HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Public Art Committee - 2023 - 08/15 - Regular PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE
August 15,2023-6:30 P.M.
Committee Members:
Jane Bennett, Chair
Marianna Sennour
Cindy Wheeler •
Saundra Midkiff(late)
Kirk Wilson
Stephanie Ward
Sandy Wittsche
City Council Liaison:
Dave Cornette
. City Staff:
Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager,Parks and Recreation
Matt McComb,Park Planning&Development,Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Committee Members present,the regular meeting of the Public Art Committee was
called to order by Chair Bennett at 6:43 p.m. on Tuesday,August 15,2023,in the Parks and Recreation
Conference Room of the Municipal Courts,Parks and Recreation Building, 301 Century Parkway,Allen,
Texas 75013.
Action Items
1. Approve Minutes from the July 18,2023,Regular Meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Committee Member Wheeler and a second by
Committee Member Sennour,the Committee voted five(5)for and none(0)
opposed to approve the minutes from the July 18,2023,Regular Meeting.The
'motion carried.
2. Establish a Budget for the Public Art Coloring Book Project.
After a brief discussion,the following motion was presented.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Committee Member Sennour and a second by
Committee Member Midkiff,the Committee voted six(6)for and none(0)
opposed to adopt a budget of up to$2,700 for the Public Art Coloring Book
Project.The motion carried.
3. Appoint Artist Selection Panel for the Bark Yard Public Art Project.
AUGUST 15,2023
The Committee discussed potential members for an Artist Selection Panel. Committee Members
Ward,Wilson, and Sennour volunteered for the Panel.A recommendation was made to ask the
Parks and Recreation Board for a volunteer to join the Artist Selection Panel.
4. Approve the Purchase of an Allen Public Art Tablecloth.
After a brief discussion,the following motion was presented.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Committee Member Sennour and a second by
Committee Member Ward,the Committee voted six(6)for and none(0)opposed
to budget up to$250 to purchase a tablecloth imprinted with a City of Allen
Public Art Committee logo.
Discussion Items
5. Review Coloring Book Specifications.
The Committee reviewed the coloring book specifications and made several suggested minor
edits including putting the logo on each page and titling the book"Art Around Allen".
6. Update on Ongoing Projects.
Matt McComb,Park Planning&Development,provided an update on the plaza and status of the
production of the artwork for the Storybook Trail. Chair Bennett updated the Committee on Fall
Fest being held at Allen Senior Recreation Center. Committee members committed to
volunteering at the Fall Fest.
7. Discussion on Future Projects.
The Committee discussed a public art promotion campaign as well as Allen Senior Recreation
Center as a potential future site for additional public art.
8. Items of Interest(Announcements regarding local civic and charitable events,meetings,
fundraisers,and awards)
a. Items for Future Agendas
b. Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 19,2023.
Chair Bennett adjourned the meeting at 7:59 pm.
These minutes approved the 19th day of September 2023.
Jane Be I nett,Chair Saundra Midkiff, Secretary