HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1998 - 09/21 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORTATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chairperson Jason Collier, Vice Chairman Robin Sedlacek, Secretary Claudia Kelley Carl Clemencich (Arrived late) Bob Morris Lonnie Thomas I :167.1 t7DID S 101 0111:15IF."111ZW 1 None STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager Ann Maas, Administrative Secretary Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT: None I. CALL TO ORDER Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 17, 1998, REGULAR MEETING MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to approve the minutes from August 17, 1998, as presented. Robin Sedlacek seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, and 0 against. PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 IH. CITIZENS COMMENTS None IV. APPROVE CONSIDERATION OF PROJECTS ON FIRST READING: A. A Proposal to Authorize up to $60,000 in Funds for Library Materials Enhancement. Lonnie Thomas apologized for not having specific information on this project at this time, but he would bring it to next meeting. Michael Stanger advised that this is the same project that Barbara Buehler presented to the Board last spring. The materials would consist of books, CDs and magazines needed to bring the library up to state library standards of 2 items per capita. Meeting state standards also requires $99,000 budgeted in City's general fund and $75,000 from the library trust fund, established in 1986. During discussion the Board requested the following information be furnished at next meeting: 1. Why was the trust fund money not depleted to buy materials? 2. What is the plan for the trust fund money? 3. What are the specifics on the materials being requested? After discussion the Board decided to make the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve the Resolution on the first, reading. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. B. A Resolution to Authorize up to $30,000 in Funds for the 1999 Allen USA Celebration: Don Horton advised that the funding is needed now in order to negotiate and secure the entertainment for next year's event. Sandy McGowan is negotiating to secure a commitment from "Trout Fishing in America" Since some board members were not familiar with them Michael Stanger and Don Horton offered to bring a video or CD of the group to a future board meeting. IAfter discussion the Board made the following motion: PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES SEPTEMBER21, 1998 MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve the Resolution on the first, second and third reading. Claudia Kelley seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. C. A Resolution to Authorize up to $165,000 in Additional Funding for Construction of Sidewalks along Collector Streets: After discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Claudia Kelley to approve the Resolution on the first, second and third reading. Jason Collier seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. V. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO PROJECTS ON SECOND READING: A. A Resolution to Authorize up to $10,000 for Funding the Allen Arts Alliance to Sponsor a Holiday Concert by the Allen Philharmonic Symphony No discussion the Board made the following motion: MOTION: Motion by Robin Sedlacek to approve the Resolution on the second and third reading. Claudia Kelley seconded, and the �j motion carried 7 for, and 0 against. B. A Resolution to Authorize up to $30,000 in Funds for the 1999 Allen USA Celebration: Motion to approve, second and pass as per Item IV B. C. A Resolution to Authorize up to $165,000 in Additional Funding for Construction of Sidewalks along Collector Streets: Motion to approve, second and pass as per Item IV C. VI. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO PROJECTS ON THIRD READING: A. A Resolution to Authorize up to $10,000 for Funding the Allen Arts Alliance to Sponsor a Holiday Concert by the Allen Philharmonic Symphony Motion to approve, second and pass as per Item V A. B. A Resolution to Authorize up to $30,000 in Funds for the 1999 Allen USA Celebration: PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 Motion to approve, second and pass as per Item IV B. C. A Resolution to Authorize up to $165,000 in Additional Funding for Construction of Sidewalks along Collector Streets: Motion to approve, second and pass as per Item IV C. VII. OTHER BUSINESS A. Revenue Report. Michael Stanger gave an overview of the report and there was no comments or questions. B. Current Project Status Report. Michael Stanger gave an update on the sidewalk construction project and exhibited a map showing what areas had been completed and which areas were next. Don Horton gave the following project updates: �j a) Cedar Drive would be completed and opened within the next 3 weeks. b) The City and AISD will be having a joint meeting on the Natatorium to discuss the details of the project. Mr. Horton will bring back concept plans for the Natatorium to the Board. c) The footbridge project is out to bid. d) The neighborhood project bid came in higher than expected. Michael Stanger advised that the heavy rescue vehicle for the Fire Department has been ordered and the computer-aided dispatch system contract is in the process of negotiation. C. Items of Interest to the Board. None. D. Calendar I PAGE ALLEN CDC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 • Next regularly scheduled meeting will be October 19, 1998, at 7:00pm in Allen Public Library Council Chambers, located at #2 Allen Civic Plaza. VIII. ADJOURN. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm. These minutes read and approved this 19" day of October, 1998. I Deb 'e Stout, Chairman I Robin Sedlacek, Secretar