HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-1017-1-91RESOLUTION NO. 1017-1-91(R)
WHEREAS, the City Council has voted in favor of becoming a member city of the North
Texas Municipal Water District's (NTMWD) solid waste disposal system; and
WHEREAS, NTMWD member cities pay NTMWD to landfill the solid wastes delivered to
NTMWD facilities by the cities or their contractors; and
WHEREAS, the City of Allen currently contracts with Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI)
to collect and dispose of residential and commercial solid wastes; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the new relationship with NTMWD changes the
City's operating relationship with BFI, such that the BFI contract should be amended
to recognize this change;
SECTION 1. The contract between the City of Allen and Browning-Ferris Industries,
Inc. shall be amended by the additions and deletions indicated in Exhibit "A," made a
part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 2. The changes to this contract shall be effective February 1, 1991.
,�� 4� Jo6 Farmer, MAYOR
WHEREAS, the City of Allen and Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. agree that
circumstances exist which create a need for changes in the nature of services
provided by Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. to the City; and
WHEREAS, changes in services require amendments to their existing contract,
originally dated and signed January 26, 1987, for solid waste collection; and
WHEREAS, the entirety of the revised and amended contract appears below;
NOW, THEREFORE,* the City of Allen, a municipal corporation of Collin County,
Texas, hereinafter called "City," and Browning-Ferris Industries Inc., a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Browning-Ferris Inc., of Collin County, Texas, hereinafter
called "Contractor," do hereby covenant and agree as follows:
1. GRANT: For and in consideration of compliance by the Contractor with the
covenants and conditions herein set forth, and the ordinances and regulations of
the City governing the collection and disposal of refuse, the City hereby grants
to the Contractor a permit to use public streets, alleys and thoroughfares within
the corporate limits of the City for the purpose of engaging in the business of
collecting and disposing of garbage, trash, brush and other solid waste.
2. TERM: This Agreement is to take effect and continue in full force and
effect for a period of five (5) years, beginning on the first day of January,
A.D. 1987. Beginning on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1992, and each succeeding
January 1st for a period not to exceed five (5) years, the term of this Agreement
shall automatically extend for an additional year; unless either party notifies
the other party in writing, not less than 180 days prior to the expiration of the
current term, of its intentions to terminate this Agreement.
3. NON -WAIVER OF POWERS: No one shall take or hold this contract to imply the
relinquishment or waiver by the City of its power to make reasonable requirements
or regulations, and the City hereby expressly reserves the right to make all
regulations which may be necessary to secure properly, in the most ample manner,
the safety, welfare and accommodation of the public including, among other
things, the right to adopt and enforce regulations to protect and promote the
health and general welfare of the public from danger and inconvenience in the
management and operation of solid waste collection and disposal, and to provide
such service as contemplated in this Contract.
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4. NON -WAIVER OF REGULATIONS: Nothing herein contained shall constitute a
waiver of any laws or regulations heretofore adopted by the City, including the
right to make such changes and amendments of said rules and regulations as said
City may deem advisable and necessary to protect the public health and general
welfare of its inhabitants.
5. SCOPE AND NATURE OF OPERATIONS: The City and Contractor expressly
understand and agree that the Contractor shall collect and deliver for disposal
all garbage, brush, bulky items, and other refuse (as defined in Article III,
Section 6-51 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Allen, Texas, made a part hereof
for all purposes) accumulated on premises within the corporate limits of the
City, with the sole exception of hazardous wastes as defined by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency or the Texas Department of Health. Contractor
shall furnish, at his own expense, all personnel and equipment to collect refuse
as described herein and will establish and maintain in an efficient and
businesslike manner such daily routes and special schedules as may be necessary
to fulfill the refuse requirements of the City, and the further provisions of
this Agreement. The Contractor shall provide not less than the following
prescribed type and level of services, to -wit:
a. Residential Accounts: Contractor shall perform collection services
at the premises of residential accounts held by the City and served by the
Contractor, a minimum of two times per week (except where otherwise
provided) for solid waste and brush, with two (2) full days between each
collection at curbside or alleyside or other areas designated by the City.
Said collection services shall begin no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and shall
generally not continue past 6:00 p.m. No collection shall be made on
Sunday. Further, Contractor shall provide the City a copy of maps
indicating the routes or days of collection, approval of which shall not
be unreasonably withheld. The City shall arrange prompt written or
published notice of any approved changes in service to those affected
b. Special Collections: In addition to the scheduled collections,
Contractor shall provide a special collection service for unusual
accumulations (as defined in Article III, Section 6-51 of the Code of
Ordinances, City of Allen, Texas). Contractor agrees upon request to
collect such unusual accumulations after completing regular collections,
and there shall be an additional fee for this service.
C. Commercial Accounts: Contractor shall collect and remove solid
waste from the premises of commercial, institutional and industrial
customers at such times as requested (but no less than one (1) time per
week) by the owner or person having control of such establishments, or as
reasonably requested by the City. Contractor shall provide and owner or
occupant shall purchase Collection service as often as necessary in order
to maintain such premises free of accumulation of refuse. The City shall
have the right to require alteration of service to any premises where
unsightly or unsanitary conditions have resulted from inadequate
containers or insufficient number of collections.
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d. Holidays: The following shall be holidays for the purposes of this
contract: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Contractor may decide to observe any
or all of the above-mentioned holidays by omitting the services regularly
scheduled for that day.
e. Hauling: Contractor shall perform garbage collection by using
sealed packer -type trucks and such equipment shall not be allowed to leak
or scatter any waste within the city limits of the City nor while in route
to the landfill or transfer station site where such garbage is dumped.
Contractor shall perform special collections using appropriate equipment.
Contractor shall, if necessary, hand clean all spillage resulting from its
collection activities. Each truck shall carry a push broom and scoop -type
for clean-up activities. Contractor is not required to clean up any
spilled waste not created by its operation but shall report the location
of such condition to the City so that the City may give proper notice to
the occupant of the residence to contain refuse properly.
f. Adverse Weather: The City Manager shall determine if and when
weather or other uncontrollable conditions become so adverse that it is
impossible to operate garbage and trash collection service for the City of
Allen hereunder.
g. Natural Disasters: The work under this Contract does not include
the collection and disposal of any increased volume resulting from a
flood, tornado or similar or different Act of God. In the event of such
a flood, tornado, or other Act of God, the Contractor and the City will
negotiate payment to the Contractor, if the Contractor and the City agree
that the Contractor will collect such increased volume. Further, if the
City and the Contractor reach such an agreement, then the City shall grant
the Contractor variances in routes and schedules as deemed necessary by
the City Manager.
h. Point of Contact: Contractor shall direct all dealing and contact,
etc. between the Contractor and the City to the City Manager or his or her
designee. The City shall direct all dealings and contact, etc. with the
Contractor to an officer within the Contractor's company approved by the
City Manager.
6. VEHICLE COVER AND IDENTIFICATION. Contractor agrees to cover at all times
while in transit all vehicles and equipment used for the collection and
transportation of solid waste and brush to prevent the blowing and scattering of
refuse onto the public streets or properties adjacent thereto. Contractor shall
mark clearly such vehicles with the Contractor's name in letters not less than
three (3) inches in height together with the phone number of the local office of
the company (a toll-free phone number within the city limits of the City). In
the event the City shall at any time require, the Contractor shall also assign
to each of this vehicles a unique identifying number and shall mark the same upon
said vehicles in figures not less than two inches (2") in height.
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a. Contractor may provide containers for waste storage which shall be
available upon request to the owner or occupant of the Contractor's
commercial, institutional and industrial customers. All such containers
shall meet construction specifications which are acceptable to the City,
including, but not limited to, operable and suitable covers to prevent
blowing or scattering of refuse or garbage while transported for disposal
of their contents. Contractor agrees to maintain all such containers in
good operation and appearance, such maintenance to include exchanging or
refurbishing all containers at reasonable intervals, given the type of
refuse generated and normal wear and tear, and at the Contractor's
expense; however, customers shall be responsible for odor, insect and
rodent control, and scattered waste in or about these containers. The City
shall have the right to inspect Contractor's containers at any time to
ensure the same are properly maintained, and the right to require
Contractor to exchange any container for failure to maintain properly the
same. All such containers shall be clearly marked with Contractor's name
and telephone number in letters not less than two inches (2") in height.
b. Setting of containers shall not be in conflict, with any City
regulations or ordinances. The City and Contractor understand and agree
that the Contractor will reimburse the owner of any premises where such
waste containers are placed for any damage caused by the Contractor's
employees to screening fences, buildings, gates and any improvements on
such property other than surface pavement.
8. DISPOSAL OF REFUSE. The Contractor agrees to dispose of all solid waste
collected within the city limits of the City at a sanitary landfill or transfer
station operated by the North Texas Municipal Water District, hereinafter called
the "District," or other landfill or transfer station approved in writing by the
City Council of the City and permitted by the appropriate agency (or agencies)
of the State of Texas. The City will be responsible for payment of all tipping
fees charged by such landfill or transfer station, unless otherwise provided.
The provisions of this section become effective February 1, 1991.
9. NON -COLLECTION; NOTICE AND FOLLOW-UP. The Contractor will adhere to the
a. Notice to Occupant: Where the owner or occupant of any premises is
maintaining improper or inadequate refuse containers or is otherwise in
violation of the City's ordinances with respect to the location of the
containers or the nature, volume or weight of refuse placed for removal
from the premises, the Contractor shall refrain from collecting all or a
portion of such refuse and will notify the owner or occupant thereof the
same business day as the occurrence and the City as soon as reasonably
possible, stating the reason for non -collection using a- standard
identification tag approved by the City.
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b. Investigation: When an owner or occupant notifies the City that
refuse has not been removed from his premises on the scheduled collection
day and where the City has received no notice of non -collection or change
in collection schedule from the Contractor, the City will'investigate the
matter, and if the investigation discloses that the Contractor has failed
to collect refuse from the premises without cause as supported by the
notice as described herein, the Contractor shall collect the same within
twenty-four (24) hours after the City has issued a collection order.
C. Penalty: In the event the Contractor fails to collect refuse within
twenty-four (24) hours after the proper issuance of a collection order,
such failure shall constitute an act of non -collection, and the City may
assess Contractor a penalty of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) by the City Manager
for each act of non -collection. Acts of non -collection shall not
constitute cause for revocation or termination by the City of this
Agreement under Paragraph 13 hereof unless there have been at least ten
(10) such acts within the calendar month.
10. COMPLAINT HANDLING BY THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall, at his own
expense, establish and maintain an office within the city limits of the City of
Allen, the City of McKinney or the City of Plano, and shall keep said office open
to the public during all normal business hours, and shall receive all complaints
and other calls relating to refuse and trash collection service. The Contractor
shall keep in said office sufficient listed telephones and personnel to receive
and answer in a courteous, quick and expeditious manner all telephone and other
calls to said office. The Contractor shall provide to the City Manager a
telephone number with which the Contractor will receive calls during emergency
situations. Contractor shall keep and maintain in said office a daily log of all
service calls, which said log shall show the nature of the call, complaint or
communication. The Contractor shall also maintain on a separate form approved
by the City all complaints and the disposition of the complaint. City or its
agents will also receive and service calls on behalf of the Contractor within
twenty-four hours of the receipt of such complaints or service calls.
11. RATES. The City shall bill and collect all fees for single-family
residential accounts, and multi -family residential accounts where the garbage is
hand -collected and each occupant receives his or her own utility bill, in
accordance with the rate or fee schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made
a part hereof for all purposes. The Contractor shall bill and collect all fees
for commercial and other multi -family accounts in accordance with .the afore-
mentioned Exhibit "A".
The Contractor's compensation for services rendered to accounts listed under
"RESIDENTIAL" in Exhibit "A" shall be gross receipts less a percentage equal to
the ratio of Four Dollars and Ninety -One Cents ($4.91) to the current single-
family residential rate. The remaining gross receipts shall be retained by the
City for franchise, billing and disposal charges. The City and Contractor
expressly understand and agree that the City shall hold payments received by the
City for sanitation service primarily for the purpose of paying the District for
solid waste disposal, and that the City shall pay the Contractor for waste and
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brush, collection services from the excess of any such receipts only after
satisying all amounts owed to the District. +
For services rendered to accounts listed under "COMMERCIAL" in Exhibit "A", the
Contractor will pay the City for the monthly waste tonnage deposited in NTMWD's
facilities by the Contractor at the rate of $14.00 per ton, and an additional
amount equal to 5% of all commercial billings. The City shall verify tonnage
with the Contractor and the District on a monthly basis, and the Contractor shall
make payment to the City by the 15th day of the month following the month for
which the City has verified tonnage. The City shall also verify annual tonnage
with the Contractor and the District at the close of each operating year of the
District, and the City shall reconcile any payments due to the City by the
Contractor or due to the Contractor by the City. Such reconciliation payment
shall be made by the 15th day of the month following the end of the District's
operating year.
The City and Contractor expressly understand that the City reserves the right to
regulate the charges made to its customers for garbage and trash collection and
disposal service. The Contractor's compensation shall not be subject to change
prior to October 1, 1991, nor thereafter more than once in any twelve (12) month
The Contractor may request a compensation adjustment, in writing, no less than
sixty (60) days prior to the proposed effective date of the request. The
Contractor shall furnish evidence as to the need for any compensation adjustment.
The City Council, upon investigation and consideration of the circumstances
surrounding the request, may approve or deny the request, having due regard for
such other factors as the City may deem relevant. In the event that the City and
Contractor fail to reach a mutual agreement on a new compensation schedule,
Contractor may notify the City by certified mail that the company intends to
terminate the Contract.
Contractor shall continue to provide the services contracted hereunder,
undiminished in quantity or quality, for no less than 120 days from the receipt
of the written notice, or until the City obtains a new solid waste contractor,
whichever occurs first. The City agrees to make every diligent effort to replace
the contractor in a prompt manner.
On or before a day each month agreed upon by the City and the Contractor, the
City shall pay the Contractor the amounts specified herein out of the gross
receipts from garbage and trash collection and disposal changes on accounts for
the preceding month.
The City and Contractor understand and agree that the City shall hold deposits
received by the City in connection with its sewer and water services primarily
for the purpose of satisfying such sewer and water accounts and that the City
shall pay any excess of any such deposits to the Contractor for the,payment of
charges made for waste and brush collection and only after satisfying all amounts
owing City for such water and sewer services.
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The Contractor shall make no charge for collection and disposal of the garbage
and trash accumulated by the City so long as the Contractor can collect such
garbage and trash on a regular collection route of the Contractor as established
hereunder, it being the intent of this provision to make collection service a
part of the consideration by the City for the permit herein granted.
12. INDEMNIFICATION; INSURANCE. The Contractor assumes all risk of loss or
injury to property or persons arising from any of its operations under this
Agreement and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers,
agents and employees, from any and all loss, liability, claims, demands actions
or suits of any and every kind and description arising or resulting from any such
loss or injury. It is expressly understood that the foregoing provisions shall
not in anyway limit the liability of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to
carry insurance as follows:
Worker's Compensation
Employer's Liability
Bodily Injury Liability
(except automobile)
Property Damage Liability
(except automobile)
Automobile Bodily Injury Liability
Automobile Property Damage Liability
Excess Umbrella Liability
$500,000.00 each occurrence
$1,000,000.00 aggregate
$500,000.00 each occurrence
$500,000.00 aggregate
$500,000.00 each person
$1,000,000.00 each occurrence
$500,000.00 each occurrence
$500,000.00 each occurrence
Contractor agrees to carry such insurance with a recognized insurance carrier.
Compliance with this section shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the
City Attorney. Contractor shall deliver a certificate evidencing such insurance
coverage to the City Secretary of the City upon execution thereof and shall
contain a provision whereby carrier agrees to provide to the City of Allen
notification of any change or termination of insurance. The City retains the
right to purchase insurance on behalf of the Contractor and itself should the
Contractor fail to maintain an acceptable insurance policy, and to retain the
amount of the insurance premiums from amount paid the Contractor.
a. If at. any time the Contractor shall fail to perform any of the
terms, covenants or conditions herein set forth, the City may, after a
hearing as prescribed herein, revoke and cancel the permit hereby granted,
and the Agreement shall be void. The hearing prerequisites to such
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revocation shall not be held until notice of such hearing has been given
to the Contractor by certified mail, addressed to the Contractor at the
address shown on the records of the City, and a period of at least ten
(10) days has elapsed since the mailing of such notice. The notice shall
specify the time and the place of such hearing and shall include the
reasons for revocation of such permit and this Agreement. The City
Council shall conduct such a hearing in public, and shall allow the
Contractor to be present and given full opportunity to answer such charges
and allegations set out against the company in the notice. If, after
concluding the hearing, the City Council shall determine that the facts
presented at the hearing affirm the changes and allegations set forth in
the notice, they may revoke and cancel this Agreement and the permit and
the same shall be void as of the date of said hearing.
b. In the event of strike, Act of God, catastrophe, or any other event
that interrupts the efficient collection and disposal of garbage and trash
as herein provided, or in the event the City gives notice of cancellation
and revocation as provided above, and the Contractor fails or refuses to
operate the garbage and trash collection service during the period which
the City Council is conducting revocation and cancellation proceedings,
the City shall have the right to take immediately possession of all
trucks, machinery, equipment and tools used in connection with such
service and operate same until such time as the condition which prevented
normal operation hereunder ceases to exist. The City shall compensate
Contractor for such temporary use of Contractor's trucks, machinery,
equipment and tolls, and shall carry insurance coverage for the same in
the types of insurance listed in Section 12 of this Agreement above and in
a manner consistent with current City policy. The�City shall provide
proof of such insurance to the Contractor upon request.
C. If the City should revoke and cancel this Agreement under the
foregoing provisions, then, at the City's option, the City may purchase
all trucks, machinery, equipment and tools used regularly by the
Contractor in the performance of this Agreement and shall pay the
Contractor the appraised value thereof. A three-member board of
appraisers shall determine the appraised value as of the time of such
revocation and cancellation. The City and Contractor shall jointly
appoint the board of appraisers, as follows: One (1) appraiser shall be
named by the city, and the two (2) appraisers so named together shall name
a designated person as the third appraiser. Such Board of Appraisers
shall, within thirty (30) days after their appointment, appraise such
property and make a sworn statement to the City and another copy to
14. ASSIGNMENT. Contractor may not assign this contract or any right accruing
under this Contract in whole or in part by the Contractor without the express
written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
In the event of any assignment, the assignee shall assume the liability of the
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15. OWNERSHIP. The title to refuse shall pass to the Contractor when placed
in Contractor's collection vehicle, or removed by Contractor from a customer's
premises, whichever first occurs. Refuse deposited at the landfill or transfer
station becomes property of the operator of the landfill or transfer station at
the time it enters the landfill or transfer station.
16. PERFORMANCE. Contractor and City shall perform this agreement in
accordance with all the terms and conditions contained herein and the provisions
set forth in the ordinances of the City. The City Manager and his successors in
office are hereby appointed to administer this Agreement for and in behalf of the
City and to enforce all the provisions and requirements contained herein as well
as all provisions and requirements set forth in any ordinance of the City.
17. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. The City hereby reserves the right to inspect and
evaluate the Contractor's performance hereunder either on a continuing or random
inspection basis. The City from time to time may unilaterally determine which
operations are to be evaluated during a particular period. The City, by itself
or through an independent third party contractor of its own selection, may
evaluate technical performance, including reliability and schedule performance,
program management and cost control. The Contractor shall reimburse the City for
all reasonable and documentable, out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by the
City in connection with this inspection and evaluation.
18. BOORS AND RECORDS. The Contractor hereby agrees to maintain, at its local
office or principal place of business within the State, adequate books and
records relating to the performance of its obligations under this contract. The
Contractor agrees to maintain separate records in a form sufficient to identify
its investment, revenues and expenses related to its performance under this
contract, intending thereby to separate the accounting records of the Allen
operation from its other operations. The records of Contractor applicable to its
performance under this contract shall be available for inspection by the City at
any time during normal working hours. The City may, at any time, cause an audit
to be performed by an independent party designated by the City of that portion
of the Contractor's books and records relating to its other operations which may
be allocated or charged to the Allen operation. The cost of an annual audit
pursuant to this provision shall be a reimbursable cost under Section 17 hereof.
17. RIGHT TO REQUIRE PERFORMANCE. The failure of the City at any time to
require performance by the Contractor of any provision hereof shall in noway
affect the rights of the City thereafter to enforce the same. Nor shall anyone
take or hold waiver by the City of any breach of any provision hereof to be a
waiver of any provision itself.
18. SEVERABILITY. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines any of the
clauses or paragraphs contained herein to be void, such determination shall have
no effect on any other clauses or paragraph contained herein.
19. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Contract is to become effective on the 1st day of
January, 1987. In this connection, Contractor understands that the City may use
the cycle method of billing its customers and that the Contractor will receive
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from the gross receipts for any billing cycle only that portion of such receipts
attributable to the length of time that the Contractor has actually serviced
accounts billed in that cycle.
20. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither the Contractor nor the City shall be liable for the
failure to perform their duties if such failure is caused by a catastrophe, riot,
war, governmental order, strike, fire, accident, Act of God or other similar or
different contingency beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor or the
21. RECYCLING. In recognition of the growing need and desire to reduce the
volume of landfilled solid waste, the Contractor and the City agree to the
a. Nothing in this contract shall prevent the City from planning,
constructing, operating or causing any other individual, group, organi-
zation or company to plan, construct or operate any program or facility
which diverts recyclable materials from the municipal waste stream.
b. The City intends to incorporate a recycling program into this contract
as soon as the Contractor and the City agree on the terms and conditions
of such a program. The City and Contractor now agree that such terms and
conditions will include extension of this contract through December 31,
1996. If the two parties cannot agree on the entire set of terms and
conditions by June 30, 1991, the City, at its sole option, may notify the
Contractor of its intent to terminate this contract effective January 1,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have amended and executed this instrument
on this o3/ th day of January, 1991.
Approved as to form:
Don r r�ty At rney
Tom Replogle, District Manager
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Residential Single -Family $7.24
Duplex Unit - Per Unit $7.24
Trailer Park - Per Unit $7.24
Hand Collection (two pickups per week)
Less than five (5) 30 -gallon bags per week $12.50
Five (5) to eight (8) 30 -gallon bags per week $26.00
Nine (9) to twelve (12) 30 -gallon bags per week $35.00
Special Collections: $1.00 per minute
($10.00 minimum)
Delivery and Exchange $40.00
2 cu. yd., one time per week
two times per week
3 cu. yd., one time per week
two times per week
three -times per week
4 cu. yd., one time per week
two times per week
three times per week
four times per week
6 cu. yd., one time per week
two times per week
three times per week
four times per week
five times per week
six times per week
8 cu. yd., one time per week
two times per week
three times per week
four times per week
five times per week
six times per week
Extra pickups:
3 and 4 cu. yd. containers $22.08
6 and 8 cu. yd. containers $26.43
3 and 4 cu. yd. containers $19.90
6 and,8 cu. yd. containers $22.08
Compactor containers:
Delivery and Exchange
Rent - all sizes
6 cu. yds.
8 cu. yds.
30 cu. yds.
Plu$ $14.00
42 cu. yds.
Plus $14:00
Roll -off containers:
Delivery and Exchange $50.00
Rent $4.75 per day
30 cu. yds. $140.00 per load
Plus $14.00 per ton
Tires $5.00 each
Dead Animals (Dogs and Cats only) $6.00 each
Gates and Enclosures (when driver must open) $5.00 each occurence
($25.00 maximum per month)
Provide Hasps $35.00 one time
Returned Check Charge $15.00