HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1996 - 12/16 - Regular1 MINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR CALLED MEETING December 16, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chairperson Robin Sedlacek, Secretary Bob Morris Steve Terrell Jason Collier Claudia Kelley BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Cal Clemencich STAFF PRESENT: Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT: None I. CALL TO ORDER Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7.10 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 18, 1996 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Moved by Jason Collier and seconded by Bob Morris to approve the minutes. All approved. III. PRESENTATION BY BARBARA BUEHLER, LIBRARIAN, REGARDING CURRENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, AND FUTURE NEEDS OF THE LIBRARY Barbara Buehler, Library Director, gave a detailed overview of the capital Page 2 ACDC Minutes December 16, 1996 improvement projects that have been approved, and current projects that need funding. Projects mentioned by Ms. Buehler were a computer lab for the public, expanding the CD Rom reference area and equipment, a Modulex signage system for library shelving ($10,000), a music collection of CD's with security case ($22,000), special collection of award winning literature books, and a children's picture book collection. IV. DISCUSS CHANGES IN BY-LAWS OF ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Ms. Stout said she was notified by Michael Stanger that Mr. McCarty, City Manager, suggested a few minor changes. The changes were reviewed and accepted by all members present. V. DISCUSSION OF HALF -CENT SALES TAX PROJECTED REVENUES PRESENTED BY PARKS DIRECTOR Rhoda Savage handed out and explained a sales tax information sheet she obtained from Charlotte Smith, Finance Director VI. OVERVIEW OF FINANCING OPTIONS PRESENTED BY CITY MANAGER Mr. McCarty was unable to attend. Rhoda Savage reported to the committee information she obtained from Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, about loans, GO Bonds, and payback. Ms. Savage also reported to the board information she obtained from the City of Mansfield on their funding, financing options, revenue bonds, and payback on those bonds. The Board requested more specific financing/payback information before the town meetings begin in mid January Ms. Savage will arrange for Dan Almon, Southwest Securities, to attend a special called meeting if the City Manager is unable to attend. VII. REQUEST TO APPEAR BY JIM WALDBAUER, CHAIRMAN, ALLEN PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Jim Waldbauer, Chairman of the Parks Board, and Mark Stout, Vice -Chairman of the Parks Board, gave a detailed presentation regarding past and present park projects. Allen Station Park was the main focus of the presentation. Specific projects mentioned in need of funding were additional ball fields ($450,000), upgraded entry gate ($130,000), stone work, additional lighted soccer fields Page 3 ACDC Minutes December 16, 1996 ($120,000), and additional parking ($75,000). Ms. Savage reported that an additional $1 million is needed to fund the above mentioned projects. VIII. CONSIDER SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROJECT Members decided not to set a public hearing date at this time, but to consider including a public hearing at the conclusion of the second town hall meeting in January. A final decision on the exact date will be given at a later date. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Members suggested that a "Citizen's Comments" section be added to the agenda. X. ADJOURN With no further business to be discussed, Bob Morris moved to adjourn the meeting and Jason Collier seconded. All approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. These mutes read and a oved the 2nd day of January, 19997 De bie Stout, Chairperson Robin Sedlacek, Secretary