HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Board of Adjustment - 2016 - 04/04 - Regularlv�� BOARD OF SIGN CONTROLROL BOARD BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Regular Meeting CITY OF ALLEN April 4,2016 F -VO DICI17.\QaIy Board Members Present: Gene Autrey, Chairman Deborah Angell Smith, l" Vice -Chair Kimberly Clarkson -Harrison Craig Gillis Dan Metevier, Alternate Bruce Howard, Alternate Absent: Ken Barry, 2ntl Vice -Chair City Staff Present: Kurt Kasson, CBO, Building Official Tiffany McLeod, AICP, Senior Planner Madhuri Kulkarni, AICP, Planner Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present 1 With a quorum of the Board Members present, Chairman Autrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers Conference Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway Consent Aeenda I Approve minutes from the February 1, 2016, Workshop Meeting. Motion: Upon a Motion by 1" Vice -Chair Angell Smith and a second by Board Member Clarkson, the Board voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the Consent Agenda. The Motion Carried. Regular Agenda 2. Sign Control Board Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to the Sign Control Board for a variance to increase the maximum allowable wall signage area on the southern elevation of the building located at 379 E. Bethany Drive, Allen, Texas (SV -3/22/16-1) [Racetrac] Ms. Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner, presented to the Board She stated that this item is a public hearing for a variance for the Raceuac on Bethany Drive. 1 Ms. Kulkami stated that the property is generally located north of Bethany Drive and west of Greenville Avenue, also known as 379 E Bethany Drive. Ms. Kulkami explained the surrounding development — BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SIGN CONTROL BOARD APRIL 4, 2016 PAGE 2 vacant to the north, west, and south, and a shopping center to the east including a few fast food restaurants and retail uses as well as the American National Bank. Ms. Kulkami presented the Site Plan and stated that the property owner is requesting a variance request to add an additional wall sign on the southern elevation of the Racetrac building. There are three existing wall signs on the southern elevation, the additional wall sign would exceed the maximum allowable wall signage area. The front elevation of the Racetrac building was then displayed. Ms Kulkami pointed out the three existing signs and also showed the proposed sign on the building fagade. Ms. Kulkami summarized the numeric breakdown of the sign The specific requirement for Wall Signage for Retail/Commercial Districts such as this one is to multiply the fagade length of the building by 1.5 to get the maximum sign area permitted Multiplying the fagade length of 115 feet by 1.5 yields a maximum allowable square footage of 172.5 feet As mentioned, there are currently 3 signs on the front fagade. The total square footage of these 3 existing signs adds up to 161 square feet The proposed Swirl World Sign is 28 square feet With the additional 28 square feet, the total signage would increase up to 189 square feet, which exceeds the ALDC standard by 16.5 square feet Ms Kulkami said that staff does not support the request to allow an increase to the wall signage area on the southern building elevation for the Swirl World Sign for a few reasons. First, the purpose of the sign regulations according to the ALDC is to promote consistent and uniform standards and to mitigate visual clutter throughout the City The hardship the applicant describes is self-created — the applicant can creatively adjust and accommodate the proposed sign within the Code requirements. For example, the sign can be placed in one of the two marketing cases (as is currently the case) or the signs can be placed on the windows on the western side of that elevation as there is no maximum square footage limit for "Window Signs." The applicant can consider these alternatives and still remain within the ALDC maximum requirement. With the flexibility within the Code, staff does not believe it is necessary to deviate from the City standards for this sign. Therefore, staff does not recommend approval. As a reminder, the board can consider, the degree of variance, the reasons for variance; the degree of hardship or injustice involved; and the effect of the variance on the general plan for signing within the City Chairman Autrey clarified that there would be no sign limit on the left -side windows of the front fagade. Ms. Kulkami said that is correct — window signs do not have a maximum sign area limit. 1" Vice -Chair Angell Smith asked if removing some of the existing signs can be an option, such as perhaps one of the two marketing case panels ��Ilrr Ms. Kulkami said yes, that would be an option. Mr. Adam Caracci, 3225 Cumberland Boulevard, Suite 100, Atlanta, Georgia, applicant, presented to the Board. He provided some background on the store and said that it opened about six years ago and within BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SIGN CONTROL BOARD APRIL 4, 2016 PAGE 3 five years, they made major improvements at the end of last year. The store is now more consistent with newer stores across the metroplex. Since the store was built, Racetrac has introduced a new product and flagship of the store — "Swirl World" frozen yogurt. Not every Racetrac has this product yet as it requires a significant investment in a store. The footprint of a store also has to change to accommodate the "Swirl World." These changes are slowly being made, but for now, not every store has a "Swirl World" The other Racetrac in Allen that has a "Swirl World" is the one on Exchange Parkway Mr. Caracci further stated that typically, Racetrac stores sit on a hard comer— this is slightly north of the intersection. If the store was at the comer, they would be satisfied with one "Swirl World" sign on the west elevation. However, because of the unique geography of the store, they feel that customers may not see the sign on the west elevation. A customer could pull in and leave without ever seeing the sign Mr. Caracci pointed out that staff indicated that there are other ways to advertise. He admitted that there is currently a "Swirl World" sign in one of the marketing cases, but that is simply because it is not a wall sign. Racetrac's marketing team would not prefer a window cling because of brand consistency — people expect it on the tower, and a sign on a window will not have the same effect. He also pointed out that marketing cases are typically used for seasonal sales. Again, any other option would not have the same effect as a wall sign. Further, these wall signs are not meant to be a distraction, but are only in place to advertise to customers that are already there to buy gas. Mr. Caracci said he understands the intent of the Code is to reduce sign clutter, but these signs are professionally designed. The signs may be perceived as "sign clutter" under the Code, but are not aesthetically a clutter. Mr. Caracci concluded by stating that the "Swirl World" sign is 28 square feet They cannot just do a smaller sign as this is the standard. Making one fit within 12 % square feet that is allowed on the front elevation would require a custom mold. It does not make sense to make a custom sign. Board Member Gillis asked if they could advertise the sign at the pump. Mr. Caracci answered yes, potentially That would be up to the marketing team. Board Member Clarkson -Harrison verified that the Racetrac properties at Exchange Parkway and Stacy Road both have side entrances, and this Racetrac does not. Mr. Caracci answered yes. Board Member Clarkson -Harrison asked if adding this proposed sign would make all three buildings in Allen uniform. Mr. Caracci answered yes. There are typically two "Swirl World" signs on a Racetrac store. Board Member Clarkson -Harrison asked if the applicant knew what is inside of the windows on the western side. Mr. Caracci said that their cash register and candy shelving are against the window Board Member Clarkson -Harrison said that if a sign was placed on the window, it might disrupt the clerks' visibility BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SIGN CONTROL BOARD APRIL 4, 2016 PAGE 4 Mr. Caracci answered yes. The cash registers are placed strategically so that clerks can see every pump as part of their safety protocol. 1" Vice -Chair Angell Smith asked if they have considered putting a'Swirl World" sign on the eastern elevation. Mr. Caracci said he did not believe that was allowed by Code. Ms. Kulkami answered that every fagade has the same requirement — 1.5 multiplied by the fagade length, so if they meet that requirement on the eastern side, they could have a sign. 1" Vice -Chair Angell Smith said she usually approaches the store from the east A sign on the eastern side would be visible from Greenville Avenue, so this could potentially be an option. The sign on the front would be a better option, but she sees value in putting the sign on the eastern elevation. Board Member Clarkson -Harrison said that there is a tree on the eastern side that could block a potential sign Chairman Autrey said that coming from the west going east, the existing sign cannot even be seen because of the angle of the building, but coming from the east going west, signs also cannot be seen until getting past the Wienerschnitzel. Mr. Caracci said that visibility is part of the issue, along with landscaping, which is why they prefer the sign on the front of the building. Board Member Metevier said he believed that the sign can be seen if it is potentially on the east elevation He also noted that it is probably difficult to see any type of signage within the marketing cases because they can be blocked by large pick-up trucks. If one of those cases can be taken out, then the size allotted for that can result in adding a sign on the southern face of the building. Mr. Caracci said the issue with removing a marketing case is that it would be inconsistent with other Racetrac stores. Havingjust one marketing case would leave a blank space in that area. Chairman Autrey said that the sign from the west side can be moved to the east side where it is visible, as opposed to the front. When the Crackle Barrel was built in Allen, it was a unique store unlike anywhere else in the country There are exceptions to the rule. This is a matter of keeping within the Code. Mr. Caracci asked if the Board would be open to removing the sign on the west elevation in exchange for the sign on the front of the budding. Chairman Autrey said that will still not meet the Code requirement. Ms. Kulkami explained that each elevation fn;ade side has the requirement of 1.5 X the fagade length. Chairman Autrey said again that the sign could be moved on the east side, and maybe a sign can even be added on the gas pump. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SIGN CONTROL BOARD APRIL 4, 2016 PAGES Board Member Metevier said they could also create a sign that can be seen out the building, but that people from the pumps can see the sign on the front of the building. Mr. Caracci said that the Board all had valuable ideas, but that he is not the one that can make the final decision about the different options. V Vice -Chair Angell Smith asked if there was any other discussion in the matter. Board Member Howard said that all the ideas discussed were great, but the request is for a variance for a sign at the front of the store. He does not see a hardship that is created with this request. He also said that many alternative options were presented. Motion: Upon a Motion by Board Member Howard and a second by I" Vice -Chair Angell Smith, the Board voted 5 IN FAVOR and 1 OPPOSED by Clarkson -Harrison, to deny a variance to increase the allowable wall signage area 189 square feet on the south fafade of the building for Racetrac. The Motion Carried. Adiournment Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Angell Smith and a second by Board Member Howard, the Board voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m. /he Motion Carried. These ipinute prep it and filed in the offices of the Allen Board of Adjustment, Sign Control Board, and B ildin nd [ dards Commissioq this 51h day of April, 2016. Madhuri Kulkarni, AICP, Senior Planner Director of Community Development These mi utes approved this �� day o 2016. Ge rtrey, Chairman Madhuri Kulkarni, AICP, Senior Planner H