HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 1997 - 01/23 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING January 23, 1997 - 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Stout, Chairperson Robin Sedlacek, Secretary Steve Terrell Bob Morris Jason Collier Claudia Kelley BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Carl Clemencich STAFF PRESENT: Michael Stanger, Assistant City Manager Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Parks and Recreation Tim Deader, Parks and Recreation Superintendent GUESTS PRESENT: I. CALL TO ORDER Debbie Stout called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JANUARY 14, 1997 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MOTION: Upon adding Claudia Kelly to the Members Present list, moved by Robin Sedlacek and seconded by Bob Morris to approve the minutes as amended. All approved. III. TOWN HALL MEETING: RECEIVE SUGGESTIONS OF RESIDENTS CONCERNING EXPENDITURE OF 4-B SALES TAX PROCEEDS. Page 2 ACDC Minutes January 23, 1997 Bob Morris gave a presentation regarding the history of the board and the present funding requests of the City's department heads. Public Works - Extension of Cedar Drive, construction of sidewalks on collector streets, and additional street lights. Total $2.2 million. Public Safety - Mobile computer equipment, mobile command vehicle, replace old trucks and equipment, computer aided dispatch for fire department, and purchase an additional ambulance. $1.5 million. Parks and Recreation - $1.4 million. Continuation of hike and bike trails, Allen Station Park field improvements, neighborhood park improvements, pool facilities for year-round use, restoration of the dam site at Allen Station Park, irrigation improvements and tree replacements in area medians, and beautification of medians and boulevards. Library - $200,000. New computer equipment, signage, and additional books for children. Mr. Morris reviewed the suggestions made by the two citizens at their last town meeting and Mr. Stanger was introduced at this time. Mr. Stanger read aloud two faxes he had received from citizens who were not able to attend the meeting. First fax was from a Ms. Sherri Kelly, 605 Meadow Creek - Her letter consisted of three recommendations. (1) Fund a program in the Allen ISD to help endow our children with virtues and moral principles. (2) Fund an annual "Unity Day in the Allen Community" event. (3) Fund sidewalk and traffic light improvements to connect our neighborhoods with the local parks and bike paths. Second fax came from Kevin Kerr, Watters Crossing - His recommendation is to develop Bethany Road as the major west bound road that it is intended to be. Debbie Stout opened the floor to the citizens present. 1. Jesse Villareal, 1343 Comanche - Represented many parents who could not be at the meeting due to a swim meet. His recommendation was an indoor swimming pool. Said his children now go to McKinney or Plano. An incentive would be to draw people to Allen for swim meets. Page 3 ACDC Minutes January 23, 1997 2. Ron Manning, 411 Sycamore Creek - Indoor pool. Said it could bring business to Allen through swim meets. Allen High school pays $10,000 a year for 10 hours a week to McKinney, and the Plano swim team pays PISD $17,000 for rental. Estimated cost is approximately $2.3 - 2.7 million (source Grapevine/Colleyville ISD). Mr Manning gave a detailed presentation on pool expenses, income, benefits, and uses. 3. Jeff Plymale, 1204 BelAire - He is the president of the Watters Crossing Homeowners Association and requested funding for the extension of Bethany to Alma. Gave a brief presentation regarding the concerns and benefits. 4 Cole Richardson, 1127 Fairfax - Representing his whole community, his recommendation was funding the extension of Bethany Road. 5 Fritz Dietrich, 1000 BelAire - He is the Chair of the Library Board, and his recommendations were the computer lab, Internet access, expanding the second floor, expanding the CD ROM music collection and CD's to include a security system, signage, and additional award winning children's books. 6. Susie McCloud, 905 Rush Creek - Her recommendation to the board was an electronic community message center. The benefits mentioned included use by the City, AISD, ASA, churches, and putting an end to the paper banners hung at McDermott and Greenville. Ms. McCloud stated a committee has been formed regarding this issue and will do all the work (i.e., location, design, bids, contracts, guidelines and programming). Ms. McCloud also stated the Chamber of Commerce may commit to programming messages through their phone system. Funding needed for this project is approximately $55,000 - $60,000, and a minimal amount for maintenance. 7 Joe Bilbo, 924 Pebblebrook - Speaking on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, also is in favor of the electronic community message center. Mr Bilbo said after the initial purchase of the sign, the Chamber would be glad to take over the sign, including any costs. The Chamber plans to charge a membership fee to cover any future maintenance expenses. Mr Bilbo went on to say the sign would not be used for commercial advertisement, but only as an information center for non-profit organizations. The sign preferred by the Chamber is 8' x 3', has 12" tall lettering, and could be installed in 90 days. Page 4 ACDC Minutes January 23, 1997 8. Doug Waits, 1209 Asters - Represents approximately 400 houses along Mustang Creek. The residents want to decide what course of action to take regarding the creek, and does not want the City to do anything without consulting the residents first. Mr. Waits just wanted to make the committee aware of the creek and voice the concerns of the residents. Not asking for money at this time. Ron Spicer, 517 Bullingham - Lives along Mustang Creek. Wants better communication with the City regarding the City's plans with the creek. Mr. Spicer stated the residents do not have a formal plan at this time, but are willing to present one in the future. Mr. Spicer also mentioned having problems with wildlife (i.e., nutria, beavers, etc.). Not asking for money at this time, but would like input as to how the Parks and Public Works departments spend their budgeted money on the creek. 10. Doug Pickup, 170 Federal Court - Recommends a foot bridge across Cottonwood Creek between Jupiter and Bethany. The benefits mentioned were pedestrian access to the Ford Park facilities, and the safety of children going to and from school. The approximate cost mentioned was probably under $50,000. 11. Tim Bondalaur, 711 Pulitzer Lane - He is the President of the Allen Little League and Commissioner of the ASA baseball. Presented to the committee that he is very concerned that the Allen Station Park ball fields were cut back to 250' instead of 300' This would mean a loss of playing fields for older children 13 - 15 years old. He recommends funding to increase the fields back to 300' 12. Brian Bowden, 309 Napa Drive - Recommends funding the extension of Bethany to relieve traffic on McDermott. Stated he had a head-on collision in November where he received a permanent scar on his face. 13. Jim Waldbauer, Parks and Recreation Board - Recommends additional funding for Allen Station Park and presented detailed background information on the project. Mr. Waldbauer stated the Parks and Recreation Board decided to drop $1 million dollars in elements instead of lowering the quality 14 Kevin Thompson, 1415 Gardenia - Supports an indoor pool. 15. A letter from Laurie Clemencich, 810 Rockefeller, was read aloud. Her Page 5 ACDC Minutes January 23, 1997 recommendation is an indoor pool. Robin Sedlacek reported to the committee that she was a member of the Capital Improvement Project committee which felt it was very important that an indoor pool facility be shared between the City and the school district. Robin Sedlacek thanked the citizens for attending, and the board took a short break at this time. IV. CONSIDER PROPOSED PROJECTS, INCLUDING FINANCING FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING EXPENSES OF THE PROJECTS. Mr. Stanger handed out and reviewed information regarding project selection steps and requirements. Emphasized that if the Board authorized the Allen Station Park project at this meeting, and notice was published January 25 triggering the 60 -day response period, and there is no petition for election during the response period, and the Board authorizes its bond agent to proceed with revenue bonds by March 17, the Board can sell bonds just in time for the City Council to award the construction contract on May 15. Claudia Kelley would like the Chamber to provide additional information regarding the bulletin board. All members approved. Mr Stanger reported to the committee that staff recommends not to authorize funding maintenance and operation requests. All members agreed. Motion made by Robin Sedlacek to approve up to $1 million funding to phase one on the Allen Station Park project, Claudia Kelley seconded. All were in favor. Ms. Kelley asked staff to determine whether or not there is a time frame when money authorized for a project is required to be spent. Ms. Sedlacek asked staff to determine which agency saves money if the Allen Station Park project should cost less than the $4.1 million total estimated. V. CONSIDER ESTABLISHING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THAT NOTICE BY PUBLICATION BE GIVEN OF THE PROJECTS. Motion made by Robin Sedlacek and seconded by Claudia Kelley that a public Page 6 ACDC Minutes January 23, 1997 hearing be held regarding funding the Allen Station Park project in conjunction with the regular meeting on February 17, 1997, 7:00 p.m., at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. All were in favor. With no further business to be discussed, Bob Morris moved to adjourn the meeting and Claudia Kelley seconded. All approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. ThesZut.esread ' and ap roved the 17th day of February, 1997 KIW Debbie Stout, Chairperson Robin Sedlacek, Secretary 7