HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1999 - 05/17 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORTATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 17, 1999 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chair Carl Clemencich, Vice -Chair Claudia Kelley, Secretary Robin Sedlacek Bob Morris Lonnie Thomas Jeff Gough BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT None. STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Ann Maas, Administrative Secretary Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Hagood, Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Lindsey, Assistant Fire Chief Tom Keener, Development Coordinator GUESTS PRESENT: None. h CALL TO ORDER Chair, Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 19, 1999, REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve the minutes from April 19, 1999 Claudia Kelley seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES MAY 17, 1999 III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. IV. APPROVE CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT ON FIRST READING: A Proposal to Authorize Up to $350,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Neighborhood Park Development. Don Horton advised this actually has the effect of a loan, and the money will be repaid to the CDC once the Park Bonds are sold. This item will go before City Council for approval on Thursday, May 20. Discussion then took place about the availability of funds to support this, and Mr. Stanger advised that the funding is available from existing revenue, coupled with funds from other projects that will not move forward until later this year. Concern was raised about what would happen in the event the bond sale was delayed, and the CDC needed the funds. Lonnie Thomas advised he would make sure the Council motion would be worded in such a way as to ensure the CDC would be repaid in September regardless of the bond sale. i Mr. Horton advised it would take one month to design the park and three months to build it. After discussion the Board decided to table this until after Item VII on the agenda. MOTION: Motion by Carl Clemencich to table this item until after Item VII on the agenda. Bob Morris seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. V. TABLED ITEM: CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO PROJECT ON SECOND READING: • A Resolution Authorizing Up to $200,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Art at City Hall Plaza. No discussion: left tabled until next month. VI. CONSIDER FINAL AUTHORIZATION OF ITEM ON THIRD READING: • A Resolution Authorizing Up to $603,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Safety Mobile Data Computers. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES MAY I7, 1999 Discussion took place on the maintenance costs, which will not be covered by the CDC. After discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to approve project on third reading contingent on the City adopting the maintenance cost to the budget. Jeff Gough seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. VQ. RECEIVE PROPOSALS BY CITY STAFF CONCERNING PROJECTS FOR 4-B SALES TAX PROCEEDS. Kenneth Lindsey presented a proposal for $5,000 to purchase upgraded training material for the Fire Department. This project would allow the department to upgrade its current version of training material that each firefighter uses to obtain the continuing education hours necessary to maintain their state certification. Each of the 60 firefighters is are required to have 20 hours of re -certification training per month in order for the City to maintain its ISO 1 rating. This material also allows the flexibility for the firefighters to take the training at their convenience in their down time. Michael Hagood presented a proposal for $88,000 to purchase four EKG Monitor/Defibrillators for the Fire Department. These monitor/defibrillators will update and enhance the ability of the paramedics to determine, with the assistance of "on line medical control," the condition the patient's heart is in. This technology also helps provide information to expedite hospital procedure. Michael Hagood and Kenneth Lindsey then made a presentation for a proposal to provide $110,000 to purchase an EMS Reporting System. This system is Windows based and is Y2K compliant and will replace the old reporting system, which is a dual platform system and has been in use since 1992. It will interface with the PC based computers at all the fire stations. The benefits of the software are accelerated billing, increased accuracy, will provide current information, which would aid in running accurate reports and would provide quality assurance information for quality improvement training with the departments paramedics. Kenneth Lindsey then made a presentation on behalf of the Police Department for $75,000 to purchase a narcotic surveillance vehicle. This is a specialized, customized vehicle to be used for narcotic surveillance and investigations. The vehicle is equipped with multiple video and audio sources, ceiling mounted periscopes, remote-controlled wireless cameras and other essential equipment. Claudia Kelley inquired about the possibility of grant money being available for this type of project. Asst. Chief Lindsey advised he was not aware of any grant funds available, but Police Captain Stephens, who was unable to attend this PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES MAY 17, 1999 meeting because of a conflicting meeting at Allen High School, may have more information on this. Tom Keener then outlined a proposal to rejuvenate the facade of the downtown Main Street buildings with an estimated cost of $75,000. The purpose is to restore the facade of the Main Street buildings to its original prairie style condition, natural brick or stone. Typical activities might include brick restoration, paint removal, awning removal and the like. An architect or contractor with a historic preservation record would evaluate the existing conditions, ascertain early photographs, research original designs and styles, and oversee restoration. This would be a City of Allen project and the thinking is the city would provide the initial funding for the architect or contractor to evaluate and estimate, then the other costs would be split, with the city paying 90% and the business owners paying 10%. Mr. Keener advised he has had some minor contact with the business owners in the area and there does seem to be support for such a project. This concluded the staff presentations. • Draft Five -Year Work Program. The Board then discussed ways to proceed with the ranking of projects and after much discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to appoint a subcommittee to establish and set criteria to be used in ranking all the projects. Robin Sedlacek seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. Chair, Debbie Stout then called for volunteers from the Board, and the following three volunteers were appointed to the subcommittee by Ms. Stout: Lonnie Thomas, Carl Clemencich and Claudia Kelley Ms. Stout then directed the subcommittee to meet and set the ranking criteria to enable the Board to make a decision on the projects at the next board meeting TABLED ITEM IV: Ms. Stout then called for a motion on tabled item IV and the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to remove item IV from the table. Claudia Kelley seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES MAY 17, 1999 After further discussion on the cash flow Mr. Stanger advised he would work on a time line flow chart of expenditures. The Board then made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve this item on first reading and place on the next agenda for second and third reading. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS A. Revenue Report. Michael Stanger presented the revenue report and there were no questions. B. Quarterly Financial Report. No questions on the report. C. Current Project Status Report. Question arose about the pace of spending of the Library funds. It was the Board's understanding that the funds would be spent to bring the Library up to the State standards this year, and the Board would like to know why the funds are not being used expeditiously. Michael Stanger advised he would talk with Barbara Buehler about this and report back at the next meeting. Kenneth Lindsey advised the Board there was an over billing on the thermal image cameras, and with correction the Board will get about $2,000 back on this project. Don Horton advised the remaining funds from Allen Station Park Phase I are being used for entry signs to parks, maintenance building and other Phase H projects. Mr. Horton suggested the funds could be moved over to Phase B and this would allow closure of the Phase I project. Michael Hagood advised the heavy rescue vehicle will be delivered on October 1. • Update the Electronic Bulletin Board. Michael Stanger advised that a staff committee was set in place to set policy and recommend design and location. In the process it came to light that time and distance are necessary in order to read the message on an electronic message board, and a suitable site could not be found. There was a suggestion from staff to place this sign in the new City Hall, and to change it to an PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES MAY 17, 1999 information board, however prior to this being proposed, staff will talk with Susie McCloud, and get her thoughts, since she is the original proponent of the project. Board members put forth the following suggestions: 1. To repeal the funding since a suitable site could not be found. 2. To place the sign at the new Heritage Center as an information board. After discussion the Board decided to place this item on the next agenda for a decision on the project. D. Items of Interest to the Board. Chair, Debbie Stout brought to the Boards attention a letter that was included in the agenda packet from the Allen Heritage Guild that outlines their procedure for any projects, which they propose. E. Calendar • Next regularly scheduled meeting will be June 21, 1999, at 7:OOpm in Allen Public Library Council Chambers, located at #2 Allen Civic Plaza. • A reminder about the upcoming Bond Election. 10 IX. ADJOURN. There being no further business the meeting Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to adjourn the meeting. Robin Sedlacek seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. These minutes read and approved this 21" day of June, 1999. i eo Debbie Stout, Chairman Claudia Kelley, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 38 -CDC -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, TO REPEAL RESOLUTION 12 -CDC -97 WHICH AUTHORIZED THE USE OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE CORPORATION'S SALES TAX REVENUE FOR A PROJECT COMPRISING THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD; AND CANCEL THE PROJECT. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, with a quorum of said Board in attendance, it was proposed that the Corporation repeal a resolution which provides funds for design and constructing of an electronic message board ("the Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors finds in its discretion that such a repeal is necessary due to the lack of an appropriate central location within the city; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Community Development Corporation hereby repeals Resolution 12 -CDC -97, which authorized the use of proceeds from the Corporation's sales tax revenue to design and construct an electronic message board, and cancels the project. SECTION 2. The sum of $71,500 appropriated for the project is ordered transferred to the CDC Reserve. SECTION 3. The Board finds that notice and a public hearing are not necessary for cancellation of the project. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 21ST DAY OF JUNE, 1999. APPROVED: C1 De ie Stout, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: acw�� Claudia Kelley, SECRETARY