HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2023 - 04/10 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
APRIL 10,2023
Parks and Recreation Board
Geoben Johnson, Chair
John Holley, Vice Chair
Terrance Thomas
Phillip Brewer
Jill Kelley
Ed Bryan, Allen Heritage Village
Luke Hollingsworth, Secretary
Karen Simpson
City Council Liaison:
Carl Clemencich
Louise Master, President, Allen Parks Foundation
City Staff:
- Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation
Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation
Kyle Benedict, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Timmy Vessakosol, Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Facility Manager, Parks and
Mild Veliz, Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Assistant Facility Manager, Parks and
Melissa Stewart, Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Business Development Supervisor,
Parks and Recreation
Tim Grangruth, Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Building Maintenance Program
Manager, Parks and Recreation
James Garvin, Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Recreation Supervisor, Parks and
Jeff Holt, The Courses at Wafters Creek Director of Golf, Parks and Recreation
Brad Boroughs, The Courses at Watters Creek Golf Superintendent, Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
April 10,2023
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With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair G. Johnson called
the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. on Monday, April 10, 2023, in the Pavilion at The
Courses at Waters Creek.
1) Approve Minutes from February 13,2023,Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Thomas and a second by Member Holley,the
Parks and Recreation Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the February 13, 2023, Regular Meeting minutes as presented.
The motion carried.
2) Appoint Representative to Allen USA Advisory Committee
Kate Meacham, Director, gave the Parks and Recreation Board an overview of
responsibilities of the representative. Since several members were absent, Chair
Johnson will reach out to the full board before making an appointment.
Discussion Items.
3) Overview of The Courses at Watters Creek Operations
The Parks and Recreation Board took a tour of the facility on golf carts. Jeff Holt,
Director of Golf guided the tour.
111 a. Hope Program
The Parks and Recreation Board was shown the solo rider cart and given an
overview of the PGA Hope Lessons.
b. Pavilion Rentals
A brief overview of the pavilion rental structure and recent program updates was
given to the Board.
4) Staff Introductions
Timmy Vessakosol, Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Facility Manager,
introduced Miki Veliz,Assistant Facility Manager; James Garvin,Recreation
Supervisor; Tim Grangruth, Building Maintenance Program Manager; and Melissa
Stewart, Business Development Supervisor.
5) Receive Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Membership Presale Update.
Melissa Stewart updated the Parks and Recreation Board on the Stephen G. Terrell
Recreation Center membership rates, charter memberships, and presales.
6) Discuss Board Evaluation
After a brief discussion, it was determined that Board Evaluations will be due April
24, 2023.
7) Update Ongoing Projects
Kate Meacham, Director, gave an update on the following projects.
a. Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
April 10,2023
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b. Bethany Lakes Loop Trail
c. ADA Transition Plan
8) Items of Interest
a. Items for future Agendas
The Bond Process, ADA Public Input, and Ford Park Master Plan Public Input will
be items to be discussed at a future Parks and Recreation Board meeting.
b.Next Meeting—Monday, June 12, 2023
9) Adjourn
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Brewer and a second by Member Thomas, the
Parks and Recreation Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to
adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 12th day of June 2023.
Chair Secrets