HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2016 - 06/07 - RegularJune 7, 2016 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 7, 2016 CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Jeff Cocking, Chair Ben Trahan, I" Vice -Chair Stephen Platt, Jr., 2nd Vice -Chair Luke Hollingsworth John Ognzovich Michael On Absent: Shirley Mangmm City Staff Present: Ogden "Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering Madhuri Mohan (Kulkarni), AICP, Planner Jesse Simmons, Urban Forester Kevin Laughlin, City Attorney Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway Director's Report 1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the May 24, 2016, regular meetings, attached. Consent Agenda (Routine P&Z business Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staf) 2. Approve minutes from the May 17, 2016, Workshop meeting and May 17, 2016, regular meeting Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Trahan, and a second by Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. June 7, 2016 Regular Agenda 3. Preliminary Plat — Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Allen Commerce Center, Lots I -R2, 2-5, Block 1, being 69.073+/- acres, situated in the Joseph Dixon Survey, Abstract No. 276, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located north of Stacy Road and west of US Highway 75. (PP - 5/17/16 -36) [Allen Commerce Center — Allen Premium Outlet Mall Expansion] Ms. Madhuri Kulkami, Planner, presented the item to the Commission She stated that the item is a Preliminary Plat for Allen Commerce Center— Allen Premium Outlet Mall Expansion. The property is generally located north of Stacy Road and west of US Highway 75 The properties to the north are zoned Planned Development PD No. 102 for Corridor Commercial CC and Corridor Commercial CC. The properties to the west are zoned Planned Development PD No. 102 for Corridor Commercial CC and Planned Development PD No. 92 for Shopping Center SC (across Chelsea Blvd). The property to the south (across Stacy Road) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 45 for Corridor Commercial CC. The Town of Fairview is located to the east (across US 75). Ms Kulkami explained that a Planned Development amendment was approved in April 2016 for the Allen Premium Outlet Expansion for the redesign and reconfiguration of the existing development and expansion to the north. Preliminary platting is the next phase in the development process The Preliminary Plat shows 69.07± acres of property subdivided into five lots There are a total of nine access points into the development. There is one access point on Stacy Road, five on US Highway 75, one on Allen Commerce Parkway, and two on Chelsea Boulevard. Ms. Kulkami stated that the Preliminary Plat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee, is generally consistent with the PD Concept Plan, and meets the requirements of the Allen Laud Development Code. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Ogrizovich and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary Plat for Allen Commerce Center, Lots 1-R2, 2-5, Block 1, being 69.073+/- acres, generally located north of Stacy Road and west of US Highway 75, for the Allen Premium Outlet Mall Expansion. The motion carried. 4. Alternative Screening — Consider a request for Alternative Screening for Allen ISD Elementary 18, being 14.4615+/- acres of land out of the F Dosser Survey, Abstract No. 280 and George Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 701, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located at the southwest corner of Ridgeview Drive and Chelsea Boulevard. (ALT -5/26/16-44) [Elementary School No. 18 — Allen ISD) Mr. Bo Bass, Director of Community Development, presented the item to the Commission. He stated that the item is a request for Alternative Screening for Allen ISD Elementary 18. The property is generally located at the southwest corner of Ridgeview Drive and Chelsea Boulevard, and is zoned Agriculture Open Space AO. The properties to the east, north, and west are zoned Agriculture Open Space AO. The properties to the south are zoned Planned Development PD No. 92 Single -Family Residential District R-5 and Planned Development PD No. 92 Single -Family Residential District R-7 June 7, 2016 Mr. Bass explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission has the authority to approve alternative screening requests, as has been done before. These type of requests meet the intent, but do not meet the specifics of the ordinance. The ALDC requires an 8' masonry screening wall between residential and non-residential uses. The Starcreek subdivision is an existing residential development to the south of this property During the development of Starcreek, a 6' wrought -iron fence was installed along the entire northem property line. Also, Starcreek has preserved the existing tree row with a variety of tree species that form a visual barrier. Thus on the one hand, an 8' masonry screening wall is required. However, with the 8' masonry screening wall, there would be a 10' area with trees, along with the existing wrought -iron fence. Therefore, the school requested an alternative screening method. The school district made an agreement with the Starcreek Homeowners Association and proposed that in lieu of building another masonry screening wall that would capture the trees in a 7' wide space between two fences, the district would extend their proposed wrought iron fence at the east and west ends to the existing wrought iron fence. At that point, the school district would maintain the existing fence and trees in the open space easement. Additionally, at the time of construction plans and site plans, additional tree plantings will be required in any gaps of the existing tree row. Additionally, the school district will have a mechanical yard on the northwestern side of the property. The Code also requires an 8' masonry screening wall, but on school sites, a softer approach has been taken. Staff supports the school district's request for an 8' wrought iron fence with enhanced landscape plantings. Mr. Bass summarized the variance request, to keep the existing 6' wrought iron fence, maintain the tree resource, and add to the tree resource as needed instead of the required 8' masonry screening wall on the southern property line, and to add wrought iron fence with landscaping instead of the required 8' masonry screening wall around the mechanical yard. Mr. Bass concluded that staff supports the request Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if the AISD owned the entire property Mr. Bass said no — the AISD only owns 18 acres. Some off-site improvements will be made as well. Mr. Bass explained that the Commission will soon receive a General Development Plan for the AISD property and the surrounding remainder piece, which will most likely be single-family Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if this request is granted, then will another variance be considered for the remainder of the property on the southern property line. Mr. Bass said that the strict interpretation of the ALDC when it comes to an elementary school placed inside a single-family subdivision with an 8' masonry wall is not acceptable. Staff will most likely come back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed single-family development Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if an access walkway is being planned from Starcreek into the school site. IMr. Bass answered no. June 7, 2016 Chairman Cocking said as a rule, it is not preferred to have students walking in alleys from a safety perspective. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Orr and a second by 2nd Vice -Chair Platt, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the alternative screening for Allen ISD Elementary 18, being 14.4615+/- acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Ridgeview Drive and Chelsea Boulevard. The motion carried. 5. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the base zoning of Planned Development No. 58 from Light Industrial LI to Multi -Family Residential District MF -18, and adopt a Concept Plan, Screening Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations The property is Lot 3, Block A, Allen Station Business Park 103, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, generally located north of Exchange Parkway and east of Andrews Parkway (and commonly known as 1400 Andrews Parkway). (Z-12/17/15-89) [Luse Allen] Mr Bo Bass, Director of Community Development, presented the item to the Commission. He stated that the item is a public hearing and a PD amendment to amend the base zoning from Light Industrial LI to Multi -Family Residential District MF -18 and adopt a Concept Plan, Screening Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations, for Luxe Allen. The property is located north of Exchange Parkway and east of Andrews Parkway; and commonly known as 1400 Andrews Parkway The property to the north is zoned Planned Development PD No. 73 Shopping Center SC. The property to the west is zoned Planned Development PD No. 73 Shopping Center SC and Planned Development PD No. 103 Shopping Center SC. To the south, the property is zoned Planned Development PD No. 58 Light Industrial LI. To the east, the property is zoned Single -Family Residential District R-7 Mr. Bass explained that the property is currently zoned Planned Development PD No 58 Light Industrial Lt. It is roughly 10.5 acres It is a difficult piece to develop due to the triangular shape. Mr Bass explained that the property is not part of the Village at Allen. The applicant is requesting to amend the base zoning of the Planned Development to Multi -Family Residential MF -18 for an urban style multi- family residential development. When there is a project adjacent to residential development, staff encourages developers to reach out to surrounding property owners, which has been done by the developer. Mr. Bass discussed the Concept Plan. He said this property is roughly on the east side of Target and Cabela's, north of the Andrews Distribution building, and south of Top Golf. The plan shows a 580,000 square foot building which wraps a 218,360 square foot structured parking garage; therefore, this is considered a "wrapped multi -family project." Over the last few projects, Allen has raised the standard for multi -family projects. The best way to tell if a project will add value and profit is if the developers are willing to raise their standards. For example, there is a huge monetary difference (and higher investment) between a parking space as surface parking versus a parking space in a parking garage. In addition, the elevations are urban -style with 3 stories in some areas and 4 stories in other areas Other elements include traffic and intersection improvements to improve traffic flow. A traffic impact assessment was considered and vetted. There are open space/atriums within the building; two with pools and courtyards. There is a cul-de-sac for turn -around as well. A firelane is also provided on the eastern and northern ends of the property with enhanced aesthetics A controlled access point is included for life safety reasons. June 7, 2016 Ninety-nine percent (99%) of the parking for the development will be provided in the structured parking garage. The number of parking spaces provided equates to a parking ratio of 1.8 spaces/unit. Mr. Bass said that there we a total of 445 units within the building; comprising of one, two and three bedroom units. The one bedroom units make up 53% of the total units (236 units). The two bedroom units make up 42% of the total units (187 units). The three bedroom units make up 5°% of the total units (22 units). The average unit size is 944 square feet This is very similar to the Vera Watters project that was approved a few months ago. Vera Watters also had structured parking (90%) and a minimum unit size of 912 square feet These units will be larger. This is a 3 -story and 4 -story project. The 3 -story portion of the building is on the eastern side adjacent to the residential development. In addition, another feature of the project is internal access (with a connection between the parking garage to the units with hallways). The internal access hallways are not open air, but rather, enclosed and climate controlled, providing a higher quality development Mr. Bass touched on the access of the development. He said there are four access points into the development. Two access points are located on the Firelane, Utility, Drainage, and Emergency Access Easement on the south, entering into the parking garage. The remaining two access points are "Emergency Access Only," one on the Firelane, Utility, Drainage, and Emergency Access Easement on the south and the second on Andrews Parkway. A variety of improvements are also required in order to manage traffic Bow into the site This includes the widening of the existing firelane on the south with the construction of a dedicated right tum lane for westbound traffic. Additionally, Andrews Parkway will be restriped to provide one dedicated left turn lane, two thru lanes, and a dedicated right tum lane for northbound traffic. El The Light Industrial District requires a 50' setback adjacent to the residential district. Working with staff and developer, the applicant is proposing a 75' setback. Mr. Bass then discussed the screening for the property Significant consideration has been paid to the adjacency of the residential development. He started by stating that there is approximately 1.8f acres of open space provided on the site. There is landscaping on the southern side and northem side adjacent to Top Golf. There is a constriction on the northern side due to topographic changes; thus, the landscaping is not as intense on the northern side, but will meet Code. In terms of screening walls, there will be an 8' combination wall combining a 3' masonry base and 5' ornamental fence with shrubs and ornamental trees on the northern property line. The screening on the eastern property line was considered carefully because of the adjacent residential development. Screening on this side will consist of an 8' masonry screening wall. Additionally, specifically, only evergreens will be planted on this side. Live Oaks (Cathedral or High Rise) and Eastern Red Cedar will also be provided Live Oaks (Cathedral or High Rise) will be 7" caliper and 18'-20' in height and Eastern Red Cedar will be 16'-18' in height; both exceed the 3" caliper and 10' height minimum requirement. Typically landscape screening is a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees, but only including evergreens will be a long term physical and visual barrier. The additional size and height is a substantial mitigation effort for the residential adjacency In addition, there is a 75' setback from the property line to the building face. Finally, all of the elevations have balconies. However, on the eastern elevation, the units only include balconies on the first and second story, with no balconies on the third story The applicant also provided line of site graphics showing elevations at cut - lines; there would not be any visual impact from the apartments to the house and vice -versa due to the height of the trees and the setback. Mr. Bass then discussed the elevations and stated that the materials are primarily brick, stone, metal, and stucco. He went over the elevations on the northern, southern, eastern, and western sides. The building height varies between 3-4 stories, with 58 feet at the ridge line of the roof and 45 feet at the plate height June 7, 2016 1 of the roof. He emphasized the 3 -story step-down on the eastern side with no balconies on the third floor adjacent to the single-family district. The building also includes articulation, including on the roof -line (through parapets). Mr. Bass also pointed out the architectural treatment to the parking garage, composed of metal grates with vegetative matter. This will be more opaque in element Mr. Bass summarized the development regulations: - Base Zoning District: Multi -Family Residential District MF -18 - Concept Plan: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan - Screening: Screening walls and landscaping shall be constructed and/or installed on the Property in substantial conformance with the Screening Plan. No building permits for any building on the Property shall be issued until a screening wall permit has been issued and screening wall construction and perimeter landscaping installation has begun. - Building Elevations: The exterior fngades of the buildings constructed on the Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Building Elevations - Parking: Ratio of 1 8 spaces/dwelling, with no less than 99% of the off-street parking requirements provided on the Property be located within the parking structure - Building Setbacks. As shown on the Concept Plan - Minimum Lot Area/Dwelling Unit: 1,000 square feet - Maximum Density, 43 dwelling units per acre - Average Dwelling Unit Size: 944 square feet - Minimum Open Space: 1.8 acres - Maximum Percent Lot Coverage, 55% - Maximum Building Height: No building constructed on the Property shall exceed four (4) stories; and shall in no case be taller than 58 feet at the ridge line of the roof and 45 feet at the plate height of the roof Driveways: Driveways shall be spaced in general conformance with the Concept Plan - Improvements • Construction of a right -tum lane from the fire lane to be constructed along the southwestem boundary of the Property • Relocation of the pedestrian signal pole • The traffic signal at the intersection of Andrews Parkway and Cabela's Drive to be improved to incorporate Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) • The median within Andrews Parkway to be partially reconstructed • The northbound lanes of Andrews Parkway to be re -striped to provide for a dedicated left turn lane, two dedicated through lanes, and a dedicated right turn lane • Modification to any other part of the traffic signal system located within the intersection of Andrews Parkway and Cabela's Drive Mr. Bass again stated that this is an infill project. It is zoned Light Industrial, but with more than 3 million square feet of retail and a move towards greater density, and due to the high standards set for multi -family development, this project meets the design considerations. He reiterated that there was a concern with the potential impact to the surrounding single-family development, but everything practical has been done in order to mitigate any concerns. The applicant, Gene Babb (with Davis Development), 17304 Preston Road Suite 700, Dallas, Texas, presented to the Commission. He said that Mr. Bass covered everything. He said they have been working on this project for about a year and vetted all concerns. They wanted to the take the neighborhood to the ■1 east into consideration and agreed to change the elevation to 3 stories with no balconies on the third floor. ® He said they will also plant about 60 new evergreen trees, with 40 live oaks and 20 eastern red cedars, at 18' at time of planting. He explained their company being family-owned and based in Atlanta Mr. Babb June 7. 2016 briefly mentioned the site and the percentage of 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, averaging 944 square feet/unit. Their target market is young professionals and empty nesters, people not wanting yards, or divorced parents. There may be some children, but typically not as many He said the development will include two resort style swimming pools in the courtyards. The corridors will be air-conditioned. This is a high end luxury multi -family development with at least $1 50 per square foot. He touched on the elevations and mentioned the lowering of the story with additional setback on the east. Finally, Mr. Babb went over other examples and products in other areas of the country and showed exterior and interiors of other facilities that would be representative of the budding in Allen. Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing. One letter of opposition was received: Cynthia Johnson, 402 Spring Leaf Court, Allen, Texas. Chairman Cocking asked about the hike and bike trail and if it is a publicly accessible trail. Mr. Bass answered yes, it will be accessible to the public. He also stated that the Vail punches through the lot on the east across the masonry wall. It also runs along the detention/retention pond. The Parks Department intends to make a connection in that area. There is also a hike/bike trail along the private road along Andrews Parkway Chairman Cocking asked if the trail would be connected to the baseball/softball areas. Mr. Bass said the trail runs south of the In -and -Out and to the water feature. The Parks Department has been very desirous to connect the trails in that area. Chairman Cocking asked if the line -of -site shows where the floor plate will be for the building. Mr. Bass said yes. The grade is generally level on this property, but if there are concerns about line of site, then the concerns will be addressed and the item will be brought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission if significant. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Hollingsworth and a second by Ist Vice - Chair Trahan, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request to amend the base zoning of Planned Development No. 58 from Light Industrial LI to Multi -Family Residential District MF -18, and adopt a Concept Plan, Screening Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations for Lot 3, Block A, Allen Station Business Park #3, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located north of Exchange Parkway and east of Andrews Parkway (and commonly known as 1400 Andrews Parkway) for Luxe Allen. The motion carried 6 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the base zoning of Planned Development No 104 from Community Facilities CF to Single Family Residential R-7, and adopt a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations for the property known as Lot 1, Block 1, Bethany Worship Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located on the northeast comer of the intersection of Rivercrest Boulevard and Greenville Avenue. (Z-1/5/16-3) [Rivercrest Park] June 7. 2016 Ms. Madhun Kulkarm, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a public hearing and a PD Amendment for Rivercrest Park. The property is generally located on the northeast comer of the intersection of Rivercrest Boulevard and Greenville Avenue The properties to the north and east are zoned Single Family Residential District R-4. The properties to the south (across Rivercrest Boulevard) are zoned Planned Development PD. No. 6 Shopping Center SC and Community Facilities CF The property to the west (across Greenville Avenue) is zoned Planned Development PD. No. 58 Community Facilities CF Ms. Kulkami said that the property is currently zoned Planned Development PD No. 104 Community Facilities CF The applicant is requesting to change the base zoning from Community Facilities CF to Single Family Residential District R-7 for a single-family residential subdivision, and to adopt development regulations, a concept plan, and building elevations for the property. The proposed development is approximatelv 6.9t acres. Ms. Kulkami went over the Concept Plan and said it shows 35 front -entry lots with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet, and a minimum lot dimension of 50' x 90' The minimum dwelling unit size will be 2,200 square feet. Ms. Kulkami said that there are two access points for the property The primary access point for the development is located on Rivercrest Boulevard. There is also a gated emergency access drive on the northwestern end of the property on Greenville Avenue. A 5' sidewalk is required along Rivercrest Boulevard and Greenville Avenue, the developer will reconstruct and widen the existing sidewalks. Screening for the property will consist of an 8' masonry screening wall along Greenville Avenue, except for the emergency access area which will include sliding wrought iron gates. An 8' masonry screening wall will also be constructed along Rivercrest Boulevard. The screening on the eastern side of the property (along the existing alley) will consist of a 6' board on board fence. The screening along the northern property line will consist of a 6' board on board fence with brick columns. Ms Kulkami explained that the Concept and Landscape Plans show eight Home Owner Association areas, with six interior open space lots totaling 0.47± acres of open space, meeting the open space requirement An agreement has been made between the Parks Department and the applicant regarding tree mitigation. The primary exterior building materials consist of brick, cement fiber board, and composition shingle roofing. Ms. Kulkami summarized the development regulations: - Base Zoning District: Single Family Residential District R-7 - Concept Plan The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan - Screening: Screening shall be constructed and/or installed along the boundaries of the Property in general conformance with the Concept Plan and Screening Exhibit - Landscaping: The Property shall be landscaped in general conformance with the Landscape Plan - Tree Mitigation The development of the Property will result in the removal of approximately 1,202 caliper inches of protected trees from the Property Mitigation for the removal of the protected trees will be met and provided through a tree mitigation agreement between the developer and he Parks Department Building Elevations: June 7, 2016 The residential units shall be developed in general conformance with the materials (both in style and mix) and architectural style as presented Garage doors shall be of carriage hardware design • Driveways shall be washed aggregate or salt finish concrete • Residential units with the same building elevation shall not be constructed more frequently than every 4" lot on the same side of the street - Lot Design' • Minimum Lot Width: 50' • Minimum Lot Depth: 90' with exceptions to Lots 16 and 17, Block C, and Lots 2 and 3, Block B. which minimum lot depths shall be as shown on the Concept Plan • Minimum Dwelling Unit Size 2,200 square feet (including floor area of garage) • Maximum Lot Coverage: 66% - Building Setbacks: • Front Yard Setback: 10' • Comer Lot Side Yard Setback: 5' • Garage Setback: 20' (to face of the structure) - Rivercrest Boulevard: No reconstruction of Rivercrest Boulevard shall be required with the development of the property - SidewalksTo be constructed/reconstructed along Greenville Avenue and Rivercrest Boulevard Ms Kulkami said that the request has been reviewed by the TRC and staff recommends approval. Additionally, a letter of opposition was received from a surrounding resident who raised several concerns. Ms. Kulkami discussed the concerns as follows: - The fence is too close to the alley Ms. Kulkami said it is and it has to be. The fence is not even a requirement on the northern and eastern sides, but where it will be constructed, it will be on the property line - All of the fences should be brick: The requirement of an 8' masonry screening wall is only along Greenville Avenue and Rivercrest Boulevard as it is adjacent to an arterial street - There is only one entrance/exit into the property This has been vetted with the Engineering and Fire Departments. The primary point of access is on Rivercrest Boulevard, but a secondary emergency access is also provided on Greenville Avenue - Drainage' There will not be any lot -to -lot drainage. This will be further vetted through the plat and construction plans - Trees: Tree mitigation will be required and there is an agreement between the developer and the Parks Department Commissioner Ogrizovich asked about the zoning of the adjacent residential subdivisions. Ms. Kulkami answered that the adjacent zoning to the north and east is R-5 Commissioner Ogrizovich asked about the average square footage of an R-5 lot. Ms Kulkami said it is over 5,000 square feet, but is not sure about the specific requirement Mr. Ogrizovich clarified that he wanted to know the dimensions of an R-5 lot. June 7, 2016 Mr. Bass answered that an R-5 lot is a minimum of 7500 square feet and includes a minimum lot width of 65' and a minimum lot depth of 110' The minimum dwelling unit size is 1600 square feet. Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing. Mr. Bill Nelson, 601 Lakeridge Drive, Allen, Texas, addressed the Commission. He said he backs up to the property and has lived there for 32 years. He has a number of concerns, including the trees. All of the trees on the property were there 32 years ago. In 2010, when looking at the proposed Church plan, trees were a great concern. There would have been a pond and the plan proposed to keep as many trees as possible He said he does not see that on these plans. Mr. Nelson also said that the rest of the neighborhood is one-story. The homes proposed are two-story He is concerned that this development does not fit with the rest of development. He also expressed concerns regarding line of site and said that the two-story house will look directly into his backyard. The houses are also tightly packed in the area and the development is out of sync with the rest of the neighborhood. He is also concerned with property values of his home if the proposed homes are $460,000 He did not see anything about easements and said that there were concerns about easements and utilities in 2010. Drainage was another concern. When it rains, much of the water goes down the alley — how will that be handled? Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing Chairman Cocking said that a letter was received: Peggy Jangman, 605 Lake Ridge Drive, Allen, Texas - opposed. Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if this was the same area where a hospice use was proposed. Mr. Bass said the last project was a Church that showed a potential detention/retention on the lot On the alley side, a berm was proposed. Chairman Cocking said that the assisted living project was further north. Chairman Cocking asked about the rules and guidelines on drainage. Shawn Poe, Assistant Director of Engineering, answered that this project is only at the concept level, but that the standard does not allow lot -to -lot drainage. Preliminarily, all drainage will be collected and discharged under the culvert on Rivercrest Boulevard. A drainage analysis was performed with the Church proposal, concluding that detention was not necessary There is no detention for this property. Some of the backyards may drain into the alley, but ultimately, drainage will be collected on Rivercrest Boulevard. Chairman Cocking said that there is substantial lot coverage. With gutters emptying into a 10' backyard and then to an alley, much of the water will be diverted into the alley Mr. Poe said that the grades are not yet determined, but the standard is to get water to the front as much as possible. The actual drainage in the alley is not yet determined, but the capacity will be within what the alley can handle. Chairman Cocking asked about the discussion between the two-story and one-story houses He asked if the houses here will be 10' away from the building line. Ms Rulkami answered yes, the rear yard setback is 10' June 7, 2016 Chairman Cocking said there would be windows on the second story only 10' away from the alley looking into the backyard of the surrounding houses. Ms. Kulkarni said the maximum height in an R-7 district is 35', up to 2 1/2 stories. With the current zoning of the PD for Community Facilities, the height could have been as high as 48' Chairman Cocking said the issue is not the height, but the 10' distance. Everyone along the alley will have lost their privacy to their backyard. Shane Jordan, Developer, 16475 Dallas Parkway Suite 540, Dallas, Texas, addressed the Commission He said the builder had analyzed their product type for what would best suit this properly He said he thought the 10' backyard, 15' alley, and the setback on the current houses would yield adequate separation and that the height would not be an issue. Chairman Cocking said a typical alley is about 16' There is not much privacy with a 6' privacy fence with a second story that close. Mr. Jordan said there could have been a 15' setback for the homes with no alley, but there is an alley in this case, providing additional separation. Chairman Cocking asked about trees. A large amount of trees will be lost. Tree mitigation is in place, but the trees will not be replanted in this area Mitigation trees will be planted in other areas of the City. He asked about what trees will be put back onto the lot Mr. Jordan said that the landscape plan shows trees along Rivercrest Boulevard and Greenville Avenue He said some trees would be provided in their open space lots. Chairman Cocking said that the zoning ordinance requires 2 trees per lot He asked about the typical size of these required trees. Jesse Simmons, Urban Forester, addressed the Commission. He confirmed that two trees are required which are 3" caliper in size. These trees are to be planted in the front yard. One tree can be planted in the back yard. Some of the mitigation trees can be used to possibly plant in the backyard. Chairman Cocking said that the mitigation is the price for removing the trees. Commissioner Orr asked if some of the existing trees can be incorporated in the open space areas. Mr. Jordan said most of the trees will be lost due to the lots or streets in the subdivision He said they can plant one tree in the front and one in the back. Mr. Simmons pointed out that about 80% of the trees are hackberries and bons d'arc, with less than 14% being a "good" tree. Most of the hackberries are in questionable stage. It is better to remove the trees and replant with a tree with a much longer life span. They might not have the large size, but would be a far better tree. Chairman Cocking asked the commissioners if they had a concern with the density of the subdivision adjacent to the existing subdivision, especially due to these homes being 2 -story. June 7, 2016 1 2nd Vice -Chair Platt said many times, the stairs are in the front of the house so the 2 -story may be mainly in the front side and not necessarily on the back side of the house. It would be helpful to get a better visual to see the roof plans. The footprints are 7540 square feet If this product is stacked, the home size is not very large Mr. Jordan asked if the Chairman was looking at the Abernathy elevation. 2nd Vice -Chair Platt answered yes. He said it appears it looks like the roof might come down, but it is not very clear He reiterated that the 2 -story may just be in the front, but that it is difficult to determine without elevations. Chairman Cocking said he would prefer the applicant to have an extra two weeks (next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting) or longer to codify the second story windows looking in the back versus designing something at this meeting. Mr. Jordan said he has those elevations, Just not with him Chairman Cocking said the challenge is that elevations evolve. If it is codified to not have windows on the second Floor of the homes, then it could prevent a loss of privacy to the homes on the east of the property He said the applicant can work with staff to address this concern. Commissioner Hollingsworth asked if the northern side should have a similar condition Mr. Jordan said there are no homes directly on the northern side of this proposal. Chairman Cocking said there is road on the northern side with more than 50' distance. Mr. Jordan said he is willing to work with staff. He also wanted to point out again that if there was not an alley, there would only be a 15' setback. They would be much closer the existing houses and this would not be an issue. Chairman Cocking agreed, but said those houses have been there for over 30 years This is a new development right next to their property line which would take away their privacy He wants to maintain the privacy of the existing homeowners. He said he would rather table this item. The other option is to drop the R -value, but it is probablynot something the developer would want 2nd Vice -Chair Platt said he would like to see the rear elevations, because there might not be a two-story area in the back, and if so, it might be very minimal. The impact can only be seen through the elevations. Chairman Cocking said that the item would be tabled date certain to the meeting on June 21" Commissioner Ogrizovich said even if the second story windows are on one or two houses, the development still impacts the surrounding houses 100%. The regulation which will be formed should completely eliminate the concern. Chairman Cocking said this regulation should be codified. Chairman Cocking reopened the public hearing. Motion: Upon a motion by 1st Vice -Chair Trahan and a second by 2nd Vice -Chair Platt, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to table the June 7, 2016 request and continue the public hearing to amend the base zoning of Planned Development No. 104 from Community Facilities CF to Single Family Residential R-7, and adopt a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations for the property known as Lot 1, Block 1, Bethany Worship Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Rivercrest Boulevard and Greenville Avenue, for Rivercrest Park to the June 21, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The motion carried. 7 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend Planned Development PD No. 3 Light Industrial LI, and adopt a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations for Tract F-2, Allen Business Centre, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located north of Prestige Circle and west of Greenville Avenue (and commonly known as 19 Prestige Circle) (Z-4/12/16-30) [Allen Business Centre — Tract F-21 Ms. Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a public hearing and a PD Amendment for Allen Business Center, Tract F2. The property is generally located north of Prestige Circle and west of Greenville Avenue (and commonly known as 19 Prestige Circle). The properties to the west, south, and east are zoned Planned Development PD No. 3 Light Industrial LI. The property to the north is zoned Single Family Residential District R-3. Ms. Kulkami explained that the property is zoned Planned Development PD No. 3 Light Industrial LI. The applicant is requesting to amend the Planned Development and adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations. Ms. Kulkami said the property is roughly 1.8 acres. The Concept Plan shows one building which is 13,440 square foot building for an Office/Warehouse uses, which is permitted in the LI district. There are two access points into the site; one on Prestige Circle and one on the north through an existing access easement. The primary reason for the PD amendment is to accommodate the driveway spacing on Prestige Circle. The required driveway spacing for a collector roadway such as Prestige Circle is 160' Staff (Engineering Department) has the administrative ability to allow a 35% reduction, which totals 104' In this case, the existing driveways to the west and east sides of this property are closer than 104'; for which a reduction in spacing is requested. This request has been reviewed and is supported by the Engineering Department. Other requirements which will be met include an eight -foot masonry screening wall to be constructed on the northern property line. Parking and open space exceed ALDC standards. A sidewalk will also be required along Prestige Circle. The budding is two stories with a maximum building height of 28' Building materials include concrete tilt wall, decorative metal, and glass and steel storefront. Ms. Kulkami summarized the development regulations: - Base Zoning District: Light Industrial LI Concept Plan: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan Building Elevations: The exterior facades of buildings shall generally conform with the Building Elevations June 7, 2016 - Driveway Spacing. Driveways shall be spaced in general conformance with the Concept Plan (primary reason for the PD is to accommodate driveway spacing) Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing. Phillip Dennis, 206 Willow Creek Circle, Allen, Texas, addressed the Commission. He said he wanted to get confirmation on exactly where this building is being placed on Prestige Circle. He wants to know how far it will be from the water tower. He had several concerns including the operation of the warehouse and the hours of operation. He has had experience in the past where deliveries were made early in the morning with loud noises He wants to know what size trucks are proposed with the warehouse as well as the hours of deliveries. When 21 Prestige Circle was built with their security lighting on the north side of the building, it was situated so that it lit up his backyard. He was able to eliminate that problem by working with the property owner. He also cited concerns with trash which is being blown from 25 Prestige Circle. He said this used to be an office/warehouse for home design with carpets. The adequacy of their trash bins was limited and overflowed. He summarized that he wanted to know about the lighting, loading dock area, and delivery operations He stressed that there are homes on the rear side of this development which will be affected the most. Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing. He mentioned that one letter of support was received. John Minnis, 15 Prestige Circle, Allen, Texas. Chairman Cocking asked for the overview of light mitigation. Ms. Kulkarni stated that this plan is only at the concept level stage If this project gets approved, it will require a Site Plan approval. A Photometric Plan is required with the Site Plan (as with all developments) to ensure that footcandles are 0 at the property lines. There will not be any bleed -over in terms of the light. Chairman Cocking said this is a standard that went into effect since the other buildings were built. This standard addresses light pollution concerns. It is great that Mr. Dennis worked with neighbors to address the light concern, but lighting concerns can be raised with the City in the future, which can then work with the property owner Chairman Cocking asked about trash bins and trash blowing into surrounding properties. Ms. Kulkarni said that there is a dumpster on the site. This Concept Plan has been taken to the Technical Review Committee and meets requirements of Community Services Mr. Bass also added that he encourages Mr. Dennis to contact the City If there are trash issues in that area, then Code Enforcement could be sent Code Enforcement can also help with any lighting issues (including issues of zero footcandles as well as glare and bounce). Chairman Cocking stated that there are some lots backing up to the residential development that do not have an S' masonry wall — such as the lot on the west. This is probably because this was built a long time ago, and was grandfathered. Chairman Cocking asked about the City ordinance for noise by hours of day Ms. Kulkami said that there are certain decibel levels that will need to be met June 7, 2016 Chairman Cocking said that the City ordinance is to not have over 75 decibels at the property line If noise is louder than 75 decibels, then it is also a Code Enforcement issue. Jonathan Hake, 131 S. Tennessee St, McKinney, TX, with Cross Engineering, presented to the Commission. He stated that this is a spec office/warehouse building and that there is not a current end user, so there are no specific hours of operation. Chairman Cocking asked about the ordinance requirements for hours of operation Mr. Bass said there are no specific hours of operation limits, but stated that it is within the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council authority to place basic limits. If there are concerns with late hours due to residential adjacency, it can be made as a recommendation to City Council. Chairman Cocking stated that it does not look like the plan includes any dock-hyes. Mr. Hake stated that there is one at grade. The intention is not to have large 18 -wheelers, but smaller trucks. Chairman Cocking said that the building to the south includes six or seven dock areas. He added that he is not too concerned with the dock area on this property as it is at grade and will not include any large semi - trucks Commissioner Ognzovich asked about the aerial and this property in relation to the water tower. �r Ms. Kulkami answered that the water tower is generally on the western side of the property, relatively far. I Chairman Cocking reiterated that the only reason this request is before the Commission is due to the driveway spacing distance and the width of the property Because the property is narrow and the distance requirement is 160', it requires the Commission to analyze the project. All other concerns brought up should be handled through Code Enforcement. Motion: Upon a motion by 2nd Vice -Chair Platt and a second by Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request to amend Planned Development PD No. 3 Light Industrial LI, and adopt a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations for Tract F-2, Allen Business Centre, generally located north of Prestige Circle and west of Greenville Avenue (and commonly known as 19 Prestige Circle), for Allen Business Centre — Tract F-2. The motion carried. Executive Session (As Needed) As authorized by Section 551 071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. June 7, 2016 Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m These mi rte ap ved this _day of S t) N < 2016. Chairman Madhuri Mohan (Kulkami), AICP, Planner De Director's Report from 5/24/2016 City Council Meeting • There were no items taken to the May 24, 2016 City Council Meeting. P June 7, 2016