HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-375-11-81RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE FOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Allen has the duty under the Charter to appoint citizens to various City Boards and Commissions; and WHEREAS, it is the stated desire and intent of the City Council to provide for orderly rotation of appointees of all Boards or Commissions of the City of Allen; and WHEREAS, the City Council invites all citizens desiring to serve on a City Board or Commission to make their interest known; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that each Council Member should be fully informed of a particular individual's qualifications and interest prior to such appointment being made, and that said information will enable the Council to exercise its discretionary authority in a more diligent and responsive manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: Section -1. Appointments to City of Allen Boards and Commissions shall be effective on one or two uniform dates each year, those dates being July 1 and October 1. Section 2. The established procedure attached as "Exhibit A" shall be used by City Staff when providing information for appointments by the City Council, and by the City Council when considering appoint- ments to the City Boards and Commissions. Section 3. The data sheet form attached as "Exhibit B" shall be used by all citizens interested in being appointed or reappointed to City Boards and Commissions. RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) Page 2 Section 4. This resolution shall take effect on all appointments to Boards and Commissions made by the City Council after the date on which the resolution is approved. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1981. M. B. Pierson, MAYOR Marty Hendrix, CITY SECRETARY ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) CITY OF ALLEN PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 1. All ordinances, resolutions, and by-laws governing appointments to boards and commissions of the City of Allen shall be written in such a manner so that the appointments shall be effective on one of two uniform dates each year, those dates being July 1 and October 1. 2. All citizens interested in being appointed or reappointed to a board or commission must submit a completed data sheet to the City Secretary, which will be distributed to the Mayor and City Council, to be considered for appointment. 3. The City Secretary shall provide the data sheet form to citizens upon request, as well as information sheets on the various boards and commissions of the City of Allen appointed by the City Council. 4. The City Secretary shall advertise in the news media and City of Allen Newsletter, or as otherwise directed by the. City Council, an invitation to citizens to submit a data sheet indicating their interest and qualifications to serve on a board or commission. 5. All data sheets submitted to the City Secretary shall be retained by the City Secretary for a period of one (1) year and shall be used during that one (1) year in making appointments to boards and commissions as vacancies occur. "Exhibit A" ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) - "Exhibit A" CITY OF ALLEN PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Page 2 6. City Staff shall provide the City Council, by separate packet and mail -out, an information and worksheet listing the expiring terms of office, incumbent, date of original appointment, last reappointment date, and attendance record (see form - Attach- ment No. 1), as well as information on the persons whose terms are expiring, and any data sheets available, at least two (2) meetings in advance of the meeting at which the appointments are to be made. 7. Attendance records shall be maintained by all City Staff pro- viding support to the various City Boards and Commissions as follows: a. Attendance at all regular meetings, called - special meetings, and workshops by each board or commission member will be recorded on an attendance record form (see form - Attachment No. 2). b. Percentage of attendance for regular and called - special meetings as well as workshops will be deter- mined by dividing the number of meetings attended by each individual board or commission member by the total number of meetings held by the board or com- mission. c. Attendance record forms shall be submitted to the ., City Secretary on the last day of every sixth month period, i.e., June 30th and December 31st, of each year. ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) - "Exhibit A" CITY OF ALLEN PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Page 3 8. The City Secretary shall compile all data sheets received and forward to the Mayor and City Council in a timely manner for consideration at the first regular monthly Council meeting in June and/or September of each year. 9. In an Executive Session on or before the first regular monthly Council meeting in June and/or September, or at any called - special meeting for this purpose, Council Members may submit new names for nomination, or may nominate the current member .for reappointment, after having first determined that such person is willing to accept such service if appointed. 10. Appointments shall be made to boards and commissions at the second regular monthly Council meeting in June and/or September of each year or as quickly thereafter as possible. 11. Vacancies on boards and commissions caused by resignations shall follow this same basic procedure. They will, however, be considered throughout the year as they occur to complete the unexpired terms of office. 12. Maximum time limits for length of service on a board or commission, if not determined by appropriate ordinance, resolution, or by-law, may be at the City Council's discretion. 91 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) - "Exhibit A" CITY OF ALLEN PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Page 4 13. Plaques of Appreciation or Certificates of Appreciation will be presented to the outgoing boards and/or commissions members at the first regular monthly City Council Meeting in July and/or October of each year by the Mayor. 14. Oaths of Office will be administered to the newly appointed or reappointed members to boards and/or commissions at the first regular monthly City Council Meeting in July and/or October of each year by the Mayor. ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) - "Exhibit A" - Attachment,No. 1 CITY OF ALLEN BOARDS & COMMISSIONS INFORMATION & WORK SHEET EXPIRING TERMS OF•OFFICE BOARD/COMMISSION LENGTH OF REAPPOINTED/ FIRST DATE LAST ATTENDANCE INCUMBENT TERM REPLACED APPOINTED REAPPOINTED RECORDS NOMINEES il ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 375-11-81(R) - "Exhibit A" - Attachment No. 2 CITY OF ALLEN BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ATTENDANCE RECORD For Sixth Month Period Ending: (Name of Board Commission Coding: (R) = Regular Meeting (C) = Called - Special Meeting (W) = Workshop P = Present A = Absent , 19 List of Names of Board/ Commission Members Meeting Date ( ) Meeting Date ( ) Meeting Date ( ) Meeting Date ( ) & Attend. of Reg: Meetings % Attend. of Spec. Meetings CITY OF ALLEN DATA SHEET BOARD OR COMMISSION CANDIDATE LIST ALL BOARDS & COMMISSIONS OF INTEREST: NAME: AGE: HOME ADDRESS: ZIP CODE HOME PHONE: BUSINESS ADDRESS: ZIP CODE BUS. PHONE: RESIDENT OF CITY FOR YEARS. VOTER REGISTRATION N0. OCCUPATION: EDUCATION: SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERIENCE APPLICABLE TO CITY BOARD OR COMMISSION FUNCTION: OTHER INFORMATION (CIVIC ACTIVITIES, ETC.) DATE: SIGNATURE: RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 375-11-81(R) - "Exhibit B".