HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1999 - 06/21 - RegularBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chair Carl Clemencich, Vice -Chair Claudia Kelley, Secretary Robin Sedlacek Jeff Gough BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Bob Morris Lonnie Thomas STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Ann Maas, Administrative Secretary George Conner, Director Public Works Tim Dentler, Parks Services Manager Robert Flores, Police Department Public Information Officer Michael Hagood, Assistant Fire Chief Craig Gillis, Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Lindsey, Assistant Fire Chief Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Katherine Poteet, Public Information Officer GUESTS PRESENT: None. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 17, 1999, REGULAR MEETING MINUTES L ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JUNE 21, 1999 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chair Carl Clemencich, Vice -Chair Claudia Kelley, Secretary Robin Sedlacek Jeff Gough BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Bob Morris Lonnie Thomas STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Ann Maas, Administrative Secretary George Conner, Director Public Works Tim Dentler, Parks Services Manager Robert Flores, Police Department Public Information Officer Michael Hagood, Assistant Fire Chief Craig Gillis, Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Lindsey, Assistant Fire Chief Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Katherine Poteet, Public Information Officer GUESTS PRESENT: None. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 17, 1999, REGULAR MEETING PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JUNE 21, 1999 MOTION: Motion by Jeff Gough to approve the minutes as written from the May 17, 1999 meeting. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. IV. MEDIA TRAINING FOR CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS — KATHERINE POTEET. Katherine Poteet handed out copies of "Guidelines for Good Media Relations" and "Media Relations Policy" and advised this policy was enacted earlier this year by the City Council. Ms. Poteet gave an overview of the policy and procedures then provided tips on how to respond to the media. There being no questions Ms. Poteet then left the meeting. V. PUBLIC HEARING: Concerning The Corporation's Intent to Use Up to $603,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Safety Mobile Data Computers. Chair, Debbie Stout opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak to the issue the public hearing was closed. VI. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO PROJECTS ON SECOND READING: A. TABLED ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing Up to $200,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Art at City Hall Plaza. No discussion: left tabled until next month. B. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $350,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Neighborhood Park Development. After discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to approve the resolution on second reading. Robin Sedlacek seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. VH. CONSIDER FINAL AUTHORIZATION OF ITEM ON THIRD READING: A Resolution Authorizing Up to $350,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for L Neighborhood Park Development. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JUNE 21, 1999 There being no further discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to authorize project on third reading. Jeff Gough seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. VIII. CONSIDER REPEALING OR AMENDING RESOLUTION 12 -CDC -97 AUTHORIZING UP TO $71,500 OF SALES TAX REVENUE TO PURCHASE AN ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD. Michael Stanger reviewed the staff committee findings that height and distance are necessary in order to read an electronic message board and a suitable site could not be found. The Board then discussed the growth and changes that have taken place in the city since this project was approved and decided to repeal the project with the understanding that they would he open to a revised message board proposal at a future date. The Board then made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to repeal this project. Jeff Gough seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. IX. DRAFT FIVE-YEAR WORK PROGRAM. �• Report by the Subcommittee Regarding Project Selection Process. Michael Stanger gave a report on the subcommittee meeting held on June 19, and reviewed the following criteria for project selection: 1. The definition of eligible projects as defined by the 4-B Statute. 2. Allen Community Development Corporation Mission Statement: • Enhancing quality of life. • Adding incremental value to community. (Improvements not typically performed by municipalities.) 3. Board priorities: • Cover all service areas • Appeal to or used by as many citizens as possible • Add value, without regard for fame • Real improvements and property, not O&M Mr. Stanger advised it was the recommendation of the subcommittee to narrow down the number of projects by the using the following procedures: 1. Hold open discussion on projects. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JUNE 21, 1999 2. Use project list as a ballot with the Board ranking each project from 10 to 1. 10 being the most favorable. 3. The ballots will then be tallied and the projects ranked accordingly The Board by consensus adopted the subcommittee's recommendations and proceeded with questions and discussion and on the projects: Project: Allen Station Girls Softball Facilities Upgrade - after discussion the Board decided this project did not meet the criteria as these items would belong to and be used by a small select group. Project: Park Renovation - Tim Dentler advised this project is for renovation of older parks. Dedication fees were not in place at the time these parks were built, but fees are in place now for any new parks. In response to questioning Mr. Dentler advised Hillside Park is not included in this project. Project: Hedgecoxe and Chaparral Streetlights - During discussion on this project George Conner advised the City of Plano has proposed taking over jurisdiction of Custer and the City of Allen would take over responsibility for Chaparral and Hedgecoxe. Mr. Colmer also requested the Board take another look at some of the projects that staff had already screened out, and during discussion Mr. Conner advised he would rank the SCADA system highest priority on this list. He then provided the following information: The City now requires developers to provide pipeline information on all new development, but the City hires out any work they need to do at a cost of $150 per hour. It would take 6 months from the time of order to receive this equipment at a cost of $40,000. Chair, Debbie Stout called for a short recess at 8:10 p.m. Chair then called meeting to order again at 8:14 p.m. Project: Narcotic Surveillance Vehicle - Robert Flores responded to questions on this project. The Board questioned whether grant funds are available for this project and Captain Flores advised he was not sure. The Board then recommended this be pursued further, as they prefer to do matching funds on projects where possible. During discussion Michael Stanger advised he would discuss with staff the need for a 10% contingency and would also review the process of project approval and the necessity to present each project for three readings and public hearing �� prior to beginning the project. A PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JUNE 21, 1999 After review the Board then spent time evaluating and ranking the projects with the following results: (Lonnie Thomas submitted votes to staff prior to the meeting.) CDC PROJECT RANKING - 6/21/99 RANKING POINTS SCORED PROJECT 1 46 Median Beautification, (Incl. Wildflowers & Fall Color Pro rams) 2 37 Widen Allen Heights, Incl. Landscaping And Bike Lanes 3 33 Trails 4 30 Shadow Lakes Redevelopment 5 20 Historic Dam Preservation 6 17 Ems Reporting System 7 17 Sewer Inspection Truck 8 16 Clubhouse Renovations, Parkin 9 15 Fire Training Material 10 15 Tree Farm 11 14 Narcotics Surveillance Vehicle 12 12 Si nae - Rec. Center, Other Parks And Entry To City. 13 10 Scada System 14 9 Ekg Monitor/Defibrillators 15 9 Traffic Signal At @ Mcdermott/Century 16 8 Lower Sanitary Sewer p Bethany/Watters Creek 17 7 Parkland Acquisition 18 7 Rec. Center Security Cameras 19 4 Fire Cad Plan Review System 20 3 Hed ecoxe Street Lights 21 1 Neighborhood Park Renovations 22 0 Main Street Restoration 23 0 Chaparral Street Lights 24 0 GPS Datum Network 25 0 Softball Complex Upgrades X. OTHER BUSINESS A. Revenue Report. Michael Stanger presented the revenue report and advised the sales tax revenues are not as good as projected. `I 0 PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JUNE 21, 1999 B. Current Project Status Report. Michael Stanger advised he was unable to talk with Barbara Buehler about the library projects, as she had a death in the family, but an update would be provided at a later date. Michael Hagood advised the heavy rescue vehicle delivery date has been moved up to October 1. C. Items of Interest to the Board. • Next Month's Agenda — FY99-00 Budget. Michael Stanger advised he would provide a draft budget at the next meeting and would review how the new law will impact on this. D. Calendar • Next regularly scheduled meeting will be July 19, 1999, at 7:00pm in Allen Public Library Council Chambers, located at #2 Allen Civic Plaza. XI. ADJOURN. There being no further business the meeting Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to adjourn the meeting. Robin Sedlacek seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. These minutes read and approved this 19' day of July, 1999 11 Debbie Stout, Chairman y Claudia Kelley, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 37 -CDC -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN t COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE CORPORATION'S SALES TAX REVENUE FOR A PROJECT COMPRISING OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUNCREEK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK; DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE ON THE PROJECT; AND SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, with a quorum of said Board in attendance, it was proposed that the Corporation provide funding for the development of Suncreek Neighborhood Park ("the Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board finds that such a Project is suitable for use by tourist and public park purposes, and therefore is a project authorized by Section 4B, Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Community Development Corporation shall use up to $350,000 in proceeds from the Corporation's sales tax revenue for the development of Suncreek Neighborhood Park. SECTION 2. The Board hereby advises the City Council the Board intends for the City to repay the Corporation with funds from the sale of City park bonds scheduled for September of 1999 SECTION 3. Public notice shall be given as required by law and a public hearing conducted on the 10 day of July, 1999, to receive comments for or against the project. PASSED on the first reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 17" day of May, 1999. PASSED on the second reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 21" day of June, 1999 PASSED on the third reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 21' day of June, 1999 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 21ST DAY OF JUNE, 1999. L APPROVED: A 9Z4�LA�' Debbie Stout, CHAIRPERSON— ATTEST: �4 CL�- I, Claudia Kelley, SECRETARY Resolution No. 37 -CDC -99 Page 2