 732 30 - 7.32. Part Time Salary 5,440 8,839 5,160 9,010 9,100 Overtime 421 0 0 0 0 FICA Expense 2,356 3,013 1,818 3,097 3,185 TMRS 1,861 2,022 1, 222 �, i61 2, 167 Workman's Comp. 79 113 96 147 1 -47 - Health Insurance 1,50^0 1,280 742 1,272 1,272. - SUBTOTAL 42,752 45,999 26,768 46,419 46;603 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 1,955 2,500 602 1,700 2,3.00 (-,odification Ord. 0 3, 500 900 900 1,:1Ot3 Conferences & Training 1,458 2,305 1,212 2,637 1_850 Dues & Subscriptions 6,571 5,929 4,110 6,610 ::7,504 Insurance 3, 839 4o000 ;, 119 --,,142 3o126 Miscellaneous 141 0 105 232 25Q= Postage & Freight 1,095 2,550 1,382 2,382 1,85. Printing & Reproduction 2,732 4,450 1,975 3,175 2,35i� Telephone 1,594 1,+100 581 1, 131 1.-300 . Car Allowance 1,609 1,800 1,050 1,8]0 1,80'1 Professional Services 0 500 0 0 SUBTOTAL 20,993 28,534 15,036 23,759 25,430 ^-13PPLIES Office 1,686 1,300 1,053 1,`300 1',800 Janitorial 31 0 J Miscellaneous 4,021 1,000 3,116 1,616 3.68+ Boards & Commissions 270 400 167 400 400 SUBTOTAL 6,008 5,200 3,336 5,816 5,887 15 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 16 N 1928-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED IIr INTENANCE Equipment 97 60 19 60 105 SUBTOTAL 97 60 19 60 :105 CITY COUNCIL EXPENSES Mavor 7'20 720 360 660 720 Council Members 1,320 1,680 720 1,320 1,480: - Expenses 4,422 5,235 2,924 4,424 6,650 Plaques, Awards, Procl 486 500 103 353 500 SUBTOTAL 6,948 8,135 4,107 6,757 9;.350 ELECTION EXPENSES Officials 768 400 0 425 450 - :Supplies 203 400 611 611 ?00. Advertising 32 50 0 0 5.0 Printing & Reproduction 145 100 91 91 1.00 - Dues & Subscriptions 25 30 0 0 .-25- Location Rental 16 10 0 15 15 SUBTOTAL 1,189 990 702 1,142 840. MISCELLANEOUS 26 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 26 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 78,014 88,918 49,968 83,953 88,215 16 N CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1988-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 0 1F 0 1F 1P 1F 1P City Secretary Secretary 1 1 1.5 1.5 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital items for this department. 17 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED CITY ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries --.3, 809 58,116 33,528 58,116 58,116 . Clerical Salaries 31,128 35,781 19,743 34,183 35;100 Salary & Wages 62,321 70,050 38,665 67,530 71,454 Overtime 586 293 0 60 .2-49 Part Time Salaries 0 •2,803 0 0 0; FICA Expense 10,625 12,720 6,471 11,665 12,615= TMRS 7,522 8,497 4,909 8,607 8,972: Workman's Comp. 365 452 242 412 6O0 Health Insurance 5,796 7,316 4,494 7,704 7,J40 - SUBTOTAL 172,252 196,528 108,052 188,277 194,84-6: OPERATING EXPENSES 4dvertising 240 150 59 150 1-50 Conferences & Training 7,272 4,265 3,521 6,021 Dues & Subscriptions 3,445 3,397 2,198 2,974 3,107. Insurance 2,820 2,821 3,052 3,107 3.,034 - Mileage 230 624 370 630 624 Miscellaneous 0 0 182 1820= Postage & Freight 727 700 543 792 8:00.. Printing & Reproduction 807 1, 100 1,024 3, 149 2, 7,00 -- Telephone 3,987 4,433 1,=84 2,384 2,300: - Car Allowance 4,800 4,800 2),300 4,800 4;800 - Professional Services 1,297 0 0 0 .:0. SUBTOTAL 25,624 22,290 15,133 23,189 23,465 "UPPLIES Office ^,^50 1,500 1,054 1,604 i,-500 Miscellaneous 127 100 0 50 26' SUBTOTAL 2,377 1,600 1,054 1,654 1,526 CLASSIFICATION MAINTENANCE Eq,.iipment SUBTOTAL Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1938-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED 335 19 1�9 1.25 335 0 19 129 125 678 0 300 350 300 678 0 300 350 300 201,266 220,418 124,558 213,599 220,262 19 CITY OF ALLEN F11990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED CITY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F City Manager 0 1F 1F 1F Assistant to the City Manager 1F 1F 0 0 Administrative Secretary 0 0 1F 1F Secretary II 1F 1F 1F 1F Data Processing Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Receptionist 5 5 5 5 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Chair $300 20 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 21 1988-89 1939-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED GENERAL ITE14S OPERATING EXPENSES Miscellaneous 55 0 24 4 0 Professional Services 4,173 0 1,753 15,250 0 . Computer Costs 10,031 14,156 19,305 24,374 43,346 SUBTOTAL 14,259 14,156 21,079 39,648 43,346 MAINTENANCE Equipment _2,038 2,000 1,378 3,378 CS SUBTOTAL 3,038 2,000 1,378 3,378 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Au8it_ 2{,000 23,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Tax Service AISD 51,754 60,000 29,029 60,000 60;000=. Central Appraisal 38,752 40,524 20,416 40,832 44:995.: Master Plan 117 0 0 0 C1 3anititatori Service 540,863 568,965 279,593 590,796 713,387 Copier Service 0 5,600 241 241 O - Computer Maintenance 0 0 0 2.3,560 SUBTOTAL 654,486 698,093 348,279 710,869 560:;942 LEGAL EXPENSES Retainer 186 24,000 14,''62 26,O01r �5,3G0 'ther Attorney Fees 4,243 0 2,?05 1, r,35 0 SUBTOTAL 26,434 24,000 17,067 27,611 .251-000 MISCELLANEOUS Transfer To Econ. Dei✓. 15, O00 0 0 0 0 -or,tiriaency 0 8, x_,00 0 0 0 . Payroll Reserve 0 3-3 0 0 122,500 21 CLASSIFICATION Tr,employment Comp. Empl-oyee Pecoanition Community Activities SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1928-39 1989-90 EXPENDED ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 n6 % 1,500 4� r, 0 3 3 n 0 15,662 9,833 2,468 23,099 27,789 12, 24 5 23,099 27,789 12,245 736,978 775,871 402,516 22 1989-90 1990-91 AMENDED PROPOSED 4,763 1,500 r� 1, 000 C, 200 4,763 .185, 20O 18,020 .2,003.. 18,020 2,003.. 804,289 1,.11.6_,_491 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED GENERAL ITEMS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations No personnel in this department. Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Telephone Switchboard $2,003 (lease - purchase) 23 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1938-89 1939-90 EXPENDED 1929-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED PC -LICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Managers Salaries 45,934 48,744 28,122 48,747 48,744 ~lerical Salaries 141,865 158,082 85,206 147,763 1'6o,A24.: Public Safety Salaries 597,161 658,509 342,104 623,407 696,966 Animal Control 34,053, 41,880 22,335 39,704 -41,34Q. Overtime 59,842 67,000 37,095 66,345 63,0.00 Part Time Salary 5,918 6,003 3,562 '5,983 .,6,.786: FICA Expense 66,565 74,653 39,381 68,913 79,481 TMRS Expense 44,414 50,606 27,356 48,261 _ 55;96:6 Workman's Comp. 36, 780 33,095 20,808 _37,614 40,.203 Health Insurance 43,373 73,118 35,237 73,118 .69,999 SUBTOTAL 1,075,954 1,211,690 641,206 1,159,855 1,269,099 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 1,160 750 1,187 1,587 1,T50: Conferences & Training 3,981 8,000 4,012 8,000 8,750.- �'ourt Cost /Jury Fees 144 350 101 .350 :350 Worker Comp. Claims 153 500 567 750 -1, GOO Dues & Subscriptions 1,504 6,154 4,302 6,402 74T73 Electricity 28,669 24,900 17, 676 33,17E. 33; OOO -. Water usage 2,868 1,200 0 1,200 :1,200 `;as - Lone Star 1,235 5,000 3,736 4,736 4,500: Insurance 25,949 ?5,000 22,480 26,000 .26,000 Mileage 231 560 142 242 400 M1sce1lanenuS 4''1 500 97 ?4k 500- P-st 3.-je Frei.-Tht 1 7n� 1, -00 ,., `47 'i9� 1_10 •ririt in,'__; Peproduction 7, 014 6,000 _ , 56 4, 756 5, 0 Rentals ,°6 0 0 0 _,177 Telephone 15,557 17,500 9,515 17,500 18,Ofl0: Car 411c�wance 4.200 4, 20.0 2,450 4, 200 4, 200 Professional Services "',644 2,500 4,521 5,521 .3 500 Crime Prevention 2,434 1,500 1,109 1,500 Task Force Expenditures 0 ?! 0 t, 596 11,586 SUBTOTAL 109,862 116,114 76,498 121,961 135.;636 24 CLASSIFICATION ?T?FF'LIE ,,)ffice .lanitorial Animal Clothing & Uniforms Gasoline Miscellaneous .mall Tools & Equip SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Building Equipment Miscellaneous Radio SUBTOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Janitorial SUBTOTAL LEGAL EXPENSE Municipal Ju.3ge SUBTOTAL OTHER SERVICES Prisoners Keep SUBTOTAL CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1938-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED x,115 E, 000 i, 765 4,265 4,000 1,007 1,000 797 1,772 0 4,657 4,500 2,431 4,500 5-, DOC) . 3,125 5,816 5,253 7,253 6,466 19, 898 13,500 9, 540 18, 500 17, 5.00 .: 664 500 403 500 500 9,060 10,815 8,012 10,012 13,5OQ - 51,525 46,131 28,201 46,802 46, 966:: 2,558 2,500 5,905 7,905 ..: 7, DOG w, 216 14,417 12,724 14,724 14-,8:65 116 250 0 250 _ 25Q- 6,932 2,500 1,703 2,203 5;000: 26,822 19,667 20,332 25,082 27-,l 15.:- 2,489 0 0 0 0 2,489 0 0 0 0 7 ,D,)0 6, 500 _ . 15 r, 4 05 n 50V 7,090 6,500 3,515 6,405 6,5O0 1 , 200 646 1•, 200 1, 2Q0 1,035 1,200 646 1,200 11-200 25 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 26 1928-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED ':+EHICLE MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 23,754 8,000 10,665 1F,66` l0 .13 SUBTOTAL 23,754 8,000 10,665 16,665 .10,00 . 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY Cars x Trucks 41,376 44,400 0 44,400 45,9,00 - Machinery Equipment 736 7,51$ 7,459 7,459 Q Office Equipment 1,834 0 0 0 0 Radio Equipment 0 0 0 4,479 L,006 SUBTOTAL 43,946 51,918 7,459 56,338 47,906 --- DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1,342,478 1,461,220 788,522 1,434,308 1,544,422 26 CITY OF ALLEN FY 1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Police Chief 1F 1F 1F 1F Secretary 0 1F 1F 1F Secretary II 1F 1F 0 0 Administrative Assistant 1F 1F 2F 2F Lieutenant 3F 3F 4F 4F Sergeant 15F 15F 14F 15F Patrol Officer 1F 1F 1F 1F Detective Sergeant 2F 2F 2F 2F Detective 1F 1F 1F 1F Crime Prevention Officer 4F 4F 4F 5F Dispatcher 1F 1F 1F 1F Animal Control Officer II 1F 1F 1F 1F Animal Control Officer I +1P 1F+1P 1F+1P 1F+1P Municipal Court Clerk +1P 1F 1F 1F Clerk 35 35.5 35.5 37.5 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. 4903 4906 Description Three (3) Patrol Cars (Replacement) Monitoring Radio 27 Cost $45,900 2,006 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1982-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries 0 36,039 0 1=,385 34,800. - FICA Expense 0 2,744 0 1,024 3-1 304 - TMPS Expense 0 1,870 0 720 1,89-3 Workman's Comp. 0 108 0 40 129 Health Insurance 0 2,696 0 423 1,272: SUBTOTAL 0 43,457 0 15,600 41,398 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 0 400 0 1,100 4,5-00 Conferences & Training 0 1,200 0 300 1, 575 ; Dues & Subscriptions 0 300 0 634 6.7--6 -: Insurance 0 152 0 152 Car Allowance 0 3,000 0 1,365 4,2Q0-: Postage & Freight 0 300 0 250 8.00 Printing & Reproduction 0 300 0 2,300 _ Telephone 0 400 0 200 ::: &0'() Travel & Advancements 0 0 0 2,100 6,30 Maps & Photography 0 0 0 1,250 '2,000' Meetings & Receptions 0 0 0 1,000 4,000 - SUBTOTAL 0 6,052 0 11,151 30,203' SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 0 0 0 40 :00 SUBTOTAL 0 200 0 1,000 3,000.. w CLASSIFICATION MISCELLANEOUS Contingency Plaques,Awards SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS } CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 0 ?n, •dal 13 0 0 0 0 30,29-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 80,000 29 0 0 0 1989-90 1990-91 AMENDED PROPOSED � �00 0 30U 7,140 -1,000 7,140 34,891 CITY OF ALLEN CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 0 0 1F 1F Coordinator 0 0 1 1 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Filing Cabinet $500 4905 Computer Software $500 30 a CLASSIFICATION PARKS AND RECREATION PERSONNEL SERVICES CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1928-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED Manager Salaries 28, 202 2.9, 744 22,929 39,748 2-91744 . Clerical Salaries 19,820 21,442 12,477 21,607 21;588 Salary & Wages 179,639 215,874 105,770 190,064 237,100 ",vertime 3,796 8,000 2,437 13,000 -6,250-- Part Time Salary 64,096 76,804 13,574 82,675- 83,-986.. FICA Expense 22,663 28,104 I2, 207 25,927 30,355 - TMRS Expense 11,843 15,154 8,053 14,130 16,683,:- Workman's Comp. 8,186 9,629 4,578 7,848 ::i2,013 - Health Insurance 17,100 24,361 11,828 20,168 23,857 SUBTOTAL 355,345 439,112 193,853 410,167 471;576 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 1,582 1,600 238 2,738 ''`2;7-Q0 Conferences & Training 2,136 3,100 2,007 3,1006.,3 5. Worker,Comp. Claims 307 450 175 450 SOD Dues & Subscriptions 579 745 593 745 .725 Electricity 17,150 12,500 6,348 14,000 _ 17,500 Water Usage 33,871 32,000 0 32,000 36,.004= Insurance 9,516 10,577 12,053 12,218 12P 2.36 Mileage 339 300 0 300 .300 Miscellaneous 816 0 0 0 0 Postage & Freight 1,765 1,500 561 2,061 2,504= Printing & Reproduction 1,478 1,500 1,223 2,,223 2,5C0 Rentals 3,545 2,600 125 1,625 11000 -immer Youth Program 14,135 6,000 951 11,5 0 14,sL- Telephone 3,941 4,644 1,963 =. r, r,0 3, 7Tg 'ar Allowance 5, 100 6,000 3,500 6 000 r., OO C1 . Professional Services 4,706 12,200 1,381 16,381 13,500 Softball Expenses 17,992 16,500 11,594 16,500 16,500 Easketball Expenses 5,775 6,000 5,932 6,000 6,000 Volleyball Expenses 1,983 2,500 1,503 2,500 2,500 Pool Instructors 71 796 n, 660 0 6, 660 15, 6,6G 31 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 32 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED Senior Citizen Support 2, 694 2,500 1,785 4,285- 3, ()()D SUBTOTAL 137,204 129,876 51,932 144,886 150,676 ,UPPLIES Office 1,055 1,435 708 1,2081;0.0Q Janitorial 44 200 360 860 - Medical & Chemical 4,024 3,500 883 3,500 3,500 Agriculture 4,642 12,000 35 12,000 13,50D. Clothing & Uniforms 3,373 2,800 1,701 2,800 3,832: Mechanical 259 500 139 500 500_ Gasoline 4,581 3,500 1,442 3,525 4,000 - Miscellaneous 988 200 62 162 300 Oil & Lubricants 430 300 205 505 600 Boards & Commissions 0 0 0 0 25D. - Small Tools & Equip. 1,364 1,500 1,803 2,003 2,000:: Ballfield Minor Equip. 521 500 908 1,508 1,500 Recreation Minor Equip. 574 1,000 0 1,000 1,OQQ.: Pool Supplies 6,280 1,500 609 1,500 - . 1, -50th SUBTOTAL 28,134 28,935 8,855 31,071 34,482 MAINTENANCE Equipment 6,797 5,400 3,881 5,400 6,000 Miscellaneous 2,965 1,500 1,124 1,500 1,500 ;_round Sprinklers 3,078 4,000 5,645 8,145 .. 3,000 -: Radio 243 300 0 0 -0 Landscaping 3,601 5,000 1,964 4,488 5,000-- Balltield Clan' ^, .774 2,500 1, `'97 4 1? 7 6, 5n` Ballfield Maint . 1, _-,36 s, 000 1, {00 4, �'lOG 5, 00 Pool Maintenance 4,240 7,500 2,757 6,638 2,500 Park Maintenance2,718 5,000 2,106 5,000 5;000 Street Lights 0 0 2,415 3,616 2,600 SUBTOTAL 28,402 34,200 23,089 42,284 43,100 32 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 33 1982-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED CONTRACT SERVICES :Sanitation 3,292 3,583 2,184 ,5'?3 4,000 SUBTOTAL 3,298 3,583 2,184 3,583 4,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 2,173 2,000 820 2,000 2,000: SUBTOTAL 2,173 2,000 820 2,000 2,Doo CAPITAL OUTLAY Cars & Trucks 13,120 0 0 0 T0,000= Office Equipment 438 0 0 0 0: Implements 10,135 0 2,548 2,548_ Machinery & Equip. 0 7,100 0 4,552 3,300 SUBTOTAL 23,694 7,100 2,548 7,100 --13. 300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 578,250 644,806 283,281 641,091 71=9;;134 33 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED PARRS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 0 0 0 Secretary 0 1F 1F 1F Secretary II 0 0 0 0 Recreation Supervisor 1F 1F 1F 1F Program Coordinator 1F. 1F 1F 1F Special Activities Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Foreman 0 2F 2F 3F Crew Chief 1F 0 0 0 Sr. Maintenance Worker 7F+6T 8F+6T 7F+6T 8F+6T Maintenance Worker 10T 7T 7T 8T Recreation Leader 1T 1T 1T 1T Pool Manager 10T 10T 10T 10T Lifeguard 0 0 1P 1P Program Supervisor 19.75 21 20.5 22.75 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4903 One (1) Pickup.- $10,000 4904 Two (2) String Timmers 800 4904 Two (2) Push Mowers 1,000 4904 Edger 400 4904 Ballfield Line Cutter 400 4904 Hedge Trimmer 400 4904 Back Pack Blower 300 34 CLASSIFICATION LIBRARY PERSONNEL SERVICES CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990.91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED Manager Salaries x:1,200 32,136 18,540 'leri+;al Salaries 31,022 39,049 20,784 :=salary & Wages 36, 106 50,227 20,599 Part Time Salary 17,442 49,568 21,311 FICA Expense 8,830 13,157 6,248 TMRS Expense 5,627 8,808 4,246 'workman's Comp. 303 459 259 Health Insurance 4,369 6,401 3,709 SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising Purchases from Donation Conferences & Training Worker Comp. Claims Dues & Subscriptions Electricity Water Usage Gas - Lone Star Insurance Mileage Miscellaneous Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Rentals Telephone Car Allowance 134,898 345 635 1,268 0 305 11,081 2,781 896 5,204 79 112 1,144 1,+:90 3�113 a,g15 1,800 199,805 1,000 0 1,150 150 425 27,000 3,800 0 8, 483 264 150 200 1,000 525 1,800 1,800 SUBTOTAL 33,937 48,347 35 95,696 304 314 472 0 355 17,174 0 143 6,518 72 0 1,449 874 3a1 742 1,050 29,850 3 2, 136 32, 136 36,665 '37; 932: 41,246 48,,896. 45,981 58,903: 11,971 ; .13, 823 7,978 9,728., 513 623 6,919 7,T05 183,409 ....::209, 716. 804 1, 000 : 314 0 772 2,-0=50-150 150 405 480 30,000 30,000 4,000 - 4, 0'O0, 243 0 05,587 = ;590- 2 2 2 2.40 . 150 150 549 1,500 1, 774 1,800- 4'8 Si+L G, 50 C. 1, 8C,0 1, 800. 52,496 52,764 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 36 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED SUPPLIES Office 3,614 1,500 1,494 ?,494 4,000 _janitorial `94 750 185 5j5 0 Periodicals 2,636 3,000 2,212 -:<,000 4-;:000 Miscellaneous 330 400 21 9 8 400 :'400 SUBTOTAL 6,874 6,650 4,189 7,479 8-,400 MAINTENANCE Building 508 0 0 0 4,000 Equipment 863 1,725 978 1,678 : -'l:;.505 Book Collection 1,038 1,000 243 744 'T5Q SUBTOTAL 2,410 2,725 1,221 2,422 6;255: LIBRARY BOOKS City Fund 6,229 3,000 3,000 3,000 County Fund 5,872 6,500 4,951 6,500 6-;5:00:: Continuation Fund 1,883 2,225 2,471 3,071 4,.5 -00 - Special Activities 947 500 180 500 1;000 SUBTOTAL 14,930 12,225 10,602 13,071 15,5.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Buildings _,333 3,333 1,700 Office Equipment 568 0 0 2,814 SUBTOTAL 3,901 3,333 1,700 4,013 2, 814 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 196,949 273,085 143,258 262,890 295,475 36 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED LIBRARY Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 1F Circulation Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Children's Librarian 0 1F 1F 1F Support Services Librarian 1F 1F 1F 1F Library Technician 3P 2P 4P 4P Library Clerk 0 1P 2P 3P Library Page 0 0 1P 1P Secretary 0 0 1P 1P Reference Librarian 4.5 6.5 8.75 9.5 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Four (4) Metal Booktrucks $800 4905 Literature Rack 300 4905 Typewriter 654 4905 Laser People Counter 250 4905 Heavy Duty Dolly 210 4905 Ladder 300 4905 Directional Signage 300 37 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1938.89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries 42,972 45,552 26,280 45,552 45,552. Clerical Salaries 18,732 19,092 11,022 19,371 20,0.28. Public Safety Salaries 596,288 749,768 388,153 700,394 7'65;.4.12 Overtime 44,418 23,678 30,146 39,612 :: :23;:6664 Part Time 0 0 0 0 Ci FICA Expense 53,293 64,451 35,068 61,197 65,$42::= TMRS Expense 35,963 43,797 24,529 43,017 46-,-4.94- Workman's Comp. 14,680 15,826 11,302 19,376 -21-,285 Health Insurance 45,407 71,959 38,446 65,824 :. .69, 0.70-.. SUBTOTAL 851,753 1,034,123 564,946 994,343 :1,057;=353 -- OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 289 300 123 345 -:3.00 Conferences & Training 4,762 6,590 3,932 6,330 4,-T.65': Worker Comp. Claims O 300 0 150 30.0- 0 Dues & Subscriptions Dues 1,246 1,275 940 1,115 1"GS9-. Electricity 5,354 7,500 1,634 6,134 6;:2,00 Water Usage 1,239 2,500 0 2,500 .-2;500 Gas - Lone Star 4,214 4,500 2,949 4,249 ..:4, 3,00.-- 0ti-:Insurance Insurance 25,828 28,000 27,962 29,1572-9 .,.474 Mileage 8 0 0 0 2.18. Miscellaneous 785 800 132 632 800= Postage Freight 1,052 1,000 422 772 800 Printing & Reproduction 1,519 2,000 1,567 2,885 2,500 Telephone 4,372 4,000 1,705 3,..QO 3,5?a; Car Allowance ?,600 4,800 2,100 3,750 5,400 Code Enforcement 6?9 1,000 681 1,1x,7 1,000 Professional Services 11,397 11,000 5,684 9,744 -9,000:- Rentals 75 200 116 199 ,,366: SUBTOTAL 66,939 75,765 49,947 72,429 74,512 M rL ASSIFICATIOt3 'ar,irorial i�IPd1�a1 & �'hemlcal ,1-rhing �x Uniforms ,a so 1iscellaneous ,Dil & Lubricants Chemical Spills Small Tools & Equipment SUBTOTAL 14IA IN TENP.t10E Building Equipment Miscellaneous Landscaping Radio SUBTOTAL VFHICLE MAINTENANCE '''chicle Maintenance SUBTOTAL = ITAL �T 1TL`i-: MacrLinery & Equip. Radio Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ,988-39 1939-90 EXPENDED 1939-90 � C RiJIF ED APRIL 192 AMENDED AMEND -ED ���TTJAL 0 34,866 n � 1 ' 00 1 nr4 7 0 J ' 579 1, `,pp 1,001 - 1- "=•'-'1 , 2,555 �p 1,043 4,443 9,968 12,446 ? 1,-,1� 4, X88 4,000 2,439 4,181 868 1,000 991 :991 563 750 78 376 1,500 449 1,449 1,384 701 600 216 515 22,742 25,996 8,594 26,213 3,332 3,500 x,120 5,120 4,797 4,500 2,513 4,313 5-) 300 0 0 78 250 0 250 0 0 p p 8,259 8,550 5,633 9,683 9,080 9,080 7,500 7,500 6,542 6,542 9,542 9,542 PRC -POSED 50C 10. $Oi� 4,500 x,000 750 1,500 600 24,850 It- , 8Tb 3 , 500 8,500 a, 306 10• X75 X20 16, 220 -, 600 .5,000 0 0 0 34,866 16,575 220 16,220 1,600 993,639 1_168_509- --635,882_ 1,128,430- 1,177,691_ w CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Fire Chief 1F 1F 1F 1F Secretary 1F 1F 1F 1F Fire Marshall 3F 3F 3F 3F Lieutenant 18F 24F 24F 24F Fire Fighter 1T 1T 0 0 Inspector 0 0 1F 1F Training Officer/EMS Coord. 24.25 30.25 31 31 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4904 Personal Distress Devices $1,600 40 CITY OF ALLEN 1990.91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1938-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PRC,POSEE, SUBSTANCE ABUSE ^'EPSONNEL SERV ICES Aa lacer 'Salaries =i', 264 .07 71 90v 'lerlcal 'Salaries 0 ] l] �,i�r ? 18,760 Part Time 0 x,730 2,580 21,580 0 FI -CA Expense 2,273 2,927 1,628 3,110 4,028 TMRS Expense 1,540 1,686 1,062 2,116 2,865 Workman's Comp. 62 94 48 111 .182 Health Insurance 2,022 2,696 1,528 3,067 3,391 SUBTOTAL 36,161 45,845 25,711 49,228 63, 626 '',PERATING EXPENSES Advertising 0 0 0 70 500 t_'onferences & Training 2,399 1,400 586 1,658 . 2,-000 Dues & Subscriptions 640 602 233 569 907-: Electricity 0 0 0 250 1,504 - Insurance 910 900 370 1,020 - 1,200 Lone Star Gas 0 0 0 0 600 Mileage 794 960 409 965 1,-100 Miscellaneous 499 0 10 10 0 Postage & Freight 388 442 241 491 800:. Printing & Reproduction 11,566 4,500 3,972 4,956 5,350 Professional Services 915 2,300 234 2,262 2,350 Telephone 333 951 546 1,245 1,246 ;,darer Usage 0 70 0 100 . 25:0 SUBTOTAL 18,943 12,125 7,101 13,597 17,803 SUPPLIES f f� q 500 270 �7n 750 Mi3ce-llaneous 649 n n 0 0 I3?"ilt-Drial J V 0 S.l SUBTOTAL 1,348 600 270 626 750 41 CLASSIFICATION MAINTENANCE Buildinq SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment Buildings SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUD,ETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED 4,815 966 220 0 0 0 2,083 0 4,815 966 220 3,880 .' 0 0 0 0 0 3, 333 4,815 966 220 3,880 - 3.333 61,267 59,536 33,302 69,414 85,512 42 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 0 0 1F 1P 1F 1F 1F 1F Director Secretary 0 1.5 2 2 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No Capital items for this department. 43 CIT': OF ALLEN 1990.91 FISCAL YEAR EUDGET 192.89 1939-90 EXPENDED 1939-90 _LASSIFICATICN �CT!iyL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED STREET DEFAnTi1EIII 'ERSONNEL SERVICES :tanager Salaries _ , _?6 14, 204 1`,200 'lerical Salaries 1 %, 571 0 Fart Time Salarie- 0 1,517 0 0 0 Salary & Wages 136,232 142,943 78,697 131,459 112,14? Overtime 2,375 1,900 975 6,000 7,006 FICA Expense 13, 251 12,867 7,118 11,646 10, 278 - TIMS Expense 8,453 8,334 4,697 7,917 7,309 Workman's Comp. 10,524 9,927 5,844 13,943 13,951 Health Insurance 10,464 12,952 6,809 12,952 15,02? - SUBTOTAL 207,761 204,644 113,309 199,517 180;908 'PERATING EXPENSES Advertising 171 75 51 7075 Elec/Street Lights 93,559 85,000 45,850 87,500 90,D -00 '--'onferences & Training 752 1,980 855 1,200 1,0,00 '44orker Comp. Claims 296 400 0 400 -400 Dues & Subscriptions 297 550 160 460 660 Insurance, 248 10,100 7,988 8,086 8,.6.83 Mileage rD 0 233 333 240 Miscellaneous 49 50 1,108 1,920 350 Pc,stage & Freight 272 250 161 280 25th Printing Sc Repr_,duction 625 900 638 900 90i, Rentals -.'y 500 381 _ , 5-K 2 727 -ar--'Ilowance 400 4 ^� Z'rOfessional i, clic 750 �5? 5G,_ =ch„ol Crossing '3uard -, 34 % �, %30 3,517 5, 100 SUBTOTAL 123,432 116,655 67,115 120,126 118,958 44 CLASSIFICATION UPPLIES 'ffice Medical cc Ch-mical _lothinc & Uniforms 11echanical 3asoline Miscellaneous Oil & Lubricants `small Tools & Equip SUBTOTAL C-SAINTENANCE Equipment Miscellaneous Radio Asphalt Rock, Sand, Etc. Sealer & Tac Oil Si -.7n 4911-30001 i �, M7AINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance SUBTOTAL _AF-ITAL t)I_1TLA •lachinery Equipment radio Equipment Traffic Signs .=-reet Improvements CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 19?3-39 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989 -?0 1990.91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED �-n ,'DUO 1, 61" 3, -D00 ^3 3,692 3,000 24 3,000 3,000 1,393 =, X (D U10 0013 ', 262 2 =: 2 0 3,239 4,000 1,468 3.500 4,000 34 6 2..0 401 '00 800 59 500 238 500 500 4,263 2,200 2,018 3,500 3,000 10,520 10,360 5,760 11,482 11,.612 6,258 11,500 5,644 9,000 910-00: 2,469 1,100 72 1,100 -1,IGO 459 200 288 288 500 13,417 12,000 2,983 12,000 1-2, 0,00 12,338 9, 000 4,626 9,000 -9, 0:00'' 440 1,000 0 1,000 9,631 9,000 6,224 9,000 9,OOC) 45,012 43,800 19,837 41,388 . 41, 60..0 -. �-n ,'DUO 1, 61" 3, -D00 ^3 3,692 3,000 1,617 3,000 3,000 �-n n00 5,035 2,501D ^3 0 0 0 0 45 CITY OF ALLEN 1990.91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-89 1989.90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED SUBTOTAL 5,699 5,000 961 5,961 3,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 396,116 383,459 208,599 381,474 359,578 u 46 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED STREET DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 0 0 Secretary 2F 2F 2F 1F Utilities Inspectors 1F 1F 1F 1F Foreman 1F 1F 1F 1F Crew Chief 1F 1F 1F 1F Equipment Operator 2F 2F 2F 2F Maintenance Worker 9 8 7 6 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4904 Concrete Mixer $2,500 47 CLASSIFICATION CO14MUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSGNNEL SER`.'ICES .Manager Salaries ,_ lerical Salaries 'Mary & Wages Overtime FICA Expense TMRS Expense ` r,rkman's Comp. Health Insurance SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising Conferences & Training 4)orker Comp. Claims Electricity Dues & Subscriptions Lone Star Gas Insurance Mileage Miscellaneous P_�stage & Freight Printing Reproduction Telephone '~ar Allowance --erlt 31L +YIJ 3��Li31�� 'CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 933-39 1985-89 EXPENDED 1989-90 1.99r1-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED -`.5" "+`,5ti4 �4,���2 +C�' _:x,),076- 30, 322 33, 940 :'2,411 C, 6.7 41,399 1-24,147 13 j, 23x3 n?, 195 1_�, �= 161, 946 . 591 1,304 320 770 1.,326 18,900 20,540 10,827 13,756 23, 20b-- 11,950 13,155 7,189 12,827 15,4.90-: 15,246 5,233 10,176 17,444 12,1-93- 10,189 13,679 6,614 11,340 13,745 292,897 304,651 169,434 299,093 349;381 339 200 11 161 200 1,112 1,700 1,167 1,701 1, 7�J� - 35 300 0 100 3-00:! 0 0 0 0 3,:0-00 939 1,210 1,435 1,495 1,1.83 0 0 0 0 .2-00 . 4,999 5,153 4,876 5,153 5,147' 145 720 102 ='52 500 358 750 133 533 750- 493 500 233 433 S00 880 2,000 1,230 1,800 1,80II 1,606 _, ?'_:6 3, 390 .o, 5130 17,700 3, 750 15, 0'!0 18, 6-00) J7= 4 29,234 33,529 19,979 30,683 37,953 w CLASSIFICATION SUPPLIES --'�ttice Hi.Ecellaneous Sm. Tools & Equip. SUBTOTAL Z,1AINTENANCE Equipment kadio SUBTOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Comprehensive Plan SUBTOTAL PLANNING & ZONING Conferences Dues & Subscriptions SUBTOTAL "-APITAL OUTLAY 'JIf.ice Equip.& Furn. SUBTOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1990.91 FISCAL YEAR PUDGET 1923-39 1998-39 EXPENDED 1939-90 1.90-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED 1,49F, 52 -82 1,740 500 ?00 3,050 3=4 t� 0 826 593 1,700 382 71 0 0 664 1,700 382 0 10,000 2,008 0 10,000 2,008 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 t c 7 J 1 7 c,%-) 'J `lei. 4,198 0 2,125 2,400 1, 700 1, 500 O iJ 1,700 1;500 10,000 13,:50o 10,000 13, 500 250 300 0 Q 250 300 4,19 0 'J `lei. 4,198 0 0 0 3,300 328,733 353,480 192,629 343,851 408,334 49 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 0 0 0 1F Senior Secretary 1F 1F 1F 0 Secretary II 1F1P 1F 1F 1F Secretary 0 0 0 1F Assistant to Director 1F 1F 1F 0 Development Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Asst. Building Officer 1F 1F 1F 1F Enviornment Health Inspector 3F 3F 3F 3F Code Enforcement Officer 1F 1F 1F 1F Planner 10.5 10 10 10 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Office Furniture & Equipment $3,300 50 CIT`I OF ALLEN 1990.91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 51 19 2 - 29 19S9-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 CLASSIFICATION AC71JA7 BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED BUILDING MAINTENANCE 'ERS ,,NNEL SER7ICES ?alary & Wages a, 692 2°.736 1,,467 2 60 ;, , 686 :-vertlm2 671 i'sou) 0 800 1,000 Part Time Salary 0 0 0 0 5,460 FICA Expense 778 2,402 1,251 2,328 31,000 TMRS Expense 538 1,623 X379 1,645 2,133 Workman's Comp. 62 1,305 436 747 1,923 Health Insurance 492 3,976 1,484 2,544 2,543 SUBTOTAL 12,235 40,842 20,517 36,924 47,750 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 86 100 0 0 100 WDrker's Comp. Claims C 0 0 0 150 Electricity 9,204 9.500 3,444 8,000 8,000 Water Usage 1,158 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 Gas - Lone Star 2,162 2,500 1,544 2,389 2,500 Insurance 0 0 897 $97 807 Professional Services 534 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 128 0 0 0 200 Printing & Reproduction 90 0 0 100 100 SUBTOTAL 13,362 14,600 5,885 13,886 14,447 SUPPLIES .,ffi_e 0ffl_� 1. 0 14 _1 -- Tana.torial ^,739 500 71=thina =. Uniforms C 228 i_ SUBTOTAL 2,754 2,728 958 2,013 5,375 MUAIPITENANCE F'Llii�litQ �.5?t =r5•'_'C 14E3,500 �y �ipme:it 600 51 CLASSIFICATION SUBTOTAL C,-,NTRACT SER'JI,-ES Janitorial SUBTOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery a Equip. Office Equip. SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1933.39 1989-90 EXPENDED ,1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED ?,137 0 0 2,586 3,600 1,171 2,471 4,100 4,518 '',000 0 1,000 1,000 4,518 2,000 0 1,000 1,000 ?,137 0 0 0 500 23 0 0 0 3,159 0 0 0 500 38,613 63,770 28,531 56,294 73,172 52 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 0 1F 1F 1F Lead Custodian 0 1P 1P 1F Custodian 0 0 0 1P Custodian 0 1.5 2 2.5 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Shelving in Storage Room $500.00 53 CLASSIFICATION FINANCE PERSONNEL SER`JICES Manager Salaries ,­lerical Salaries vert ime Part -Time Salary FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Insurance Mileage Miscellaneous Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Telephone Car Alowance SUBTOTAL �:_ZUPPLIES office SUBTOTAL 19aa-a9 ACTUAL 4" 240 40,686 105 0 6,371 4,224 230 3,991 97,846 71 1,188 290 1,576 35 18,238 1,282 2,171 1,863 1,800 28,514 32; 822 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED 44,772 25,830 44,772 44,7772 44,646 22,583 40,529 45,720 1 �1 0 0 1,250 7,410 0 6,956 3,851 7,202 4,591 2,585 4,592 ..4;:9-2= 256 144 297 335 5,256 2,026 3,933 3,815- 106,608 58,269 108,771 - -: = -106; 687' 50 111 111 0.: 1,240 402 702 360 230 508 400 1,578 1,749 1,781 :1;7:32, : 150 10 85 : -2 0 33 34 0. 1,425 858 1,543 1., 545'": 4,360 1,900 2,600 2, 60.0..: 1,600 648 1,398 1,3-98 = 1,800 1,050 1,800 1,800 12,563 6,991 10,562 10, 897 - 1,765 1,126 1,=.6 ,:97 1,765 1,126 , 1,526 1,297: 54 CLASSIFICATION MAINTENANCE Equipment SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1938-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED 1 f? 2,948 19 40? 133 2,948 193 403 .3,040. 555 0 0 0 D 555 0 0 0 0' 127,870 --------- --------- 123,884 -------- -------- 66,579 -------- -------- 121,262 -------- -------- 121,9-21 -------- -------- 55 u CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED FINANCE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 0 Accountant 0 0 0 1F Chief Accountant 1F 1F 1F 1F Account Clerk II 3 3 3 3 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital items in this department. 56 CITE CF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1939-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS - WATER PERSONNEL SERVICES I•danager Salaries 19, 610 19, 886 13,059 =2, Ohl =11, 28.0 ,_'lerical Salaries 1Q, ,31 12,664 6,243 11, 18 12, 657 '_'alary 1: Wages 147, 254 217, 998 96, 306 179, 291 219; 709 - Overtime 30,746 26,210 19,546 34,383 24, 5-00: Part Time Salary 1,680 1,820 980 1,320 i;82Ci FICA Expense 15,886 20,637 10,416 17,834 2.1,5-97= TMRS Expense 10,597 14,573 7,199 12,474 15,01• Workman's Comp. 6,653 8,014 4,603 10,258 11,385 Health Insurance 13,413 26,379 10,347 16,490 21,125 SUBTOTAL 256,170 348,181 168,699 305,830 349,374 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 378 300 261 261 30A3 Conferences & Training 3,011 870 1,675 1,675 2,403 Worker Comp. Claims 80 200 0 200 200 Dues & Subscriptions 550 2,180 609 2,180 2,410,_ Electricity 65,219 58,000 28,330 58,000 59,650 PAR Gas 430 700 0 0 TOO Insurance 211,095 27,000 19,447 19,773' 20,.321 Mileage 156 210 578 1,628 2,450:. Miscellaneous 23 100 3,124 3,124 '3.33 Postage & Freight 185 280 224 280 280 Printing & Reproduction 449 700 757 .:'S7 Rentals 1, 213 333 37 - Telephone 4, 045 4,300 2, 104 4, C-, 4 :,-0 Car Allowance 1, .+.'0 1, rJ•�0 9:�7 1, h.= . , 36n Professional er aices 5,7 48 15,000 4,621 15, 000 - Water Dist. Purchases 718,341 737,326 365,328 737,326 730,655 SUBTOTAL 822,843 849,179 428,081 841,432 843,762 57 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET M 1988-89 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED SUPPLIES Office 536 800 1, D67 1, 11=7 8�!3 anit_-riai =__ =00 lI 1.5 I50- Medic.al & (211emica1 2, 275 700 432 700 600 '710thing & Uniforms 3,665 4,200 1,967 4,200 .3,695 Mechanical 6,887 21,000 6,605 14,000 21,000 Chlorine Gas 692 2,100 794 2,100 2,100: 3asoline 4,644 3,500 3,019 5,"239 F, 66'6: Miscellaneous 577 300 536 836 364:' Oil & Lubricants 133 300 23 123 300 Small Tools & Equip. 1,622 1,300 1,266 1,766 :::1;•667 SUBTOTAL 21,363 34,500 15,720 30,256 36,342.: MAINTENANCE Building 5,426 8,000 2,198 4,051 10; DOG Equipment 2,311 4,500 595 1,561 2:,57.2 Miscellaneous 6 0 0 0 -0 = Radio 503 950 289 954 2:,.000:r. Asphalt 0 0 0 0 Rock, Sand, Etc. 74 300 872 1,800 2;OOC3 Meter Maintenance 3,385 17,000 9,562 12,000 6;DOG- Water System 899 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 12,604 30,750 13,516 20,366 23,872 °•3EHICLE MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 153 4,000 951 4,00C 4,(D00 SUBTOTAL 3,158 4,000 2,951 4,000 4,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY :'ars & Trucksa, 072 0 0 44 a 0 Machinery Equipment 6,472 39,250 18,466 23 66 9, 6.30 office Equipment n 0 0 0 ',500 Radi 1 Equipment ., 70 0 0 0 Q M CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR. BUDGET 59 1988-39 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED Meters 2 f, 7.:5 16,815 27,551 `a0, 015 94,.000.. Mains & Connections 0 0 0 ,, 2Q 0()a SUBTOTAL 40,055 56,065 46,017 121,830 126,100 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1,156,193 1,322,675 674,984 1,323,714 1,383,450 59 CLASSIFICATION PUBLIC WORKS - SEWER PERSONNEL SERVICES CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1933-39 1989-90 EXPENDED ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 Manager Salaries 8,374 8,552 5,557 Clerical Salaries 4,638 5,426 2,675 Salary & Wages 63,174 61,708 41,274 Overtime 0 1,328 0 FICA Expense 5,758 5,514 3,792 TMRS Expense 3,854 3,894 2,615 Workman's Comp. 2,740 4,733 1,925 Health Insurance 5,711 8,632 4,437 SUBTOTAL 94,249 99,787 62,275 OPERATING EXPENSES Advertising 48 120 Conferences & Training 791 1,940 Worker Comp. Claims 0 300 Dues & Subscriptions 249 150 Electricity 9,535 10,000 Gas - Lone Star 1,025 0 Insurance 14,990 16,500 Mileage 24 196 Miscellaneous 1 0 Postage & F,reight 56 120 Printing & Reproduction 190 300 =rentals 697 667 Telephone 0 1,200 Car Allowance 480 720 Professional Services 8,525 15,000 --dater Dist. Purchases 736, 7-22 889,604 SUBTOTAL 823,334 937,017 66 722 0 345 2,629 0 13,420 141 658 91 254 15 635 X 9 9 2,100 54 306 563,781 1989-90 1990-91 AMENDED PROPOSED 8, 129 9,-120 4,807 -5,-4.24- 4;24-76, 76,839 94, 161 1328 10,-590': 6,873 - . 9,292.., 4, 805 x,:514 4,013 8,219 9,-G53: 115,013 148,-949- 120 120:.. 1,940 1,7:97.:: 300 3fl = 34-5 1, 365 6,829 0 f7 . 13,699 14;:148 ; 591 1;:a.5t3. 758 -16.-7.,..: 120 150 300 500 500 : I , 200 1 , 3 130 4c�9 1 8007 10. 01,0 i= , 00C 814,00-1 742, 0.02 . 851,163 789, 349 61 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1988-39 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED :UPPLIES ffice 15'a 450 30 450 0 Medical /Chemical 57 { 1,400 _:r,G 1 - i i, 000 Clothing & Uniforms 1,548 2,300 791 1,591 ..1,583 Mechanical 5,926 6,000 3,570 7,000 7,000 Gasoline 1,x09 2,300 1,066 2,700 21e.34 Miscellaneous 186 100 81 100 36 - Oil & Lubricants 27 150 0 50 .75 Sm. Tools & Equip. 967 650 489 989 533_ SUBTOTAL 11,194 13,350 6,674 13,880 13,86-1 MAINTENANCE Building 4,877 8,000 746 3,449 4,000 Equipment 3,556 2,500 338 1,189 -.5,1-28: Miscellaneous 0 150 0 0 = Radio 183 400 53 333 841 Asphalt 0 0 0 0 1,000 Rock, Sand, Etc. 55 400 555 1,555 2,0434 Sewer System 1,667 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 10,337 11,450 1,692 6,526 12'; 969 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 472 2,000 312 1,112 1,500 SUBTOTAL 472 2,000 312 1,112 1,500 61 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET W, 1938-39 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 500 30,050 7,760 75,505 c ,�0_, Mains & Connections 0 0 0 U I 125,000 Radio 330 0 ] 0 0 . SUBTOTALS 830 80,050 7,760 75,605 145,500 DEPARTIENT TOTALS 940,415 1,143,654 642,494 1,063,299 1,112,128 W, CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 1F Secretary 1F 1F 1F 1F Foreman 2F 2F 2F 3F Sr. Maintenance Worker 1F 1F 1F 2F Equipment Operator 3F 3F 5F 2F Maintenance Worker 1F 1F 1F 1F Meter Services Representative 2F 2F 2F 1F Meter Readers 3F 3F 3F 3F Pump Station Operators 0 0 1F 1F Public Works Superintendent 0 0 0 1F Utility Inspector 15 15 18 17 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4904 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus $ 1,800 4904 Compactor 1,800 4904 Compactor Wheel for Backhoe 4,500 4904 Asphalt Cutter 1,500 4904 Sewer Camera 20,000 4904 Soil Pipe Cutter 500 4905 Plan File 2,500 4922 Water Meters 94,000 4921 6" Water Line 20,000 4921 Sewer Line 125,000 63 CLASSIFICATION UTILITY COLLECTIONS PERSONNEL SERVICES Clerical 'Salaries �_,verr_ime Part Time FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance SUBTOTAL >PERATING EXPENSES Advertising Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Insurance Mileage Miscellaneous P,Dstage & Freight Printing ,t Reproduction Telephone Professional Services SUBTOTAL -��JPPLIES Office SUBTOTAL IU- INTENANCE Equipm=-nt SUBTOTAL 19°8-89 ACTUAL 0 ?,753 ,4? 230 2.462 58,854 55 794 179 2,248 36 0 12, 427 5,475 1, 914 80 23,218 958 958 7,879 CIT: OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1989-90 EXPENDED 1989-90 1990-91 BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED 5 ^ , 570 30, 184 = 9'' 55, 944 . 101 0 0 ;; 0 3,87 x,292 4,036 4,280 �, 736 1, 611 =, ?52 3, 043 152 144 247 20� 3,840 2,562 4, 15 1 3,815 64,274 36,794 64,298 67,364 50 0 0 100 1,190 207 407 1..145 265 0 2'00 150 2,250 2,131 2,159 2,160 = 150 38 113 72 0 0 0 0 14,500 8,797 15,347 15,550 7,320 4,557 5,057 5,600 1,450 635 1, 284 -1 300 . 0 200 200 0 27,175 16,565 24,767 25,977' 365 1,365 865 1,365 1,350 2,572 882 1,857 3,300 64 65 CITY OF ALLEN 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ' 1933-139 1929-90 EXPENDED 1939-90 1990-91 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETED APRIL 1990 AMENDED PROPOSED MISCELLANEOUS Salar-_r Reserve 0 0 0 410,000 SUBTOTAL 0 0 0 0 40_,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment 555 0 0 0 70Q. SUBTOTAL 555 0 0 0 .= 700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 91,464 -------- -------- 95,386 55,106 ---------------- ---------------- 92,287 -------- -------- 138,591 -------- -------- 65 CITY OF ALLEN FY1990-91 BUDGET PROPOSED UTILITY COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Position 2F 0 2F 1F 2F 1F 2F 1F Account Clerk Sr. Account Clerk 3 3 3 3 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4903 Shelving $700