HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-426-1-83RESOLUTION NO. 426-1-83-(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 2, 1983, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) MEMBERS OF COUNCIL (PLACES NO. 1, 3, AND 5) TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD OFFICE FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS; DESIGNATING,LOCATION OF POLLING PLACE; DESIGNATING OFFICERS FOR SUCH ELECTION; AND ORDERING NOTICES OF ELECTION TO BE GIVEN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: Section I. An election be and is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday, April 2, 1983, for the purpose of electing three (3) City Council Members to fill the following expiring terms on the Allen City Council: Place No. 1, Place No. 3, and Place No. 5; each such term being for a period of two (2) years. Section II. The polling place and the county election precincts whose qualified voters shall cast ballots at such location in the City of Allen 1983 regular municipal election areas follows: Election Precincts 5, 6, 7 & 59 Polling Place Rountree Elementary School 800 E. Main Street Allen, Texas Election polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Section III. The Election Judge, Alternate Judge and Clerks to serve at the polling place of such election, and as the Special Canvassing Board to canvass absentee ballots, shall be and are hereby appointed as follows: Election Judge: Alternate Judge: C. D. Whitaker Glenn Andrew Clerks: Margaret McBride Marie Hefner Glenda Ford Evangeline B. Vita Lee Dell Dugger Section IV. Absentee votes by personal appearance shall be cast in the Office of the City Secretary, Allen City Hall, 302 W. McDermott, Allen, Texas, beginning March 14, 1983, and continuing through March 29, 1983, during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Resolution No. 426-1-83(R) Page 2 ; Section V. There shall be a maximum of five (5) clerks at the polling place, if needed. Section VI. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to publish and/or post, in the time and manner pre- scribed by law, all notices required to be so published and/or posted in connection with the conduct of this election. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 20th DAY OF January , 1983. M. B. Pierson, MAYOR Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JACK R. STEIN, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing RESOLUTION 426-1-83 �\ _ 'f which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on 3-10-83 and which was issued on 3-10-83 , by CITY OF ALLEN of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached 4ereto. r SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 6 day of April , A.D. 19 83 A4� Mr Notary Pub . in and for Collin County, Texas Publisher's Fee $ �Dl2t��`S % �K`/c� NO.426.1.83 (R) .. , A RESOLUTION_OF.,THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY,,. ,,,,,.TEXAS, ORDERING AN ' ELEC- TION;TOABE HELD;ON APRIL 2;4983, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) MEMBERS OF COUNCIL -(PLACES No. 1, 3:ind 5) TO THE,CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD -OF- FICE FOR A PERIOD OF TWO "" YEARS; DESIGNATI NG4 LOCA- TION OF POLLING PLACE; DESIGNATING OFFICERS FOR {SUCH ELECTION;(& , AND ORDERING. , TICES OF,� ELECTION ITO BE GIVEN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNEC- TION WITH SUCH ELEC- TION.- a Ik. I Be it ordained by the City Council sof The City of alien, Texas, that: + Sectiori'i.' An election beand is herebyi'ordered to be held on Saturday, April 2,1983,' .for'the pur- pose of electing'three (3) City,Council Members to fill the following expiring terms on the Allen City Council:'Plac6' No. 1, Place No. ,.3, -and' Place No. 5:feach'suth term be- ing for a period of two (2) years. + .r `Section If. The polling Place and the county election precincts whose qualified voters shall cast ballots at such loca- Ftion, in, the:City•of Allen .1983• regular ;municipal election are as follows: :zElection 1Precincts:,5, 6,1,'7181.9, Pb1(Ing)Place:! Rouritree-�Eleinentary, School;' 800 't" Main Streets Allen Texas: Election/pollsRshall be open from 7:00'a:m'until, 7:00-p. m. loo tion -Judge,, Alternate Judge and4Clerks'to serve at the poll ft,olare of••such election, and<as ine•apeurairk dnvdssmya Board t&.._ ,canvass abseritee ballots, " shall? be' anil2iW, hereby,'ap,: pointed'as'follows: Elec tion Judge, C.D. Whitaker;—O_ Alternate Judge; Glenn Andrew;' Clerks; Margaret McBride, Marief Hehner? Glehda,Ford, Evangeline B!Vita'and Lee!Dell Dud - ;,Section IV. Absentees votes `by personal 'tap;• pearance shall be cast in the,tOffice:•of thej City_ Secretary,A,Allen 'City Hall, 302 W. McDermott,, Allen, Teslas, beginning March 14;11983, andA'on- 100 tinuing • through-vMarcli 29, 1983, during the nor- mal' working hours of "0a. .0 :00 P.M. �. Sectlon'Wjhere shall ,be a maximum of five (5) clerks at the polling place, if needed. I SectionkVl�,$The City Secretary,' gig hereby authorized and directed to publish and -or post; in. We time' -anis manner 1 prescribed by law, all notices required to be so published a6d-or posted in connection with the conduct of this election. Duly passed' end ap- proved on this, the 20th day of January; 1983.' . It M.B. Pierson, Mayor Marty Hendrix, Secretary —1�a notice of election In lution form was duly fed at Rountree ientary School on Tuesday,' March 1, 1983. , Martytiendrix, =; ' City Secretary" I ((o (Published )In' The-JAllen 100 American—, on . Thursday, March ,10,'.1983). Y RESOLUCION NUM: 426-1-83(R) UNA RESOLUCION DE LA CIUDAD DE ALLEN, TEJAS, ORDENADO UNA ELECCION QUE SE EFECTUARA EL DIA 2 DE ABRIL, 1983, CON EL FIN DE ELIGIR TRES (3) MIEMBROS DEL CONCEJO (LUGARES 1, 3 Y 5), PARA SERVIR EN LA OFICINA DEL CONCEJO DE LA CIUDAD POR UN TIEMPO DE DOS ANOS; LUGARES DONDE SE VOTA; APUNTANDO OFICIALES PARA TAL ELECCION; Y ORDENADO EL AVISO DE LA ELECCION COMO DIRIGIDO POR LEY RELATIVO DE TAL ELECCION. SERA ORDENADO POR CONCEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE ALLEN, TEJAS, QUE: Seccion I. Una eleccion sea por to tanto ordenada que se efectue el sabado, 2 de abril, 1983, con el fin de eligir tres (3) miembros del concejo para llenar los terminos en el concejo de la ciudad de Allen; lugar numero"l, lugar numero 3, y lugar numero 5; cada termino por un periodo de dos (2) anos. Seccion II. Los lugares donde se vota y los distritos electorales del condado que las personas que han cumplido can la ley para votar, votaran en tal lugares en las elecciones municipal de la ciudad de Allen para el ano 1983 son como sique: Distrito Electorales de el Condado Collin Numeros 5, 6, 7 & 59 Las Lugare donde se Vota Rountree Escuela 800 Main Street Allen, Tejas Los lugares donde se vota estaran abiertos desde las 7:00 de la manana hasta las 7:00 de la noche el dia de eleccion. Seccion III. Las jueze electorale, las jueze alternative, y los dependientes que estaran para servir en los lugares donde se vota para tal eleccion seran y por esto, son nombrados como segue: Juez: C. D. Whitaker Juez Alternativo: Glenn Andrew Clerks: Margaret McBride Marie Hefner Glenda Ford Evangeline B. Vita Lee Dell Dugger Seccion IV. Votos ausentes sera hecho por estar presente durante las horas de trabajo en la oficina del secretario de la ciudad de Allen, edificio municipal, 302 W. McDermott, Allen, Tejas, empezando el dia 14 de Marzo, 1983, y durara por todo el dia 29 de Marzo, 1983. Dicho lugar para votar se quedara abierto desde las 8:00 de la manana hasta las 5:00 de la tarde. RESOLUCION NUM. 426-1-83(R) Pagina 2 Seccion V. Habra un maximo de cinco (5) dependientes por cada lugar donde se vota. Seccion VI. E1 secretario de la ciudad esta, por esto, autorizado y mandado a publicar y/o dar aviso, en el tiempo y en la manera como dirigido por ley, dirigido a publicar todas las noticias y/o dar aviso, relativo de el manejo de esta ellecion. PASADA Y APROBADA ESTE EL 20th DIA DE enero , 1983. . B. Pierson, ALCADE ATESTIGUADO: Marty Hendrix, ECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JACK R. STEIN, who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing f which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on 3-10-83 and which was issued on 3-10-83 1 by CITY OF ALLEN of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto. ��� Jam:--•-� SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 6 day f Aril , A.D. 19 83 . Notary Pikofic in and for Collin County, Texas Publisher's Fee I M /71 / .S,s.` D X \--S .RESOL'U-CION_`" 9lectorale, lash' jueze NUM. 4261.83 (R) •`� 4 . r alternativoi y los depen- Una�;resolucion de Is = dientes que estaran para ciuded�de Allen,-Tejas, servis, ert los lugares brdenado una elec6ion •' donde se vota para tal que'serefectuara el dia 2 de Abril, 1983, con el fin eleccion saran y por de eifgir„ tres (3)_mlem• esto, son nombrados -comb sigue: J'ue2- C.D. bros del concejo (lugaresi Whitaker; Juez Alter - 1, 3 y 5), para servir an Is nativo: Glenn Andrew; oflcina def concejo de la Clerks: Margarent caudad por un tfempo de McBride, Marie Hefner, dos &nos; lugares donde Glenda Ford, Evangeline is vota; . spuntando B', Vita, Lee Dell Dugger. oficiales para tal elec-, cion; y'ordenado el avis -6 Seccfon IV.. , Votos ausentes sera hecho por ale` is eleccion"'como estarrpresente durante dirigido por ley relativo las horas de trabajo en Is 1 de,tal eleccion. oficina del secretario de 7 Sera ordenado po conte - la,, caudad de Allen, ; jo municipal de Is caudad edificio'" municipal, 302 e Allen, Tejas, Oue: W. McDeiniott, Allen, Te- r ' Seccfon 1. Una elec- jas,jempezando.el dia 14 cion:Lsea por I tanto de Marzo, 1983, y durara ordenada que se(efectue 10 por todo,el dia 29 de Mar- el'+sabado, 2 de Abril, zb, 1983. Dicho lugar 1983;.con el fin de.eligir tres (3) miembros del para votar seuedara ablerto desde Ias:00 de ,concejo para Ilenar-los 'concejo la menana hasta las 5:00 terminos en el de e. r r de, Is caudad de, Allen; Habra un Seccfon a Sado lugar numero' - 1`P iugar a maximo de canto (5) Inumero 31 ,y„;,lug1ar ., dependientes por cad Humero 5; cada;tI unb periodw',,de dos lugar donde se vola. por (2) anos. x�. Seccfon NI: E secretario- de Is cauda n II. Los lugares ' esta, pori esto, donde se vota y.,los distrit'os electorales ,de� authorizado y mandado a pub)icar y -o dar aviso,'en condado que lass per? el tfempo y en;la manera sonas que han cumplido ;como IrigidoFpor le!,, can Is ley para votar, dirigid�o.Wpublicar todas� votaran en tai lugares an las nsoticias `y 6' darllllll las elecciones municipal aviso, relativo de el de is ciudad de, Alien para el ano 1983 son _ �_•. 'rrfanejo de esta eleccion^ comosique: tis'PasadiWti� probsda Distrito Electorales de el Condado Collin este e1'20th dia'de enero, 1983.--l3`;;, Alcade Numeros; Las Lugare 100��.. donde:se Vota; 5; 6,'7., M.S. Pierson; Atestiguado:,' 59; Rountre?•'Escuel Marty Hendrix, . 800 Main�Street,jAlle , Tejas. Loif lugares dond Secretario_de Is ciudad•- This notice of elec� tion fb se&t�a estaran abiertId rasolutioOorm was duly desdel iag 7:00 -de"` posted.' at Rountree maharia hasta las 7:00 ElementarySchoolon la`noche el dia de'el Tuesday,,March.V198M" niont,�► 'a tall, ► arty,Heridrix; .�,_ City Secretary (Published.` fn - The (Allen American ion •,Thursday, _March 10,1983). .— 100 5a