HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-620-7-85RESOLUTION NO. 620-7-85(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AN ADJUSTMENT TO THE 1984 TAX ROLL AND A RE- FUND ISSUED FOR OVERPAYMENT OF 1984 TAXES. WHEREAS, the Central Appraisal District of Collin County has adjusted certain properties in the City of Allen for the Tax Year 1984 after the Tax Roll was compiled and has caused overpayment in these cases, and; WHEREAS, listed below are the names of the taxpayers that are due refunds on their 1984 Tax Bills and the reason for the refund. ADJUST. LOSS IN AMOUNT OF NUMBER NAME REASON VALUE REFUND 2687 JOHNSON, DENNIS R. HOUSE NOT STARTED JANUARY 1, 1984 68,195 $289.83 NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT since all reasons for adjustment are valid and permitted by State Statute, the Tax Department reccomends that this refund be approved. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 18th DAY OF July , 1985. ATTEST: 4 MARTY HENDRIX CITY SECRETARY f AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OFCOLLIN Charles F. Barnard, Jr. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared _ _ , who having been by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is publisher of THE ALLEN AMERICAN, a newspaper published in Collin County, Texas, not less fre- quently than once a week, having a general circulation in said county, and having been published regularly and con- tinuously for more than twelve months prior to publishing Public Notice - Ordinance #620-7-85 & #621-7-85 of which the attached is a true and written copy, and which was published in THE ALLEN AMERICAN on Julv 22 & 25. 1985 and which was issued on 7/22/85 , by City of Allen of Collin County, Texas. A printed copy of said publication is attached reto & ,�_JA SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of August A.D. 19 85 Publisher's Fee s 38.40 CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC NOTICE I Notice is hereby given a'a that the Allen City Coun- cil in their, regular• ses- ion held,on Thurdday, Jtfly°-18; 1985, adobted the -following ordinances (Titles and Penalty Clauses only), Ordinimce No. 620.7.85:. An ,Ordinance 01 thii City of'Allen, Col- lin Ceunt�, Texas, Amen- ding Planned Develop- ment Zoning Ordinance o'370-10-81 to Include the Attachments of Ex-' hibit "G", Approved Site Plan, and, Exhibit "H", Approved Landscape Plan for Development 61 a 1.750 Acre Tract Out bf the Peter Wetsel Suevey, Abstract No. 990, Collin County, Presently Delineated- on ttie Of- ficial Zoning Map as)a Portion of-PD-SCvN'o._5; Providing for a Penalty; Providing for Publication of the Caption. Tfiat'any person, firm, or corporation violating any of -the provisiohs or terms,of this ordinance shall be sul5ject to ;the same penalty as provid- ed for in th-e, Planned DevelUpment Zoning'Or- dinance No. 370--10.81yof the City of 'Allen and upon conviction shall be punished by a,fine not to' exceed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each of- fense: ..,Ordinance, No. 621.7.85: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Col- lin County, Texas, Amen- ding the Approved Fiscal Year 1984.85 Budget By Including" Additional Funds foF- the. Purchase of Water Meters, Declar- ing a. Public Necessity and an Emergency. Copies of these or- dinances may be read or purchased i _.the office' of the G({ylSecretfa"ry'; Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler CI'rcle, Allen,j ''N!-ar y Fienclrix City Secretary (Pu jblished - its the Allen American on Monday, LJuly 22, 1985'and'Thurs. dey, July 25, 1985.) w Notary Pub6 in and for Collin County, Texas PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Allen City Coun- cil in .their regular ses- sion held,,on Thursday. July' 18" 1985, adopted the following ordinances (Titles and,Penalty $of lauses only), F, ' " ° Ordinance No. 20.7.85: An Ordinance the City of Allen. Col- lin County. Texas. Amen -4 ding Planned Develop -1 ment Zoning OFdinance No 370-10-81 to Include! the Attachments of Ex- hibit G". Approved Site Plan and Exhibit ' H . Approved Landscape Plan for Development'of a 1 750'Acre Tract Out of the Peter Wetsel Survey? Abstract, No., 990. Collin County. Presently Delineated on the' Of. ficial Zoning Map as a Portion of PD -SC No. 5. Providing for a Penalty: Providing for Publication 6f.the Caption. 4,j That any person, firm, or corporation violating ,�any,of'the provisions or terms of this ordinance ;shall- be subject to the .same penalty as piovid- h, for in, the -Planned Development; Zoning Or- d)rance No. 370.1081 of the City`+of Alleh and 'upon -conviction shall be punished by a fine not to ceed'the surri'of one .thousand tdollars ($1.000.00) for each,of- fense ' - ' Ordinance No. 621.7.85: An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Col- lin County. Texas. Amen. ding the Approved Fiscal Year 1984-85 Budget By Including Additional Funds for the Purchase of Water Meters. Declar- ing a`,Public Necessity and an Emergency. ..CMies ,of 'these or. dinance's,may be read or purchastetdrn the office of "the -Citi Secretary', Allen, Miin'cipal; Annex, One BufleF Cireh , Allen,+ To. arty endrtK d"Ity Secretary iPublished in the All ,American. fon- Monday, July,22f,1985 and Thurs. day,,3uly 25,"1985.) , a ,