HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2020 - 08/10 - Regular (2) PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 10, 2020 Parks and Recreation Board Present: Michael Smiddy, Chair Geoben Johnson III, Vice-Chair John Holley Luke Hollingsworth LaReeda Rentie Victoria States Absent: Terrance Thomas Council Liaison: Carl Clemencich City Staff: Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Laura Cuellar, Landscape Architect, Park Planning &Development Jennifer Robinson, Support Specialist, Parks and Recreation Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Smiddy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 10, 2020,via Zoom Meeting. 1) Approve Minutes of the February 10,2020,Regular Meeting Motion: Upon a motion by Member Rentie and a second by Member Hollingsworth, the Parks and Recreation Board voted(6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes from the February 10, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. The motion carried. 2) Approve Modifications to Senior Advisory Committee Terms Due to COVID-19 Impacts. Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation shared with the Board several options to addressa the expiring Senior Advisory Committee members appointments. After brief discussion the following motion was presented. Parks and Recreation Board Minutes August 10,2020 Page 2 111 Motion: Upon a motion by Member Johnson and a second by Member Holley, the Parks and Recreation Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to proceed with Option B, giving each of the members who would be rolling off at the end of this fiscal year an opportunity to stay on for another full two-year term. The motion carried. 3) Appoint Two Representative to Ad Hoc Ordinance Review Committee After a brief overview of the purpose and responsibilities of the Ad Hoc Ordinance Review Committee, Chair Smiddy asked the Board for volunteers to serve on this subcommittee. Members Holley and Johnson were appointed to serve. The Fee Ad Hoc will be revisited at a future meeting based on these appointments. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Rentie and a second by Member Hollingsworth, the Parks and Recreation Board voted (6) for and none(0) opposed to confirm the appointment of Member Holly and Member Johnson to the Ad Hoc Ordinance Review Committee. The motion carried. 4) Update on Stephen G.Terrell Recreation Center Via PowerPoint, Brian Bristow, Assistant Director, reviewed the building exterior and Kate Meacham, Director, walked the Board through the interior layout for the future Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center. 5) Update on Parks and Open Space Master Plan Assistant Director, Brian Bristow introduced Hunter Rush of MHS Planning who gave the Board an overview of the updates and additions to this five-year major update to the Parks and Open Space Master Plan. 6) Present Fees and Ordinance Overview Director, Kate Meacham, gave a brief overview of upcoming need to review both fees and ordinances. This presentation was given in conjunction with Action Item 3. 7) Update on Current Future Projects Laura Cuellar, Landscape Architect,provided updates on future projects including the concept designs and potential amenities for a future dog park, as well as Allen Station Park were the playground will be updated, and a splash pad,pavilion and shade structure will be added. She noted construction of the cricket field at Spirit Park began in July and completion is targeted for October. Renovations of Heritage Park are also currently underway and include playground replacement and the addition of a pavilion. Kate Meacham, added staff is working with PAMRO to host a modified ribbon cutting for Heritage Park. As soon as details are finalized, they will be provided. 8) Items of Interest a. Items for Future Agendas Parks and Recreation Board Minutes August 10,2020 Page 3 b. Next meeting Monday, October 12, 2020 9) Adjourn Motion: Upon a motion by Member Geoben and a second by Member Holley, the Parks and Recreation Board voted six (6) for and none(0) opposed to adjourn the meeting at 7:47p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 12th day of October 2020. Chair Secretary