HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2022 - 10/04 - Regular PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
October 4,2022
Commissioners Present:
Dan Metevier,Chair
Michael Smiddy, 1st Vice-Chair
Kenneth Cook,2'Vice-Chair
Todd Price
Elias Shaikh
Gary Stocker
Jason Wright
City Staff Present:
Marc Kurbansade,AICP,Director of Community Development
Hayley Angel,AICP,Planning Manager
Kim Yockey,AICP, Senior Planner
Jessica Johnsen,Planner
Kevin Laughlin,City Attorney
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chair Metevier called the meeting to order at 7:04
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen,
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Election of Officers.
3.1 Elect a Chair,First Vice-Chair,and Second Vice-Chair.
Chair Metevier opened the floor for nominations.
Motion: Upon a motion by 2°d Vice-Chair Cook, and a second by 1st Vice-Chair
Smiddy, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, 0 OPPOSED to appoint Mr.
Dan Metevier to the Planning and Zoning Commission Chair position.
The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wright, and a second by Commissioner
Stocker, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, 0 OPPOSED and 1
ABSTENTION by Commissioner Smiddy to appoint Mr.Michael Smiddy to
the Planning and Zoning Commission 1st Vice-Chair position.
The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Stocker, and a second by 1st Vice-Chair
Smiddy, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, 0 OPPOSED to appoint Mr.
Planning and Zoning Commission
October 4,2022
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Kenneth Cook to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2°d Vice-Chair
The motion carried.
4. Consent Agenda.
(Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be
removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff)
4.1 Receive the Director's Report on action taken on the Planning and Zoning Commission items
by City Council at the September 13,2022,Regular Meeting.
4.2 Approve Minutes from the September 6, 2022, Planning and Zoning Commission Regular
4.3 Consider a Request for a Preliminary Plat for TCC Custer Addition, Being approximately
59.640 Acres in the S.Jackson Survey,Abstract No.489;generally located southeast of State
Highway 121 and Custer Road. (PL-Pre-090922-0007) [TCC Custer Addition]
4.4 Consider a request for a 60-day extension to file the Final Plat of Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block A,
Priya Living Center Addition; generally located east of Bossy Boots Drive and north of
Stockton Drive. [PL-071422-0014] (Senior Independent Living)
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wright, and a second by Commissioner
Cook, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Consent Agenda items as presented.
The motion carried.
5. Regular Agenda.
5.1 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the development regulations of
Planned Development No.54 with a base zoning of Community Facilities and adopt a Concept
Plan, Building Elevations, and Landscape Plan for Lot 2, Block A,North System Exchange
Parkway Ground Storage Addition, generally located southwest of Exchange Parkway and
Junction Drive.(ZN052722-0009) [Medical Offices-NTMWD]
Ms. Angel presented the item to the Commission and stated that staff recommends approval
of the item.
Chair Metevier opened the public hearing.
With no one speaking, Chair Metevier closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Shaikh, and a second by Commissioner
Stocker,the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
approval of the request to amend the development regulations of PD-54 with
a base zoning of Community Facilities,as presented.
The motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Commission
October 4,2022
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5.2 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the Allen Land Development Code
by amending Section 8.02.1, "Jurisdiction"and by adding Section 8.03.9 "Conveyance Plats"
to allow the processing of and establishing standards for conveyance plats.
Ms.Angel presented the item to the Commission and stated that staff recommends approval
of the item.
Chair Metevier opened the public hearing.
With no one speaking,Chair Metevier closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by 2"d Vice-Chair Cook, and a second by lst Vice-Chair
Smiddy,the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
approval of the amendments to the Allen Land Development Code.
The motion carried.
6. Executive Session.(As needed)
As authorized by Section 551.071(2)of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened
into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City
Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
7. Adjournment.
111 The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
These minutes were approved this 15th day of November 2022.
Dan Metevier, HAIR Jessica Johnsen,PLANNER