HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2023 - 06/12 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD - `' REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 12,2023 Parks and Recreation Board Present: John Holley, Vice Chair Luke Hollingsworth, Secretary Karen Simpson v,. Jill Kelley ;t; Ed Bryan, Allen Heritage Village l4„ Absent: 1 Geoben Johnson Terrance Thomas ' Phillip Brewer City Staff: , Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation . Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation Kyle Benedict, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation 1) Tour `Behind the Scenes' of Special Events at Joe Farmer Recreation Center a. Summer Sounds b. Step Up to Health 2) Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Vice Chair Holley 4-_ called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. on Monday, June 12, 2023, at the Meeting ,, Rooms of Joe Farmer Recreation Center. "si Action Items. 3) Approve Minutes from April 10,2023,Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Simpson and a second by Member Hollingsworth,the Parks and Recreation Board voted four(4) for and none (0) opposed to approve the April 10, 2023, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried. Y ' fi, Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 12,2023 Page 2 4) Recommend City Council Adopt a Resolution Amending Parks and Recreation Fees. Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director, gave the Parks and Recreation Board an overview of the new fee schedule, including Pavilions, Cabanas, Tournaments, and Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center. x g. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Hollingsworth and a second by Member Simpson,the Parks and Recreation Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to recommend City Council adopt a resolution amending Parks and Recreation fees. The motion carried. 5) Motion to Call'a Special Called Meeting on September 25,2023, and Cancel the October 9,2023,Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Member Simpson and a second by Member Hollingsworth,the Parks and Recreation Board voted four(4) for and none (0) opposed to approve a Special Called Meeting on September 25, 2023, and cancel the October 9, 2023, Regular Meeting. The motion carried. Discussion Items. 6) Overview and Ranking of CDC Projects Kate Meacham, Director, gave the Parks and Recreation Board an overview of all the CDC projects. Kyle Benedict, Assistant Director, facilitated the CDC project rankings. 7) 7) Update Ongoing Projects Kate Meacham, Director, and Kyle Benedict, Assistant Directorgave an update on the ; ;- Yp following projects. a. Allen USA b. Bond Process Update c. Ford Master Plan d. Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center e. Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center Update c. ADA Transition Plan 8) Items of Interest a. Items for future Agendas The Bond Process will continue to be discussed at future meetings. b. Next Meeting—Monday, August 14, 2023 9) Adjourn Motion: Upon a motion by Member Hollingworth and a second by Member •,1z Simpson, the Parks and Recreation Board voted four (4) for and none (0) t . opposed to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. The motion carried. • • , Parks and Recreation Board Minutes ••: June 12,2023 Page 3 1,4 - These minutes approved on the 14th day of August 2023. 04s_ ----.- 0.-TC Chair41 cretary :v• • • T;.;•J, -•?":' . , , • 4-. , ;1•,: