HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Engagement Advisory Board - 2023 - 05/01 - Special Called COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MAY 1,2023 Present: Community Engagement Advisory Board: John Gain, Chair Inga Fredrickson,Vice-Chair(arrived 6:11 p.m.) Veronica Yost, Secretary Collin Packer Ana Gonzalez(absent) Angela Martinez(absent) Joe Lundgren City Staff/Special Guests: Rebecca Vice,Assistant City Manager Teresa Warren,Director,Public and Media Relations.(absent) Kate Meacham,Director,Parks and Recreation Rocio Gonzalez,Deputy City Secretary Erik Waldbauer,Marketing Specialist Mary Vail-Grube, GO Bond Program Facilitator 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the Community Engagement Advisory Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday,May 1, 2023, in the Council Conference Room of Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway,Allen,Texas. 2. Approve Minutes of February 27,2023, Special Called Meeting. MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Packer and a second by Board Member Lundgren,the Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes of the February 27, 2023, Special Called Meeting. The motion carried. 3. Presentation by Kate Meacham, Director of Parks and Recreation, regarding ADA Transition Plan. Director Meacham presented how the Parks and Recreation Department has been working on making the city's parks, trails and facilities accessible for everyone while ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). With the help of consulting firm Direct Access,Phase 1 consisted of Data Collection through May, Phase 2 will include meetings for Public Input starting in June, and Phase 3 will be the Final Report to the Allen City Council with recommendations and priorities based on public input in summer 2023. The report will help guide future decisions on parks and trail projects and budget priorities. Vice-Chair Fredrickson took her seat at the table. 4. Presentation by Rebecca Vice, Assistant City Manager and Erik Waldbauer, Marketing Specialist regarding Bond 2023. Assistant City Manager Vice provided a general overview of the bond process and introduced Mary Vail-Grube. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MAY 1,2023 PAGE 2 ACM Vice provided the basics of a bond program,Allen's bond history,the process and staff support,a general timeline, and engagement opportunities. Erik Waldbauer,Marketing Specialist,provided a quick overview of the purpose of the communication platform to engage and include more residents in the bond program. The platform will be used for various needs for this and other projects in the future. One main benefit of the platform is to use it as a central portal to locate all information and engagement opportunities in one location and strategically use the data to validate decisions. Mr. Waldbauer advised that more information on Engage Allen 2023 Bond could be found at Engage.CityofAllen.org. 5. Guided Discussion regarding Special Events. ACM Vice provided an update on a list of specific Special Events that were brought up from the last meeting and asked members to bring forward the top 1-2 ideas for staff to research as priority events. 6. Discuss Board Evaluation. In the interest of time, Chair Gain requested that the members complete the form and email it to him and ACM Vice. 7. Finalize Board Mission,Goals and Strategies. MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Packer and a second by Board Member Lundgren,the Board voted five(5)for and none(0)opposed to approve the Mission Statement,Goals and Strategies as written. The motion carried. 8. Discuss Items for future Board Meeting Agendas. Topics discussed were updates on Special Events,2023 GO Bond,City Programming efforts,and Presentations by city departments to the board. 9. Items of Interest. [Board announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] 10. Adjourn. Chair Gain adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Community Engagement Advisory Board at 8:10 p.m. on Monday,May 1,2023,in the Council Conference Room of Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen,Texas. These minutes were approved on the 7`h day of August 2023. APPR VED: J Gain,CHAIR TTEST: eronica Yost,SE TARY