HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1998 - 04/20 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING APRIL 20, 1998 - 7 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chairman Jason Collier, Vice Chairman Robin Sedlacek, Secretary Carl Clemencich, Jr. Lonnie Thomas Claudia Kelley BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Morris STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Larry Kirk, Parks and Recreation Department Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Sue Witkowski, Parks and Recreation Department GUESTS PRESENT: None I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 16, 1998, REGULAR CALLED MEETING LMOTION: Carl Clemencich made a Motion to approve the minutes from March 16, 1998, as presented, Jason Collier seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. PAGE 2 ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD ii APRIL 20, 1998 III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board at this time. Following a brief discussion regarding a letter from Rich Elder to the Editor of the Allen American, Michael Stanger suggested that he ask the City Public Information Officer (PIO) prepare a News Release to the Allen American outlining the Board's purpose, history, and other pertinent information which might be helpful to the public regarding the Allen Community Development Corporation Board and their role in the community Mr Stanger also offered to invite Katherine Poteet, City of Allen PIO to the next meeting of this Board. IV. CONSIDER INTRODUCTION OF ITEMS FIRST READING: EA Resolution Updating a Five -Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for the Period 1998-2002. Following a brief discussion on the current status of funding as well as spreadsheets provided by Michael Stanger, the staff review process used to align projects was discussed. According to staff evaluations, four items were recommended to be dropped from the list of proposed projects. Those proposed items were the Allen Philharmonic Symphony, Traffic Buttons, Sand Volleyball Courts, and Microfiche/Microfilm Reader/Printer It was determined that the Board wanted to discuss each of the proposed items, and make determinations on those items following their discussion. Mobile Data Computers $ 550,000 will remain on the list Soccer Complex $ 2,500,000 will remain on the list - possible funding of development at a later date Community Park $ 2,625,000 will remain on the list - possible funding of development at a later date Technology Center $ 100,000 questionable - possibly fund later El PAGE 3 ALLEN ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD APRIL 20, 1998 Public Art $ 200,000 combined with request from Philharmonic Symphony $ 150,000 Allen Symphony & given to Allen Arts Alliance to be brought back to the Board in form of proposals ($350,000) Footbridge adjustment $ 67,000 will remain on list Alma Road Streetlights $ 45,000 cut from list Streetlights Adjustment $ 32,000 will remain on list Helmet -mounted thermal $ 50,000 cut in half - of the 4 units image cameras requested, 2 will be funded Self Check Unit $ 35,000 cut from list Widen Allen Heights Road $ 300,000 will remain on list - includes landscaping Materials Enhancements $ 60,000 will remain on list - but will be a thatching fund with the Friends of the Library Van and 2 remote book $ 35,000 cut from list drops Sand Volleyball Courts $ 30,000 cut from list 2 portable electronic traffic $ 30,000 cut in half - of the 2 units signs requested, 1 will be funded Replace Traffic Buttons $ 45,000 cut from list Microfiche/Microfilm $ 15,000 cut from list Reader/Printer CD-ROM Workstation $ 6,000 cut from list Interpretive Monument, $ 28,842 will remain on list - includes Allen Station Park small puking lot Train Robbery Historical $ 950 will remain on list Marker Green Park Development $ 221,414 cut from list A brief discussion was held on Council approving projects proposed by this Board, and it was determined that while legally they may not need to approve the projects, the Board wants their approval prior to seeing a bill on their Consent agenda. Following a brief discussion on the Allen USA Celebration funding, it was determined that the Board would give this program funding in the following amounts: 1998 $ 20,000 1999 $ 30,000 PAGE I ALLEN ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD APRIL 20, 1998 2000 $ 40,000 2001 $ 50,000 2002 $ 60,000 MOTION: Robin Sedlacek moved to remove the sidewalk ramps from the proposed project list. Claudia Kelley seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. The Board inquired as to the target dates for the collector street sidewalk construction, and Michael Stanger indicated he would get a project priority list from the Public Works Department for the next Board meeting MOTION: Jason Collier moved to adopt the proposed Resolution Updating a Five -Year Project Work Program for the Period 1998-2002. Claudia Kelley seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. V. CONSIDER FINAL AUTHORIZATION OF ITEMS ON THIRD READING: A Resolution Authorizing Up to $263,118 to Purchase and Install Computer - Aided Dispatch Hardware and Software for the Allen Fire Department. MOTION: Jason Collier moved to adopt the Resolution Authorizing Up to $263,118 to Purchase and Install Computer Aided Dispatch Hardware and Software for the Allen Fire Department. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Quarterly Financial Report Michael Stanger apologized for not having this report ready, but he would have it for the Board's next meeting. B. Monthly Revenue Report Mr Stanger provided the Board with a copy of the Monthly Revenue Report and noted that the revenues were still running ahead of the projections. I El L PAGES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD APRIL 20, 1998 C. Current Project Status Report Michael Stanger apologized for not having this report ready, but he would have it for the Board's next meeting. D. Items of Interest to the Board Larry Kirk and Sandy McGowan (Parks and Recreation Department) made a brief presentation to the Board on the Allen USA Celebration plans, sponsors, fireworks, and entertainment for the evening. The Board thanked them for their time and for coming to the meeting. E. Calendar Next Regular Meeting May 18. 1998 at the Allen Public Library Council Chambers located at N2 Allen Civic Plaza. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.27 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 18th day of May, 1998. i i k Debbie Stout, Chairman Robin Sedlacek, Secretary