HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1999 - 11/15 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1999 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, President Carl Clemencich, Vice -President Jeff Gough Robin Sedlacek (arrived late) Lee Howard Lonnie Thomas BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Claudia Kelley, Secretary STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager ■'I; Ann Maas, Administrative Secretary �i Robert Flores, Public Information Officer Ken Lindsey, Assistant Fire Chief Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation George Conner, Director of Public Works Jimmy Knipp, Public Works Superintendent GUESTS PRESENT: Dwayne Brinkley, Brinkley Sargent Architects I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Debbie Stout, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 18, 1999, REGULAR MEETING [�� MOTION: Motion by Jeff Gough to approve the minutes from October 18, 1999, with Can amendment to item VD B adding: George Conner indicated it was PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1999 currently more cost effective to outsource this work. Carl Clemencich seconded. The motion carried 5 for, and 0 against. III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. IV. ANNUAL READING OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Secretary Claudia Kelley was absent. Therefore, Jeff Gough read the Articles of Incorporation as required in the Corporation's by-laws. V. RECEIVE A PRESENTATION RELATING TO A WATER PARK PROJECT. Don Horton introduced Dwayne Brinkley of Brinkley Sargent Architects. This is the firm that designed the Natatorium. Mr. Brinkley gave a video and slide presentation on various Water Park designs and features. One of the parks featured in the slide presentation is the NRH2O park. This facility was built in 1995 at a cost of $7 M and funding was by 4B sales tax revenue. The Park generated enough revenue to be completely self-supporting right from the first year of operation. Mr Brinkley advised if the City of Allen were to consider building such a facility it would cost approximately $11 M and, in addition, would require an area of at least 20 acres. There was discussion on the need for a location study at an estimated cost of $30,000 After much discussion the Board requested Mr Horton proceed with a project plan, including a location study and a timeline. VI. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO ITEMS ON SECOND READING: A. A Proposal to Authorize Up to $300,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Widen Allen Heights, Including Landscaping and Bike Lanes. There was discussion about the decision to include the bike lanes in this phase, when there are no bike lanes on the north section of Allen Heights. Staff advised this was included in order to facilitate future development of a bike trail as a part of the City's multi -mobility plan It is more cost effective to go ahead and include this in the project now rather than go back and add it later. After discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Lonnie Thomas to pass item on to third reading. Robin Sedlacek seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1999 B. A Proposal to Authorize Up to $150,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Fund Allen Arts Alliance Projects. • Discuss accountability for grant projects. Michael Stanger gave a report on a meeting, which took place recently between he, Don Horton and the City Manager regarding procedures to manage accountability for funds granted to outside entities. Mr Stanger then reviewed the recommended guidelines as outlined in his memo dated November 12, 1999 (See copy attached) After discussion the Board agreed to adopt the guidelines outlined in the memo. The Board then made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to amend the Resolution in accordance with the new guidelines and pass item on to third reading. Lonnie Thomas seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. VII. CONSIDER FINAL APPROVAL OF ITEMS ON THIRD READING: 1W A. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $150,000 of Sales Tax Revenue for Funding of Arts Alliance Projects. There being no discussion, the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to table this item until next month, pending an amendment to the Resolution to comply with the new guidelines. Jeff Gough seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. B. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $121,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase an Emergency Medical Reporting System. There being no further discussion on this item the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Carl Clemencich to approve project on third reading. Robin Sedlacek seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. C. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $90,000 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase a Sewer Inspection Truck. After discussion the Board made the following motion: PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1999 MOTION: Motion by Lonnie Thomas to approve this project on third reading. Carl Clemencich seconded The motion carried 5 for, and 1 against, with Jeff Gough casting the dissenting vote. D. A Resolution Authorizing Up to $82,500 of Sales Tax Revenue to Purchase a Narcotics Surveillance Vehicle for the Allen Police Department. There being no further discussion on this project the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Carl Clemencich to approve this project on third reading. Jeff Gough seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS A. Discussion Concerning Management of Funds and Expenditures for Projects on Behalf of the City of Allen. Michael Stanger advised that the City recently changed banks and, as part of this II process, the Finance Department is requesting changes in some of the CDC procedures in order to allow them to maximize the return on investments They are planning to pool the various funds to be invested, but the accounting will still remain separate and the revenue report will continue to be provided on a monthly basis. There also was a recommendation to change the CDC check signing process to be more to line with the procedures used by the EDC. This would mean Debbie Stout would no longer have to come sign each check issued for the CDC. After discussion the Board agreed to adopt the Finance Department's recommendations. B. Revenue Report. Michael Stanger advised tax revenues were up this month and, consequently, the CDC budget ended up on target. C. Current Project Status Report. Michael Stanger routed a letter from Don Horton on the median beautification project. The City Council recently asked for assurances that the east side of town would receive comparable enhancements to the west side. After further discussion it was decided this project would be placed on next month's agenda for first and second reading. George Conner advised he has escrow funds to spend on Main Street median beautification and half of the funds have been earmarked for streetlights. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 15. 1999 Don Horton gave an update on the following projects: • Heritage Center - Joe King has volunteered his services as architect for this project. The site plan has been approved. The project is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2000. • Allen Station Park - the design for the next phase is about 80% complete. The hike and bike path down by Cedar is included in this phase, but there is a need for a bridge in that area and there are no funds included for that. D. Items of Interest to the Board. 1. Briefing: Interest earned and paid, 1997 Bonds. There was concern about the interest earned and the interest paid on the Natatorium Bonds. The Board agreed that the bonds were approved and sold prematurely on this project and they will be more careful not to do this on future bond sales. 2. Calendar: i Next regularly scheduled meeting will be December 20, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in Allen Public Library Council Chambers located at Two Allen Civic Plaza A reminder to all members to call if they are unable to attend the December meeting, as last year we did not have a quorum in December Lonnie Thomas advised he will be unable to attend the next meeting. i Boards and Commissions Appreciation Dinner December 1, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. at Eldorado Country Club. Debbie Stout advised that she received a requested from Claudia Kelley to discuss the possibility of changing the meeting to a different night, as she has a conflict with Monday nights. The Board decided to postpone a decision on this until next month, in order to secure input from Mr. Vargas, as he will now be attending the meetings. Don Horton advised that Sandy McGowan has announced her retirement from the City effective the last day of December IX. ADJOURN. There being no further business the Board made the following motion: ■ MOTION: Motion by Lonnie Thomas to adjourn the meeting at 915 p.m. Carl iii��� Clemencich seconded. The motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. I PAGE 6 ALLEN CDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1999 These minutes read and approved this 20" day of December, 1999 Debbie Stout, President Claudia Kelley, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 49 -CDC -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE CORPORATION'S SALES TAX REVENUE FOR A PROJECT COMPRISING CONSTRUCTION TO WIDEN ALLEN HEIGHTS, INCLUDING LANDSCAPING AND BIKE LANES; DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE ON THE PROJECT; AND SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, with a quorum of said Board in attendance, it was proposed that the Corporation provide funds to widen Allen Heights, including landscaping and bike lanes ("the Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors finds in its discretion that such a Project is suitable for development and expansion of transportation facilities, and advances the safety of pedestrian traffic; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that such a Project therefore is a project authorized by Section 4B, Article 5190.6. Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Community Development Corporation shall use proceeds from the Corporation's sales tax revenue to fund construction to widen Allen Heights, including landscaping and bike lanes. SECTION 2. The sum of $300,000 shall be appropriated for the estimated costs of such construction and landscaping. SECTION 3. Public notice shall be given as required by law and a public hearing conducted on the 17" day of January, 2000, to receive comments for or against the project. PASSED on the first reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 18" day of October, 1999 PASSED on the second reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 15" day of November, 1999 PASSED on the third reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 20"' day of December, 1999 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN ■ii COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 20TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1999. APPROVED: Debbie Stout, PRESIDENT ATTEST: Claudia Kelley, SECRETARY �Resolution No. 49 -CDC -99 Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 44 -CDC -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE CORPORATION'S SALES TAX REVENUE FOR A PROJECT TO FUND ARTS ACTIVITIES; DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE ON THE PROJECT; AND SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, with a quorum of said Board in attendance, it was proposed that the Corporation provide funding for arts activities ("the Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board did receive and consider recommendations of the Allen Arts Alliance Board; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that such Project is suitable for tourist and entertainment purposes, and therefore is a project authorized by Section 4B, Article 5190 6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended; LLNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Community Development Corporation shall use up to $109,000 in proceeds from the Corporation's sales tax revenue for a project to fund arts activities SECTION 2. Such arts activities shall conform generally to the activities listed in Exhibit A of this Resolution, attached and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. The Board President is authorized to execute contracts with the Providers of such arts activities; "Providers" defined here to mean any person, company, or agency, whether for profit, not-for-profit, or governmental, which is directly responsible for delivering the product or event specified in said contract. SECTION 4. Public notice shall be given as required by law and a public hearing conducted on the 17th day of January, 2000, to receive comments for or against the project. PASSED on the first reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 18" day of October, 1999 PASSED on the second reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 15"' day of November, 1999 PASSED on the third reading by the Board of Directors of the Allen Community Development Corporation, Collin County, Texas, on the 20' day of December, 1999 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 20TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1999. APPROVED: De bie Stout, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: SCC biLtz Claudia Kelley, SECRETARY Resolution No. 44 -CDC -99 Page 2 I A Exhibit A Proposed Arts Activities FY2000 Allen Community Development Corporation November, 1999 Allen Arts Fest $30,040 Summer Concerts 25,000 Fail Concerts 16,000 Library Concerts SA00 Allen Arts Alliance Communication 10,000 Allen Philharmonic Symphony 20,000 Total $109,000