HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1285-9-94ORDINANCE NO. 1285-9-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 829-11-87, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, AND ORDINANCE 603-4-85 TO AMEND FLOOD PLAIN -PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 31 (FP -PD NO. 31) BY AMENDING THE LAND USE PLAN AND AREA AND USE REGULATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND: 282 ACRES OF LAND IN ABSTRACT NO. 1017 AND 1018 OF THE JOSEPH H. WILCOX SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 326 OF THE G. W. FORD SURVEY AND ABSTRACT NO. 755 OF THE JOSEPH RUSSELL SURVEY, CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR A LAND USE PLAN, PROVIDING FOR AREA AND USE REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Allen, and the governing body of the City of Allen, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Allen, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording full and fair hearing to all the property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and in the exercise of its legislative discretion, have concluded that Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, as previously amended, and Ordinance No. 603-4-85 should be changed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 603-4-85 and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87 of the City of Allen, Texas, as previously amended, be and the same are hereby amended by changing the Zoning Map of the City of Allen to amend Flood Plain -Planned Development No. 31 (FP -PD No. 31) on 282 acres of land in Abstract No. 1017 and 1018 of the Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 326 of the G. W. Ford Survey, and Abstract No. 755 of the Joseph Russell Survey, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. SECTION 2: The property described in Exhibit "F" attached hereto shall be used in the manner and for the purposes provided for as approved herein. SECTION 3: The amended Land Use Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "G" is made a part hereof for all purposes and shall be adhered to in its entirety. SECTION 4: The amended area and use regulations attached hereto as Exhibit "H" is made a part hereof for all purposes and shall be adhered to in its entirety. SECTION 5: All ordinances of the City of Allen in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6: Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87 of the City of Allen, as previously amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. SECTION 7: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance are severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other remaining phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional. SECTION 8: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Allen, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 15TH DAY OF SFP'T=R . 1994. APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: 4"101 5; Ke Farmer, MAYOR ATTEST: • TM , CMC, CITY SECRETARY Ordinance No. 1285-9-94 Page 2 TOM THUMB FOOD & DRUGS TEL:12143852838 E 8121T r Jun 09'94 14:07 No.004 P.01 'Waft !10". the. . H . "Wil�C�c -Surety, 3MC siL' umd in tine JaaD Hatlet 3ttrveY. _ 'atiaticaa No..:1017 , City of Adan. Ooilin �Y,'� Te>ras and baipt os; a ccacz of- lmd conveyed. trm Alan 2170 Joint- Vagms -to *Wllaat • sa &rAW Ammoclation by eubstift1te Lresstae-a deed as re=ded in Volae 3085, Page 887, Dead Rmeo=s of Collin Commy, Tsps, said tract conveyed tents Utal DeMe].opI, 1=. to Blas - 217.0� - 0 b and being de rearded In .Vblm a 2253, Page 957, Deed Ra=ccks of Collin C=MY. p =1calm betait d as teailta+e: �8L'! .Y 3C3XL40 at a found 3/8 Lodi ISDn sod .in Vw s=orely line of Hc0@ molt Dtive, F. X. 2170 (a 120 foot X19M .of wRY) and said Point being 8 .89. 15' 17■ 61, a• diatanee of 390.00 fest fico an intatowtlon of the aouthmly.line at.lAcDwmott Dtivs with the octant lis oa as old AlRotd tans and,edicatad roadwy! , m d said point be.09 the nacthwwc cc== t=act of lard mweyed to Jack Ems by dead recorded in Volum 787, Page 721, Dead Records of Collin Conary, T m; THU=, S 004 .381141 E, departing the scuthwly litY of )C0= art Crive and xitri tht wmareziy lim of the said 6vam =a=, ;.swung the soutnerest Corner of the said Evans t=ae= and the nozT110 sat carnes of a tra= of ].and cammyed to Bobby R. willazd by coed recorded in Volume 1673, page 7290, Deed &mc=ds of Callus may, ` mm, in all a distm= of 11110.90 feet .to a found 1/2 inns ixon rod far a t;' c in the northerly litre of a tsa= of land tomvayed to J� CoW by deed, rm=mdW in Volume 728, Page 333 and Volum 742, Page 593, Deed Roc=dn of Collin Cronnty, Tt�s; THENCE, H 88'50' 11" w, wi= the northaxly line o; the said . Cobb t=om, a distance of 231.9: feet to a found 1/2 inch axon rod tot a earnez, said point being tha ncrto+erm corm o: the said Cabb tract; TF EWM, 3 01' 43' 10" W, with the wima rly line of the said Cobb tract, a distarnce of 41.6E feet to a found 1/2 Inch iron sod tot a corns, said point being the northeast corner of a tract of lard ccx weyed to St=eak, Inc. by deed zecotded in Volme 2527, Page 789, Deed Records of Collin Camty, Tww; ZHFI42E, N 88' 16' 50" W, with the rArUwly line of use said staczeek, Irc. tzaam, a diatame of 32.24 feet to a set 1/2 in= :rat Tod for a corner in the soot kA te=ly line of 3uncreetc Boulevard (a 60 foot zignt of ►ay, uniz;wove+d) as dedicated by mm reeasdec 1n Volme F, Page 531, MM Records of Collin Cmz=y, Trams, said point lying in a stave to the left wit`. a central angle of 27036'58", a radius of 880.00 lest, a crosd Ing of N 13003'46" E am a c turd dLstaaee of 420.06 feet; TiiSZNCF. b1=TX wWce_ly, with the sarrtnemme ly line o! Su=eetc Boulevard, ari arc distance or 424.15 feet to a act 1/1 inch iron rod at `..ne point of t4h9encY; T==, N 00-4414?" fit, with the easterly line o= 3%=aek Boulevard, a distance of 711.5: feet to a set 1/2 Inch Iron rod for a canner in tae aoutrsezly lits of HcDer=tt Drive; TWOM, N 89.15'17" t, with the scutbe=iy line of McDermott Drive, a distarsce of 167.9: feet to the: Point o! beainrunc. _ _ f Poet -It" brand tax transmittei memo 1871 10 at P w ' Ordinance No. 1285-9-94 Eohibit ITI TOM THUMB FOOD & DRUGS TEL:12143852838 EMBIT "A" CONTINIIID. Tpjk= I Jun 09'94 14:07 No.004 P.02 o==N0 at a set 1/2 ir= iron rod a.. the intersa=ion of the southerly 1,no of i===. oarive, T. M. 2170 (a 120 foot right of may) with the t.rasterly line of Sur=eek Boulevar: (a 60 foot tight of tray+ uMtWOvad) as dedicated by map recnrcled in Voluee F, p up MSP 20==M 0i Collin COMCy, Ta:as, and said point being S 89.15117■ W+ a distassea530 617.22 fast f=em tM 1rXa=Gatior: of the Southerly lime of Cott Drive with Lbs Go= line at old AIM Road (an tiandadl =ted roa&way) , ZAQ=, S 00.44143" E. with the umterly 11ne of Sun=eex Boulevard, a distance o: 741.! feet to a set 1/2 irrz iron :od at the oegin.zing of a curve to the r3 aNls of 28. 34155p, a radius of 820.00 feet, a ctiozd wring o= S 13 ' 44" t� aght with cerc�a distance of 404.83 feet; 2ana a enor.. lYr with the immtbe■st wly Line Co 3w=s" Boulevard and alaN Mai C=n,, an aXC idistaMe of 40!.06 feet to a sat 1./2 ir= iron rod for a c�rnrz in tt'� �t'hetly lima of a I=� of 1� v eyed 2527. Pop 719+ awd. Records of Collie C mty+tTanaa; �' Inc. by deed zGorded ir. Voliar of 78. ,y 62'3 o a a w"i : '.,. n=rthesly line o: the said Sunc=eevc, Inc. tragi, a diararc ' of 78.31 tit to a fob L2 itrsi lion tad for a cornaz, said point cotr�ar ot• a ttaat of land to Rietmrd 0. Jam deed zecorded�Ln the Mouz130. Page 3CS, Deed R+e�ds of Co, lite Co=y Vole I30: Tt:zse; rM=. N 00 a 41131, W, w th the easusly 11M of the said Jags =act rat AMANS oatoe= of tbs said Jasrs tract acid the souimasr � AmsC' q u A� � by dead r� in Vblu■e 1Qi8. Pegr 210 �� a f=Cdact c lar OQatel►. =Saes; SZ all a distawoa of 1,e96.79 leer Loa ;rirsr3 2/2 of it scufta lY Lim'of Utz Drive, salt Point b=wa eirw- the nazst carnes at- tbw said sw r�ract; • .. with the souChw;.y line of �Wrxr: Drive, a dlaza=e o: toot . to the lbirR_. _ ft PoaL 1MAY4 167. Page 2 of 2 do of wept insurance. S S s„ LEGAL DESCRIPTION } TRACT 'A' '. ,^�`N BEING 5.442 acres of land located In the JOSEPH H. WILCOX rVEY. Abatroct(ijo':tplj+CI}V of Alen, Colts .Texas and be al that certain traclmd a w;Ua7,.- I 'J ���"J "7 9rye r as Tract 'A' to Majestic Savings Association occord to the SubstI a 'W" " - e"' 1, =�. 1 Deed recorded in Vokume 2639, page 595 of the Deed Records of and more particularly described by metes and bound as follows s T BEGIFf" at a_ 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Northwest corner of sold Tr ;;' A'' be the Northwest comer of said Wilcox Survey and lying In the Easter j Soutti'� rn boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Richard D. James ding tot '11 the deed recorded M Vokime 1303, page 305 of the Deed Records Co1M County. Texas 2 's THENCE S 88. 58' 30' E. 593.16 feet along said survey line to a 1 2 -inch Iron found at the most Easterly Southeast corner of sold James Tr "being the Southwest corner of that certain froct of land conveyed to''Savings Association according to the Substitute Trustee's Deed. recorded , in Vokume z r 3065, page 887 of the Deed Records of. Colin County, Texas, THENCE S 62. 34' 39' E, 78.06 feet along the South boundary Iine of sold Hallmark Savings Tract to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the most Easterly Nor corner of aforesold Tract "A" lying In the Northwest right-of-way Ilne,of Stncreek Boulevard (a 60 foot wide right-of-way) as dedicated to the City of Alen, Colin County, Texas according to the plat recorded In Cabinet ' F' , page 561 of the Plot Records of Colin County, Texas, THENCE along the sold Northwest right-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevordl,as follows i SOUTHWESTERLY, 113.58 feet along a Curve to the Right hav a radius of 570.00 feet, a central angle of II. 25' 02' and a chord bearl "s 33038' s 22' W. 113.40 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Big um "'' another :' w; Curve to the Right, ,of SOUTHWESTERLY., 182.97 feef<olorp sold Curve to'ihe Right � � `feet; ing a rodlus:of',.h,a �'S x'43 %� `�: ` �' `0-1,' 320:00 ''c, oentrd angle of 32. 45' 40' and ;o 86id- bear 55 •- . �� 43' W; 80:49 feet to o'` 1/2= Inch Iron rod set' of the' 8egInnI `f a ar-4 to=y' n the Left, �r •�` t, 1 , . r, ��r, , feet'abng said CWe tothe, Left Ing a radius of =��.203'.02 tral angle of 30. 36' 37' and a chord bear S 56. 48' 14' W. : 200.6 1, feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the End of sol e, , S 410 - 29,' 56 W. 382.47 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at Beginning of a Curve to the Left, ; SOUTHWESTERLY, 188.70 feet along sold Curve to the Left t�ving a radius of 280.00 feet. a centrol angle of 38. 36' 47' and a lard bear S 22. 11' 32' W. 185.15 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Southwest corner of aforesaid Tract 'A' lying M the East boundary line of that certain trod of land conveyed to Margaret M. McDermott according to the deed recorded In Volume 2198, page 507 of the Deed Records of Colin Canty, Texas and lying in the West fine of aforesaid Wilcox Survey, , THENCE N 02. 53' 09' E. 811.36 feet along the East boundary line of sold McDermott Tract and the Southeast boundary line of aforesaid James Tract to the PLACE OF BEG!<VNING, containing 5.442 acres (237, 076 square feet ) of laird. TRACT ' B' TRA_ CT ,; 8 i! ,3 '" "' . �, . , , • BEING 51.175 acres of land located In the JO' SEAM H1': > WILCOX�StJRVEY. Abstract No . 1017; City of Alen, Collin Canty. Texas and bekq c portion of •allot certoln tr of land A. conveyed as Tract 'B" to Majestic SovkV Association according to. Substitute Trustee's Deed recorded In Voksne 2639, gags 595 of the DeedR ds of Colin 5' County. Texas and more particularly described by metes and bonds as foll Us I BECANNING at a 1/2 -Inch iron rod set at the most East e�y Southmst�V%Awner of Suucreek Boulevard (a 60 -foot wide right-of-woy ) as deded to the'4,City of Alen. Colin County. Texas occording to the plot recorded in Cabinet 'F' . poge•:561. of the Plot Records of Colin County. Texos, THENCE along the Easterly right-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevard as follows, N 58. 10' 33' W, 110.00 feet to a 1/2 -loch Iron rod set N 59- 481 19' W. 362.41 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beg InnIng of a Curve to the Right, NORTHWESTERLY, 623.67 feet along said Curve to the Right having a radius of 570.00 feet. a central angle of 62. 41' 27' and a chord bearing N 28. 27' 36' W. 593.02 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the End of sold Curve, N 02- 53' 09' E. 991.29 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, NORTHEASTERLY, 148.26 feet along said Curve to the Right having a radius of 220.00 feet. a control angle of 38' 36' 47' and a chord bearing N 22- II' 32' E. 145.47 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron set at the End of sold Curve, N 41- 29' 56' E. 382.47 feet to a 1/2 -loch Iron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, NORTHEASTERLY. 170.96 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius 320.00 feet. a central angle of 30' 36' 37' and a chord bowing N 56. 48' : a 14' E. 168.93 feet to_a 1/2 -Inch Won rod set at the Beglnnkg of a Curve to ' the Left, y NORTHEASTERLY. 217.28 - feet along` sold Curve to the Left toving a rod km of 380.00 feet. a central angle of 32. 45' 40' and a chard bearing N 55. 43' 43' E. 214.33 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of another- .j Curve to the Left, NORTHEASTERLY. 126.00 feet along sold Curve to the Left Having a radius of 630.00 feet. a control angle of 11--27' 33' and a chord bearing N 33. 37' 06' E. 125.79 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of another Curve to the Left, NORTHEASTERLY. 14.36 feet along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 880.00 feet, a central angle of 00. 56' 06' and a chord bearing N 27. 25' 17' E. 14.36 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the most Northerly Northwest corner of aforesaid Tract 'B' . lying In the South boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Holmork Savings Association according to the Substitute Trustee's Deed recorded In Vokune 3085. page 887 of the Deed Records of Colin County. Texas, THENCE S 88. 14' 56' E. 32.44 feet along the South boundary line of said Hallmark Savings Tract to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod found at the Northeost corner of said Tract ' B' . tying In the West boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to James G. Cobb and wife Katherine A. Cobb oocording to the deed recorded In Vokme 728. page 338 of the Deed Records of Colin County, Texas, THENCE S 01. 45' 00' W. 930.84 feet along the West boundary line of said Cobb Tract and the West boundary line of that certain tract of ked conveyed to Robert E. Theobald and wife. Margaret A. Theobald according to the deed recorded In Vokune 1052. page 758 of the Deed Records of Colin County. Texas and the West boundary line of that certain tract of ked conveyed to James Cobb and wife. Katherine A. Cobb according to the deed recorded in Vokuns 742. page 593 of the Deed Records of Colin County. Texas to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod found, THENCE S 01. 52' 02' W. 843.46 feet continulnq along the West body line of sold Cobb Tract recorded In Vokxne 742, page 593 to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod found at the Southwest corner thereof , THENCE N 89' 45' 23' E. 571.11 feet along the South boundary line of sold Cobb Tract to a 1/2—inch Iron rod found at the Southeast corner thereof hying In Old Alma Drive and lying In the West boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to A.V. Hamliton according to the deed recorded In Vokune 290. page 257 of the Deed Records of Colin County, Texas, THENCE S 02. 01' 04' W. 1394.85 fest along the said West boundary line of A.V. Hamilton Tract and the West boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Aubrey Hamilton and wife. Marleta Hamilton according to the deed recorded In Volume 297, page 405 of the Deed Records of Collin County. Texas to a point lying in Rowlett Creek, THENCE along sold Rowlett Creek as folows t N 66. 02' 44' W, 195.27 feet to a point, S 68. 42' 16' W. 165.00 feet to a point, N 47. 17' 44' W. 220.00 feet to a point , N 87' 471 44' W. 282.20 feet to a point, N 17' 08' 40' W. 36.22 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of Akna Drive (a 55—foot wide right—of—way ) according to the plat record In Cabinet ' F' , page 505 of the Plat Records of Colin County, Texas, THENCE along the East right—of—way line of said Alma Drive as follows N 26' 01' 36' E. 406.41 feet to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right , NORTHEASTERLY. 95.13 feet along said Curve to the Right having a radius of 945.00 feet. a central angle of 05' 46' 03' and a chord bearing N 28. 54' 37' E, 95.09 feet to the PLACE OF BEGIMVNG. containing 51.175 acres (2, 229, 167 square feet ) of land. ,1.. d, t,, . t� BM 177.451 acres of land located In the' : OMPH M . WILCOX SMVEYS. Abstract Nos . 1017 and 1016, G. W. FORD SURVEY, Abstroct_ A6. 326 and .JOSEPH RUSSELL SURVEY, Abstract 775, City of Allen, Colin County. Texas aiid being al that certain tract of lord conveyed as Tract ' Co' to Malestic - Savings Association according to the Substitute Trustee's Deed recorded in Volume 2639, page 595 of the Deed Records of Colin County. Texas and more particularly described by motes and bonds as follows, BEGI MM at 1/2—Inch Iron rod set In the West right of—way line of Airco Drive (a 55— foot wide right—of—way) at Its Intersection with the North right—of—way line of Hedgcoxe Road Ia I10—foot wide right—of—way ) as'dedicated to the City of Alen. 'Colin County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet ' F' , pop 506 of the Plat Records of Colin County. Texas, THENCE along the said North right—of—way line of Hsdgcoxe as follows 1 N 74' 00' 49' W. 95.21 feet to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod set of the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, NORTHWESTERLY, 463.87 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius of 1295.00 feet. a central angle of 20. 31' 25' and a chord bearing N 63. 45' 07' W. 461.40 feet to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Left, - - NORTHWESTERLY. 907.37 feet along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 1405.00 feet. a central angle of 37. 00' 09' and a chord bearing N 71' 59' 29' W. 891.68 feet to a 1/2—Inch Iron rod set at the End of said Curve, S 89' 30' 27' W. 1126.47 feet to a 1/2—Inch Iran rod set In the East bohpdary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Nash PhOlps/Copus. Inc. according to the deed recorded In Volun`s 2324, page 789 of the Deed Records of Colin County, Texas, r' THENCE along 'the Ent boundary line of sold Nosh PhMlps/Copus Tract as folows i N 000" 36' .06' W. 27.44 feet to a 1/27 -inch. Iron set of the Beginning of a Curve to, the. Left,' NORTHWESTERLY, 404.91 feet along sold ;Curve to the Left having a rodlus of 1450.00 feet. a centrd angle of 16' 00' 00' and a chord bearing N 08. 36' 06' W. 403.60 feet to a 1/2—Inch Iran rod set at the End of sold Curve, N 16• 36' 05' W, 155.08 fest to a 1/21 Iran rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, NORTHEASTERLY. 666.84 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius of 725.00 feet. a central angle of 52. 41' 57' and a chord bearing N 09' 44' 53' E. 643.58 feet to a 1/2—inch Iron rod set at the Northeast corner of sold Nash PhHlps/Copus Tract, i THENCE along the North boundary' line of Nash Philips/Copus Tract as follows 1 NORTHWESTERLY. 434:93 feet along a Curve to the Left having a radius of 600.00 feet, a central angle of 41. 31' 59' and a chord bearing N 87. 58' 19' W. 425.47 feet to a 1/2 -Iron rod found of the End of said Curve, S 710 15' 42' W. 150.52 feet to a 1/2 -Inch rod found at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, SgUTMWESTERLY, 382.44 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius 600.00 feet, a central angle of 36. 31' 14' and a chord bearing S 89. 31' 18' W. 376.00 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found at the Beginning of a Curve to the Left, NORTHWESTERLY. 357.97 feet along said Curve to the Left having a radius of 2400.00 feet. a control angle of 08. 32' 45' and a chord bearing N 76. 291 28' W, 357.64 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found at the End of sold Curve, S 00. 34' Ol' E. 3.00 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found, S 89- 25' 59' W, 104.00 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found at the Northwest corner thereof lying In the East boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Eugene McDermott according to the deed recorded In Volume 558, page 19 of the Deed Records of Colin County. Texas, THENCE N 00. 30' 37' W. 366.74 feet along the East boundary line of sold McDermott Tract to a 3/8 -inch Iran rod found at the most Westerly Northwest corner of aforesaid Tract 'C' berg the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Eugene McDermott according to the deed recorded Volume 555, page 71 of the Deed Records of Colin County, Texas, THENCE along the South bouudwr line of said McDermott Tract as follows l S 89. 09' 55' E. 1386.00 feet to a 3/8 -inch loon rod found, N 02. 15' 16' E. 208.98 feet to a railroad tie fence corner found, S 87. 38' 01' E. 263.13 feet to a railroad tie fence corner found, N 01- 59' 26' E. 495.42 feet to a railroad tie fence corner found at the most Northerly Northwest corner of aforesaid Tract ' C' being the most Southerly Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Eugene McDermott according to the deed recorded ' in Volume 555. page 60 of the Deed Records of Colin County,, Texas, THENCE along the North boundary line of sold Tract 'C' as follows, S 89* 29' 01' E. 60[.78 feet with the South boundary line of said McDermott Tract recorded In Volme,555, page 60 to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found, S 88- 54' 32' E. 362.79 feet continuing with the South line of said McDermott Tract to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found at the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Margaret M. McDermott according to the deed recorded in Volume 2198 � pogo 507 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, S 890 24' 31' E. 229.21 feet with the South boundary line of said Margaret M. McDermott Tract to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set, S.,870 34' 44' E. 1345.89 feet continuing with the South boundary line of said Margaret M. McDermott Troct to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Southeast corner thereof , THENCE N 02. 53' 09' E. 199.31 feet along the East boundary line of sold Margaret M. McDermott Tract to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set In the Southwest right-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevard to 60 -foot wide right-of-way ) as dedicated to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas occording to the plot recorded In Cabinet ' F' , page 561 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas j THENCE along the said Southwest right-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevard as follows i SOUTHEASTERLY, 689.32 feet along a Curve to the Left having a rodlus of 630.00 feet, a central angle of 62. 41' 27' and a chord bearing S 28. 27' 36' E, 655.45 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the End of sold Curve. S 59- 48' 19' E. 362.44 feet to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod set of the Northwest corner of Aha Drive (a 55 -foot wide right-of-way ) as dedicated to the City of Allen, Colin County, Texas according to the plot recorded In Cabinet IFI , page 603 of the Plot Records of Colin County, Texas % THENCE along the sold West right-of-way line of Akno Drive as follows i SOUTHWESTERLY, 46.25 feet along a Curve to the Leff having a radius of 1055.00 feet, a central angle of 02. 30' 42' and a lard bearing S 27. 16' 57' W, 46.24 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the End of said Cove, S 26* 01' 36' W. of 347.78 feet passing the Northwest corner of Aha Drive (a 55 -foot wide right-of-way ) as dedketed to the City of Alen, Colin County, Texas according to the plat recorded In Cabinet IF' . page 506 of -the Plot Records of Colin- County, Texas and continuing In all a total distance of 1420.79 feet along sold right-of-way line to a 1/2 -inch Iron rod set of the Beginning of a Curve to the Left, SOUTHWESTERLY, 902.02 feet along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 5452.89 feet, a central angle of 09. 28' 41' and a chord bowing S 21. 17' 16' W. 901.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 177.451 acres (7, 729, 737 square feet) of kmd . SURVEYED ON THE GROUND May 22. 1991 RESURVEYED ON THE GROUND o F AUGUST 24. 1991 �P� of s r fA.,• f RESURVEYED ON THE GROUND ;:et � �d•9 MAY 13. 1992 JOHN P. wIER RESURVEYED ON THE GROUND DEiUABER 24. 1992 e.:pp„2296 �s 4 P. WER, R.P.L.S. TE OF TEXAS NO. 2296 i FIELD NOTES BEING a tract, or parcel of land situated in- the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 326, in the City 'of Allen, Collin County, Texas; and also being that tract of land conveyed by deed to Nash ' Phillips / Copus, Inc. as recorded in Volume 2324, Page 789 of the Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the 'Northwest corner of Cross Creek No. 6, an addition to the City of Plano, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet E, Page 168 of the Map Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89°24'29" East, along the North line of said Cross Creek No. 6 addition, a distance of 311.92 feet to a Y" iron rod found for the Southwest corner and POINT OF BEG�NNING for this tract; THENCE North 00°35'31" West a distance of 297.69 feet to a k" iron rod found for corner; said -point being the beginning of a curve to the right and whose chord bears North 76° 1'23" West; THE CE in a Northwesterly direction along said curve to the right -having a central angle of 22°59'11", a -radius of 1507.00 feet, and an arc length of 604.59 feet to a 2 iron rod found for corner; - THENCE North 00°.35'05" West a distance of 878.94 feet to a V iron rod found for corner; THENCE -North 89024'55" East a distance of 104.00 feet to a 12-" iron rod found for corner; THENCE North .-00035'05". West a distance,. of 3.00 feet- to a' h" iron rod found for corner; said point ', bei nig ,,the, beginning of a curve - to the right ` and whose chord bears South ..THE CE in "a„Soutbeasferly.:.directi6n along said.' curve-.'tokth'e` right having a central: ;angle:l'; of • 8.°32'.45”; =..1: ;r;adius of -:'2400".00 feet•, ..ahn an" arc :: i� ngth er'bf- 357.-97 feet to `a��'-�": 'i ro -.' rod �'found'�:forecorn er;.;_,s_ aid point being thei beg 'nningtiof : h : ci]rve -.to the -1'eft' and. wFi6"se ch'o 4 bears Korai' `89°30'14" East; THENCE In 'a Easterly -direction along said, curve to, ,the ' f6ft"'having a central angle of ; 36°31'14", a'radius of 600.00 feet, and an 'arc length`--of-382.44 feet to a 2" iron_, rod. found for corner; THENCE North 71014'37" East a distance of 150.52 feet -to a -k" iron rod found for corner; said point being the beginning of a curve to the right and whose chord bears South 87°59'24" East;' THENCE in an Easterly direction along said curve to the right having a central angle of 41°31'581, a radius of 600.00 feet, and an arc length of 434.93 feet to a point for corner; said point being the beginning of a curve to the left and whose chord bears South 09043'48" West; is THENCE in a Southwesterly direction along said of 2°41'56", a radius of 725.00 feet, and an rod , ound for corner; THE CE South 16037'10" East a distance of 155.0E sai'.point being the beginning of a curve to 080 :'10" East; curve to the left having a central angle arc length of 666.83 feet to a 2" iron feet to a )�" iron rod found for corner; the right and whose -chord bears South f THE _E in a Southeasterly direction along said curve to the right having a central angle THENCE in a Southeasterly direction along said curve to the right having a central angle' of 116000'.00"', a`radius of 1450.00 feet, and an arc length of 404.92 -feet to a. i" iron rodl found for corner; THEkt South 00°37''10" East a distance. -of 79.20 feet, to a 2" iron rod found for corner said point being in the North line of Cross Creek.No. 4, an addition to the City of Plano, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Cabinet C, Page, 310 of the Map Records, Collin County, Tex s; ' THE k CE South 89022'50" West along the North line of said Cross Creek No. 4 addition, a distance of 182.25 feet to a 2" iron rod found for corner; THE CE South 89°24'29" West along the North line of said Cross Creek No. 4 addition, and -the North line of Cross Creek No. 5, an addition to the City of Plano, Collin County, Texiis as recorded in Cabinet E, Page 14 of the Map Records, Collin County, Texas, and also the North line of said Cross Creek No. 6 addition, a distance of 613.08 feet to thejPOINT OF BEGINNING and containing 33.702 acres of land, more or less. 4 certify to HCS successors,__asl prance Company+ ,ground on the :tacked field :hat the survey 's, conflicts, sl 1croachments, dines, protrusio on the plat t a public roadw� hnccurate reprei and that no food hazard or ,ce Rate Hap I ency; further, culated the qua ct shown on thi I said attached nd shown herein 6cated in encro areas is corre BOUNDARY, SURVEY PA R T :,' `OF THE . G.W. FORD SURVEY -ABSTRACT NO. 326 CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS sociates (Fos is and lenders. Texas that a perty legally :s that were correct; that :ages in area, rlapping of easements or on; that the that the plat rationUNZICKER of the rtion of the prone area is S C H N U R g U S C, H Q� JL shed by the e undersigned ty of land or lat of survey ASSOCIATES sld notes and th as to total ments, rights- INCORPORATED rwu rkir%ikirroc ciinvrvnnc nt A1,111jrnc1 1 l r Y �. 74c0 tf -_�,M -- 1 •� -- \ 1 II I I!} - IT 1 _ Yf 1. - I 1 11 1 can at 9f 1 r ' TX 2 r" t - \ LL F• 11 W AC 7rtGu0 - 10 ❑1 '-. of 0 .1 . \ ,' FINAL PACT ARIES NYLL Rfl DE'j IW1EQ AT T�1 OR FlNA - rr 1 n \ ��, 0 Af[fO[j�gp4p t !!� '•� // ` - 1 .. ViCf 23 ACI ACT s L.Y.. AC TRACT e , ` Is/a,r;o 4• s a,l , �\ APPROXNATE 100 TRACY tui 10"I iAML AC - 2 T AK41 iA1Alt-y7 1 / 1 I �/•7 A YEAR F PAW 1• s AC , f.0 pYAC' / 1 — TR.1CT �a `;. L�Ofl 4 u w A1! / / TRACT� i leCll I Ml7 so Act ZZ RACT I TRACT L \ \� ✓� swc+T jj Y 7 , `,114.4 AiC e r WOCLI TRACT 3 5.5 OLMAC Z5 S AC AMENDE� ACREAGES TO CHANCE PD -31 AMENDED JUNE 2. 1994 Ordinance No. 1205-9-94 Exhibit 11611 a • r 74f w .In ..Aln EXHIBIT -B THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN , TEXAS OWNER: DEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: TRAFFIC ENGINEER: LAND PLANNER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: PLANO/ALLL'N SUNCREEK. LTD. HEDI;COXE/ALMA J.V. VNZICKFR. SCHNURBUSCH BARTON•ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES. INC. MESA DESIGN GROUP I t ASSOCIATES. INC. 1441 L f 1 i1•Y.q 1wr 870 7401 L 8 1 /1rr..), fwr Uf 81Y4 frrwo•) i1Yr.... %wg 4w 7487 1.11 U. Y• S. M 11.11Y 1..1. 173N Ilw1Y, 1— 77744 D.II.Y. is.0 17141 7.17 111+0 w.ry 111.1 ••Y•7171 11141 MY277171.IIY Ir... 111W W14. IY.Y 1)lq Il Nl 041140 11141WI.114111 17141 87I -01M CITY OF ALLEN CERTIFICATION CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS § COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS § I, Judy Morrison, City Secretary of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of The Villages of Suncreek 282 -Acre Master Planned Community, Allen, Texas, amended PD -31 Zoning Request document revised for final Ordinance No. 1285-9-94 on October 26, 1994. Ordinance No. 1285-9-94 was duly passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, on the 15th day of September, 1994. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY, this the 17th day of April, 1996. w dy rison, CMC City Secretary City of Allen, Texas ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN, TEXAS 75013 214/727-0100 Ordinance N0. 1205-9-94 Exhibit "H" THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK A 282 ACRE MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY ALLEN, TEXAS AMENDED PD -31 ZONING REQUEST JUNE 2, 1994 REVISED FOR PRESENTATION TO CITY OF ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 1, 1994 REVISED FOR FINAL ORDINANCE OCTOBER 26,1994 Prepared for. Plano/Allen Suncreek, Ltd. c/o Siepiela Interests, Inc. 5001 LBJ Freeway, Suite 830 Dallas, Texas 75244 Prepared by: MESA Design Group 2612 Thomas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 and Unzicker, Schnurbusch and Associates, Inc. 8700 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75247 TABLE OF CONTENTS A SectionII ........................ Local Retail .............................................. 3 SectionIII ....................... Office ..................................................... 5 Section IV ....................... Multi -Family Districts .................................. 8 Section V ........................ Single -Family Districts................................ 11 General Regulations............................................................ 11 SF -1 District Regulations......................................................13 SF -2 District Regulations......................................................15 SF -3 District Regulations......................................................17 SF -4 District Regulations......................................................19 Table V-1 Single -Family District Regulations...............................21 Table V-2 Single Family Densities and Unit Counts ....................... 22 Section VI ....................... Public and Private Community Facilities ............ 23 Table VI -1 Community Facilities Use........................................24 Section VII ...................... General Standards for Development ................. 27 Exhibit A ............. PD -31 Exhibit B ............... PD -31 Amended /� `1 Exhibit C ............... C2U Collector Street Exhibit D ............... R3U Collector Street Tree Preservation Policy.................................................................. 30 4 / � 1 1 J k gT N4 I II/ ••� NN y l�� �► s :,?�;I% , f ♦ .:L '"•��1 •.i13.1mIF� N�!y� l /�'1't =,!•, 1 � ��J 1111 i g; 6!3!N+' ��1::�h/��1, ..�°'., ,�i111-i�'�3�� �I..� I `r +���rfj,7,1!�y��l!!fr 1 ♦ J��S � U10, VILLAGES . l Ilt• w ��f�' �4 'tF.��`ct i lii'�a�:iTr��/d�s•� r 1y 1I111S.D II;•Di�� a,'i 7,•�LI� z1.11�./_I-i.P�ruiy4.•••4V?r�ll_1'�iM�•�t2�I■ � • ___ �. M1s Y III�IIIN 41W�./4 M .• .•\•. .�#gg 1 : MU,r", f ■gip I.� tl I.NC�• M;��. • � � • n ■4Mi�,y,�4• ..rM. n .. ��y� 14 11 N '•�``p'!h i 'L.•�a�., �!■Ni�q4 4i A •I�YYI �u � i �,yQ� !111yti� i.'Yi, �j ��.fi..• 1.�4h4�•.�•j S.y.41U''■�■■ •/y,W��••�•�J■ ••1`p��'•��� SLe ■y11:3m•'y 3��,�'S•'.�,_7�%�u "�q•lg��YylN ` p���,N■��'4�'.NPi��d .. .■�.• V.ww' .•.■���� I 1■'11,u11 T���.i O�,F.7.•-=�'�`' �u �•rtii' Y:.`.'•i►M1114b'• i' �B1Y�Y■■ "N \•111 i'„ _ W��111■ YYI111•.. �.'N Njr l■■■ a1Y1111Y•••x.,11 �' ,1-, •''N`i1�1':IrJ1�•%.• nn"�':;tt•. III�' 4sY•p1 ,;4\�.. ■YOpOOV= _.° ■'o iiu 1 '•/■;+11''. [,w■n••��4y 1i•� _••.•`'mu r \ra..y y�4•.•N.. 1W 1 u . '� . � •11 uuw u.nuh � J`•u1 ' a`•. u�S■■� p�����uY114'',SI-1���Yi� T�y�/'1'' � Yy� • •, `' � 9 N+i�,1�1 11'w 1 1■1 'i �j lY�/ I w Yu.n. ��e�?'�� a+ $ 1. � Z 1 alp �i Lu uu u w „■ ���y �'.yyI'/p►•ii"11i 1 p�. ..�ug�luul41n1 3� ��.!.., �..i■;= e■11iS�i111r1� � —��`�',�i'�11•j=,11111.1111--1111 3����3E , j" / .111. i�,11IIYL■L.11. 7 ���Y..7 .��•��,����„' ou -Imlufii711n In— �l!Y...■' •�IjIP1nq ��.uuut. 1 1 11151�11_SSyz■� !332 Irl�llllluilllllltd I I41111111►Y��II�I!�'1_IT-- +„ 7 ' U ■ 0111111// 1■�• --t111111u-.-•� r:::l.�l:E1113 ,,.•y �. �, /�.., II,I�I:•:� �I7:'��111�1111.��3�. ==:C::�=�1YI_ �'�.�?�•�Ft``s.. SECTION II LOCAL RETAIL A. DISTRICT REGULATIONS 111 -M WMrowl 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide a limited retail category intended for use near neighborhood areas for the purposes of supplying day-to-day retail needs of the residents, such as food, drugs, and personal services. The area, height, yard, parking, and screening regulations of the "LR" District are calculated to permit neighborhood, convenience facilities compatible with the adjacent residential areas that they are intended to serve. 2. USE REGULATIONS. - A building or premise shall be used for the following purposes: A. Any use permitted in the "LR" District as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, City of Allen except Radio Tower, Heliport, Helistop, Parking Lots, Private Garage, Public Garage or Utility Substation. B. Other retail stores and personal services of similar nature and character if the business establishment supplies the everyday shopping needs of the immediate neighborhood and subject to the following conditions: (1) That it is conducted wholly within an enclosed building. (2) The required yards are not used for display, sale or storage of merchandise or for the storage of vehicles, equipment container, or waste material. (3) That all merchandise be new or unused and sold at retail on the premises. (4) That such use be not objectionable because of odor, excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar nuisance in accordance with the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. C. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses. D. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of Section 2.06, Specific Use Permit, City of Allen Zoning Ordinance,No. 829-11-87. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or 2 - 1/2 stories in height. 3 4. AREA REGULATIONS. The size of front, side and rear yards shall be as follows: A. Size of Yards. 1 • Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of twenty-five feet (25'). No parking, storage or similar use shall be allowed in required front yards, except that automobile parking will be permitted in such yards if separated by at least one hundred feet (100) from any residential District. 2. Side Yard. A side yard of not less than fifteen feet (15) in width shall be provided on the side of a lot adjoining a side street, an alley, or a residential district. A side yard of not less than ten feet (10) in width shall be provided on at least one (1) side of any lot. 3. Rear Yard. No rear yard is required except that a rear yard of not less than twenty-five feet (25) in depth shall be provided upon that portion of the lot abutting or across a rear street or alley from a residential District. B. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than forty percent (40%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. C. Floor Area Ratio. - The ratio of total floor area of all buildings to total land area shall be a maximum of 1:1.67. 5. BUILDING REGULATIONS. All main building exteriors shall be constructed of stone, brick, tile, cement, glazing, concrete, or similar materials. 6. LANDSCAPE BUFFER. A minimum of fifteen feet (15) wide landscape buffer with a minimum of one (1) three inch (3") caliper tree for every sixty (60) linear feet shall be provided adjacent to any residential district which abuts the Local Retail District. Landscape buffers shall be irrigated and will be maintained by the property owner. UMMIL M I • ::MM A. Exterior lighting fixtures, whether attached to buildings or free-standing, shall be of a harmonious design. A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review. In no event shall "area" lighting other than "cut off" type fixtures mounted twelve feet (12) or less above grade be allowed to be mounted on a building wall. All exterior lighting will have "cut off' or shielded fixtures. B. Lighting shall be in accordance with any future lighting standards adopted by the City of Allen, or these standards, whichever is more stringent. .t 4 IXO SECTION III OFFICE A. DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide for office uses not dependent upon retail trade or retail traffic for their operation. This district permits the location of offices of any profession, trade, or service near their clients and minimize the effect upon residential and commercial areas. The heights, setbacks, sign controls, and parking regulations are intended to allow flexibility in design and maintain aesthetics and neighborhood quality. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise shall be used for the following purposes: A. Any use listed as permissible in an "O" District as set forth in the City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, except Radio Tower, Heliport, Helistop, Parking Lots, Private Garage, Public Garage and Utility Substation. B. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of Section 2.06, Specific Use Permits, City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. The maximum height for the main building shall be two (2) standard stories, but shall not exceed thirty-five feet (35') in height, provided that any building or portion of it may be erected above said limit if setback from all street lines and required yard lines is one foot (1') of its height above such limit. In no event, however, shall any building exceed one (1) standard story when located within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any property zoned for residential purposes. V• A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard: (a) There shall be a minimum front yard having a depth of not less than one hundred feet (100') adjacent to any street with a right-of-way of one hundred feet (100) or more. (b) There shall be a minimum front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25) adjacent to any street with a right-of-way less than one hundred feet (100') provided that any building or portion of a building greater than thirty-five feet (35') in height must be set back from the property line 5 one foot (1') for each foot above such limit with a maximum setback of two hundred feet (200') regardless of the height of the building. (c) Lots having double frontage shall provide the required setback from both streets. 2. Side Yard: (a) There shall be a minimum side yard for each side of the lot or tract on which any single building or building complex is constructed of ten feet (10') provided that any building or portion of a building greater than thirty-five feet (35') in height must be set back from any side street, alley, or residential district one foot (1') for each foot above such limit with a maximum setback of one hundred feet (100') regardless of the height of the building. (b) On corner lots, the required front yard setback shall be provided on both streets and such required yard may not be used for parking purposes. (a) No rear yard is required except that a rear yard of not less than fifty feet (50') in depth shall be provided upon that portion of the lot abutting or across a rear street or alley from a residential district. B . Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area be covered by a combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings, excluding parking facilities. C. Floor Area Ratio. The ratio of total floor area of all buildings to total land area shall be a maximum of 1:1. 5. BUILDING REGULATIONS. All main building exteriors shall be constructed of stone, brick, tile, cement, concrete, or similar materials. 6. LANDSCAPE BUFFER. A minimum fifteen feet (15') wide landscape buffer shall be provided adjacent to any residential district that abuts the office district included in this PD as amended. Landscape buffers shall be irrigated and will be maintained by the property owner. G ' 7. EXTERIOR LIGHTING. A. Exterior lighting fixtures, whether attached to buildings or free-standing, shall be of a harmonious design. A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review. In no event shall "area" lighting other than "cut off' type fixtures mounted twelve feet (12) or less above grade be allowed to be mounted on a building wall. All exterior lighting will have "cut off' or shielded fixtures. B. Lighting shall be in accordance with any future lighting standards adopted by the City, or these standards, whichever is more stringent. 6 � 1 � SECTION IV MULTI -FAMILY DISTRICTS A. DISTRICT REGULATIONS MF 2 MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide for higher density residential uses, with a maximum density of twenty (20) dwelling units per gross acre. A maximum of 290 units will be permitted in this Planned Development District. The multi -family tract has been located to: provide a buffer between dissimilar land uses; to be located on major thoroughfares; and to provide alternate housing options in close proximity to the planned employment centers. 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS. The development of this property shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Multi -family - 2 Residential District ("MF -2") Regulations as set forth in Section 3.01(J) of the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, except as specifically provided herein. 3. USE REGULATIONS. The following are permitted uses in the "MF -2" District: A. Multi -family dwelling units and uses normally permitted as accessory to these uses. B . Any use permitted in accordance with the provisions of the Multi -family - 2 Residential "MF -2" District Regulations as set forth in Section 3.01(7) of the Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. C. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. In the case of the single-family use, all Single -Family District regulations would apply as stated in Section V of this Amended PD -31. D. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. E. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. F. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 4. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-six feet (36) or three (3) stories in height. �VXI A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front"yard having a required depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). 8 2. Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than ten feet (10'). A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'). 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot less than sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of six thousand four hundred (6,400) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100') at the front street building line. 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100'). C. Minimum DwellinL, Unit Size. The following minimum floor area of any dwelling unit shall be five hundred (500) square feet, with an average of no less than seven hundred (700) square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and porches. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings, excluding parking facilities. 6. BUILDING REGULATIONS. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 7. LANDSCAPE BUFFER. A minimum fifteen feet (15') wide landscape buffer shall be provided adjacent to any residential district that abuts the MF -2 district included in this PD as amended. Landscape buffers shall be irrigated and will be maintained by the property owner. 8. BUILDING PLACEMENT. Where three (3) or more buildings are within one hundred feet (100') of the street right-of-way and have a footprint greater than four (4) units, one-third of these buildings must be turned such that their lengths are a minimum of forty-five degrees (45') to the street right-of-way. The remainder may be parallel to the street. Z A. Exterior lighting fixtures, whether attached to buildings or free-standing, shall be of a harmonious design. A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review. In no event shall "area" lighting other than "cut off" type fixtures mounted twelve feet (12) or less above grade be allowed to be mounted on a building wall. All exterior lighting will have "cut off" or shielded fixtures. B. Lighting shall be in accordance with any future lighting standards adopted by the City, or these standards, whichever is more stringent. 10. CARPORTS. In the event that carports are constructed, these structures shall not be located parallel to and adjacent to the street frontages. However, they may be constructed perpendicular to the street, parallel to the building. Any carport roof must be constructed of materials that are architecturally compatible with the roof of the main structure. Flat built-up roofs will be allowed only when all other materials meet the intent of this paragraph (i.e., prefabricated or other metal units are not considered compatible with brick, stone, stucco, or wood siding and trim). TABLE IV -1 UNIT SUMMARY MF - 2 Tract No. Gross Acres Avg. Density Maximum Units 6 14.5 20 290 10 SECTION V SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICTS A. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. SINGLE FAMILY UNIT TOTALS. There shall be a maximum of 941 single- family detached units within the Suncreek Community. Lot and unit sizes and development regulations shall be in accordance with the single family, SF -1, SF -2, SF -3 and SF -4 Districts ("District") as set forth in this ordinance and summarized in Table V-1 and Table V-2. The specific distribution, density and location of the various lot, house and product types and sizes shall be determined by the Developer or Builder at the time of platting, allowing the Developer or Builder to develop the maximum units specified in each District or to reduce the dwelling units per acre in any tract. As part of each plat submission, the Developer or Builder shall submit an accounting of the number of lots previously and currently being platted, net acres, total lots and density. The Builder or Developer also will calculate the total number of units, if any, which the Developer or Builder did not construct on previous tracts or portions of tracts that could be developed on this tract or future tracts. 2. SPECIAL AMENITIES, The Suncreek Community will incorporate several unique amenities and aesthetic improvements, such as, but not limited to: landscaping, berming, irrigation systems, entry features, specialty directional and street signage, street lighting and accessory facilities, etc. The Developer, Builder. or _ Homeowners' Association agrees to accept the responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty items until the responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. In the event that the responsible party fails to construct or maintain any of the items within the public right-of-way, the City of Allen may maintain these amenities, but only to the same standards as provided for under normal city regulations. 3. PRIVATE RECREATIONAL FACILTITE . An integral part of the development of the Suncreek Community is the provision of recreational facilities for the Suncreek residents. The first phase, private recreational facilities will be located on Alma Drive and will be part of the major entryway into the Suncreek community as well as contiguous to the wooded open space beyond. 4. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING. It is the intent of the Developer to utilize a soft, natural design approach to screening the edges of the residential areas, such as earthen berms with plantings, to minimize the use of walls and fences. However, where more traditional fencing is necessary due to lotting patterns, additional landscape treatment and architectural quality controls on materials, colors, heights, setbacks, etc. will be incorporated by the Developer. 5. A minimum landscape easement of fifteen feet (15') shall be provided along Hedgecoxe Road and Alma Drive. Within the' combined parkway and the designated landscape easement, the Developer or Builder shall install sidewalks, berms (with a maximum slope of 3:1), plant materials and automatic irrigation systems. The medians of all divided thoroughfares shall also be landscaped with trees, ground cover or grass. 11 6. FRONT ENTRY GARAGES. Front entry garages may be permitted on any residential tract at the time of platting with the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The specific intent is to allow front entry garages where trees on lots could be preserved in lieu of side entry or rear entry garage sequences that would eliminate desirable trees on lots. 7. CUL-DE-SAC LENGTH. The length of cul-de-sacs may exceed six hundred feet (600') provided that the City of Allen Fire Marshall has determined that emergency access is available to all units to be served by the cul-de-sac. In no case shall a cul- de-sac length exceed one thousand feet (1,000'). 8. SIDEWALKS. The residential Developer or Builder shall construct four foot (4') wide sidewalks along both sides of residential streets, and five feet (5) in width along both sides of major thoroughfares. Sidewalks are not required adjacent to alleys. Bike paths which are integral to the City-wide bike path system parallel to Rowlett Creek shall be eight feet (8) in width. 9. MINIMUM DWELLING UNIT SIZES. The minimum dwelling unit sizes are regulated as part of the SF -1, SF -2, SF -3 and SF4 District regulations contained herein and as outlined in • Table V -I. 12 B. DISTRICT REGULATIONS SF -1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. This district is to be composed of single-family, detached dwellings, on lots of not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for a maximum of 2.0 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35) or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. On fifty percent (50%) of the buildings, there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (29). The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the buildings may have a front yard of not less than twenty-five feet (25'). The lots with twenty foot (20') front yards shall be distributed throughout each plat. 2. Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of ten percent (10%) of the lot width or eight feet (8') whichever is less. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'). 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 4. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 5. Detached Garages. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3) from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred -twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 13 B. Size of Lot. 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than eighty feet (80') at the front street building line, nor shall its average width be less than eighty feet (80'). 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than one hundred twenty feet (120'), except that a corner lot may have a depth of less than one hundred twenty feet (120') provided that the minimum depth is no less than one hundred feet (100'). 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may vary in width and depth, but in no event shall the lot area be less than required in Paragraph 4(B)(1) above. C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum floor area for residential dwellings exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches shall be one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. UNMEM-0-1 4 1i 1 ILN M• A. Main Building. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of,same masonry material as the residence. 14 ti A L SF -2 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTL L DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. This district is to be composed of single-family, detached dwellings on lots of not less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for about 4.0 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35) or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. On forty percent (40%) of the buildings, there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25'). The remaining sixty percent (60%) of the buildings may have a front yard of not less than twenty feet (20'). The lots with twenty foot (20') front yards shall be distributed throughout each plat. 2. Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lots having a width of ten percent (10%) of the lot width or six feet (6) whichever is less. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'). 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 4. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 5. Detached GaraEes. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 15 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of two thousand (2,000 ) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot, other than cul-de-sac lots, shall not be less than sixty-five feet (65') at the front street building line, nor shall its average width be less than sixty-five feet (65'). 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot, except for cul-de-sac lots, shall not be less than one hundred ten feet (110'), except that a corner lot may have a depth of less than one hundred ten feet (110') provided that the minimum depth is no less than ninety feet (90'). 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may vary in width and depth, but in no event shall be less than required in Paragraph 4(BXI). C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum floor area for residential dwellings exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches shall be one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet. D. Lot Coveraee. In no case shall more than forty percent (40%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 11 l IZIC25:511FIR1431151UP A. Main Buildines. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of same masonry material as the residence. 16 SF -3 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT -REULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. This district shall be developed for single-family, detached dwellings, on lots of not less than five thousand five hundred ,(5ySQQquare feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for a maximum of 5.5 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise of this district shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 3. HEIGHT REGULATION . No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35) or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). 2. Side Yard. Two side yards are required, a one foot (1) and a nine foot (9) side yard is permitted. A separation of not less than ten feet (10') shall be maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be fifteen feet (15'). 3. Alternate Side Yard. An alternate side yard is a five foot (5) setback on either side of dwelling provided the adjoining side yard for the adjacent lot is five feet (5'). 4. Bear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 5. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 6. Detached Garages. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty -feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred'twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 17 LAME13"WIM ,o 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than five thousand five hWWWd (5.5(1(1) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than fifty feet (50') at the front building line. 3. Lot Dep1h. The depth of the lot shall not be less than ninety feet 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may vary in width and depth, but in no event shall be less than required in Paragraph 4(B)(1) above. C. Minimum Dwelling Size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be on rhn„s- la hundred (1.500) square feet. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than fifty-five percent (55%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 11 1 WTV 1t A. Main Building. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. B . Detached Garages. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of same masonry material as the residence. 18 1. PURPOSE. This district provides a medium -density dwelling classification in the form of attached dwelling units on separate lots under separate ownership of dwelling units. This district should provide for a maximum 6.5 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single Family Detached dwelling units. B . Any use permitted in District "2F" of the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. C. Attached dwelling units, provided that no more than six (6) dwelling units are attached in one (1) continuous row or group, and provided that no dwelling unit is constructed above another dwelling unit. A site plan shall be required for attached housing in the SF -4 District. The site plan will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval. D. Such uses as allowed under the Schedule of Uses section of the City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. E. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of Section 2.06, Specific Use Permits, City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35) or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. 2. Side Yard. For single-family detached dwelling units and buildings containing more than one (1) dwelling unit, two (2) side yards are required, either one foot (1) and nine feet (9) on each side or five feet (5') on each side, by which a separation of ten feet (10) is always maintained between structures. Structures containing more than one (1) unit may have no side'xard between adjoining units. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be fifteen feet (15'). 19 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen feet (15'). I: § Me 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than five thousand 500QLsquare feet. Such lot shall have a minimum bui a e area of two thousand two hundred fifty (2,250) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than forty-five feet (45') at the front street building line. �- 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100'). C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum floor area for any dwelling unit shall be one thousand five hundred 4 1 _��1 square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and porches. D. Lot Coveraee. In no case shall more than sixty-five percent (65%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. UNMERNTIRDIM, WERMIROTTION A. Main Buildines. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 20 MINIMUM LOT AREA MINIMUM BUILDABLE MINIMUM FRONT YARD MINIMUM SIDE YARD I � � 1. W41 WLI .ki 0 MINIMUM LOT DEPTH MINIMUM LOT WIDTH MINIMUM DWELLING UNIT SIZE LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM DENSITY TABLE V-1 SUMMARY OF SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT REGULATIONS SF- 1 SF -2 SF -3 12,000 3,600 50% @ 25' 50% @ 20' 10% of lot width or 8' whichever is less. 10' 120' 80' 1,800 50% 7,500 2,000 40% @ 25' 60% @ 20' 10% of lot width or 6' whichever is less. 10' 110' 65' 1,400 40% 5,500 1,500 20' 9'+l'or 5'+ 5' 10' 90' 50'_ 1,500 55% SF -4 5,000 2,250 20' 9'+ 1' or 5'+ 5' 15' 100' 45' 1,500 65% 2.0 DU/AC 4.0 DU/AC 5.5 DU/AC 6.5 DU/AC The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for detached garages shall be three feet (3'). A minimum of ten feet (10') shall be maintained between detached garages on adjacent lots, and a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. Detached garages may be attached to the.main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three,feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. Minimum lot width and depth can vary on cul-de-sac lots, but in no event shall the lot size be less than required by the zoning district. 21 TABLE V-2 SINGLE FAMILY DENSITIES AND UNIT COUNTS RESIDENTIAL TRACT GROSS AVERAGE TOTAL NO, ARES DENSITY I ]NITS 3 ±40.7 5.5 223 3A ±2.7 5.5 15 5 ±6.25 5.5 34 5A ±0.7 5.5 4 8 ±21.3 4.0 85 8A ±8.0 4.0 32 8B ±5.2 4.0 20 9 ±25.5 5.5 140 10 ±18.5 4.0 74 10A ±15.5 2.0 31 11 ±8.0 6.5 52 12 ±14.0 5.5 77 13 ±33.7 4.0 135 13A ±4.7 4.0 19 TOTAL ±204.75 4.6 941 NOTE: The tract acreages shown in the table above are approximate and may change upon final survey and calculation of fmal tract boundaries. The location and actual density for each tract will be determined at the time of platting. However, the maximum total number of single-family dwelling units allowed under this PD amendment, including the medium density (SF4), will be 941. 22 SECTION VI PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMUNITY FACILITIES A. GENERAL REGULATIONS CF - COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS. 1. PURPOSE. This district is to provide for educational, recreational and municipal facilities to enhance the quality of life as well as to serve the welfare of the community. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise in these districts shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Parks/Green belt areas/h&e and bike trails/pedestrian easements (P/GB) B . Neighborhood recreation (NR) 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. The height limits of the contiguous district that are most permissive shall govern, except that such limits may be exceeded as granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission as part of the Site Plan Approval. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. The yard requirements of each adjoining zoning district shall govern along any such common boundary. The lot coverage and floor area ratio regulations of the contiguous district that are the most permissive shall govern, except that such limit may be exceeded as granted by the Planning and Zoning --- Commission as part of the Site Plan Approval. d E,IJEP-AL [-"OVM PT.' De, -e 1oe Pr o 755- mea/ 7o S P�f a �4L . ool 'a , e fo f%//P A )*7 12 /J ele Pssa rV . SPECIFIC COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS BY TRACT OR AREA. 1. USE REGULATIONS. The land uses referred to below shall, if accepted by the representative entity, be used as shown in Table VI - 1. 23 TABLE VI -1 SUMMARY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES USE ENTITY USE TRACT BASE APPROX. ZONING ACRES City of Allen Park Dedication 14 and 14/A CF 18.60 (net) 18.60 City of Allen Linear Parks/Flood Plains: Rowlett Creek 4 (West of Alma) FP/CF 24.0* Rowlett Cheek 4/A (East of Alma) FP/CF 7.0* 31.0 City of Allen (SF/CF Option): Linear Parks 3A SF/CF 2.70++ 5A SF/CF 0.75++ 813 SF/CF 5.50++ 10A SF/CF 15.50++ 24.45 GRAND TOTAL 74.05 The approximate locations of the uses shown in this table are illustrated on the attached Land Use Plan which shall be attached to and made a part of this ordinance (Exhibit "B"). * Final Park, Open Space and Flood Plain acreages will be determined upon final calculation of the 100 year flood plain and will be documented along with final road and trail alignments at the time of final platting; however, acreages shown in this table would be considered the minimum acreages dedicated to the City of Allen. ++ SF/CF Option Tracts: These acreages are considered to be the maximum option tract acreages available for purchase by the City of Allen. The Option tract acreages may be decreased, if the final flood plain acreage calculation exceeds the 31,0 acres shown in Table VI -1, above. The total acreage available for -Community Facilities shall not exceed 74.05 acres. Should the flood plain exceed 31.0 acres, the difference will be deducted from the 24.45 acres of the option land and the City may purchase the remainder. In addition, it is understood that option tracts must be out of the 100 -year flood plain in order to be classified as purchasable land. 24 A , A. Community Park. The developer has designated Tracts 14 and 14A as the area to be dedicated to the City of Allen. These two (2) areas provide 18.6 net acres of pristine, mature, wooded, park land adjacent to the Rowlett Creek flood plain and linear park system. This 18.6 net acres will be non - reclaimed, non -flood plain land. B. Rowlett Creek. The 100 year flood plain, as determined in the field, as required by the City of Allen Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance No. 1030-4-91, will be dedicated to the City of Allen at the time of Final Plat. C. Single Family / Community Facilities. Tract 3A, Tract 5A, Tract 8B, and Tract 10A have been designated Single Family / Community Facilities. These parcels are adjacent to the flood plain and could provide public access to the linear park area. These Tracts (3A, 5A, 8B and 10A) shall be available for acquisition by the City of Allen for public park uses�un�til the. later to occur of the following: (1) thirty (30) months following the" date on In ewe o the City of Allen. During that period, the City of Allen may acquire one or more of these parcels at a price based on a market value, as determined by a third party state certified general appraiser, plus CPI factor, maintenance and taxes paid and accrued during the intervening time period. In the event the Cityof Allen does not acquire Tracts 8B and 10A, these tracts may be developed under the SF -2 and SF -1 district regulations, respectively, as outlined in this Amended PD -31 ordinance. In the event the City of Allen does not acquire Tracts 3A and 5A, these tracts may be developed under the SF -3 district regulations as outlined in this Amended PD -31 ordinance. UTILITIES EASEMENT AND ACCESS AND MAMENAN E. As part of a land dedication to the City of Allen by the Developer, the Developer shall retain a perpetual access and maintenance easement over the entire tract(s) of land being so dedicated. The City of Allen affirms the right and will not deny the Developer the right to have drainage and utility easements (i.e., water lines, sanitary sewer, storm drain, roads, electrical, natural gas, cable, television, telephone and other such comparable uses) across land dedicated to the City in locations agreed to by both parties at the time of platting. At the time the 18.6 net acre park and the ±31.0 acre Rowlett Creek Linear Greenbelt (flood plain) land is dedicated, the City shall maintain that the uses, building construction, signage not normal to the activity of the park and/or public enjoyment be prohibited. Any of the above -listed changes must be approved by the City Staff and the Park Board. The Developer retains the right with prior City Approval, but not the obligation, to construct additional improvements, and to enhance or provide additional maintenance to the entire tract(s) or any portion thereof which the Developer deems necessary. The Developer shall also retain the drainage and utility rights as specified on the plat. 25 M :siviolas]IMEXIMMERM, MIMIRM : Considering the commitments for dedication of certain lands, as contained herein, the requirements for land dedication or funds in lieu of land for neighborhood parks, as required by Ordinance No. 1102-4-92 is hereby satisfied and is satisfied by the dedication of the 18.6 net acres of parkland for this Suncreek Planned Development (Amended PD -31). The dedication of the 18.6 net acres by the Developer hereunder shall constitute the land dedication and park impact fee obligations of the development of the Suncreek Planned Development (Amended PD -31) with respect to the City's requirements for any and all parks. So long as the Owner/Developer, its successors and assigns, shall comply with the funding or land dedication obligations set forth herein, the City shall not impose any further assessment on the Property or any owners of the Property in connection with the City's dedication or acquisition fee park requirements. 4. PUBLIC ACE TO ROWLETT CREEK OPEN SPACE. Public access points shall be provided to Community Facilities land along Suncreek Boulevard and along the unnamed East-West C -2U residential collector. At the time of preliminary platting, the developer will maximize the use of single -loaded residential streets adjacent to City park land. 26 SECTION VII GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT 1. GENERAL. It is recognized that other zoning standards are applicable to the development of this Planned Development District, and that such standards are set forth in the City of Allen Comprehensive -Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. Therefore, for the purpose of the standards set forth herein, the following sections of the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87 are hereby incorporated into this ordinance. A. Section 2.03 - Creation of Building Site B . Section 2.06 - Specific Use Permits C. Section 2.07 - Temporary Use D. Section 2.08 - New and Unlisted Uses E. Section 2.09 - Site Plan Approval F. Section 2.10 - Definitions G . Section 3.02 - Height and Area Exceptions H . Section 3.03 - Vehicle Parking I. Section 3.04 - Off-street Loading J. Section 3.05 - Landscaping K. Section 3.06 - Fences and Walls L. Section 3.07 - Court Standards M. Section 3.08 - Accessory Buildings N. Section 3.10 - Minimum Access. 2. LANDSCAPE BUFFER ALONG MCDERM011 DRIVE (F.M. 217Q). A twenty- five foot (25') wide, irrigated landscape buffer shall be maintained by the property owner along and adjacent to McDermott Drive (F.M:'2170) consistent with Zoning and Development Policies of the City. No building structure or parking shall be permitted within this buffer. Special provisions may be considered where insufficient depth may create a hardship. 27 A. To facilitate emergency access, one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridge and one-half of Alma Drive from Suncreek Boulevard to Hedgecoxe Road and the pavement of the new north -south collector street (Suncreek Boulevard) from McDermott Drive south to Alma Drive will be constructed simultaneously with the development of any tract, and must be complete before the City issues building permits on any Tract in this amended PD -31. B . To facilitate emergency access, the remaining one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridge will be constructed simultaneously with any parcel which exceeds 80 acres (50%) of the non -park developable acreage south of Rowlett Creek and must be complete before the City issues additional permits on Tracts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14. C. The remaining one-half of Alma Drive from the bridge to Hedgecoxe Road will be completed before building permits are issued on any parcel which exceeds 120 acres (75%) of the developable, non -park, single-family acreage south of Rowlett Creek. D. The City of Allen agrees to reimburse the developer a minimum of 26% of 75% of the Alma Drive bridge cost and any additional amount which is mutually agreed upon. 4. SIDEWALKS ALONG C2U AND R3U RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR STREETS. Sidewalks paralleling C2U and R3U Collector streets within the Suncreek development will be placed in an easement 4.0' width and 9.5' from the curb. The area between the walk easement and curb will be planted with turf grass. The builder will be required to plant two (2) three to four inch (3" - 4") caliper trees, from the list of trees set forth in Table G-1 below, per lot within the area between walk and back of curb along R3U collector streets (Exhibits D and E). TABLE G - 1 APPROVED STREET TREES Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinesis Burr Oak Quercus macrocarpa Red Oak Quercus shumardii Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Summit, Purple, Raywood) Live Oak Quercus virginiana The Builder/Developer will select trees from this list to plant along C2U and R3U residential collector streets within Suncreek. 28 Prior to or in conjunction with the first final plat being approved for any tract, a facilities agreement between the developer and the City of Allen will be executed. The developer commits to the City of Allen that a minimum of 31.0 acres of flood plain and a minimum of 18.6 net acres of parkland outside the flood plain will be dedicated as park land at the time of final platting. As part and parcel to this PD -31 Amendment, it is understood that the portion of proposed Bethany Drive south from McDermott Drive to the intersection at Alma Drive will be eliminated from the City's thoroughfare plan. Therefore, the proposed Bethany Drive would extend no further west than the Alma Drive intersection. It is the intention of the developer to reclaim the flood fringe per the City of Allen Subdivision Ordinance No. 1237-4-94 for residential lot development out of the 100 -year flood plain in Tract 5. Should the land in this tract not be able to be reclaimed per the Ordinance, then this land would be dedicated to the City as flood plain which would be in addition to the 74.05 total acres available for Community Facilities as referred to in Table VI -1. 29 l 1 •- � 1' �t� � . <; •� - ���., • cam' "AP' _ - If own ftmau b �" �. it TNACT TUCI 1 1 % • - \ 14 7.,TtACT � kftc OR. \ .` \' to Ac � 1 I I iRAC1 !- �.. •4•L nun To 06R P-Am ..ter...,_ ____`��D-+ _�� ' ''/ I • �_ _ � k _ PD-31 E,IISTM PD April, 1985 EXHIBIT - A NOT TO SCALE THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN. TEXAS OWNER: DEVEI OM: LAM) PUN!.•M IF R.AmoI!, S.LNC�,�LTD s®cco,cESAMA, LANDSCAPETT ARCWECr. M Loll=�-Y[to DESIG•Ci OIT O�io`. Tr•r �� u.. •ar a : ea..—. �- Owf••-r OM�w ■��.I IAr. IYIww PLAN Y w• . � w• SIM" lCAllt I•A-V CRY O/ ALLEN STANDARD 60' R.O.W. CLU RESK1ENiML COLLECTOR • wrl�• 190/f ww wr\uo www :.•. I.V\ wTI PLAN r 1CAlI: r-10-9' s PM /1 • • It • M I Kc"m IME. r -w -w NOT TO SCALE SUNCREEK PROPOSED iO R.O.W. MESA C!U RESIDENTUL COLLECTOR ;WL""" EXHIBIT C RAM Must r•A•-V PLAN v w v 1tCf10M WALO fl -W -V SICT10N CRY OF ALLEN STANDARD R3U RESRNWWAOCAL COLLECTOR 1 .. 1 L r. 1ttrMa MN.a W/ Maam SUNCREEK PROPOUD Ru/ RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR "It ?.W -r NOT TO SCALE MESA Rr+I ;,ww EXHIBIT D w � R I I I I I I I I ,' I •. RAM Must r•A•-V PLAN v w v 1tCf10M WALO fl -W -V SICT10N CRY OF ALLEN STANDARD R3U RESRNWWAOCAL COLLECTOR 1 .. 1 L r. 1ttrMa MN.a W/ Maam SUNCREEK PROPOUD Ru/ RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR "It ?.W -r NOT TO SCALE MESA Rr+I ;,ww EXHIBIT D THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK TREE PRESERVATION POLICY A. PURPOSE. This Tree Preservation Policy shall apply to Suncreek (PD - 31 Amended) Tracts 8, 8A, 813, 9, 10, 10A and 12. The purpose of this section is to establish rules and regulations governing the protection of canopy trees within the treed areas of the Villages of Suncreek. This Tree Preservation Policy is included in the Amended PD -31 to encourage the protection of healthy canopy trees and desirable understory trees and vegetation, and to provide for the replacement and replanting of canopy trees that are unnecessarily removed during construction, development or re -development of the property within the treed portions of the Suncreek site. Canopy or overstory trees found on the Suncreek site include, but are not limited to, species of Oak, Elm, and Pecan. The largest of these canopy trees are located along Rowlett Creek. Smaller understory trees, many of which bloom in early spring, are found growing under the canopy trees. These trees add diversity to the forested area of Suncreek. Desirable understory species include: Gum Bumelia (Chittamwood), Eve's Necklace, Rusty Blackhaw, Redbud, Possumhaw Holly, Mexican Plum, Hawthorne, Devils Walkingstick, and Deciduous Holly. This Tree Preservation Policy would be superseded by any future tree preservation ordinance enacted by the City of Allen after the adoption of this PD -Amendment ordinance and would apply to all tracts within the Amended PD -31. B. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions shall apply to this section: 1. BUILDABLE AREA: That portion of a building site exclusive of the required yard areas on which a structure or attached building improvement may be erected as shown on the site plan. 2. DRIP LINE: A vertical line running through the outermost portion of the crown of a tree and extending to the ground. 3. HISTORIC TREE: A tree which has been found by the City to be of a notable historic interest because of its age, type, size or historic association and has been so designated as part of the official records of the City. 4. PERSON: Any corporation, partnership, association or other artificial entity; or any individual; or any agent or employee of the foregoing. 5. SPECIMEN TREE: A tree which has been determined by the City to be of high value because of its type, size, or other professional criteria, and which has been so designated as part of the official records of the City. 6. TREE: Any self-supporting woody perennial plant which has a trunk caliper of six inches (6") or more when measured at a point of four and one - 30 r � A half feet (4 1/2') above ground level and which normally attains an overall height of at least twenty feet (20') at maturity, usually with one (1) main stem or trunk and many branches. It may appear to have several stems or trunks as found in some varieties of oak. 7. YARD AREA: The front, side and rear yard areas as required under the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the zoning district requirements applicable thereto as indicated in Table V-1 of Amended PD -31. C. APPLICABILITY. The terms and provisions of this section shall apply to real property as follows: 1. All real property upon which any designated specimen or historic tree is located. 2. All vacant and undeveloped property. 3. All property to be re -developed, including additions and alterations. 4. The yard areas of all developed property, excluding developed and owner - occupied single-family residential property. 5. All private easements and rights-of-way. 10111101-1M 0:33 L41M.1- 1. No tree or trees shall be removed prior to issuance of a building permit unless one of the following conditions exist: a. The tree is located in a utility or drainage easement or public street right-of-way as recorded on a plat approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the event that certain trees outside the above areas or trees based partially outside the easement are requested to be removed to allow the operation of equipment, the applicant shall submit a Plat and Site Plan which indicates the exact operation area needed. The Department of Community Development may approve selected removal under this condition. b. The tree is diseased, injured, in danger of falling, interferes with utility service, creates unsafe vision clearance, or conflicts with other ordinances or regulations at the discretion of City Staff. C. Except for the above, under no circumstances shall there be clear cutting of trees on a property prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. Upon issuance of a building permit, the builder sha11 be allowed to remove trees located on the buildable area, as defined herein, of the property. Trees located in required yard areas, buffers and open space areas shall be maintained. 31 r � ' EXCEPTIONS. In the event that any tree shall be determined to be in a hazardous or dangerous condition so as to endanger the public health, welfare or safety, and require immediate removal without delay, authorization may be given by the Department of Community Development and the tree may then be removed without obtaining a written permit as herein required. During the period of an emergency such as a tornado, storm, flood, or other act of God, the requirements of this Ordinance may be waived as may be deemed necessary by the City Staff. Utility companies franchised by the City may remove trees which endanger public safety and welfare by interfering with utility service, except that where such trees are on owner -occupied properties developed for one - family use; the disposal of such trees shall be at the option of the property owner. E. REPLACEMENT. In the event it is necessary to remove a tree(s) outside the Buildable Area (as defined above in Section B1), the developer or builder, as a condition to issuance of a tree removal permit, shall be required to replace the tree(s) being removed with comparable or better species trees somewhere within the Amended PD -31 property. A sufficient number of trees shall be planted to equal, in caliper, the caliper of the tree removed. Said replacement trees shall be a minimum of three inches (3") caliper and ten feet (10) in height when planted, and shall be selected from the list of approved replacement trees maintained by the Department of Community Development as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission from the recommendations of the County Extension Service, or from the following list: APPROVED REPLACEMENT TREE SPECIES Cedar Elm Red Oak Pecan Burr Oak Chinquapin Oak Live Oak Green Ash Cultivars Bald Cypress Pistacio American Elm - Ulmus crassifolia - Quercus shumardii - Carya illinoinensis - Quercus macrocarpa - Quercus muhlenbergii - Quercus virginiana - Fraxinus pennsylvanica, ssp. - Taxodium disticum - Pistacia chinensis - Ulmus americana At the time of application review, the person responsible for replacement, time of replacement and location will be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission. F. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT REQUIRED. No person, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove or move, or effectively destroy through damaging, any tree, specimen tree or historic tree situated on property described above without fust obtaining a Tree Removal Permit unless the conditions of D.1 and D.2 apply. 32 1 4 ;'•.lye. y G. PRELIMINARY PLAT. All Preliminary Plats on subject tracts shall be accompanied by an aerial tree survey showing general areas of trees within the development. If City Staff determines that the aerial tree survey is not sufficient or unclear an "on -the -ground" tree survey may be required by staff. - H. APPLICATION -FINAL PLAT. Permits for removal, relocation or replacement of trees covered herein shall be obtained by making application on a form prescribed by the City to the Department of Community Development at the time of Final Plat. The application shall also be accompanied by a written document indicating the reasons for removal, relocation or replacement of trees and two (2) copies of a legible site plan drawn to the largest practicable scale indicating the following: 1. A field survey of all trees on site six inches (6") or larger in caliper. 2. A tree preservation plan, if deemed necessary by City Staff, showing: trees to be saved, trees to be relocated or new replacement trees with locations, and trees six inches (6") or larger to be removed or relocated except for trees in the street right-of-way, buildable area and easements; and, if deemed necessary by City Staff, a tree evaluation by a licensed arborist at time of Final Plat to determine the condition of existing trees. 3. Location of all existing or proposed structures, improvements and site uses, properly dimensioned and referenced to property lines, setback and yard requirements and special relationships. 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and major contours. 5. Location of existing and proposed utility easements. 6. Application involving developed properties may be based on drawings showing only that portion of the site directly involved, adjacent structures, and landscaping or natural growth incidental thereto. 7. Tree information required above shall be summarized in legend form on the plan and shall include the reason for the proposed removal or replacement. I. APPLICATION REVIEW. Upon receipt of a proper application, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the application for new subdivisions. The Department of Community Development shall review applications for platted lots. Said review may include a field inspection of the site, and the application may be referred to such Departments as deemed appropriate for review and recommendations. If the application is made in conjunction with a Final Plat submitted for approval, the application will be considered as part of the plat, and no permit shall be issued without Final Plat approval. Following the review and inspection, the permit applications will be approved, disapproved, or approved with conditions by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Department of Community Development as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of this section. J. TREE PROTECTION. During any constructidn or land development, the developer or builder shall clearly mark all trees io be maintained and will be required to erect and maintain protective barriers around all such trees or groups of trees. The developer shall not allow the movement of equipment or the storage of vehicles, equipment, materials, debris or fill to be placed within the drip line of any tree. 33 Ih .. ♦ j Y� At During the construction stage of development, the developer shall not allow cleaning of equipment or material under the canopy of any tree or group of trees to remain. Nor shall the developer allow the disposal of any waste material such as, but not limited to, paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, etc., under the canopy of any tree or groups of trees to remain. No attachment or wires of any kind, other than those of a protective nature, shall be attached to any tree. K. CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY GRADING VARIANCE. A grading variance may be allowed within the right-of-way and grading easement of all internal residential streets as a means to reduce the impact of grading on existing trees. 1. Tracts 10 and 10A. There shall be a tree preservation easement of fifteen feet (15') adjacent and parallel to the northern and western property line to accommodate the existing fence row trees. No utility trench or alley development shall be allowed within this easement 2. Tracts 13 and 13A. There shall be a tree preservation easement of fifteen feet (15') adjacent and parallel to the western property line to accommodate the existing fence row trees. No utility trenching or alley development shall be allowed within this easement. 34 SEP -15-94 THU 11:58 MESA DESIGN GROUP INC FAX NO, 2148711507 7.0 AC 1 ! P. 02 SCHOOL SITE A• 13.25 AC CIO 0 N 0 c N O Z X Q Ls. co LD z F- rn Lo LLJ PRo~® AP- PALOP &PUBOGEW PA'7W 5y57M SCHOOL SITE B 11.0 AC �ie�oi>cr_n f / zi.OA� i Girr/ v 1 F(W ACCeSS EKr 0 . 1 7 Kz SHARED SITE WITH ADJACENT LAND OWNERS a ti SCHOOL SITE C SUNCREEK 5.44 AC JAMES 4.0 AC McDERMOTf 5.2 I.y."""'� e.......-. w�..+ ,.�. w..�aw,.. ,I.rr-.nlr,. "+I'"e"'1 +`ww^ ...�� w+ -+w+ wn...r.n., ..+rwr.•. y,.w.w• McOerrmtt AMENDEI GES - TO CHANGE PO -31 AMENDED JUNE 2. 1994 \\ � K Q•Mp7T � APPROXNATE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 1` — • o0 1w sen .�rw EXHIBIT•B TH E VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS OWNER: DEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: TRAFFIC ENGINEER: . LAND PLANNER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: PLANOIALLiN SUNCREEK. LTD. HEDGCOXE/ALMA J.V. UNtICKF.R, SCHNURSUSCH k ASSOCIATES. INC. SARTON•ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES. INC. MESA DESIGN GROUP 1001 L 1 I Pow". IWO OM DOW T... 71144 12141 w0 -2n7 9NI L • 1 n.•-•7. 1.Iw 110 U.IIw, T..r 75344 17ao Sb1n.•.e. rwtswt. 141x• •Oe s D.11. T... 712.7 121.1 6247700 5411 M• Uw e• . Su11. IM 0.11- T".711.0 121.1 NI•Iwe 2612 Th— A— 0.11. Tm7 7520. 111.1 •71-0544 O 4�p REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF ALLEN DURING THE ZONWG AND PLATTMIG PROCESS • w" 4" am .loaf. CONCEPT PLAN 44rr 44. aw EXHIBIT C •n"e'�r"'• r � r w.n fur• THE VILLAGES SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS OWNER: DEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: TRAFFIC ENGINEER: LAND PLANNER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ELANOIALLEN SUNCREEK, LTD. HEDGCOXE/ALMA J.V. UNZICKER, SCHNURBUSCH & ASSOCIATES, INC. BARTON•ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. MESA DESIGN GROUP 5001 L&J. FrwF. Saga 970 Dall.. T.. 75744 421479.0.77-77 5001 L D J. Fmew7. Salm 930 IMlee.-Feed 75344 42960-277714)960-2777 $700 Smmmms Fre.a7. Sur 400 Dallas. Tea. 73741 12141634.3300 3463 !eh Lr Rd. Sum IH Dallas. Texas 75740 441411f1•H00 7617 Th— Aeenae Dull- Tease 75704 4214) 571 -OW G. PRELIMINARY PLAT. All Preliminary Plats -on -subject tracts shall be accompanied by an aerial tree,survey-showing general areas of trees within the development. An on the ground,tree survey may be Mgaested-at the ,discret on of the Staff. � Zation H. APPLICATION -FINAL PLAT. Permits for removal, or replacement of trees covered herein shall b6 6btained by making application -on a form prescribed by the City to the Department of'Community DeDevelopmenrat the time of Final Plat. The application shall also be accompanied by a written document indicating the reasons for removal, relocation or replacement of trees and two (2) copies of a legible site plan drawn to the largest practicable scale indicating the following: 1. A field survey of all trees on site six inches (6") or larger in caliper. 2. A tree preservation plan, if deemed necessary by City Staff, showing: trees to be saved, trees to be relocated or new replacement trees with locations, and trees six inches (6") or larger to be removed or relocated except for trees in the -street right-of-way, buildable area and easements; and, if deemed necessary by City Staff, a tree evaluation by a licensed arborist at time of Final Plat to determine the condition of existing trees. 3. Location of all existing or proposed structures, improvements and site uses, properly dimensioned and referenced to property lines, setback and yard requirements and special relationships. 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and major contours. 5. Location of existing and proposed utility easements. 6. Application involving developed properties may be based on drawings showing only that portion of the site directly involved, adjacent structures, and landscaping or natural growth incidental thereto. 7. Tree information required above shall be summarized in legend form on the plan and shall include the reason for the proposed removal or replacement. I. APPLICATION REVIEW. Upon receipt of a proper application, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the application for new subdivisions. The Department of Community Development shall review applications for platted lots. Said review may include a field inspection of the site, and the application may be referred to such Departments as deemed appropriate for review and recommendations. If the application is made in conjunction with a Final Plat submitted for approval, the application will be considered as part of the plat, and no permit shall be issued without Final Plat approval. Following the review and inspection, the permit applications will be approved, disapproved, or approved with conditions by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Department of Community Development as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of this section. J. TREE PROTECTION. During any construction or land development, the developer or builder shall clearly mark all trees to be maintained and will be required to erect and maintain protective barriers around all such trees or groups of trees. The developer shall not allow the movement of equipment or the storage of vehicles, equipment, materials, debris or fill to be placed within the drip line of any tree. 33 3. INFRASTRUCTURE / EMERGENCY ACCESS. A. To facilitate emergency access, one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridge and one-half of Alma Drive from Suncreek Boulevard to Hedgecoxe Road and the pavement of the new north -south collector street (Suncreek Boulevard) from McDermott Drive south to Alma Drive will be constructed simultaneously with the development of any tract, and must be complete before the City issues building permits -on, any Tract in thi, s amended PD -31. B . To facilitate emergency- access, -the. remaining one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridge rwill=be constrff tsd simultaneously-withiany parcel which exceeds 80 anacresy(50%) of the non -park developable acreage south of Rowlett Creek d must be complete before the City issues additional permits o `n Tracts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 1,4..7 /f 1�}z(.f C. w.nth Gtt"ec-eptance-of-�h' -4a tsingle-family-residential-tract; C� �e a �A �,✓ the remaining one-half of Alma Drive to Hedgecoxe Road.will'be completed 6�rp 4 I� before building permits are issued.JA Ife��✓co 'IL 0ry� The City of Allen agrees to reimburse the developer a minimum of 26% o�J � (/" Q/u �ca-h ui 75% of the Alma Drive bridge cost and�a y -additional amount which i `~`� 0 oy�N1g1 �� `.ti mutually agreed upon. Ij v� L 4. SIDEWALKS ALONG-- - AND R3U RESIDENTIAL COLLECT R _STREET_S_ Sidew`alks.paralleling C2U and R3U Collector streets within the Suncr_eek development will be placed in an easement 4.0' width and 9.5' fromNhe curb. The area between the walk easement and curb will be planted with turf grass, The builder will be required to plant two (2) three to four inch (3" - 4") caliper trees, from the list of trees set forth in Table G-1 below, per lot within the area between walk and back of curb along R3U collector streets (Exhibits D and E). TABLE G - 1 APPROVED STREET TREES Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinesis Burr Oak Quercus macrocarpa Red Oak Quercus shumardii Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Summit, Purple, Raywood) Live Oak Quercus virginiana The Builder/Developer will select trees from this list to plant along C2U and R3U residential collector streets within Suncreek. CITY OF ALLEN I 2. LINEAR GREENBELT AREAS. A. Community Park. The developer has designated Tracts 14 and 14A as the area to be dedicated to the City of Allen. These two (2) areas provide 18.6 net acres of pristine, mature, wooded, park land adjacent to the Rowlett Creek flood plain and linear park system. This 18.6 net acres will be non - reclaimed, non -flood plain land. B. Rowlett Creek. The 100 year flood plain, as determined in the field, as required by the City of Allen Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance No. 1030-4-91, will be dedicated to the City of Allen at the time of Final Plat. C. Single Family / Community Facilities. Tract 3A, Tract 5A, Tract 8B, and Tract 10A have been designated -Sin gle-Family_-/_Community Facilities. These.parcels-are-adjacent-to'thee-flood plain and could,provide public access o the linear park area. These Tracts (3A, 5A, 8B)and 10A) shall be available for acquisition by the City of Allen for public park uses for a �1 period of thirty (30) mo th§Council approval of this amended E / PD -31 ordinance, orcvh'�itaNo"bain study is approved, whichever is S �01� later. During that time, the City of Allen may acquirelthese parcels at a price i �0 N tih based on a market value, as determined by a third party state certified 1 general appraiser, plus CPI factor, maintenance andItaxes paid during the intervening time period. I�, In the event the City does not acquire Tracts 8B and 10A, these tracts may f 10�, G o' be developed under the SF -2 and SF -1 district regulations, respectively, as G� ,✓ outlined in this ordinance. In the -event -the -City --does not acquire the portions of Tracts 3A and -5A ese"trac-ts .may be developed under the SF -3 i ova �^ �h district r ons as outlined in this Amended PD -31 ordinance. i TIS i T M TT'1MQ C A 01 AXT7kiT A ATT A t-IfNT.00 A ATT IL X A TATTR-XT A XTI' " As part of a land dedication to the City of Allen by the Developer, the Developer shall retain a perpetual access and maintenance easement over the entire tract(s) of land being so dedicated. The City of Allen affirms the right and will not deny the Developer the right to have drainage and utility easements (i.e., water lines, sanitary sewer, storm drain, roads, electrical, natural gas, cable, television, telephone and other such comparable uses) across land dedicated to the City in locations agreed to by both parties at the time of platting. At the time the 18.6 net acre park and the ±31.0 acre Rowlett Creek Linear Greenbelt (flood plain) land is dedicated, the City shall maintain that the uses, building construction, signage not normal to the activity of the park and/or public enjoyment be prohibited. Any of the above -listed changes must be approved by the City Staff and the Park Board. The Developer retains the right with prior City Approval, but not the obligation, to construct additional improvements, and to enhance or provide additional maintenance to the entire tract(s) or any portion thereof which the Developer deems necessary. The Developer shall also retain the drainage and utility rights as specified on the plat. 25 SECTION VI PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMUNITY FACILITIES A. GENERAL REGULATIONS CF - COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS. 1. PURPOSE. This district is to provide for educational, recreational and municipal facilities to enhance the quality of life as well as to serve the welfare of the community. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise in these districts shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Parks/Green belt areas/hike and bike trails/pedestrian easements (P/GB) B . Neighborhood recreation (NR) 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. The height limits of the contiguous district that are most permissive shall govern, except that such limits may be exceeded as granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission as part of the Site Plan Approval. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. The yard requirements of each adjoining zoning district shall govern along any- such .common-boundary=The`lot coverage-and:floor area ratio regulati'o'ns- f the'contiguous dis[rict ttia[ arethe most permissive`shall-govern; "' except -that such limit may be exceeded as granted by the Planning and Zoning /Commissionnas part of the Site Plan Approval.. D 1. USE REGULATIONS The land uses referred to below shall, if accepted by the representative entity, be used as shown in Table VI - 1. 23 MINIMUM LOT AREA MINIMUM BUILDABLE MINIMUM FRONT YARD MINIMUM SIDE YARD MINIMUM REAR YARD MINIMUM LOT DEPTH MINIMUM LOT WIDTH DWELLING UNIT SIZE LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM DENSITY TABLE V-1 SUMMARY OF SINGLE FAMII'Y DISTRICT REGULATIONS SF- 1 12,000 OMI 50% @ 25' 50% @ 20' 10% of lot width or 8' whichever is less. 10' 120' 80' 1,800 50% 2.0 DU/AC SF - 2 7,500 2,000 40% @ 25' 60%'@ 20' 10% of lot width or 6' whichever is less. 10' 110' 65' ,1, 4.0 DU/AC �1 SF - 3 SF -4 li 1,500 20' 9'+ For 5'+ 5' 10' 90' 'Ae$_U X06- isDc) 5.5 DU/AC 2,250 20' 1 9'+ For 5'+ 5' 15' 100' r 65% 6.5 DU/AC The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for detached garages shall be three feet (3'). A minimum of ten feet (10') shall be maintained between detached garages on adjacent lots, and a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3) from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. Minimum lot width and depth can vary on cul-de-sac lots, but in no event shall the lot size be less than required by the zoning district. 21 5. B. Size of Lot: 1. Lot Aria. lNo�b��u��i�lld�� $& shall be constructed on any lot of less than fife'thousand,(.,t�w) uare feet. . (S sO6) Nbe 2. L iThe width of the lot shall ness than forty-five feet ' at the front building line. lJv 3. Lot epth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than ninety feet (901 ) �.� 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may varyjin width and depth, but in no event shall be less than required in Paragraph 4(B)(1) above. C. Minimum Dwelling Size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be orie thousand four hundred uare feet. EllD. Lot. Coverage. In no case shall e than fifty-five percent (55%) of the totbd, lot area be covered by the combined area,of the main buildings and accessory buildings. BUILDING REGULATION. A. Main Buildings. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors; that is on a wall with " brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of same masonry material as the residence. 18 1. 2. 3 4. P TRS SE. This districtshall be de eloped r single-family, detached dwellings, on lots of not less than five thousan ) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for a maximum of 5.5 dwelling units per acre: USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise of this district shall be used only for the following ptirposel: A. Single-family, detached units'and,accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No- building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). 2. Side Yard. Two side yards are required, a one foot ( l') and a nine foot (9') side yard is permitted. A separation of not less than ten feet (10') shall be maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be fifteen feet (15'). 3. Alternate Side Yard. An alternate side yard is a five foot (5') setback on either side of dwelling provided the adjoining side yard for the adjacent lot is five feet (5'). 4. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 5. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 6. Detached Garages. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 17 THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK A 282 ACRE MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY ALLEN, TEXAS AMENDED PD -31 ZONING REQUEST JUNE 2, 1994 REVISED FOR PRESENTATION TO CITY OF ALLEN CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 1, 1994 Prepared for: Plano/Allen Suncreek, Ltd. c/o Siepiela Interests, Inc. 5001 LBJ Freeway, Suite 830 Dallas, Texas 75244 Prepared by: MESA Design Group 2612 Thomas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 and Unzicker, Schnurbusch and Associates, Inc. 8700 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75247 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I ......................... Introduction .............................................. 1 Section II ........................ Local Retail .............................................. 3 SectionIII ....................... Office ..................................................... 5 Section IV ....................... Multi -Family Districts .................................. 8 Section V ........................ Single -Family Districts................................11 General Regulations............................................................ 11 SF -1 District Regulations......................................................13 SF -2 District Regulations......................................................15 SF -3 District Regulations......................................................17 SF -4 District Regulations......................................................19 Table V-1 Single -Family District Regulations...............................21 Table V-2 Single Family Densities and Unit Counts ....................... 22 Section VI ....................... Public and Private Community Facilities ............ 23 Table VI -1 Community Facilities Use........................................24 Section VII ...................... General Standards for Development ................. 27 Exhibit A ............. PD -31 Exhibit B ............... PD -31 Amended Exhibit C ............... Conceptual Plan Exhibit D ............... C2U Collector Street Exhibit E ............... R3U Collector Street Tree Preservation Policy.................................................................. 30 SECTION I INTRODUCTION This submittal is a request to the City of Allen to consider amending City of Allen PD - 31 pursuant to the attached development criteria and Planned Development Tract Plan for the Villages of Suncreek. In April of 1985, the City of Allen amended the comprehensive plan to establish a PD zone on ±282.7 acres of land located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hedgecoxe Road and the future extension of Alma Drive (Exhibit "A"). The applicant in 1985 was the Utal Company. The original applicant was never able to initiate development on the land. Subsequently, Plano/Allen Suncreek Ltd., a limited partnership, bought the ±282.7 acre parcel. Almost ten (10) years have passed since the City granted the PD zoning to this tract. The current owners of the parcel are seeking approval from the City to amend PD - 31 (Exhibit "B") to achieve the following objectives: 1. Preserve a much larger area of mature trees along Rowlett Creek outside the flood plain. 2. Designate additional treed acreage within the tract that the City may purchase at a future date. 3. Reduce the retail acreage at the corner of Hedgecoxe Road and Alma Drive and decrease the acreage available for the development of multi -family housing by eliminating the ±8.5 acres north of Rowlett Creek previously designated MF. Objectives 1 and 2 are possibly the most compelling reasons for amending PD - 31. Mature trees cover approximately 80 acres of the ±282.7 acre tract. Exhibit "B" shows that approximately 31.0 acres will be preserved in the flood plain dedication. Under the revised PD, an additional 18.6 net acres of trees will be dedicated to the City as park and open space. The amended PD plan also shows ±24.75 acres of single-family acreage with a community facilities overlay zone. This provision of the revised PD would allow the City to preserve the trees in these areas by purchasing the land at some future date. This would allow the City to permanently set aside over 60 acres of a valuable resource. Objective 3 scales back the previously proposed retail acreage. The original PD - 31 (Exhibit "A") provided over 20 acres for retail use at the corner of Alma Drive and Hedgecoxe Road. The revised PD proposal (Exhibit "B") reduces the retail at this corner to ±3.0 acres. This will provide local commercial facilities more compatible with the surrounding residential uses. The reduced retail site is also more in tune with the comprehensive plan now that Hedgecoxe Road is no longer a major arterial in the thoroughfare plan. The revised Suncreek PD plan proposes a maximum of 290 multi -family units and a maximum of 941 single-family units for a total of 1,231 units. Amenities Landscaping and berming will be used along Hedgecoxe Road and Alma Drive to enhance the pedestrian experience while walking along these major streets. These landscape elements will be used to reduce the presence of the screen walls wherever possible. The residential collectors within the Suncreek community will have sidewalks set back from the curb an additional five feet (5) to accommodate the planting of two (2) street trees per residence. Exhibits "D" and "E" illustrate the sidewalk and street -tree concept. In addition to the tree -lined streets, the Villages of Suncreek will be identified by unique landscaped entries at Hedgecoxe Road, Alma Drive and McDermott Drive. The following Sections of this submittal detail the criteria for each land use to be developed under the amended PD - 31. 2 ,.» a. r_ ... ..��:i1 �' Ii Nig^�"�'���, .,�,, ,' ;',��5 .;��\ SECTION II LOCAL RETAIL A. DISTRICT REGULATIONS LR LOCAL RETAIL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide a limited retail category intended for use near neighborhood areas for the purposes of supplying day-to-day retail needs of the residents, such as food, drugs, and personal services. The area, height, yard, parking, and screening regulations of the "LR" District are calculated to permit neighborhood, convenience facilities compatible with the adjacent residential areas that they are intended to serve. 2. USE REGULATIONS. - A building or premise shall be used for the following purposes: A. Any use permitted in the "LR" District as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, City of Allen except Radio Tower, Heliport, Helistop, Parking Lots, Private Garage, Public Garage or Utility Substation. B . Other retail stores and personal services of similar nature and character if the business establishment supplies the everyday shopping needs of the immediate neighborhood and subject to the following conditions: (1) That it is conducted wholly within an enclosed building. (2) The required yards are not used for display, sale or storage of merchandise or for the storage of vehicles, equipment container, or waste material. (3) That all merchandise be new or unused and sold at retail on the premises. (4) That such use be not objectionable because of odor, excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar nuisance in accordance with the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. C. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses. D. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of Section 2.06, Specific Use Permit, City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or 2 - 1/2 stories in height. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. The size of front, side and rear yards shall be as follows: A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of twenty-five feet (25'). No parking, storage or similar use shall be allowed in required front yards, except that automobile parking will be permitted in such yards if separated by at least one hundred feet (100) from any residential District. 2. Side Yard. A side yard of not less than fifteen feet (15) in width shall be provided on the side of a lot adjoining a side street, an alley, or a residential district. A side yard of not less than ten feet (10) in width shall be provided on at least one (1) side of any lot. 3. Rear Yard. No rear yard is required except that a rear yard of not less than twenty-five feet (25') in depth shall be provided upon that portion of the lot abutting or across a rear street or alley from a residential District. B. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than forty percent (40%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. C. Floor Area Ratio. - The ratio of total floor area of all buildings to total land area shall be a maximum of 1:1.67. 5. BUILDING REGULATIONS. All main building exteriors shall be constructed of stone, brick, tile, cement, glazing, concrete, or similar materials. 6. LANDSCAPE BUFFER. A minimum of fifteen feet (15) wide landscape buffer with a minimum of one (1) three inch (3") caliper tree for every sixty (60) linear feet shall be provided adjacent to any residential district which abuts the Local Retail District. Landscape buffers shall be irrigated and will be maintained by the property owner. 7. EXTERIOR LIGHTING. A. Exterior lighting fixtures, whether attached to buildings or free-standing, shall be of a harmonious design. A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review. In no event shall "area" lighting other than "cut off' type fixtures mounted twelve feet (12) or less above grade be allowed to be mounted on a building wall. All exterior lighting will have "cut off' or shielded fixtures. B . Lighting shall be in accordance with any future lighting standards adopted by the City of Allen, or these standards, whichever is more stringent. FA SECTION III OFFICE A. DISTRICT REGULATIONS O OFFICE DISTRICT REGULATION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide for office uses not dependent upon retail trade or retail traffic for their operation. This district permits the location of offices of any profession, trade, or service near their clients and minimize the effect upon residential and commercial areas. The heights, setbacks, sign controls, and parking regulations are intended to allow flexibility in design and maintain aesthetics and neighborhood quality. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise shall be used for the following purposes: A. Any use listed as permissible in an "O" District as set forth in the City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, except Radio Tower, Heliport, Helistop, Parking Lots, Private Garage, Public Garage and Utility Substation. B. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of Section 2.06, Specific Use Permits, City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. The maximum height for the main building shall be two (2) standard stories, but shall not exceed thirty-five feet (35') in height, provided that any building or portion of it may be erected above said limit if setback from all street lines and required yard lines is one foot (1) of its height above such limit. In no event, however, shall any building exceed one (1) standard story when located within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any property zoned for residential purposes. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard: (a) There shall be a minimum front yard having a depth of not less than one hundred feet (100') adjacent to any street with a right-of-way of one hundred feet (100') or more. (b) There shall be a minimum front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25') adjacent to any street with a right-of-way less than one hundred feet (100') provided that any building or portion of a building greater than thirty-five feet (35') in height must be set back from the property line k, one foot (1') for each foot above such limit with a maximum setback of two hundred feet (200') regardless of the height of the building. (c) Lots having double frontage shall provide the required setback from both streets. (a) There shall be a minimum side yard for each side of the lot or tract on which any single building or building complex is constructed of ten feet (10') provided that any building or portion of a building greater than thirty-five feet (35') in height must be set back from any side street, alley, or residential district one foot (1') for each foot above such limit with a maximum setback of one hundred feet (100') regardless of the height of the building. (b) On corner lots, the required front yard setback shall be provided on both streets and such required yard may not be used for parking purposes. 3. Rear Yard: (a) No rear yard is required except that a rear yard of not less than fifty feet (50') in depth shall be provided upon that portion of the lot abutting or across a rear street or alley from a residential district. B . Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area be covered by a combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings, excluding parking facilities. C. Floor Area Ratio. The ratio of total floor area of all buildings to total land area shall be a maximum of 1:1. 5. BUILDING REGULATION . All main building exteriors shall be constructed of stone, brick, tile, cement, concrete, or similar materials. 6. LANDSCAPE BUFFER. A minimum fifteen feet (15') wide landscape buffer shall be provided adjacent to any residential district that abuts the office district included in this PD as amended. Landscape buffers shall be irrigated and will be maintained by the property owner. G A. Exterior lighting fixtures, whether attached to buildings or free-standing, shall be of a harmonious design. A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review. In no event shall "area" lighting other than "cut off' type fixtures mounted twelve feet (12) or less above grade be allowed to be mounted on a building wall. All exterior lighting will have "cut off' or shielded fixtures. B . Lighting shall be in accordance with any future lighting standards adopted by the City, or these standards, whichever is more stringent. 7 SECTION IV MULTI -FAMILY DISTRICTS A. DISTRICT REGULATIONS MF - 2 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide for higher density residential uses, with a maximum density of twenty (20) dwelling units per gross acre. A maximum of 290 units will be permitted in this Planned Development District. The multi -family tract has been located to: provide a buffer between dissimilar land uses; to be located on major thoroughfares; and to provide alternate housing options in close proximity to the planned employment centers. 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS The development of this property shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Multi -family - 2 Residential District ("MF -2") Regulations as set forth in Section 3.01(J) of the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, except as specifically provided herein. 3. USE REGULATIONS. The following are permitted uses in the "MF -2" District: A. Multi -family dwelling units and uses normally permitted as accessory to these uses. B. Any use permitted in accordance with the provisions of the Multi -family - 2 Residential "MF -2" District Regulations as set forth in Section 3.01(J) of the Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. C. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. In the case of the single-family use, all Single -Family District regulations would apply as stated in Section V of this Amended PD -31. D. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. E. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. F. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 4. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-six feet (36') or three (3) stories in height. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a required depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). 8 2. Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than ten feet (10'). A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15). 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). B. Size of Lot. 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot less than sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of six thousand four hundred (6,400) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100') at the front street building line. 3. Lot Dem. The depth of the lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100'). C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The following minimum floor area of any dwelling unit shall be five hundred (500) square feet, with an average of no less than seven hundred (700) square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and porches. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings, excluding parking facilities. 6. BUILDING REGULATION . All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 7. LANDSCAPE BUFFER. A minimum fifteen feet (15') wide landscape buffer shall be provided adjacent to any residential district that abuts the MF -2 district included in this PD as amended. Landscape buffers shall be irrigated and will be maintained by the property owner. 8. BUILDING PLACEMENT. Where three (3) or more buildings are within one hundred feet (100') of the street right-of-way and have a footprint greater than four (4) units, one-third of these buildings must be turned such that their lengths are a minimum of forty-five degrees (45') to the street right-of-way. The remainder may be parallel to the street. 9 A. Exterior lighting fixtures, whether attached to buildings or free-standing, shall be of a harmonious design. A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review. In no event shall "area" lighting other than "cut off' type fixtures mounted twelve feet (12') or less above grade be allowed to be mounted on a building wall. All exterior lighting will have "cut off' or shielded fixtures. B. Lighting shall be in accordance with any future lighting standards adopted by the City, or these standards, whichever is more stringent. 10. CARPORTS. In the event that carports are constructed, these structures shall not be located parallel to and adjacent to the street frontages. However, they may be constructed perpendicular to the street, parallel to the building. Any carport roof must be constructed of materials that are architecturally compatible with the roof of the main structure. Flat built-up roofs will be allowed only when all other materials meet the intent of this paragraph (i.e., prefabricated or other metal units are not considered compatible with brick, stone, stucco, or wood siding and trim). TABLE IV -1 UNIT SUMMARY MF - 2 Tract No. Gross Acres Avg. Density Maximum Units 6 14.5 20 290 10 SECTION V SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICTS A. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. SINGLE FAMILY UNIT TOTALS. There shall be a maximum of 941 single- family detached units within the Suncreek Community. Lot and unit sizes and development regulations shall be in accordance with the single family, SF -1, SF -2, SF -3 and SF -4 Districts ("District") as set forth in this ordinance and summarized in Table V-1 and Table V-2. The specific distribution, density and location of the various lot, house and product types and sizes shall be determined by the Developer or Builder at the time of platting, allowing the Developer or Builder to develop the maximum units specified in each District or to reduce the dwelling units per acre in any tract. As part of each plat submission, the Developer or Builder shall submit an accounting of the number of lots previously and currently being platted, net acres, total lots and density. The Builder or Developer also will calculate the total number of units, if any, which the Developer or Builder did not construct on previous tracts or portions of tracts that could be developed on this tract or future tracts. EXHIBIT "C", Conceptual Plan, is illustrative in nature and is a graphic representation of a potential unit mix that could occur under these Amended PD -31 regulations. However, this plan is conceptual only, and is one of many designs which could be developed for further engineering studies. A revised, engineered site plan will be submitted for each tract for City approval at the time of preliminary platting. 2. SPECIAL AMENITIES, The Suncreek Community will incorporate several unique amenities and aesthetic improvements, such as, but not limited to: landscaping, berming, irrigation systems, entry features, specialty directional and street signage, street lighting and accessory facilities, etc. The Developer or Builder agrees to accept the responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty items until the responsibility is turned over to a homeowners \ association. In the event that the responsible party fails to construct or maintain any of the items within the public right-of-way, the City of Allen may maintain these �. amenities, but only to the same standards as provided for under normal city regulations. 3. PRIVATE RECREATIONAL FACILTIIE . An integral part of the development of the Suncreek Community is the provision of recreational facilities for the Suncreek residents. The first phase, private recreational facilities will be located on Alma Drive and will be part of the major entryway into the Suncreek community as well as contiguous to the wooded open space beyond. 4. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING. It is the intent of the Developer to utilize a soft, natural design approach to screening the edges of the residential areas, such as earthen berms with plantings, to minimize the use of walls and fences. However, where more traditional fencing is necessary due to lotting patterns, additional landscape treatment and architectural quality controls on materials, colors, heights, setbacks, etc. will be incorporated by the Developer. 11 5. A minimum landscape easement of fifteen feet (15') shall be provided along Hedgecoxe Road and Alma Drive. Within the combined parkway and the designated landscape easement, the Developer or Builder shall install sidewalks, berms (with a maximum slope of 3:1), plant materials and automatic irrigation systems. The medians of all divided thoroughfares shall also be landscaped with trees, ground cover or grass. 6. FRONT ENTRY GARAGES Front entry garages may be permitted on any residential tract at the time of platting with the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The specific intent is to allow front entry garages where trees on lots could be preserved in lieu of side entry or rear entry garage sequences that would eliminate desirable trees on lots. 7. CUL-DE-SAC LENGTH. The length of cul-de-sacs may exceed six hundred feet (600') provided that the City of Allen Fire Marshall has determined that emergency access is available to all units to be served by the cul-de-sac. In no case shall a cul- de-sac length exceed one thousand feet (1,000'). 8. SIDEWALKS. The residential Developer or Builder shall construct four foot (4) wide sidewalks along both sides of residential streets, and five feet (5') in width along both sides of major thoroughfares. Sidewalks are not required adjacent to alleys. Bike paths which are integral to the City-wide bike path system parallel to Rowlett Creek shall be eight feet (8) in width. 9. MINIMUM DWELLING UNIT SIZES. The minimum dwelling unit sizes are regulated as part of the SF -1, SF -2, SF -3 and SF -4 District regulations contained herein and as outlined in Table V-1. 12 B. DISTRICT REGULATIONS SF -1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. This district is to be composed of single-family, detached dwellings, on lots of not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for a maximum of 2.0 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. On fifty percent (50%) of the buildings, there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the buildings may have a front yard of not less than twenty-five feet (25'). The lots with twenty foot (20') front yards shall be distributed throughout each plat. 2. Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of ten percent (10%) of the lot width or eight feet (8') whichever is less. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'). 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 4. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 5. Detached Garages. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 13 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than eighty feet (80') at the front street building line, nor shall its average width be less than eighty feet (80'). 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than one hundred twenty feet (120'), except that a corner lot may have a depth of less than one hundred twenty feet (120') provided that the minimum depth is no less than one hundred feet (100'). 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may vary in width and depth, but in no event shall the lot area be less than required in Paragraph 4(B)(1) above. C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum floor area for residential dwellings exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches shall be one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet. D. Lot Coveraee. In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 5. BUILDING REGULATIONS. A. Main Buildings. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. • �• -� .,. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of same masonry material as the residence. 14 SF -2 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. PURPOSE. This district is to be composed of single-family, detached dwellings on lots of not less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for about 4.0 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or two and one-half (2 112) stories in height. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. On forty percent (40%) of the buildings, there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25'). The remaining sixty percent (60%) of the buildings may have a front yard of not less than twenty feet (20'). The lots with twenty foot (20') front yards shall be distributed throughout each plat. 2. Side Yard. new shall be a side yard on each side of the lots having a width of ten percent (10%) of the lot width or six feet (6') whichever is less. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'). 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 4. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 5. Detached Garages. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 15 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of two thousand (2,000 ) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot, other than cul-de-sac lots, shall not be less than sixty-five feet (65') at the front street building line, nor shall its average width be less than sixty-five feet (65'). 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot, except for cul-de-sac lots, shall not be less than one hundred ten feet (110'), except that a corner lot may have a depth of less than one hundred ten feet (110') provided that the minimum depth is no less than ninety feet (90'). 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may vary in width and depth, but in no event shall be less than required in Paragraph 4(B)(1). C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum floor area for residential dwellings exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches shall be one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than forty percent (40%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 5. BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. A. Main Buildi=. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 11 Mi 0To ,. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of same masonry material as the residence. 16 SF -3 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 6,SOO 1. PURPOSE. This district shall be devello�pedkr single-family, detached dwellings, on lots of not less than five thousand� , ) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. This district should provide for a maximum of 5.5 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise of this district shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single-family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to this use. B. Parks and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. C. Churches and related uses as permitted by Specific Use Permit. D. Sales Offices and Model Homes as temporary uses. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). 2. Side Yard. Two side yards are required, a one foot (1') and a nine foot (9) side yard is permitted. A separation of not less than ten feet (10') shall be maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be fifteen feet (15'). 3. Alternate Side Yard. An alternate side yard is a five foot (5') setback on either side of dwelling provided the adjoining side yard for the adjacent lot is five feet (5'). 4. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten feet (10'). 5. Accessory Building Setbacks. The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for accessory buildings shall be three feet (3'). 6. Detached Garages. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. A minimum lot depth of one hundred twenty feet (120') is required for a detached garage. In addition, a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between detached garages or between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. 17 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than five thousanc�,(;960juare feet. (S SOb1 2. Lot Width The width of the lot shall not be less than forty-five feet )at the front building line. 3. 'Lot Depth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than ninety feet (90'). 4. Cul -De -Sac Lots. Lots on cul-de-sacs may vary in width and depth, but in no event shall be less than required in Paragraph 4(B)(1) above. C. Minimum Dwelling Size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be one thousand four hundred 4�uare feet. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall mo)e than fifty-five percent (55%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 5. BUILDING REGULATION. A. Main Building. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 1. Detached, free-standing garages, whether attached to the main building by a covered walkway or not, must be clad in one of the materials of the main structure. 2. If the detached garage is constructed on a corner lot or has sides adjacent to any street or thoroughfare, then seventy-five percent (75%) of the structure must be of same masonry material as the residence. 18 PURPOSE. This district provides a medium -density dwelling classification in the form of attached dwelling units on separate lots under separate ownership of dwelling units. This district should provide for a maximum 6.5 dwelling units per acre. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Single Family Detached dwelling units. B. Any use permitted in District "2F" of the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. C. Attached dwelling units, provided that no more than six (6) dwelling units are attached in one (1) continuous row or group, and provided that no dwelling unit is constructed above another dwelling unit. A site plan shall be required for attached housing in the SF -4 District. The site plan will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval. D. Such uses as allowed under the Schedule of Uses section of the City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. E. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of Section 2.06, Specific Use Permits, City of Allen Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. A. Size of Yards. 1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20'). No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. 2. Side Yard, For single-family detached dwelling units and buildings containing more than one (1) dwelling unit, two (2) side yards are required, either one foot (1') and nine feet (9) on each side or five feet (5') on each side, by which a separation of ten feet (10') is always maintained between structures. Structures containing more than one (1) unit may have no side yard between adjoining units. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15'), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be fifteen feet (15'). I 3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen feet (15'). 1. Lot Area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than four thousand (4,000) square feet. Such lot shall have a minimum buildable area of two thousand two hundred fifty (2,250) square feet. 2. Lot Width. The width of the lot shall not be less than thirty-five feet (35') at the front street building line. 3. Lot Depth. The depth of the lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100'). C. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum floor area for any dwelling unit shall be one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and porches. D. Lot Coverage. In no case shall more than sixty-five percent (65%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 5. BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. A. Main Buildings. All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) brick, tile, cement, concrete, stone, stucco or similar materials. The following method is used for calculation: If there is a window or door, including garage doors, that is on a wall with brick on both sides, then it can count as part of the masonry requirement. If there is siding around it, it counts as siding. Regarding gables, if in front of an attic space, it is exempt from masonry requirement. If in front of a living space, it is considered into the calculation of masonry. 20 MINIMUM LOT AREA MINIMUM BUILDABLE ♦ IgI♦1♦ '• •'1 ♦I9jT1♦ Rbl 11 WK11'P 1 I :MCI01 ♦ I` -IT i r 19-91NDOWHI MINIMUM LOT WIDTH MINIMUM DWELLING UNIT SIZE MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE DENSITY ,+ 3 TABLE V-1 SUMMARY OF SINGLE FAMILY n A19_ DISTRICT REGULATIONS CP SF- 1 I 3,600 50% @ 25' 50% @ 20' 10% of lot width or 8' whichever is less. 10' 120' 80' 1,800 50% 2.0 DU/AC SF -2 7,500 2,000 40% @ 25' 60% @ 20' 10% of lot width or 6' whichever is less. 10' 110' 65' 1,400 40% 4.0 DU/AC SF - 3 SF -4 1,500 2,250 20' 20' 9'+ For 9'+1'or 5'+ 5' 5'+ 5' 10' 15' 90' 100' 55% 65% 5.5 DU/AC 6.5 DU/AC The minimum rear and side yard setbacks for detached garages shall be three feet (3'). A minimum of ten feet (10') shall be maintained between detached garages on adjacent lots, and a minimum separation of ten feet (10') shall be required between a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. Detached garages may be attached to the main structure by a covered walkway, and be setback a minimum of three feet (3') from the rear and side property lines; however, the driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in length. Minimum lot width and depth can vary on cul-de-sac lots, but in no event shall the lot size be less than required by the zoning district. 21 TABLE V-2 SINGLE FAMILY DENSITIES AND UNIT COUNTS RESIDENTIAL TRACT GROSS AVERAGE TOTAL NO, ACRES DENSITY UNITS 3 ±40.7 5.5 223 3A ±2.7 5.5 15 5 ±6.25 5.5 34 5A ±0.7 5.5 4 8 ±21.3 4.0 85 8A ±8.0 4.0 32 8B ±5.2 4.0 20 9 ±25.5 5.5 140 10 ±18.5 4.0 74 10A ±15.5 2.0 31 11 ±8.0 6.5 52 12 ±14.0 5.5 77 13 ±33.7 4.0 135 13A ±4.7 4.0 19 TOTAL ±204.75 4.6 941 NOTE: The tract acreages shown in the table above are approximate and may change upon final survey and calculation of final tract boundaries. The location and actual density for each tract will be determined at the time of platting. However, the maximum total number of single-family dwelling units allowed under this PD amendment, including the medium density (SF -4), will be 941. 22 SECTION VI PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMUNITY FACILITIES A. GENERAL REGULATIONS CF - COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS. PURPOSE. This district is to provide for educational, recreational and municipal facilities to enhance the quality of life as well as to serve the welfare of the community. 2. USE REGULATIONS. A building or premise in these districts shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Parks/Green belt areasthike and bike trails/pedestrian easements (P/GB) B . Neighborhood recreation (NR) 3. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. The height limits of the contiguous district that are most permissive shall govern, except that such limits may be exceeded as granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission as part of the Site Plan Approval. 4. AREA REGULATIONS. The yard requirements of each adjoining zoning district shall govern along any such common boundary. The lot coverage and floor area ratio regulations of the contiguous district that are the most permissive shall govern, except that such limit may be exceeded as granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission as part of the Site Plan Approval. SPECIFIC COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS BY TRACT OR AREA. 1. USE REGULATIONS. The land uses referred to below shall, if accepted by the representative entity, be used as shown in Table VI - 1. 23 TABLE VI -1 SUMMARY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES USE ENTITY USE TRACT BASE APPROX. ZONING ACRES City of Allen Park Dedication 14 and 14/A CF 18.60 (net) 18.60 City of Allen Linear Parks/Flood Plains: Rowlett Creek 4 (West of Alma) FP/CF 24.0* Rowlett Creek 4/A (East of Alma) FP/CF 7.0* 31.0 City of Allen (SF/CF Option): Linear Parks 3A SF/CF 2.70++ 5A SF/CF 0.75++ 8B SF/CF 5.50++ 10A SF/CF 15.50++ 24.45 GRAND TOTAL 74.05 The approximate locations of the uses shown in this table are illustrated on the attached Land Use Plan which shall be attached to and made a part of this ordinance (Exhibit "B"). * Final Park, Open Space and Flood Plain acreages will be determined upon final calculation of the 100 year flood plain and will be documented along with final road and trail alignments at the time of final platting; however, acreages shown in this table would be considered the minimum acreages dedicated to the City of Allen. ++ SF/CF Option Tracts: These acreages are considered to be the maximum option tract acreages available for purchase by the City of Allen. The Option tract acreages may be decreased, if the final flood plain acreage calculation exceeds the 31.0 acres shown in Table VI -1, above. The total acreage available for Community Facilities shall not exceed 74.05 acres. Should the flood plain exceed 31.0 acres, the difference will be deducted from the 24.45 acres of the option land and the City may purchase the remainder. In addition, it is understood that option tracts must be out of the 100 -year flood plain in order to be classified as purchasable land. 24 _ 214 960 2660 08-'2595 09:28 $214 960 2660 REAL ESTATE r TO: FROM: FAX OPERATOR: 51EPIEI A INTERESTS, INC. Real Estate Deve4nAtf aml Mvestmenfs FAX TRANSIMITTAL DATE: FAX NO: --'- 0 TOTAL PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: �Q Z001/002 I 8 Z�S ti 1F YOU DID NOT RECEIVE THE CORRECT TOTAL OF PAGES PLEASE CONTACT 21.4-960-2777. NOTE.:-�Q�✓-ciLC �� - 3 % S- a 3- 5 S t GL,,j( ' It :c'i C 0'u 500 1 1 R FREEWAY. SL)fTE 930 - DALLAS, "TEXAS 75244 • (214) 964.2777 FAX (214) 960`2660 214 960 2660 0825-95 09:28 $214 960 2660 REAL ESTATE • 2. LZMAR GRELnELZ ZEAK. A. Community Park. The developer has designated Tracts 14 and 14A as the area to be dedicated to the City of Allen. These two (2) areas provide 18.6 net acres of pristine, mature, wooded, park land adjacent to the Rowlett Creek flood plain and linear park system. This 18.6 net acres will be non - reclaimed, non -flood plain land. B_ Rowlett Creek. The 100 year flood plain, as determined in the field, as required by the City of Allen Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance No. 1030-4-91, will be dedicated to the City of Allen at the time of Final Plat_ C_ SSiis-zle Fami)X1 Community Facilities. Tract 3A, Tract 5A, Tract 8B, and Tract 10A have been designated Single Family / Community Facilities. These parcels are adjacent to the flood plain and could provide public access to the linear park area. These Tracts (3A, 5A, 813 and 10A) shall be available for acquisition by the City of Allen for public park usesA ntil the 1 - - -- - - - - -. n .. ... - - "- -- - delivered to the City of Allen During that period, the City of Allen may acquire at a price based on a market value, as determined by a third party state certified general appraiser, plus CPI factor, maintenance and taxes paid and accrued during the intervening time period. In the event the City of len does not acquire Tracts 8B and 10A, these tracts may be developed under the SF -2 and SF -1 district regulations, respectively, as outlined in this Allende ED -31 ordinance. In the event the City of Allen does not acquire Tracts 3A and 5A, these tracts may be developed under the SF -3 district regulations as outlined in this Amended PD -31 ordinance. LIE As part of a land dedication to the City of Allen by the Developer, the Developer shall retain a'perpetual access and maintenance easement over the entire tract(s) of land being so dedicated. The City of Allen affirms the right and will not deny the Developer the right to have drainage and utility easements (i.e., water lines, sanitary sewer, storm drain, roads, electrical, natural gas, cable, television, telephone and other such comparable uses) across land dedicated to the City in locations agreed to by both parties at the time of platting. At the time the 18.6 net acre park and the ±31.0 acre Rowlett Creek Linear Greenbelt (flood plain) land is dedicated, the City shall maintain that the uses, building construction, signage not normal to the activity of the park and/or public enjoyment be prohibited. Any of the above -listed changes must be approved by the City Staff and the Park Board. The Developer retains the right with prior City Approval, but not the obligation, to construct additional improvements, and to enhance or provide additional maintenance to the entire tract(s) or any portion thereof which the Developer deems necessary. The Developer shall also retain the drainage and utility rights as specified on the plat. W 2002%002 2. LINEAR GREENBELT AREA . A. Community Park. The developer has designated Tracts 14 and 14A as the area to be dedicated to the City of Allen. These two (2) areas provide 18.6 net acres of pristine, mature, wooded, park land adjacent to the Rowlett Creek flood plain and linear park system. This 18.6 net acres will be non - reclaimed, non -flood plain land. B. Rowlett Creek. The 100 year flood plain, as determined in the field, as required by the City of Allen Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance No. 1030-4-91, will be dedicated to the City of Allen at the time of Final Plat. C. Single Family / Community Facilities. Tract 3A, Tract 5A, Tract 8B, and Tract 10A have been designated Single Family / Community Facilities. These parcels are adjacent to the flood plain and could provide public access to the linear park area. These Tracts (3A, 5A, 8B and 10A) shall be \ available for acquisition by the City of Allen for public park uses for a period of thirty (30),mo�tth, AT } Council approval of this amended PD -31 ordinance, or4vh'd"bd" lam study is approved, whichever is �N S later. During that time, the City of Allen may acquire these parcels at a price p based on a market value, as determined by a third party state certified general appraiser, plus CPI factor, maintenance and taxes paid during the v intervening time period. In the event the Cit does not acquire Tracts 8B and 10A these frac p �y�" _ Y q is may ,'00 ^ ' be developed under the SF -2 and SF -1 district regulations, respectively, as oa v outlined in this ordinance. In the event the City does not acquire the portions of Tracts 3A and 5A, these tracts may be developed under the SF -3 0 district regulations as outlined in this Amended PD -31 ordinance. PO -1 D. UTILITIES EASEMENT AND ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE. As part of a land dedication to the City of Allen by the Developer, the Developer shall retain a perpetual access and maintenance easement over the entire tract(s) of land being so dedicated. The City of Allen affirms the right and will not deny the Developer the right to have drainage and utility easements (i.e., water lines, sanitary sewer, storm drain, roads, electrical, natural gas, cable, television, telephone and other such comparable uses) across land dedicated to the City in locations agreed to by both parties at the time of platting. At the time the 18.6 net acre park and the ±31.0 acre Rowlett Creek Linear Greenbelt (flood plain) land is dedicated, the City shall maintain that the uses, building construction, signage not normal to the activity of the park and/or public enjoyment be prohibited. Any of the above -listed changes must be approved by the City Staff and the Park Board. The Developer retains the right with prior City Approval, but not the obligation, to construct additional improvements, and to enhance or provide additional maintenance to the entire tract(s) or any portion thereof which the Developer deems necessary. The Developer shall also retain the drainage and utility rights as specified on the plat. 25 3. SATISFACTION OF THE PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE. Considering the commitments for dedication of certain lands, as contained herein, the requirements for land dedication or funds in lieu of land for neighborhood parks, as required by Ordinance No. 1102-4-92 is hereby satisfied and is satisfied by the dedication of the 18.6 net acres of parkland for this Suncreek Planned Development (Amended PD -31). The dedication of the 18.6 net acres by the Developer hereunder shall constitute the land dedication and park impact fee obligations of the development of the Suncreek Planned Development (Amended PD -31) with respect to the City's requirements for any and all parks. So long as the Owner/Developer, its successors and assigns, shall comply with the funding or land dedication obligations set forth herein, the City shall not impose any further assessment on the Property or any owners of the Property in connection with the City's dedication or acquisition fee park requirements. 4. PUBLIC ACCESS TO ROWLETT CREEK OPEN SPACE. Public access points shall be provided to Community Facilities land along Suncreek Boulevard and along the unnamed East-West C -2U residential collector. At the time of preliminary platting, the developer will maximize the use of single -loaded residential streets adjacent to City park land. 26 SECTION VII GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT 1. GENERAL. It is recognized that other zoning standards are applicable to the development of this Planned Development District, and that such standards are set forth in the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87. Therefore, for the purpose of the standards set forth herein, the following sections of the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87 are hereby incorporated into this ordinance. A. Section 2.03 - Creation of Building Site B. Section 2.06 - Specific Use Permits C. Section 2.07 - Temporary Use D. Section 2.08 - New and Unlisted Uses E. Section 2.09 - Site Plan Approval F. Section 2.10 - Definitions G. Section 3.02 - Height and Area Exceptions H. Section 3.03 - Vehicle Parking I. Section 3.04 - Off-street Loading J. Section 3.05 - Landscaping K. Section 3.06 - Fences and Walls L. Section 3.07 - Court Standards M. Section 3.08 - Accessory Buildings N. Section 3.10 - Minimum Access. 2. LANDSCAPE BUFFER ALONG MCDERMOTT DRIVE (F.M. 2170). A twenty- five foot (25') wide, irrigated landscape buffer shall be maintained by the property owner along and adjacent to McDermott Drive (F.M. 2170) consistent with Zoning and Development Policies of the City. No building structure or parking shall be permitted within this buffer. Special provisions may be considered where insufficient depth may create a hardship. 27 3. A. To facilitate emergency access, one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridge and one-half of Alma Drive from Suncreek Boulevard to Hedgecoxe Road and the pavement of the new north -south collector street (Suncreek Boulevard) from McDermott Drive south to Alma Drive will be constructed simultaneously with the development of any tract, and must be complete before the City issues building permits on any Tract in this amended PD -31. To facilitate emergency access, the remaining one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridge will be constructed simultaneously with any parcel which exceeds 80 acres (50%) of the non -park developable acreage south of Rowlett Creek and must be complete before the City issues additional permits on Tracts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14. o %S!o c d.ec��/h+zmtte-�sin-�ge-€amily-residential-tratrp' CJ�Spol the remaining one-half of Alma Drive to Hedgecoxe Road will be completed CP before building permits are issued. o The City of Allen agrees to reimburse the developer a minimum of 26% o PD'I ' 75% of the Alma Drive bridge cost and any additional amount which v 0 mutually agreed upon. IALICR ALONr. r`)TT ANTI PITT T2RQTTIRNTTAT rnT T 170"r STREETS. Sidewalks paralleling C2U and R3U Collector streets within the Suncreek development will be placed in an easement 4.0' width and 9.5' from the curb. The area between the walk easement and curb will be planted with turf grass. The builder will be required to plant two (2) three to four inch (3" - 4") caliper trees, from the list of trees set forth in Table G-1 below, per lot within the area between walk and back of curb along R3U collector streets (Exhibits D and E). TABLE G - 1 APPROVED STREET TREES Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinesis Burr Oak Quercus macrocarpa Red Oak Quercus shumardii Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Summit, Purple, Raywood) Live Oak Quercus virginiana The Builder/Developer will select trees from this list to plant along C2U and R3U residential collector streets within Suncreek. 28 rim Prior to or in conjunction with the first final plat being approved for any tract, a facilities agreement between the developer and the City of Allen will be executed. 5 ' "T : ►I t / � 155 1 U-01 0 1113 iocom 11 6110 The developer commits to the City of Allen that a minimum of 31.0 acres of flood plain and a minimum of 18.6 net acres of parkland outside the flood plain will be dedicated as park land at the time of final platting. As part and parcel to this PD -31 Amendment, it is understood that the portion of proposed Bethany Drive south from McDermott Drive to the intersection at Alma Drive will be eliminated from the City's thoroughfare plan. Therefore, the proposed Bethany Drive would extend no further west than the Alma Drive intersection. 8. TRACT 5 RECLAMATION. It is the intention of the developer to reclaim the flood fringe per the City of Allen Subdivision Ordinance No. 1237-4-94 for residential lot development out of the 100 -year flood plain in Tract 5. Should the land in this tract not be able to be reclaimed per the Ordinance, then this land would be dedicated to the City as flood plain which would be in addition to the 74.05 total acres available for Community Facilities as referred to in Table VI -1. OR] �I EXSTNC PD PD -31 April, 1985 a 2_ EXHIBIT -A NOT TO SCALE THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN. TEXAS OWNER: DEVELOPER: LAND PLANNER / MNOi!!1 SUNCRPEK•,.TD. LANDSCAPEARCHI7ECT: Ca w-,. , r.. uo �r T lSiY / 1 V. lffMJ IAESA -r GI.1.10 SlR LMJ F , 5— !bl LTJ f�.�f 5— LM pYa Tu- h!- nulw�m M5I04 GROUP it7 T1�- ��. ui T--1fL] ONln1�Y b t1 Prtipb%d=Mc_Oe tarm��p..� I _ li , L IAC —_—_r_ ell �� _�� �2�, �,�• 1, i V Lim � /"� � - l 4aa-RIIA�7CTT r sFl / 1 1' ii \`. I �• (--J rJnc.eFJl FnluYwvn.o 1 -p �I v J 0 z� g/ t _ / ssF// 1• j > . r ,/ / t SFl6 :I AD iii ��_SFI / • \\\ _ - \-.. I I SCI /�` /r/ �"�\✓TRACT AMLr5 FsF1 J -�\ s W K - /// ` ��;5 , TRACT a r/a\ia n❑ �'S., I' I. SNGLE FrN1LYo-k7Rw- SEdGEE FAMLY-5F .TRACT 1 11 7 K TIS. E 4. 4. o(unc I ' !- TRACT ea P � �� nrv- a LU D AC srJCArnEnmgr sF 1 , h/ SNCLER�T -SF 1 TRACT 9 ]11 a.a AC • F SHME FAMIkY-SF J ,\• ` /a(I DLVCAC w 1' ... 5.5 [N1IK ..1. �.-•� ,5.5OU/AAC NA l K E (PARK oEt>tcwrwla \ THE WOODS OF SEINCREEK �- r IRAJV(L y TRACT 11 SFJGLE FnMLY SF -a, I 1 k6L/ / ` "AC �-1 ) F 1 1 •63 oLUK ad ER �ARY ,li h .�Ilrws - r TRACT LIE ACRFACL MAY (]ENSRY It Ordinance No. 1205-9-94 PD -31 AMENDED UrtN"Yrrr ERhibit Il j 11 11 JUNE 2, 1994 �� EXHIBIT -B THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS OWNER: DEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: TRAFFIC ENGINEER: LAND PLANNER LANDSCAPE ARCIIITFC'I: I'1. %%0/ %1,1 1 N' ♦I'\( RF F K, 1111 IIF.111.( ()\F/,YI.,YIA J.\. UN%ICKFR, SCIINIIIEREISCII RSRF()N.,%SCIISIAN ASSO(1-YTF:S. IN('. %IF, % 1' & ASSOCIATES, INC. .1 1u • IL J F t0 • .•60 n.w. I1my. Sune JN 11.. 1411 I lnr rJ r°II.. 11 1111JW fe.w']L:JJM ILau. Ir.w',IJ] I]ary, 1 1.111 •u+.... 1.IJ1MP1]]] 1:IJ1.1J 1b0 1-111 N1 Iwr, l.lJ J 10�r CONCEPT PLAN THE OWNER: A - FUTURE RETAIL Zkt4; OFFICE 10 Ll R, /��� EJ 1 17 Ur4AR PARK EXHIBIT C VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK CITY OF ALLEN . TEXAS DEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: TRAFFIC ENGINEER: I IN Z I' 'IFR. %CIINt'RIIt'%CII B %RfON- %';CIINI %"I)( I % I Fl. IN( %%SOCIArr.s. I%(,. LAND LANDSCAPE THE VILLAGES OF SUNCREEK TREE PRESERVATION POLICY A. PURPOSE. This Tree Preservation Policy shall apply to Suncreek (PD - 31 Amended) Tracts 8, 8A, 8B, 9, 10, 10A and 12. The purpose of this section is to establish rules and regulations governing the protection of canopy trees within the treed areas of the Villages of Suncreek. This Tree Preservation Policy is included in the Amended PD -31 to encourage the protection of healthy canopy trees and desirable understory trees and vegetation, and to provide for the replacement and replanting of canopy trees that are unnecessarily removed during construction, development or re -development of the property within the treed portions of the Suncreek site. Canopy or overstory trees found on the Suncreek site include, but are not limited to, species of Oak, Elm, and Pecan. The largest of these canopy trees are located along Rowlett Creek. Smaller understory trees, many of which bloom in early spring, are found growing under the canopy trees. These trees add diversity to the forested area of Suncreek. Desirable understory species include: Gum Bumelia (Chittamwood), Eve's Necklace, Rusty Blackhaw, Redbud, Possumhaw Holly, Mexican Plum, Hawthorne, Devils Walkingstick, and Deciduous Holly. This Tree Preservation Policy would be superseded by any future tree preservation ordinance enacted by the City of Allen after the adoption of this PD -Amendment ordinance and would apply to all tracts within the Amended PD -31. B . DEFINITIONS. The following definitions shall apply to this section: 1. BUILDABLE AREA: That portion of a building site exclusive of the required yard areas on which a structure or attached building improvement may be erected as shown on the site plan. 2. DRIP LINE: A vertical line running through the outermost portion of the crown of a tree and extending to the ground. 3. HISTORIC TREE: A tree which has been found by the City to be of a notable historic interest because of its age, type, size or historic association and has been so designated as part of the official records of the City. 4. PERSON: Any corporation, partnership, association or other artificial entity; or any individual; or any agent or employee of the foregoing. 5. SPECIMEN TREE: A tree which has been determined by the City to be of high value because of its type, size, or other professional criteria, and which has been so designated as part of the official records of the City. 6. TREE: Any self-supporting woody perennial plant which has a trunk caliper of six inches (6") or more when measured at a point of four and one - 30 half feet (4 1/2') above ground level and which normally attains an overall height of at least twenty feet (20') at maturity, usually with one (1) main stem or trunk and many branches. It may appear to have several stems or trunks as found in some varieties of oak. 7. YARD AREA: The front, side and rear yard areas as required under the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the zoning district requirements applicable thereto as indicated in Table V-1 of Amended PD -31. C. APPLICABILITY. The terms and provisions of this section shall apply to real property as follows: 1. All real property upon which any designated specimen or historic tree is located. 2. All vacant and undeveloped property. 3. All property to be re -developed, including additions and alterations. 4. The yard areas of all developed property, excluding developed and owner - occupied single-family residential property. 5. All private easements and rights-of-way. D. TREE REMOVAL. 1. No tree or trees shall be removed prior to issuance of a building permit unless one of the following conditions exist: a. The tree is located in a utility or drainage easement or public street right-of-way as recorded on a plat approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the event that certain trees outside the above areas or trees based partially outside the easement are requested to be removed to allow the operation of equipment, the applicant shall submit a Plat and Site Plan which indicates the exact operation area needed. The Department of Community Development may approve selected removal under this condition. b. The tree is diseased, injured, in danger of falling, interferes with utility service, creates unsafe vision clearance, or conflicts with other ordinances or regulations at the discretion of City Staff. C. Except for the above, under no circumstances shall there be clear cutting of trees on a property prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. Upon issuance of a building permit, the builder shall be allowed to remove trees located on the buildable area, as defined herein, of the property. Trees located in required yard areas, buffers and open space areas shall be maintained. 31 EXCEPTIONS. In the event that any tree shall be determined to be in a hazardous or dangerous condition so as to endanger the public health, welfare or safety, and require immediate removal without delay, authorization may be given by the Department of Community Development and the tree may then be removed without obtaining a written permit as herein required. During the period of an emergency such as a tornado, storm, flood, or other act of God, the requirements of this Ordinance may be waived as may be deemed necessary by the City Staff. Utility companies franchised by the City may remove trees which endanger public safety and welfare by interfering with utility service, except that where such trees are on owner -occupied properties developed for one - family use; the disposal of such trees shall be at the option of the property owner. E. REPLACEMENT. In the event it is necessary to remove a tree(s) outside the Buildable Area (as defined above in Section B1), the developer or builder, as a condition to issuance of a tree removal permit, shall be required to replace the tree(s) being removed with comparable or better species trees somewhere within the Amended PD -31 property. A sufficient number of trees shall be planted to equal, in caliper, the caliper of the tree removed. Said replacement trees shall be a minimum of three inches (3") caliper and ten feet (10') in height when planted, and shall be selected from the list of approved replacement trees maintained by the Department of Community Development as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission from the recommendations of the County Extension Service, or from the following list: APPROVED REPLACEMENT TREE SPECIES Cedar Elm Red Oak Pecan Burr Oak Chinquapin Oak Live Oak Green Ash Cultivars Bald Cypress Pistacio American Elm - Ulmus crassifolia - Quercus shumardii - Carya illinoinensis - Quercus macrocarpa - Quercus muhlenbergii - Quercus virginiana - Fraxinus pennsylvanica, ssp. - Taxodium disticum - Pistacia chinensis - Ulmus americana At the time of application review, the person responsible for replacement, time of replacement and location will be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission. F. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT REQUIRED. No person, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove or move, or effectively destroy through damaging, any tree, specimen tree or historic tree situated on property described above without first obtaining a Tree Removal Permit unless the conditions of D.1 and D.2 apply. 32 G. PRELIMINARY PLAT. All Preliminary Plats on subject tracts shall be accompanied by an aerial tree survey showing general areas of trees within the development. An on the ground tree survey may be requested -at the ,discretion of the Staff. / d H. APPLICATION -FINAL PLAT. Permits for removal, re ation or replacement of trees covered herein shall be obtained by making application on a form prescribed by the City to the Department of Community Development at the time of Final Plat. The application shall also be accompanied by a written document indicating the reasons for removal, relocation or replacement of trees and two (2) copies of a legible site plan drawn to the largest practicable scale indicating the following: 1. A field survey of all trees on site six inches (6") or larger in caliper. 2. A tree preservation plan, if deemed necessary by City Staff, showing: trees to be saved, trees to be relocated or new replacement trees with locations, and trees six inches (6") or larger to be removed or relocated except for trees in the street right-of-way, buildable area and easements; and, if deemed necessary by City Staff, a tree evaluation by a licensed arborist at time of Final Plat to determine the condition of existing trees. 3. Location of all existing or proposed structures, improvements and site uses, properly dimensioned and referenced to property lines, setback and yard requirements and special relationships. 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and major contours. 5. Location of existing and proposed utility easements. 6. Application involving developed properties may be based on drawings showing only that portion of the site directly involved, adjacent structures, and landscaping or natural growth incidental thereto. 7. Tree information required above shall be summarized in legend form on the plan and shall include the reason for the proposed removal or replacement. I. APPLICATION REVIEW. Upon receipt of a proper application, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the application for new subdivisions. The Department of Community Development shall review applications for platted lots. Said review may include a field inspection of the site, and the application may be referred to such Departments as deemed appropriate for review and recommendations. If the application is made in conjunction with a Final Plat submitted for approval, the application will be considered as part of the plat, and no permit shall be issued without Final Plat approval. Following the review and inspection, the permit applications will be approved, disapproved, or approved with conditions by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Department of Community Development as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of this section. J. TREE PROTECTION. During any construction or land development, the developer or builder shall clearly mark all trees to be maintained and will be required to erect and maintain protective barriers around all such trees or groups of trees. The developer shall not allow the movement of equipment or the storage of vehicles, equipment, materials, debris or fill to be placed within the drip line of any tree. 33 During the construction stage of development, the developer shall not allow cleaning of equipment or material under the canopy of any tree or group of trees to remain. Nor shall the developer allow the disposal of any waste material such as, but not limited to, paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, etc., under the canopy of any tree or groups of trees to remain. No attachment or wires of any kind, other than those of a protective nature, shall be attached to any tree. K. CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY GRADING VARIANCE. A grading variance may be allowed within the right-of-way and grading easement of all internal residential streets as a means to reduce the impact of grading on existing trees. L. SPECIFIC TREE PRESERVATION EASEMENT, 1. Tracts 10 and 10A. There shall be a tree preservation easement of fifteen feet (15') adjacent and parallel to the northern and western property line to accommodate the existing fence row trees. No utility trench or alley development shall be allowed within this easement. 2. Tracts 13 and 13A. There shall be a tree preservation easement of fifteen feet (15') adjacent and parallel to the western property line to accommodate the existing fence row trees. No utility trenching or alley development shall be allowed within this easement. 34 if fI R • I I I I � I I I I � I I � I I I i • r �_ I . I 0.f L f► � Mf I IMff�fAt fWL 1A'15 fOROff �r PLAN SCAU: r-Rr-e' n•�f►�nf� StcTION SCAU: r -W -e' CRY Of ALLEN STANDARD 60' R.O.W. C2U RESIDENTUL COLLECTOR ftRMMM MRK ff Mffl IMRPO PARMA, low JAdj t" PLAN SCAU: r•10'-oj• L s u,f • ff • u,f SECTION SGIIC r-�-n NOT TO SCALE SUNCREEK PROPOSED 61Y R.O.W. MESA C2U RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR AM -L 1"4 EXHIBIT D. aT -I N -1 •r � ftne M IMO i1T PLAN SCALE: r -1o• -o• � � A v rr �r w SECTION SCALE: r -w -o• CRY OP ALLEN STANDARD R7U RESR7ENTWAOCAL COLLEC70R PLAN SECTION Ir 1 MR• r � MT I �� mlaw" Melt was valw4T SUNCREEK PROPOSED R)U RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR SCALE: Sant: r -w -o- NOT TO SCALE MESA RINE L I!!1 EXHIBIT E w ,r I I I ` I i Ir t I I r Al I PLAN SECTION Ir 1 MR• r � MT I �� mlaw" Melt was valw4T SUNCREEK PROPOSED R)U RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR SCALE: Sant: r -w -o- NOT TO SCALE MESA RINE L I!!1 EXHIBIT E AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing PD #31 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on Wednesday, August 10, 1994 and which was issued on August 10, 1994 by City of Allen of COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS A printed copy of said publication attached hereto. 'T SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this M day of ,A.D 191/ V. A. TODD MY COMMISSION EXPIRES E+= December 5, 1996 Publisher's fee $ 1 3 . 5 0 ARY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS CITY OF ALLEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Nonce is hereby given that the Allgn City Council will conduct a public hearing at their regular meeting to be held on Thurs- day, September 1, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, to consider a request to rezone Planned De- velopment No 31 to include local retail, office, single family, multi -family, and com- munity facilities This request is on property located south of West McDermott Drive, east and west of Alma Drive and north of Hedgecoxe Road. Anyone wishing to speak either FOR or AGAINST this request is invited to attend this public hearing and voice his or her opinion For further information, contact the Depart- ment of Community Development, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Texas, or by tele- phoning 727-0120. 's Judy Morrison City Secretary AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing Ordinance #1285-9-94 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on September 21 & September 24, 1994 and which was issued on September 21, 1994 by C i t y of Allen of COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS A printed copy of said public o is attached hereto. TIL" SUBSCRIBED AND S OR N to before me this / /aday_, A.D. 19 l' U, z • A"e-'e, NOTARY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Publisher's fee $ 4 5 . 0 0 V. A. TODD MY COMMISSION EXPIRES T December 5, 1996 CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinance at their regular meeting held on Thursday, September 15, 1994 (Title and Penalty Clause only): Ordinance No. 1285-9-94• An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- nance No. 829-11-87, as previously amended, and Ordinance No. 603-4-85 to amend Flood Plain -Planned Development No. 31 (FP -PD No. 31) by amending the land use plan and area and use regulations on the following -described tract of land: 282 acres of land in Abstract No. 1017 and 1018 of the Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Ab- stract No. 326 of the G. W. Ford Survey, and Abstract No. 755 of the Joseph Russell Survey, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; providing for a land use plan; providing for area and use regulations; providing for a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense; providing for a severability clause; and providing for the effective date of said ordinance. That any person, firm or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87 of the City of Allen, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. A copy of this ordinance may be read or purchased in the office of the City Secret- ary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Texas CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinance at their regular meeting held on Thursday, September 15, 1994 (Title and Penalty Clause only): Ordinance No. 1285-9-94: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- nance No. 829-11-87, as previously amended, and Ordinance No. 603-4-85 to amend Flood Plain -Planned Development No. 31 (FP -PD No. 31) by amending the land use plan and area and use regulations on the following -described tract of land: 282 acres of land in Abstract No. 1017 and 1018 of the Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Ab- stract No. 326 of the G. W. Ford Survey, and Abstract No. 755 of the Joseph Russell Survey, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; providing for a land use plan; providing for area and use regulations; providing for a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense; providing for a severability clause; and providing for the effective date of said ordinance. That any person, firm or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87 of the City of Allen, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. A copy of this ordinance may be read or purchased in the office of the City Secret- ary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Texas 175002-2773 /s/ Judy Morrison City Secretary i 41j,EN CITY COUNCIL jjEGVLAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 cabled Item: Public Hearing on a Request to Rezone Planned Development No. 31 Located South of McDermott Drive, fast and West of Alma Drive and North of lledgecoxe Road as Requested by Suncreek Ltd. od Consider an Ordinance Effecting this Appeal PAGE 5 (Agenda Item VIII) s(OTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Nichols and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lilly, the Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to remove Agenda Item VIII, Public Hearing on a Request to Rezone Planned Development No. 31 Located South of McDermott Drive, East and West of Alma Drive and North of Hedgecoxe Road as Requested by Suncreek Ltd. and Consider an Ordinance Effecting this Appeal from the table. The motion carried. /Mayor Farmer reviewed the process that has taken place since the public hearing held at the Council's last regular meeting. A workshop has been held. Further information has been distributed and meetings have peen held. Greg ich, Siepiela Interests, discussed information regarding a possible school site in the southwest quadr t the City. He reviewed three possible sites and acknowledged that they would offer the school an ,opportunity by which to purchase the property needed after a detailed study of the issue was completed. Joh reen, representative of the school district, spoke regarding the possible site. Greg Rich then discussed the issue of density. He reviewed the previous density north of the creek and pointed out that the present map allows for a 50% reduction of density. He also referred to a 15 -foot buffer set along the western property line abutting Mary McDermott -Cook's property. Greg Rich discussed the floodplain issue. This is an engineering issue and will be dealt with at the time of platting. Mr. Rich indicated that they would maximize single -loaded streets along the forested areas. Council discussed various issues regarding density. The proponent agreed to change the SF 3 on Tracts 3.9 and 12 to 5,500 square foot minimum lot area with a 50 -foot lot width and 1,500 square foot house minimum and the SF 4 will be changed on Tract 11 to a 5,000 square foot lot size having a 45 -foot width and a 1,500 square foot house minimum. The proponent also indicated that if Lot 13A develops other than a church, the deVeloper will provide access to this area. The proponent also agreed with the funding mechanism that has been worked out with the City Manager ,egarding the floodplain issue. The proponent has also agreed to interface with the school district in dealing with the school site issue on a purchase option. R'h Ii ALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION jEpTEMBER 15, 1994 rdinance No. 1285-9-94: An Ordinance of the City V of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending Coinprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 829-11-87, as previously Amended, and Amending Ordinance No. 603-485 to Amend Flood Plain -Planned Development No. 31 (FP -PD No. 31) by Amending the Land Use plan and Use and Area Regulations on the Following- pescribed Tract of Land: 282 Acres of Land in Abstract No. 1017 and 1018 of the Joseph H. Wilcox survey, Abstract Nos. 326 of the G. W. Ford Survey, ad Abstract 755 of the Joseph Russell Survey, City d Allen, Collin County, Texas; Providing for a Land I -se Plan; Providing for Use and Area Regulations; and Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed the stun of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for Each offense; Providing for a Severability Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance. PAGE 6 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Bishop and seconded by Councilmember Terrell, the Council voted four (4) for and three (3) opposed with Mayor Pro Tem Lilly, and Councilmembers Kerr and Hamner casting the negative votes, to approve Ordinance No. 1285-9- 94 as previously captioned and which includes previously noted amendments and statements by the proponent. The motion carried. Council took a brief recess. Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Requiring lo►neowner Participation in Costs for Repairing Sidewalks (Agenda Item IX) The City of Allen is responsible for performing ordinary care to maintain its sidewalks in a safe condition ,`or public travel. In the past, the cost has always been the City's responsibility. However, after a survey of xighboring cities with a program to repair and replace sidewalks, the City of Allen is recommending a sidewalk Participation of the homeowners. Mayor Farmer read the request into the record as follows: "Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Requiring Homeowner Participation in Costs for Repairing Sidewalks." Mayor Farmer opened the public hearing and asked for anyone speaking either for or against the request '0 do so at this time. With no one speaking either for or against the request, Mayor Farmer closed the public hearing. '1 r` CITY OF ALLEN TO: BILL PETTY, DIR. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM: TOM KEENER, DEVELOPMENT COORDINAToq SUBJECT: SUNCREEK DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 1994 The following issues were modified or deleted from the original Planning and Zoning recommendation or were not added per agreement. The first group represents those items that were amended by the petitioner. The second group are those items that were changed by the City Council and have been properly incorporated into the document. The third group are those issues that were not added per agreement: GROUP 1 No. Deleted paragraph 2 which stated that conceptual plan is illustra- tive in nature only (P. 11). ► Homeowner's Association added as a list of candidates responsi- ble for amenities (P.11). ► Funding mechanism allows City to purchase wooded acres thirty (30) months from Council approval or sixty (60) days from sub- mission of floodplain study to City of Allen, whichever is later. Specifics regarding evaluation and purchase process not identi- fied. Nonreclaimable floodplain in Tract 5 would not be part of the 74.05 acres (P&Z Recommendation Item 24). [Commission had recommended 30 months from either Council approval or floodplain approval, whichever is later (p.25 P&Z document]. GROUP 2 ► Increased lot size to 5,500 square feet in SF -3 (pp. 17,18, 21). ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN, TEXAS 75002 214/727-0100 ► Increased lot width to 50 feet in SF -3 (pp. 18,21). ► Increased dwelling unit size in SF -3 to 1,500 square feet (pp. 18,21). ► Increased lot size in SF -4 to 5,000 square feet (pp. 20,21). ► Increased lot width in SF -4 to 45 feet (pp. 20,21) ► Increased dwelling unit size in SF -4 to 1,500 square feet (PP• 20,21). No. Remaining half of Alma Drive and Bridge to Hedgecoxe Road will be constructed when 75 % of single family acres south of Rowlett Creek is developed (p.28). ► Tree survey by staff may be required (as opposed to requested) [p.331 GROUP 3 No. A general concept offering to sell school site to Allen Independent School District (Council minutes of September 15, 1994). ► Funding mechanism to allow City purchase wooded acres on a net floodplain price per acre basis (Council minutes of Spetmber 15, 1994). ► Lots should not back to wooded areas (Council minutes of Sep- tember 6, 1994). ► Tract 13A (Baptists) exempted from calculations of infrastructure improvements (Council minutes of September 6, 1994). ► If 13A is developed other than a Church site, then developer will provide access to area (Council minutes of September 15, 1994). No. Recognition of facilities agreement prior to final plat approval (P&Z Recommendation Item 22). This item will be important for Hedgecoxe Road. CITY OF ALLEN TO: JUDY MORRISON, CITY SECRETARY FROM: TOM KEENER, DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 SUBJECT: SUNCREEK REVISIONS DATE: NOVEMBER 10, 1994 The following is a list of changes that were made by the Allen City Council to the Suncreek ordinance and have been hand written into the document that was submitted to the City Council on September 1, 1994: 1. Increased lot size to 5,500 square feet in SF -3 (pp. 17,18,21). 2. Increased lot width to 50 feet in SF -3 (pp. 18,21). 3. Increased dwelling unit size in SF -3 to 1,500 square feet (pp.18,21). 4. Increased lot size in SF -4 to 5,000 square feet (pp.20,21). 5. Increased lot width in SF -4 to 45 feet. (pp.20,21). 6. Increased dwelling unit size in SF -4 to 1,500 feet (pp.20,21). 7. Remaining half of Alma Drive bridge to Hedgecoxe Road will be con- structed when 75% of single family acres south of Rowlett Creek is developed. (p.28). 8. Tree survey may be required by staff (as opposed to requested) [p.33] . ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN, TEXAS 75002 214/727-0100 The following is a list of items that the petitioner agreed to incorporate into the document and are substantiated by the minutes of the City Council: �4 • A general concept offering to sell a school site to the Allen Independent School District. (Council minutes of September 15, 1994). City to purchase wooded acres on a net floodplain price per acre basis (Council minutes of September 15, 1994). Lots should not back to wooded areas (Council minutes of September 6, / 1994). +4. Tract 13A (Baptists) exempted from calculations of infrastructure im- provements (Council minutes of September 6, 1994). If 13A is developed other than Church site, then developer will provided access to area (Council minutes of September 15, 1994). LARG E FORMAT REMOVED This Page is too large to OCR 3/8' I.R.F. 89 * 25 '59'0 W I/2' I.R.F. 104.00 •I/2' I.R.F. BO I S D' ARC FENCE PU*_,j_; do 1!2' 1.R.F. 112' 1 R. F. * "42'0 150.52 NASH PHILLIPS/COPUS, INC. VOL. 2321, PG. 789 D.R.C.C.T. 1/2' 1.IR.S. N 16*36'050 W -- 155.08 1/2' I.R.S. / NOTE I. ACCt7RDIING TO JRVEYQR.'S INTERPRETATION OF INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE SPECIFIC NATIONAL X11 FLOOD URANCE � PROGRAM (NFIP) 'FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP' ( FIRM, REFERRED TO HAZARD QN THS SURVH�Y , . SOME PORTIONS OF THIS PROPERTY LIE WITHIN A ' SPECIAL FLOOD H D AREA (SFHA-) INUNDATED BY 100 -YEAR. FLOOD' ZONE AS DEFINED BY THE Q. S. DEPARTMENT OF. HOUSOW AND UROAN DEVELOPMENT, FEDERAL- INSURANCE. ADMINISTRATION, OR THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. 61 2 . THE A0QYE .REFERENCE) 'FIRM' MAF' IS .FOR USE IN. ADMINISTERING THE 'NFIP' , IT DOES NOT RICHARD D. DAMES NECESSARILY SHOW AULAREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING, PARTICULARLY ROM LOCAL SOURCES OF SMALL SISWHICH, COULD BE FLOODED BY SEVERE. CONCENTRATED RAINFALL COUPLED WITH VOL. 1303, PG'. 305 . (0 INADEQUATE LOCAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS THERE MAY BE OTHER STREAMS, CREEKS, LOW AREAS, D. R. C. C. T. cl DRAINAGE' SYSTEMS OR OTHER SURFACE OR SURFACE CONDITIONS EXISTING ON OR NEAR THE CO SUBJECT PROPERTY WHICH ARE NOT STUDIED OR ADDRESSED AS PART OF THE ' NFA" . S7 EUGENE McDERMOTT LOCATION.OF 'rI SUNC EK BOULEVARD Cei VOL. 565, � , 1L F'I„O(�PL.AW BOUNDARY FOR A 'SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ARTA INUNDATED BY C:7 � � � N r PG . I 00 -YEAR FLOf}D' QNE ACCORDING TOO SURvEYOR'9 I NTERPRETATI(NN OF SANE FLOOD ELEVATIONS (GO R.O.W. ) D. R. C C. T. • AND OTHER INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFP) ' FLOOD 01 A INSURANCE RATE MAP" (FIRM), COMMUNITY PANEL N4. 45 5CO300, MAP NUMBER 380, MAP !-•�1 CAB . F, EFFECTIVE AT, APRIL.2, 1991 ( AND/OR AS . SHOWN IN THE HYDRAULIC MODELS OF THE FLOOD P' . R. C. C. T. c INSARANCE STUDY,UPON WHICH THE FLOOD MAP IS BASED), COMBINED WITH THE HORIZONTAL BEGINNING LOCATION OF SELECTED ELEVATION$ OF THE EXISTING SURFACE OF THE TRACT AS DETEFUWD BY FIELD SURVEY'MEASUREMENTS CONDUCTED BY SURVEYOR ON MAY 29 19.91. TRACT ATRT A HALkSSOCIATION ARK SAVINGS , X ` GD 4. STUDY OF THIS ' ADJACENT `TF UT'ARY' AREA WAS APPARENTLY PEYOND THE SCOPE OF OR OUTSIDE EUGENE McDERMOTT R.R. TIE HE THE LIMITS OF THE FLOOD STUDIES CONDUCTED AS PART OF TNATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE 5.442 AC . 142' 1 , R.S. �" �, *VOL. 3085, PG. 887 PRO RAM (NFIP) FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY (FIS) WHICH DEFINED THE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD VOL. 555 , PG , 6O AREA INUNDATED_8Y 100 -YEAR FLOOD' (SFHA) IDENTIFIED ON THE SUBJECT 'NFIP' FLOOD MAP. ( 7 � 7 S . FT . D FR . C. C. T. ` FENCECORNER D . R . C . C . T « THIS ADJACENT AREA IS AT OR BELOW THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED IN THE NFIP C0 STUDY OF THE $FHA AND THEREFORE THS ADJACENT AREA WOULD CURRENTLY BE INUNDATED BY BACKWATER FROM THE FLOOD AFFECTING THE ' SFHA' . THIS ADJACENT AREA HAS BEEN MAJESTICSAVINGS �� �' '! � IDENTIFIED ON THIS SURVEY FOR PURPOSES OF CLARITY AND COMPLETENESS . • Q '`. /� U ASSOCIATION 5. 13LXS<ET EASEMENT TO DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC , RECORDED IN VOL. 467. • PCS. 278, .D,R.C.C.T. AS AFFECTED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN VOL. 921, PG. 721, VOL . P �' c -`' D. R. t. C ..T T. $ LIMITED BY INSTRUMENT RECORD IN VOL. 2008, PG. 19 7. D. R. C. C. T. LIE � a� n, ` 20' S , S. ES"MT. R.R. TIE ,.'• ` NORTH OF THE EJECT PROPERTY AND THEREFORE DO NOT AFFECT. D * R . C . C • T . R, NA VOL. 2363E RC . 21 U: UO � FENCE CORNER � � •: 3�. . P.� • 6. ' DRAINAGE CRADIN>>. EASEMENTS TO THE CITY OF PLANO RECORDED VOL. 1498, PG. 890, 8 �',Y , / PFR PER TY ,} PG . 896 , D . R , C . C T . LIE SOUR'HEAST OF AND DO NOT AFFECT THE SUBJECT 6� ���'` '� � ••• 7. BLANKET Es'I,�T TO DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. (CO-OP) RECORDED 1N VOL. SUNCREEK BOULEVARD. • 1 < 1000,• % 467, PG. 346, D . R . C . C . T . NO LONGER �)� AFFECTS THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS IT HAS BEEN (60 R. o. W. ,e" + ! •,f , 9-1 ' '*+ 1 !2 1 « R. F. RELEASED BY CO-OP ACCORDING TO AGREEMENT RECORDED IN INST. No. 92�-0020822. CAB. F, PG. 561 �� . •,� • S 12 � " ' D.R.C.C.T.` I/2 I.R.F. HR.FR. TIE 1929 URIC INLET 112' 1 . R. F. FENCE CORNER ••^••. 4a� � 1�i5 wAlW. v ` . 0 x 4 1p. -- ROP INLET " I I . P. , c MARGARET M . McDERMOTT 1 !2' 1 . R. s � /,0�0¢ .s �'�, .� ,� °�. '�►�, �,, VOL. 2198, PG. 507 •.•''' • ' ` D. R. C. C. T. 4?- �. 10' WATER LINE ES'MT . ` , •`•. � ! '�,� "�', �� .�, VOL, 2330, PG. 792.� i \ CURB INLET • ' )P 0 '- 46 *z rAl %4 5 S.S. Ea MT, 5.S.rtH<{� VOL. vOL . 23s� , PG . 26 b ,� � • j � ` D.R.C.C.T. C! �C'«1 + H. w/ 2 W, V. -� ,0 0 A� Cp'r' CURB INLET •�� • • ("'►j�< ,y • �. ' ` •►40•. *'�,� MANES .COBBWIFE� ' CURB'INLET � : fr it 1 /2 1 « R. F. KATHERINE A. COBB • END OF CABLE FENCE CURB INIE�r � � w,,{`� VOL. 728, PG , 338 TRACT C D.R.C.C.T. 177,451 AC. . % 0' to co ••' •• 148 * SOB Act NET OF 100 ` • *,*� G a • I�4' 1!2 I.R.S. ' ' •. YR. FN FLOOD PLAIN �'' 1 _ CURB INLET] ' 1/2' I.R.S. '•, MAJESTIC SAVINGS fi * `•� °. ,, ,w_. ,' , •. •,••* .,• •`•.• • �..F / t . . � A MANES -COB S W COBB IFEa #ASSOCIATIONCURB INLETKATHERINETRACT B A.PG SUNCREEK BOULEVARDVOL. 742, 1 ,593 0VOL. , t1R 51.175A'c DaI.LaJ.(y1 cy Do !!•Y•T• � , B. 561 •'•. ' AP«R�C.c T (2,229,167 S FT . Xy HEDGCOXE ROAD '••`:(POND) PON ---� 37.082 Act NET OF 100 i j '�`• !�`�" 11' R.O.W. ) • j* p� +.' , q CURB INLET CAB. F PG . X08 YR . FLOOD PLAIN C F, (I, 615, 273 . FT. i 1/2' I R.F. P.IR.C.C.T.PIP, -� ` + • � z SEE NOTE t �,� ` MAJESTIC SAVINGS NO . w � 0 i SEE NOTE ASSO IATIt N • y •., + I ANG'' �S - N+O . cn I!2' I.H.S. ! VOL. . S 0 "po N 15' S.S.S'MT., •• a D.R.C.C.T. rJr %sl' ( " 'fii 0Y \� CURB INLET C' .+ tPLACE OF �'C' � }, • q. F N 59 0 4811 " W TELE. RISER SER • ' Cc., / • •• • `-362.41 BEGINNING , TELE. RISER 112' 1`F 0 A / 25' B!B/ CONC . STREET r TRACT /� �" �' s ,. `• `� 1. 1 t•• CURB INLET 1 1 ti/`'+► 1 B w! CONC . CURB 8 GUTTER H v c� %" •''• '`� j o*ge post • �\ `` F.H. w/ 2 W.V. '*•.._ P .t'. ,�t••y+ �� �j, 1/2' 1 R. 1!�' I I� � �'••**y*q.i 00 to *.... LINE TABLE `'••.. ALMA DRIVE,• r N0. DISTANCE BEARING '' < ► I.R.S. LI 110.00 vlo N 58"10'33'W 4 A I' I , R`r F . CAB. F, PG. 803 , A V. HAMILTON L3 32.44 S S8° 14'SG'E �.� f P.R«C.C.T, .�' 1/2' I .R.S. N %i�E , �. VOL . 280 PG. 257 I \ BRIDGE PIERS y r� r - D.R,C.C,T ASPHALT DRIVE • N ti? -•. • • ;, \\ IBRID6E INCOMPLETE IC �7 CURVE TABLE •. \ ALMA DRIVE SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT to 11 Nr . lrz� • ,, CAB. F, PG. 505 •olp, ' •. ...• o P.R.C.C.T t,. HEDCCO XE ROAD �. Q - - r (110' R.O.W. l . • T//o ', ; v� • CAB. F, PG. 506 &� +> A P.R.C.C.T. / F. H. END FENCE j' 0 � •`••,i«• END FENCE � I llp , F.w / 2 W.V t� ' 0< 0 •' c/ "'•, 1117* 17 144 * W, 10 *;,.•� S ALMA DRIVE '•, W.V. +a AUDREII' HAMILTON ... ,•..------�..�,.... t 55 R.O.W. ) JOHN P. WIER `� �• �•• liz• I .,+ �• ��`�c` �� ITA HAMILTON !.55 STREET, DRAINAGE, + N I' VOL. 97 PG. 405 �. cA8 . , PG , 50s "*"••"•*." `« UTILITY 8 BRIDGE ES'MT . P.6t.C,C,T. 2296 "'� •'• � . ;'• � D��,.C.C.T, `. I.R.F. VOL . 2350 PG . 261 AW »•*A',r`SS ••• ,. .."` '•.• D.R,C.C.T. / S 68'042"160W10' . i�H*• 1/ u ft W.V. "`•_, , N S O 4 W -� 15' 'MT I, R. F. � s lia o VOL. 2326, PG. 301 i I . R PV TO PLANO/ALLEN "CREEK, LTD . , EQUITABLE SANK — DALLAS, AMERICAN FEDERAL RANK, F • So5 B. AND REPUBLIC TITLE OF TEXAS, INC:. , I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS SURVEY WAS MADE ON THE GROUND, THAT THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS THE FACTS FOUND AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY AND THAT THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONFORMS TO THE CURRENT TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR. A CATEGORY IA, CONDITION 11 SURVEY. 15' S.S. W. V. END FENCE L I TO PLANO 1. S.D. • `' ' INST. No . 92-0042256, :YED ON THE GROUND` D.R.c.c.T. ` I '. , I99 1 1r w 11-110 ( RELEASE CLF' LIS PENDENS ' C I _VEYED ON THE GROUND 1 ASSOCIATED WITH S.S. ES IY1T . S.r_I AUGUST �'� , ISS I * � REC . IN INST. No. D2-004.2549 R URL/ -YED ON THE GROUND N 74 t�v 4 W -�I �' � D . P. c . c . T . ) FENCE CORNER cl%4 LAW .w. W.V. MAJESTIC SAVINGS ASSOCIATION .. MAY 1 1 ?S 2 B!e CONC . - . VOL . 2.639 PG. 595 .° F EY ON Tw ROUND STREET w/ CONC . ow. v . rRAF�F . �. D . HR . G . C . T . * CURB 8 GUTTER SIGNAL PLA E OF , DEME I /j , ,w, BEGINNING !/ ,...... TRAIT DOWN WIER, R.P.L.S. OF TEXAS No. 2296 M.716-1 I 0 LE G END* DENOTES IRON ROD FOUND DENOTES IRON ROD SET DENOTES LINE IDENTIFIED IN LINE TABLE DENOTES CURVE IDENTIFIED I N CARVE TABLE FOR LEGAL_ DESCRIPTIONS SIDE SHEET 2 OF 2. 0 0i 4 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT " A` BEING 5.442 acres of land located In the JOSEPH H. WILCOX SURVEY, Abstract No. 1017, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas and being all that certain tract of land conveyed as Tract 'A' to Majestic Savings Association according _to the Substitute Trustee's Deed recorded In Volume 2639, page 595 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and more particularly described by mates and bound as followst BEGINNING of a, 1/2 -Inch Iron rod sot of the Northwest corner of sold Tract "A" being the Northwest corner of sold Wilcox Survey and lying In the Easternmost South boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Richard Do James according to the deed recorded In Volume 1303. page 305 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, THENCE S 88" 58 " 30" E, 593.16 feet along sold survey line to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found at the most Easterly Southeast corner of sold James Traci, being the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Hollmaek Savings Association according to the Substitute Trustee's Deed recorded In Volume 3086, page 867 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, THENCE S 62"' 34 " 39 " E. 78.06 feet along the South boundary I Inc , of so Id Hallmark Savings Tract to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the most Easterly Northeast corner of aforesaid Tract 'A' lying In the Northwest rIght-of -way line, of Suncreek Boulevard (a 60 foot wide right-of-way ) as dedicated to the City of Alen, Collin County, ' Texas according to the, plot recorded In Cabinet 'F' , page 561 of the Plot Records of Collin County, Texaso THENCE along the sold Northwest rIght-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevor6as followsi SOUTHWESTERLY, 113-58 feet along a Curve to the Right having a radius of 570.00 feet, a central angle of 11' 25' 02' and a chord bearing S 33* 38' 22" W. 113.40 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the BeginnIng of another Curve to the Right, SOUTHWESTERLY, 182.97 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius of 320.,00 feet, a central angle of 32* 45' 40' and a chord beoring S 556 43 " 434' We 180.49 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginninj of a Curve to the Left s SOUTHWESTERLY, 203.02 feet along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 380.00 feet, a central angle of 30* 36' 37' and a chord bearing S 56* 48' 14' We 200.61 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the End of sold Curve, S 41 " 29 " 56 " We 382.47 feet to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod set at the Beg Inn Ing of a Curve to the Left, SOUTHWESTERLY, 1818-70 feof along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 280.00 feet, a central angle of 36* 36' 47" and a chord bearing S 220 ll,* 32 " We 185.15 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the Southwest corner of aforesaid Tract -A' ly . Ing In the East boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Margaret Mo McDermott according to the deed recorded In Volume 21913, page 507 of the Dead Records of Collin County, Texas and lying In the West line of aforesaid Wilcox Survey, THENCE N 02* 53' 09` E, en.36 feet along the East boundary line of sold McDermott Tract and the Southeast boundary line of aforesaid James Tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 5.442 acres (237,076 square feet) of land. TRACT " Be BEING 51.175 acres of land located In the'JOSEPH H. WILCOX SURVEY, Abstract No. 1017, City of Alen, Collin County, Texas and being a portion of that certain trect of land convoyed'as Tract 'B' to Majestic Savings Association according to tire Substitute Trustee 'is Dead recorded In Volume 2639, page 595 of the Dead Rocords- of Collin County, Texas and more particularly described by motes and bounds as followsi BEGINNING at a 1/2 -Inch Iron. rod set of the most Easterly Southeast corner of Suncreek Boulevard (a 60-foof wide right-of-way ) as dedicated to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas according to the pW recorded In Cabinet 0 Fe e page 561, of the 'Plot Records of Collin County, Texas, THENCE along the Easterly right-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevard as followst N 58* 10" 33" We 110.00 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set, N 5911 481 19 We 362.41 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right 9 NORTHWESTERLY. 623-67 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius of 570.00 feet, a central angle of 62" 41' 27" and a chord bearing N 26* 211' 36' We 593.02 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the End of said. Curve, N 02'0 53 09 " E v 991. 29 feet to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod sot at the Beg Inn Ing of a Curve to the Right , NORTHEASTERLY,, 148,26 feet along said Curve to the Right having a radius of 220.00 feet, a central angle of 38* 36' 471 and a chord bearing N 22* 11' 32' E, 145.47"feef to a 1/2 -Inch Iron set of -the End of sold Curve, N 410 29 " 56 " E, 382.47 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod got at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, NORTHEASTERLY, 170.96 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius 320.00 feet. a central angle of 30* 36' 37" and a chord bearing N 561 48' 14' E. 168.93 feet to.o 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Lefts NORTHEASTERLY, 217.213 feet along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 380.00 feeit a central angle of 32* 45' 401 and a chord bearing N 55* 43' 43" E, 214.33 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the Beginning of another Curve to the Left, NORTHEASTERLY, 126.00 feet along told Curve to the Left having a radius of 630.00 feet, a central ongle of 11' 27' 33' and a chord bearing N 33* 37' 06" E. 125.79 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set at the Beginning of another Curve to the Left, NORTHEASTERLY, 14.36 feet along sold Curve to the Left having a radius of 880.00 feet, a central angle of 00* 156' 06" and a chord bearing N 27* 25' 17' E, 14.36 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set of the most Northerly Northwest Forner of aforesaid Tract " Be , lying In- the South boundary line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Hallmark Savings Association according to the Substitute Trustee's Dead recorded In Volume 3085, page 867 of the Dead Records of Collin County, Texas, W Z, V J Ul IL THENCE 8 88" 14' 56,9 E, 32.44 feet:along the.South boundary line of sold Hallmark THENCE along the North boundary line of Nash Phillips/Copus Tract as followsl Savings Tract to a 1/2 -Inch lron,,rod,found at'the Northeast, corner of sold go Tract 'B' lying.in the West bou dory -line �of that certain tract of land NORTHWESTERLY, 434.93 feet along a Curve to the Left having a radius of 600.00 d wIf no ., A., Cobb according to the deed feet, a central angle of 4 1 ' 31 59 " and a chord bear Ing N 0 7 58 19 We conveyed to James G - Cobb an e 16thor�, recorded In Volume 728, page '338,of the Dec,&ReccWds of Collin Countye Texo3l 425.47 feet to a 1/2 -Iron rod found of the End of acid Curve, U) U) THENCE S 010 45 00 W's 930'.84 feet-, dong the,!West boundary line of. said Cobb Tract S 71" 15 " 42` We 150.52 feet to a 1/2 -Inch rod found of the Beginning of a U) Ic and the, West boundary lint of that I certain, fract,of IwW:conveyed to Robwi E. Curve to the Right Thoobold and wife, Margaret A,. Thebbold 'coc-ord Ing to the dead recorded In W, Volume 1052 P099 76e of the Deed Records, 0 C61in'Counly, Texas and the West SOUTHWESTERLY, 382.44 feet along sold Curve to the Right having a radius boundary line of that certain- tract of . lond conVeyod't James Cobb and wife el ca > .0 600.00 feet, a central angle of 36' 31' 14' and a chord bearing S 89* 31' 18' W, 376.00 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found of the Beginning of a Curve to 0 - Katherine A. Cobb according to the deod-rec�orded In Volume 742. page 593 of the Left the Deed Records of Colin County,' Texas to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod found; U1 NORTHWESTERLY, 357.97 feet along sold Curve to the Left havIng, a radius of THENCE S 01 0 52 " 02 0 We '6430 46 feet coni Inulno along the West boundary line of sold 2400. 00 feet, a central angle of 08* 32 "' 45 ' and a chord bear Ing -IT 76 * 29 VA Cobb Tract recorded In Volume 742".. e §93 to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod found of 28' We 357.64.foot to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found ot4he End of sold Curve, cc pug the Southwest corner thereof, W1 S 00'9 34 0 ly E 3. 00 feet to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod f ound , LU Z. THENCE N 69'0 45 " 23' E. 571. 11 feet 'along th?, South boundary line of sold Cobb Tract to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod found at the t corner thereof ly Ing In S 89* 25 59 W s 104. 00 feet to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod found of the Northwest Old Alma Drive and I Ing In the'West b corner thereof lying In the East -boundary line of that certain tract of land oundo.r llne,of that certain tract of z land conveyed to Al Hamilton occordlng'to',the deed recorded In Volume 290, conveyed to Eugene McDermott according to the deed recorded In Volume 558. W page 257 of the Deed Records of Collin.Countyj, Texas page 19 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas THENCE S 02" 01' 0411 We 1394.85 feet 'dong. the suld West boundary line of A.V. THENCE N 00" 30" 37" We 366.74 feet along the East boundary line of said McDermott Hamilton Tract and the West boundary line of, that certain tract of land Traci to a 3/8 -inch Iron rod found at the most Westerly Northwest corner of (0 conveyed to Aubrey Hamilton and wife, Marlef6,Hom'D ' ton according to the deed aforesaid Tract "C' being the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land recorded In Vokone 297, page 405 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas conveyed to Eugene McDermott according to the dead recorded Voluaw 555, page to a point lying In Rowlett Creek 71 of the Deed Records of Colin County, Texasl THENCE along sold Rowlett Creek as followsl THENCE along the South boundary line of sold McDermott Tract as folowst N 66 02 44 9 W 195.27 feet to a point 5 69'0 091 55" Es 1366-00 feet to a 3/8 -inch Iron rod founds S 68 -0 42 16 " W v 165. 00 feet to a point N 02 0 15 16 E, 208.98 feet to a ra Ilrood le fence corner found. N 470 17,1 440 We 220.00 feet to -a point 0 Ole Ev 263.13 feet to a railroad fie fence corner iounds S 87'0 38 N 87'0 4711 4411 We 282.20 feet, to a po N 010 59' 26` E 9 496 9 42 feet to a railroad f le fence corner found of the N 17 a 08 " 40 " W 1 36.22. feet to a po Int at he, Southeast corner of. Ahna Drive most Northerly Northwest corner of aforesaid Tract 'ff Ce being the most (a 55 -foot wide right-of-way ) accordIngto the plbt record In Cabinet Fe e Southerly Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Eugene page 505 of the Plat Records of Colin Countyj Texas McDermott according to the deed recorded In Volume 555, page 60 of the Deed Records of Colin County, Texas, THENCE along the East rIght-of-way line of sold Almi Drive 'as follows i THENCE along the North boundary line of said Tract C' as follows i N 26 01 " 36 " E * 406.41 feet, to a 1/2-1n;h Iron rod set of the Beginning of 0. a Curve to the Right, S 89 29 1 01 * E s 601. 78 feet with the South boundary line of said McDermott Tract recorded In Volume' 55.5. page 60 to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found, NORTHEASTERLY. 915.13 feet. olona, so Id ve -, to the Right having a radius of 2 945.00 feet, a control oils of 0$0 46,', and a chord bearing N 28 0 54 1 S 8e* 54 " 32` E 9 362.79 feef'continuing with the South line of said 37 # E, 95-09 feet to he PLACE OF. BEGINNING, containing 5 1. 175 acres McDermott Tract to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod found at the Southwest corner of that (2, 229, 167 square feet of land certain tract of land conveyed to Margaret Mo McDermott according to it* deed recorded In Volume 2198 page 507 of the -Deed Records of Collin County, Texas$ A S 89'0 2411 31 E 299.21 feet with the South boundary line of sold Margaret TRACT - C Mo McDermott Tract to a � 1/2- Inch Iron rod sot .BEING 177.451 acres of land.19ciatod, InAh6" J.O�IEPWH .,,WILCOX, SU-11VEYS', Abstroct Nos. S 870 341 4411 E, 1�45.89 feet continuing with the South boundury line of No ..'3 6, , and J0 SE PH -RUSSELL� SURVEY 101.7 and 1016, G. W..FORD SURVEYI Abst'act said Margaret Mo McNrMoff Traci to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod sot at the Southeast 0 Abstract 775e City of Allen, Collin CountyA,,,T,e9os,.uhd ng.,,�Qll 4hat certain, tract -of corner thereof estic .,I,: AsIlsOcIdtion -according t 'the land conveyed as Tract C -to Mai .0 Substitute Trustee It Ned rocorded , In V f P�g 595,Qf it* Deed, Records of THENCE N 02'9 53 09` E 19 East boundary line of'sold Margaret .9. 31 feet along the Collin. County,. Texas and more patitidularly 4680tbod. byi motes and bounds as follows 1. M. McDermott Traci to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set In the Boufhw'est rlght-of-wo y A, line of Suncreek Boulevard to 60-foof wide rlght-of-woy cps dedicated to the, BEGINNING of 1/2- Inch Iron. rod, set In, the'West right -0 - w Ima Dri (o55- C Ity ' f Allen . Collin County, Texas according to the plot recorded In Cabinet gay line of A r Ve 0 rih Th. foot wide right--iof-way ) of Its.1inters"flon Wlth',iho. right -of. way. line of Fe . page 561 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas A Had axe Road (a. 110 -foot wide right-ofr;woy ) osld4 *d to the C Ity of Allen *Coorn County, Texas according to the Plat rok'o'rtedln, Cabinet Fw e page 506 of the THENCE along the sold Southwest right-of-way line of Suncreek Boulevard as followal Plat Records of -Collin County, Texas's SOUTHEASTERLY, 689i32 feet along a Curve to the Left having a radius of 630.00 2 7 and a chord bear In OD' THENCE along the sold North right-of-way line, of Hedgcoxe as follows i feet, a central angle of 62 41, 6 28 .27 1 36,# E 655.45 feet to a 1/2-In'ch Iron rod. set of the End of sold Curvet N 74 00 49 W 96.21 feet to a.1/2,r-�,inchlr= rod.set at the Beginning of a Curve to the Right, 8590 48 19# Es 362.44., feet to a 1/2- Inch Iron rod sot of the Northwest corr*r of Akno Drive (a 55-foot.wlde rIght-of-way ) as dedicoted to the City of NORTHWESTERLY, 463.67 feet aloho-sold,Curvo to the, Right. having a radius of Allen, Coll In County . Texas according to the plot recorded In Cabinet F` , 1`40t 1295 - 00 feet, a, central angle of 20" 31 1. 25,? , and.0 chord bearing N 6311 45 page 603 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, 07 # W 1, 461.40 feet to a 1/2-Ifich Irion.rod sot at the Beginning of a Curve to the Lefts -of-way line of Akno Drive as follows i THENCE along the sold West r Ight 01 NORTHWESTERLY 907.37 feet dong', sold" Cut, ve 'to the Left having a radius of SOUTHWESTERLY, 46.25 feet along, a Curve to the Left having, a radius of 105-5.00 1405. 00 feet I a central angle of 3 7 00 "" 09'r and. a chord bearing N 710 59 feet, a con,fral angle of 02' 30' 42' and a chord bearing S 270 16, 57 We 291 We 139t.68 feet to a -1/2-inch.leon rod'set at the,End of sold Curve, 46.24 feet to a 1/9 -Inch Iron rod set at the End of sold Curve, lotoo 0 Z. S 6910 301, 27", W set In the East 1126.47 feet to ol/2-Inch Irohrod S 26'0 01 360 W, of 347.78 feet passing the Northwest corner of Alma Drive boundary line of thaf certain tract of''land Conveyed, to Nash Phlllp$/Copus, (a 55 -foot wide right-of-way as, dedicated to 'the City of Allen, Colin I U= Inc., according to the deed recordOd' In Vo wn '23 4,, page 769 of the Deed County, Texas occ'rdl to the p a no lot recorded In Cabinet " Fm e Pogo 506 of the Records of Colin County, Texas, Plat Record3 of Colin Co�niy, Texas and continuing In oil a total distance of in M 1420-79 feet along sold right-of-way line to a 1/2. -Inch Iron rod set of the THENCE along the East boundary line of sold'Nash PhIllips/Copus, Tract -as follows i Beginning of 0" Curve to the Lerff N 000 36' 06" Wo 27.44 f cot, to, a .1/2 -Inch. Iron set at the Beginning of a SOUTHWESTERLY. 902.02 feet along sold Curve to the Leff having a radius of LJUJ Curve to the Leff, 5452.69 feet, a central angle of 09* 28' 41' and a chord bearing$ 21' 17' 161, we 901.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNNG, containing 177.451 acres NORTHWESTERLY, 404.91 feet along so Id Curve , to the Leff having a radius' of (7, 729, 737 square feet of land. X a Cc 1450. 00 feet ntrd angle Of le 00 11 00 and a. chord, bear Ing N 08'0 36 0 06 W 403.60 feet to a 1/2- Ingh- Iron,rod -sot at the End of sold Curve, N 16 36 05 We 155. 06 feet to. a 1/2-1ron rod set at the Beginning of a Curve to the R Ight SURVEYED ON THE GROUND CD May 22. 1991 NORTHEASTERLY, 666.64 foet'lalong sold,Curve to the Right having a radius of (D 141 RESURVEYED ON THE GROUND 0 725.00 feet. a control ongid of 52' 41' 57' and a chord bearing N 091 44' AUGUST 24,, 1991 ­­Inch,� Iron rod set at the Northeast 'corner of sold too 53" Ee 643.50 foot to a 1/2 It RO RESURVEYED ON THE 6 UND Nash Phillips/Copus Tract MAY 13 s 1992 JOHN P. WIEW 00 RESURVEYED ON THE GROUND 2296 DEC ER 24 9 1992 d3 0', to J P, WIER, R.P.L.S. ATE OF TEXAS NO. 2296 P T, OF C. LAST ..7 QF LL UJ 7 d. 1� I i Z X I i" w , I ��j J 'k