HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-488-2-84RESOLUTION NO. 488-2-84(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPOINTING THE ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR THE APRIL 7, 1984 CITY COUNCIL ELECTION, SETTING THE RATE OF PAY FOR THE ELECTION OFFICIALS, AND THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ELECTION CLERKS FOR THE POLLING PLACE. WHEREAS, on January 19, 1984 the City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, ordered an election to be held on Saturday, April 7, 1984, for the purpose of electing three (3) members of the City Council (Places No. 2, 4, and 6) and the Mayor's place; NOW, THEREFORE, -BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: Section I. The Election Judge, Alternate Judge and Clerks to serve at the polling place of such election, and as the Special Canvassing Board to canvass absentee ballots, shall be and are hereby appointed as follows: Election Judge: Juanelle Dalsing Alternate Election Judge: Bob Curtis Clerks: Margaret McBride Marie Hefner Lee Dell Dugger Ruth Gilliland Section II. In accordance with Article 3.08 of the Texas Election Code, the judges and clerks shall be paid at the rate of $5.00 per hour and the election judge shall receive an additional $25.00 for delivery of the returns of the election. Section III. There shall be a maximum of seven (7) clerks at the polling place, if needed. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 2nd DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1984. M. B. Pierson, MAYOR Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY U RESOLUCION NO. 488-2-84(R) le UNA RESOLUCION DE LA MUNICIPALIDAD DE LA CIUDAD DE ALLEN, CONDADO DE COLL31, EN TEXAS, SENALANDO LOS OFICIALES DE LA ELECCION DE LA MUNICIPALIDAD PARA EL 7 DE ABRIL DE 1984; ESTABLECIENDO LA CANTIDAD DEL SUELDO PARA LOS OFICIALES DE LA ELECCION, Y EL MAXIMUM NUMERO D:V ESCRIBIENTS DE LA ELECCION PARA EL LOCAL DE VOTACION. POR CUANTO, en el 19 de enero, 1984, la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Allen, condado de Collin, en Texas, ordeno que la eleccion sea conducida el sabado, 7 de abril, 1984, para la intencion de eligiendo tres (3) Miembros de la Municipalidad (Posiciones no. 2, 4, y 6) y la posicion del Alcalde; AHORA, POR ESTO, QUE SEA DETERMINADO POR LA MUNICIPALIDAD DE LA CIUDAD DE ALLEN, TEXAS, QUE: Seccion I. El Juez de Eleccion, el Juez Alternativo y los Escribientes sirvan en el local de votacion de tal eleccion, y como los Agentes Electorales Especiales para solicitar votos ausentes, seran, y por la presente son, Juez de Eleccion: Juez Alternative de Eleccion: Escribientes: senalados como sigue: Juanelle Dalsing Bob Curtis Margaret McBride Marie Hefner Lee Dell Dugger Ruth Gilliland Seccion II. De acuerdo con el Articulo 3.08 del Codigo Electorial de Texas, los juezes y loe escribientes seran pagados a razors de $5.00 por hora y el Juez de Eleccion recibira $25.00 adicionales por la entrega de los resultados de la eleccion. Seccion III. Seran un maximum de Siete (7) escribientes en el local de votacion, si son necesarios. i DEBIDANENTE APROBADO EL 2 DIA DE febrero , 1984. M. B.ierson, Alcalde (Marty Hendrix, ecretaria de la C&udad AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Charles F. Barnard, Jr. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 9A)M WX E0EM who having by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre. quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing Resolution No. 488-2-84(R) of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on March 2 and which was issued on March 22, 1984 , by City of Allen of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached hereto. I iSUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Publisher's Fee $ cP-/- .. RESOLUTION NO. - 488.2.84(8) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AP. POINTING THE ELEC- TION OFFICIALS FOR THE APRIL 7, 1984 CITY, COUNCIL ELECTION, SETTING THE RATE OF PAY FOR _THE ELEC- TION OFFICIALS, AND THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ELECTION CLERKS FOR THE POLL- ING PLACE. WHEREAS, • on January 19, 1984 the City Council .of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, ordered an elec- tion to be held on Satur- day, April 7, 1984, for the purpose of electing three (3) members of the City Council (Places No. 2, 4, and 6) and the Mayor's place; NOW, THEREFORE, - BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THAT: . Section I. The Election Judge, Alternate Judge and Clerks to serve at the polling place of such -election, and as the Special Canvassing Board , to canvass absentee ballots, shall be and are hereby ap. poin(ed as follows: Election Judge: Juanelle Dalsing, Alter- nate Election Judge: Bob Curtis, Clerks: Margaret McBride, Marie Hefner, Ruth Gilliland. ,Section -11.1 In accor- -dance with Article 3.08 of the Texas Election Code, the "judges 'and clerks shall be paid at the;rate of $5.00 per hour, and the election judge shall receive an additional $25.00 for delivery of the 4th day of April ,A.D.19 84 bd,d=rhai?Afbfn of 1db'V&i (7) clerks' itt°he poll-11i'4place, If nee�Z. "-A DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 2nd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1984. M. B. Pierson Mayor Marty Hendrix City Secretary (Published In the Allen American on Thursday, March 22, 1984.) Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas Dianne Kerr Commission Expires 10/14/87 RESOLUCION N0. 488.2.84(R) UNA RESOLUCION • DE LA' MUNICIPALIDAD DE LA CIUDAD DE ALLEN, CONDALDO DE COLLIN, EN TEXAS, SENALAN- D0� LOS OFICIALES DE /_., ELECCION DE LA MUNICIPALIDAD PARA EL 7 DE ABRIL DE 1984; ESTABLECIENDO LA CANTIDAD % DEL SUELDO PARA-, LOS OFICIALES DE LA ELEC. CION, Y EL MAXIMUM NUMERO DE. ESCRI. BIENT-S DE LA. ELEC. CION PARA EL LOCAL DE VOTACION. POR CUANTO, en el 19 de enero, 1984,. la Mdnicipalidad -de la Ciudad, de Allen, con- dado de Collin, en Texas, ordeno que la eleccion sea conducida el sabado, 7 de abril, 1984, para, la intention de eligiendo tres (3) Miem- bros'de la Municipalidad (Posiciones no. 2, 4, y 6) y la position del Alcalde; AHORA, POR ESTO, QUE SEA DETER- MINADO POR LA MUNICIPALIDAD DE LA CIUDAD DE ALLEN, TEXAS, QUE: Seccion I. EI Juez de Elecclon, el Juez Alter- nativo y los Escribientes sirvan en el local de vote - cion de tal eleccion, y como los Agentes Elec- torales Especiales para solicitar votos ausentes, seran, y por la, presente son, senalados como sigue: it Juez de Elecclon: Juanelle Dalsing, Juez Alternative de Elecclon: Bob Curtis, Escribientes: Margaret McBride, Marie Hefner, Ruth Gilliland. Seccion II. De acuerdo con el Articulo 3.08 del Codigo Electorial de Texas, los juezes y loe escribientes ' seran pagados a razon de $5.00 por hora y el Juez de Elecclon recibira $25.00 adicionales por la en. trega de los resultados de la elecclon. Seccion Ill. Saran un maximum de siete (7) escribientes en el local de votacion, � sip_son necesarios. - DEBI DAN ENTE APROBADO EL 2 DIA DE febrero, 1984. M. B. Pierson Alcalde — Marty Hendrix Secretaria de Is Ciudad ubllshed In the Allen nerican on Thursday, arch 22. 1984.1 ,