HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1233-4-94F Same as document filed ORDINANCE NO. 1233-4-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER -DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, APPROXIMATELY 264.2505 ACRES BEING THE FOLLOWING TRACTS: PARCEL NO. 14 CONSISTING OF 1.18 ACRES BEING TRACT 1, ABSTRACT 301, G. EST ES SURVEY; PARCEL 15 CONSISTING OF 37.3060 ACRES BEING TRACT 13, ABSTRACT 719, J. PHILIP SURVEY; PARCEL NO. 16 CONSISTING OF 3.0 ACRES BEING TRACT 10, ABSTRACT 719, J. PBMLIP SURVEY; PARCEL NO. 42 CONSISTING OF 93.1537 ACRES BEING -TRACT 2, ABSTRACT 280, FRANCIS DOSSER SURVEY; PARCEL NO. 43 CONSISTING OF 10.18 ACRES BEING TRACT 12, ABSTRACT 701, G. PHILIPS SURVEY; PARCEL NO. 44 CONSISTING OF 119.4308 ACRES BEING TRACT 2, ABSTRACT 321, G. F=HUGH SURVEY; SAID AREA BEING DESCRIBED AS ZONE 3 FOR ANNEXATION PURPOSES AND LOCATED SOUTH OF S.H. 121 AND EAST OF F.M. 2478 (CUSTER RD.), COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMIT'S OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER -DESCRIBED IN EX)FIIBTTS "A" AND "B" WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, REGULATIONS, AND RESOLUTIONS OF SAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR EXHIBIT "C" SERVICE PLAN, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, at the instance of the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and in full accordance with all requirements of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code §43.001 et seq., public hearings were held in the Council Chambers of the City of Allen on February 28, 1994, and March 3, 1994, providing all persons an opportunity to voice their opinion concerning the annexation of 264.2505 acres of land, more or less, involving numerous separate tracts of land all in Collin County, Texas, into the city limits of the City of Allen; and, WHEREAS, the City Council found and determined that the above-described tracts of land are adjoining the present city limits of the City of Allen, Texas, and the City Council further considered all testimony presented at said meetings, and upon conclusion of all testimony presented, the City Council concluded that said areas should be annexed and made a part of the City of Allen, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT - SECTION 1: The following -described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed to include the said following -described territory within the city limits of the City of Allen, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of said City of Allen, Texas. Said land situated in Collin County, Texas, and hereby annexed is more fully described in Exhibits "A," Zone Map, and "B," Legal Descriptions, attached hereto and made a part hereof as if copied in full herein. { 0 W 0 0 I 4 lA SEC'ITON 2: In accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code §43.056, attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes is Exhibit "C," Service Plan, providing for municipal services in the newly annexed area. SECTION 3: It is not the intention of the City of Allen to annex any territory not legally subject to legal annexation by the City of Allen, and should any portion of the above-described area not be subject to legal annexation by the City of Allen, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City; and it is the intention of the City of Allen to annex only such territory as may be legally annexed by it within the above-described area. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THIS 717H DAY OF APRIL, 1994. APPROVED: oe F er, MAYOR ATTEST: J Mo n, C, CITY SECRh�'ARY Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 Page 2 EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE #_L233-4-94 ZONE 3 3 A �,I ", "r\� ,TEXAS F + WEST SIDE ANNEXATION r MCDERMOTT R-Mfl� t75j ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3_ ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 Jona:�Qd! am Mr p. MOA 1T �ersiEned�d�hy�the,6rrhtee -hen d T ateei fp&r ofjthe; C: W.I%Utes Suiviy;�Abftiic ltallTacrejtract,describ d in aDeed fsoi inatedtInvestmentr,"Company, re'cosd6d_&inlVi Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 Exhibit "B" ORTH-88 deg 6 CMM sec Est with an ta Baeo ge ow`a di'itarice f�334.17ft toaii; iron take fond in outh rigght of�way line of State HV 'ani #121 ENCEa750UTHa64°'deg 50.mint,1111}sec Weit'•fwith�the South;right of wa JEW& ne of :he)Highway a distance' of 1120 447 ft. to a' concrete fight xwayy marker: r ENCE SOUTH 0 deg 54 min 42 sec East a iatance of 182. 1 ft to n ake. ENCE SOUTH 89 degg 19 min. 33sec est a d stance f 74 45 ft. to an r ske nthe Ea 41 oftheCounty road, r ENCE SOUTH Owe 0 min, 38" "e East with the as line of the County gg id di0t'ancelof 724" ft:lto ri i'ron' atake' ENCE NORTHj89. d6g 31 W 2 VsecUast with an establishe fence fine d fledge row `a t`distance�bf,,142'5%% ft. -o -an iron ataka' in an innei iner of the said trect':4� THE NORTH O;dog '181�aiin.47est with an eatabliihed fence I- H d -row elongg en East'ClineAofXthe 4aid triot a distance of 1371. tha "place of beginning containing 38148cretLofAlAnd. i�• SUBJECT T0: Right" ofl a'y', deteii•4�12 48 executed by Mt. Olive Bapt,iat Church to IStbte?ofATexestrecor`de_d in Volume 389, Page 436iDeed Records Collin County'.;Texei �-�. , ,? li .�. Right' of Fa:yjdated*l-7-49�`executed by Mt. OveBaptist Church to State of ,Texas' recorded-in Voluem'!398; page 47, Deeds Records Collin County; Texa Highway Easemen s aho`wn on Surveyor s p1aC. ori M TO HAV. ANn TO FfO1.D'the al+ove dc%we ed, remix P etlathe right:an appurtenances thereto i anywise belonttinI'.unto the said.�rantre h s etre and.auigns forever and do herehy hind myself my, he ,exrcut rs and admin stra to WAjiRAl, AND FORE ER bEFENt) II and sinslllar3the Id prem ses unto thew rantee is in and a s,aha nst every prrson wh soever lawfully cla m n`or to la c- me' an part,th req Y,} •.J s? Y��P i� �1 L EXECUTED this day W-,'�Februnry ROBERT MORRYS, firustee (AetwM/pfo A O 11f� d on .1 wtbatt ,oal .r.o•!+�aor �•arN OtsER MORRIS. stt wi o e - IIK wAo�••bne �i. y b 1 f YWn� o • S- t ettaNM IM Iran•rn•tAt ••1 ooi 1 • pt•wr Gw uN s• or a N Iw �N au IN � lit EM 1 wpm S'1!a r person whore none ublcnbed to the fo ecutM the"me fot-the purpoui endcondderstbn 11 ifein e�iprefkd Mnd and xal o office on Ih�lie ay of Not f'ubl In an/fo (AehMowMdpMeMto STT O AS LINTY OF �eforc ,t nderufned�uthorit ,on Ihn day personal) apparc wn o me be the person whoa name subscrl to the(oregowS P rumen 1 ell I d IM same for the purpores and w erat n Iherc�n espy u «Iny Mnd end xa of effKe n this the y.of Y� Cr eu ,�ubHs In and fo Y {Yi Y N N r� O 'a �p N ir rz IA tC- to WSMWI#dpMnIP !1 U A r aut lyowlhis day perw OppN t wn 1 to M 1 panda whnse name U suWA a.1 fore NfYn1eM to ed far the/wpaer M ltrM110eb1the •ewpreuM !b /reit a �N rw t iM d suM re Fl)" rtjbfi;.the,.C.j;-,jof I x2 11 ai6reInraft desir Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 ? ENhibit "B" w THENCE NORTH880.deg 26min,04 sec WEet with an established fence an Hedge row 'n distance of'.330' 1-7J(ft to an iior� stake found in the South,right ofAiay' line.ofjStete Highway 121 THENCE SOUTH460',deg 50 oiin;�51 sec W_ -at;with the South,�right of way ine"lrdf the�Highway a diatance of 1120:"47 ft. to a concrete right df(way marker': THENCE SOUTH"0 deg 54 min .42 sec Ea--a d stance of 82 51 ft. to ani stake. k �. THENCE OUTH.89 deg 19 min 33 secWeat a istance of 4.45f to an iron stake, ini'�the East inelof`6 CountjAroad. ENCS SOUTH O)lde OGmin*38' d'ec Ehst "ith t a East line of the Coun y ty obd0 dratanceofj�724 0''-ft. W nNiron�dtake� THENCE NORM89, eg„53 min*21W-84 East with an establia ed fence 1`ine andhed`ge row'adistanceydf 1425x6 ft to an iron stake. in an inner carne ofXthesaid"trnct.,�; THENCE NORT}1TOrdog118`micillest with an establ s ed fence line .and hedge 9—an East, line�`oflthe aid tract#njdistance of 1371.-73 ft. o tha place of beginni'ngcontainirg 38486 aeras of land. .r SUBJECT TO: Right ofIddy: datedy4-12-48 executed by Mt'. Olive Bapptist Church "tolStatevof,�Texas;,recocded Yn Volume 89, 'Pagc 436;Oeed'"Recorda Collin ,County; _Texas � Righ of Way.,doted l-'7-49 'executed by Mt. Olive Baptist Churth to State ofgTexee'recor'ded i'n Voluem 398';fpage 347., Deed�IRecords Collin County Tex HigtiwA'y Easement as shown=on Surveyor''s .r d t7 ry 4 r HAVk ND O 114L0 thea cdcs<ribed premises together w th all and n ular the ppurtenanccs thctcto iu o the saW,#rontce hia hen nd as+Rn+ a d Md here y d tayeelf tey hn a uto and adm ms rotors to NA A FOR VER OFFEND all and s nRular the +a d prem nto he i Rrantee heir an assyms, �a ns ,every.person, omsoever lawful) c a m n`or to claim th sa a or n part XECUTED his G ay of Fe ry A D 9 ROBERT MORRIS Trustee 111 ST rouNTr or (� an rte tN wtA If,.2ft 1 w . Ire Le "JOELrrose . arMaw a t M eaeeYld ssae rei iM pr'w...r eos+silenl s+il 1 sMwr. LDYYINl ' rllEtlC �n t,the undnt , n to da perionally ppesre n t to Ae th non bore nam ul+rcn to the fora�ot 1 tae ted 1Ae ame ohlhe purpose and m ent thrrtm eaprersd G nde hsn sn .real of o t on tht the day of Yo a 1 n or d Y aYi Y N' N G ow C t0 � � O 913 z- P t awo >o tnev y �� z FOURM Rim X I ligo". t TCOA tary, transfer f" is S no le ,computed on full value of pro - rty convey computed on full value I I!`rVFPnvey 1 mue of Iiins an clu iine Unincorporated irm-„( ) City Of 61 1 rjOP.'&STEWART 4in�dfrjjARRI-R-T-,­P.,i' IkIVI VOS `,TRUSYda t a' 16;;Bg# I X land Wj the':'Jonathan'i� Phil lios Sur-yey colfin=Coun Texas, more} part ttachedl he' to hireot for ill Purposes ,a 'wo ner*to re a at C1 ini-C) inuary I COUNWOF” san-U6 Me.,d*•a Notary Pffgo!!a11Y,&PllgffW 1- Robert befow Ut in SOMW for saw SM.M.2!Mnt 9?Ai-AOSI- 90 to be/thema –aLw— on /012. • _ �yW —_ ? Dt 77 ,. _ ...5•' .�.W a1�•.'Iq••�'• f"�7�" �_ � �'�ft _ r„JHS - - .•�, �. . - •f •••+•' ,� . N' t -• - t l 7S I tum I V. Wcifl Ili"i �m.-,belnq-&'-rssurvey ON'tiloyle 1(,XDmV Idsonimn ted',P@c*iabirj3I-,JIq6q,j t -tat' tlii� , Northlicorner W4 1 Ion @ A fors acorns -THENCE South :1°i0; DOO. icrs�j'trac - t 7to 'an i re tract -for p'a-,corner THENCONorth BOO -i DOO'%acre,�irsct,and,wl qtaInIn;j RI thsf);WW�,,icrs re"Oottli"P." ided,161VOIUM' 04 USE OFARE 'OF,COLOR 'OR I dest-ribeC D., C Q-� Aw"O I1 il InG706,54 INNINMandl, REAL DEED JL0,1..J718 ,.kms. .-- ---... .. ._ _. _ ._......-- •--- ...... _.�._. :.�.e,,;,::, ��t- DEED OF PARTITION THE STATE OF TEXAS 623 COUNTY OF COLLIt %! This indenture made between Lubelle Byrd, a widow, of Collin County, Texas, and Elizabeth B. Roberts, of Collin County, Texas, WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the said Lubelle Byrd and Elizabeth B. Roberts, have and hold in common as their separate property, 206.04 acres of land out of the F. Dasser Survey, Abstract No. 280 and out of the George Phillipa Survey, Abstract No. 701, and being the tract described as 207 acres in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush, as recorded in Volume 235, Page 195, Collin County Deed Records, and are desirous of making partition of same; It is hereby covenanted, granted, concluded and agreed by and between said partier and each of them covenants, grants, concludes and agrees for herself, themselves, her and their heirs and assigns, that a partition of said lands be made as follows: 1 FIRST. The said Lubelle Byrd shall from henceforth have, hold, possess and enjoy in severalty by herself and to her and to Iter heirs and assigns, for her part, share and proportion of the saie lands and premises, all that tract of land: SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, a part of the F. Uasser Survey, Abst. #280 and a part of the George Phillips Survey, Abst. 11701 and being a part of a 207 acre tract as described in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush, recorded in Volume 235 page 195 of the Collin Cov,.ty Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNI1,13 at an iron stake in the Southwest corner of the said tract in thn center line of a public road. —THENCE NORTH 89 deg 18 min East with an established fence `fine and hedge row along the south line of. the said tract a distance of 2753.5 ft. t. an iron stake. Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 EHhibit 118" E 0EE_DA" 814 3 3 _-THENCE NORTH 0 deg 22 min Went a distance of 1641.2 ft. to an iron stake'in the North line of the liaid tract. THENCE NORTH 89 deg 51 min West with ths,.North line of the sa'd tract -a distance.'pf 2142.6 ft: to -an iron stake in the South rigfit of wa line of State Highway #121. THENCE,in a Westerly direction with the said right of wayas follows: South 64 deg 46 min West distance of 430.0 ft. to a csncrete marker. South 32 deg 11 min West a distance of 169.7 ft. to a cdncrete marker. North 89 deg 17 -min West a distance o_f 21.0 ft. to an irori stake -in the west lime of the said tract. THENCE SOUTH with the center line of r public road and the West 1-ine of the said tract a distan,:e of 1354.0 ft. to, the place,of beginning, containing 103.337 acres of land. • And the other party hereto, Elizabeth B. Roberts, does grant, release and confirm unto the said Lubelle Byrd, the premises above described to have and to hold the above described premises with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Lubelle Byrd, her heirs and assigns furever; And the said Elizabeth B. Roberts does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Lubelle Byrd, her heirs and assigns against every per -on whomsoever lawfully claming or tolclaim the same or any part thereof. SECOND: The said Elizabeth B. Roberts shall from henceforth have, hold, possess and enjoy in severalty by herself and to her and to her heirs and assigns, for her part, share and proportion of the said Lands and premises, all that tract of land: SITUATZDin Collin County, Texas, a part of the F. Dasser Survey, Abst. :l280 and a part of the George Phillips Survey, Abst, x701 and being a part of a 207 acre tract as described in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush recorded in Volume 235, Page 195, of the Collin County Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING .at a stake in the Southeast corner of the said tract in the ce,Ltcr line of a public road. THENCE NORTH 0 deg 22 min. West with the center 1.1ne of the said road and the East line of the said tract a distance of 1600.0 ft. to an iron stake at the Northeast corner of the said tract. /(o K DEED 30(ii THENCE NORTH 89 deg 51 min West with the North Line of the said tract a distance of 2777.6 ft. -to an iron stake. THENCE SOUTH 0 de; 22 min Enst a distance of 1641.2 ft. to an iron stake in the South line of the said tract. THENCE NORTH 89 deg 18 min East with an established fence line along the South line of the said tract a distance of 2777.6 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 103.337 acres of land. As her sole aad separate property and the other party hereto, Lubelle Byrd, does grant, release and confirm unto 1 the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, as her separate estate and for her sole and separete use, the premises above described to have and to hold the above described premises with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- longing unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, her heirs and assigns forever; And the said Lubelle Byrd does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, her heirs and asLigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WITNESS our hands this the 12th day of May, A. D. 1971. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public, in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Lubelle Byrd, a wie-ow, and Elizabeth B. Roberts, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the i 1 30(ii THENCE NORTH 89 deg 51 min West with the North Line of the said tract a distance of 2777.6 ft. -to an iron stake. THENCE SOUTH 0 de; 22 min Enst a distance of 1641.2 ft. to an iron stake in the South line of the said tract. THENCE NORTH 89 deg 18 min East with an established fence line along the South line of the said tract a distance of 2777.6 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 103.337 acres of land. As her sole aad separate property and the other party hereto, Lubelle Byrd, does grant, release and confirm unto 1 the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, as her separate estate and for her sole and separete use, the premises above described to have and to hold the above described premises with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- longing unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, her heirs and assigns forever; And the said Lubelle Byrd does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, her heirs and asLigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WITNESS our hands this the 12th day of May, A. D. 1971. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public, in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Lubelle Byrd, a wie-ow, and Elizabeth B. Roberts, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the E E 0 lil, 784 325 purposes and consideration therein expressed. r. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 14th day of May, A. D. 1971. �� C(tiTti�F Notary u ic, o nc 0–U–n- Texas PIT-vD Wl 4!'CO'3D (y D. OF A.D. 1971, at P'�. j?, j �w6ftl 71. JAS. R, 3, XTY f -L' COLTI" COU'*?Y, TS.%As. ,;Jl OIFNI. C —SIMIVW& MPUTY. rj �r DEED[1I8 4 DEED OF PARTITION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIi 6231 t This indenture made between Lubelle Byrd, a widow, of Collin County, Texas, and Elizabeth B. Roberts, of Collin County, Texas, WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the said Lubelle Byrd and Elizabeth B. Roberts, have and hold in common as their separate property, 206.674 acres of land out ofithe F. Dasser Survey, Abstract No. 280 and out of the George Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 701, and being the tract described as 207 acres in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush, as recorded in Volume 235, Page 195, Collin Connty Deed Records, and are des ous of making partition of same; It is hereby covenanted, granted, ncluded and agreed by and between said partier and each them covenants, grants, concludes and agrees for herself, th mselves, her and their heirs and assigns, that a partitio of said lands be made as follows: FIRST. The said Lubelle By, d shall from hencef th have, hold, possess and enjoy in eev%efralty by herself d to her and to her heirs and assigns, for ter part, char _and proportion of the saie lands and premise6, all that act of land: SITUATED in Collin Count(, Texa a part of the F. � Dasser Survey, Abst. #28 part of the George Phillips Survey, Abst. #701 and being a part of a 207 acre tract as described in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush, recorded in Volume 235 page 195 of the Collin Coe'.ty Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the Southwest corner of the said tract in thn center line of a public road. THENCE NORTH 89 deg -18 -min -East -with an established fence line and hedge-�w-along-the south line of the said tract a distance—of-2753.5 ft. t. an iron -stake. -7 O k Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 Enhibit "B" l9 7 And the other party hereto, Elizabeth B. Roberta, does grant, release and confirm unto the said Lubelle Byrd, the premises above described to have and to hold the above described premises with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Lubelle Byrd, her heirs and assigns furever; And the said Elizabeth B. Roberts does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Lubelle Byrd, her heirs and assigns against every per --on whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. SECOND: The said Elizabeth B. Roberta shall from henceforth have, hold, possess and enjoy in severalty by herself and to her and to her heirs and assigns, for her part, share and proportion of the said lands and premises, all that tract of land: SITUATMin Collin County, Texas, a part of the P. Dasser Survey, Abst. #280 and a part of the George Phillipa Survey, Abst, #701 and being a part of a 207 acre tract as described in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush recorded in Volume 235, Page 195, of the Collin County Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING ..t a stake in the Southeast corner of the said tract in the center line of a public road. saidroadand THENCE NORTH Othedeg East line22 mir eof thewith said tract raldistine ancarof 1600.0 ft. to an iron stake at the Northeast corner of the said tract. M DEED 8 4 rr f i• • 7 1`j 1� k 30:3 THENCE NORTH 0 deg 22 min West a distance of 1641.2 ft, to an iron stake in the North line of the said tract. THENCE NORTH 89 deg 51 min West with the North line of the sa'd tract a distance of 2242,6 ft. to an iron stake in the South right of way line of State Highway #121. THENCE in a Westerly direction with the said right of way as follows: South 64 deg 46 min West ., distance of 430.0 ft. to a concrete marker. South 32 deg 11 min West a distance of 169.7 ft. to a concrete marker. North 89 deg 17 min West a distance of 21.0 ft, to an iron stake in the west line of the said tract. THESOUTH with the center line of u public road and the Went line of the said tract a distan,:e of 1354.0 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 103.337 acres of land. And the other party hereto, Elizabeth B. Roberta, does grant, release and confirm unto the said Lubelle Byrd, the premises above described to have and to hold the above described premises with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Lubelle Byrd, her heirs and assigns furever; And the said Elizabeth B. Roberts does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Lubelle Byrd, her heirs and assigns against every per --on whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. SECOND: The said Elizabeth B. Roberta shall from henceforth have, hold, possess and enjoy in severalty by herself and to her and to her heirs and assigns, for her part, share and proportion of the said lands and premises, all that tract of land: SITUATMin Collin County, Texas, a part of the P. Dasser Survey, Abst. #280 and a part of the George Phillipa Survey, Abst, #701 and being a part of a 207 acre tract as described in a deed from James N. Bush to W. N. Bush recorded in Volume 235, Page 195, of the Collin County Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING ..t a stake in the Southeast corner of the said tract in the center line of a public road. saidroadand THENCE NORTH Othedeg East line22 mir eof thewith said tract raldistine ancarof 1600.0 ft. to an iron stake at the Northeast corner of the said tract. M D E E THENCE NORTH 89 deg 51 min West with the North line of the said tract a distance of 2777.6 ft.' to an iron stake. THENCE SOUTH 0 deg 22 min EAst a distance of 1641.2 ft. to an iron stake in the South line of the said tract. THENCE NORTH 89 deg 18 min East with an established fence line along the South line of the said tract a distance of 2777.6 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 103.337 acres of land. As her sole a:ad separate property and the other party hereto, Lubelle Byrd, does grant, release and confirm unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, as her separate estate and for her sole and separate use, the premises above described to have and to hold the above described premises with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- longing unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, her heirs and assigns forever; And the said Lubelle Byrd does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Elizabeth B. Roberts, her heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WITNESS our hands this the 12th day of May, A. D. 1971. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public, in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Lubelle Byrd, a widow, and Elizabeth B. Roberts, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to m,� that they executed the same for the ����� �|�/� �����0������p/�/�n325purposes and consideration therein expressed.Given under my hand and seal of office, this 14th day'Notary FUDI&C, 90111n UoUnty,Texas ".~w ,p` r , ��uuu^^� R. By A U --'^ ^ � | � � | [--�----- ----------'--------------'----' \ '_---�=��__-------__-- _-~~~_—_----- �� - \ .: }f pnpuw by the VA% bar of Tom for =a by 1U jojlfffjft -klf dwpo", 161-, IM in No* 4 41 P" PA , i4 ­a_ 4 F " 0 COLLIN:'� e!i That LAKEWOOD BANK 8 TRUST, TRUSTEE FOR THE DALE LEROY HILL AND KATHERINE,HOPKINS-HILL "' CHILDREN'S TRUST DATED JULY 12, 1979, as to an undivided one-half: (1/2) interest, LAKEWOOD BANK & TRUST, TRUSTEE FOR DALE HILL INVESTMENTS,'INC.,MONEY,PURCHASE PENSIONew4' o PLAN, as to an undivided one-half (1/2) Interest, of the County of Dallas and State of Texas for and In"!.. consideration of the sum of TEN AND NOPOO ---------------------------------------------- --------------------- ($10.00) -------------------------------------------------- and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have , ve . G t RANTED. . SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GR ANT, SELL AND, CONVEY unto OPUBCO PROPERTIES, INC.. a,Texas*corporation, whose address is 10111 N. Central s"a T? oWlas, TeX1811 and Sts of -Texas' A"Of oun -wit'. the following described res property in Collin County, to- wit'. FITZHUGH SURVEY, Abstract No. 321, being 4 resurvey C-3., of the G T! 24, Two tracts of land out A, Icre (Third'Tr ct)*described in aAeed.frqm.Mr?s. Grace Davis Angel C of part of the 244.,18 1 ar. A, Angel, Jr. dat�_-d April 26. 1966, recorded in Volume 672, Page,395, to Charles Allen with all and singular the rights and appurtenances pertain M4 tq_ Collin County, Texas, t ther thereto, Including any'Mht;'title and interest of Grantors herein id and to adjacent streets. alleys or rights-of-way. -and,being more particularlydescribed in'EXHIBIT "A", r, r de a part hereof for all purposes. J V, Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 23 EHhibit "B" ---JON GRANTEE HEREIN ASSUMES THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1982. c2 4 �J! f TO.tHE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS AND RE RiCTIONS, IS CONVEYANCE IS KJOE AND ACCEPTED SUBJECT ,THIS 'AFFECTING PROPERTY HEREBY CONVEYED: -THE 1) Right -of -Wry Easement dated March 30, 1948, executed by Charles A. Angel 'and wife, Angel to State of Texas recorded.in Volume 389, Page,3689 Dead Records..,: .-Gr.,ce Davis ' Collin , Texas. R ,,County lying thb:'001; road along, IN f the.subject, property within 2), ­That portion ;of rrtlon'of Tract I ai shown on survey by G. M. Gear dated 'July"79" 1981, In 3)' fThat 'porttM' of ihi SWOct pro"i within. -the' rock !ftd,alorq.th9,-Ea$t,'-, TnUr'dated July 7,N198l.,: 114 of Tract Il,ai shown -on survey G. 4) Overhead power lines and aerial telephone lines on Tract I as shown,,On,survey !;,y,,,,. G. M. Geer dated July 7. 1981. e, 5) Bridge piles of :-washed out bridge on the North line of Tract I as shown on survey V, A by G. M. Geer dated July 7, 1981. 6) Oral crop lease of Don Tolleson of Prosper, Texas, as set out in Contract of Sale dated June 15, 1981, by and between Charles Allen Angel, Jr. and Dale Hill, Trustee and/or assigns. GRANTEE HEREIN ASSUMES THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1982. c2 4 �J! f TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described �enk 2. toPther with all and sinsular the rifhn`atitl c; .•a . !I juccessor 04M thIgNtO-1111-AnYwille belongins, unto the aid tfantee.,.:'' and,kWe ",40': h!reby, bind OurSelVeS, their heiM executors and alministilaton to WARRANT AND" FOREVER',- DEFEND 411'and singWar the, said,pri�diies mnto- hein and usigns', S ev oetiloh,whiffigoeve fuuyciiilini�joi-6aa,"i"-�r •j,part r law .`7 q EXECtITED this 4th day of January A. D. 1982. LAKEWOOD BANK A TRUST, TRUSTEE FOR BALE HILL ... INVESTMENTS...INC...MGN5y..PURCHASE..PENSION..PIM ... LAKEWOOD..BANK. .&..TRUST, --TRUSTEE -TOR - THE.DALE, LeROY HILL AND KATHERINE HOPKINS HILL'' CHILDREN'S TRUST DATED JULY 12, 1979 (Acknowledgment) . ........ THESTATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS V, Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 04 30D BANK A TRUST, TRUSTEE FOR DALE HILL INVESTMENTS, INC. MONEY kn n .......... whose name.jS ...... subscribed to the foregoing going Instrument, and scknowIsdged to me that .......... he ........ executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein express".9' 'and in the capacity therein stated. I 01"a %sadermy, land and awl of office on this day of January A.D. 1982. .1 ..................... In and int, ounty, Taxes. IL mIsslon expires P ................. -7 .......... ;9 .. !r4', . ................................ ps , ftjiqlcd or stamped name of notary) r, 1A. A, I" -A IME STATE OF TEXAS' -'vCOUNTY OF, 1 DALLAS AL *ROy 'KATHERINE HOPKINS. E L ALL AND, Ty 4 BANK a TRUST,:,TRU1STE9 FOR D teivfor� I -MEOW CHILDREN'S .TRUST' DATED JULY 129.1979,- X4 `known w me 044*60 Win* subscribed ta-the to mar r nd it OISE = MR "a of jjj6"oj'tfiIs Bayne •",'[�Jarituary 16, e,� Wi44h1'J't 4. e . .....G . ..... Pub In for j County. Texas. - d Mt;W C4 itx,�L My commission (in --PWL ..................................... (Printed or stamped starnit.of jap!aq)'%,� zt (Acknowledgment) 01 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ...... ...... Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person .......... whose name ................. subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that........ he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the day of A.D. 19 ...................... Nota.. Public.. 'u'*b'* i I c- * I t a' n- d** "f'o"r ------------------------------------ County, Texas. Mycommission expires ........................................... ... . .. . 19......... . .............................................. .......... (Printed or stamped name of notary) 34, 0 A 0 96 (Corporate Ackftwleftment) THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF I Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of a corporation" known to me to be :he person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to mi that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. Given under my hand and seal of office On this the day of A.D. 19 j'&­r`y' .. Public - in and [or Count y Texas. MY commission expires ............ 19 (r rin t ed or stamped nama of notary) Y N? it ti 'J C, 11 w1i EXHIBIT "A" TRACT 1 V(' -- SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the George Fitzhugh Survey, Abstract No. 321, being a resurvey of part of the 244.78 Acre (THIRD TRACT) described in a deed from Mrs. Grace Davis Angel to Charles Allen Angel, Jr., dated April 26, 1966, recorded in Volume 677, Page 395 of the Collin County Deed Records, being described p by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron'pin set at the Southwest corner of said 244.78 acre tract at the Southwest corner of said F{tzhugh survey in the center of a North-South dirt road; same being in the North Right -of -Way line of State Highway No. 121; THENCE North 00 18' 14" West 2043.83 feet with the West line of said 244.78 acre tract and the West line of said survey and with said dirt road to an iron pin set in said road at the Northwest corner of said survey and 244.78 acre tract for a corner; THENCE North 890 21' 45" East with the North line of said 244.78 acre tract passing an iron pin set beside a corner post at 19.4 feet and continuing along the south side of d fence and approximately with the center of an apparently abandoned road passing 2.4 feet south of a corner post at 1610 feet and continuing with the center of said apparently abandoned road in all 1767.52 feet to a point in Cotton- i wood creek and in the center of a four pile bridge bent of a washed out bridge for an angle point; THENCE North 890 35' 40" East 2793.8 feet approximately with the center of an apparently abandoned road and with the North line of said 244.78 acre tract and the North line of said Fitzhugh Survey to an iron pin set in the North Right - of -Way line of State Highway No. 121 for a corner; THENCE Southwesterly with the North Right-cf-Way line of State Highway No. )v` 121 as follows: r South 0° 01' 35" East 30.28 feet to an iron pin set beside a !f concrete Right -of -Way marker; South 64° 44' West 2395.44 feet; South 100 26' 38" West 100.5 feet; South 640 441. West 100.0 feet; South 59 01" 22" West 100.5 feet; q. South 640 44' West 2099.68 feet to a concrete Right -of -Way marker; I� South 890 09' 15" West 211.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 113.544 acres of land. I�TRACT 2 SITUATED 1n Collin County, Tex a George Fitzhugh Survey, Abstract . 321, being a resurvey of part of the 244.78 acre (THIRD TRACT) described n a deed from Mrs. Grace Davis Angel to Charles Allen Angel, Jr., dated April 26, 1966, recorded in Volume 672, Page 395 of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows: ' BEGINNING at an iron pin set at the Southeast corner of said 244.78 acre tract the of a rock nthe hedge rowensio roadand the fron theeast north,rinrof linesaid withFanzhugh estdablishe;same fence�andng from west, THENCE Westgrly with the South line of said 244.78 acre tract as follows: WSouth 89 51' 46" West 1229.98 feet to a point; feet South 890 44' 36" West passing an iron pin found at 1272.09 feet; and continuing in all with an established fence ]]521.90 North 88 34' 24" West 392.26 feet to an iron pin beside a corner pgst where said fence ends and corners to the nort , 23' 48" West 1596.04 feet with_a_hedge row and turn row Of South 89 a(fand with the North side of a sodded•waterway to an iron pin set in said No. 121 nOsouth line and in the south Right -of -Way line of State Highway for a corner; I THENCE Nortteasterly with said Sou t Right-ot-Way line as follows: feet; North 64 44' East 1838.34 feet; forth b0 26' 38" East 100.5 feet, North 640 44' East 100.0 feetw rth 59 O1' 22" East 100.5 'feet � North 640 441 East 2734.54 to an iron pin set; • North 89 03 East 314.41 feet to an iron pin set at the Northeast 'w corner of said 244.78 acre tract and the Northeast corner of said Fitzhugh su�veyfora corner; % THENCE South 0 3112211East 2068.39 feet with the East line of said 244.78 acre tract and with said rock road and with the East line of said Fitzhugh survey land. �'• to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 119.4308acres of a lxj::-U- Pffi� 41 �?V AF9 kup-7 EXHIBIT "C" ANNEXATION SERVICE PIAN PROVISION OF SERVICE: The proposed annexation will allow the City of Allen to provide services to the site, thereby facilitating good planning and development. The City of Allen, Texas, will provide for the extension of municipal services and make them available to the annexed territory on the following terms and conditions: 1. WATER SERVICE: Existing Service: Water mains available to limited sections of F.M. 2170 and U.S. 75. Services to be provided: Water services to the annexed area will be provided within four and one-half years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance in accordance with existing City of Allen ordinances, resolutions, and regulations. 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE: Existing Service: Trunk lines available to limited sections of the Rowlett Creek and Watters Creek basins. Services to be provided: Sewer services to the annexed area will be provided within four and one-half years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance in accordance with existing City of Allen ordinances, resolutions, and regulations. 3. FIRE PROTECTION: Existing Service: Collin County contract with the City of Allen. Services to be provided: Fire protection and emergency medical service personnel and equipment from the Allen Fire Department shall be provided to residents of the annexed area upon request, to begin within sixty days (60) from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. This area is to be primarily served by the Central Fire Station, located at 105 S. Anna in Allen, Texas, with a goal of an eight -minute response time for ambulances and fire engines. Station #2, located at 1100 Exchange Dr. in Allen, will provide backup service for the area. Requests for fire services will be free; however, fees for ambulances will be charged according to established ordinances or policies. 4. POLICE PROTECTION: Existing Service: None. Services to be provided: Police protection and equipment from the Allen Police Department shall be provided to residents of the annexed area within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Police enforcement and protection services shall be provided 'as part of the existing patrol district system. Within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, the Allen Police Department will include the area into its monitoring system and provide routine patrol of said area and respond to calls for service. 5. SOLID WASTE: Existing Services: None. Z9 Exhibit "C" to Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 Page 1 Services to be provided: Solid waste collection service shall be provided to residents in the annexed area in accordance with existing City of Allen ordinances, resolutions, and regulations, to begin within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Residential collection services to include garbage/trash pickup two times a week. Commercial pick up will be accomplished on an as -needed basis. Recycling pickup for residential will be provided once a week and commercial on an as -needed basis. 6. MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND STREETS: Existing Services: None. Services to be provided: Street maintenance and other street services shall be provided to the annexed area in accordance with the level of service that is being provided within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. As streets are constructed or reconstructed in undeveloped portions of the annexed area, the applicable City of Allen ordinances, resolutions, and regulations, with regard to design standards, participation in the costs of construction, acceptance upon completion, maintenance, and other street services after completion, shall apply. Services to include repair and maintenance of public street rights-of-way (private streets will not be maintained by the City of Allen) which include rehabilitation, repair, and ditch drainage maintenance. Maintenance and repair of streets are scheduled and performed on an as -needed basis. Emergency situations are scheduled for same-day repairs. There are provisions available for the submission and acceptance of street dedications, by instrument, by the City of Allen. If dedications are approved, streets could be entered into the existing street inventory and repairs initiated as needed. All expenses for these surfaces will be absorbed within the operating budget. 7. PARKS AND RECREATION: Existing Services: All of the City of Allen's parks and recreation facilities are currently available to the residents of the area. Services to be provided: All of the City of Allen's parks and recreation facilities and programs shall be available for use by residents of the annexed area, to begin within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 8. LIBRARY SERVICE: Existing Services: The City of Allen library facilities are presently available to the residents of the area. Service to be provided: All of the City of Allen facilities and programs shall be available for use by the residents of the annexed area. The Allen Public Library is located at 2 Civic Plaza. 9. PLANNING AND ZONING: Existing Services: Subdivision Platting. so 1233-4-94 Exhibit "C" to Ordinance No. Page 2 Services to be provided: The planning and zoning jurisdictions of the City of Allen will extend to the annexed area within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. These services will include the enforcement of zoning and subdivision regulations, processing of applications for zoning change, site plans, and subdivision platting. All properties annexed into the City will be initially zoned "AO" Agriculture Open Space without regard to its present use or potential use as a "Transition Zone." Changes in zoning for specific tracts will be processed in accordance with state law, including public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council prior to final action. Existing uses of property at the time of annexation will be allowed to continue as nonconforming uses, though the zoning of the property will initially be "AO." Expansion of nonconforming uses must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.05, and applicable State law. 10. ANIMAL CONTROL - Existing Service: None. Service to be provided: Animal control services will be provided to residents of annexed area within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 11. MISCELLANEOUS: Existing Service: None. Service to be provided: General municipal administrative, health, and code enforcement services of the City of Allen will be provided to residents of the area, to begin within sixty (60) days from the effective date of the annexation ordinance. This plan further incorporates, where applicable, as though fully written herein, all requirements of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code §43.056 relating to the provisions of municipal services to areas annexed by municipalities. The Local Government Code §43.056 "does not require that a uniform level of full municipal services be provided to each area of the municipality if different characteristics of topography, land use and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different levels of service." This service plan, for ' the annexation of property to the City of Allen, has been prepared by the Department .of Community Development of the City of Allen, in conformance with the requirements Of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code §43.056. If there are any questions, please call that department at (214) 727-0120. - . - ��.. •'--its-' '.�� ti'. t e 3a Exhibit "C" to Ordinance No. 1233-4-94 Page 3 Return To: CITY SECRETARY City of Allen One Butler Circle 0 Alleh, T@xA§ pnANY►NOYI510NHFREtNwItICHMI'iSSFIEpU,REHTAL.O%U1[OFTHE DESCRIBED R �l rg4►ERS AECA 't UEe OFCOLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFRA �" � FEOEAAL IAY4 (COUMY OF COLLIN) —5 -TAT -f- M TEXthtAS)dftkAtMfftffi lE �Q^OECo O. ��11NOEiM )And tM 11rrft 3unp dFd h9I1C MI: 01 COWo Couahi• 70= mon OR IN wcw Pw* BMWs 01 Rew Rope MAY 0 5 1994 1DUIM C ERKCOLUN CWHFY•TEXAS `.../ Filed for Record in: COLLIN COUNTY TX HONORABLE HELEN STARNES On 1994/05/05 At 10:49A Number: 94- 0043520 Type : OR 71.00 Return To: CITY SECRETARY City of Allen one Butler Ci ol02 3a Alft, TOM ANY tMtOYlstOw ttEREtw YYltwTl pEBERt OTHE SAU?. FIkMAL oR tqE OFANE DESCRIBED R �A II11DpERi7 BiCAUBE Nf COIOR OR FACE IS tMfAUO AND UNEwFORCEA J�uIR FEDER& LAW gM OF CO UN) �E 6TAiE Ot TE%AS► D. 1 MreDY nrtCY tfrst dds insUa holup by mg, W0 xx dory NEC Tom on ow tM Dfti w Pow BMWs at RWI PrMay of C" Qvft 7Oe MAY 0 5 1994 Ad C—cmCouMn CIFRK DAWN CoLV Y. TEXAS Filed for Record in: COL.LIN COUNTY. TX HONORABLE HELEN STARNES nn 1994/05/05 At 10:49A Number: 94- 0043520 Type : OR 71.00 J 1 1 AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing 264.2505 Acres of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLENAMERICANon Wednesday, february 16, 1994 and which was issued on February 16, 1994 by City of Allen of COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this /15, day of A.D 19 �)_ V. A. TODD MY COMMISSION EXPIRES December 5, 1996 d'a-!la_,e� NOTARY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Publisher's fee $2 4:7 5 CITY OF ALLEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Allen Cit, Council will hold two public hearings, tht first will be held on Monday, February 28 1994, at 2:00 p.m. in the City Counci Chambers of the Municipal Annex Build. ing. One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, anc the second public hearing will be held al the regular meeting of the City Council on Thursday, March 3, 1994, at 7:30 p.m, in the City Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, to consider public input on a unila- teral annexation proceeding by the Allen City Council of approximately 264.2505 Acres being the following Tracts: Parcel No. 14 consisting of 1.18 Acres being Tract 1, Abstract 301, G. Estes Survey; Parcel 15 consisting of 37.3060 Acres being Tract 13, Abstract 719, J. Philip Survey; Parcel No. 16 consisting of 3.0 Acres being Tract 10, Abstract 719, J. Philip Survey, Parcel No. 42 consisting of 93 1537 Acres being Tract 2, Abstract 280. Francis Dosser Survey; Parcel No 43 consisting of 10.,18 Acres being Tract 12, Abstract 701, G. Philips Survey; Parcel No. 44 consisting of 119.4308'Acres being Tract 2, Abstract 321, G Fitzhugh Survey; said area being described as Zone 3 for Annexation Pur- poses and located south of S.H 121 and east of F.M 2478 (Custer Rd ). Collin County. Texas; extending the boundary limits of the City to include the property previously described into the corporate limits of the City of Allen. Anyone wishing to speak either FOR or AGAINST this unilateral annexation is in -1 vited to attena these public hearings and voice his or her opinion For further information, contact the Depart- ment of Community Development. City of 411en. One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, or by Telephoning 727-0120 Judy Morrison -ity Secretary Publisher's fee $ 5 6 . 2 6 xF- -m<-7U—Z�zmd: �00F-'Om "0' Biu i o' c Q �H"0 COd rrJw21-¢a-¢¢oQZ���X��Z,a:z: crna�Dw o c I � � v m W ..W�0c0a u)_O._�,jQa��JU-W WF -u- m c 2L >.,� a�� - a� Q > >;a �u)ocn U }�F-} F -W NmZ¢LLDciW a- Oa > v= U 0 c C v-L)P 0]iW-iZF..W CQ >_ ¢ c� O w vi2 a'W a`�i a>¢ IWU. C1 ¢UD �LnmZ0 a)4�Urn0Q¢O000�Q¢20EX-i nZOJ X60 o,C ° C M a=>� -1 v c'~LOF-F= >¢��¢��N-ZNav¢¢0 ¢-mU to o �a mg mo U - _j Z<0^.o1 c T=ID6NOtn1-Wool-�F-�Z ���>o_i�OLLZW_jW- xc��rogo.o� mW- ILL °c' 2) rn r;U.c`°_ZZ¢rrcoUO_Z_�c_nQuwiin~�LLMc¢W¢QZ0F--0 m uj `��° �� c�a o Cc E� OJ 0).C: C co C d p}O i��X W2rnmmZ¢DO¢}Z(n_�Ur } -0 E 3 c i0 �j=d� c C Nm ~LU m a> 3, .2:W_5Q LL Uuxa0E-o0���Nujuj r,uJuJ N6ZU oZ0 c cu mt-2.T o 75 c� c �U�t0 j?� m> "t�O�mwZ�,jaV ��wUvW�rjQ(np�cn��� o y Unma 0 - CU (0 - � UU.�oX2Lu 0 - F- mQ d-�Sm LL `� R� c o to � W~ x� OHZ�Lu C7-F-wOUOrn�Om Z 0-dOMWOM2 CrOMM y N c c d �O� cQo 0 o O I Lc a) o��wVoO¢�LLmJ¢(:5-a: 0ZN�Zj�QF-a c =t o c� �U(j :: m��� ZU__O0 ¢ c¢ZU¢c0UF-cnOiUQNUUj voa�uF W�Ovw�ir 8 3 c CU o;_«o o LU m� ¢f�vm�pF-rnNF-Ja2m m C�iU C Z=> atnH �i CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinance at AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION their regular meeting on Thursday, April 7, 1994 (Title only): Ordinance No. 1233-4-94: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, THE STATE OF TEXAS Annexing the Hereinafter -Described Ter - COUNTY OF COLLIN ritory to the City of Allen, Texas, APPROXIMATELY 264.2505 ACRES BE- BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally ING THE FOLLOWING, TRACTS: PAR - CEL NO. 14 CONSISTING OF 1.18 appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath ACRES BEING TRACT 1, ABSTRACT deposes and says: 301, G. ESTES SURVEY; PARCEL 15 That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a CONSISTING OF 37.3060 ACRES BEING newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once P 4 Y TRACT 13, ABSTRACT 7C J. PHILIP SURVEY; PARCEL NO. 16 CONSISTING a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published OF 3.0 ACRES BEING TRACT 10, AB - regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing STRACT 719, J. PHILIP SURVEY; PAR- CEL NO. 42 CONSISTING OF 93.1537 Ordinance 1233-4-94 ACRES BEING TRACT 2, ABSTRACT 280, FRANCIS DOSSER SURVEY; PAR- CEL NO. 43 CONSISTING OF 10.18 ACRES BEING TRACT 12, ABSTRACT 701, G. PHILIPS SURVEY; PARCEL NO. of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE 44 CONSISTING OF 119.4308 ACRES BEING TRACT, 2, ABSTRACT 321, G. ALLEN AMERICAN on April 13, 1994 & April 17, 1994 FITZHUGH SURVEY; SAID AREA BEING DESCRIBED AS ZONE 3 FOR ANNEXA- TION PURPOSES AND LOCATED and which was issued on April 1 3 , 1994 SOUTH OF S.H. 121 AND EAST OF F.M. , 2478 (CUSTER RD.), COLLIN COUNTY, b City o f Allen of COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS YLIMITS TEXAS;EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY Hereinafter -described as Exhibits "A" and A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto. "B" within the City Limits and Granting to all Inhabitants and Owners of Said Prop- erty all of the Rights and Privileges of other /Citizens and binding all Inhabitants by all L the Ofdinances,,Acts, Regulations, and Resolutions of Said City; Providing for Ex- hibit "C" Service Plan; Providing a Severa= SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before this A3 day A.D 19 97 bility Clause; and Providing for }the Effec- me of tive Date of Said Ordinance.` ' A copy of this ordinance may bq� read or purchased in the office of the Oty Secret- ge.V f" V. A. TODD [ -�� ary, City of Allen, One Butler Circled Allen_, MY MMMISSION EXPIRES U T December 5, 1888 4,,.. Texas 75002-2773. RY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Morrin Judyty C Ci Secretary Publisher's fee $ 5 6 . 2 6 xF- -m<-7U—Z�zmd: �00F-'Om "0' Biu i o' c Q �H"0 COd rrJw21-¢a-¢¢oQZ���X��Z,a:z: crna�Dw o c I � � v m W ..W�0c0a u)_O._�,jQa��JU-W WF -u- m c 2L >.,� a�� - a� Q > >;a �u)ocn U }�F-} F -W NmZ¢LLDciW a- Oa > v= U 0 c C v-L)P 0]iW-iZF..W CQ >_ ¢ c� O w vi2 a'W a`�i a>¢ IWU. 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