HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 2023 - 07/10 - Regular ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
JULY 10,2023
Board of Directors:
Matthew Foster,President
Shahmeen Khan, Vice-President
Stacy Gonzales, Secretary
Ron Alexander -
Thomas Johnson
Ben Trahan
Antoinette Vincent
City Staff:
Tim Dentler, Assistant City Manager
Jen Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation
Teresa Thomason,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Mark Davies, Assistant Chief Financial Officer
1) Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Allen Community Development Corporation present,
President Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 10,
2023,in the Council Conference Room of Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway,
Allen, Texas.
2) Approve Minutes from June 5, 2023,Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Vice-President Khan and a second by Member
Vincent, the Board voted seven(7) for and none(0) opposed to
approve the June 5, 2023, Regular Meeting minutes as presented. The
motion carried.
3) Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Approval of Proposed CDC Projects for
FY2023-2024, utilizing proceeds from 4B half-cent sales tax, totaling
$7,700,399.00 as follows:
a) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for the ADA
Transition Plan Outcomes;
b) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for the Erosion
Study Outcomes;
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c) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for the Security
Camera Study Outcomes;
d) A proposal authorizing up to $150,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Holiday
e) A proposal authorizing up to $600,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Playground
f) A proposal authorizing up to $1,000,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Allen Station
Park Improvements;
g) A proposal authorizing up to $500,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for the Allen Station
Softball Complex;
h) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Multi-purpose
Sport Courts;
i) A proposal authorizing up to $450,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Watters Branch
j) A proposal authorizing up to $1,000,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Ford Park
k) A proposal authorizing up to $120,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Market Street
Allen USA;
1) A proposal authorizing up to $125,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for a Third-Party
m) A proposal authorizing up to $450,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Trail
n) A proposal authorizing up to $250,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for the Collin
County Rides Program;
o) A proposal authorizing up to $135,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for EC Wi-Fi
p) A proposal authorizing up to $650,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for EC Mechanical
q) A proposal authorizing up to $95,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Maintenance
Equipment Replacement;
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r) A proposal authorizing up to $20,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Asset
s) A proposal authorizing up to $367,650 of Sales Tax Revenue for Asset
t) A proposal authorizing up to $130,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Bolin Park
Spectator Shade;
u) A proposal authorizing up to $5,500 of Sales Tax Revenue for Allen Station Park
v) A proposal authorizing up to $35,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for a Sports
Equipment Loaner Program;
w) A proposal authorizing up to $1,094,649 of Sales Tax Revenue for Allen Heritage
Depot Improvements;
x) A proposal authorizing up to $22,600 of Sales Tax Revenue for Connemara
Meadow Equipment;
y) A proposal authorizing up to $50,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Community
Engagement Events; and,
z) A proposal authorizing up to $50,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Community Event
President Foster opened the public hearing for this agenda item and asked anyone
wishing to speak for or against this item to do so at this time.
With no one wishing to speak, President Foster closed the public hearing.
President Foster opened the floor for any additional questions from the Board and
then gave the Board opportunity to pull any items requiring further discussion.
The items were set aside:
d) A proposal authorizing up to $150,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Holiday
h) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Multi-purpose
Sport Courts;
1) A proposal authorizing up to $125,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for a Third-Party
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o) A proposal authorizing up to $135,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for EC Wi-Fi
p) A proposal authorizing up to $650,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for EC Mechanical
s) A pmposal authorizing up to $367,650 of Sales Tax Revenue for Asset
v) A pmposal authorizing up to $35,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for a Sports
Equipment Loaner Program;
w) A proposal authorizing up to $1,094,649 of Sales Tax Revenue for Allen Heritage
Dept Improvements;
y) A proposal authorizing up to $50,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Community
Enggement Events; and,
z) A proposal authorizing up to $50,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Community Event
After{brief discussion the following motion was presented.
Mot ea: Upon a motion by Board Member Alexander and a second by Vice
President Khan the Board voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed
to Approve Projects:
a) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
the ADA Transition Plan Outcomes;
b) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
the Erosion Study Outcomes;
c) A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
the Security Camera Study Outcomes;
e) A proposal authorizing up to $600,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Playground Replacement/Shade;
f) A proposal authorizing up to $1,000,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Allen Station Park Improvements;
g) A proposal authorizing up to $500,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
the Allen Station Softball Complex;
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i) A proposal authorizing up to $450,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Watters Branch Trail;'
j) A proposal authorizing up to $1,000,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Ford Park Redevelopment;
k) A proposal authorizing up to $120,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Market Street Allen USA;
m) A proposal authorizing up to $450,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Trail Renovation/Maintenance;
n) A proposal authorizing up to $250,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
the Collin County Rides Program;
q) A proposal authorizing up to $95,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Maintenance Equipment Replacement;
r) A proposal authorizing up to $20,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Asset Replacement—Recreation;
t) A proposal authorizing up to $130,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Bolin Park Spectator Shade;
u) A proposal authorizing up to $5,500 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Allen Station Park Scoreboards; and,
x) A proposal authorizing up to $22,600 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Connemara Meadow Equipment.
The motion carried.
The illoard then went through discussion on the remaining items and made the
following motions.
Motim: Upon a motion by President Foster and a second by Vice President
Khan the Board voted five (5) for and two (2) opposed, with
Secretary Gonzales and Board Member Vincent casting the negative
votes to Increase Budget and Approve Project
d)A proposal authorizing up to $250,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Holiday Decorations. The motion carried.
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Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Johnson and a second by Board
Member Vincent,the Board voted seven(7) for and none(0)
. opposed to Approve Project:
h)A proposal authorizing up to $100,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Multi-purpose Sport Courts. The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Vincent and a second by Board
Member Alexander,the Board voted six(6) for and one(1)
opposed,with President Foster casting the negative vote,to
Approve Project:
1)A proposal authorizing up to $125,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
a Third-Party Plan. The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Johnson and a second by Board
Member Vincent, the Board voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed,
with President Foster casting the negative vote, to Approve Project:
o) A proposal authorizing up to $135,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
EC Wi-Fi Replacement. The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Vice-President Khan and a second by Board
Member Vincent, the Board voted seven(7) for and none(0)
opposed to Approve Project:
p)A proposal authorizing up to $650,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
EC Mechanical Review The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Alexander and a second by Board
Member Johnson, the Board voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed,
with President Foster casting the negative vote, to Approve Project:
s) A proposal authorizing up to $367,650 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Asset Replacement—EC/ACIR. The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Secretary Gonzales and a second by Board
Member Vincent, the Board voted four(4) for and three(3)
opposed,with President Foster,Vice-President Khan, and Board
Member Trahan casting the negative vote, to Remove Project:
v)A proposal authorizing up to $35,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for a
Sports Equipment Loaner Program. The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Vincent and a second by
Secretary Gonzales, the Board voted six(6) for and one(1)
opposed,with Board Member Johnson casting the negative vote, to
Reduced project to budget and Approve:
w)A proposal authorizing up to $600,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Allen Heritage Depot Improvements. The motion carried.
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Motion: Upon a motion by Secretary Gonzales and a second by Board
Member Vincent, the Board voted seven(7) for and none(0)
opposed to Approve Projects:
y)A proposal authorizing up to $50,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Community Engagement Events; and,
z)A proposal authorizing up to $50,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for
Community Event Sponsorships. The motion carried.
4) Adopt the Proposed FY 2023-2024 CDC Budget.
Tim Dentler, Assistant Director reviewed the Executive. Director position, the
unrestricted fund balance and the operational support of the Event Center. The Board
was in favor of submitting a memo to earmarking funds as opposed to formally
restricting funds.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Alexander and a second by Board
Member Vincent the Board voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to Approve the Proposed FY 2023-2024 CDC Budget
update to reflect the approved projects. The motion carried.
5) Other Business.
a, Receive the Sales Tax Report
Mark Davies, Assistant Chief Financial Officer, presented the Sales Tax
Report to the Board.
b. Receive Updates on the Project Timeline Report
Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director updated the Board on the Project
Timeline Report.
c. Discuss Future Agenda Items.
It was requested to establish an Ad Hoc Sub Committee to set criteria for
Sponsorships and the receive an update from the Convention and Visitors
Bureau on the Zartico program.
d. Items of Interest [Board announcements regarding local civic and charitable
events, meetings,fundraisers, and awards.]
• Next Meeting Date—August 21, 2023
6) Executive Session (As Needed)
No Executive Session was held.
7) Adjourn.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Alexander and a second by
Secretary Gonzales, the Board voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. The motion carried.
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These minutes approved the 21st day of August, 2023.
Matthew Foster,PRESIDENT
Stacy Gonzales, SECRETARY