HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1393-1-96ORDINANCE NO. 1393-1-96 J DOP�IclliD -6y:— AN y:— AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1105-5-92,1992 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1173-5-93, AND ORDINANCE NO. 1376-10-95 SO, AS TO MODIFY THE SECTION ENTITLED PARKS AND RECREATION TO INCLUDE: REVISIONS UPDATING THE PARK INVENTORY TO REFLECT CURRENT CONDITIONS AND INCREASES TO THE GOALS ESTABLISHED IN THE 1992 PLAN; ADDITIONS TO THE OVERALL CONTENT WHICH SHALL INCLUDE AN INTRODUCTION, DESCRIPTION OF THE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, A NEEDS ASSESSMENT, A CLEARLY DEFINED LIST OF PRIORITIES AND AN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the need to revise the Parks and Recreation section of the 1992 Comprehensive Plan to meet requirements for Master Plan Approval established by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program funding; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes to the Plan are consistent with its original intent; and WHEREAS, the amendments include additions, deletions, substitutions resulting from input solicited from the citizens of Allen; and WHEREAS, Park and Recreation goals have been added that reflect the projects approved through the 1994 Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, priorities have been clearly established to help meet the needs and desires of the community as reflected in citizen input received through various public input methods; and WHEREAS, a desired time line for implementation of the plan has been established; and WHEREAS, pertinent park maps and tables have been updated to reflect current conditions; and WHEREAS, the desire to coordinate park and recreation planning efforts with the Allen Independent School District is clearly stated; and WHEREAS, these changes are intended to serve as a planning guide reflective of the communities interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1: From and after the effective date of this ordinance, City of Allen Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance No. 1105-5-92, as previously amended by Ordinance No. 1173-5-93 and 1376-10-95, be, and the same is hereby amended as indicated by Exhibit "A", Amendments to the Parks and Recreation Section of the 1992 Comprehensive Plan and the attachments therein, attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, charts, maps and illustrations and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other remaining phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Allen, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 18TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1996. APPROVED AS TO FORM: rQa--- A-Dmv4WWder, CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. APPROVED: �O�P Jt�t- Joe Farmer, MAYOR ATTEST: JMorrifibn, CMC, CITY SECRETARY 1393-1-96 Page Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 EXHIBIT A AMENDMENT TO THE PARKS & RECREATION SECTION OF THE 1992 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I. Revisions to the Existing Plan A. Inventory of Existing Facilities: Modify the Narrative to Reflect Existing Values and Replace Tables 32, and 34 and Plate 7 with Tables 32A and 34A and Plate 7A 1. Narrative The existing parks and recreation system provides a total of 227 acres or 8.1 acres per 1,000 persons in the City. This constitutes a 1.9 acre per person decrease over the 1992 Comprehensive Plan figure of 10 acres per 1,000 (see Table 32A). Of this total, 16 parks having a combined acreage of 202 (7.2 acres/1000) are developed. The policy for Land Acquisition adopted as part of this Comprehensive Plan, identifies that an optimum level of 8.5 acres of active/passive park facilities would be provided per 1,000 persons. At today's population of approximately 28,000, this would require 238 acres of developed parkland. Of the 202 acres of developed parks, 24.7 are deemed temporary parks that will ultimately be replaced by other uses, such as the McDermott soccer complex and Hillside ballfields. Because of the unanticipated surge in Allen's population, Allen fell behind on the acquisition and development of permanent park facilities. The city's commitment to parks and the citizens support and passage of the 1994 Park Bond Program will enable us to make progress in fulfilling the parks and recreation needs and desires of our community through the year 2000. An additional 313.5 acres have been zoned CF and are to be dedicated to or purchased by the City for parkland. This includes 60 acres to be used for neighborhood parks and 263.5 acres of floodplain land for greenbelts and linear parks. The city has already obtained through dedication 76.6 acres of greenbelt/linear parklands. 2. Table 32A and Tables 34A attached herein shall replace Tables 32 and 34 of the 1992 Plan 3. Replace Plate 7 with Plate 7A B. Goals and Policies: Add to the list of Existing Goals and Policies 1. General Goal 1 Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 5.000 General Goal: To provide a park and open space system for the citizens of Allen that includes neighborhood parks, community parks and linear greenbelt parks with active and passive recreational opportunities and natural open space which will adequately serve a population of 38,000 projected in the year 2001. 2. Specific Goals 5.010 Specific Goal: To preserve floodplain and allow sensitive development of those corridors that encourages public access and recreational use. 5.020 Specific Goal: To provide a neighborhood park network locating neighborhood parks throughout the City resulting in each resident being within one-half mile from one or more neighborhood parks. 5.030 Specific Goal: To develop a park network locating community parks throughout the city resulting in each resident being within a two-mile radius of one or more community parks. 5.040 Specific Goal: To continue development of City owned property adjacent to creek corridors with multi use trails that connect with existing trails and providing linkages between parks, schools and residential neighborhoods. 5.050 Specific Goal: To upgrade existing older neighborhood parks with facilities that reflect the current recreational needs of the area residents. 5.060 Specific Goal: To, develop existing vacant neighborhood parkland with facilities that meet the needs of the area residents. 5.070 Specific Goal: To investigate alternatives regarding optimum location and development of an aquatic complex. 5.080 Specific Goal: To acquire and develop a seventy-five to one hundred - acre community park along Cottonwood Creek with a blend of active and passive recreational amenities and natural open space. 5.090 Specific Goal: To coordinate all parkland acquisition and development with the Allen Independent School District to promote shared use of facilities and maximize utilization of resources. 5.100 Specific Goal: To acquire a seventy-five to one hundred -acre tract along Rowlett Creek for future development of a community park. 2 Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 5.120 Specific Goal: To pursue alternate sources of revenue including donations, grants and gifts for parkland acquisition and development in order to maximize local park and recreation funds. II. Additions to the 1992 Comprehensive Plan A. Introduction This update to the City of Allen's 1992 Comprehensive Plan for Parks & Recreation is intended to be a tool for guiding decisions regarding parks, recreation and open space from 1996 through the year 2000. It should be noted that the methodology used for this update is similar to the methodology utilized in the development of the original, 1992 Comprehensive Plan. Both the update and the original plan utilized public input and citizen's surveys in conjunction with nationally recognized standards for parks, recreation and open space to formulate the recommendations found in the plan. B. Plan Review Process In September of 1995, the City of Allen began an intensive study of the existing park system and began gathering information to determine the future recreational needs of the community. The first step in the process involved updating the inventory of the existing parks and facilities within Allen as well as those recreational facilities at the various school campus of the Allen Independent School District. Next, a series of public input meetings was conducted. The organizations involved included the City Council, Park & Recreation Board, the executive board of the Allen Youth Sports Association, ASA, the Allen Independent School District and students at the Allen High School. In addition, key staff members of the City of Allen were interviewed regarding all aspects of the existing and future park network in the City. Each of these input sessions proved very helpful in directing the final recommendation established in this plan. In addition, a citizen's survey on Parks & Recreation was randomly mailed to one thousand Allen residents. Twenty-two percent of the surveys were completed and returned which proved very valuable in the development of this plan. Some of the key points learned from the citizen's survey were: • 76%of the respondents rank the existing park system as either good or fair • 72% feel they can reasonably walk to an Allen park from their home • Citizens feel additional parks and recreational facilities are needed in Allen by a six to one margin • The citizens of Allen feel ill informed regarding existing park facilities and local opportunities • 75% of the respondents feel that additional neighborhood and community Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 parks are needed in Allen • Citizens feel that park and recreation facilities are well worth the cost to taxpayers by a two to one margin • Given the choice between quality of facilities, number of facilities and maintenance of facilities citizens feel that quality of facilities is most important and maintenance is secondary regarding future parks. • When asked where citizens go for their most preferred recreation the number one response was out of town, the lake was second, private recreation facility was third and city parks in Allen fourth. • When asked what additional parks and recreation facilities citizens would like to have in Allen, the prioritized response reflected priorities similar to those reflected in the 1992 Plan. There seems to be consistent feedback that reflects a strong desire for nature areas and trails, another pool facility, recreation center and sports fields. Once the data gathering and public input process was completed, the establishment of priorities for the next five years began. C. Needs Assessment Based on the data gathered, public meetings, citizen's surveys and facility standards, the following needs are identified relative to the parks, recreation and open space network for Allen. Specific areas that must be addressed are categorized and described herein. Neighborhood Parks The City should continue to acquire neighborhood parks at a rate that meets or exceeds existing standards. Passage of a mandatory park dedication ordinance has been instrumental in securing this type of parkland as residential development occurs. Additional cost for development may be offset by the park dedication requirements which allow fees to be paid in lieu of land dedicated if a neighborhood park already exists within the area being developed. The majority of the twenty-two planned neighborhood parks are either reserved through zoning for dedication or will be acquired as a result of the park dedication requirements established by ordinance. Community Parks The primary recreational needs in Allen stem from the lack of Community Parks. This need showed up consistently in the plan development process. Many of the problems currently experienced in the Allen park system are caused by community park type activities being conducted in neighborhood parks. A perfect example is that the majority of the sports/athletic fields are currently located in neighborhood parks or makeshift, temporary park sites. Most of the youth athletic leagues are scheduled on temporary or neighborhood parks. 4 Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 Since the neighborhood parks are being used for community park uses, primarily organized athletics, the neighborhood parks are relatively void of atmospheres conducive to quality passive recreational opportunities. The presence of sports facilities in neighborhood parks is also obtrusive to the bordering residents There is a serious need to build additional youth baseball and softball fields. Based on current and projected leagues participation and the one field for every nine teams standard, there is a current need for seven additional youth baseball/softball fields. When taken into account that six of the existing fields used by the youth's baseball/softball leagues are "temporary" facilities (i.e., Hillside, Jupiter, Story and Reed) the need for additional fields is compounded. To avoid the problem previously mentioned, these needed baseball/softball fields should be built in a community or regional park. The need for sports fields was further documented by the high priority given to multi sports complexes in the citizen's survey. The desire for a multi sports complex ranked fifth out of a list of twenty-one types of park amenities. Natural areas and trails ranked as the number one response in the survey to determine the desires of the community. Based on the lack of community parks and the overdeveloped nature of the neighborhood parks this high priority ranking from the citizens is consistent with all other findings and evaluation of needs in this plan. There is a high demand in Allen for a swimming pool. Both indoor pools and outdoor pools scored very high in the citizen's survey. The existing swimming pool at Ford averages attendance of nine -hundred people per day during the summer months. The attendance at the Ford pool coupled with the results of the survey indicates a major need for another swimming facility in Allen. Secondary needs of the Allen park system include facilities such as a tennis -center, picnicking facilities and water features. Along with each of the needed recreational facilities listed above, there is a need for associated support facilities such as restrooms/concession buildings, roads, parking lots, utilities and landscaping. Each of these support facilities plays an important roll in the overall recreation experience and should be developed along with the actual recreational facilities. D. List of Priorities Based on the needs assessment for parks, recreation and open space the following priorities are established for further development of the Allen park system for 1996- 2000. The improvements are listed in order of priority. The City of Allen should acquire a 75 to 100 acre site in the central portion 5 Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 of town for a community park on Cottonwood Creek. 2. The City of Allen should develop the 75 to 100 acre community park site along Cottonwood Creek with a balance of active recreational facilities and passive recreational facilities, while preserving the unique natural environment of the site. Active recreational development should include youth baseball fields, youth softball fields, playgrounds, and multi -use practice facilities that will accommodate soccer, football, baseball and softball. Passive recreational development should include multi -use trails, picnicking, special facilities for teen gatherings, open play areas and water features. The overall park development should include support facilities including roads, parking lots, utilities, restroom/concession buildings and landscaping to enhance the useability of the park. 3. The City of Allen should continue to develop linear parks along creek corridors with multi -use trails that connect with existing trails and provide linkages between parks, schools, and residential neighborhoods. 4. The City of Allen should work closely with the Allen Independent School District in planning of parks, recreational facilities and schools in order to maximize the use of facilities through joint use arrangements. 5.- The City of Allen should acquire a 75 to 100 acre community park site in the western portion of town on Rowlett Creek. 6. The City of Allen should investigate alternatives for the optimum placements and development of an aquatic complex. 7. The City of Allen should upgrade existing neighborhood parks including Hillside Park and Rolling Hills Park with facilities specifically suited to meet the needs of the neighborhood and in conformance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. 8. The City of Allen should develop neighborhood parks acquired through the mandatory parkland dedication ordinance with recreation facilities that meet the needs of the immediate neighborhood while preserving natural open space. 9. The City of Allen should further develop Bolin Park. Development should specifically include a restroom/concession building. 10. The City of Allen should intensify its efforts to inform the citizens of Allen of recreation programs, facilities, and opportunities currently available, as well as plans for the future. Z Ordinance No. 1393-1-96 E. Implementation Strategy This plan is designed to create a realistic schedule of projects and timeline for implemention through the year 2000 when the projected growth of Allen will result in the prescribed population. The concept of shared facilities is presently being discussed with the Allen Independent School. Included in the list of facilities that may be undertaken as a joint project with the school district is the development of the large community park site on Cottonwood Creek. If the decision is made to include in this site master plan a joint aquatic facility, the City has its funding in place for half the cost of a year- round pool. It is important that the City undertake the following projects in a manner that is financially responsible. The intent is to maximize to the greatest extent possible alternate sources of funding to help provide more opportunities with little or no increase in the City's taxes. It is also the intent of the City to coordinate park planning efforts with the Allen Independent School District allow the most efficient development of our future recreational facilities. Time line for Implementation of the Plan: • Purchase Community Park on Cottonwood Creek 1995/96 • Develop Community Park on Cottonwood Creek 1996/97 • Purchase Community Park on Rowlett Creek 1997/98 • Upgrade Existing Neighborhood Parks 1998/99 • Develop Newly Acquired Neighborhood Parks 1998/99 • Develop Linear Park Trails 1999/2000 • Construct a Restroom & Concession Building at Bolin Park 1999/2000 • Develop an Aquatic Facility 2000 7 Exhibit 32A OPDIlMNCE NO• 1393-1-96 CITY OF ALL EN PARK AREAS N I 0 o En 4 H d o ° En P4 0� 0 3 a. � I y..��0 f - b �•., �,CU o ; F U " a �I 4 .,-01 _`v a o R on �' w j a. O P.i Z ° ��U y w i I �' 'ti I CZ w N o I G4 w CZ w o cn N L) EnG (D0 F- L ° U C > ° n. 3 L! Bethany Lakes Park S 47.8 12 i Joe Farmer Recreation Center 2 3 !Collin Square i G 8.9 14 i Cottonwood Bend park N 4.9 5 jCottonwood Greenbelt G 14.9 i• . j 6 7 I Country Meadows Ford Park East I N C 7.4 23.78 +. I 18 l y 10 I Ford Park West 1G een Park j Hillside Ballfield C N T 26.22. 5 9.2 1 ONE EV FL6PE. j I . 11 I Hillside Play Area N 0.3 12! Jupiter Park N 8.5 13I j McDermott Soccer Complex IT 7 14 Ft5 +Reed Raintree Park IN Park IN 3.8 10 I . , 16 1 Rollinghills Park IN .3 17 Senior Citizen Center 0.64 18 Shadow Lakes Park G 6.71 1 JNDENvELOPD 19 St. Mary's Park N 8.6 20 21 Story Park Bolin Park N N 10 11.94 , 22 Walden Park N .3 23 Watters Crossing Park N 8.71 I , I� Community Park ® Neighborhood Park © Special Use Park !]G Greenbelt ❑T Temporary Total Existing Park Acres: 226.9 ORDINANCE NO. 1393-1-96 Exhibit 34A EXISTING GREENBELTS/ LINEAR PARKS Development Acres Cottonwood Bend Greenbelt 12.1 Bray Central Easement 7.2 Cottonwood Bend North II 4.73 Heritage Park South 32.6 Heritage Park II 1.3 Watters Crossing Greenbelt 15 Highland Meadows Greenbelt 3.71 TOTAL 76.64 NP NPO "4 ,6 0 C� 0 lie • CPQ AND OPEN SPACE PLAN R NEIGHBORHOOD PARK gm COMMUNITY PARK SPECIAL USE PARK cp NP NPO "4 ,6 0 C� 0 lie • CPQ NP Vbf ft -- . ..... . ... .... .. NP .. . ............... 3 ■ ii 01 loons's 10 NP 0 NP NP 13 4P CXCNANGE PARKWAY .-A f NP A;■ NPiq NP ST. ... ...... ..... N P T. SP NPQ 1,4 NP RD. AP NE, ORDINANCE NO. 1393-1-96 City of Allen Comprehensive Plan PLATE 7A PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN R NEIGHBORHOOD PARK gm COMMUNITY PARK SPECIAL USE PARK FLOOD PLAIN/WOODS/GREEN BELTS PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC NP N P NP Vbf ft -- . ..... . ... .... .. NP .. . ............... 3 ■ ii 01 loons's 10 NP 0 NP NP 13 4P CXCNANGE PARKWAY .-A f NP A;■ NPiq NP ST. ... ...... ..... N P T. SP NPQ 1,4 NP RD. AP NE, ORDINANCE NO. 1393-1-96 City of Allen Comprehensive Plan PLATE 7A PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN R NEIGHBORHOOD PARK gm COMMUNITY PARK SPECIAL USE PARK FLOOD PLAIN/WOODS/GREEN BELTS PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC 4000 2000 0 4000 800 F�— SCALE 4000' AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLON BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing Ordinance Jt1393-1-96 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on January 24 & January 27, 1996 and which was issued on January 24, 1996 by City of Allen of COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS A printed copy of said public I' is attaacch'ed hereto. . KC &ia�_ SURSCRIBED AT SWORN to before me this day-.(% A.D. 19 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Publisher's fee $ 4 1 . 2 6 My COMMISSMN EXPERES December 5, 10,5S CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinance at their regular meeting held on Thursday, January 18, 1996 (Title only): Ordinance No. 1393-1-96: An Or finance o t e --City o-FAT�,-Collin County, Texas, Amending Ordinance No. 1105-5-92, 1992 Comprehensive Plan, as Previously Amended by Ordinance No. 1173-5-93 and Ordinance No. 1376-10-95 so, as to Modify the Section Entitled Parks and Recreation to Include: Revisions Updating the Park Inventory to Reflect Current Conditions and Increases to the Goals Established in the 1992 Plan; Additions to the Overall Content which shall Include an Introduction, Description of the Plan Development Process, a Needs Assessment, a Clearly Defined List of Priorities and an Implementation Strategy; and Providing for an Effective Date. A copy of this ordinance may be read or purchased in the office of the City Secretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas 75013. /s/Judy Morrison City. Secretary CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following ordinance at their regular meeting held on I Thursday, January 18, 1996 (Title only): 1 Ordinance No. 1393-1-96: Ani Or mance o e--'City—o Al el—n, Collin County, Texas, Amending Ordinance No. 1105-5-92,1992 Comprehensive Plan, as Previously Amended by Ordinance No. 1 1173-5-93 and Ordinance No. 1376-10-95 so, as to Modify the Section Entitled Parks and Recreation to Include: Revisions Updating the Park Inventory to, Reflect Current Conditions and Increases to the Goals Established in the 1992 Plan; Additions to the Overall Content which t shall Include an Introduction, Description of the Plan Development Process, a Needs Assessment, a Clearly Defined List of Priorities and an Implementation Strategy; and Providing for an Effective Date. A copy of this ordinance may be read or purchased in the office of the City Secretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas 75013. /s/Judy Morrison City Secretary