HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1999 - 04/19 - RegularL MINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORTATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19, 1999 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chair Robin Sedlacek Carl Clemencich, Vice -Chair Bob Morris Lonnie Thomas Jeff Gough BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Claudia Kelley, Secretary STAFF PRESENT: a Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Arm Maas, Administrative Secretary Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager George Conner, Director of Public Works Mike Stephens, Police Captain Ken Lindsey, Assistant Fire Chief Sid Hudson, IT Manager GUESTS PRESENT: Tommy Galbraith, ICS I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and introduced new board member, Jeff Gough. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 22, 1999, REGULAR MEETING 0 PAGE 2 ALLEN CDC MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 MOTION: Motion by Bob Morris to approve the minutes from March 22, 1999 Robin Sedlacek seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Concerning the Corporation's Intent to Use Up to $10,000 to Sponsor a Texas Amateur Federation Softball Tournament. B. Concerning the Corporation's Intent to Use Up to $280,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Allen Station Heritage Center. Chair, Debbie Stout opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak to these issues the public hearing was closed. V. Consider a Resolution to Repeal Authorization of Up to $250,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Residential Sidewalks. There being no discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Bob Morris to approve this resolution. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. VI. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO PROJECT ON SECOND READING: A. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $200,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Art at City Hall Plaza. Tim Dentler introduced Brad Goldberg, the Artist for the project. Mr Goldberg presented a slide show of projects he has worked on all over the world, as well as slides of his concept for the City Hall Plaza. This is a unique concept in that the landscape is the art project. The following is a list of some of the items included in this project: • A 12 to 15 -ft tall cone shaped water vessel. • A native stone wall and/or a walkway will act as a break between the plaza and McDermott. • Hand cut limestone rocks will be located throughout the landscaping within the plaza. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 Don Horton advised the total cost for the landscape and art project is $2.16 million, with the art project being half of the total cost. Don Horton then fielded questions on the other funding sources for this project and advised: • $500,000 from city hall bond funds. • Approximately $160,000 from funds donated by Ms. McDermott. • $200,000 from funds the CDC has already set aside. • Total of present available funding is $860,000. Mr. Horton then suggested the following options for the Board's consideration: 1. Approve or disapprove the resolution as written. 2. Table this until next month and wait on the revised estimate from Brad Goldberg and David Baldwin. 3 The Board could select the amount they wished to fund and move project on to third reading next month Staff recommends the Board table this item until next month at which time firmer numbers should be available. After further discussion, including a suggestion that the CDC should consider offering matching funds to help spur other donations, the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to table this item until next month. Jeff Gough seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. B. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $600,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Safety Mobile Data Computers. Michael Stanger advised this project now has an updated contract price of $603,000, and is ready to proceed on to second reading. Mike Stephens advised the contract includes 12 units for police vehicles and 8 units for fire vehicles. During discussion a question was asked about maintenance costs, and Mr. Stanger advised the hardware and software maintenance, which would cost approximately $7,000 per month, will be added to the city's budget next year After discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to amend the total to $603,000 and approve passing the resolution on to third reading. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. VII. TOWN HALL MEETING: Receive Proposals by Citizens Concerning Projects for 4-B Sales Tax Proceeds. I PAGE 4 ALLEN CDC MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 Phil Lakin, of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board made a presentation on a proposal to establish the following two projects: 1. Allen Wildflower Project would provide initial funding to establishing wildflower plantings within the City of Allen - amount requested is $40,000. 2. Allen Fall Color Project would provide initial funding for a citywide tree - planting project with a goal of having Allen known for fall foliage color - amount requested is $10,000. Stephen Lunsford, 1100 Brookview Drive, proposed an idea for a project to place good, highly visible "welcome" signage at city limits for all visitors to see as they enter our city He also suggested "thank you for visiting" signs at city exit points. Mr Lunsford requested this idea be passed along to the group or department that can make this happen. Jim Audley, 717 E. Ridge Street, the ASA Allen Girls Softball Commissioner proposed a project which would provide funding for the following equipment at Allen Station Park: Item Cost PAS stem $3,600 Glass Case to post Tournament Brackets $450 Ice Machine (including 2 r service agreement) $2,700 Plastic (multiple roll) toilet paper holders $400 8 new Electrical outlets $500 Hot Dog Machine/Bun Warmer $600 Popcorn Machine $400 Hot Pretzel Machine $650 Nachos Machine $500 Cotton Candy Machine $650 Hot Chocolate Machine $380 Bat Racks for Benches $400 Helmet Racks for Benches $800 Cash Register $150 Icy Machine $2,500 Field Chalker $275 Total $14,955 Chair, Debbie Stout called a short recess at 8:46 p.m. Chair then called the meeting to order again at 8:55 p in. PAGES ALLEN CDC MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 LVIII. RECEIVE PROPOSALS BY CITY STAFF CONCERNING PROJECTS FOR 4-B SALES TAX PROCEEDS AND REVISIONS TO FIVE-YEAR WORK PROGRAM. George Conner advised he did not have his list of proposals prioritized, nor did he wish to do that, he then proposed the following projects: Project Estimated Cost Date of Funding Road construction: 2 lanes on Ridgeview, from to Alma $1,500,000 2000-2003 -Stacy Sewer television inspection truck $90,000 2000 Global Datum Network $1,500,000 2000 Lower sanitary sewer line at Bethany & Watters Creek $85,000 2000 Traffic signal at McDermott and Century $110 1999-2000 Hed ecoxe street lights $350,000 2000 Chaparral street lights $350,000 2000 Mr. Conner then requested the Board also look at funding some of the projects L that staff placed on the screened -out list. Don Horton then introduced Jim Waldbaurer, of the Parks Board, who presented the following list of proposals: Project 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Historic Dam Renovation $200,000 Bethany Lakes Parking, Clubhouse Renovations $257,000 Entry Signage -Recreation Center $25,000 Park Signage $80,000 Parkland Acquisition $195,000 Security Cameras - Recreation Center $12,000 Shadow Lakes (Redevelopment) $190,000 Trails (Year 2000 Planning, Year 2001 Deve lo ment) $60,000 $540,000 Neighborhood Park Renovations $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 Ford Park Renovations $210,000 0 PAGE 6 ALLEN CDC MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 Golf Course $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Tree Farm $50,000 Median Beautification $50,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 New Senior Center Planning $50,000 Allen Station Park- Phase III $3,000,000 Recreation Center (West) Planning $60,000 IX. OTHER BUSINESS A. Revenue Report. Michael Stanger advised revenues are a little off this month, but overall are in line with the projections. B. Current Project Status Report. No discussion C. Items of Interest to the Board. L None. D. Calendar • Next regularly scheduled meeting will be May 17, 1999, at 7:OOpm 1n Allen Public Library Council Chambers, located at N2 Allen Civic Plaza. X. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Closed to the public as provided in the Texas Local Government Code, Section 551.072, property. Chair Debbie Stout called the meeting into executive session at 10:30 p.m. XI. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session. • Contract for Parkland Purchase Chair. Debbie Stout reconvened the meeting at 10:40 p.m. and by consensus the Board agreed to support the land purchase. The Board then made the following motion: PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to authorize execution of the contract. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. XII. ADJOURN. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 17' day of May, 1999 Deb ie Stout, Chairman Claudia Kelley, Secretary I