HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 2000 - 01/17 - RegularBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Debbie Stout, President Carl Clemenctch, Vice -President Lee Howard Robin Sedlacek Jeff Gough Lonnie Thomas BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Claudia Kelley, Secretary STAFF PRESENT: Peter Vargas, City Manager Ann Maas, Liaison to CDC Board Katherine Poteet, Public Information Officer Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT: Rob Dillard, Legal Counsel for CDC 1. CALL TO ORDER President, Debbie Stout, called the meeting to order at 7 00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 20, 1999, REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Motion by Lee Howard to approve the minutes from December 20, 1999, as written. Robin Sedlacek seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. MINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 17, 2000 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Debbie Stout, President Carl Clemenctch, Vice -President Lee Howard Robin Sedlacek Jeff Gough Lonnie Thomas BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Claudia Kelley, Secretary STAFF PRESENT: Peter Vargas, City Manager Ann Maas, Liaison to CDC Board Katherine Poteet, Public Information Officer Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT: Rob Dillard, Legal Counsel for CDC 1. CALL TO ORDER President, Debbie Stout, called the meeting to order at 7 00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 20, 1999, REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Motion by Lee Howard to approve the minutes from December 20, 1999, as written. Robin Sedlacek seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JANUARY 17, 2000 3. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Ms. Cheryl Lawson, 1006 Timbercreek Drive, spoke to the Board as a representative for a group of Fountain Park residents who are displeased with some of the recent upgrades to Reed Park. Mr. Vargas advised the Parks Board held meetings with the area residents during the planning phase of the park and a plan was then formulated based on the input received at those meetings from some area residents. Since some area residents now object to the outcome, Mr Vargas recommended a meeting take place between the Parks Board and the residents in order to resolve the issues. Ms. Lawson advised that she would contact the Parks Board to arrange for a meeting in order to resolve these issues. In the event this is not successful, Ms. Lawson advised she would return to a future CDC meeting with a presentation requesting funding for additional changes at Reed Park. 4. REFRESHER REVIEW OF LEGAL DEFINITION FOR PROJECT ELIGIBILITY. Rob Dillard reviewed the criteria for project eligibility and gave an overview of a recent opinion issued by the Attorney General's Office. Mr. Dillard then reviewed a sample project contract and recommended the CDC use this for all future projects. After discussion the Board by consensus agreed to adopt counsel's recommendation. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: a. Concerning the Corporation's Intent to Authorize Up to $109,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Funding of Arts Alliance Projects. b. Concerning the Corporation's Intent to Authorize Up to $300,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Widen Allen Heights, Including Landscaping and Bike Lanes. President, Debbie Stout, opened the public hearing on both items and with no one wishing to speak to the issues, the public hearing was closed. 6. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO ITEMS ON SECOND READING: a. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $30,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Fund a Water Park Location and Feasibility Study. There being no discussion the Board made the following motion: PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JANUARY 17, 2000 MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve item on second reading. Jeff L Gough seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. b. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $40,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase Goods and Services for the 2000 Allen USA Celebration. After discussion the Board decided to approve this project with the understanding this would be the final year the CDC would fund this project. The Board then made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Lonnie Thomas to approve item on second reading, with the understanding this would be the final year the CDC would fund this project. Robin Sedlacek seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. c. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $209,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Fund Shadow Lakes Redevelopment. There being no discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Carl Clemencich to approve item on second reading. Jeff Gough seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. it. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $60,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Planning of Parks Trail System. There being no discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Lee Howard to approve item on second reading. Lonnie Thomas seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. 7. CONSIDER FINAL APPROVAL OF ITEMS ON THIRD READING: A Resolution Authorizing Up to $180,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Median Beautification, Including City Entry Features and Keep Allen Beautiful Wildflower Program. After discussion the Board decided to amend Exhibit "A" of the resolution to combine funds for median beautification and City entry features. There being no further discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Lonnie Thomas to approve item on third reading with an amendment to Exhibit "A" to combine funds for median beautification and City entry features. Robin Sedlacek seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JANUARY 17, 2000 8. CONSIDER SETTING A NEW DAY FOR THE REGULAR MEETING. After discussion on other dates the meeting room is available Chair, Debbie Stout, called for a motion. Due to a lack of a motion there was no change and the meeting will continue to be held on the third Monday of each month. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. a. Plan Public Input and New Work Program Process. Katherine Poteet reviewed for the Board the various methods by which the upcoming "Town Hall" meeting will be publicized. The Board then reviewed the schedule of events and after discussion decided to amend the schedule to allow for development of the work program on May 15. b. Revenue Report. There were no questions on the report. c. Current Project Status Report. The Board questioned the status of the Suncreek Neighborhood Park Development project. Staff advised this project is complete and funds were repaid to CDC from Park Bonds. After discussion the Board decided this item should be placed on the next agenda for repeal. it. Items of Interest to the Board. • Calendar : Next Regular Meeting February 21, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen Public Library Council Chambers located at Two Allen Civic Plaza. 10. ADJOURN. There being no further business the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to adjourn the meeting. Jeff Gough seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m 11 I I PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JANUARY 17, 2000 These minutes read and approved this 21"day of February, 2000. Debbie Stout, President Claudia Kelley, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 50 -CDC -00 �A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE CORPORATION'S SALES TAX REVENUE FOR A PROJECT COMPRISING MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION, INCLUDING CITY ENTRY FEATURES AND KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL WILDFLOWER PROGRAM; DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE ON THE PROJECT; AND SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, with a quorum of said Board in attendance, it was proposed that the Corporation provide funding for median beautification, including city entry features and Keep Allen Beautiful wildflower program ("the Project'); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that such a Project is required or suitable for the promotion of tourism and development and expansion of transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that such a Project therefore is a project authorized by Section 4B, Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to authorize the execution of the Contract by and between the Allen Community Development Corporation and the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, hereto attached a Exhibit "B" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Community Development Corporation shall authorize the City of Allen to use up to $180,000 in proceeds from the Corporation's sales tax revenue for median beautification, including city entry features and Keep Allen Beautiful wildflower program per Exhibit "A" SECTION 2. Public notice shall be given as required by law and a public hearing conducted on the 21" day of February, 2000, to receive comments for or against the project. PASSED on the first reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 20i° day of December, 1999 PASSED on the second reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 20Y' day of December, 1999 L1 PASSED on the third reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 17ih day of January, 2000. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2000. APPROVED: 49�GC k Debbie Stout, PRESIDENT ATTEST: Claudia Kelley, SECRETARY Resolution No. 50 -CDC -00 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" 5 Median Beautification and City Entry Features $120,000 Keep Allen Beautiful Wildflower Program $60,000 1 $150,000 Resolution No. 50 -CDC -00 Page 3