HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3312-6-15ORDINANCE NO. 3312-6-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ALLEN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND ZONING MAP, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, RELATING TO THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF 10.498± ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN THE DAVID WETSEL SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 977, CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, PRESENTLY ZONED AS SHOPPING CENTER (SC) AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 113 FOR MULTI -FAMILY (ME -18) BY CREATING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO 120 FOR TOWNHOME RESIDENTIAL (TH) AND ADOPTING DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, A CONCEPT PLAN, AND BUILDING ELEVATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A CONFLICTS RESOLUTION CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Allen, Texas, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all the property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area, and ' in the vicinity thereof, and in the exercise of its legislative discretion, have concluded that Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map of the City of Allen, Texas, as previously amended, should be amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations and the Zoning Map of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, as previously amended, be further amended relating to the use and development regulations 10.498± acres of land located in the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (`the Property") which is presently zoned as Shopping Center (SC) and Planned Development No. 113 for Multi -Family (MF -18) by establishing Planned Development No. 120 for Townhome Residential (TH) to be used and developed in accordance with the use and development regulations set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Allen land Development Code, as amended, except to the extent modified by the Development Regulations set forth below: A. BASE ZONING DISTRICT: The Property shall be developed and used only in accordance with the Townhome Residential District (TH) standards of the ALDC, except as otherwise provided herein. ' B. CONCEPT PLAN: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference ('the Concept Plan'). Minor modifications to streets that do not alter the general alignment shown on the Concept Plan may be made at the time of platting. C. BUILDING ELEVATIONS: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with ' the Building Elevations attached hereto as Exhibit "C, and incorporated herein by reference. D. BUILDING SETBACKS: The side yard setbacks for the Property shall be modified as follows: Side Yard Setback: 5 Feet 2. Comer Lot Side Yard: 5 Feet E. DRIVEWAYS: The driveways shall be treated with a decorative concrete aggregate, with one of the following finishes: 1. Exposed Aggregate 2. Stained Concrete 3. Salt Finished Concrete F. SCREENING: Screening on the Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan. G. TREE PLANTING: Two shade trees shall be planted for each dwelling unit. A minimum of one tree shall be planted within the front yard of each dwelling unit. If the remaining shade tree cannot be planted within the front yard, it shall be planted within the open space ' areas of the Property. SECTION 3. To the extent of any irreconcilable conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Allen governing the use and development of the Property and which are not expressly amended by this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance shall he controlling. 1 SECTION 4. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, pbrase or section of this Ordinance, or of the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended hereby, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. An offense committed before the effective date of this Ordinance is governed by prior law and the provisions of the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended, in effect when the offense was committed and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose. SECTION 6. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this Ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations of the City of Allen, as previously amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for each offense. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Allen, and it is accordingly so ordained. Ordinance No. 3312-6-15, Page 2 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF JUNE 2015. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter G. Smith, CITVATTORNEY (k6 W11115:72007) I 1 APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR ATTEST: Shelley B. George, C, CITY SECRETARY Ordinance No. 3312-6-15. Page 3 EXHEBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCREMON PARKVIEW AUDITION 10.498 ACRES BEING a use of lend smaLd no the DAVID WEISEL SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 977, or the City of AIm Collin County, Texas and bring a8 of Ids 3R and 4 of PARKVIEW ADDITION, LOT 211 LOT 3R and LOT 4, an Addition ru the City of AIIQ Com Cordy, Texas wcadmg to the Plat thereof recorded or Cabdet K, Slide 708, Map Rermdt, Colli. County, Texas and being put of a tract of land conveyed to Narm to Dmel Johnson acceding m the doowmt filed of sword ander Vohmc 1939, Page 298, Dmd Records, Collin County, Tens and being mine particoluly desos3ed as follows: BEGINNING at so 'X found m the cmaek paving on the east true of State highway NO. 5 ((ke®ville Avenue), a variable width nghtof-wry, d the naWwest came of sad Los 4, said point being m the south lose of Lot I of PARKVIEW AMMON, an Addition to the City of Alko, Collin Canty, Tens according to the Plat fled 6u record on Cabmd G, Slide 624, Map Records, Collin Comfy, Tezas; THENCE South 60 deprn 03 mimes 01 scaada Fast, with the coon line of said Lot 4 and Los 1, a distumre of 68.95 ket to a 12.1 iron rod wins a yellow plastic cap found for corm; THENCE Neth 02 degrees 39 minutes 53 seoo.ds East along uid vnsl heq a distance of 27.74 fed to a I2 inch iron rod with a ydlow Plastic cap faand m ud west line sand the cast tine of the above mentioned Lot 22 said pout being the soutimest comer of lot 1, Bloch I of SheNm Asses Additiau, an Addition to the City of Allen, Collin Country, Teas according to the Plat theeof rccatind u C bud L Slide 590, Map Records, Colt. Comfy, Texas', THENCE Northenslvly, along the common tae of said Lot l and said Johnson tract the following three (3) muses and distances: South 87 degrees 29 minutes M seconds Fast a drstame of 17100 led to a I2 mch von rod mth a yellow plastic asp found for comer, Nash 50 degrees 05 musks 33 secunda East a distance of 67.95 fed to a 12 Loch iron rod Loth a ye0ms plastic sip stamped `DAA" setfor cmm; N.Tlx�,I Cv, Coovol'2015 COPmP 23-ISPadvtear rane1xp3 nmipommc Pace lP(3 Ordinance No. 3312-6.15, Page 4 THENCE South 87 degrees 30 minks 45 wand, East mohmrmg with said commw Ione, a dramuce of 141.61 led to a 12 duh ora rod with a yellow plastic cap found at the southwest .of said Int 1; ' THENCE South 87 degrees 27 mmnes 24 seconds East passing at a dstance of 20 00 feet a 1.2 mach am rod wth a red plastic cap found at the most oonhely rmlheast come of not Lot 4, and mamming for a told distame 314,98 fed to a 12 inch trm rod with a yellow plastic cap food an the west Ise of the above mesrtiomd Johan tract for the ruttiest cmm of said lot 3R; THENCE Neth 02 degrees 39 minutes 53 seoo.ds East along uid vnsl heq a distance of 27.74 fed to a I2 inch iron rod with a ydlow Plastic cap faand m ud west line sand the cast tine of the above mentioned Lot 22 said pout being the soutimest comer of lot 1, Bloch I of SheNm Asses Additiau, an Addition to the City of Allen, Collin Country, Teas according to the Plat theeof rccatind u C bud L Slide 590, Map Records, Colt. Comfy, Texas', THENCE Northenslvly, along the common tae of said Lot l and said Johnson tract the following three (3) muses and distances: South 87 degrees 29 minutes M seconds Fast a drstame of 17100 led to a I2 mch von rod mth a yellow plastic asp found for comer, Nash 50 degrees 05 musks 33 secunda East a distance of 67.95 fed to a 12 Loch iron rod Loth a ye0ms plastic sip stamped `DAA" setfor cmm; N.Tlx�,I Cv, Coovol'2015 COPmP 23-ISPadvtear rane1xp3 nmipommc Pace lP(3 Ordinance No. 3312-6.15, Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION cont. South 87 degrees 29 minter 54 wonds Fist, a distance of 108.83 feet to a 12 inch am and with a ymllm plastic cap stamped -DAA" set m the wast true of Juputa Road a 70' right -of -wry, said pont bemg the southeast cans of said Lot 1; THENCE Scarth 02 degrees 31 records 33 commons Weak along said west line, a dulanco of 553 33 feet to 12 hah trm rod with a yellow plastic cap romped `DAA" set at the woWeut tamer of said Johnson tract and the mtheast corm of Victoria Garda>t an Addition to the Ctly, of Allen, Collin Canty, Taus, according to the Plat thereof recardad m ®biat M Slide 1, Map Records, Collin Couwy, Tans; THENCE North 87 degrees 28 mummer 38 seconds West. along the common lime of said Johnson trap and said Victoria Gardm a distance of 330.00 fret to a 12 nch dew mdwith a red plastic cap fond at the southwest comer of said Johoxn tract and the southeast career of the above onen¢ond Lac 4, THENCE South 69 degrees 48 mimmes 00 seconds Werk along the compo lime of said Lot 4 and said Vhctona Garden, a donne of 353.91 feet to a 12 much room rod fend at the southwest cameo of said Lot 4 and the nedruen coney of mid Victoria Cmdm, said pont bang the somhem comer ofFloodway Rightaf Way Tract One ofthe Pahview Addition. an Addition to the City of AlkQ Collm County, Teen, according to the Plat therenf recorded or Cabimet G. ' Slide 768, Maas Records, Collor Comfy, Tans; THENCE northwemerly, along the coon lice of said Lot 4 and said Floodaay Right -of -Way Tenet 1, the follawmg four (4) courw and disnoces' 1 North 27 degrees 16 monster 41 seconds West, a distance of 88.55 fief to a 12 each cron rod (bent) fend for coy, North 23 degas 59 mettles 34 seconds West, a duhnc of 200.41 fat to a 12 mrh iron red with a and plastic cap found for comer, North 26 degas 51 comites 11 seconds West, a distance of 128 47 fat to a 12 inch one rod with a red plastic cap fend for corer, North 63 degrees 25 mmdes 07 seconds West. a danuce of 100.12 feet to a 12 inch ono rod with a red plaster cap found m the above mentioned not Ione of State Highway NO. 5; THENCE South 24 degees 30 counter 14 seconds West with mid east hue, a diahnne of 9103 fret to a 12 an& tion rod witlr a ycUm plastrc cap shaped "DAA" set for the eon center of the above mattoud Tran I and muth comer of a trut of land conveyed b 1kDOT, according an the Plat filed for rend or Doai®ont N®ber 98-0120534, Map Rends, Collor County, Teaar; N\PImml4*Com1',1015 CamoT6111SPadaiw L011A Doxnemudx Pate 2rt3 Ordinance No. 3312.6.15 Page 5 I EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION cont. THENCE Nash 51 degrees 10 >®ees 31 secunda West, kaawg said common corns, a distance of 10.89 fed to a IR mrh is. rod with a yellotr plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for comer, THENCE Ov and across said TsDOT tract the fo0mrmt; four (4) courses and duourc s: North 30 degrees 01 surname; 36 seconds East, a destaux of 54.60 feet to a 12 mcb von and with a yellow plasec cap stamped "DAA" sd for comer; Nath 59 degrees 58 minutes 24 seconds Weal, a durance of 16 00 fret to a 12 inch iron and with a yellm plaahc cap stamped 'DAA'sd fw coma: Nath 23 degrees 25 mimnes 06 wands Fast, a distance of 160.00 feet to a 12 men von rod with a yellow Plastic cap stamped "DAA" W fa coma, North 30 degrees 01 nmmtes 36 seconds East, a dimmae of 124.22 feet to a 12 inch von sod with a yet = plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for comer m the above mentioned Lot I, THENCE South 59 de rets 58 ro miles 29 seconds East, troth the sommoa lose of the ahme mentioned Lot 4 and I w 1, a dirhne of 12 51 fed m the POLNT OF BEGINNING and comours.g 10498 asses of land man a less. N_'Phnan, I-0ry Cm %WIS �15� L..0 gl Onvip &s PWIl 3 Ordinance No. 3312-6.15, Page 6 I EXHHtIT `B" CONCEPTPLAN Ordinance No. 3312.6.15 Paae 7 9G yf 2 S� E. � tl■1I �. Ef ins EXHIBIT"C" ' BUILDING ELEVATIONS cont. z .w Y 8 0 i 1 Ordinance No.3312-6-15.Page 9 I 1 EXHIBIT "C" BUILDING ELEVATIONS cont. Ordinance No. 3312.615. Page 10 EXHIBIT "C" BUILDING ELEVATIONS cont. Ordinance No. 3312-6-15, Page 11 i