HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 2023 - 04/17 - Regular ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
APRIL 17,2023
Board of Directors:
Matthew Foster, President
Shahmeen Khan,Vice-President
Stacy Gonzales, Secretary
Ron Alexander
Thomas Johnson
Ben Trahan
Antoinette Vincent
City Staff:
Tim Dentler, Assistant City Manager
Rebecca Vice, Assistant City Manager
Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation
Leigh Moulden, Senior Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation
Kyle Benedict, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Teresa Thomason,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Mark Davies, Assistant Chief Financial Officer
1) Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Allen Community Development Corporation present,
President Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17,
2023, in the Council Chamber of Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway,Allen,
2) Approve Minutes from March 20,2023, Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Vincent and a second by Vice-President
Kahn,the Board voted seven(7) for and none (0) opposed to approve
the March 20, 2023, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. The
motion carried.
3) Motion to Reallocate a Savings of $233,274 from the Don Rodenbaugh
Aquatic Center Slide Replacement to the Don Rodenbaugh Aquatic Center.,
Locker Rooms and High Cleaning/Joe Farmer Recreation Center Meeting
Room Updates.
Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, gave an overview of
the reason for the savings and how those savings would be spent at the facilities.
After a brief discussion,the following motion was presented.
Allen Community Development Corporation
April 17,2023
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Motion: Upon a motion by Vice-President and a second by Board
Member Vincent, the Board, voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to approve the motion to reallocate a savings of$233,374
from the Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center Slide Replacement to
the Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center Locker Rooms and High
Cleaning/Joe Farmer Recreation Center Meeting Room Updates.
4) Review and Deliberate on Proposed Annual CDC Projects for FY 2023-2024.
The Board reviewed and discussed in further depth the projects presented at the
Townhall meeting last month. Staff will gather information requested and be
prepared to provide the Board with a tour of top project sights at the May meeting.
5) Discuss Board Evaluation Form for Feedback to the Council Nominating
The Board reviewed the 2022 submission and determined the information was still
relevant and elected to not make any changes.
6) Other Business.
a. Receive the Sales Tax Report
b. Receive Updates on the Project Timeline Report
c. Future Meeting Items
d. Items of Interest(Board announcements regarding local civic and charitable
events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.)
• Next Meeting—May 22, 2023
Executive Session (As Needed)
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code,this meeting may be
convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal
advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
7) Adjourn.
Motion: Upon a motion by Vice-President Khan and a second by Board Member
Vincent, the Board voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the
meeting at 9:17 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved the 5th day of June, 2023.
Matthew Oster,PRESIDENT
Allen Community Development Corporation
April 17,2023
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Stacy Gonzales,SEC' TARY