HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1999 - 07/19 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JULY 19, 1999 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Debbie Stout, Chair Carl Clemencich, Vice -Chair (arrived late) Claudia Kelley, Secretary Robin Sedlacek (arrived late) Jeff Gough Bob Morris Lonnie Thomas BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Ann Maas, Administrative Secretary George Conner, Director Public Works Mike Stephens, Police Captain Michael Hagood, Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Lindsey, Assistant Fire Chief Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Sally Leeper, Program Coordinator Larry Kirk, Athletic Superintendent Barbara Buehler, Library Director David Pitstick, Allen Economic Development Director Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT: None. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 6.00 p.m PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JULY 19, 1999 II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 21, 1999, REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to approve the minutes from June 21, 1999 Lonnie Thomas seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Larry Kirk reported that 22 teams participated in the Texas Amateur Association Fastpitch Softball Tournament and it was a great success. Susie McCloud appeared before the Board to clarify that the recently repealed electronic message board project was originally proposed by Kevin Lilly, Joe Bilbo, Sandy McGowan and herself and was not a Leadership Allen Project. Ms. McCloud also advised that she was disappointed that she was not told this project was going to be repealed. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: CONCERNING THE CORPORATION'S INTENT TO USE UP TO $350,000 OF SALES TAX REVENUE FOR SUNCREEK LNEIGHBORHOOD PARK DEVELOPMENT, Chair, Debbie Stout, opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak to the issue, the public hearing was closed. V. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CORPORATION'S FIVE- YEAR WORK PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD 1999-2003. Staff Presentation: A Proposal to Fund Up to $15,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Thoroughfare Promotional Banners. Bill Petry made a slide show presentation on a proposal to fund lightpole banner holders on thoroughfares Ile advised that many local businesses and organizations use banners at intersections to advertise upcoming events. These banners are not in compliance with the City's Sign Ordinance and the City has received many complaints and requests to enforce the ordinance. In response the City notified all organizations that the banners will no longer be allowed. This project is offered as a means for the City and other organizations to advertise upcoming events in a less intrusive manner. During discussion the Board raised many questions such as: 1 Who will be allowed to use the banner holders? moi' 2. Who will put up and take down the banners? PAGE 3 ALLEN CDC MINUTES JULY 19, 1999 r3 Who will determine who gets to use them and for how long? liV.. 4 Will there be a fee to put up and take down and if so, how much? 5 Who owns the lightpoles? Board members voiced concerns that some churches and organizations in town may not be able to afford the additional costs for these types of banners and therefore would be cost prohibitive to them. Mr. Petty advised that he did not have answers to all the questions; all he wanted to do was present the idea for the project at this time. Then a committee could be formed to establish the rules and fees. After discussion the Board concluded this project may have been brought forth prematurely and recommended further research and information be provided if the Board were to consider approving such a project. Chair, Debbie Stout, then called for a motion on this proposal and due to a lack of a motion, this project was not selected to be included in the Five -Year Work Program. Michael Stanger then reviewed the updated draft of the Five -Year Work Program, which incorporated the Board's ranking and voting on the new projects from last month's meeting. Mr. Stanger advised the timing was moved around on some of the projects to try and accommodate as many of the Board's selected projects as possible, and the $140,000 contingency for period 1998-1999 was removed After much discussion the Board decided to vote only on the upcoming year of the Work Program, and the following motion was made: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve year 1999-2000 of the work program as drafted, excluding the thoroughfare lightpole banners project. Claudia Kelley seconded and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. After further discussion Board members asked staff to add $60,000 to year 2002- 2003 of the Work Program for the Allen USA Celebration, and then made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Lonnie Thomas to postpone discussion on the remainder of the Work Program until next month's meeting Jeff Gough seconded and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. VI. CONSIDER INTRODUCTION OF ITEM ON FIRST READING: • A Proposal to Authorize Up to $195,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase Additional Parkland for Allen Station Park. There being no discussion the Board made the following motion: PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES IDLY 19, 1999 MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve project on fust, second and L third reading. Claudia Kelley seconded and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against VII. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO PROJECTS ON SECOND READING: A. TABLED ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing Up to $200,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Public Art at City Hall Plaza. No discussion: left tabled until a complete proposal is ready some time in the future. B. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $195,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase Additional Parkland for Allen Station Park. Approved by motion on item VI VIII. CONSIDER FINAL AUTHORIZATION OF ITEM ON THIRD READING: A Proposal to Authorize Up to $195,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase Additional Parkland for Allen Station Park. j Authorized by motion on item VI. �j IX. OTHER BUSINESS A. Present a Draft Budget. Michael Stanger advised he would present this at the next meeting B. Consider Setting a Date to Meet in Special Called Workshop with the Allen Arts Alliance Board. Don Horton advised the Arts Alliance would like to have a joint meeting with this Board in order to clarify questions they have on the spending of CDC funds and to receive direction about how to proceed with future funding requests. After discussion the Board requested Mr. Horton submit a written request outlining the details on the items the AAA wants to discuss. The Board further decided it would be best to wait until after board appointments are completed in September to set up the meeting. C. Revenue Report. Michael Stanger presented the revenue report and there were no questions. PAGES ALLEN CDC MINUTES JULY 19, 1999 D. Current Project Status Report. Barbara Buehler gave an update on the Library projects and advised the funds allocated should be spent by the end of 1999 There were no questions from the Board. E. Items of Interest to the Board. • Hotel Occupancy Tax Grants. Michael Stanger advised this item was just an FYI for the Board. After reviewing the information a question arose about the administration fee and David Pitstick advised he thought that was a fee which the City keeps for administering the funds. Michael Stanger advised he would check into it as he was not aware of that. • Chelsea Project Update. David Pitstick advised that the Chelsea Group has reconsidered and amended this project from 650,000 square feet to 450,000 square feet. The Allen Economic Development Board now considers this to be a new deal and has requested everything be placed in writing and submitted for reconsideration. The AEDC Board has scheduled a meeting with Chelsea for next week to review the new proposal. Mr Pitstick also stated that the project funding would still be based on the use of sales tax generated by the Mall. Mr. Pitstick attended a Texas Industrial Development Commission Board meeting last week on sales tax lobbying and stated one of the big issues in the last legislative session was one that wanted to disallow 4A and 4B Corporations from not paying taxes on property There is also consideration being given to sunset all 4A and 4B Corporations at some point, and there could be a major rewrite to this law over the next two years. F. Calendar • Next regularly scheduled meeting will be August 16, 1999, at 7:00 pm in Allen Public Library Council Chambers located at U2 Allen Civic Plaza. X. ADJOURN. IThere being no further business the Board made the following motion: J I PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES JULY 19, 1999 MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to adjourn the meeting at 7.45 pm. Lonnie Thomas seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. These minutes read and approved this W day of August, 1999 u Debbie St ut, Chairman n Claudia Kelley, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 40 -CDC -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE CORPORATION'S SALES TAX REVENUE FOR A PROJECT COMPRISING THE PURCHASE OF PARKLAND AT ALLEN STATION PARK; DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE ON THE PROJECT; AND SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, with a quorum of said Board in attendance, it was proposed that the Corporation provide funding for additional parkland at Allen Station Park ("the Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board finds that such a Project is suitable for use by tourist and public park purposes, and therefore is a project authorized by Section 4B, Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: 7 SECTION 1. The Allen Community Development Corporation shall authorize the City of Allen to use up to $195,000 in proceeds from the Corporation's sales tax revenue to acquire additional parkland for Allen Station Park. SECTION 2. Public notice shall be given as required by law and a public hearing conducted on the IB° day of August, 1999, to receive comments for or against the project. PASSED on the fust reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 19" day of July, 1999 PASSED on the second reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 19" day of July, 1999 PASSED on the third reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 19' day of July, 1999 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 19TH DAY OF JULY, 1999. APPROVED: l Debbie Stout, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: C}A. Claudia Kelley, SECRETA Resolution No. 40 -CDC -99 Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 41 -CDC -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE 1998-1999 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1999, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30,1000; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: SECTION 1. Subject to the applicable provisions of the state law, the Allen Community Development Corporation 1999 - 2000 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1999, and terminating September 30, 2000, and amendments to the appropriations for the 1997-98 fiscal year budget as filed and submitted by City of Allen staff, and adjusted by the Board of Directors. containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2. This resolution shall be in effect from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, TEXAS, ON THE 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1999. APPROVED: Deb 'e Stout, CHA RPERSON ATTEST: �ry Claudia Kelley, SECRETARY EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION 1999-2000 FISCAL YEAR REVENUES 1997-98 ACTUAL 1998-99 BUDGET 1998-99 AMENDED 1999-2000 BUDGET Ooeratinq Revenues Sales Tax 1,498,808 1,759,660 1,798,681 2,108,417 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30/00 SUBTOTAL $ 1,498,808 $ 1,759,660 $ 1,798,681 $ 2,106,417 Non Op re ating Revnues Interest On Investments 70,515 66,600 97,674 98,590 Miscellaneous 17,117 - - - Operating Transfer In 167,692 - - - Drawdown of Reserve - - 1,022,090 1,575,479 SUBTOTAL $ 255,324 $ 66,600 $ 1,119,764 $ 1,674,069 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,754,132 $ 1,826,260 $ 2,918,445 $ 3,782,486 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1999-2000 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Capital Outlay Community Development Corp 704,159 1,029,300 2,918,445 3,782,486 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 704,159 $ 1,029,300 $ 2,918,445 $ 3,782,486 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 704,159 $ 1,029,300 $ 2,918,445 $ 3,782,486 City of Allen Page 136 Proposed FY 2000 Budget FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 10/1/99 3,308,171 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 2,207,007 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (3,782,486) [ PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30/00 $ 1,732,692 City of Allen Page 136 Proposed FY 2000 Budget In FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,918,018 $ 2,918,445 ACCOUNT 504-0000-490 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1997-98 ACTUAL 1998-99 BUDGET 1998-99 AMENDED 1999-2000 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1997-98 ACTUAL 1998-99 BUDGET 1998-99 AMENDED 1999-2000 BUDGET CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services - - - - Operations 44,434 36,300 554,272 493,346 Professional Services 303 6,000 5,560 5,500 Debt Payment 436,427 437,000 440,595 868,000 Capital 222,995 DEPARTMENTTOTAL $ 704,159 550,000 $ 1,029,300 1,918,018 $ 2,918,445 2,415,640 $ 3,782,486 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1997-98 ACTUAL 1998-99 BUDGET 1998-99 AMENDED 1999-2000 BUDGET TOTAL FULL TIME TIME TOTAL PART-TIME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 0 NDITURE DETAIL 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1999-2000 IATING EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED MIDGET 8 Subscriptions - - - 5,500 ge 8 Freight - 50 50 50 ig 8 Reproduction - 50 50 50 using 154 200 200 200 V Books - - 64,278 3,509 uter Costs - - 263,118 121,000 Ilaneous Oper Exp 280 - 10,576 7,037 Grants - - 180,000 40,000 Discretionary Proj - - - 280,000 ting Transfer Out 44,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 SUBTOTAL S 44.434 E 36.300 S 554.272 E 493.346 Fees Attorney Fees SUBTOTAL Debt Retirement -Principal 125,000 Debt Retirement -Interest 311,427 SUBTOTAL $ 436,427 City of Allen Page 139 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 560 500 6,000 $ 5,560 S 5,500 125,000 160,000 225,000 Proposed FY 2000 Budget L FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT 504-0000490 EXPENDITURE DETAIL - cont. 1997-98 ACTUAL 1998-99 BUDGET 1998-99 AMENDED 1999-2000 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY Land - - 195,000 - Design & Engineering - - 839 - Vehicles - 550,000 178,360 544,140 Street Improvements 194,181 - 337,872 645,000 Park Improvements - - 493,317 1,226,500 Equipment - - 694,531 - Offce Equip & Furniture 28,814 - 18,099 - SUBTOTAL $ 222,995 $ 550,000 $ 1,918,018 $ 2,415,640 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 704,159 $ 1,029,300 $ 2,918,445 $ 3,782,486 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES LIST QUANTITY 1999-2000 BUDGET VEHICLES Narcotics Surveillance Vehicle 1 82,500 Heavy Rescue Vehicle 1 371,640 Sewer TV Inspection Truck 1 90,000 SUBTOTAL 3 544,140 Allen Heights, Including Landscaping & Bike Lanes I Beautification, Including City Entry Features SUBTOTAL is Dam Preservation ;ide Clubhouse Renovations and Parking Dw Lakes Redevelopment Heritage Center Plaza Art SUBTOTAL �fI'SL1iH_19U_1� City of Allen Page 140 165,000 300,000 220,000 257,500 209,000 60,000 280,000 Proposed FY 2000 Budget