HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2023 - 08/14 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
AUGUST 14, 2023
Parks and Recreation Board
Geoben Johnson, Chair
John Holley,Vice Chair
Luke Hollingsworth, Secretary
Terrance Thomas
Phillip Brewer
Jill Kelley
Karen Simpson
Ed Bryan,Allen Heritage Guild
City Council Liaison:
Ben Trahan •
City Staff:
Kate Meacham,Director, Parks and Recreation
Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation
Kyle Benedict Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Billy Diaz,Yiuth Program Supervisor,Parks and Recreation
Call to Ordez and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Johnson called
the meting to order at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 14, 2023, in the Media Room
at The Edge.
Action Items.
1) Approve Minutes from June 12, 2023,Regular Meeting:
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Brewer and a second by Member Thomas, the
Parks and Recreation Board voted seven(7) for and none(0) opposed to
approve the June 12, 2022,Regular Meeting minutes as presented. The
motion carried.
2) Recommend that City Council Adopt Updates to Allen Land Development Code.
Kyle Benedict, Assistant Director, gave the Parks Board an overview of the Allen
Land Development Code. Kate Meacham, Director, elaborated on some of the changes
to the Code, including removal of Quads within Park Development fees.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
August 14,2023
Page 2
I Motion: Upon a motion by Member Hollingsworth and a second by Member Holley,
the Parks and Recreation Board voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
table a recommendation to the City Council regarding updates to the Allen
Land Development Code.
Discussion Items.
3) Review Concussion Policy.
Teresa Thomason, Assistant Director, gave the Board an overview of the Concussion
Policy. The Parks and Recreation Board formalized the policy for accreditation
4) Update of Ongoing Projects.
Kate Meacham, Director, and Teresa Thompson,Assistant Director, gave an update on
the following projects.
a. Bond Process
b. Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center
c. Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center
d. Bark Yard Construction
5) Items of Interest
a. Items for Future Agendas
The Bark Yard Art Selection Panel, Allen Heritage Village Dedication, Allen
Economic Development Executive Director Dr. Cooley, and Hydrous Water Park
b. Next Meeting—Monday, September 25, 2023
Adjourn •
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Hollingsworth and a second by Member
Simpson, the Parks and Recreation Board voted seven (7) for and none (0)
opposed to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 25th day of September 2023.
Chair S retary