HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1450-9-96ORDINANCE NO. 1450-9-96 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE 1995-96 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1996, AND, TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30,1997; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law,a public hearing was held on August 20, 1996 by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the amended budget for the 1995-96 Fiscal Year and the proposed budget of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1996-97 submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, and all said persons were heard, after which said public hearing was closed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN TEXAS: SECTION 1: Subject to the applicable provisions of the state law and City Charter, the City of Allen 1996- 97 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1996, and terminating September 30. 1997, and amendments to the appropriations for the 1995-96 fiscal year budget as filed and submitted by the City Manager, and adjusted by the City Council, containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE 5 TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1996. AP TO FORM: ATTEST: A. Don owder, CITY ATTORNEY dy Mokson, CMC, CITY SECRETARY ANNUAL BUDGET 1996-9'7 CITY OF ALLEN December 11, 1996 Honorable -Mayor Kevin L. Lilly and Councilmembers David Kerr, Mayor Pro Tem Lonnie Thomas, Place 1 Doug Gallagher, Place 3 Dave Powysynski, Place 4 Steve Terrell, Place 5 Melissa Owen, Place 6 Councilmembers: Contained herein is the approved budget and operating program for the City of Allen for the period October 1, 1996, through September 30, 1997. This budget and operating program provides appropriations for the general, water and sewer, vehicle replacement, Economic Development Corporation, storm water drainage utility, parks and recreation enterprise, and solid waste funds. The information contained in this document includes summary sheets for revenues, expenditures, debt service, reserves and capital improvements. In addition, budget figures are provided for each line item for all departments, including the previous year's actual budget expenditures, the approved budget for the current fiscal year, the amount expended through the first six months of 1995-96, the 1995-96 fiscal year amended budget, and the approved budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The approved Capital Improvement Program is contained under separate cover and periodic updates, of the CIP are made throughout the fiscal year. Additionally, this document contains a listing of all authorized personnel and capital outlay. The personnel listing also provides historical information for the previous three years and lists total department personnel based upon Full -Time Equivalents (FTE). ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN. TEXAS 75013 972/727-0100 Page 2 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 I. 1995-96 FISCAL YEAR STATUS A. General Fund. This, the primary operational fund of the city, is tax supported and will end the fiscal year in excellent financial condition. Evidence of this can be found in the upgrading of the City's bond rating by both Moody's Investors Service (A) and Standard & Poor's (A-). These upgrades in the bond rating for the City were done in conjunction with the July 18, 1996 general obligation bond sale. Highlights of the 1995-96 general fund budget status are listed below: ► For the fourth straight year property tax collections have exceeded 98%. In addition, $155,343 was collected in roll -back taxes, resulting in collections exceeding budget by $260,668 or 6%. ► Sales tax collections also exceeded expectations by $391,843 or 23 %. As a result, our per capita sales tax collections are expected to increase to $72.19 up from $66.68 last year. ► Building permits and other license revenues are $71,020 higher than anticipated which represents a 12 % increase over the approved budget. ► Total general fund revenues are $622,742 above the approved budget or 7 % higher. ► Expenditures increased above the approved budget by $349,694. In support of this increased expenditure, it is proposed that the vehicle replacement fund be fully funded (which adds $293,599 to this budget) and also to fully fund the animal shelter construction during the current fiscal year ($310,000). Finally, this budget funds the renovation of the current Council Chambers to offices and constructing the Library Meeting Room to serve as Council Chambers. B. Debt Service. Debt service payments during the 1995-96 fiscal year total $3,004,912. After the debt service payments have been made, the debt service fund has a balance of $689,246 which exceeds the minimum policy amount set by the Council. Page 3 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 C. Water and Sewer Fund. Revenues for the City's second largest fund are $487,733 higher than anticipated. This 8 % increase is made up primarily of higher than anticipated water and sewer sales, connection fee charges and interest earned. Expenditures have increased by $352,826 over the budgeted amount. The need fo"r the increased expenditures in the water and sewer fund are because the payments to the North Texas Municipal Water District have increased as a result of the City purchasing more water; fully funding of the vehicle replacement fund for the water and sewer purchased vehicles; purchase of a larger number of water meters than originally planned; and the funding of the reconstruction of a water main in the Hillside subdivision that was not originally anticipated. D. Solid Waste Fund. This fund is structured to be self-supporting, and during the 1995-96 year both revenues and expenditures will be within budgeted amounts, considering that the fund did not have to use reserves during the current year as was originally planned. The fund starts the October 1, 1996 fiscal year with a reserve balance of $205,145. E. Vehicle Replacement Fund. The purpose of this fund is to allow the City to replace its vehicle fleet in the most cost efficient manner. This is accomplished by purchasing new vehicles through the fund and depreciating the vehicle over its useful life through charges to the user department. Those depreciated amounts are paid back into the fund. For the past several years, the Council has sought to infuse additional cash into this fund in order to offset accumulated depreciation on vehicles purchased in prior years. This year because of the City's favorable financial condition, the undepreciated vehicle amount is now fully funded. In the general fund $293,599 and in the water and sewer fund $144,426 were transferred to the Vehicle Replacement Fund. F. Economic Development Corporation Fund. This fund was created by the Council to receive and disperse the one-half cent sales tax for economic development. As with the City's sales tax, revenue collections are 23% higher than originally anticipated. Also, expenditures are higher than originally budgeted by $148,499. This results from the payment from the operational funds for the final development costs on the Millennium Business Park. G. Parks and Recreation Enterprise Fund. This fund was created to offer flexibility for the offering of Parks and Recreation programs to the public. Both revenues and expenditures are higher than anticipated, primarily because of the expenditures supporting the grand opening ceremonies of the Joe Farmer Recreation Center and the private contributions made to the fund to offset those costs. Page 4 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 H. Drainage Utility Fund. This fund is in good financial condition, with this year being no exception where revenues are 3.2% higher than anticipated and expenditures are 5.6% under budget. II. PROPOSED 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET A. General Fund. For the fourth consecutive year, the City has had an increase in the total assessed value (taxable property value) in the City. After mid -year adjustments the 1995 total taxable value for the City was $1,080,784,726. The 1996 taxable value is $1,249,103,465, which is a $168,318,739 increase in the taxable value in the City, or 15.6% growth. Of the increased amount in the taxable value, $117,288,841 is a result of new construction, new personal property and annexation that has been added to the tax role during the calendar year 1995. The remainder is reappraisal that increased the value of the average property in the City of Allen by 4.7%. By state law, the City is required to calculate the effect of its proposed tax rate by using a state -mandated formula. The 1995-96 tax rate was 66.5 cents per $100 value and the effective tax rate for 1996-97, according to the state -mandated calculation is 62.938 cents and the roll -back is 67.976 cents. This budget is built based upon a tax rate of 64.8 cents, which means that for the fourth straight year there has been a drop in the real rate (in 1992, the tax rate was 76.6 cents). However, it does represent slightly less than a 3 % increase in the effective tax rate. Other general fund revenue highlights include the following: ► Based upon the current year's strong showing, it is expected that sales taxes will increase 10% during the next year. ► Revenues from Municipal Court fines are expected to increase by 52% during the upcoming year. ► This budget also recognizes the use of reserves in the amount of $1,034,225. This proposed use of reserves in consistent with Council policy in that this amount represents expenditures only for one-time, capital -type purchases, and this amount of money allows the City to maintain an amount in reserve equal to 60 days of operational needs. Page 5 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 Increases in the general fund expenditures for each department are highlighted below: ► Municipal Court: You will notice that a separate department has been created for the Municipal Court, in recognition of the organizational change approved by the Council during the 1995-96 fiscal year, administratively separating that function from the Police Department and placing it under the supervision of the City Secretary. Personnel changes in the Municipal Court operation include the addition of one part-time clerk at 20 hours per week, and upgrading the Court Clerk position to Municipal Court Coordinator. ► General Items: This budget contains virtually all of the expenditures for the general fund of the City related to computers. For example: $68,200 has been included as capital costs to upgrade the AS400, add desktop computers and peripherals and purchase hardware and software for records imaging. In addition, funds have been set aside for a new software financial package in the amount of $106,100 . This budget also contains the salary reserve and a health insurance reserve established in this fund for the general fund strategic plan reserve in the amount of $294,110. ► Police Department: Additional personnel will include four police officers, one beginning January 1, 1997 and the second, a police sergeant, that will be assigned to police administration. In addition, a records clerk, communications supervisor and an animal shelter attendant will be added. Capital equipment costs are expected to be $43,700. ► Library: Personnel changes in this department include the upgrading of three positions from part-time to full-time, including the circulation clerk, children's librarian and secretary. In addition, two part-time circulation clerks will be added (20 hours per week each). No new capital outlay is budgeted for this department. ► Parks and Recreation: An irrigation technician position will be added to this department and one of the maintenance worker positions upgraded to a chemical technician position. Capital outlay in Parks include three new pickups and a replacement van for, the senior citizens. Vehicle costs are budgeted at $66,000. Other equipment in the proposed budget include dump trailers, rider mower, weed eaters and other similar equipment, totaling $34,671. r Page 6 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 ► Fire Department: Four new firefighters are scheduled to be hired in January 1, 1997 in this proposed budget and capital outlay expenditures include $90,000 for an additional ambulance and $19,000 for additional equipment, including radio equipment. It is the intent that with the additional personnel and ambulance equipment, -the department will have two ambulances in service. ► Streets: No new personnel will be added in this department and capital outlay is budgeted at $22,095. ► Community Development Department: One additional part-time clerk is being added at 20 hours per week and $500 worth of office equipment in this department. ► Building Maintenance: No new personnel are added and the capital outlay is limited to two vacuum cleaners at $800. B. Water and Sewer Fund. Revenues in water and sewer fund are projected to be $7,584,258 which is a $856,296 increase over the current amended budget, a 12.7 % increase. Revenue increases - in the water and sewer fund for the past several years have been nothing .short of phenomenal. We have gone from consistently being on the verge of having to request a rate increase, to being able to issue additional bonds and still have -the fund in strong, financial condition. There has been no water and sewer rate increase in Allen since 1989, even though the City has endured rate increases in both water and' sewer from the North Texas Municipal Water District, which of course supplies our drinking water and treats the City's effluent. Growth has been the key. Expenditures are anticipated to increase $578,135 over the current year, or a 12.2% increase. The water and sewer fund is composed of three departments and changes in those departments are summarized below: ► Public Works Administration: Personnel changes include the addition of a Utility Inspector for a total of three. Capital outlay includes $33,400, with the bulk of that funding for a computer -digitized system. Page 7 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 ► Water and Sewer: By far the biggest cost increase in this department budget is payments to the North Texas Municipal Water District for water purchases and sewer treatment. Those costs are anticipated to increase $487,049 or 19.4% increase.' Other changes in the department include adding two additional maintenance workers and capital outlay in the amount of $192,935. $130,000 of this amount will be for sewer and water construction projects and $40,000 for meters. ► Utility Collections: No significant changes are proposed for this department. C. Debt Service. Debt service for the fiscal year will be $3,616,985. This represents an increase of $612,859 above the current year's debt service in recognition of the $7,100,000 of general obligation bonds authorized for sale by the Council on July 18, 1996. Debt service requires 44.686% of the tax rate (28.957 cents). At the conclusion of the upcoming fiscal year it is expected that the fund balance for debt service will be $753,119, which again exceeds the minimum amount established by Council policy. D. Solid Waste Fund. Council created this fund for solid waste with the requirement that it be self-supporting. Because revenues are collected monthly and our expenditure based upon a contract, by practice, we have not held large reserves in this fund. What this means is that staff must monitor this fund closely to ensure its continued financial viability, with the understanding that any significant changes (for example: rate request change by City's contractor or landfill costs increase passed on to the City of Allen) in cost to the fund would require rate changes. Although no rate increases are anticipated at this writing, it cannot be ruled out as a possibility during the fiscal year. In all other ways, the fund is operating within anticipated revenues and expenditures. E. Economic Development Corporation Fund. Revenues from the half -cent sales tax for economic development are expected to increase approximately 10%, while expenditures are proposed to decrease 11 %. The rather high level of expenditures during the current year, as stated earlier, is the result of finalizing the development of the Millennium Business Park. This budget proposes adding one additional clerical person to the staff of the Corporation office and to add $30,000 for computer upgrades and office furniture and fixture purchases. Currently, the office rents their furniture. Page 8 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11; 1996 F. Vehicle Replacement Fund. As stated earlier, this amended 1995-96 year budget reflects contributions from the water and sewer fund and the general fund that would fully fund the vehicle replacement fund. Vehicles being replaced this year include nine police vehicles, a large dump truck in the street department, a grass fire vehicle for the fire department, a pickup truck and an air compressor for the water and sewer department, totaling $339,000. G. Parks and Recreation Enterprise Fund. This fund was established three years ago to provide financial flexibility in planning and execution of recreation programs, providing a better method for determining the appropriate fee levels for those programs and to give the Park Board and staff the ability to respond to changing programmatic needs within the community. The budget this year includes the transfer of $50,000 to the enterprise fund to provide "seed" funding for programming at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. It is anticipated that programs will be offered particularly at the amphitheater and those programs would be self-supporting. The type and timing of the programs, marketing, corporate sponsorship, use of city staff or promotion consultant and the issue of risk, all must be addressed by the staff and Park Board to the Council's satisfaction during this fiscal year. As a result of the transfer from the general fund and the anticipated recreation revenues, total fund revenues are expected to increase 49 % to $291,413. Expenditures, including special activities at the amphitheater are expected to be $283,803. H. Storm Drainage Utility Fund. Revenues in this fund are expected to increase by 9.2%, with expenditures anticipated to increase 3.8%. One additional maintenance worker is proposed to be added and $22,000 in equipment. III. STRATEGIC PLAN Each year, the City Council and City staff undertake a major planning effort through the Spring Planning Session strategic planning process. This year involved a slightly different process that included identification of the issues and goals at the Spring Planning Session and later, working with the Council standing committees, root causes and root effects were identified, resulting in a hierarchy of priority focused on the root cause issues. Listed below are the goals identified by the Council during their Spring Planning Session and their grouping. Page 9 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 A. Root Causes: Factors or aspects of a strategy which primarily influence other factors. Directing efforts toward (eliminating) the primary root cause factors will achieve greater improvements; i.e. the greatest amount of improvement for the, investment of energy. 1. Develop a unified community vision. $37,500 2. Assure revenue sources that will support community needs. $0 3. Optimize the use of technology in city business practices. $14,000 ` B. Middle Group: Part cause, part effect. 1. Promote educational and outreach programs for the whole community. $0 2. Plan and develop immediate and long-range office facilities. $3,500 3. Develop infrastructure to meet new growth needs. $0 4. Develop better communication for the result of better informed citizens. $15,000 5. Improve operational capabilities. $67,500 6. Provide clear definition of roles, responsibilities and communication processes between elected and appointed officials and City Staff. $2,500 7. Establish standards and implement practices to maintain city assets. $22,500 8. Define, develop and implement public/private partnerships. $0 C. Root Effects: Factors of a strategy which are primarily influenced by other factors 1. Achieve and sustain a safe, efficient multi -modal transportation system. $10,000 2. Protect, beautify and promote natural resources. $0 3. Develop and adopt a plan for definition and redevelopment of the CBD. $15,000 IV. CONCLUSION I would like to reiterate some major points of this budget: ► The tax rate represented in this approved budget is 64.8 cents per $100 valuation. The 1995-96 rate was 66.5 cents. This is the fourth consecutive year of tax rate decreases. Page 10 Honorable Mayor and Council December 11, 1996 ► Because we ended the 1995-96 year in a very favorable financial position, this budget includes expenditure of $1,034,225 of reserves to fund one-time purchases throughout the general fund and to fund the strategic plan issues. ► This budget proposes no rate increases in water and sewer, drainage utility or solid waste fees; however, a rate increase is being included in ambulance fees so that the City's fees are consistent with adjoining cities. ► This budget includes an additional $612,859 debt service to fund the repayment of $7,100,000 of general obligation bonds sold by the City on July 18, 1996. ► Salary reserves have been established in each of the major funds of the City based upon a salary survey that has been modified from previous years. ► $50,000 of "seed" funding is being transferred from the general fund to the parks and recreation enterprise fund in support of programs to be offered during the year at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center Amphitheater. With the support of the Parks and Recreation Board, several significant policy issues regarding the types of programming and marketing etc. will need to be decided by the Council during the fiscal year, prior to the offering of those programs. Funds are being transferred from the general fund and water and sewer fund in order for the first time, to fully fund the vehicle replacement fund. This represents the culmination of effort by the Council over a five-year period. On behalf of all the employees of the City, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve the citizens of Allen. CITY OF ALLEN TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARIES Combined Budget Summary ............................................. 1 Schedule of Revenues: General Fund ................................................... 2 Water and Sewer .................... . ........................... 4 Expenditure Estimates by Department ..................................... 5 Expenditure Classification as a Percent of Total Budget: , GeneralFund .................................................... 6 Water and Sewer ................................................ 6 Projected Fund Balance ... ............................................. 7 TaxStructure......................................................... 8 Debt Service Requirements ............................................. 9 FUNDS/DEPARTMENTS General Fund: General Government 10 ............................................. Municipal Court ................................................. 13 City Administration ............................................... 16 General Items ........ .......................................... 19 Police......................................................... 22 Parks and Recreation ............................................. 25 Library........................................................ 30 Fire........................................................... 33 Streets....................................................... 36 Community Development ........................................... 39 Building Maintenance ............................................. 42 Finance........................................................ 45 CITY OF ALLEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Public Works: Administration .................................................. 48 Water and Sewer ............................................... 51 Utility Collections ................................................. 54 Economic Development Corporation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... 57 SolidWaste......................................................... 60 Vehicle Replacement ................................................. 61 DrainageUtility....................................................... 63 Parks and Recreation Enterprise ......................................... 66 i CITY OF ALLEN COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR COMBINED REVENUES: General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Economic Development Corp. Solid Waste Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund Drainage Utility Parks/Rec. Enterprise Fund TOTAL REVENUES 1994-95 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGET $7,841,618 6,173,211 929,779 1,199,011 300,758 356,210 162,669 $9,045,836 6,240,229 890,580 1,364,487 166,924 370,041 170,635 1995-96 1996-97 AMENDED BUDGET $9,668,578 6,727,962 1,090,600 1,291,323 619,247 381,770 194,580 $16,963,256 $18,248,732 $19,974,060 COMBINED OPERATING EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Economic Development Corp. Solid Waste Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund Drainage Utility Parks/Rec. Enterprise Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE: General Obligation Debt Water & Sewer Debt TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $8,244,441 3,709,314 745,943 1,143,643 133,121 276,388 149,199 $1 $9,038,356 4,395,356 818,988 1,276, 336 0 354,406 150,606 $9,388,050 4,748,182 967,487 1,274,386 0 334,541 187,864 $16,034,048 $16,900,510 ' $x7247, , 0 7,584,25.8' 1,197',853' 1,599,67,0 1 339,000 417;027 I 291",41'3' .$22,,676,27*11 $11;247,,050 5;326,31x7' 860;058 1,407;5350 339;000 34T,345 283j803 $1 t .I $3,005,147 $3,004,912 $3,004,912 $3,616,985 819,890 823,240 1,118,073 1, 1711,494 $3,825,037 $3,828,152 $4,122,985 $4;788;479 REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES Current Delinquent Penalty & Interest Rollback Taxes Miscellaneous SALES TAX FRANCHISE TAXES TU Electric Lone Star Gas Southwestern Bell Cablevision PERMITS & LICENSES Single Family Multi -Family Commercial Building -Other Sign Health Solicitors Filing Fees Contractors License Animal License FINES & FORFEITURES Municipal Court Fines False Alarm Fines Library CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED $3,352,161 $4,037,675 $4,092,000 19,016 17,000 50,000 12,465 12,000 30,000 25,714 0 155,343 70 0 0 SUBTOTAL $3,409,426 $4,066,675 $4,327,343 $1,804,693 $1,737,737 $2,129,580 SUBTOTAL $1,804,693 $1,737,737 $2,129,580 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL $713,236 103,728 104,121 66,457 $987,542 $302,919 50 30,385 55,750 23,555 6,615 532 55,427 13,080 11,884 $500,197 $174,500 11,550 17,854 $203,904 2 $796,806 122,044 116,382 130,000 $1,165,232 $371,875 20,000 28,000 52,744 23,491 12,750 500 59,424 11,200 13,000 $592,984 $175,000 20,000 20,000 $215,000 $810,811 1 125,543 116,382 , 121,626 r $1,174,362 3 I i $432,080 ' 28,410 33,000 52,744 23,491 12,750 ; 500 59,424 11,200 10,405 $664,004 1996-97 BUDGET $4;512,433,.! $2,342;538 $2;342;538 $885,460 1'31;808 132;6754 131, 356, $1,281;299: '455;1 26' 1 25;000 30,800 58;01'8 1 25;841 14,025 500 59;42.4 1.1',5001 10,000 $690;234 $236,459 $360;00,0 9,700 10;500 19,793 "--,.$390'.906 20;400 $265,952 General Fund Revenues - continued REVENUES REIMBURSEMENTS Other Reimbursement Subdivision Sign CHARGES FOR SERVICE Ambulance RANT County Library COPS FAST Grant Task Force MISCELLANEOUS St. Light Surcharge Interest Income Auction Revenues Reinspection Fees Inspection Fees Sale of Materials Council Filing Fees Miscellaneous Mixed Drink Tax Alarm Registration Cemetery Revenues Use of Reserve Fund l*§Tfl %l I71q SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL Operating Transfer In TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUES 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 ACTUAL $28,633 19,892 $48,525 $99,293 $99,293 $6,900 0 474 $7,374 $12,075 195,393 1,681 20,453 87,187 1,433 80 14,566 1,165 28,725 3,392 0 $366,150 414,514 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET $77,982 $38,327 15,000 17,662 17,500 $92,982 $55,989 $63;964 $87,500 $96,605 $-127;250, $87,500 $96,605 $127,250 i t $6,900 $7,450 45 $7;0 0 13,028 25;000, 0 s 0 $6,900 $20,478 0211450'� $6,000 $10,384 $8,240. 172,000 168,680 r 175.427 0 0 0 22,825 25,000 j 25,756 72,000 136,000 i 84,000 5,624 5,912 s 6,300: 200 120 100 12,204 13,670 I 13,370 860 2,407 2,527 25,000 38,600 40;000_ 1,500 1,608 1,500 357,245 125,000 _1',1034,225 $675,458 $527,381 ` $1;391;439' 405,368 406,684 `.414;543 $7,841,618 $9 3 8,578 ! $11;247450' CITY OF ALLEN WATER AND SEWER FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET OPERATING REVENUES Water Sales Sewer Charges Connections Penalties Reconnections Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL PERATING REVENUES Development Fees - Water Development Fees - Sewer Inspection Fees Interest income Operating Transfer In SUBTOTAL TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES $3,631,950 $3,780,000 1,512,846 1,609,000 68,100 57,934 120,658 129,891 1,760 1,652 17,002 19,550 $5,352,316 $5,598,027 $4,121,775 $0;0 1,633,000 1;764,000 95,812 101',5601 132,850 143,478, 6,850 772742 7,439 189,235 $5,997,726 $6;7611,^47:1" $401,929 $328,200 $341,343 100,564 55,200 49,790 56,030 50,000 73,423 191,763 130,660 189,235 70,609 78,142 76,445 $820,895 $642,202 $730,236 173,211 $6,240;229 $6,727,962 1. $382;900 .64;400 ,87;5,,00; ' 194;87.2r CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND AND WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES BY DEPARTMENT 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED GENERALFUND General Government Municipal Court City Administration General Items Police Parks & Recreation Library Fire Protection Streets Community Development Building Maintenance Finance TOTAL EXPENSES WATER AND SEWER FUND: Public Works Administration Water & Sewer Utility Collections TOTAL EXPENSES 1996-97 BUDGET $150,492 $154,438 $154,521 34691,082 0 0 49,289 123,107 294,638 334,208 322,012 395,434 822,342 558,667 952,237 1,1331'363 2,366,879 2,697,840 2,649,083 3,080,;2084 1,018,721 1,286,900 1,262,109 1,561,120, 458,705 504,141 529,195 592,974, 1,758,256 2,022,679 1,905,540 2;557,270; 565,048 595,334 598,124 652?89,7 545,331 577,286 592,014 659f,67& 88,522 95,792 157,725 1"05`686; 175,507 211,071 216,201 221';989 8,244,441 $9,038,356 $9,388,050 r 011,247;050► $354,632 $402,679 $390,446 34691,082 3,200,218 3,808,397 4,198,010 4;571+;618" 154,464 184,280 159,726 285;61.7 $3,709,314 $4,395,356 $4,748,182 $5;326;317•' 5 CLASSIFICATION GENERALFUND Personnel Services Operating Expenditure Supplies Maintenance Contract Services Miscellaneous Strategic Planning Capital Outlays CITY OF ALLEN EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 1994-95 % OF REVISED % OF 1996-97 % OF ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET $5,557,564 Expenditures 67.41% $6,373,407 67.89% $ 960,616 11.65% 1,148,120 12.23% 69.49% 133,370 1.62% 137,994 1.47% 1.07% 402,434 4.88% 403,365 4.30% 4.53% 223,199 2.71% 226,850 2.42% 3.33% 356,762 4.33% 540,025 5.75% 248,903 3.02% 313,700 3.34% 361,593 4.39% 244,589 2.61% TOTAL $8,244,441 $9,388,050 I $1 - r WATER AND SEWER FUND Personnel Services $960,009 25.88Wo $1,024;420 21.57% Operating Expenditures 2,460,680 - 66.34% 3,299,607 - 69.49% Supplies 49,250 1.33% 50,769 1.07% Maintenance 119,737 3.23% 215,125 4.53% Capital Outlays 119,638 3.23% 158,261 3.33% TOTAL $3,709,314 $4,748,182 1,442,871 243;711 448,035 190}436, 521, 358 160;194 350;442 $1-1-1841,979! 3,768;108 •51-,255,. ` 95,640 226,335. $5;326,317 70.15% 12.83% 2.17% 3.98% 1.69% 4.64% 1.42% 3.12% 22.25% 70.75% 0.96% 1.80% 4.25% CITY OF ALLEN PROJECTED FUND BALANCES 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR GENERALFUND Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/96 Use of Reserves Proposed Revenue Proposed Expenditures Estimated Fund Balance 9/30/97 DEBT SERVICE - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/96 Tax Revenue Interest On Investments Total Revenues 1996-97 Debt Service -Current Debt Estimated Fund Balance at September 30, 1997 7 $2,671,878 (1,034,225) $11,247,050 ($11,247,050) 0 $1,637,653 $3,580,858 100,000 $689,246 3,680,858 (3,616,985) $753,119 CITY OF ALLEN TAX STRUCTURE 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR ASSESSED VALUE - 1996 REVENUE AT $.648 PER $100 VALUATION CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FUND 99.0% COLLECTION RATE GENERALFUND DEBT SERVICE FUND $1,249,103,465 $8,094,190 ($3,616,985) $4,432,433 TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION RATIO PERCENT AMOUNT 0.35843 55.314% $4,477,162 0.28957 44.686% $3,617,028 0.64800 100.000% $8,094,190 CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1996-1997 FISCAL YEAR BALANCE REQUIRED REQUIRED TOTAL BOND DATE OF AMOUNT INTEREST MATURITY AS OF PRINCIPAL INTEREST REQUIREMENT SERIES ISSUE ISSUED RATE DATE 10/01/96 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1966 11/01/66 $100,000 5.75% 11/01/05 $95,000 $10,000 $5,175 $15,175 1979 08/01/79 2,000,000 6.50% 08/01/09 245,000 75,000 16,538 91,538 1981 05/01/81 2,000,000 10.00% 05/01/99 550,000 175,000 55,000 230,000 1984 08/01/84 1,970,000 10.00-13.00% 08/01/99 895,000 275,000 96,750 371,750 1986 08/01/86 7,000,000 7.50-10.00% 09/01/06 650,000 300,000 49,100 349,100 1988 04/01/88 2,500,000 6.40-8.90% 09/01/01 325,000 170,000 22,008 192,008 1992 10/01/92 16,053,921 3.00-6.35% 09/01/07 15,543,921 395,000 750,865 1,145,865- 1994 10/06/94 7,015,000 5.50-8.00% 09/01/15 6,630,000 180,000 428,690 608,690 1996 07/01/96 7,100,000 5.00-7.00% 09/01/16 7,100,000 130,000 482,859 612,859 TOTAL $45,738,921 $32,033,921 $1,710,000 $1,906,985 $3,616,985 WATER & SEWER REVENUE BONDS: 1992 07/15/92 $8,545,000 3.25-6.40% 06/01/12 $7,020,000 $405,000 $414,910 $819,910 1995 09/01/95 $4,100,000 5.125 - 7.125% 06/01/15 3,985,000 120,000 231,584 351,584 TOTAL $12,645,000 $11,005,000 $525,000 $646,494 $1,171,494 0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL SERVICE Manager Salaries Clerical Salaries Part Time Salaries Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability PERATING EXP Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Mileage Telephone Insurance Professional Services Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Advertising Codification -Ord. Miscellaneous Employee Tenure Pins SUBTOTAL C11990M. Office Miscellaneous Boards & Commissions Computer Supplies MAINTENANCE Equipment SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED $41,174 $42,959 $21,480 $46,542 22,975 26,640 12,341 26,863 1,456 0 0 0 772 772 868 868 5,228 5,249 2,654 5,682 5,179 5,866 2,978 6,873 300 310 109 232 3,626 3,959 1,806 3,438 322 351 182 361 163 183 92 199 $81,195 $86,289 $42,510 $91,058 $2,300 $2,500 $972 $2,500 7,593 8,755 5,458 8,755 537 615 0 450 1,436 1,800 560 1,060 839 839 802 810 1,837 700 41 700 516 600 262 600 1,529 1,500 687 1,500 1,886 1,300 1,622 3,222 2,600 3,500 0 3,500 319 350 262 512 0 75 0 230 $21,392 $22,534 $10,666 $23,839 $1,198 $2,000 $1,002 $2,004 7,531 7,100 3,201 7,100 1,574 1,500 550 1,100 1,799 1,000 0 0 1 $12,102 $11,600 $4,753 $10,204 $522 $655 $480 $522 $655 $480 10 $480 $480 1996-97 BUDGET 27,534 0= 964 5,816 7,48Q 236: 3;2+65 359 203! 1,200 81.03 .7,,OO, 2;000' 3;500 5500 225 $24'176-, $2,2001 7;200a 1,500' 0 $10isft $'655^ CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT - continued SUBTOTAL 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET Records Management $0 CITY COUNCIL EXPENSES $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $0 $1,000 Mayor's Salary $720 $720 $270 $720 V Council Salaries 1,340 1,440 480 1,440 1,4.40 Mayor/Council Expenses 16,719 13,100 6,079 13,100 15,450 Plaques, Awards, Procl 581 600 0 600 660• Election Officials 3,001 0 0 0 0 - Supplies 2,494 0 0 0 0 - Advertising 266 0 0 0 0 Printing & Reproduction 400 0 0 0 0 Election Expenses 0 6,000 2,780 3,480 51000 CIIP 8 861 10 000 3 974 9 374 1'0'000 SUBTOTAL $34,382 $31,860 $13,583 $28,714 $33;210 MISCELLANEOUS Records Management $0 $1,000 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $1;00©• CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment $424 $0 $0 $0 Office Equipment 475 500 226 226 0" SUBTOTAL $899 $500 $226 $226 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $150,492 $154,438 $72,218 $154,521 $1G3;326 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F IF City Secretary 0 1 F 1 F 1 F Secretary 11 1P 0 0 0 Secretary 0 1T 0 0 Clerk 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.00 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital outlays for this department. 12 MUNICIPAL COURT CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries Clerical Salaries Part Time Salaries Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability SUBTOTAL PERATING EXPEN Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Mileage Telephone Insurance Professional Services Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Jury Fees Miscellaneous Employee Tenure Pins SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous MAINTENANCE Building . Equipment SUBTOTAL CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 29,245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,237 0 0 0 2,878 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 1,632 0 0 0 179 0 0 0 79 $0 $0 $0 $36,341 $0 $0 $0 $500 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 150 , 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 150 i 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $2,573 $0 $0 $0 $500 0 0 0 200 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $700 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 175 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $175 1 13 57,551 8;320 1,192 5;039 6,-,482 204' 3,265 359 178' $82;590; $1,200) 100 434 10,200: 733 500' :300 1;,000, 300 300 50, $6;117 ,400, $1;4001 $200) -.0 $200'; MUNICIPAL COURT -continued CLASSIFICATION MISCELLANEOUS Municipal Judge SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $2,500 $2,500 1996-97 BUDGET $32;000` CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 0 0 1F 0 Municipal Court Clerk 0 0 1 F 1 F+ 1 P Account Clerk I 0 0 0 1 F Municipal Court Coordinator 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Fax machine $800 15 CITY ADMINISTRATION LASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVIC Manager Salaries Clerical Salaries Salary & Wages Overtime Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability SUBTOTAL PERATING EXPENSE Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Mileage Telephone Insurance Professional Services Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Advertising Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous Small Tools & Minor Equip SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Equipment Radio Maintenance 1994-95 ACTUAL $77,572 47,460 85,695 0 1,772 15,331 16,661 962 11,086 834 546 $257,919 $7,913 3,158 1,268 5,019 1,806 8,432 996 3,966 588 387 $33,533 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 BUDGET $80,276 76,415 94,644 308 1,596 18,947 21,113 1,125 13,571 878 668 $309,541 $6,500 2,300 1,000 4,000 1,807 1,800 1,300 3,800 250 100 $22,857 EXPENDED 1995-96 MARCH 1996 AMENDED $39,000 35,130 24,915 133 1,424 6,594 8,411 317 5,636 455 272 $122,287 $3,300 2,106 659 1,781 1,804 0 578 2,490 373 0 $13,091 $81,851 70,418 76,587 247 1,424 16,533 21,196 720 10,550 918 622 $281,066 $7,239 2,726 1,254 3,561 1,882 15,700 1,178 4,980 511 100 $39,131 $1,531 $1,300 $530 $1,231 955 100 218 218 16 0 0 0 $2,502 $1,400 $748 $1,449 $42 $300 $117 $247 383 110 57 119 SUBTOTAL $425 $410 $174 $366 16 1996-97 BUDGET 77;964 130',072 468, 1,656 22;346 28;578. ,901 14215 1=;255s 779' $6;900 3-,500 1+,380 .3;600, 1•,882' 1,0;300' 5 ;1,200 5;000' 0 150, $33;912 $1r200k 100 0� $1 A09.1 $300' 12'4• CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET CITY ADMINISTRATION - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS $259 $0 $0 $0 $259 $0 $101 $0 $294,638 $334,208 $136,401 $322,012 17 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET CITY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position - 1 F 1 F 1 F IF City Manager 1 F 1 F 0 0 Assistant to the City Manager 0 0 1 F IF Assistant City Manager 0 1 F 1 F 1 F Executive Secretary to City Manager 1 F 0 0 IF Secretary 11 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Information Systems Coordinator 0 1 F 1 F IF Receptionist 1 F 1 F 1 F 0 Secretary I 0 0 0 1F Public Information Officer 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 Credenza and keyboard drawer $300 18 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL ITEMS 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET SUBTOTAL $61,446 SUPPLIES Computer Supplies $2,617 SUBTOTAL $2,617 MAINTENANCE Equipment Maintenance 1994-95 CLASSIFICATION 27,705 OPERATING EXPENSES $28,134 Professional Services $24,240 Miscellaneous 4,163 Computer Costs 33,043 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET SUBTOTAL $61,446 SUPPLIES Computer Supplies $2,617 SUBTOTAL $2,617 MAINTENANCE Equipment Maintenance $429 Computer Maintenance 27,705 SUBTOTAL $28,134 CONTRACT SERVICES $34,656 Audit $21,245 Tax Service AISD 54,410 Tax Service CAD 47,691 Retainer 22,047 Other Attorney Fees 57,598 SUBTOTAL $202,991 MISCELLANEOUS Unemployment Claims $9,575 Computer Technology 0 Library ADA Compliance 0 Transfer to Capital Improve. Fund 0 Transfer to Vehicle Replace. Fund - 150,000 SUBTOTAL $159,575 STRATEGIC PLAN Salary Reserve $0 Insurance Reserve 0 Strategic Plan Reserve 137,431 Animal Shelter Reserve 0 $5,000 300 46,073 $51,373 $3,800 $3,800 $0 34,390 $34,390 $23,500 55,000 49,600 25,000 10,000 $163,100 $0 40,000 16,000 0 0 $56,000 $0 16,839 0 150,000 19 $5,160 $5,160 1,860 1,860 5,526 27,636 $12,546 $34,656 $2,695 $5,245 $2,695 $5,245 $0 6,931 $6,931 $19,400 25,723 26,054 15,691 7,746 $94,614 $6,048 35,694 41 0 0 $41,783 $0 0 0 13,493 $0 8,431 $8,431 $19,400 52,686 52,108 24,741 45,723 $194,658 $6,048 45,244 16,000 0 293,599 $360,891 $0 0 0 310,000 -- $7,000` 300 190;367! $197;667 $49;700' $49;700' $23,500 57;186 53;000 25;000 5;000 $'163686. $fi 0 0° 200,000 0. $200,000► $282�,4A6 41,694" 0 0" r GENERAL ITEMS - continued CLASSIFICATION STRATEGIC PLAN - continued Civil Svc Cont. Reserve Civil Def. Sirens Res. Customer Satisfaction Employee Recognition City Organization Community Unity Adequacy of Facilities Dev. Regional/Local Sewer Exp. Office Space Reserve Comprehensive Plan Update City Wide Event: Fireworks Rec Center Registration Software Internet Access -Library Users Election -City Hall Construction City Calendar Police/Fire Management Study Staff Training Employee Class -Comp Study Council Connect -with -Mission Conf Council Orientation/Team Building- Repairs/Furniture-Senior Center CBD:Suveyor & Plan Consultants SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET 8,417 0 0 0 - 0 62,675 0 0 0 0 0 5,800 91 1,700 0 0 2,000 0 2,000 2;000. 0 57,780 0 0 0- 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 40,380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,500', 0 0 0 0 25,000; 0 0 0 0 12,000, 0 0 0 0 21,1000 0 0 0 0 31,5Q0; 0 0 0 0 16,000. 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 6,500 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 2';004 0 0 0 0 22,500 0 0 0 0 16,1000 $248,903 $248,419 $13,584 $313,700 1 $442;610 $118,676 $1,585 $9,447 $34,656 '$68;200 $118,676 $1,585 $9,447 $34,656 $68;20w $822,342 $558,667 $181,600 $952,237 , ..$VI JA3;363• 20 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL ITEMS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations No personnel in this department. Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4905 4 Desktop Computers 4905 Hardware for document imaging program 4905 Laser printer 4905 Upgrade AS/400 to Advanced Series 4905 Data cabling for office expansion at Municipal Annex 21 Cost $10,783 $17,500 $2,000 $35,917 $2,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET POLICE 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $67,122 $67,596 $32,734 $68,682 $68j,772- 68,1,7 -Clerical ClericalSalaries 266,444 356,971 136,425 286,164 345;396 Public Safety Salaries 1,021,898 1,188,644 552,236 1,190,200 1,349;741) Animal Control Salaries 48,260 49,356 19,930 44,886 66;396, Overtime 91,652 95,736 49,466 97,966 10=1;328 Part Time Salaries 214 0 0 0 0 Longevity 14,726 13,812 15,572 15,572 16;788 FICA Expense 112,442 137,215 59,396 128,025 148;127 TMRS Expense 117,489 152,991 69,080 157,356 190y,531t Workman's Comp. 80,937 93,905 28,437 63,120 75;365 Health Insurance 119,178 144,577 63,737 124,528 143;310, Dental Insurance 7,379 8,697 4,201 8,507 91,822 Long -Term Disability 3,627 5,191 2,060 4,300 4;9,16 SUBTOTAL $1,951,368 $2,314,691 $1,033,274 $2,189,306 1$2;519;872. OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $17,029 $17,375 $10,332 $18,832 $2Q;849- 26;849Dues Dues& Subscriptions 4,322- 4,000 1,945 3,945 5,180.' Mileage 1,525 2,550 88 588 2,650, Worker Comp Claims 0 500 0 500 500 Clothing & Uniforms 12,016 16,200 12,108 17,108 28;820' Clothing/Comp Allowance 4,800 4,800 2,800 4,800 4,,800- Electricity 46,554 42,000 16,617 42,000 45,000 Gas -Lone Star 4,896 6,500 3,559 6,559 7,0003 Telephone 18,860 17,000 6,279 14,779 17,000, Water Usage 1,330 1,200 0 1,200 1;200, Insurance 29,461 30,725 30,688 30,870 30,870► Professional Services 5,116 5,000 2,428 3,928 5,000; Postage & Freight 3,478 3,700 2,231 4,081 4;506, Printing & Reproduction 10,162 7,500 4,213 8,213 10;000, Advertising 4,149 3,500 559 1,309 3,500 Rentals 5,067 5,500 2,925 6,100 9;500 Crime Prevention 1,489 500 241 1,241 2,500, Prisoners Keep 1,168 1,000 879 1,879 2,560, Jury Fees 120 200 144 144 0 Miscellaneous 93 400 602 852 500' Employee Tenure Pins 252 100 0 250 250, Gasoline 22,485 21,000 10,195 21,000 27;560' Canine Purchase and Training 0 0 0 0 7;000 SUBTOTAL $194,372 $191,250 $108,833 $190,178 (,A,,M J242;6,19T 22 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET POLICE - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES Office $9,184 $6,000 $3,708 $7,208-$10;000 Miscellaneous 0 200 0 200 200 Small Tools & Equipment 23,050 17,500 11,634 17,500 26,500 Animal 4,245 5,000 2,114 5,000 7,500 SUBTOTAL $36,479 $28,700 $17,456 $29,908 $44;200 MAINTENANCE Building $16,024 $15,000 $7,825 $19,825 $32;500*, Vehicle Maintenance 30,464 22,000 14,871 29,871 50;000, Equipment 34,396 30,050 13,054 42,650 351,0001 Radio 2,947 4,000 1,101 4,601 1;0"000) Miscellaneous 75 250 0 250 250 SUBTOTAL $83,906 $71,300 $36,851 $97,197 $127;750) CONTRACT SERVICES Municipal Judge $13,124 $12,000 $5,745 $5,745 $0 SUBTOTAL $13,124 $12,000 $5,745 $5,745 $0 MISCELLANEOUS Residual Eq. Transfer $57,353 $73,949 $0 $73,949 $102,067 SUBTOTAL $57,353 $73,949 $0 $73,949 $102;067 CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles $16,469 $0 $0 $0 , $0 Machinery & Equipment 3,623 2,550 435 2,550 9,7.00 Office Equipment 2,802 0 0 0 ' 0! Radio Equipment 7,383 3,400 3,250 25,250 34;000' Vehicle Video Equipment 0 0 0 35,000 i 0 SUBTOTAL $30,277 $5,950 $3,685 $62,800 $43,7.00, DEPARTMENT TOTALS $2,366,879 $2,697,840 $1,205,844 $2,649,083 t;, $3;080;208, 23 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET POLICE Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Police Chief 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Secretary 1F 1F 1 F IF Secretary 11 1 F +1 P 2F 1 F 2F Account Clerk I 0 1 F 1F IF Support Services Technician 2F 2F 0 0 Lieutenant 0 0 2F 2F Captain 5F 5F 5F 6F Sergeant 20F 24F 26F 30F Patrol Officer 0 1 F 1 F IF Police Services Technician 6F 7F 7F 7F Dispatcher 1F 1 F 1F IF Animal Control Officer 11 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Animal Control Officer I 0 0 0 IF Shelter Attendant 1 F 1 F 0 0 Municipal Court Clerk 0 0 0 1 F Communications Supervisor 40.5 48.0 48.0 56.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4904 Dog kennel 4904 Video recording system 4904 6 replacement body armor vests 4906 6 mobile radios 4906 10 replacement portable radios 24 Cost $2,000 $5,000. $2,700 $24,000 $10,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $49,849 $51,662 $25,108 $52,696 Clerical Salaries 25,674 27,540 13,206 27,728 Salary & Wages 327,382 482,173 193,047 433,047 Overtime 5,390 11,951 7,872 9,400 Part Time Salaries 14,414 24,322 770 16,770 Longevity 3,360 3,234 3,052 3,052 FICA Expense 32,01D 47,488 18,204 43,978 TMRS Expense 32,697 50,453 20,865 54,017 Workman's Comp. 16,457 20,477 6,649 16,193 Health Insurance 40,078 58,387 18,815 40,377 Dental Insurance 2,708 3,690 1,452 3,605 Long -Term Disability 1,067 1,590 602 1,449 SUBTOTAL $551,086 $782,967 $309,642 $702,312 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $6,006 $5,000 $4,646 $6,474, Dues & Subscriptions 1,256 900 1,003 1,554 Mileage 4,880 5,010 2,680 6,210 Worker Comp Claims 0 300 0 0 Clothing & Uniforms 5,340 7,792 1,737 8,237 Electricity 34,727 53,500 15,637 45,637 Telephone 7,896 12,300 5,699 14,300 Water Usage 61,519 80,000 0 93,000 Insurance 8,730 8730 10,748 10,748 Professional Services 20,173 102,327 21,563 95,563 Postage & Freight 2,397 4,500 1,607 7,458 Printing & Reproduction 7,869 11,500 2,213 11,213 Advertising 631 3,000 2,387 8,387 Rentals 846 3,250 1,198 7,198 Open Gym 3,016 0 352 352 Summer Youth Program 68 0 0 0 Senior Citizen Support 3,299 5,500 2,032 5,032 Meetings & Receptions 103 1,000 82 1,000 Miscellaneous 6 2,000 12 465 Special Activities 0 2,000 6,554 16,514 Computer Costs 2,588 1,500 370 2,370 Cemetery Expenditures 8,383 6,000 3,300 6,540 Gasoline 4,802 4,500 1,689 4,763 Oil & Lubricants 608 1,000 355 1,000 SUBTOTAL $185,143 $321,609 $85,864 $354,015 25 1996-97 BUDGET 27;53,4 527-,286 13,31:9 21,840 3,7x4 50;18.4 62;402 17,856: 42;886 3;9,46 $824;935.1 $10;300, 1,800 •2,7.00 0 9,765 53, 50Q. 12,300 95,000. 10;088. 103,680, 7;000,> 10;500.° 10;000 6;000 0, 0 5,,750> 2,500,1 210QQt 0: 0, 6;000'• 6,000, 1000, SCS & RECREATION - continued CLASSIFICATION SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous Mechanical Janitorial Medical & Chemical Small Tools & Equipment Boards & Commissions Agricultural Supplies Chlorine Gas Ballfield Minor Equipment Recreation Minor Equipment Pool Supplies Computer Supplies SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Building Vehicle Equipment Radio Ground Sprinklers Landscaping Ballfield Clay Ballfield Maintenance Pool Maintenance Rock, Sand, Gravel Miscellaneous Park & Open Space Maint. Street Lights SUBTOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Sanitation Economic Development Copier Service SUBTOTAL 1994-95 ACTUAL $986 248 6 424 1,555 3,516 0 11,064 3,487 5,810 0 5,628 0 $32,724 $4,849 1,776 8,586 836 6,154 23,011 16,766 17,944 6,326 29,040 7,086 2,667 1,049 $126,090 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $2,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 3,000 1,500 500 17,311 4,000 5,000 2,500 6,000 500 $46,811 $8,000 2,870 9,369 1,050 10,161 16,278 10,000 19,000 10,500 3,500 9,000 11,325 5,000 $116,053 $1,565 625 0 991 386 2,118 221 1,315 0 2,428 0 129 10 $9,788 $1,431 1,187 4,993 330 6,933 3,633 3,350 5,295 123 1,946 3,063 1,739 802 $34,825 $2,755 890 900 3,137 1,500 3,218 521 17,311 4,000 3,428 2,650 3,129 10 $43,449 $6,272 3,187 8,429 830 12,933 12,633 8,350 18,295 15,848 3,946 7,063 7,739 3,202 $108,727 $6,699 $6,000 $6,412 $10,146 0 500 0 500 0 250 0 250 $6,699 $6,750 $6,412 $10,896 26 Z; 5UU 2;250 500 1 2:500 j 3;910 500- 32,756 4;000. 5;000` 0' 6,000) 0' :-$A;'Q s 2,670) 12,568, 1,050) 14,1'43_ 1.7,;445 6;800' 20,'760 1D,000 1`4,875- 5;000. $125;01:1) $10;'000) PARKS & RECREATION - continued CLASSIFICATION MISCELLANEOUS Residual Transfer Transfer to Enterprise Fund Recreation Ctr Reserve SUBTOTAL APITAL OUTLA Buildings Vehicles Machinery & Equipment Office Equipment & Furniture Radio Equipment Land Improvement -Bethany Lakes Land Improvements Implements SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $11,566 $12,710 $0 $12,710 $0 0 0 0 0 50,000 49,093 0 0 0 & $60,659 $12,710 $0 $12,710 04;7.04; $250 $0 $0 $0 §9 10,895 0 0 0 06{0,00 42,446 0 0 0 27,,121! 0 0 0 0 .5,000' 2,729 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 0, 0 0 0 0 4,000- 0 0 0 0 Ox $56,320 $0 $0 $30,000 $104;671" 018,721 $1,286,900 $446,531 $1,262,109- _,$1;561;120,y 27 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Director 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Secretary 11 1F 1F 1F IF Program Coordinator 1F 1F 1F IF Special Activities Coordinator 1F 1F 1F IF Park Superintendent 0 1 F 0 0 Landscape Architect 0 0 2F 2F Park Operation Supervisor 0 0 1 F 1 F Mechanic/Shop Supervisor 3F 3F 0 0 Crew Chief 1 F 1 F 2F 2F Equipment Operator 8F+6T 8F+6P 7F+1 P 6F+1 P Maintenance Worker 0 0 1 F 1 F Recreation Supervisor 0 0 2P 2P Recreation Assistant 0 0 2F 2F Recreation Assistant II 0 0 1 F IF Custodian 1 P 1P 0 0 Program Supervisor 0 0 0 IF Chemical Technician 0 0 0 IF Irrigation Technician 19.50 20.5 22.5 23.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4903 Senior Citizens van 4903 3 Pickup trucks 4904 Gas powered cart 4904 Dump Trailer 28 Cost $30,000 $36,000 $4,750 $4,600 CITY OF ALLEN FY 1996-97 PROPOSED BUDGET PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT - continued Capital Outlay - continued Account No. Description 4904 Tiller 4904 72" Rider mower 4904 Backpack Blower 4904 2 Weed Eaters, 4904 2 Stick edgers 4904 2 Walk behind edgers 4904 2 Backpack sprayers 4904 Gas powered boom sprayer 4905 2 Desks & cabinets for Recreation Center 4906 3 Replacement Radios 4908 Iniprovements at Ford Park ballfields 29 Cost $580 $9,600 $325 $275 $570 $525 $196 $5,700 $5,000 $2,550 $4,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET LIBRARY 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 CLASSIFICATIONCA TUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $43,575 $45,170 $21,952 $46,073 Clerical Salaries 47,721 51,079 24,508 52,174 Salary & Wages 90,631 96,645 46,318 98,900 Part Time Salaries 105,983 123,083 52,177 122,360 Longevity 2,186 2,098 2,469 2,469 FICA Expense 22,299 24,505 11,256 24,609 TMRS Expense 21,610 27,308 12,161 28,214 Workman's Comp. 1,549 1,755 548 1,187 Health Insurance 11,698 11,876 5,418 10,315 Dental Insurance 1,039 1,054 546 1,174 Long -Term Disability 481 523 260 541 SUBTOTAL $348,772 $385,096 $177,613 $388,016 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $3,362 $3,500 $1,969 $3,469 Dues & Subscriptions 636 655 510 685 Mileage 729 810 401 801 Worker Comp 0 150 0 150 Electricity 34,878 38,000 16,279 37,279 Telephone 5,054 6,000 3,497 7,097 Water Usage 525 800 0 1,000 Insurance 4,907 4,907 5,046 5,116 Professional Services 255 300 55 255 Postage & Freight 2,265 2,500 1,072 2,472 Printing & Reproduction 1,367 1,500 403 1,403 Advertising 574 350 396 471 Rentals 204 255 243 243 Database Services 5,649 6,100 3,425 6,425 Miscellaneous 107 200 182 182 Employee Tenure Pins 25 25 0 25 Books -City Funds 1,751 1,500 518 1,500 Books, County Funds 6,866 6,900 0 7,400 Books -Continuation Fund 5,524 6,000 3,801 6,001 Special Activities 450 600 305 600 SUBTOTAL $75,128 $81,052 $38,102 30 $82,574 L 1996-97 BUDGE 100;633, 115;843, 107,085 3;Q25 281482- 35',095 1,363` 1'3;-060, 1,11435 650. $452;405' $3;050 7:70? 868- 1,5 38;000: 8;000, 1';000, 5,1116. 300 2;500 1,500► 475 255 7;5001 2001 0 5,000 7,400, 7;500 600, LIBRARY- continued CLASSIFICATION SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous Boards & Commissions Periodicals Computer Supplies SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Building Equipment Book Collection SUBTOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Computer Maintenance SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1994-95 ACTUAL $6,423 619 244 7,000 320 $14,606 $8,951 2,363 518 $11,832 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $5,000 500 200 7,000 500 $13,200 $7,000 2,000 400 $9,400 $385 $14,693 $385 $14,693 $7,982 $700 $7,982 $700 58,705 $504.141 31 $3,664 $5,000 $5;500- 96 496 500' 128 198 ! 200- 4,934 7,684 8,500 341 491 $9,163 $13,869 $15,3.0d- 15,300$7,822 $7,822 $24,822 $15,445, 1,703 2,003 3,140 515 631 500, $10,040 $27,456 '$,19,085- $19,085$13,551 $13,551 $15,551 $16;000, $13,551 •$15,551 -$16;000; $379 i $1,729 $0 $379 $1,729 $00' 248,848 $529,195 $59219741 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Circulation Coordinator 1F 1 F+ 1 P 1 F+ 1 P 2F Children's Librarian 1F 1F 1F IF Support Services Manager 1F 1P 1P IP Library Technician 4P 5P 5P 6P + IF Circulation Clerk 2P 2P 2P 2P Library Page 1 P 1 P 1 P IF Secretary I 1 F 1 F+ 1 P 1 F+ 1 P 1 F+ 1 P Reference Librarian 1T 1T 1T 1T Library Page 0 1F 1 F IF Library Associate 10.00 12.25 12.25 14.00 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital outlays for this department. 32 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FIRE 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 CLASSIFICATIONCA TUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $150,375 $151,689 $75,267 $157,938 Clerical Salaries 25,737 25,740 13,178 27,697 Public Safety Salaries 946,635 1,140,712 456,716 1,050,350 Overtime 24,363 58,155 15,316 58,457 Part Time Salaries 0 15,000 1,820 15,260 Longevity 12,700 12,644 13,948 13,948 FICA Expense 84,870 105,742 42,221 99,398 TMRS Expense 91,530 118,246 49,143 121,365 Workman's Comp. 40,415 47,184 13,979 32,324 Health -Insurance 109,309 133,115 49,019 101,767 Dental Insurance 5,724 6,849 2,957 6,455 Long -Term Disability 2,988 3,503 1,537 3,402 SUBTOTAL $1,494,646 $1,818,579 $735,101 $1,688,361 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $5,636 $11,300 $3,901 $9,000 Dues & Subscriptions 2,086 2,315 1,321 2,315 Mileage 2,866 2,520 1,019 2,219 Clothing & Uniforms 16,067 24,000 5,884 16,884 Electricity 7,822 11,000 1,756 8,756 Gas -Lone Star 3,713 6;000 2,532 4,532 Telephone 6,041 7,000 3,138 7,138 Water Usage 2,140 2,400 0 2,400 Insurance 17,773 17,772 20,354 20,354 Professional Services 2,975 7,000 3,756 7,556 Postage & Freight 1,140 1,100 377 877 Printing & Reproduction 919 2,500 903 2,403 Advertising 978 2,000 546 2,001 Rentals 3,857 5,000 1,993 4,993 Code Enforcement 1,432 1,600 237 1,600 Miscellaneous 217 400 155 455 Employee Tenure Pins 82 250 0 250 Gasoline 5,481 6,000 2,447 5,447 Oil & Lubricants 549 500 828 1,655 SUBTOTAL $81,774 $110,657 $51,147 $100,835 33 1996-97 BUDGET 27.;53,4 1,422,631 72,,414 19,0200- .15,1-04 9;20015,1-04 131,095 166;735 42;174: 128;550. 8;791 4, 346 $2;19535,4' $13$000- 1,815 2;449 28;000 1,2;000 7;000 7,500 2,440, 19;7,66. 8,8©0 1„100, 2;000 5;000 1;600 500 300 7;000 2,000 FIRE - continued CLASSIFICATION SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous Janitorial Medical & Chemical Small Tools & Equipment Chemical Spills SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Building Vehicle Equipment Radio Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Residual Transfer SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH1996 AMENDED BUDGET $1,905 $2,000 $327 $1,827 y $2 000j 1,071 600 519 919 600 1,461 2,000 892 1,992 2;500 9,765 11,000 4,789 11,000 33,1000 580 600 291 601 700 1,489 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 $16,271 $18,700 $6,818 $18,839 $41;3001 13,251 6,000 2,398 4,898 7,583 8,000 7,688 12,688 3,657 5,500 3,382 6,382 2,142 1,750 1,016 2,016 218 200 0 200 $26,851 $21,450 $14,484 $26,184 j $38,837 $48,843 $0 $48,843 $38,837 $48,843 $0 $48,843 Vehicles $17,130 $0 Machinery & Equipment 77,005 0 Office Equipment 0 1,600 Radio Equipment 5,742 2,850 SUBTOTAL $99,877 $4,450 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,758,256 $2,022,679 34 $0 $0 0 10,000 1,468 1,601 2,634 10,877 $4,102 $22,478 $811,652 $1,905,540 7,000 9,000A 6,200 2;000 200 $24;400' $62,110: 1 $62;110, $90001, 4;740 1,800, 12,836. $109,376 1 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Fire Chief 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Secretary II 1F 1F 1F 1F Fire Marshall 6F 0 0 0 Lieutenant 24F 24F 33F 37F Fire Fighter 1 F 1 F 1 F 1F Training Officer/EMS Coord. 0 6F 9F 9F Captain 34.0 34.0 46.0 50.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4903 Ambulance 4904 2 hydraulic ram with hose 4905 6 chairs for day room Station #2 4906 4 portable radios w/accessories 4906 Base station radio 35 Cost $90,000 $4,740 $1,800 $5,116 $7,720 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET STREETS SUBTOTAL $234,484 $251,652 $85,373 $252,152 f $278;454, SUPPLIES Office 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGE PERSONNEL SERVICES 1;000 Medical & Chemical 248 150 68 Salary & Wages $108,942 $132,757 $64,446 $132,776 3,000 Overtime 1,052 3,500 3,953 4,400 4;400 Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 455, Longevity 1,180 536 512 512 1348, FICA Expense 8,631 10,155 5,192 10,455 11;410: TMRS Expense 8,758 11,316 5,912 12,679 14;6741 Workman's Comp. 20,450 22,265 7,954 15,920 17,271 Health Insurance 12,803 15,550 6,863 14,001 12;583, Dental Insurance 1,113 1,054 592 1,075 1',076? Long -Term Disability 379 382 202 386 387: SUBTOTAL • $163,308 $197,515 $95,626 $192,204 $203;53.1, OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $331 $1,200 $252 $753 $750i Dues & Subscriptions 106 550 64 100 100 Mileage 0 450 0 200 200► Clothing & Uniforms 2,658 3,120 1,290 3,120 4;680' Telephone 136 150 68 150 1.50►1 Elec/Street Lights 166,638 172,000 73,072 175,000 185,000!] Elec/Traffic Signal 1,939 3,200 610 1,500 1,500+: Insurance 5,721 5,721 5,881 5,906 ` 5;906,.1 Professional Services 200 1,500 904 1,500 1,500. Postage & Freight 129 200 62 200 200. Printing & Reproduction 799 300 317 600 600 - Advertising 387 150 70 150 1`50k Rentals 184 4,000 576 4,000 4;000k School Crossing Guard 10,759 12,500 0 12,500 ?16,000,' Operating Transfer Out 39,461 40,311 0 40,673 52,418.1 Gasoline 3,513 4,000 1,866 4,000 4-;000 Oil & Lubricants 60 300 0 300 300= Vehicle Propane Gas 1,463 2,000 341 1,500 2-;000 j SUBTOTAL $234,484 $251,652 $85,373 $252,152 f $278;454, SUPPLIES Office $134 $200 $94 $200 $200' Miscellaneous 987 1,000 185 1,000 1;000 Medical & Chemical 248 150 68 150 1150' Small Tools & Equipment 3,798 3,000 2,723 3,000 3000! SUBTOTAL $5,167 $4,350 $3,070 $4,350 L $4;350 36 STREETS - continued CLASSIFICATION MAINTENANCE Vehicle Equipment Radio Asphalt Rock, Sand, Etc. ]Sealer & Tac Oil Street Sign Street Maintenance Traffic Signal Maintenance Sidewalk Maintenance SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Sidewalk Bond Interest Residual Eq. Transfer SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles Machinery & Equipment Traffic Signs SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED $3,231 $4,000 $3,591 $4,000 7,560 7,500 7,563 24,000 537 500 181 500 12,450 8,500 820 8,500 4,071 5,000 3,785 7,500 103 1,000 16 1,000 5,435 4,000 0 4,000 76,081 90,000 6,937 73,500 678 250 689 700 989 2,000 0 1,000 $111,135 $122,750 $23,582 $124,700 $2,196 $2,000 $651 $2,651 3,760. 5,267 0 5,267 $5,956 $7,267 $651 $7,918 $14,354 12,125 18,519 $44,998 $565,048 $0 1,800 10,000 $11,800 $595,334 37 $0 0 8,873 $8,873 $217.175 $0 1,800 15,000 $16,800 $598,124 1996-97 BUDGET $5;000 10,000, 500 8;500; 7,500 1"000 � _4,000, '901,000- 700, 1►,000. -$128;200, $2,000. X1.4;267' $16;267 7,;096, 15,000 -$22,095' • CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET STREETS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1F 1F 1F IF Foreman 1F 1F 1F IF Crew Chief 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Equipment Operator 2F 3F 3F 3F Maintenance Worker 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4904 2 Jackhammers 4904 Tool house trailer 4904 Gas powered cut off saw 4907 Traffic signs 0 Cost $1,670 $4,600 $825 $15,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBTOTAL $35,900 $34,987 $19,137 $35,952 (` $48;622 SUPPLIES Office 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 663 500 0 500 500j Manager Salaries $105,192 $108,173 $52,359 $115,295 F$ -4(6-; 95 Clerical Salaries 68,544 76,926 36,699 77,135 86,558 Salary & Wages 227,687 241,127 115,680 243,443 2".481'656 Overtime 70 500 105 494 , '1,554, Part Time Salaries 416 0 0 0 01 Longevity 3,980 3,980 4,600 4,600 5;1776,, FICA Expense 31,014 32,425 15,889 33,600 37,396 TMRS Expense 32,256 36,118 17,959 40,743 48;,102 Workman's Comp. 4,631 8,034 1,635 3,032 2,860 Health Insurance 24,269 25,447 12,073 23,069 24,011 Dental Insurance 2,006 2,108 1,092 2,198 2,332 Long -Term Disability 1,049 1,156 572 1,196 SUBTOTAL $501,114 $535,994 $258,663 $544,805 $6%4;819 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $3,945 $2,475 $333 $1,953 Dues & Subscriptions 1,693 1,773 1,085 1,688 29672, Mileage 8,739 10,000 3,556 9,556 12,628._ Worker Comp. Claims 0 300 0 300 300;' Electricity 1,145 1,800 500 1,700 1►,800.„ Gas -Lone Star 405 500 283 403 450' Telephone 4,769 4,500 2,296 4,596 4,900' Water 96 0 0 0 0 Insurance 3,537 3,537 3,520 3,520 q$M Professional Services 0 0 0 0 6;000f Postage & Freight 1,024 1,000 817 1,717 2,000 Printing & Reproduction 8,186 5,559 5,773 8,173 84;500 - Advertising 51 350 27 352 350 Rentals 1,393 793 339 711 775• Planning & Zoning 0 500 0 0 500 Miscellaneous 690 1,000 608 983 1',000 Traffic Impact Costs 227 900 0 300 61, SUBTOTAL $35,900 $34,987 $19,137 $35,952 (` $48;622 SUPPLIES Office $3,501 $3,150 $1,247 $3,150 $3',500 Miscellaneous 280 350 286 336 375, Small Tools & Equipment 663 500 0 500 500j Computer Supplies 677 500 13 813 :0 SUBTOTAL $5,121 $4,500 $1,546 $4,7991 _____142,375, 39 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET MAINTENANCE Building Equipment SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUT Office Equipment & Furniture SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS $801 $750 $68 $368 457 555 690 690 860, $1,258 $1,305 $758 $1,058 $1,360: $1,938 $500 $0 $5,400 $1,938 $500 $0 $5,400 5545,331 $577,286 $280,104 $592,014 40 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1 F 0 0 0 Secretary II 0 1F 1F IF Secretary I 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Permit Technician 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Development Coordinator 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Environment Health Inspector 2F 3F 3F 3F Code Enforcement Officer 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Planner 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Code Compliance Coordinator 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Building Official 1P 1F 1F IF Property Maintenance Inspector 0 1F 1F IF Administrative Assistant 0 0 0 1P Clerk I 10.5 13.0 13.0 13.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Cost 4905 File cabinet $500 41 BUILDING MAINTENANCE FICATION PERSONNEL SERVICE Salary & Wages Overtime Part Time Salaries Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE Mileage Clothing & Uniforms Electricity Gas -Lone Star Water Usage Insurance Professional Services Printing & Reproduction Advertising SUPPLIES Office Janitorial MAINTENANCE Building Equipment CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97, ACTUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $37,396 $39,951 $19,479 $40,880 2,522 2,153 703 1,315 0 6,760 0 1,498 332 332 428 428 3,099 3,768 1,509 3,308 3,201 4,005 1,768 4,081 2,973 3,523 1,078 2,302 5,648 5,653 2,578 4,908 351 351 182 361 103 105 54 116 $55,625 $66,601 $27,779 $59,197 $48 $135 $0 $60 19 520 0 450 14,575 12,500 4,472 12,500 1,047 1,800 1,145 1,799 1,163 700 0 0 686 686 672 672 400 0 0 4,000 5 150 0 150 137 200 6 199 $18,080 $16,691 $6,295 $19,830 $12 $0 $0 $0 3,431 4,000 1,790 3,999 SUBTOTAL $3,443 $4,000 $1,790 $3,999 $11,122 $6,000 $2,251 $6,000 252 700 179 699 SUBTOTAL $11,374 $6,700 $2,430 $6,699 42 3;551= 2,499. 524' 3;758,' 40,538- 4,659 ;5384,659 359 1Y15� $65;123" $931 ,6.40: 131000` 1,8601 .10i000� 1'501 200y azs;5s3� 4,500: ,$4,5001 $8;000:, 700, BUILDING MAINTENANCE - continued 1994-95 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL CAPITAL OUT Machinery & Equipment Office Equipment & Furniture SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $0 $1,800 $0 $1,000 0 0 0 67,000 $0 $1,800 $0 $68,000 522 $95.792 43 157.725 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Lead Custodian 1F 1F 1F IF Custodian 1P 1P 1P 1P Custodian 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4905 2 Vacuum cleaners $800 44 FINANCE I_1 PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries Clerical Salaries Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability PERATING EXPENSE Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Mileage Telephone Insurance Professional Services Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Advertising Miscellaneous Computer Costs SUPPLIES Office MAINTENANCE Equipment SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $59,390 $61,171 $29,567 $61,785 62,341 97,856 45,877 97,926 892 804 900 900 9,230 12,133 5,609 12,055 9,711 12,927 6,552 14,845 555 713 241 502 9,578 13,001 6,211 11,567 512 703 364 723 322 426 210 438 $152,531 $199,734 $95,531 $200,741 $1,611 $1,000 $1,046 $1,096 600 400 319 779 525 682 119 370 1,914 1,600 786 1,576 1,155 1,155 1,213 1,228 5,703 0 0 0 2,042 1,700 1,126 2,254 3,793 2,200 1,428 3,264 576 0 6 76 1,120 700 950 1,742 325 0 0 0 $19,364 $9,437 $6,993 $12,385 $2,338 $1,200 $283 $1,183 $2,338 $1,200 $283 $1,183 $907 $700 $625 $1,892 $907 $700 $625 $1,892 45 $61,54; 102,0.1.10 1,253' 12;6141` 16.222 5,1;1E 10;7413� 11,81 4.4.2 #66, - $2,340 f75 589 1f,--34,4- 1, jil 9 +34.4'1,319 0 2;340 _ 3,4565 ' $8' 1��584� 0,, $13;9.44! $1,220. $1;220> $7501 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FINANCE - continued 46 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $367 $0 $0 $0 9 SUBTOTAL $367 $0 $0 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $175,507 $211,071 $103,432 $216,201 $221kbf 46 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Chief Accountant 0 0 1 F IF Accountant 1 F 2F 1 F 1 F Account Clerk 11 3.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 4.0 [Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description No capital outlays for this department. w 47 Cost CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ADMINISTRATION PERATING EXPENSE Conferences & Training 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 CLASSIFICATIONCA TUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED PERSONNEL SERVICES 9,709 7,602 3,460 7,602 Manager Salaries $60,140 $62,040 $29,808 $62,542 Clerical Salaries 35,922 50,030 23,860 50,664 Salary & Wages 154,943 172,400 77,433 168,071 Overtime 3,177 4,000 1,143 3,516 Longevity 2,000 2,004 2,288 2,288 FICA Expense 19,593 22,221 10,244 21,913 TMRS Expense 20,134 24,726 11,561 26,572 Workman's Comp. 6,553 6,962 1,804 2,897 Health Insurance 17,789 17,530 6,961 13,491 Dental Insurance 1,405 1,405 682 1,579 Long -Term Disability 702 787 356 761 SUBTOTAL $322,358 $364,105 $166,140 $354,294 PERATING EXPENSE Conferences & Training $2,629 $2,600 $720 $2,100 Dues & Subscriptions 2,224 2,300 1,217 1,500 Mileage 9,709 7,602 3,460 7,602 Telephone 3,245 3,500 2,235 3,500 Insurance 2,372 2,372 2,401 2,430 Professional Services 4,185 2,000 450 2,000 Postage & Freight 270 300 299 600 Printing & Reproduction 1,223 1,200 512 1,200 Advertising 718 900 146 600 Employee Tenure Pins 0 0 0 20 SUBTOTAL $26,575 $22,774 $11,440 $21,552 SUPPLIES Office $1,008 $1,200 $457 $1,200 Miscellaneous 687 400 120 400 Chlorine Gas 6 0 0 0 Computer Supplies 1,229 2,000 100 500 SUBTOTAL $2,930 $3,600 $677 $2,100 AINTENAN Vehicle $0 $0 $0 $0 Equipment 49 0 0 0 Radio 397 200 477 500 SUBTOTAL $446 $200 $477 $500 48 1996-97 BUDGET 55;188 202;887, 5;09,8' 2;720" 28;090' 32;270' 2;44'1} 16;087 1,6.15 867 .$40,6;339r $3;800► 8,,91,31 5;3QO' 2;4301 2000 500' ,1;200 1,060. 0 $26;643 $�t20e 500' 0; `500; $2;200; $0 0 500. CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ADMINISTRATION - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATIONCA TUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment $0 $0 Office Equipment 2,323 12,000 Vehicle Video Equipment 0 0 SUBTOTAL $2,323 $12,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $354.632 $402.679 $0 $0 $U 889 12,000 33;400' 0 0 0; $889 $12,000 $33,400 79,623 $390.446 _-_ $469'.0821 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1F 1F 1F IF Director 1F 1F 1F IF Secretary 11 1F 1F 1F IF Public Works Superintendent 2F 2F 2F 3F Utility Inspector 1F 1F 1F IF Civil Engineer 1 F 1F 1 F IF Drafts Person/Engineering Aide 0 1F 1F IF Customer Service Coordinator 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4905 Color TV 4905 Computer 4905 Computer Digitized System 50 Cost $400 $3,000 $30,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - WATER & SEWER 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDEDUB DGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Salary & Wages $374,851 $380,260 $183,216 $391,647 $T26, Overtime 25,983 27,310 18,011 29,285 291-294; Part Time Salaries 1,976 1,820 840 840 1;820 Longevity 5,104 4,548 5,416 5,416 5,800 FICA Expense 30,144 29,090 15,270 32,150 3,5�4,;17 TMRS Expense 31,999 30,553 17,497 39,210 45;556 Workman's Comp. 26,627 26,010 9,620 20,026 21;833,+ Health Insurance 40,739 59,081 19,735 39,767 4_411603 Dental Insurance 2,503 2,635 1,350 2,785 31,';1,39,, Long -Term Disability 925 1,034 500 1,063 1.,+150: SUBTOTAL $540,851 $562,341 $271,455 $562,189 $614*1! OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $2,632 $2,500 $479 $2,000 $3;650 Dues & Subscriptions 7;097 9,100 4,129 9,100 9;4_4_04 Mileage 453 750 118 450 600 Worker Comp. Claims 0 300 0 300 0 - Clothing & Uniforms 6,646 7,800 3,750 7,800 12;480. Electricity 144,121 142,600 53,187 142,600 145,000 Telephone 3,811 4,000 3,692 7,200 7,700 Insurance 20,073 20,073 19,890 19,952 1.9;952 Consultant Fees 0 0 0 0 35;000 Professional Services 28,344 25,000 1,545 25,000 25,000' Postage & Freight 240 500 152 500 -500, Printing & Reproduction 793 2,000 342 1,000 1;200 - Advertising 153 500 458 750 750, Rentals 1,285 1,000 978 1,500 Transfer to General Fund 0 343,139 0 343,139 34.3'.�139� Propane Gas 740 500 0 500 500 Computer Costs 0 1,000 0 0 0 - Gasoline 6,750 6,500 2,837 6,500 6;,500. Oil & Lubricants 160 300 35 300 500 Vehicle Propane Gas 1,324 1,900 313 1,900 211000 Pymts to Water Dist -Water 992,959 1,095,536 462,855 1,250,481 1;'662;`402 Pymts to Water Dist -Sewer 1,159,760 1,255,932 827,088 1,255,932 1k331k0b& SUBTOTAL $2,377,341 $2,920,930 $1,381,848 $3,076,904 $3;6084,433 SUPPLIES Office $904 $600 $239 $600 $600, Miscellaneous 223 200 334 400 400+ 51 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - WATER & SEWER - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATIONCA TUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES - continued Mechanical 38,923 40,000 19,631 40,000 '-4V,-900 Medical & Chemical 951 800 116 800 10'000 Small Tools & Equipment 3,074 3,000 1,953 3,000 31,000 Chlorine Gas 295 1,500 72 1,500 1',500 Computer Supplies 25 500 0 500 500 SUBTOTAL $44,395 $46,600 $22,345 $46,800 $47;000 MAINTENANCE Building $5,384 $7,100 $2,444 $9,600 $20;6610 Vehicle Maintenance 8,978 7,000 6,270 9,078 9',000 Equipment 9,217 8,000 6,670 10,165 10,000 Radio 1,719 2,500 796 2,500 2;5(30 Asphalt 126 1,000 0 500 11000: Rock, Sand, Etc. 7,727 6,000 2,324 4,000 611Q00: Miscellaneous Maintenance 778 0 0 0 �0 Infrastructure Maintenance 1,569 2,000 0 2,000 2,000' Meter 6,835 8,700 4,032 8,700 '81700' Sewer System 69,844 20,000 5,035 20,000 20;000, Water System 3,183 5,500 931 5,500 5,500. Water Tower Repairs 0 150,000 123,600 140,000 {0. SUBTOTAL $115,360 $217,800 $152,102 $212,043 $93;3001 MISCELLANEOUS Residual Equity Transfer Out $7,651 $7,651 $0 $9,623 $15,289, Transfer to Vehicle Replacement 0 0 0 144,426 0 SUBTOTAL $7,651 $7,651 $0 $154,049 $15;289; CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles $9,785 $18,775 $0 $18,775 $0 Machinery & Equipment 21,793 8,600 8,000 8,600 22;935. Office Equipment 221 700 380 700 0. Mains & Connections 57,734 0 281 75,000 A30',000,' Meters 25,087 25,000 21,475 42,950 40;000 SUBTOTAL $114,620 $53,075 $30,136 $146,025 $192;935v DEPARTMENT TOTALS $3.200,218 52 $1,857,886 $4,198,010 L ' CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - WATER AND SEWER Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Foreman 3F 3F 3F 3F Sr. Maintenance Worker 3F 3F 3F 3F Equipment Operator , 2F 2F 2F 4F Maintenance Worker 2F 3F 3F 3F Meter Service Technicians 4F 4F 4F 4F Pump Station Operators 15.0 1 16.0--F-16.0 1 18.0 1 Full = Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4904 Storage cabinet for paints & flamable liquids $875 4904 Chlorine monitor for Lucus Pump Station $3,500 4904 Check valve & vault for City Hall fire sprinkler system $13,000 4904 Gas powered hydraulic pump $3,300 4904 Propane fired heater & tank for Lucas Pump Station $2,260 4921 Mains & Connections $130,000 4922 Meters $40,000 53 UTILITY COLLECTIONS CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES Clerical Salaries Overtime Part Time Salaries Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability Conferences & Training Mileage Telephone Insurance Professional Services Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Advertising Miscellaneous Computer Costs SUPPLIES 'Office MAINTENANCE Equipment *113t@11f14 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET $75,131 $97,336 $38,046 $84,353 10 0 0 0 542 0 0 0 956 368 308 308 5,916 7,446 2,853 6,395 5,900 8,288 3,305 7,861 347 441 121 265 7,251 9,612 3,889 7,851 556 703 318 677 191 257 102 227 $96,800 $124,451 $48,942 $107,937 $1,015 $1,525 $8 $1,523 244 312 80 305 1,752 1,759 934 1,954 1,184 1,185 1,211 1,229 8,719 0 2,204 2,204 25,719 30,994 16,140 28,506 9,578 9,745 6,645 9,545 145 136 91 161 757 2,074 25 1,675 0 0 0 0 $49,113 $47,730 $27,338 $47,102 $1,925 $1,920 $1,925 $1,920 $3,931 $4,588 $3,931 $4,588 54 -$9 0 0 600 7132 9,1173 289= 7,92,4' T18 250 $1.18,JA0 $11,500, 384' 2;040 1,228. .Or 29;931 .1-9,602 150 1,850 69;0.00, $1115;6851 $669 $1,869 $2,;055, $669 $1,86952;055, $942 $2,582 -$4840' $942 $2,582 X1;840' CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET UTILITY COLLECTIONS - continued 55 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS Salary Reserve $0 $279 $0 $0 $45;26 Insurance Reserve 0 5,000 0 0 21,058, SUBTOTAL $0 $5,279 $0 $0 $47;327 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $2,695 $312 $236 $236 $D. SUBTOTAL $2,695 $312 $236 $236 $0' DEPARTMENT TOTALS $154,464 $184,280 $78,127 $159,726 ...$285;61!7, 55 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET UTILITY COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 2F 2F 2F 2F Account Clerk 1 F 1 F 0 0 Sr. Accounting Clerk 1 P 0 0 0 Customer Service Clerk 0 1 F 2F 2F Customer Service Coordinator 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital outlays for this department. 56 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED B DGE REVENUES Sales Tax $902,346 $868,869 $265,440 $1,064,790,17T,26� Interest Earnings 27,433 21,711 12,905 25,810 26,584 TOTAL REVENUES $929,779 $890,580 $278,345 $1,090,600 EXPENDITURES C PERSONNEL SERVICE Manager Salaries $57,652 $59,980 $28,814 $60,470 $60,034 Clerical Salaries 0 0 0 0 2'_4;076 Salary & Wages 25,715 29,118 14,859 30,571 30;3,9,4' Part Time Salaries 141 0 0 0 01 Longevity 404 224 272 272 40& FICA Expense 6,564 6,656 3,360 6,985 8;792: TMRS Expense 6,518 7,425 3,772 8,432 1'.1,307 Workman's Comp. 387 393 139 286 356 Health Insurance 3,624 3,959 1,806 3,438 4,$97 Dental Insurance 322 351 182 361 '538, Long -Term Disability 216 234 121 249 309► SUBTOTAL $101,543 $108,340 $53,325 $111,0641 $1'41t11V OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $1,836 $3,665 $192 $3,000 $4;000, Dues & Subscriptions 1,147 1,356 2,779 3,019 1;1`©0t Mileage 3,483 3,019 266 1,000 1,246, Telephone 3,422 3,800 2,802 4,000 4;0-00 Insurance 3,255 3,255 2,568 3,255 2,7201 Professional Services 5,816 9,360 5,202 9,360 & Postage & Freight 812 1,800 1,392 2,621 3;000> Printing & Reproduction 28,903 1,500 1,817 2,317 3,000 Advertising 25,485 1,000 1,510 2,000 211500 Rentals 14,133 20,000 7,854 16,000 0t Travel 3,737 5,000 951 5,000 4;0001 Maps & Photography 1,406 1,000 1,263 2,000 2;000, Marketing Expenditures 3,298 81,000 18,058 80,000 90;0001 Meetings & Receptions 4,534 1,500 1,629 3,000 5;0001 Misc. Operating Expenses 100 0 0 0 0' Operating Transfer Out 0 0 127,972 157,972 0 SUBTOTAL $101,367 $137,255 $176,255 $294,544 L_,_ $122;542' 57 58 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES Office $2,181 $1,700 $397 $800 $-T -OOT Promotional Supplies 129 500 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $2,310 $2,200 $397 $800 $1;000: MAINTENANCE Equipment $6 $50 $0 $0 $50, Landscaping 6,431 0 9,255 9,462 0 SUBTOTAL $6,437 $50 $9,255 $9,462 $5© - CONTRACT SERVICES Audit Fees $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5;000 Consulting Services 19,166 30,000 14,386 30,000 301,000 SUBTOTAL $24,166 $35,000 $19,386 $35,000 $351000, DEBT PAYMENTS Debt Retirement Prin. $106,602 $106,096 $62,787 $110,806 F. $122;18.4 Debt Retirement Int. 233,270 240,930 134,725 225,574 21'.1,,098' SUBTOTAL $339,872 $347,026 $197,512 $336,380 $333,2$2, MISCELLANEOUS Salary Reserve 0 0 0 0 $11,809 Insurance Reserve 0 . 500 0 0 447 Loan Guarantees 0 5,117 0 5,117 5,1.1.7,° Planning & Design 729 5,000 4,516 5,000 5;000 Training Programs 0 5,000 0 0 5;000 Cost Partic. Infrast. 17,987 23,500 0 20,000 20;000 Direct Grants 150,000 150,000 550 150,000 150;000 SUBTOTAL $168,716 $189,117 $5,066 $180,117 $197,0731 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $1=5;000 Office Equipment 1,532 0 120 120 1.5;000'. SUBTOTAL $1,532 $0 $120 $120 $3049000' TOTAL EXPENSES $745,943 $818,988 $461,316 $967,487 , $860;058• 58 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Director 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Administrative Assistant 0 0 0 IF Economic Development Assistant 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4904 Computer Upgrade $15,000 4905 Office furniture & equipment $15,000 59 SOLID WASTE FUND CLASSIFICATIO REVENUES Residential Garbage Fees Residential Recycle Fees Commercial Garbage Fees Recycling Materials Revenue Recycle Bin Revenue Interest on Investments Use of Reserves TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Miscellaneous Operating Transfer out Recycling Expenses Environmental Grants SUBTOTAL NTRACT SERVICES CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 ACTUAL BUDGE MARCH 1996 AMENDED $826,590 $861,122 203,531 213,339 145,886 155,542 18,972 10,800 0 0 4,032 2,500 0 121,184 $1,199,011 $1,364,487 $454,458 109,964 52,213 11,395 76 2,305 $918,666 222,188 125,314 20,395 150 4,610 0 11 $1,291 1996-97 BUDGET 239;963 135, 339' 22,027 150 4,887r 205,.145 $9;699;670. $593 $300 $0 $300 1 $300- 31,366 48,445 0 44,250 49,1r72 0 1,000 0 1,000 1;©00 762 850 120 1,000 1,000• $32,721 $50,595 $120 $46,550 l $51;472 Sanitation Service $521,109 $581,430 $233,237 $581,430 $627y;944' 20;000" Solid Waste - NTMWD 387,742 430,972 214,119 430,972 465,450 Recycling Service 202,071 213,339 89,764 215,434 232;669 SUBTOTAL $1,110,922 $1,225,741 $537,120 $1,227,836 $.1;326;063; MISCELLANEOUS Illegal Dumping Liter Control Household Waste Disposal SUBTOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 0 0 0 0 5,000: 0 0 0 0 20;000" $0 $0 $0 $0 �$30";006► $1,143,643 $1,276,336 $537,240 $1 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 61 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES Contribution from General Fund $261,516 $140,769 $0 $434,368 $20b778 Contribution from Water & Sewer Fund 7,651 7,651 0 154,049 15;289: Contribution from Drainage Utility 12,240 12,240 0 13,708 15;176 Interest on Investments 11,025 6,264 6,716 17,122 38;182 Auction Revenues 8,326 0 0 0 0 Use of Reserves 0 0 0 0 67;205 TOTAL REVENUES $300,758 $166,924 $6,716 $619,247 $3391,000 EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles $133,121 $0 $0 $0 $327,500 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 0 1'1,500 TOTAL EXPENSES $133,121 $0 $0 $0 - „_$339;000 61 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND Personnel Authorizations No personnel in this department. Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 4903 9 Patrol vehicles - Police $180,000 4903 Dump Truck - Streets $75,000 4903 Grass fire Vehicle - Fire $60,000 4903 Pickup Truck - Water & Sewer $12,500 4904 Air Compressor - Water & Sewer $11,500 62 DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND CLASSIFICATION REVENUES Drainage Charges Inspection Fees Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES ERSONNEL SERVICES Salary & Wages Overtime Longevity FICA Expense TMRS Expense Workman's Comp. Health Insurance Dental Insurance Long -Term Disability SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE Conferences & Training Dues & Subscriptions Mileage Worker's Comp Claims Clothing & Uniforms Telephone Insurance Professional Services Postage & Freight Printing & Reproduction Advertising Rentals Transfer out Gasoline Oil & Lubricants Vehicle Propane Gas 1994-95 ACTUAL $320,280 30,073 5,857 $356,210 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 BUDGET $333,441 33,600 3,000 EXPENDED 1995-96 MARCH 1996 AMENDED $171,215 16,852 368 $188,435 $342,430 31,972 7,368 $381,770 $62,216 $70,556 $32,820 $68,900 415 2,507 1,341 2,507 364 432 496 496 4,693 5,589 2,516 5,365 5,003 6,226 2,972 6,637 10,559 12,076 4,026 8,340 6,730 13,286 3,316 7,159 322 527 197 466 92 194 62 159 $90,394 $111,393 $47,746 $100,029 $90 $450 $278 $450 40 300 0 0 16 100 87 100 0 0 0 0 1,429 1,560 725 1,560 39 0 20 20 2,689 2,689 3,182 3,194 5,586 5,000 0 5,000 8 150 0 150 28 250 0 250 280 100 0 100 1,381 6,000 0 6,000 25,387 26,020 0 26,080 2,018 2,500 481 2,000 60 400 283 400 1,390 1,500 313 800 SUBTOTAL $40,441 $47,019 $5,369 $46,104 63 1996-97 BUDGET $.36817 39;200 8;000' $41,7�,027J $84;3,62 2,584, 65& 6;700 8;620 1,0;145 9;056, 0,3' 228' $;1-23;924 r $ ,45.0, 0! 140, 0' 2;070 0. 3,194 0� 1,50' 250. 1'00} 6;000 26',7,1,7' 2;000' 500, 900 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND - continued 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous Medical & Chemical Small Tools Agricultural SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Radio Maintenance Rock,Sand, Etc. Street Maintenance Street Sweeping Maint. Drainage Maintenance SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Salary Reserve Insurance Reserve Contract Mowing Residual Equity Transfer SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles Radio Equipment Machinery & Equipment SUBTOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $152 $400 $62 $400 4000 172 400 20 400 400' 100 400 109 400 500 2,317 3,000 387 3,000 3'1200 3,240 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 $5,981 $8,200 $578 $8,200 1 $8;500', $2,542 $2,000 $233 $2,000 $2,000 6,512 3,000 2,104 4,000 3,000' 149 300 115 300 300 783 4,000 0 4,000 4,000; 684 0 0 0 6, 8,233 13,000 5,005 13,000 25;0001 85,833 77,000 45,752 77,000 77ADW $104,736 $99,300 $53,209 $100,300 1 $1,1f1;300 -o $0 $0 $0 $0 $27;7.5: 0 1,000 0 0 299 0 27,054 0 18,000 20;000 12,240 12,240 0 13,708 15,;176 $12,240 $40,294 $0 $31,708 f 08;250.0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $G 0 0 0 0 D{ 22,596 48,200 1,600 48,200 22;000€ $22,596 $48,200 $1,600 $48,200 $22,000; $276,388 $354,406 $108,502 $334,541 $347i,345i 64 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Crew Chief 1F 1 F 1 F IF Equipment Operator 1 F 1 F 1 F 2F Maintenance 3 3 3 4 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 4904 Chain saw 4904 Hand held radio 4904 Grinder 65 Cost $650 $1,350 $20,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENSES 194 Z4101 NW&i:Izlkv� Part Time Salaries 1994-95 1995-96 EXPENDED 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1996 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES 139 0 98 98 & 1 Baseball $2,223 $2,300 $0 $2,300 $2;49. " Soccer 5,769 5,000 0 5,000 5,340 Basketball 12,235 13,820 7,922 7,922 13;000 Football 628 0 0 550 600, Volleyball 7,684 10,100 4,806 9,737 9;61,5 Softball 25,074 28,700 12,345 26,605 311,050 Ballfields 254 350 129 369 360 Summer Recreation 45,734 39,850 5,007 37,920 42;860' Pool Admissions 44,242 50,000 0 49,923 50;310. Concessions 872 2,250 0 900 9001, Learn to Swim 12,590 13,590 0 16,740 19;530 Pool Rental 4,435 4,175 0 2,475 2;9,70 Miscellaneous 0 0 188 188 1,08• Contributions 0 0 18,105 18,105 0: Facility Rentals 929 500 50 2,446 1,0;400 Recreation Center Revenues 0 0 0 13,400 51,800 Transfer from General Fund 0 0 0 0 50;000 TOTAL REVENUES $162,669 $170,635 $48,552 $194,580 $291,473; EXPENSES 194 Z4101 NW&i:Izlkv� Part Time Salaries $45,805 $59,200 $0 $59,040 $59;720, FICA Expense 4,051 4,529 89 4,604 .4,569' TMRS Expense 139 0 98 98 & 1 Workman's Comp. 2,455 2,744 37 1,925 1;909 SUBTOTAL $52,450 $66,473 $224 $65,667 1 ;$66;198 OPERATING EXPENSES Professional Services $9 $0 $0 $0 $0r Printing & Reproduction 5 0 0 0 0' Summer Youth Program 27,825 20,000 6,305 19,717 13;57=21 Flag Football 148 0 0 0 0' Softball 19,790 13,630 12,670 26,575 2T,84d' Basketball 13,649 12,714 8,798 13,086 10,,304) Volleyball 6,490 5,026 4,091 7,880 7,929, Pool Instructors 5,853 7,168 50 8,946 9;639', Transfer General Fund 22,980 25,595 0 29,187 36;212 Recreation Center 0 0 0 3,750 '62;139, Special Activities 0 0 13,056 13,056 50;000. SUBTOTAL $96,749 $84,133 $44,970 $122,197 $21;605 TOTAL EXPENSES $149,199 $150,606 $45,194 $187,864„ _$283',803j CITY OF ALLEN 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND Personnel Authorizations 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Position 10T 10T 10T 13T Lifeguards 5T 5T 5T 4T Day Camp Counselors 1T 1T 1T IT Pool Manager 0 0 0 IT Camp Leader 4.5 1 4.5 1 4.5 1 4.5 1 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital outlays for this department. 67 CERTIFICATION OF DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS AND FUND BALANCES AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1996. I, Charlotte Smith, Finance Director for the City of Allen, certify that the amount of debt service payments to be paid with 1996 property is $3,616,985 (schedule attached). M & O Fund Balance $2,674,969 Debt Service Balance $ 689,246 CHARLOTTE SMITH FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE APPROVED: KEVIN. LILLY,tYR DATE CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1996-1997 FISCAL YEAR BALANCE REQUIRED REQUIRED TOTAL BOND DATE OF AMOUNT- INTEREST MATURITY AS OF PRINCIPAL INTEREST REQUIREMENTS SERIES ISSUE ISSUED RATE DATE 10/01/96 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: $10,000 $5,175 1966 11/01/66 $100,000 5.75% 11/01/05 1979 08/01/79 2,000,000 6.50% 08/01/09 1981 05/01/81 2,000,000 10.00% 05/01/99 1984 08/01/84 1,970,000 10.00-13.00% 08/01/99 1986 08/01/86 7,000,000 7.50-10.00% 09/01/06 1988 04/01/88 2,500,000 6.40-8.90% 09/01/01 1992 10/01/92 16,053,921 3.00-6.35% 09/01/07 1994 10/06/94 7,015,000 5.50-8.00% 09/01/15 1996 07/01/96 7,100,000 5.00-7.00% 09/01/16 TOTAL $45,738,921 $95,000 $10,000 $5,175 $15,175 245,000 75,000 16,538 91,538 550,000 175,000 55,000 230,000 895,000 275,000 96,750 371,750 650,000 300,000 49,100 349,100 325,000 170,000 22,008 192,008 15,543,921 395,000 750,865 1,145,865 6,630,000 180,000 428,690 608,690 7,100,000 130,000 482,859 612,859 $32,033,921 $1,710,000 $1,906,985 $3,616,985 CERTIFICATION OF EXCESS DEBT SERVICE COLLECTIONS CITY OF ALLEN FOR TAXABLE YEAR 1996-97 I, Linda K. Engle, Tax Assessor -Collector for the City of Allen, certify that there were $0 of excess debt service taxes collected on the 1995-1996 taxable year. L K. ENGLE, TAX C X.RO KEVIN L. LWELLY,R ATTEST: j96Y MO SON, CMC, CITY SECRETARY D X.RO KEVIN L. LWELLY,R ATTEST: j96Y MO SON, CMC, CITY SECRETARY AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE TACKETT, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That she is the General Manager of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, not less frequently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and continously for more than twelve (12) months prior to publishing Ord. #1450-9-96 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published In THE ALLEN AMERICAN on September 11 & September 14, 1996 and which was Issued on September 11, 199 by City of Allen of COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS A printed copy of said public^p Is attached hereto SUBSCRIBED ANDO --'N'.. to before before me this day /� A.D. 19�_ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Publisher's fee $ 3 5 . 7 5 V. A. TODD -' *` MY COMMISSION EXPIRES i =�E OF, December 5, 2000 CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Council adopted the following I ordinance at their regular meeting held on Thursday, September 5, 1996 (Title only): Ordinance No. 1450-9-96: An ' Or finance o t e City o en,—Collin I County, Texas, Amending the Appropria- tions for the 1995-96 Fiscal Year Budget and Approving and Adopting the Budget and Setting Approppriations for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1; 1996, and Terminating September 30, 1997; and Providing for an Effective Date for this Ordinance. A copy of this ordinance may be read or purchased in the office of the City Secretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas 75013. i /s/Judy Morrison City Secretary CITY OF ALLEN a PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen ' City Council adopted the following ordinance at their regular meeting held on Thursday, September 5, 1996 (Title only): Ordinance No. 1450-9-96: An Or finance o t amity o en, o I I i n County, Texas, Amending the Appropria- tions for the 1995-96 Fiscal Year Budget and Approving and Adopting the Budget and Setting Approppriations for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 1996, and Terminating September 30, 1997; and Providing for an Effective Date for this Ordinance. A copy of this ordinance may be read or purchased in the office of the City Secretary, City of Allen, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas 75013. /s/Judy Morrison City Secretary