HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-798-6-87RESOLUTION NO. 798-6-87(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, SUPPORTING THE COLLIN COUNTY OPEN SPACE PLAN. WHEREAS, the Collin County Commissioners and Open Space Board have prepared a plan to guide the future open space programs and recreational opportunities, and that this plan is supported by the citizens of Collin County, and WHEREAS, the City of Allen, located in Collin County and the citizens of Allen have supported through local planning efforts, the basic principles of open space preservation, and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Board has reviewed the Collin County Open Space Plan and finds it complementary to existing planning studies, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: The City Council will support the Collin County Open Space Plan through the implementation of the City of Allen Greenbelt Study and the 1985 Comprehensive Plan, Parks, Recreational, and Open Space which have been determined to coincide with the goals of the Collin County Open Space Plan. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 18TH DAY OF JUNE, 1987. APPROVED: 0 003 ev 011 = MEMO 63-mmmom ATTEST:, f'\n o Marty Hendrix, CSC, CITY SECRETARY Jan. 1987 Feb. 1987 OPEN SPECS BOARD FY 987 goals o Grant Application to T.P. & W- o NACO Awards Submittal May 1987 o Secure TNC assistance to acquire prairies o Provide $5000 - Historical Markers #Ms June 1987 o Complete development and management plans for Equestrian Trail o Inventory Utility lines/easements for trail use —o Develop information - Cemetery Trusts o Identify quality road -edge landscapes o Develop evaluation criteria for acq./dev. SCS lakes o Develop proposal for Collin County Land Trust o Develop Public Information Program for OS Program July 1987 o Prepare Grant Application to T.P. & W. o Complete Wildflower Master Plan/Highways o Assist Farmersville with Grant Application to T.P. & W. Aug. 1987 o Distribute information on laws/cemeteries .--o Complete management Plan for Sister Grove Site Sept. 1987 o Establish marked Bicycle Route o Establish a Scenic Auto Trail System \o, -Complete .Oral'-8istory of _Collin County o Complete Feasibility*Study/SCS Lakes - Wylie Area o Assist Cities with OS Grant Program Projects OPEN SPACE BOARD PY 988 GOALS Oct. 1987 o Develop Interpretive Trail Plan/Prairie Site #1 o Determine need for Environmental Ed. Camp Nov. 1987 o Prepare Audio/Visual - Prairies o Develop •Adopt a Trail' Program/Const. and Maint. o Map significant pre -historic and Historic sites o Develop Audio/Visual - Historical and Cultural Resources. Dec. 1987 o Complete acquisition of 4 prairie sites o Complete inventory of wildlife habitat areas and develop general management plans Jan. 1988 o Plan and organize Spring Wildflower Bicycle Ride o Complete Lavon Shorelands Master Plan Feb. 1988 o Develop Rowlett Creek Greenbelt Pian March 1988 o Prepare Audio/Visual - Trails o Prepare Audio/Visual - Stream Watershed Resource Plan o Co -Sponsor roadside clean-up o Complete management plans for prairie sites April 1988 o Develop proposals to lease lands from Corp. of Engineers May 1988 o Complete acq./dev. plans for 5 SCS lakes Aug. 1988 o Prioritize preservation and restoration of Historic sites Sept. 1988 o Complete stream corridor conservation plan + o Complete Trails Plan (for above). OPEN SPACE BOARD - 1987 Goals -- S. Bl�kland Praia A. Prepare Grant Application to Texas Parks nof fwildlife Department for acquisition and development irst priority site by Jan. 31, 1987. B. Secure Texas Nature Conservancy's assistance�to acquire Blackland Prairie Site by May 31, 1987. C. Prepare Grant Application to T.P. & W. Department for acquisition and development of second priority site by July 31, 1987. D. Complete acquisition of 4 sites, minimum acreage to include prairie habitat by Dec. 31, 1987. E. Develop management plans for sites acquired by March 31, 1988. F. Prepare audio/visual presentation on Collin County Prairies: Their plants and wildlife by Nov. 30, 1987. f - f' =tet II'. A. Complete arrangements and development of equestrian trail -on Lake Lavon shorelands (Brockdale Park to East Fork Park), including law enforcement and:maintenance plans by June 30, 1987. B. Establish a marked Bicycle Route along existing roadway by Sept. 30, 1987. C. Plan and organize a Spring Wildflower Bicycle Ride, for 1988 by January 30, 198. r D. Inventory all utility lines and easements to determine feasibility for use as part of County -wide Trail System by June 30, 1987. E. Prepare Trails Plan for Streams Corridor Project described elsewhere by Sept.30, 1988. F. Develop "Adopt a Trail" program to obtain volunteer assistance for trail construction and/or trail maintenance by Nov. 30, 1987. G. Prepare Audio/Visual presentation for Trails of Collin County: Existing and Future by March 31, 1988 H. Develop interpretive trail plan and program for prairie site # 1 (to be provided to site design consultant) by Oct. 31, 1987. I. Establish and mark a Scenic Auto Trail Syste-m by Sept. 30, 1987. S A. Develop a model Stream watershed Resource Plan audio/visual presentation that addresses conservation of soil, water, vegetation, and wildlife; compatible land uses (including trail opportunities); visual rural landscape characters preservation and enhancement; and the techniques available for preservation (i.e.. scenic easements, trail use easements or agreements, Agricultural Districts, etc.), by March, 1988 H. Complete a Stream Corridor Conservation Plan that addresses management and use of streamside environments. Specific recommendations for acquisition, conservation easements, or other regulatory programs should be addressed. Streams for study (listed in priority order) include: Sister Grove, Pilot Grove, Honey, Wilson and East Fork of Trinity River, by Sept. 30, 1988. C. Develop plans for Rowlett Creek Greenbelt System with the cities of Garland, Richardson, Plano, Allen, McKinney and in association with Dallas County and North Central Texas Council of Governments, by Feb. 1988.. f JY. His toriZ_and_ cell Itnra Itsa A. map and document all significant pre=historic and historic sites and events in County by Nov. 30, 1987. H. Provide funding ($5000) for 10 Historical Markers by May 30, 1987 C. Prioritize preservation, restoration and possible utilization of pre -historic and historic sites in coordination with Historical Commission by Aug. 31, 1988. D. Distribute information on laws pertaining to historic cemeteries to funeral homes and all city.governments in County by August 31, 1987. E. Investigate and have available (for descendants) papers necessary for preservation such as means to establish cemetery trusts by June 30, 1987. F. Complete Oral History of Collin County and its development by Sept. 30, 1987. G. Develop audio/visual presentation addressing historical and cultural resources of the County, existing historical structures and events, and potentials for future programs by Nov. 30, 1987. u. ad_e�_I�ss� Complete Wildflower Master Plan for seeding by Dept. of Highways by July 31, 1987. Identify high quality road -edge landscapes and preservation alternatives, including resource management by June 30', 1987. C. Co -Sponsor roadside cleanup with Public Works, Corps. of Engineers, and North Texas Municipal Water District by March 30, 1988. A. Assist City of Farmersville in preparing acquisition and development plans for areas adjacent to North Lake (#83 APG) and South Lake (#82PG). Monitor joint project (Grant) with City by July 31, 1987. B. Develop evaluation criteria to guide acquisition and development programs of existing or proposed Lake sites by June 30, 1987. C. Complete Feasibility Study for area to include lake sites 4RC, 5RC, and 7RC by Sept. 30, 1987. D. Complete acquisition/development plans for 5 lake sites by May 31, 1988. Pa - .. - ,.; A. Complete Master Plan for Lake Lavon Shorelands', including Corps. of Engineers leased areas to guide acquisition, development and management plans by Jan.. 31, 1988. B. Develop proposals to secure use Pease on Corps.of Engineers sites by April 30, 1988. C. Complete Development Management Plan for Sister Grove Site by Aug. 31, 1987. A. Assist McKinney, Plano and Heard Museum in their projects as awarded through Open Space Grant Program by Sept. 30,, 1987 B. Develop proposal to establish a 'Land Trust Board" for consideration by Commissioners' Court. Land Trust Board to generate non -tax funds for the purpose of acquiring lands, including easements, necessary to accomplish goals and programs of Open Space Plan by June 30, 1987. C. Develop comprehensive Public Information Program to inform citizens of accomplishments, and future actions of Open Space Program by June 30, 1987. D. Determine need of Environmental Education Camp(s) and appropriate management unit by Oct. 31, 1987. E. Identify potential commercial recreation developments that are compatible with goals of Open Space Program and identify possible sites by Aug. 31, 1988. F. Complete inventory of wildlife habitat areas, determine needs for specific wildlife species and develop general management plans to re-establish or maintain species and/or habitat areas by December 31, 1987. 1. The plan should be reviewed and considered as a flexible plan with far reaching goals for open space preservation within the County. The plan is, however, just a plan and implementation should be considered on a site by site basis involving all persons of the County with special considera- tions made to existing landowners and the communication with them as to the goals of the plan. 2. The plan identifies the need for open space preservation with the County and for a balance between urban growth and open space preservation. The plan should be used to maintain this balance and not to preserve open space unnecessarily. 3. The plan compliments some of the planning in place in Allen with planning of linear parks along the creek corridors, with large tracts of open space along these greenbelts. Our Greenbelt Study outlines an extensive linear park system and our Comprehensive Plan outlines community parks and special use areas along the creeks which when integrated into a county -wide plan, creates a regional system between cities in Collin County.